Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (A Government of Odisha Undertaking) IDCO, IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar-751022 Phone: (0674) 2542784,2540820, Fax: 2542956 E-mail: cmd@ idco.in ISO 9001 & 14001 CORPORATION INVITATIONS FOR BIDS (IFB) File No. H.O-Civil - T&E - E – 4141/01/2014 Bid Identification No. CIVIL – EST/33 / 2014-15/ 26153 /Bhubaneswar, Dated .30.12.14 1. The Chief General Manager (Civil), IDCO, invites online item rate tenders from the registered IDCO Vendors /Contractors having appropriate class of registration from State PWD / CPWD/ Railways/ MES for the work as detailed in the table below. Sl. No Requisite Descriptions Estimated Cost. Construction of Boundary Wall (Reach-I ) for Plant site of OTPCL in Kamakhyanagar Tahasil in the Dhenkanal District. Rs.492.00Lakh (Approx.) Construction of Boundary Wall for Office site of OTPCL in Kamakhyanagar Tahasil in the Dhenkanal District. Rs.248.00 Lakh (Approx.) 1. 2. EMD. Rs 4,92,000.00 Rs 2,48,000.00 3. Cost of Bid Document. 4. Period of Completion. Rs.10,500/(Including 5% VAT.) 09(Nine ) Calendar Months. Rs.10,500/(Including 5% VAT.) 06(Six) Calendar Months. 5. Class of Contractors a) For IDCO Vendors. Range above Rs.300.00 Lakhs up to Rs.800.00 Lakhs and above Rs.800.00 Lakhs. Range above Rs.100.00 Lakhs up to Rs.300.00 Lakhs and Range above Rs.300.00 Lakhs up to Rs.800.00 b) For Other Department. “Special” & “Super” Class Contractors of PWD & Other Department. Rs.200.00 Lakh “A” & “Special” Class Contractors of PWD & Other Department. 6. Solvency Certificate. 7. Turn Over per Annum at least in any year within last three financial years from 2011-12 to 2013-14. Minimum Value of similar nature of work executed in single Agreement during Last three Financial Years. ie from 2011-12 to 2013-14 Availability of Tender in the e-procurement portal www.tendersorissa.gov.in Submission of E.M.D, Tender Paper Cost and Photo copies of other relevant documents duly attested by self. Opening of Tender/ Bid Rs.400.00 Lakh Rs.200.00 Lakh Rs.200.00 Lakhs. Rs.125.00 Lakhs. 18.00 Hours of 05.01.2014 to 16.00 Hours of 21.01.2015. 18.00 Hours of 05.01.2014 to 16.00 Hours of 21.01.2015. After 16.00 Hours of 21.01.15 & before 17.00 Hours of 28.01.2015.. After 16.00 Hours of 21.01.15 & before 17.00 Hours of 28.01.2015.. After 11.00 Hours of 29.01.2015 After 11.00 Hours of 29.01.2015 Verification of Original Documents, copies of which have been Uploaded along with the Bid, Verification of original Agreement in support of Experience Certificate submitted. From 10.00 30.01.2015 From 10.00 30.01.2015 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. A.M to 5.00 P.M of Rs.100.00 Lakh A.M to 5.00 P.M of 2. Bid documents consisting of Specifications, Schedule of Quantities, and a set of Terms & Conditions of contract and other necessary Documents can be seen in the e procurement portal www.tendersorissa.gov.in. 3. Bids must be accompanied with copies of IDCO Vendor / Valid License, Experience Certificate, Clearance Certificate on VAT-612, PAN, valid EPF registration certificate along with the copy of the latest challan of E.P.F, Solvency Certificate from a Reputed Bank issued within last 6 (Six) months, copy of the Balance Sheet (duly certified by a Chartered Accountant), list of works executed within last three years, list of works in hand along with self-attested copies of supporting documents and Turn-over certificates for last three years. 4. In case of item rate tender, bidders shall fill in their rates other than zero value in the specified cells. 5. The Bidder must possess Compatible Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) of Appropriate Class. 6. Bids received on “on-line” shall be opened in the office of the Chief General Manager (Civil), IDCO, IDCO Towers, Bhubaneswar in the presence of bidders who wish to attend. Bidders who participated in the bid can witness the opening of bids after logging on to the site through their DSC. If the office happens to be closed on the stipulated date of opening of Bids as specified, the Bids will be opened on the next working day. 7.The packet super scribing Name of the Work and containing Cost of Bid Document & EMD in shape of Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation” payable at Bhubaneswar, Self attested Photo copies of IDCO Vendor /Valid Contract License, Experience Certificate, Clearance Certificate on VAT-612, PAN, Valid EPF Registration Certificate along with the copy of the latest Challan of E.P.F, Solvency Certificate, Annual Turn Over and other relevant documents as specified in the Bid document should reach Chief General Manager (Civil) through Registered post / Speed post only as specified above. The undersigned will not be held any way responsible for any kind of postal delay. Non- receipt of EMD cost of Bid Document & self-attested of other relevant documents as specified above within the stipulated date will lead to rejection of the Bid. 8.The bidder should have executed similar nature of work of value not less than as prescribed in the column in a Single Agreement during Last Three Financial Years and also have to produce necessary certificate regarding successful completion of work from the concerned client. Experience Certificate furnished below the rank of Executive Engineer of Government Department / Public Sector Undertaking will not be accepted. The original Agreement in support of the Experience Certificate submitted by the bidder will be verified before opening of the Financial Bid. 9. The bidder is required to furnish the list of completed work during Last Three Financial Years/ Year wise Turnover of last five years . 10. The bidder is required to furnish the list of major works in hand. 11. Experience Certificate from any Private Organisation will not be entertained. 12. Application from joint venture is not acceptable. 13. Other details can be seen in the Bidding Documents. 14. The authority reserves right to cancel any or all Bids without assigning any reason thereof. 15. Bidders are to submit only original BOQ uploaded by publisher after entering the relevant fields without any alteration / deletion / modification. Multiple BOQ submission shall lead to cancellation of Bid. 16. The bidders are to submit an affidavit in non-judicial stamp paper certifying the documents & information furnished by them are genuine. 17. Corrigendum or Addendum if any will be uploaded only in the e procurement portal www.tendersorissa.gov.in latest by 17.01.2015. Bidders are required to check the Corrigendum or Addendum if any before finally uploading the Bid. 18. For any clarification, the bidders are to consult the undersigned before 16.01.2015. Sd/Chief General Manager (Civil)-I
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