Dorchester Notes Jan2015 - Town of Dorchester, New Hampshire

Dorchester Notes
January, 2015
What a December in Dorchester. The 5th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting was held on
Saturday, November 29th at 6 pm on the Dorchester Town Common. Our Town Common
spent the month glowing for the holiday season as residents and Select Board members placed
candles in windows and lights on our Christmas Tree! The Cultural and Performing Arts
Committee of Dorchester brought a large group of residents together to enjoy a Barn Dance
featuring the Old Sam Peabody Band in the Dorchester Town Hall on Saturday, December 6 and
a video of the event is available from either D Acres web site or u-tube. Bill and I were unable to
attend but enjoyed watching the multigenerational dance on video. The Annual Children’s
Christmas Party was held on Dec. 13. Again a great party and the kids loved presents provided
by the Dorchester Grange. On Dec 26th a fairly large group of families enjoyed a Christmas left
over pot luck at D Acres complete with children of all ages and music. Although there were
many favorites I was really impressed with the Ukrainian Borscht, the Ham and Vegetable Soup,
and the non pasta, vegetable lasagnas.
January means the Select Board and various Town Committees have to get together final reports
and prepare budgets in preparation for our March Town Meeting March 14, 2015. All
Committee Chairs and Department Heads are asked to submit budget proposals ASAP if you
have not already done so. End of Year 2014 Reports may be submitted to Linda Dowling for
publication in Town Annual Report.
Remember there is only a short period of time for those declaring candidacy for an elected
Town Office with the Town Clerk. Jan. 21-30 Candidates filing on last day must file in
person. Clerk will be available 3-5pm on 1/30 at the Town Office.
Just a note to let you know that Diana Burdette lost her dad on Christmas day. Diana had been
in Florida caring for her parents when the decision was made to allow him to come home with
hospice care. Thankfully Artie was able to go to Florida to help. This has been a tough year
for Artie and Diana with personal illness and family responsibilities. May 2015 be bright for
them and us all.
Local Boards and Committees ( for updated
information on Town of Dorchester activities. All meetings held in Dorchester Town Hall unless
otherwise noted. Remember the website also has useful information on what is happening
around town, official forms and connections to area non profits. The Dorchester Calendar also
includes activities of local nonprofits such as the Grange, D Acres of New Hampshire, etc.
Dorchester Select Board continues to meets every two weeks on Thursday evenings January
15 and 29th at 6:30pm in the Town Hall. Please contact Linda Dowling, Select Board
Administrative Assistant, at 786-9476 to add items to Agenda. Current Select Board members
are Sherman Hallock (Chairperson), Artie Burdette and Maria Weick. Recorder of Select board
meetings is Bethann Weick. All members of the public are reminded that Select Board
meetings are open and all are welcome to observe. However, public input is limited to specific
times set aside by Chairman.
Dorchester Historic District and Heritage Commission will meet on January 6 at
Cemetery Committee meets quarterly or as needed. Please contact a Cemetery Trustee
with questions or concerns or to add agenda items. Betty Ann Trought 786-9342 or batrought, Bethann Weick at 786-2852 or [email protected], or Cris Green at
[email protected].
Dorchester Planning Board will meet on January 14th at 7:15pm. This will be a public
hearing at the meeting of the Planning Board which includes a final plat for subdivision of
Sandra Green property and proposed amendments to the land use regulations, Article
lV(A)(l)(c), VII(C)(l), Vli(D)(2),AND Vli(D)(S).
The meeting is open to the public. All persons wishing to be heard must be recognized by the
January 10 from 10AM to Noon an informational session to help inform Dorchester
residents about a potential new wind farm (Spruce Ridge Industrial Wind Project) which would
apparently include 2 wind turbines in Dorchester will be held at the Town Hall beginning at
10AM . This is jointly organized by the Select board, Planning Board and Conservation
Supervisors of the Checklist will convene on January 20th from 7 to 8PM in the Town
Office on Rte 118.
Dorchester Conservation Commission will meet Jan 20th at 7pm
Local Programs:
January 3rd at noon wonderful documentary film The Connection, Mind Your Body at
the Howe Library, Hanover, NH. It's free! Invite a friend! Discussion following the film lead by
Adam Schwarz MD, FACP Hanover Continuity Clinic. Please consider this invitation to
attend if you suffer from any chronic illness or have an interesting in Mind Body connectedness.
See a preview of the film at :
Whole Village Resource Center
Active Parenting class begins on Monday, Jan. 5, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. Do you know what
kind of a parent you are: Doormat, Dictator or Active Parent? Active Parenting helps
parents/caregivers raise responsible, cooperative children who are better able to survive and
thrive in our rapidly changing world. This free workshop will be held at Whole Village and is
designed for anyone who has a child between 4 and 12 years old. Topics include styles of
parenting, cooperation and communication techniques, discipline strategies, the importance of
routines and the strategic role that taking care of you means in being a better parent. Child care is
provided – please reserve space by calling 536-3720. Attendance at the full series earns a gas gift
The Bridge House Homeless Shelter in Plymouth
A new program has been developed to help residents who are out job training or job hunting
have a more relaxing dinner with better nutrition. Individuals and small groups are
volunteering to cook dinner for residents on a volunteer basis. January slots for cooking dinner
are open, please call Holly @ 536-7631 for more info.
**January 10th, Saturday 10 to noon, Dorchester Town Hall.
Information Forum for Dorchester Land Owners and Residents Sponsored by
the Dorchester Planning Board, Dorchester Conservation Commission, and Dorchester Select
Board. Several speakers will present information of Wind Power and especially on reports by
anti-wind group Wind Watch that Portuguese company Energias De Porugal (EDP) will be
seeking approval from the NH Site Evaluation Committee (NHSEC) for its Spruce Ridge
Industrial Wind Project to be located in Canaan, Orange, Dorchester, Alexandria and Groton and
will be moving forward with town meetings as required by NH law. NH Wind Watch did an
extensive presentation to the Select Board on November 11-20-14 which can be viewed
( This has frightened many people and
prompted our elected officials to try to obtain more information prior to the legally required
Town Meeting that apparently must be called before any NHSEC approval. It should be noted
that as of this date we do not have confirmation that NHSEC has received an application. As
part of any process Town officials and legal staff must be involved in a negotiation of matters
related to building and operating wind turbines that will include such items as fees, taxes, access,
etc. The Forum is informational ONLY and people are asked to bring their questions and save
their rhetoric for a later time so that all Dorchester land owner and residents can have time to
ask questions. The Forum will be moderated to assure Dorchester land owners and residents
have priority.
Free Health Insurance Enrollment assistance in Plymouth, Jan 5 thru 12th.
Speare Memorial Hospital is offering these free. One on one sessions to help with health
insurance enrollment. The sessions, being held in cooperation with the Foundation for Healthy
Communities, are scheduled for Mondays, Jan 5,12,19, 26 and Feb 3 and 9 from 1 to 3pm. And
on Thursdays Jan 8,15,22,29, and Feb 5 and 12 from 4 to 8pm. To schedule an appointment with
a health navigator call 603-238-6471.
Kids Days in January at D Acres
Parents, please call ahead to reserve spaces.
Jan 17 Kids' Day Wooden Spoon Making 1-4pm
Jan 19 Kids' Days Trails & Tracks in the Woods 1-4pm
Depression Research
The Mood Disorders Service at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth specializes in the
evaluation, treatment and study of mood disorders.
The Mood Disorders Service is screening interested people (ages 21-70) with depression or a
history of depression who are currently taking one or more antidepressant medications, for a
non-treatment study. This is a neuroimaging study comparing the functional magnetic resonance
(fMRI) brain images of people who have or have not been helped by taking antidepressants to
learn if treatment resistance may be identified by fMRI.
All study activities take place at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, in Lebanon, NH during
routine business hours, Monday through Friday. To inquire about participation, please call 603650-4914 or email [email protected].
Pease Public Library
Plan ahead for Technology Learning Series which will continue in February with classes on the website, Excel and Facebook. February 3 5-­‐6pm Technology Learning Series: Tax Time. Learn how to search and print forms from the website February 5 3-­‐4pm Technology Learning Series: Tax Time. Learn how to navigate the website and print your own forms. The IRS prints fewer forms each year. You will find the website easy to use. D ACRES: Please check the D Acres web site or Facebook for constantly
updated information or call 786-2366 for more information or to register for events. D Acres is
making every effort to keeps fees down so that all may learn together. Remember that fees can
be waived due to economic constraints and some scholarships may be available for financial
assistance contact Josh.
Saturday, Jan 3rd, Volunteer Day Please call 786-2366 to register.
Sunday, January 4th , Farm Feast Breakfast From 10am - 1pm
The best local
All-You-Should-Eat breakfast in the area, featuring pancakes made with Vermont flour, local
maple syrup, eggs, meat, potatoes, and greens; and fair-trade coffee from Cafe Monte Alto
(Plymouth, NH). Suggested Donation of $5-$15
Tour : Join us at 1pm for an in-depth guided tour of the grounds and community building.
Open Trails
Throughout the year, our miles of woodland trails are open for your enjoyment on the first
Sunday of the month! Join us at 1pm for our Open Trails- snowshoe or cross-country ski in the
winter, hike in the summer! *For the safety and preservation of farm and wilderness flora and
fauna, *Please Do Not Bring Your Pets*
2nd Friday, January 9th Pizza & Movie Night
We will serve wood-fired pizza, baked in our cob oven and topped with only the best farm fresh
toppings, including fresh mozzarella cheese from Bunten Farm in Orford, NH. After a full belly
of pizza, relax and enjoy a thought-provoking film. Pizza 6pm, Film 7:30pm ; Childrern’s
movies shown at same time. $5-15 suggested donation
Kids Days in January
Parents, please call ahead to reserve spaces.
Jan 17 Kids' Day Wooden Spoon Making 1-4pm
Jan 19 Kids' Days Trails & Tracks in the Woods 1-4pm
Friday, Jan 30th Pot Luck and Open Mic
Pot Luck supper begins at 6pm and Open Mic at 8pm. Bring a dish of your bountiful
harvest or special recipe and enjoy an evening on the farm.
Saturday, January 31st Last Saturday of each month, 10am - 4pm
The staff at D Acres invites the public to join us on the last Saturday of each month at 10am for
Volunteer Day. Volunteers will work on various projects around the farm including fence
building, moving manure, hauling brush, and gardening.
Lunch will be provided at 1pm for all volunteers.
Choice of projects is on a first come, first serve basis.
Please call to let us know you are coming: (603) 786-2366
Sunday, Feb 1st, Farm Feast Breakfast From 10am - 1pm
The best local AllYou-Should-Eat breakfast in the area, featuring pancakes made with Vermont flour, local maple
syrup , eggs, meat, potatoes, and greens; and fair-trade coffee from Cafe Monte Alto (Plymouth,
NH). Suggested Donation of $5-$15
Tour : Join us at 1pm for a in-depth guided tour of the grounds and community building.
Open Trails
Throughout the year, our miles of woodland trails are open for your enjoyment on the first
Sunday of the month! Join us at 1pm for our Open Trails- snowshoe or cross-country ski in the
winter, hike in the summer! *For the safety and preservation of farm and wilderness flora and
fauna, *Please Do Not Bring Your Pets*
Dorchester Notes
Dorchester Notes is a personal summary of interesting events & information. If you do
not want to receive Dorchester Notes, please just hit reply and type discontinue in the text
of the message. Feel free to forward this to friends who may be interested or tell them to
email asking to be put on the Dorchester Notes mailings.
**If you have information you
would like shared, please just send me an email message or call 786-9342.
Health & Peace
Betty Ann Trought