Baldwin Wallace University: 2015 Spring Undergraduate Evening/Weekend Course Schedule Academic Calendar Link This document was last updated: January 20, 2015, 12:16:52 AM (EST) 2015 Spring Art Evening Division - Semester ! ART-217F-SE1 Intermediate Ceramics 2 01/12/15-05/08/15 Fine Arts Studio W 06:15PM-09:15PM Kleist 104 D. Williamson Berea Campus Preq: ART-216F Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: OC Additional Art Supply Fee - $60 ! ART-235IF-SE1 Topics in Non-Western Art 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture TH 06:15PM-09:15PM Marting 114 P. McKee Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: WC !* ART-246F-SE1 Intro to Sculpture 2 01/12/15-05/08/15 Fine Arts Studio TH 06:15PM-08:45PM Kleist 105 D. Williamson Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: OC Additional Art Supply Fee - $60 ART-323-SE1 Advanced Digital Photography 2 01/12/15-05/08/15 Fine Arts Studio T 06:15PM-09:15PM Kleist 102 P. Jacklitch Berea Campus Preq: ART-220F Additional Art Supply Fee - $70. ART-328-SE1 Materials & Techniques 2 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture TH 06:15PM-08:45PM Kleist 111 N. Lick Berea Campus Preq: Sophomore or higher standing. Additional Art Supply Fee - $25 ART-330-SE1 Advance Jewelry & Metal Design 2 Berea Campus Preq: ART-263F or ART-230F. Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: OC Additional Art Supply Fee - $50 ART-340-SE1 Graphic Design I 2 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-09:15PM Kleist 222 J. DiGennaro Berea Campus ART-362-SE1 Logos & Symbols 2 01/12/15-05/08/15 Fine Arts Studio M 06:15PM-09:15PM Kleist 222 E. Lull Berea Campus Preq: ART-340 ART-440-SE1 Graphic Design II 2 01/12/15-05/08/15 Fine Arts Studio TH 06:15PM-09:15PM Kleist 222 E. Lull Berea Campus Preq: CSC-135 and ART-340 Astronomy Evening Division - Semester !* AST-111-SE1 Astronomy of Stars 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture W 06:15PM-08:45PM Telfer 217 I. Muscutariu Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: QL !* AST-131L-SE1 Exploratory Astronomy 4 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture/Lab Together TH 06:15PM-10:00PM Wilker 337 G. Hillard Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: QL ! AST-170L-SE1 Observational Astronomy Lab 1 01/12/15-05/08/15 Laboratory M 08:50PM-10:50PM Wilker 225 G. Kader Berea Campus Pre- or co-requisite of AST 111 or AST 121 or equivalent Core Academic Skill: QL Core Academic Skill: CT ! AST-170L-SE2 Observational Astronomy Lab 1 01/12/15-05/08/15 Laboratory T 08:50PM-10:50PM Wilker 225 G. Kader Berea Campus Pre- or co-requisite of AST 111 or AST 121 or equivalent Core Academic Skill: QL Core Academic Skill: CT ! AST-170L-SE3 Observational Astronomy Lab 1 01/12/15-05/08/15 Laboratory W 08:50PM-10:50PM Wilker 225 G. Kader Berea Campus Pre- or co-requisite of AST 111 or AST 121 or equivalent Core Academic Skill: QL Core Academic Skill: CT 2 2015 Spring Astronomy Weekend Division - Minimester B !* AST-111-BW1 Astronomy of Stars 3 03/14/15-05/09/15 Lecture SA 11:15AM-02:15PM Telfer 217 S. Kosztya Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: QL Business Evening Division - Semester BUS-212P-SE1 Prin of Acctg II 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture W 06:15PM-08:45PM Kamm 202 R. Luli Berea Campus Preq: BUS-211 BUS-212P-SE2 Prin of Acctg II 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture M 06:15PM-08:45PM BW Corp. College East 224 R. Luli BWU Corporate College East Preq: BUS-211 Class meets at Baldwin Wallace University at Corporate College East. BUS-310I-SE1 Intro International Business 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture W 06:15PM-08:45PM Kamm 132 L. Pickler Berea Campus Preq: Sophomore status or BUS-208. BUS-315-SE1 Small Business Mgmt 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture M 06:15PM-08:45PM Kamm 129 T. Brizz Berea Campus Preq: BUS-330 or AMG-301 BUS-316-SE1 Cost Acctg & Analysis 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-08:45PM Kamm 112 K. Kleppel Berea Campus Preq: BUS-212 and ECN-279 BUS-322-SE1 Intermediate Accounting II 4 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture TH 06:15PM-09:25PM Kamm 203 K. Kaspar Berea Campus Preq: BUS-321 BUS-330P-SE1 Intro to Marketing 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture M 06:15PM-08:45PM Kamm 105 S. Kanary Berea Campus BUS-337-SE1 E-Marketing 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture TH 06:15PM-08:45PM Kamm 132 S. Kanary Berea Campus Preq: BUS-330 BUS-342-SE1 Corp & Org Finance 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture TH 06:15PM-08:45PM Kamm 105 C. Nsiah Berea Campus Preq: MTH-136, BUS-212 and ECN-100 or ECN-101, and CSC-141. BUS-365-SE1 Management Science 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture M 06:15PM-08:45PM Kamm 107 N. Mohan Berea Campus Preq: ECN-279, MTH-136 and CSC-141 BUS-367-SE1 Health Care Law and Ethics 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-08:45PM Kamm 101 S. Scheutzow Berea Campus Preq: BUS-326 & BUS-357 Course is taught on main campus and video conferenced to Baldwin Wallace University at Corporate College East. BUS-367-SE2 Health Care Law and Ethics 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-08:45PM BW Corp. College East 118 S. Scheutzow BWU Corporate College East Preq: BUS-326 & BUS-357 Course is taught on main campus and video conferenced to Baldwin Wallace University at Corporate College East. BUS-408-SE1 Fed Tax:corp,part,estate,trust 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-08:45PM Kamm 201 R. Luli Berea Campus Preq: BUS-321 BUS-417-SE1 Principles of Auditing 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture M 06:15PM-08:45PM Kamm 112 R. Gambol Berea Campus Preq: BUS-322 (may be taken concurrently) BUS-418-SE1 Govt and Non-Profit Acctg 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture M 06:15PM-08:45PM Kamm 201 R. Jaeckin Berea Campus Preq: BUS-321 3 2015 Spring BUS-421-SE1 Advanced Accounting 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture TH 06:15PM-08:45PM Kamm 213 R. Luli Berea Campus Preq: BUS-322 and minimum Senior status. BUS-444I-SE1 International Finance Mgmt 3 02/02/15-04/30/15 Lecture W 07:00PM-10:10PM Kamm 112 C. Nsiah Berea Campus Preq: BUS-342 PLEASE NOTE: This course meets for 12 weeks starting thw week of 2/2/15 and ending 4/30/15. BUS-446-SE1 Intermediate Finance 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture W 06:15PM-08:45PM Kamm 107 N. Mohan Berea Campus Preq: BUS-342 and ECN-279 BUS-487-SE1 Problem Solving Health Care 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture TH 06:15PM-08:45PM Kamm 129 K. Razi Berea Campus Preq: BUS-357, 367 & 377 Business Evening Division - Minimester A * BUS-208-AE1 Intro to Business 3 01/12/15-03/05/15 Online Instruction - WWW N/A D. Van Rooy Online Course This course is offered in an online format. All course assignments, learning activities, and group projects are completed online, independently, by the student. In order to successfully complete this course, each student must have a computer and a reliable high-speed internet connection. BlackBoard, the University course management system, will be used to administer the course. BUS-329-AE1 Business Ethics 3 01/12/15-03/05/15 Lecture TH 06:15PM-09:15PM CIG 106 D. Krueger Berea Campus BUS-342-AE1 Corp & Org Finance 3 01/12/15-03/05/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-09:15PM BW Corp. College East 224 C. Nsiah BWU Corporate College East Preq: MTH-136, BUS-212 and ECN-100 or ECN-101, and CSC-141. Class meets at Baldwin Wallace University at Corporate College East. BUS-410-AE1 Human Resource Management 3 01/12/15-03/05/15 Online Instruction - WWW N/A M. Pisnar Online Course Preq: BUS-305 or 305P This course is offered in an online format. All course assignments, learning activities, and group projects are completed online, independently, by the student. In order to successfully complete this course, each student must have a computer and a reliable high-speed internet connection. BlackBoard, the University course management system, will be used to administer the course. BUS-411-AE1 Compensation Mgmt 3 01/12/15-03/05/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-09:15PM Kamm 132 R. Ivancic Berea Campus Preq: BUS-410 or permission of instructor 4 2015 Spring Business Evening Division - Minimester B BUS-305P-BE1 Intro to Management 3 03/16/15-05/08/15 Lecture - WWW N/A M. Pisnar Online Course This course is offered in an online format. All course assignments, learning activities, and group projects are completed online, independently, by the student. In order to successfully complete this course, each student must have a computer and a reliable high-speed internet connection. BlackBoard, the University course management system, will be used to administer the course. BUS-409D-BE1 Behavrl Theory Mgmt 3 03/16/15-05/08/15 Hybrid M 06:15PM-09:15PM BW Corp. College East 223 K. Razi Hybrid Corporate College East Preq: BUS-305 Students may not receive credit for both BUS 409D and BUS 406I Class meets at Baldwin Wallace University at Corporate College East. Mandatory in-person sessions are: Monday evenings, 3/16 and 5/4 from 6:15-9:15PM. BUS-413-BE1 Staffing and Development 3 03/16/15-05/08/15 Online Instruction - WWW N/A L. Long Online Course Preq: BUS-410 or permission of instructor This course is offered in an online format. All course assignments, learning activities, and group projects are completed online, independently, by the student. In order to successfully complete this course, each student must have a computer and a reliable high-speed internet connection. BlackBoard, the University course management system, will be used to administer the course. BUS-451-BE1 Mgmt Strategy & Policy 4 03/16/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-10:00PM Kamm 132 L. Pickler Berea Campus Preq: Completion of all other requirements for the Business major. BUS-451-BE2 Mgmt Strategy & Policy 4 03/16/15-05/08/15 Lecture TH 06:15PM-10:00PM BW Corp. College East 229 L. Pickler BWU Corporate College East Preq: Completion of all other requirements for the Business major. Class meets at Baldwin Wallace University at Corporate College East. Business Weekend Division - Minimester A BUS-326-AW1 Legal Environ of Organ 3 01/10/15-02/28/15 Lecture SA 08:15AM-11:15AM BW Corp. College East 224 P. Kwiatkowski BWU Corporate College East Preq: Completion of 30 credit hours. Class meets at Baldwin Wallace University at Corporate College East. BUS-330P-AW1 Intro to Marketing 3 01/10/15-02/28/15 Lecture SA 11:15AM-02:15PM BW Corp. College East 223 J. Banjac BWU Corporate College East Class meets at Baldwin Wallace University at Corporate College East. Business Weekend Division - Minimester B BUS-358-BW1 Business Communications 3 03/14/15-05/09/15 Lecture SA 08:00AM-11:00AM Kamm 106 J. Darner Berea Campus 5 2015 Spring BUS-411-BW1 Compensation Mgmt 3 03/14/15-05/09/15 Lecture SA 08:15AM-11:15AM BW Corp. College East 223 R. Ivancic BWU Corporate College East Preq: BUS-410 or permission of instructor Class meets at Baldwin Wallace University at Corporate College East. BUS-436I-BW1 International Marketing 3 03/14/15-05/09/15 Lecture SA 11:15AM-02:15PM BW Corp. College East 229 J. Janosik BWU Corporate College East Preq: BUS-330 Class meets at Baldwin Wallace University at Corporate College East. Communication Arts & Sciences Evening Division - Semester CAS-125-SE1 Event Planning 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-08:45PM Kleist 220 K. Schmidt Berea Campus !* CAS-161-SE1 Radio Production & Air Studio 2 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture/Lab Together M 06:15PM-09:15PM Strosacker WBWC J. Elmo Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: OC Core Academic Skill: CT Instructor consent required. See J. Tarantowski for add slip. FCC license for an additional fee. ! CAS-261X-SE1 DJ Format Shift 2 01/12/15-05/08/15 Supervised Instruction - Strosacker WBWC J. Tarantowski Berea Campus Preq: CAS-161 & instructor's consent; FCC License required. Core Academic Skill: OC Core Academic Skill: TW CAS-315-SE1 Crisis Communication 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture M 06:15PM-08:45PM Kleist 219 S. Mortland Berea Campus Preq: CAS-120 !* CAS-361-SE1 Participation in WBWC 1 01/12/15-05/08/15 Supervised Instruction - Strosacker WBWC J. Elmo Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: TW !* CAS-361-SE2 Participation in WBWC 2 01/12/15-05/08/15 Supervised Instruction - Strosacker WBWC J. Tarantowski Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: TW CAS-410-SE1 Persuasive Campaigns 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Online Instruction - WWW N/A J. Miller Online Course Preq: CAS-120 and CAS-230 This course is offered in an online format. All course assignments, learning activities, and group projects are completed online, independently, by the student. In order to successfully complete this course, each student must have a computer and a reliable high-speed internet connection. BlackBoard, the University course management system, will be used to administer the course. 6 2015 Spring CAS-415-SE1 Studies in PR: Social Media 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture W 06:15PM-08:45PM Kleist 222 T. Marshall Berea Campus Preq: Junior or Senior standing. This course will discuss the impact of the internet on the field of Public Relations. Milestones in PR due to the internet's reach will be reviewed as well as organizations/campaigns that experienced a backfire effect from the internet. Best practices for utilizing the internet during the development and execution of a PR campaign will also be presented. CAS-415-SE2 Studies in Pr: Non-Profit Pr 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Online Instruction - WWW N/A J. Miller Online Course Preq: Junior or Senior standing. This course is offered in an online format. All course assignments, learning activities, and group projects are completed online, independently, by the student. In order to successfully complete this course, each student must have a computer and a reliable high-speed internet connection. BlackBoard, the University course management system, will be used to administer the course. Communication Arts & Sciences Evening Division - Minimester A CAS-328D-AE1 Diversity in America 3 01/12/15-03/05/15 Lecture W 06:15PM-09:15PM Kleist 220 S. Gilmore Berea Campus Preq: CAS-126 or consent of instructor. Communication Arts & Sciences Evening Division - Minimester B !* CAS-126-BE1 Intro to Communication 3 03/16/15-05/08/15 Lecture M 06:15PM-09:15PM Kleist 220 J. Lakner Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: WC Core Academic Skill: OC !* CAS-126-BE2 Intro to Communication 3 03/16/15-05/08/15 Lecture TH 06:15PM-09:15PM Kleist 220 J. Lakner Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: WC Core Academic Skill: OC CAS-476-BE1 Capstone in Comm Studies 3 03/16/15-05/08/15 Lecture M 06:15PM-09:15PM Kleist 221 S. Gilmore Berea Campus Preq: 30 credits in CAS, Junior or Senior status, CAS-411 & 412 may be taken concurrently. Course must be repeated if grade is below a C. Chemistry Evening Division - Minimester A ! CHM-200I-AE1 Environ Crisis? What Crisis? 3 01/12/15-03/05/15 Hybrid T 06:15PM-09:15PM Telfer 217 S. Kosztya Hybrid Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: WC Core Academic Skill: CT This hybrid course has 2 mandatory in-person meetings; the first and last Tuesday of the Minimester. Remainder of the course is online with firm assignment deadlines throughout the course. Workload is equivalent to a full semester 3 credit course. 7 2015 Spring Chemistry Evening Division - Minimester B ! CHM-200I-BE1 Environ Crisis? What Crisis? 3 03/16/15-05/08/15 Hybrid T 06:15PM-09:15PM Telfer 217 S. Kosztya Hybrid Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: WC Core Academic Skill: CT This hybrid course has 2 mandatory in-person meetings; the first and last Tuesday of the Minimester. Remainder of the course is online with firm assignment deadlines throughout the course. Workload is equivalent to a full semester 3 credit course. College Evening Division - Semester * COL-020-SE1 Refresher Algebra ALEKS 2 01/12/15-05/08/15 Laboratory TH 06:15PM-08:45PM MCS 171 J. Domanski Berea Campus Graded S/U. Credits do not count toward graduation. Web based but class attendance required. * COL-020-SE2 Refresher Algebra ALEKS 2 01/12/15-05/08/15 Laboratory T 06:00PM-08:30PM BW Corp. College East 108 J. Domanski BWU Corporate College East Graded S/U. Credits do not count toward graduation. Web based but class attendance required. Class meets at Baldwin Wallace University at Corporate College East. College Evening Division - Minimester A COL-123-AE1 Study Strategies 1 01/12/15-03/05/15 Online Instruction - WWW N/A J. Christman Online Course Graded S/U. This course is offered all online for Adult & Continuing Education students. All course assignments, learning activities, and group projects are completed online, independently, by the student. In order to successfully complete this course, each student must have a computer and a reliable high-speed internet connection. BlackBoard, the University course management system, will be used to administer the course. College Evening Division - Minimester B COL-123-BE1 Study Strategies 1 03/16/15-05/08/15 Online Instruction - WWW N/A J. Christman Online Course Graded S/U. This course is offered all online for Adult & Continuing Education students. All course assignments, learning activities, and group projects are completed online, independently, by the student. In order to successfully complete this course, each student must have a computer and a reliable high-speed internet connection. BlackBoard, the University course management system, will be used to administer the course. Criminal Justice Evening Division - Semester ! CRJ-361-SE1 Corrections 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture M 06:15PM-08:45PM Malicky 22 D. Jenkins Berea Campus SOPH or above standing required. Core Academic Skill: WC Core Academic Skill: CT 8 2015 Spring CRJ-464-SE1 Integrative Sem in CRJ 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture W 06:15PM-08:45PM Malicky 20 J. Ciotti Berea Campus Preq: Participation in Criminal Justice Program, Junior or Senior status required. Computer Science Evening Division - Semester * CSC-141-SE1 Adv Appl for Info Analysis 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-08:45PM MCS 144 S. Skowronski Berea Campus Prerequisite: Basic computer literacy, including the use of word processing and beginning Excel, is assumed; readiness for MTH 136 or higher or completion of MTH 137. * CSC-141-SE2 Adv Appl for Info Analysis 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture TH 06:15PM-08:45PM BW Corp. College East 108 M. Snell BWU Corporate College East Prerequisite: Basic computer literacy, including the use of word processing and beginning Excel, is assumed; readiness for MTH 136 or higher or completion of MTH 137. Class meets at Baldwin Wallace University at Corporate College East. * CSC-141-SE3 Adv Appl for Info Analysis 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Online Instruction - WWW N/A S. Skowronski Online Course Prerequisite: Basic computer literacy, including the use of word processing and beginning Excel, is assumed; readiness for MTH 136 or higher or completion of MTH 137. This course is offered in an on-line format. All course assignments, learning activities, and group projects are completed on line, independently, by the student. In order to successfully complete this course, each student must have a computer and a reliable high-speed internet connection. BlackBoard, the University course management system, will be used to administer the course. Comm Sciences and Disorders Evening Division - Semester CSD-440-SE3 Research Mtds: Commun Disorder 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Hybrid MWF 09:05AM-09:55AM Kleist 221 C. Visconti Hybrid Berea Campus Preq: CSD-105, CSD-220, and at least 1 semester of CSD-335X Class meets in person Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the first 6 weeks, then various dates throughout the semester as outlined in the syllabus. Remainder of the course is on-line with firm assignment deadlines throughout the course. Workload is equivalent to a full semester 3 credit course. 9 2015 Spring Economics Evening Division - Semester !* ECN-100-SE1 Survey of Economics 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Online Instruction - WWW N/A K. Strong Online Course Preq: MTH 135 or higher or math ready or permission of instructor. Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: QL This course is offered in an on-line format. All course assignments, learning activities, and group projects are completed on line, independently, by the student. In order to successfully complete this course, each student must have a computer and a reliable high-speed internet connection. BlackBoard, the University course management system, will be used to administer the course. !* ECN-101-SE1 Prin of Econ I Micro 4 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture W 06:15PM-09:25PM Kamm 106 G. Sellers Berea Campus Preq: MTH-136 readiness only. Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: QL !* ECN-101-SE2 Prin of Econ I Micro 4 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture W 06:15PM-09:25PM BW Corp. College East 118 G. Sellers BWU Corporate College East Preq: MTH-136 readiness only. Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: QL Class meets at Baldwin Wallace University at Corporate College East. Course is taught at main campus and video conferenced to Baldwin Wallace University at Corporate College East. ECN-203-SE1 Introduction to Economics 4 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture W 06:15PM-09:25PM Kamm 138 L. Sage Berea Campus Class will be video conferenced to main campus from BW Beachwood. ECN-203-SE2 Introduction to Economics 4 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture W 06:15PM-09:25PM BW Corp. College East 115 L. Sage BWU Corporate College East Class meets at Baldwin Wallace University at Corporate College East. ECN-279-SE1 Elem of Statistics 4 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture M 06:15PM-09:25PM Kamm 106 D. Miller Berea Campus Preq: MTH-136 or higher level math course recommended (excludes MTH-137), or consent of the instructor. This course will not count toward satisfying the social sciences portion of the core curriculum requirement of the University. ECN-344-SE1 Game Theory 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-08:45PM Kamm 106 X. Chen Berea Campus Preq: ECN-100 or ECN-101 Education Evening Division - Semester * EDU-101X-SE1 Intro Educ & Teaching 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture M 06:15PM-08:45PM Wheeler 112 E. Johnson-Whitt Berea Campus Take 0 credits; Has field experience. * EDU-103D-SE1 Edu Child Spec Needs 2 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture TH 06:15PM-07:55PM Wheeler 304 J. Murphy Berea Campus Take 0 credits; Has field experience. 10 2015 Spring EDU-114-SE1 21st Century Productivity Tool 1 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture TH 06:15PM-07:05PM Wheeler 207 J. Hicks Berea Campus EDU-201-SE1 Teach Strat & Mgmt Skills 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-08:45PM Wheeler 305 V. Turner Berea Campus Preq: Completion of 100 level EDU courses and PSY-100. EDU-204-SE1 Phonics & Spelling Development 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture W 06:15PM-08:45PM Wheeler 112 S. Golden Berea Campus Preq: EDU-101X & 103D. EDU-203 may be taken concurrently EDU-206-SE1 Intro to Adolescent Ed 2 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture TH 06:15PM-07:55PM Wheeler 112 B. Tumino Berea Campus Preq: EDU-101X EDU-211D-SE1 Exploring Educ in Diverse Soc 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture W 06:15PM-08:45PM Wheeler 110 B. Sposet Berea Campus Preq: Completion of EDU-203 or EDU-205 or EDU-206 or EDU-274 or concurrent with EDU-274. EDU-214-SE1 Media Resources for Education 2 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-07:55PM Wheeler 207 M. Dunlap Berea Campus Must be taken concurrently with EDU-201 or EDU-207 EDU-334-SE1 Diagnostic/Remedial Read Mthds 3 EDU-340-SE1 Assess Teach & Learn 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture TH 06:15PM-08:45PM Wheeler 305 01/12/15-05/08/15 Supervised Instruction R. Berndt, Staff Berea Campus Preq: EDU-101X, 103D, 114, 204, 211D, 333 or 343. May be taken with EDU-337. 2 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture TH 06:15PM-07:55PM Wheeler 110 01/12/15-05/08/15 Supervised Instruction R. Janke, Staff Berea Campus Preq: Completion of PSY-100 and 200 level EDU courses. Take concurrently with EDU-348. English Evening Division - Semester * ENG-131-SE1 Wksp Expo & Argument 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Online Instruction - WWW N/A K. Keating Online Course Preq: Grade of C or better in ENG 111 or placement. Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: WC This course is offered in an online format. All course assignments, learning activities, and group projects are completed online, independently, by the student. In order to successfully complete this course, each student must have a computer and a reliable high-speed internet connection. BlackBoard, the University course management system, will be used to administer the course. ENG-308-SE1 Nature Writing 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-08:45PM Marting 209 T. Martin Berea Campus Preq: ENG-131 Students will write and revise essays tht explore their conections to the natural world and issues in sustainability, in addition to studying the genre of nature writing. Geology Evening Division - Semester !* GEO-111L-SE1 The Dynamic Earth Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: QL Core Academic Skill: CT 4 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture of Lec/Lab Combination M 06:15PM-10:30PM Telfer 214 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lab of Lec/Lab Combination M 06:15PM-10:30PM Ward 103 A. Heilman, A. Heilman 11 2015 Spring History Evening Division - Semester HIS-355P-SE1 Mod America: 1920-1945 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-08:45PM Marting 104 T. Mieyal Berea Campus History Evening Division - Minimester A HIS-360IP-AE1 Contemporary Middle East 3 01/12/15-03/05/15 Lecture W 06:15PM-09:15PM Marting 104 I. Gesink Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: WC Core Academic Skill: CT This course explores the radical changes that have taken place in the last couple of decades in the Middle East. After a very brief historical overview, the course will concentrate on the political, economic and social transformations that have happened in the region more recently. These include the impact and consequences of the "War Against Terrorism," the oscillating roles of Islam, the implications of globalization, the "youth bulge," and the Arab Spring. History Evening Division - Minimester B !* HIS-122I-BE1 History of Europe II 3 03/16/15-05/08/15 Online Instruction - WWW N/A R. Boaz Online Course Core Academic Skill: WC Core Academic Skill: CT This course is offered in an online format. All course assignments, learning activities, and group projects are completed online, independently, by the student. In order to successfully complete this course, each student must have a computer and a reliable high-speed internet connection. BlackBoard, the University course management system, will be used to administer the course. ! HIS-170D-BE1 Diversity in America 3 03/16/15-05/08/15 Lecture TH 06:15PM-09:15PM Marting 103 R. Stinson Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: WC Core Academic Skill: CT Honors Evening Division - Semester COL-291H-SE1 Innovation Application Colloq 1 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture M 04:15PM-05:15PM CIG 105/106 T. Sutton Berea Campus Preq: COL-290. This course is designed for Student Fellows who have been nominated and selected by Faculty Fellows. Instructor approval is required for registration. Health & Physical Education Evening Division - Semester * HPE-206-SE3 Medical Terminology 2 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 08:00AM-09:40AM Lou Higgins 240A C. Morton Berea Campus 12 2015 Spring Health & Physical Education Evening Division - Minimester A * HPE-110W-AE1 Personal Wellness 0.5 01/12/15-03/05/15 Online Instruction - WWW N/A C. August Online Course Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: CL Graded S/U. A student must take HPE-110W by the end of the first semester of their junior year; or, if a transfer student, by the end of their third semester at Baldwin Wallace. No in-person meetings will be required. The course will become available on the Blackboard portal on Monday, 8:00 a.m. EST, the first day of class. Students MUST check their BW email account in the week prior to the start of the minimester for information related to course completion. * HPE-131W-AE1 Racquetball 0.5 01/12/15-03/05/15 Lecture TTH 06:15PM-07:05PM Lou Higgins COURTS T. Miller Berea Campus * HPE-131W-AE3 Self-Defense 0.5 01/12/15-03/05/15 Lecture MW 10:10AM-11:00AM Lou Higgins MP M. Cunningham Berea Campus Health & Physical Education Evening Division - Minimester B * HPE-110W-BE1 Personal Wellness 0.5 03/16/15-05/08/15 Online Instruction - WWW N/A C. August Online Course Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: CL Graded S/U. A student must take HPE-110W by the end of the first semester of their junior year; or, if a transfer student, by the end of their third semester at Baldwin Wallace. No in-person meetings will be required. The course will become available on the Blackboard portal on Monday, 8:00 a.m. EST, the first day of class. Students MUST check their BW email account in the week prior to the start of the minimester for information related to course completion. * HPE-141W-BE1 Ballroom/Social Dance 0.5 03/16/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-07:55PM Lou Higgins 202 M. Ozanich Berea Campus * HPE-246W-BE1 Stress Management 2 03/16/15-05/08/15 Online Instruction - WWW N/A J. Ray-Tomasek Online Course Core Academic Skill: WC Core Academic Skill: CT This course is offered in an online format. All course assignments, learning activities, and group projects are completed online, independently, by the student. In order to successfully complete this course, each student must have a computer and a reliable high-speed internet connection. BlackBoard, the University course management system, will be used to administer the course. Humanities Evening Division - Semester ! HUM-285I-SE1 Intercultural Communication 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-08:45PM Dietsch 301 S. Hollender Berea Campus NOTE: This course is required of all foreign language majors. 13 2015 Spring Liberal Arts & Sciences Evening Division - Semester LAS-200-SE2 Enduring Quest Intercul World 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture W 06:15PM-08:45PM Malicky 10 F. Lebo Berea Campus Preq: ENG 131 and ONE of the following Math stipulations: SAT MATH 520+, ACT MATH 22+, ALEKS 40%+, MTH core transfer credit OR AP credit OR completion of MTH-137 (consult the BW Catalog for details). Core Academic Skill: WC LAS-200-SE3 Enduring Quest Intercul World 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Online Instruction - WWW N/A J. Jordan Online Course Preq: ENG 131 and ONE of the following Math stipulations: SAT MATH 520+, ACT MATH 22+, ALEKS 40%+, MTH core transfer credit OR AP credit OR completion of MTH-137 (consult the BW Catalog for details). Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: WC This course is offered in an online format. All course assignments, learning activities, and group projects are completed online, independently, by the student. In order to successfully complete this course, each student must have a computer and a reliable high-speed internet connection. BlackBoard, the University course management system, will be used to administer the course. Leadership Studies Evening Division - Minimester A * LDR-201-AE1 Intro to Leadership Studies 3 01/12/15-03/05/15 Online Instruction - WWW N/A C. Vesei Online Course This course is offered in an on-line format. All course assignments, learning activities, and group projects are completed on line, independently, by the student. In order to successfully complete this course, each student must have a computer and a reliable high-speed internet connection. BlackBoard, the University course management system, will be used to administer the course. Leadership Studies Evening Division - Minimester B LDR-202D-BE1 Contemporary Leadership Problm 3 03/16/15-05/08/15 Online Instruction - WWW N/A F. Lebo Online Course This course is offered in an on-line format. All course assignments, learning activities, and group projects are completed on line, independently, by the student. In order to successfully complete this course, each student must have a computer and a reliable high-speed internet connection. BlackBoard, the University course management system, will be used to administer the course. 14 2015 Spring Mathematics Evening Division - Semester * MTH-136-SE1 Appl College Math 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture W 06:15PM-08:45PM MCS 149 B. Aylward Berea Campus Preq: Knowledge of high school Algebra I, Algebra II and Geometry are prerequisites for all Mathematics courses. Students are required to have passed the Baldwin Wallace mathematics placement test or to have scored at least 22 on the quantitative portion of the ACT or at least 520 on the quantitative portion of the SAT. You must have a placement test score of at least 75% on the online mathematics placement test, or the required SAT/ACT math score to be admitted to this class. The required score on the SAT is 520 and the required score on the ACT is 22. Those who do not meet this requirement need to register for COL-020 Refresher Algebra. Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: QL * MTH-136-SE2 Appl College Math 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 07:00PM-09:30PM BW Corp. College East 115 J. Domanski BWU Corporate College East Preq: Knowledge of high school Algebra I, Algebra II and Geometry are prerequisites for all Mathematics courses. Students are required to have passed the Baldwin Wallace mathematics placement test or to have scored at least 22 on the quantitative portion of the ACT or at least 520 on the quantitative portion of the SAT. You must have a placement test score of at least 75% on the online mathematics placement test, or the required SAT/ACT math score to be admitted to this class. The required score on the SAT is 520 and the required score on the ACT is 22. Those who do not meet this requirement need to register for COL-020 Refresher Algebra. Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: QL Class meets at Baldwin Wallace University at Corporate College East. * MTH-137-SE1 Math Model. & Quant. Analysis 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-08:45PM MCS 145 B. Aylward Berea Campus See course description in Web Express. * MTH-137-SE2 Math Model. & Quant. Analysis 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Online Instruction - WWW N/A M. Mathews Online Course See course description in Web Express. This course is offered in an online format. All course assignments, learning activities, and group projects are completed online, independently, by the student. In order to successfully complete this course, each student must have a computer and a reliable high-speed internet connection. BlackBoard, the University course management system, will be used to administer the course. 15 2015 Spring Music Conservatory (new) Evening Division - Semester MUC-257-SE1 Music Therapy Practicum 1 1 01/12/15-05/08/15 Conservatory Lab & Lec Combo T 07:00PM-09:30PM Boesel 211 E. Hardin-Steiner, E. Hardin-Steiner Berea Campus Preq: MUC-151 and MUC-251 MUC-358-SE1 Music Therapy Practicum 3 1 01/12/15-05/08/15 Conservatory Lab & Lec Combo T 07:00PM-09:30PM Kulas 310 01/12/15-05/08/15 Field Experience L. Kay, L. Kay Berea Campus Preq: MUC-357 Music Conservatory (new) Weekend Division - Semester * MUC-151-SW1 Intro to Music Therapy 2 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture SA 08:30AM-10:30AM Kulas 318 E. Hardin-Steiner Berea Campus MUC-352-SW1 Music Therapy W/ Devel. Disab. 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture SA 11:00AM-02:00PM Kulas 318 L. Kay Berea Campus Preq: MUC-151 or consent of instructor MUC-353-SW1 Prgm Dev & Adm. in Mus Therapy 2 01/12/15-05/08/15 Conservatory Lab & Lec Combo SA 08:30AM-10:30AM Kulas 322 L. Kay Berea Campus Preq: MUC-151 or consent of instructor MUC-452-SW1 Research Sem in Music Therapy 2 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture SA 11:00AM-01:00PM Kulas 322 E. Hardin-Steiner Berea Campus Preq: MUC-451 MUC-454-SW1 Music Therapy Internship 1 01/12/15-05/08/15 Field Experience L. Kay Berea Campus Music Liberal Arts Evening Division - Semester !* MUL-171IF-SE1 The Art of Listening to Music 2 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture W 06:15PM-07:55PM Boesel 211 J. Hirt Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: WC !* MUL-172F-SE1 Music Appreciation 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Hybrid F 06:15PM-08:45PM BW Corp. College East 229 M. Strasser Hybrid Corporate College East Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: WC Class meets at Baldwin Wallace University at Corporate College East. This hybrid course has 2 mandatory in-person meetings; the first and last class dates. Remainder of the course is online with firm assignment deadlines throughout the course. Workload is equivalent to a full semester 3 credit course. Nursing Evening Division - Minimester A NUR-210-A01 Concepts Nursing Practice II 5 NUR-212-A01 01/05/15-02/27/15 Lecture WF 07:00AM-11:10AM MCS 175 01/05/15-02/27/15 Laboratory - MCS 173 S. Harris, J. Fell, J. Johnson, C. Kuchenrither Berea Campus Preq: NUR-100,101,105,106,110,112 & 115. Research & Evidence-Based Prac 3 01/05/15-02/27/15 Lecture WF 12:00PM-03:00PM MCS 175 S. Harris, J. Fell, J. Johnson Berea Campus Preq: NUR-100,101,105,106,110,112 & 115. NUR-215-A01 Prof Nursing Clinical II 2 01/05/15-02/24/15 Lab of Lec/Lab Combination - Off Campus CAMPUS J. Fell, J. Johnson, S. Harris Off-Campus Site Preq: NUR-100,101,105,106,110,112 & 115. Nursing Evening Division - Minimester B NUR-310-B01 Concepts Nursing Practice III Berea Campus Preq: NUR-100,101,105,106,110,112,115,210,212 & 215. 5 03/02/15-05/08/15 Lecture WF 07:00AM-11:00AM MCS 175 03/02/15-05/08/15 Laboratory - MCS 173 S. Harris, J. Fell, J. Johnson, C. Kuchenrither 16 2015 Spring NUR-312-B01 Leadership & Ethics in Prof 3 03/02/15-05/08/15 Lecture WF 12:00PM-03:00PM MCS 175 J. Fell, S. Harris, J. Johnson Berea Campus Preq: NUR-100,101,105,106,110,112,115,210,212 & 215. NUR-315-B01 Prof Nursing Clinical III 2 03/02/15-05/08/15 Lab of Lec/Lab Combination - Off Campus CAMPUS J. Johnson, J. Fell, S. Harris Off-Campus Site Preq: NUR-100,101,105,106,110,112,115,210,212 & 215. Physics Evening Division - Semester !* PHY-101L-SE3 Acoustics 4 !* PHY-102-SE1 Physics of Weather 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture of Lec/Lab Combination MWF 08:00AM-08:50AM Telfer 217 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lab of Lec/Lab Combination F 01:00PM-03:00PM Wilker 139 P. Hoekje, P. Hoekje Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: QL Lab has an emphasis on acoustics of music. LAC! Students will have the option of applying their language skills in French, Spanish, German (or another language, if approved by instructor) as part of the required course research project. 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-08:45PM Wilker 337 G. Hillard Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: QL !* PHY-102-SE2 Genrl Prblm Solving Techniques 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture M 06:15PM-08:45PM Telfer 330 E. Meyer, M. Witt Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: QL Full Title: General Problem Solving Techniques In his book, The Road Ahead,' Bill Gates wrote, More than ever, an education that emphasizes general problem solving skills will be important. The entire purpose of this course is to develop the students' general problem solving ability. Students will work both individually and in teams to solve some of the most fun and challenging problems concocted by the human brain. The topics from which the problems were chosen include; operations research, geometry, probability, risk management, physics, pattern recognition and logic. The only prerequisites for the course are a solid foundation in algebra and the desire for an intellectual challenge. Physics Evening Division - Minimester B !* PHY-111-BE1 Physics for Presidents 3 03/16/15-05/08/15 Online Instruction - WWW N/A S. Stansfield Online Course Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: WC This course is offered in an online format. All course assignments, learning activities, and group projects are completed online, independently, by the student. In order to successfully complete this course, each student must have a computer and a reliable high-speed internet connection. BlackBoard, the University course management system, will be used to administer the course. 17 2015 Spring Physics Weekend Division - Minimester B ! PHY-107L-BW1 Space From the Ground Up 4 03/14/15-05/09/15 Lecture/Lab Together SA 08:15AM-01:15PM BW Corp. College East 224 G. Hillard BWU Corporate College East Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: QL Class meets at Baldwin Wallace University at Corporate College East. Political Science Evening Division - Semester !* POL-101D-SE1 U.S. Government and Politics 4 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture W 06:15PM-09:15PM Malicky 114 R. Jovic Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: WC ! POL-205-SE1 Environmental Politics 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-08:45PM Malicky 10 F. Lebo Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: WC An examination of the problems, options and issues generated by governmental efforts to address challenges to a safe environment. The course includes studies drawn from both American and international experiences. !* POL-207-SE1 Intro to Law 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture M 06:15PM-08:45PM Malicky 110 B. Palmer Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: OC Above is P.M. Day Tuition Rates Apply. Political Science Evening Division - Minimester B ! POL-102I-BE1 European Union in Global Cntx 2 03/16/15-05/08/15 Lecture W 06:15PM-08:45PM Malicky 110 J. Morales-Ortiz Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: WC Full title: The European Union in a Global Context This course will familiarize students with the role of the European Union (EU) in international affairs. The course aims to explore the following questions: Is the EU one single actor in world affairs or does it behave as many different states coordinating their foreign policy actions? Will the EU become the next superpower of the 21st Century? What are the EU strengths and weaknesses as a global actor in world politics? ! POL-209-BE1 Political History of Ohio 2 03/16/15-05/08/15 Lecture TH 06:15PM-08:45PM Malicky 114 M. Dovilla Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: WC Psychology Evening Division - Semester !* PSY-205-SE1 Developmntl Psych 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-08:45PM Malicky 210 B. Thakkar Berea Campus Preq: PSY-100 Core Academic Skill: WC Core Academic Skill: TW PSY-326-SE1 Applied Behavior Analysis 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture W 06:15PM-08:45PM Malicky 222 B. Thomas Berea Campus Preq: PSY-100 or consent of instructor. PSY-329-SE1 Sensation and Perception 4 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture W 06:15PM-09:25PM Malicky 214 A. Marcano-Reik Berea Campus Preq: PSY-280 18 2015 Spring Psychology Evening Division - Minimester A PSY-150-AE1 Pro Identity for Psych Major 2 01/12/15-03/05/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-08:45PM Malicky 214 L. Green Berea Campus Preq: PSY-100. Must be Psychology major or minor to enroll. PSY-151-AE1 Skills in Psychology 2 01/12/15-03/05/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-08:45PM Malicky 222 D. Esty Berea Campus Preq: PSY-100. Must be Psychology major or minor to enroll. Psychology Evening Division - Minimester B PSY-150-BE1 Pro Identity for Psych Major 2 03/16/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-08:45PM Malicky 214 L. Green Berea Campus Preq: PSY-100. Must be Psychology major or minor to enroll. PSY-151-BE1 Skills in Psychology 2 03/16/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-08:45PM Malicky 222 D. Esty Berea Campus Preq: PSY-100. Must be Psychology major or minor to enroll. PSY-278-BE1 Elem of Statistics 4 03/16/15-05/08/15 Online Instruction - WWW N/A B. Thomas Online Course Preq: PSY-100 or SOC-100D This course is offered in an online format. All course assignments, learning activities, and group projects are completed online, independently, by the student. In order to successfully complete this course, each student must have a computer and a reliable high-speed internet connection. BlackBoard, the University course management system, will be used to administer the course. Religion Evening Division - Semester !* REL-193F-SE1 Not All Who Wander Are Lost 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-08:45PM Marting 316 J. Gordon Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: WC This course will explore the themes of journey and quest in world literature with particular attention to their religious dimensions. Students will work with Victor Turner's rites of passage model and other related ideas to explore the relationship between interior journeys and journeys through an exterior landscape. Emphasis will be placed on the careful reading and discussion of selected texts which will include Gilgamesh, Tolkien's The Hobbit, Merullo's Lunch with Buddah, Endo's Deep River and other texts. !* REL-217I-SE1 Religion, Violence & Peace 4 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture W 06:15PM-09:25PM Marting 316 E. Posman Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: WC Sociology Evening Division - Semester ! SOC-201D-SE1 Social Problems 4 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-09:25PM Malicky 122 C. Gregory Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: WC 19 2015 Spring ! SOC-206-SE1 Crime in Organizations 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture TH 06:15PM-08:45PM Malicky 122 J. King Berea Campus SOC-288-SE1 Environmental Sociology 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture M 06:15PM-08:45PM Malicky 122 J. Fleisher Berea Campus Preq: LAS-200 or SOC-100D ! SOC-301D-SE1 Social Inequalities 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Online Instruction - WWW N/A E. Ross Online Course Preq: SOC-100D SOC-201D or SOC-210. Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: WC This course is offered in an online format. All course assignments, learning activities, and group projects are completed online, independently, by the student. In order to successfully complete this course, each student must have a computer and a reliable high-speed internet connection. BlackBoard, the University course management system, will be used to administer the course. SOC-320-SE1 Victimology 3 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture TH 06:15PM-08:45PM Malicky 210 C. Gregory Berea Campus Preq: SOC-100D or CRJ-165 Theatre Evening Division - Semester ! THE-154F-SE1 Creative Dramatics 2 01/12/15-05/08/15 Lecture T 06:15PM-07:55PM Kleist 221 L. Ortenzi Berea Campus Core Academic Skill: CT Core Academic Skill: OC 20
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