December 17th Spirit - First Christian Church

Church is something we DO...
Not simply a place we GO!
the Spirit
December 17, 2014
, 2011
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), 1302 West 11th Street, Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Elizabeth A. Woodward, Pastor
e-mail: [email protected] 
Music of the Season
Christmas Eve Worship
Sunday, December 21 the Chancel Choir,
the Bell Choir and the Praise Team will lead
worship with the beautiful telling of the story
of the birth of Christ through music. The
talents of each of these groups will bring a
fullness to worship that touches hearts with
the gifts of the season.
On December 24 at 7:00 PM the annual
Christmas Eve celebration will quiet souls and
warm our hearts with the beautiful story of
Christmas morn. Glorious music, candlelight,
participation in the Lord’s Supper gathers all
in worship and thanksgiving for God’s gift of
life, forgiveness and love in Jesus Christ. The
candlelight service that will surround the
sanctuary with the light of love and joy once
again this year will bring tender reminders of
our bearing the light of Christ into the world!
Christmas Greetings
A bulletin board on the south wall of the
narthex has been readied for your “Christmas
Greetings” to the church family. Please bring
or send a card to post on the bulletin board for
all to enjoy!
39’ers Christmas Party
The annual 39’ers Christmas Party will be
Thursday, December 18, 11:30 AM in fellowship hall. It will be a potluck luncheon with
the meat and beverage provided. If you
would like to attend and have not signed up,
give Liz a call at church.
From your church staff…
“When the Holy Child is born into our hearts
there is a rain of stars
a rushing of angels
a blaze of candles
This God burst into our lives.
Love is running through the streets.”
(Ann Weems)
Merry Christmas… Happy New Year!
Liz Woodward
Dakota Hulse
Tanner Stutzman
Kim Carbiener
Mary Jo Woody
Linda Smith
Tami Mauer
Elizabeth George
Jeanine Fernandez
Jim McCann
In the Church Family
Sympathy to…
…Deanna Juhl and family on the death of
Deanna’s uncle, Ken Legg. Our prayers of
love and support are with the family at this
time of loss and grief.
Please keep in your prayers…
Evelyn Wohlwend
Dorothy Mueller
Elbert Briden
Hank Trepp
June Trepp
Joann McGlaun
Truax’s grandson, Will Reinart
Barbara Sterrett’s son, Steve and daughter-inlaw, Teresa; and son-in-law, Rob
Mary Cagley’s daughter, Denise
Max & Patty Hool’s son, Max, Jr.
Woody’s daughter, Diane
Joann Wahner’s son, Noel Morris
Pam Taylor’s mother, Marilyn
Jane Harding’s mother, Kay Drew
John Miller’s mother, Mary
Linda Mather’s mother, Marcella Hope
Jane Buck’s sister, Helene Petty
Carol Allard’s brother, George Ward
Deloris Nieman’s brother-in-law, Gordon
Jim Juhl’s sister, Rosi
Harriet Hahn’s sister, Trudy Quibell
Karla Buchholz’s brother, Cody & family
Carl Jenkins’ brother, John
Alyce Jenkins’ sisters, Dorothy & Marjorie
Brad George’s sister-in-law, Christie
Elizabeth Bartholomew’s sister, Nancy
Phyllis Oberhauser’s aunt, Dolores
Kim Carbiener’s aunt & uncle, Nancy & Bob
Pam Taylor’s niece, Alicia
Jim Juhl’s niece, Amy
Vanderwerf’s nephew, Dennis
Sund’s nephew, Scott
John Miller’s cousin, Darlys
Norm Calhoun’s cousin, Dorothy
Liz Woodward’s friend, Dabney Parker
Calhoun’s friend, Jim Barrett
Kim Carbiener’s friend, Karen Hagon
Taylor’s friend, Jenna Barber and twin babies
Allard’s friend, Dale Gerholdt
Miller’s friend, Chuck Frazier
Hassman’s friend, Lou Brown
Allard’s friend, Dylan Dykens
Smith’s friends, the Kahn family
Harding’s friends, Casey, Carl & Stratton Yant
Jeanine Fernandez’s co-worker’s daughter,
Kaitlynn Kinnetz
Newcomb’s friend, Steve Husome
The Crowley family
Prayers for all caregivers
World peace and safety
Family & friends serving in the military:
Jared Coil
Michael Karlowicz
Scott Vanderwerf
Jay Craig
Arielle Turnage
James Euchner
Directory Changes
New Address
Augustine, Pete & Jessica
302 Randall St, Reinbeck, IA 50669.
Email Change:
Megan Hahn: [email protected]
First Christian Church “Disciples of
Christ” of Cedar Falls
December 21, 10 AM
The beautiful telling of the story of the birth
of Christ through music.
December 24, 7 PM
Gather in worship and thanksgiving for God’s
gift of life, forgiveness and love in Jesus
Wednesday Night Ministries…
The evening schedule is:
5:15 PM:
5:35 PM:
Gathering Time
with “bells for small hands”
Dinner is served
This Wednesday night, December 17 we
will celebrate Christmas with a party to delight
all ages!
…bring a “white elephant”
gift wrapped in creative paper
for a fun filled gift exchange!
…be prepared to sing and enjoy a visit
from a very special guest!!
Wednesday Night LOGOS ministries will
return on Wednesday, January 7. Start the
new year with us!!
1. Sandi McCann
2. Norm Calhoun
4. Joann Wahner
Emma Augustine
5. Jeff McCann
7. Mary Jo Mallon
10. Hannah Brummel
11. Victoria Fernandez
12. Linda Morgan
18. Mary Shields
21. Carolyn Chambers
23. Artie Colvin
24. Steven Smith
27. Kim Carbiener
30. Pat Vanderwerf
Ava Hulse
4. Matt & Sara Hulse - 2004
8. Dean & Elizabeth Bartholomew - 1973
27. Judd & Evelyn Truax - 1958
28. Kermit & Carol Allard - 1958
Henry & June Trepp - 1955
John & Cora Letz - 1973
Lonnie & Mary Jo Mallon – 1985
First Christian Church Staff
Music Director:
Bell Choir Director:
Praise Team Leader:
Media Tech:
Child Care:
Office Manager:
Office Assistant:
Every Member
Elizabeth Woodward
Chris McIntyre
Mary Jo Woody
Tami Mauer
Jeanine Fernandez
Dakota Hulse
Kim Carbiener
Linda Smith
Elizabeth George
Jim McCann
January Is Coming…
Sunday Servants
Sunday, January 4 worship will give all
worshippers the opportunity to celebrate the
“faith” that is handed down generation to
generation. The Juhl and Fernandez families
will bring the morning message on the gift of
seeing faith in one generation and then the
Following worship that day, we will be
“undecorating” the church building. Many
hands will make the task a light one.
Elders: Carl Jenkins/Traci Hahn
Counters: Marilyn Miller/Jim Newcomb
Flowers: OPEN
Diaconate: Steve Harding, Jane Harding
Jill Hulse, Jack Harrum
A “Comfort food” Potluck is scheduled for
Sunday, January 25, following worship.
Prepare a favorite crock-pot dish, casserole,
salad or dessert that brings that “settled in”
feeling to you and your family.
January Book Club
First Reader’s Book Club will read
Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt for the
next meeting. Books are available to check
out in the office. Book Club will meet on
January 13, 2015 at 6:30 PM at Panera Bread
on University Ave.
2015 Flower Calendar
The 2015 flower calendar has been posted.
Sign up for a date to share flowers with your
church family. Celebrate or commemorate a
special date or give flowers “just because you
want to.”
The church office will make a reminder
call during the week preceding your scheduled date. Flowers can be ordered by the
office from Bancroft Florist (they have our
building key) or you can order them from the
florist of your choice. Flowers from your own
garden are also welcome. Please call the
church office if you have a question.
Elders: Kermit Allard/Jim Taylor
Home Communion: All Elders
Counters: Carolyn Chambers/Marilyn Miller
Flowers: OPEN
Diaconate: Dean Bartholomew, Jim Boileau
Larry Vanderwerf, Jeanine Fernandez
Elders: Brian Shaw/Mary Jo Mallon
Counters: Marlene Rasmussen/
Carolyn Chambers
Flowers: OPEN
Diaconate: Steve Harding, Jane Harding
Jeanine Fernandez, Marilyn Miller
Elders: Greg Hahn/Gary Chambers
Home Communion: All Elders
Counters: Carl Jenkins/Marlene Rasmussen
Flowers: OPEN
Diaconate: Traci Hahn, Alexis Hahn
Joann Wahner, Norm Calhoun
Enriching Your Body & Soul
Christmas break…
Body and soul will resume on January 5-start the New Year with us!!
Making a Difference
Canned fruit
Peanut butter & jelly
The Pantry is open Thursdays, 4 – 6 PM in
the fellowship hall of First Christian Church.
Please continue to sign up on the narthex
sheet as a volunteer for this ministry.
Reconciliation Grant for our
Emergency Pantry
In August a grant request was submitted to
the Christian Church in the Upper Midwest for
financial support from Reconciliation Funds
for the Emergency Pantry. Last week we
received word from the Operations Council of
the regional church that this ministry will
receive a grant of $1000 to support the work
of this ministry.
Holiday Brunch
The Holiday brunch was on December 6 in
the fellowship hall. A quartet from the Sweet
Adeline’s Pleazant Company was fantastic!!
Thanks to Phyllis Siefken for making the
arrangements. The brunch was delightful and
the fellowship around the tables was warm
and engaging.
Many Thanks!
Thank you to everyone who contributed
goodies and snacks, helped pack and deliver
the college finals boxes. Our students appreciate your thoughtfulness.
We also offer a word of thanks to Joan
Christensen-Sund for her continued over-sight
of this project.
Stewardship Thought
‘Tis the season of gifts…First Christian
Church has been the recipient of a gift from
the Harker family trust for many years. Marie
Harker was a participant in First Christian
Church for years. The James T. Harker Estate
has annually produced $500 to the ministries
of this congregation. The final living heir to
the estate died months ago and the estate has
been settled. First Christian Church has received a check for just over $26,000.
Estate gifts are directed to the Memorial
and Endowment Committee. The committee
met this past Sunday and made the decision to
act in accordance with a request from the
Church Board to use the monies to pay off the
current building loan.
The loan had a balance of $24,404.60 at
the end of November. All pledges received in
December will be applied to the loan along
with monies from the Harker Estate paying
off the loan at least two years early.
It is the hope of the Stewardship and Finance
Committee and the Board that givers to the
Building and Development Fund will prayerfully consider continuing that gift, splitting it
between Building and Development and the
General Fund.
Current Financial Report: November
Beginning balance: ($1,071.67)
Receipts: $19,695.50
Expenditures: $11,746.25
Ending balance: