NORTH EAST FRONTI ER RAILWAY The foflowing orders are issued with the approval of Generar Manager/Northeast r Railway :- 1' ln terms of Rairway Board's wireress message No. E(o)r-201 4/TR/ro dated t7'12'2014, shri s. c. sawaiyan (sAG/rRSMr), prlsentry working as cwM/NBes, is transferred from N. F. Rairway to cLW and posted in the cadre. Before relinquishing the charge, shri s, C. sawaiyan is to complete the ACRs/ApARs of officers and staffworking under him, finalize arbitration cases, if any dealt by him and also deposit metar pass to Dy.cpo/GAZ, if any under his possession. ' shri D' s' Kunwar (sAG/IRSME), presently working as cME/o&F/MLG is transferred and posted as CWM/NBeS vice ShriS. C. Sawaivan. Chairman/RRC For General Manager (p) 8/Sq No. copy 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I Pt. xvilt(o) Maligaon, Dated : 26.!2.20L4 rrwarded for information and necessary action to :_ Secretary, Railway Board, New Delhi. Under Secretary/E(O)ll, Railway Board, New Delhi. GM, cM(p),FA&CAO/EGA, pFlcLW, Chittaranjan. DGM & Secretary to GM for kind information of GM/NFR secretary to GM/coN for kind information of GM/coN/NFR cME, CWE, CMPE, CME(O&F)/MLG FA & CAO/EGA & pFlN. F. Railway/Matigaon All DRMs/N. F. Railway All Mechanical Officers of N. F. Railway. DGM(G), CPRO, Dy. CpOlHe WAO/NBeS 1,1, Dy, Secy. 1,2 Officers concerned. 1.3 os/Eo/Bill to GM, ppS to GM, Secy. to AGM
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