CATED TO RAISSING FUNDS TO O ADVANCE RESEARCH AND D INCREASE SKY FFOUNDATION,, INC. IS DEDIC AWARENEESS FOR THE EA ARLY DETECTIO ON AND TREATTMENT OF PAN NCREAS CANC CER En nlighten En ngage Encoourage December 16, D , 2014 Board o of Directors David R. C Calver, M.D. Dave Cosggrove, Jr. Paulette C Cushnier, ChFC, CLU Lauren Eaton under Sheila Skyy Kasselman, Fou Howard Ka atz Christophe er J. Laney, Esq.. William H.. Powers, Jr., Ch hFC Carol Quiggley, President Janice Ste einhardt Advisorry Board Maggie Alllesee, MA Gerry Barrrons Edwina Da avis, MSW Lynn Fishe er Niki Gallau udet Carla Groh h, Ph.D.,RN Nick Karm manos Henry P. LLee, Esq. Judith McC Clelland Scott D. M Moore, Esq. Steven A. Passon, MA Wendy W. Powers Jean M. Sttenger, CPA Bonnie Topper-Bricker, RN N, CHPN Dave Weirr Dear D Sky Foundatio S on, Inc. celeb brated its sixthh year in 2014, advancing research and d awareness of a pancreas can ncer! Thanks tto our genero ous donors, w we are proud to announce sev a veral notable accomplishm ments this yeaar which inclu ude: Funde ed seed grantts to three paancreas canceer research syystems: Karmanos Cance er Institute/ W Wayne State U University, Un niversity of M Michigan and Unive ersity of Wash hington. Sponssored our ann nual women'ss event for th he first time at a private ho ome in Bloom mfield Hills, atttended by 955 women. Ou ur exceptionaal presenters were Dr. Te eri Brentnall, Nancie Petru celli and Dr. D Diane Simeon ne. Institu uted a new process for do nations madee in memory or in honor o of a loved one. Contrib butions go enntirely to our research projjects. Know Where Your Pancreaas Is?" video tto raise awarreness Filmed a "Do You K housands of p people and educate peoplle about panccreas cancer. Viewed by th nation nwide! Celeb brated our sixtth annual Lunnch at The To ownsend Hoteel, attended b by over 325 people, exceed ding all expecctations. Expan nded our Young Professionnal Group (YPPG), who plan nned a successful Piston n’s game fund draiser. Hoste ed our first co orporate dinn er to raise aw wareness of p pancreas canccer in the bu usiness comm munity. Established greater social medi a exposure on our web sitte and Facebo ook page. Pancreas canc P cer is anticipaated to move from the FOU URTH to the SSECOND lead ding cause of canc c er deaths by 2020. Help uss continue ou ur mission to make that disturbing sta d he world of cancer researcch, it is tistic something we NEVE R reach. In th charitable dol c llars that makke a differencce. Thank you u for considering a donatio on to Sky Foundatio S on, Inc. by yeaar end. Wishing you a W a healthy 2015 and a happpy holiday seaason, Sheila Sky Kas S sselman Carol Quigleey Founder F President 33 Bloomfield Hillls Parkway, Suite 275, Bloomfielld Hills, Michigan n 48304 Telephone e: (248) 978-98455 A 501(c)(3) Non-Proffit Organization, MICS 40147 www.skyfoundationinc.orgg
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