Partneriaeth Ysgol Uwchradd Prestatyn a Chweched Y Rhyl Prestatyn High School and Rhyl Sixth Partnership 2015 Prospectws Cyfunol Joint Prospectus John Gambles John Evans Sharron Smith Sherrie Paterson 02 Design by Tîm Llwybrau Dysgu 14-19 Sir Ddinbych Denbighshire 14-19 Learning Pathways Team Manylion Cyswllt / Contact Details: Ffôn / Phone: 01824 708032 Neges Gan Y Partneriad A Message From The Partners Mae’n hyfrydwch i ni eich bod yn ystyried partneriaeth Chweched Prestatyn a Rhyl (PR6) ar gyfer eich astudiaethau yn y chweched dosbarth. We are delighted that you are considering choosing the Prestatyn and Rhyl Sixth Partnership (PR6) for your sixth form studies. Mae PR6 yn bartneriaeth rhwng Ysgol Uwchradd Prestatyn a Chweched y Rhyl (sydd yn rhan o Goleg Llandrillo). Drwy gydweithio, yr ydym wedi gallu cyfuno’r cwricwlwm a chryfderau’r partneriaid i gynnig dewisiadau astudiaethol ehangach yn ogystal a profiad astudio diarhebol. PR6 is a partnership between Prestatyn High School and the Rhyl Sixth (which is part of Coleg Llandrillo). Working together, we have been able to combine the curriculum and the strengths of each of the partners to bring you a wider choice of study options as well as an outstanding study experience. Mae’r prosbectws yma yn rhoi’r gwybodaeth i chi am yr amrediad helaeth o gyrsiau sydd ar gynnig, fel y gallwch roi at ei gilydd rhaglen astudio sydd yn gweddu eich anghenion personol chi. Cewch ddewis o ystod eang o bynciau UG yn ogystal a chyrsiau galwedigaethol, a gallwch adeiladu rhaglen sydd yn cymysgu cyrsiau Lefel A gyda rhai galwedigaethol os dyna yw eich dewis. This prospectus tells you about the extensive range of courses on offer, so that you can put together a study programme to suit your individual needs. You can choose from a wide range of AS subjects as well as vocational courses, and you can build a programme that mixes A Levels and vocational programmes if you wish to do so. Mae nifer o lwybrau drwy opsiynau’r chweched dosbarth. Mae dod o hyd i’r cyfuniad iawn yn bwysig i chi er mwyn sicrhau dilyniant pellach. Dyna pam y cewch hefyd y cyngor, arweiniad a’r cefnogaeth gorau wrth ddewis eich rhaglen astudio ac yn ystod eich amser gyda ni. Mae llwyddiant ein myfyrwyr yn bwysig i ni ac yr ydym yn filch iawn o gyflawniad ein myfyrwyr hyd at hyn. Pa un ai ymuno a PR6 i astudio cyrsiau Lefel A neu rhaglenni galwedigaethol, rydym yn hyderus y cewch profiad pleserus a gwerthfawr. There are many pathways through the sixth form options. Finding the right combination is important to your further progression. This is why you will also be given first rate advice, guidance and support both in choosing your programme of study and during your time with us. The success of our students is important to us and we are very proud of our students’ achievements to date. Whether you join the PR6 to study A Levels or vocational programmes, we are confident that you will find it an enjoyable and rewarding experience. We look forward to welcoming you in the near future. Edrychwn ymlaen i’ch croesawu yn y dyfodol agos. Phil Pierce Dafydd Evans B.Sc. M.Sc. Pennaeth / Headteacher Prestatyn High School B.Sc. CIPFA Prifathro / Principal Coleg Llandrillo 03 Camau Nesaf Next Steps Yn fuan byddwch yn gorffen eich addysg gorfodol ac yn dewis beth i’w wneud nesaf. You will soon be completing your compulsory education and be choosing what to do next. EICH DEWISIADAU YW: YOUR CHOICES ARE: • Swydd sy’n golygu rhagor o hyfforddiant, megis prentisiaeth neu eich rhyddhau am y diwrnod i’r coleg • A job involving further training, such as an apprenticeship or day release to college • A job without training • Swydd heb hyfforddiant • A full-time course at a college • Cwrs amser llawn mewn coleg • A full-time course in the Sixth Form • Cwrs amser llawn yn y Chweched Dosbarth • Combination of some of these elements • Cyfuniad o rai o’r elfennau hyn Cewch llawer o gymorth ac arweiniad gan diwtoriaid ysgol a choleg, yr Annogwyr Dysgu, Tiwtoriaid Personol, staff Cyngor ac Arweiniad a Gyrfa Cymru sydd yno i’ch helpu wneud y dewisiadau cywir, ond eich dyletswydd chi yw gofyn! You will get lots of support and guidance from tutors in school and college, the Learning Coaches, Personal Tutors, Advice and Guidance staff and Careers Wales who are all there to help you make the right choices, but it is up to you to ask! You can also find out a lot for yourself by checking school, college, university and other websites and publications such as prospectuses and course guides. Gallwch hefyd ddarganfod llawer drosoch chi eich hun drwy wirio gwefannau ysgolion, colegau, prifysgolion a gwefannau eraill a chyhoeddiadau megis prosbectysau a chanllawiau cyrsiau. Ym mis Medi 2015 bydd gennych y dewis o gyrsiau Safon Uwch, Uwch Gyfrannol, cyrsiau Cyffredinol a Galwedigaethol Lefel 3 a chyrsiau eraill ar gael o fewn Partneriaeth ôl-16 Ysgol Uwchradd Prestatyn a Chweched Y Rhyl. Yn ychwanegol i’r cyrsiau yma, gall eich rhaglenni astudiaeth hefyd gynnwys Llythrennedd, Rhifedd a’r Fagloriaeth Cymru. Mae’r dewisiadau a amlinellir yn y prosbectws hwn yn rhoi esboniad sylfaenol o’r cwrs a’r cymhwyster sydd ar gael ac fe fyddent yn cael eu hamserlennu i’ch galluogi chi fynd i’r cyrsiau ar y wahanol safleoedd. Dylech fel arfer fod wedi cyflawni 5 TGAU graddau A* - C neu cymwysterau Lefel 2 cyfwerth a hyn cyn eich derbyn ar gyrsiau UG / Lefel 3, ond gofynnwch i’ch tiwtor. Efallai bod rhai pynciau hefyd yn gofyn am lefelau llwyddiant penodol eraill yn TGAU, BTEC neu City & Guilds. Nodwch y cynnigir pob cwrs cyhyd a bod nifer digonol o ddysgwyr ar gael. In September 2015 you will have the choice of Advanced, Advanced Supplementary, General and Vocational Level 3 and other courses available in the Prestatyn High School and Rhyl Sixth post-16 Partnership. In addition to these courses, your programmes of study may also include Literacy, Numeracy and the Welsh Baccalaureate. The choices outlined in this prospectus give a basic explanation of the course and qualification available and they will be timetabled to enable you to attend the courses at the different sites. You should normally have achieved 5 GCSEs at grades A* - C or Level 2 equivalent qualifications before being accepted on AS / Level 3 courses, but do ask your tutor. Some subjects may also require other specific levels of achievement in GCSE, BTEC or City & Guilds. Please note that all courses are offered subject to there being a viable number of learners. 04 Cynnwys Contents Neges gan y Partneriaid Message from the Partners 03 Camau Nesaf Next Steps 04 Pam dewis Partneriaeth Ysgol Uwch Prestatyn a Chweched Y Rhyl? Why choose Prestatyn High School and Rhyl Sixth Partnership? 06 Bywyd yn y Chweched Dosbarth Life in the Sixth Form 08 Dy Gefnogi di a’th Dysgu Supporting You and Your Learning 10 Cymorth a Chyngor Help and Advice 13 Bagloriaeth Cymru Welsh Baccalaureate 14 Cymwysterau Qualifications 16 Pa Gwrs? Which Course? 17 Mynd o Gwmpas Getting Around 18 Amserlen ar gyfer Cludiant PR6 Timetable for PR6 Transport 19 Enghraifft Amserlen Timetable Example 20 Rhestr o Gyrsiau Lefel Uwch Gyfrannol (UG) a Lefel 3 List of Advanced Supplementary Level (AS) and Level 3 Courses 21 - 42 Gwybodaeth Pellach Further Information 43 Manylion Cyswllt Contact Details 44 Pam dewis Partneriaeth Ysgol Uwchradd Prestatyn a Chweched Y Rhyl? Why choose Prestatyn High School and Rhyl Sixth Partnership? Gweledigaeth Mae Partneriaeth Ysgol Uwchradd Prestatyn a Chweched Y Rhyl yn ddarparwr arwyddocaol o addysg pellach i’r oedran 16-19 ym Mhrestatyn, Y Rhyl a’r ardal o amgylch. Rydym yn enwog fel partneriaeth all gynnig yr amrywiaeth ehangaf o gyrsiau sydd yn cyfarparu myfyrwyr gyda’r cymwysterau a’r sgiliau am ddyfodol llwyddiannus mewn addysg uwch ac mewn gwaith. Rydym yn darparu y cyfleon gorau ar gyfer amrywiaeth eang o fyfyrwyr. Gwerthoedd Mae gan Partneriaeth Ysgol Uwchradd Prestatyn a Chweched Y Rhyl disgwyliadau uchel o’i fyfyrwyr a’i staff i sicrhau caiff cyfle, dilyniant a llwyddiant ei gyflawni. Rydym yn herio a chefnogi myfyrwyr ymhob agwedd o’u bywyd yn y chweched i sicrhau eu bod yn gwneud eu gorau i gyflawni ein disgwyliadau. Ymrwymiad • Ymrwymwn i wella ansawdd y dysgu ac addysgu yn barhaol drwy dysgeidiaeth gwych. • Ymrwymwn i ddod a cyfartalwch a tegwch i bob agwedd o fywyd y chweched dosbarth. • Ymrwymwn i fonitro eich presenoldeb ac i adolygu eich cynnydd yn rheolaidd ymhob pwnc. • Ymrwymwn i gysylltu a’ch teulu, i yrru adroddiadau’n rheolaidd ac i’w gwahodd i nosweithiau adolygiad i fyfyrwyr. Adnoddau Mae gennym dewis eang o bynciau cyffredinol a galwedigaethol fel y gallwch dewis y cyfuniad sydd yn siwtio’n orau gydach sefyllfa personol. Mae gennym athrawon a darlithwyr gyda’r cymwysterau uchaf sydd yn arbenigo yn eu pynciau. Mae adrannau astudio i chi ddefnyddio tu allan i’r dosbarth gyda’r technoleg cyfredol, llyfrgell ac ardaloedd gwaith eraill gyda PCs a mynediad i’r rhyngrwyd. Cefnogaeth i’r addysgu drwy ddarparu labordai, gweithdai ac ystafelloed cyfrifiaduron gyda’r offer cyfredol. Ardaloedd cymdeithasol ar gyfer amser rhwng gwersi. Rydym yn cynnig cefnogaeth ardderchog i’n holl myfyrwyr gan arbenigwyr ar gael ymhob safle ac mae cyngor gyrfaol gwych yn cael ei ddarparu gan Gyrfa Cymru. Vision Prestatyn High School and Rhyl Sixth Partnership is a significant provider of further education for 16-19 year olds in Prestatyn, Rhyl and the surrounding areas. We are distinguished as a partnership that can offer the widest range of courses that equip students with the qualifications and skills for a successful future in higher education and employment. We provide the best opportunities for a wide range of students. Values Prestatyn High School and Rhyl Sixth Partnership has high expectations of students and staff so that opportunity, progression and success can be achieved. We challenge and support students in all aspects of their sixth form life to ensure they do their best and fulfil our expectations. Commitment • We commit to continuously improve the quality of learning by excellent teaching. • We commit to bringing equality and fairness to all aspects of sixth form life. • We commit to monitor your attendance and regularly review your progress in each subject area. • We commit to liaise with your family, send them regular reports and invite them to student review evenings. Resources We have a wide choice of general and vocational subjects available so you can choose the combination that suits your personal situation. We have highly qualified teachers and lecturers that specialise in their subject areas. There are study areas for you to use outside the classroom with up to date technology, a library and other work areas with PCs and internet access. Well equipped laboratories, workshops and computer suites support learning. There are social areas for times between lessons. We offer excellent support and guidance to our students provided by specialist staff available on each site and we have excellent careers advice provided by Careers Wales. • We commit to help you plan your programme of study and help you plan for your future. • Ymrwymwn i helpu gynllunio eich rhaglen astudiaeth ac helpu chi gynllunio eich dyfodol. 06 Mae’r cyfleusterau yn yr ysgol a’r coleg o safon uchel er mwyn sicrhau fod y profiad 6ed dosbarth y gorau gallai fod ar gyfer myfyrwyr ac athrawon. The facilities in the school and college are of a high standard to ensure that the 6th form experience is the best it can be for both students and teachers. 07 Bywyd yn y Chweched Dosbarth Life in the Sixth Form Yn ogystal a’r gallu i ddewis rhwng amrywiaeth llawer ehangach o gyrsiau ym Mhartneriaeth Ysgol Uwchradd Prestatyn a Chweched Y Rhyl, byddwch yn gallu ymglymu eich hunan ym ‘mhrofiad’ y chweched dosbarth yn gyfan gwbl. 08 Mae amrywiaeth helaeth o weithgareddau, clybiau a chyfleoedd i wneud gwaith wirfoddol yn yr ysgol neu coleg ac yn y cymuned lleol; bydd hyn yn helpu datblygu eich sgiliau ehangach a chyfrannu tuag at eich CV. Gallwch hefyd ennill cymwysterau ychwanegol! Ymgyfoethogi’r Cwricwlwm Mae mwy i addysg ym Mhartneriaeth Ysgol Uwchradd Prestatyn a Chweched Y Rhyl na drwy’r cyrsiau byddwch yn ei astudio. Mae’r rhaglen ymgyfoethogi’r cwricwlwm yn eich darparu gyda profiadau ychwanegol i gefnogi eich datblygiad ac i’ch helpu ar y cam nesaf o’r ymdaith. Bydd nifer fawr o gyfleoedd i gymeryd rhan mewn agweddau ymgyfoethogi’r cwricwlwm a all gynnwys rhai o’r canlynol yn dibynnu ar amgylchiadau ar y pryd: Menter Ifanc – enillwch brofiad ymarferol o fusnes a menter drwy sefydlu a rhedeg eich cwmni eich hun fel rhan o dim. Dadlau – y nod yw i annog pobl ifanc o gefndiroedd amrywiol mewn dadleuon gydag athrawon, darlithydd ac oedolion eraill am faterion allweddol cymdeithasol, moesol a diwylliannol. Mae’n bosib fydd y rhaglen hefyd yn cynnwys cystadleuaeth genedlaethol. Cynhadleddau UCAS – yn flynyddol mae nifer o’m myfyrwyr yn cael cyfle i ymweld a Chonfensiwn Addysg Uwch mewn brifysgol i siarad a chynrychiolwyr o bron 130 brifysgolion, colegau a chyfundrefni perthnasol eraill. Mae’r ymweliad yn rhan o raglen sydd hefyd yn cynnwys prifysgolion yn ymweld a Partneriaeth Ysgol Uwchradd Prestatyn a Chweched Y Rhyl yn ystod y flwyddyn i roi’r cynnig gorau i chi o lwyddiant pan yn cyflwyno eich cais. Codi arian dros Elusennau – pob blwyddyn mae Partneriaeth Ysgol Uwchradd Prestatyn a Chweched Y Rhyl yn trefnu achlysuron i godi arian ac yn y blynyddoedd diweddar mae swm arwyddocaol o arian wedi ei godi er lles nifer o elusennau. Ymweliadau a Gwibdaithau perthynol i Gyrsiau – mae amryw wibdaith ac ymweliad yn cael ei drefnu gan adrannau pwnc sydd a’r nod o amlygu esiamplau’r byd go iawn o gynnwys y cwrs i chi ac i annog fwy o ddealldwriaeth. Chwaraeon a Gweithgareddau Corfforol – mae nifer o gyfleoedd i chi gymeryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau corfforol yn anffurfi ol neu drwy’r rhaglen 5 X 60. Mae’r amgylchedd chweched dosbarth yn gadarnhaol iawn ac yn gyfeillgar gyda llawer o gyfleoedd i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau academaidd a chymdeithasol. The sixth form environment is really positive and friendly with loads of opportunities to be involved in academic and social activities. As well as being able to choose from a much wider range of subject choices in the Prestatyn High School and Rhyl Sixth Partnership, you will also be able to involve yourself in the whole Sixth Form ‘experience’. There are a whole variety of activities, clubs and opportunities to do voluntary work in school or college and in the local community; this will help you to develop your wider skills and competencies to build your CV. You can even gain extra qualifications! Curriculum Enrichment There is more to learning in the Prestatyn High School and Rhyl Sixth Partnership than just through the courses you study. The curriculum enrichment programme provides you with additional experiences to support your development and to help you on the next stage of your journey. You will have many opportunities to take part in aspects of the curriculum enrichment programme which might include some of the following, depending on circumstances at the time: Young Enterprise - gain practical experience of business and enterprise through setting up and running your own company as part of a team. Debating - the aim is to encourage young people from diverse backgrounds in debate with teachers, lecturers and other adults about key social, ethical and cultural issues. The programme might also include taking part in a national competition. UCAS Conventions - each year, many of our students are given the opportunity to visit a Higher Education Convention at an university to talk to representatives from up to 130 universities, colleges and other relevant organisations. The visit is part of a programme which also includes speakers from universities visiting the Prestatyn High School and Rhyl Sixth Partnership during the year to give you the best possible chance of success when you submit your application. Raising money for Charities - each year the Prestatyn High School and Rhyl Sixth Partnership will engage in charity fundraising events and in recent years a significant amount of money has been raised for the benefit of various charities. Course-related trips and visits - various trips and visits are arranged by subject departments during the year, designed to highlight some real-world examples of the course content for you and encourage greater understanding. Sports & Physical Activity there are many opportunities for you to take part in physical activities informally or through the 5 X 60 programme. 09 Dy Gefnogi di a’th Dysgu Supporting You and Your Learning Er bydd dy statws yn newid o fod yn ddisgybl i fod yn fyfyriwr, byddi’n dal i dderbyn llawer o gefnogaeth i’th alluogi i ddatblygu. Although your status will be changing from being a pupil to that of a student, you will still get a lot of support to help you progress. Cefnogaeth Personol ac Arweiniad Personal Support and Guidance Ceir hwn yn bennaf gan dy Diwtor Personol a byddi fwy na thebyg mewn cysylltiad dyddiol gydag ef/hi, ond hefyd byddi’n cael cymorth gan staff arbenigol gyda phrofiad arbennig mewn meysydd fel LCA (Lwfans Cynhaliaeth Addysg), UCAS (ymgeisio am brifysgol), cyfweliadau ayyb. Bydd dy Bennaeth Chweched Dosbarth neu Gynghorwr Myfyrwyr yn rhoi gwybod i ti pwy sy’n gwneud beth. Bydd cyfle i ti gael cymorth arbenigol cyfrinachol os oes gennyt unrhyw faterion personol, iechyd neu ymgartrefu. Gall dy Diwtor Personol roi cymorth i ti eu cael. Cefnogi Dysgu Bydd dy athrawon pwnc yn rhoi cymorth i ti ddatblygu dy sgiliau pwnc er mwyn cyflawni hyd gorau dy allu, ond cofia fod gennyt fynediad at Anogwr Dysgu cymwysedig i’th helpu i fod yn ddysgwr mwy effeithiol. Edrych ar yr adran ar dudalen 13 i weld yr hyn sydd gan y gwasanaeth Anogwyr Dysgu i’w gynnig. Fe fyddi hefyd yn derbyn cefnogaeth i wella unrhyw angenhion Sgiliau Allweddol sydd gennyt. 10 Profiad Gwaith Bydd Gyrfa Cymru yn gwirio dy leoliad Profiad Gwaith gan roi cyfle i ti wneud cais am “swydd”, cyflwyno dy hun mewn golau ffafriol, dangos dy fod yn gallu cadw amser da ac ystod eang o sgiliau eraill gan gynnwys gweithio ar dy ben dy hun ac fel aelod o dîm. Gall lleoliad profiad gwaith llwyddiannus olygu geirda derbyniol arall! Cyngor Ac Arweiniad Gyrfa Byddi’n dal i allu cael cyngor arbenigol gan dy athro gyrfa yn yr ysgol gan dy Cynghorwr Dysgu Arbenigol o Gyrfa Cymru ac yng Ngholeg. Yn arferol byddi’n gwneud trefniadau ar gyfer cyfarfodydd a sesiynau cynghori drwy dy Diwtor Personol, Cynghorwr Myfyrwyr neu Bennaeth y Chweched Dosbarth. Mae’n bwysig cofnodi dy holl gyfarfodydd yn dy gofnodion personol ar Gyrfa Cymru Ar-lein, lle byddi’n adeiladu dy CV.. This will come primarily from your Personal Tutor with whom you will probably have daily contact, but you will also have help from specialist staff with particular experience of things such as the EMA (Educational Maintenance Allowance), UCAS (applying for University), interviews etc. Your Head of Sixth Form or dedicated Student Adviser will let you know who does what. You will also be able to access confidential specialist support if you have any more personal, health or housing issues. Your Personal Tutor can help you access this. Learning Support Your subject teachers will help you develop your subject skills to achieve as highly as possible, but do remember that you also have access to a qualified Learning Coach to help you be a more effective learner. Take a look at the section on page 13 to see what the Learning Coach service can offer. You will also get help and support to improve your basic skills as needed. Work Experience Your Work Experience placement will be vetted by Careers Wales and give you an opportunity to make an application for a ‘job’, present yourself in a favourable light, demonstrate that you are a good timekeeper and a whole range of other skills including working on your own and as a member of a team. A good work placement can also mean another good reference! Career Advice and Guidance You will be able to continue to get expert advice from your careers teacher in school, your specialist Careers Wales adviser and in college. Normally you will make arrangements for meetings and advice sessions through your Personal Tutor or Head of Sixth Form or dedicated Student Adviser. It is important to log all your meetings in your personal records on Careers Wales Online where you will build your CV. Mae Partneriaeth Ysgol Uwchradd Prestatyn a Chweched y Rhyl yn cynnig amrywiaeth o gyrsiau sy’n addas i bron pawb, a gyflwynir mewn cyfleusterau modern gydag offer da gan staff profiadol. Ynghyd â’i ysbryd cymunedol gyfeillgar a chefnogol, mae’r Bartneriaeth yn ddewis boblogaidd gyda myfyrwyr ôl-16 yn ardal y Rhyl a Phrestatyn. The Prestatyn High School and Rhyl Sixth Partnership offers a range of courses to suit almost everyone, delivered in wellequipped and modern facilities by experienced staff. Combined with its friendly and supportive community spirit, the Partnership is a popular choice with post-16 students in the Rhyl and Prestatyn area. I came to Rhyl 6th after I finished school as I always wanted to do A Levels after my GCSEs. I love how the course challenged me and pushed me to achieve my potential goals. My tutors are amazing and they care about every student and make sure we are happy with the course. Alex Lightfoot Rhyl 6th, Sociology, English Language and English Literature Cymorth a Chyngor Help and Advice Mae cymorth a chyngor ar gael i unrhyw un ifanc 14 - 19 oed, mewn addysg llawn-amser neu pheidio. Mae Anogwyr Dysgu yn cynnig cyngor ac arweiniad diduedd cyfrinachol i alluogi pobl ifanc wneud dewisiadau gwybodus a realistaidd. Help and advice is available to any young person aged 14 to 19, whether in full-time education or not. Learning Coaches offer confidential impartial advice and guidance to enable young people to make realistic informed choices. • Os oes gennyt unrhyw broblem, gallwn dy helpu i’w ddatrys neu dy gyfeirio at yr unigolyn cywir fydd yn gallu helpu os bydd angen. • If you have any problems we can help you to sort them out or if necessary direct you to the person who can. • Helpu gyda gwaith cwrs, gwaith cartref a sgiliau astudio. • Help with coursework, homework and study skills. • Helpu ymdopi â straen arholiadau. • Help to cope with exam stress. • Rydym yn cynnig cymorth i unrhyw un sydd mewn perygl o gael ei wahardd neu ei ddiarddel. • We offer support to anyone in danger of being excluded or expelled. • P’un a wyt yn ddisgybl A* neu ar fin rhoi’r gorau i bopeth oherwydd bod y frwydr wedi mynd yn ormod bydd yr Anogwyr Dysgu a Thiwtoriaid Personol yno i dy gefnogi. • Whether you’re an A* pupil or just about to throw it all in because the struggle has got too much, the Learning Coaches and Personal Tutors are there to help you. • Siaradwch â anogwr dysgu beth bynnag fo’r amgylchiadau. Maent yn gyfeillgar, ddim yn barnu ac yn gallu helpu beth bynnag fo’r sefyllfa. Mae gan bob ysgol a choleg Anogwyr Dysgu neu Thiwtoriaid Personol. • Talk to a Learning Coach whatever the circumstances. They are friendly, non-judgemental and can help whatever the situation. Every school and college has Learning Coaches or Personal Tutors. 01824 708 058 / 07824 301 154 neu ebost: [email protected] 01824 708 058 / 07824 301 154 or email: [email protected] The English course gave me an insight into how the language has adapted and developed over time. The English department as a whole are very useful and dependable and have given me a good writing experience which will stay with me as I go further into education. Paige Shardlow Prestatyn High Sixth, English Literature, Applied Science and History 13 Bagloriaeth Cymru Welsh Baccalaureate Mae Bagloriaeth Cymru yn cyfuno profiadau a phrosiectau sy’n eich datblygu fel unigolyn, ac yn eich paratoi ar gyfer y camau nesaf – ar gyfer gwaith, prifysgol a bywyd. Mae’r cymhwyster yn gyfwerth a Lefel A ac i gyflawni gofynion y cymhwyster rhaid i chi gwblhau Rhaglen Graidd o weithgareddau, ynghyd â’ch cymwysterau ategol eraill yr ydych yn dewis o blith cymwysterau academaidd neu galwedigaethol. Mae eich cymwysterau ategol yn cael eu dethol o blith cyrsiau sefydledig fel TGAU, TAG Safon Uwch ac Uwch Gyfrannol, IVETs neu CVETs (gweler tudalen 16). Bydd y rhaglen Graidd yn datblygu eich Sgiliau Hanfodol trwy fwy o ehangder a chydbwysedd yn y profiad. Mae’n gwella eich sgiliau presennol ac yn adeiladu ar eich diddordebau. Bydd gofyn i chi i gynhyrchu prosiect unigol a cymryd rhan mewn tair her i gwblhau’r rhaglen Graidd. Bydd yr heriau cael ei drefnu gan yr ysgol / coleg lle byddwch yn dilyn y rhaglen graidd. Cymwysterau Ategol • TGAU Iaith Saesneg neu Cymraeg Iaith Cyntaf gradd A * - C • TGAU Mathemateg (Rhifedd) gradd A * - C • Dwy Lefel A neu cymwyster cyfwerth a Lefel 3 Rhaglen Craidd Prosiect Unigol (50%) Datblygu ac arddangos gwybodaeth a sgiliau i gynhyrchu prosiect sy’n seiliedig ar ymchwil; naill ai adroddiad ysgrifenedig neu arteffact / cynnyrch a gefnogir gan dystiolaeth ysgrifenedig. Her Menter a Datblygu sgiliau a phriodoleddau mentrus a gwella cyflogadwyedd. Chyflogadwyedd (20%) Her Dinesydd Byd-eang (15%) Deall ac ymateb yn briodol i fater byd-eang. Her Cymunedol (15%) Adnabod, datblygu a chymryd rhan mewn cyfleoedd a fydd o fudd i’r gymuned leol. Mae datblygiad y sgiliau canlynol yn cael ei ymgorffori ar draws y Craidd a bydd cymwysterau ategol yn cael eu hasesu drwy’r Heriau yma; Llythrennedd Digidol, Meddwl yn Feirniadol a Datrys Problemau, Effeithiolrwydd Personol, Cynllunio a Threfnu a Creadigrwydd ac Arloesedd. Uwch Bagloriaeth Cymru Mae’r cymhwyster Bagloriaeth Cymru yn cael ei raddio A * - E ac mae’n denu pwyntiau UCAS cyfwerth. Mae’n cael ei gynnwys mewn cynigion gan Brifysgolion ledled y DU, ac mae’n gydnabyddiaeth ffurfiol bod y profiadau a’r sgiliau a geir yn werthfawr wrth astudio ar lefel gradd a thu hwnt. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am Fagloriaeth Cymru ewch i a dilynwch y ddolen i’r safle Cymwysterau Cymru. 14 The Welsh Baccalaureate combines experiences and projects that help you to develop as an individual, and will equip you for the next steps – for work, university and for life. The qualification is equivalent to an A Level and to fulfil the requirements of the qualification you must complete a Core Programme of activities, along with your other supporting qualifications, which you choose from academic or vocational qualifications. Your supporting qualifications are selected from established courses such as GCSEs, AS/A Levels, IVETs or CVETs (see page 16). The Core programme will develop your Essential Skills through a greater breadth and balance of experience. It improves your existing skills and builds on your interests. You will be required to produce an individual project and take part in three challenges to complete the Core programme. The challenges will be organised by the school at which you follow the core programme. Supporting Qualifications • GCSE English Language or Welsh First Language grade A* - C • GCSE Mathematics (Numeracy) grade A* - C • Two A Levels or Level 3 equivalents Core Programme Individual Project (50%) Develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills to produce a research based project; either a written account or an artefact / product supported by written evidence. Enterprise & Employability Challenge (20%) Develop enterprising skills and attributes and enhance employability. Global Citizen Challenge (15%) Understand and respond appropriately to a global issue. Community Challenge (15%) Identify, develop and participate in opportunities that will benefit the local community. The development of the following skills is embedded across the Core and supporting qualifications and will be assessed through these Challenges; Digital Literacy, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Personal Effectiveness, Planning and Organising and Creativity and Innovation. Advanced Welsh Baccalaureate The Welsh Baccalaureate qualification is graded A* - E and attracts the equivalent UCAS points. It is included in offers from Universities across the UK, and is formal recognition that the experiences and skills gained are valuable when studying at degree level and beyond. For more information on the Welsh Baccalaureate please visit and follow the link to the Qualifications Wales site. 15 Cymwysterau Qualifications Mae’r bartneriaeth yn cynnig cyrsiau TGAU, TAG (Safon Uwch neu Uwch Gyfrannol), IVET (fel BTEC a City & Guilds) a CVET (yn bennaf City & Guilds). Mae cyrsiau IVET yn cynnig cyflwyniad cyffredinol i feysydd galwedigaethol a gellir eu astudio mewn ysgolion a cholegau; mae CVET yn gyrsiau galwedigaethol arbenigol sy’n cymhwyso’r deiliad i weithio mewn swyddi penodol ac maent ar gael yn y coleg yn unig. Mae pob cymwyster bellach yn cael ei fesur ar un raddfa er mwyn iddynt fod yn gyfartal. Mae’r dull yma o fesur perfformiad yn sicrhau bod cymwysterau o bob math, ar yr un lefel, yn cael eu cydnabod fel cymwysterau â statws a gwerth cyfartal. The partnership offers GCSE, GCE (A or AS Levels), IVET (such as BTEC and City & Guilds) and CVET (mainly City & Guilds) courses. IVET courses offer a general introduction to vocational areas and can be studied in schools and colleges; CVET are specialist vocational courses that qualify the holder to work in specific jobs and are available only in college. All qualifications are now measured on a single scale so that they are equivalent. This method of measuring performance ensures that qualifications of all types, at the same level, are recognised as qualifications having the same status and value. Trothwy Lefel 2 Level 2 Threshold Cymwysterau cyfwerth mewn cyflawniad â 5 TGAU ar raddau A* – C. Qualifications equivalent in achievement to 5 GCSE grades A* – C. Trothwy Lefel 2 ‘Plus’ Level 2 Threshold ‘Plus’ Threshold Cymwysterau cyfwerth mewn cyflawniad â 5 TGAU ar raddau Lefel A* – C, gan gynnwys Saesneg a Mathamateg. Qualifications equivalent in achievement to 5 GCSE grades A* – C including English and Mathematics. Trothwy Lefel 3 Level 3 Threshold Cymwysterau cyfwerth eu cyflawniad â 2 radd Safon Uwch. Qualifications equivalent in achievement to 2 A Levels. Mae ‘Tystysgrif’ Lefel 3 yn gyfwerth ei gyflawniad ag 1 Lefel UG. Mae ‘Diploma Atodol’ Lefel 3 yn gyfwerth ei gyflawniad ag 1 Lefel A. Mae ‘Diploma’ Level 3 yn gyfwerth ei gyflawniad â 2 Lefel A. Level 3 ‘Certificate’ is equivalent in achievement to 1 AS Level. Level 3 ‘Subsidiary Diploma’ is equivalent in achievement to 1 A Level. Level 3 ‘Diploma’ is equivalent in achievement to 2 A Levels. I symud ymlaen i gyrsiau Lefel 3, disgwylir y byddwch wedi cyflawni 100% o’r trothwy Lefel 2. Byddwch yn ymwybodol hefyd y gall rhai pynciau hefyd ofyn am lefelau cyflawniad penodol eraill mewn TGAU neu IVET i symud ymlaen i astudiaeth Lefel 3 ynddynt. Mae gan cyrsiau CVET ofynion mynediad gwahanol. To progress onto Level 3 courses it is expected that you will have achieved 100% of the Level 2 threshold. Be aware also that some subjects may also require other specific levels of achievement in GCSE or IVET to progress to Level 3 study in them. CVET courses have different entry requirements. Os nad ydych wedi ennill gradd C mewn Mathemateg neu Saesneg TGAU, mae’n rhaid i chi ail-eisteddl y cymhwyster i barhau. Bydd eich ysgol / coleg yn eich cynghori sut y gallwch wneud hyn. Mae gan pob cymhwyster ar Lefel 3 neu uwch pwynt tariff UCAS sydd wedi ei gytuno fel bo modd gwneud cymhariaeth hawdd rhwng cymwysterau a’r graddau cyflawniad ynddynt: If you have not achieved a grade C in Mathematics or English GCSE, you must retake the qualification to continue. Your school / college will advise you how you can do this. All qualifications at Level 3 or above have an agreed UCAS point tariff which is used for easy comparison between qualifications and grades achieved in them: Graddau Cymwhysterau a Pwyntiau Tariff UCAS Diploma Atodol Lefel 3 TAG Lefel Uwch a TAGG Dynodiant* A* Dynodiant A TAG Lefel UG a TAG UG B Teilyngdod C D A B Pasio E C D E Pwyntiau Tariff UCAS 140 120 100 80 60 50 40 30 20 Mae Partneriaeth Ysgol Uwchradd Prestatyn a Chweched Y Rhyl yn cynnig dewis eang iawn o gyrsiau Uwch Gyfrannol a chyrsiau Lefel 3 eraill a cewch dewis dilyn cyfuniad o gyrsiau cyffredinol a galwedigaethol i sicrhau’r cymwysterau mwyaf priodol i chi a’ch dewis o yrfa neu llwybr ar gyfer y dyfodol. 16 Qualification Grades and UCAS Tariff Points Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma GCE A Level and AVCE Distinction* A* Distinction A GCE AS Level and AS VCE B Merit C D A B Pass E C D E UCAS Tariff Points 140 120 100 80 60 50 40 30 20 The Prestatyn High School and Rhyl Sixth Partnership offers a very wide choice of AS and other Level 3 courses from which you can choose a combination of general and vocational subjects to get the right mix of qualifications for you and your chosen career or future pathway. Pa Gwrs? Which Course? Y cyngor gorau, mae’n siwr, fyddai: • Dewis y pynciau y byddi yn mwynhau eu astudio dros y ddwy flynedd nesaf. •D ewis y pynciau y bydd eu hangen arnot ar gyfer y maes gwaith neu yrfa rwyt wedi ei ddewis. •D ewis y pynciau y bydd eu hangen arnot ar gyfer astudiaeth uwch yn y Brifysgol. Dewis pynciau y byddi yn eu mwynhau: Ceisia ddarganfod cymaint ag y galli di am yr holl bynciau rwyt yn eu hystyried. Mae gwybodaeth yn y prosbectws hwn a rhestr o’r hyn sydd ar gael. Siarada gydag athrawon y pynciau yn yr ysgol/ coleg, cer i’r diwrnod agored neu ddigwyddiadau gyda nos a cer i sesiynau blasu lle maent i’w cael. Galli di hefyd ddysgu llawer am y pynciau ar y we, ac mae’r manylebau ar gyfer UG, A2 a BTEC ar gael ar wefannau’r Cyrff Dyfarnu. Home.aspx Os yw’r cwrs mewn ysgol neu goleg ar wahân i’th ysgol gartref, edrycha ar eu gwefannau (mae’r cyfeiriadau ar dudalen 44). Dewis pwnc sydd ei angen arnot ar gyfer eich llwybr gyrfaol: Mae gwefan Gyrfa Cymru’n adnodd arbennig o dda os wyt yn gwybod beth rwyt am ei wneud. Galli di gynnal chwiliad gyrfa a dysgu bron popeth sydd angen ei wybod gan gynnwys cyflog, niferoedd y swyddi gwag a sut i gael gwaith yn y maes hwnnw, ac hyd yn oed rhai o’r pynciau sydd angen ei astudio i geisio am swydd yn y maes hwnnw. The best advice, probably, would be: even some of the subjects you need to have studied to apply. • Choose subjects you will enjoy studying for the next 2 years. • Choose subjects that you will need for your chosen job area or career. Bydd Gwybodaeth am y Farchnad Lafur (LMI) yn dweud wrthoch chi am ragolygon cyflogaeth a lle y bydd y swyddi yn y dyfodol. • Choose subjects that you will need for higher level study at University. Dewis pynciau er mwyn cael mynediad i addysg uwch: Find out as much as you can about all the subjects you are considering. There is information in this prospectus and a list of what is available. Speak to the subject teachers in school/college, go to the open day or evening events and attend taster sessions where they are offered. You can also find out a lot from the web about all subjects, and the specifications for AS, A2 and BTEC can be found on the web sites of the Awarding Bodies. Unwaith yn rhagor mae llawer i’w weld ar wefan Gyrfa Cymru felly cer yno yn gyntaf. Mae safle UCAS hefyd yn rhagorol: Drwy chwilio am gyrsiau byddi yn gweld beth sydd ar gael a ble y galli di gael gafael arno, ynghyd â gwybodaeth arall fel costau. Fe ddoi di ar draws gyrsiau ag enwau nad wyt wedi clywed sôn amdanynt o’r blaen, ond edrycha arnynt! Os wyt yn gwybod pa gwrs sydd o ddiddordeb yna ffonia y Tiwtoriaid Derbyn, dywed wrthynt ba bynciau rwyt yn eu hystyried a gofyn iddynt am eu barn. Byddent yn falch o’th gynghori ac efallai y cei dy synnu! Gellir cael manylion yr holl gysylltiadau Prifysgol drwy UCAS. Ar ôl gwneud dy ymchwil, siarada â’th athrawon neu dy ymgynghorwyr gyrfaoedd yn yr ysgol er mwyn gweld ai’r hyn sy’n cael ei gynnig yw’r hyn rwyt yn siwr dy fod eisiau ei wneud. Choosing subjects you will enjoy: Home.aspx If a course is at a school or college other than your base school, have a look at their websites (addresses on p44). Choosing a subject you need for your career pathway: The Careers Wales website is a really good resource if you know what you want to do. You can carry out a career search and find out just about everything you need to know including pay, the number of vacancies and how to get into working in that area, The Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) will tell you about employment prospects and where the jobs will be in the future. Choosing subjects to access higher study: Again there is much on the Careers Wales site so check that out first of all. The UCAS site is also excellent: Searching for courses will tell you what is available and where it can be accessed, as well as other information such as costs. You will find courses with names you have not encountered before, but do check them out! If you know which course is of interest to you then phone the Admissions Tutors, tell them what subjects you are thinking about and ask them what they think. They will be pleased to advise and you might just be surprised! All the University contacts can be accessed at UCAS. Once you have done your research, do talk to your teachers or Careers Advisors in school to see that what is on offer is what you really want to do. 17 Mynd o Gwmpas Getting Around I wneud yn siwr dy fod yn cyrraedd dy wersi, mae Partneriaeth Ysgol Uwchradd Prestatyn a Chweched Y Rhyl yn darparu cludiant rhad ac am ddim i’r gwahanol safleoedd ac oddi yno hefyd. Dyma ychydig o wybodaeth am sut i deithio o gwmpas. To make sure that you get to your lessons, the Prestatyn High School and Rhyl Sixth Partnership provides free transport to and from the different sites. Here’s some information on how to get around. Ni ddylet ddefnyddio dy gludiant dy hun i deithio rhwng gwahanol ddarparwyr dysgu. Ni all yr ysgol, y coleg, yr Awdurdod Addysg Lleol na’r Rhwydwaith 14-19 gael eu dal yn gyfrifol os wyt yn defnyddio cludiant gwahanol i’r darpariaeth cymeradwy. You should not use your own transport to travel between different learning providers. The school, college, Local Education Authority and the 14-19 Network cannot be held responsible if you do use transport other than that provided and approved. Bysiau Buses Trwy gydol y dydd, bydd dau fws yn teithio mewn cyfeiriadau gwahanol, tair gwaith y diwrnod, i wneud yn siwr dy fod yn cyrraedd ble rwyt ti eisiau bod. Throughout the day, there will be two buses going in different directions, three times a day to make sure that you get to where you want to be. Os yw’r bws yn hwyr neu os nad yw’n cyrraedd, galli roi gwybod i ni ar ein tudalen Facebook. Dyma’r cyfeiriad ar gyfer y dudalen hon If the bus is late or doesn’t turn up, you can let us know on our Facebook page. The address for this is Rydym yn gwirio’r dudalen yn rheolaidd drwy gydol y dydd, felly gallem geisio datrys unrhyw broblem rwyt yn ei gael. We check the page regularly throughout the day so we could try to sort out any problems for you. Rydych yn cynrychioli eich ysgol / coleg felly cofiwch ddilyn y côd teithio. You are representing your school / college so always follow the travel code. Everything we learn in Rhyl 6th is interesting and is taught in a way which is easy to understand. The college is easily accessible and is small enough that the tutors can give you individual support if it is needed. Ashleigh King Rhyl 6th, Sociology and Maths 18 Amserlen ar gyfer Cludiant PR6 Timetable for PR6 Transport Ysgol / Coleg School / College Taith 1 Trip 1 Taith 2 Trip 2 Taith 3 Trip 3 Chweched y Rhyl / Rhyl Sixth 08.40 11.15 14.45 Pentre Lane, Rhuddlan (request stop) 08.50 11.25 14.55 Ysgol Uwchradd Prestatyn / Prestatyn High School 08.55 11.30 15.00 Taith 1 Trip 1 Taith 2 Trip 2 Taith 3 Trip 3 Ysgol Uwchradd Prestatyn / Prestatyn High School 08.40 11.15 14.45 Highlands Road, Rhuddlan (request stop) 08.45 11.20 14.50 Chweched y Rhyl / Rhyl Sixth 08.55 11.30 15.00 Ysgol / Coleg School / College Nodir: Dylir cyrraedd man aros y bws 5 munud yn gynnar os gwelwch yn dda fel nad ydych yn methu’r bws Note: Please arrive at the bus pick up point 5 minutes earlier than these times to ensure you don’t miss the bus. I decided to attend Rhyl 6th after I finished school as I wanted to continue with further study. The environment is really nice and the content of course material is good. The tutors are really friendly and I would recommend Rhyl 6th to anyone wishing to study after leaving secondary school. Dylan Evans Rhyl 6th, Chemistry, Maths and Physics 19 Enghraifft Amserlen Timetable Example Dyma strwythyr yr amserlen. Mae’r rhestr o’r dewisiadau ym mhob colofn wedi ei ddarparu ar daflen atodol. Amserlen Timetable Llun Monday Mawrth Tuesday 08:40 – 09:00 This is the structure of the timetable. A list of option choices in each block is provided on a separate sheet. Mercher Wednesday Iau Thursday Gwener Friday Arrival – PR6 buses Trip 1 09:00 – 10:00 B E C D A 10:00 – 11:00 B E C D A E C E C 11:00 – 11:20 Break & Registration 11:20 – 11:45 PR6 buses Trip 2 11:45 – 12:45 D A B 12:45 – 13:30 13:30 – 14:30 Lunch Break D A B 14:30 – 15:30 Sixth Form study sessions / PR6 buses Trip 3 15:30 – 16:30 Study sessions / period 6 Defnyddia’r tabl isod i fewnosod dy ddewisiadau. Amserlen Timetable 08:40 – 09:00 Llun Monday Please use the table below to fill in your options. Mawrth Tuesday Mercher Wednesday Iau Thursday Gwener Friday Arrival – PR6 buses Trip 1 09:00 – 10:00 10:00 – 11:00 11:00 – 11:20 Break & Registration 11:20 – 11:45 PR6 buses Trip 2 11:45 – 12:45 12:45 – 13:30 Lunch Break 13:30 – 14:30 20 14:30 – 15:30 Sixth Form study sessions / PR6 buses Trip 3 15:30 – 16:30 Study sessions / period 6 Rhestr o Gyrsiau Lefel Uwch Gyfrannol (UG) a Lefel 3 List of Advanced Supplementary Level (AS) and Level 3 Courses Cwrs Tud Course Page Gofal Anifeiliaid 22 Animal Care 22 Archaeoleg 22 Archeology 22 Celf a Dylunio 23 Art & Design 23 Celf a Dylunio (Celfyddyd Gain) 23 Art & Design (Fine Art) 23 Celf a Dylunio (Graffeg) 23 Art & Design (Graphics) 23 Celf a Dylunio (Tecstiliau) 23 Art & Design (Textiles) 23 Bioleg 24 Biology 24 Astudiaethau Busnes 24 Business Studies 24 Busnes (Cymhwysol) 25 Business (Applied) 25 Cemeg 25 Chemistry 25 Cyfrifiadura 26 Computing 26 Ysgrifennu Creadigol 26 Creative Writing 26 Drama ac Astudiaethau’r Theatr 27 Drama & Theatre Studies 27 Economeg 27 Economics 27 Saesneg Iaith 27 English Language 27 Saesneg Llên 28 English Literature 28 Astudiaethau Amgylcheddol 28 Environmental Studies 28 Ffasiwn a Dillad 29 Fashion and Clothing 29 Astudiaethau Ffilm 29 Film Studies 29 Ffrangeg 29 French 29 Daearyddiaeth 30 Geography 30 Daeareg 30 Geology 30 Llywodraeth a Gwleidyddiaeth 30 Government & Politics 30 Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol 32 Health & Social Care 32 Hanes 32 History 32 Bioleg Ddynol 33 Human Biology 33 Technoleg Gwybodaeth 33 Information Technology 33 Y Gyfraith 33 Law 33 Y Gyfraith Cymhwysol 34 Applied Law 34 Mathamateg 34 Mathematics 34 Astudiaethau’r Cyfryngau 35 Media Studies 35 Cerddoriaeth 35 Music 35 Technoleg Cerddoriaeth 35 Music Technology 35 Celfyddydau Perfformio: Dawns 36 Performing Arts Dance 36 Addysg Gorfforol 36 Physical Education 36 Ffiseg 36 Physics 36 Dylunio Cynnyrch 37 Product Design 37 Seicoleg 37 Psychology 37 Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus 38 Public Services 38 Astudiaethau Crefyddol 38 Religious Studies 38 Gwyddoniaeth Gymhwysol 38 Applied Science 38 Cymdeithaseg 40 Sociology 40 Sbaeneg 40 Spanish 40 Chwaraeon 41 Sport 41 Teithio a Thwristiaeth 42 Travel & Tourism 42 Cymraeg Ail Iaith 42 Welsh Second Language 42 Uwch Bagloriaeth Cymru 42 Advanced Welsh Baccalaureate 42 21 Cyrsiau Lefel Uwch Gyfrannol (UG) a Cyrsiau Lefel 3/Advanced Supplementary Level Courses (AS) and Level 3 Courses CWRS COURSE Gofal Anifeiliaid Diploma Gyfrannol Lefel 3 Animal Care Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma Corff Dyfarnu: Edexcel BTEC Bydd y cwrs Rheolaeth Anifeiliaid yn datblygu eich gwybodaeth a’ch profiad o’r gofal a iechyd o ystod o anifeiliaid domestig ac egsotig. Bydd y cwrs o ddiddordeb i’r rhai sy’n mwynhau gweithio ar aseiniadau yn seiliedig ar brosiectau ac yn dymuno symud ymlaen i gymwysterau pellach yn y diwydiant Gofal a Rheolaeth Anifeiliaid. Gallai pynciau a drafodir yn ystod y cwrs gynnwys bioleg anifeiliaid, ymddygiad a lles anifeiliaid, trin anifeiliaid a gweithio’n ddiogel, rheoli bywyd gwyllt, ecoleg a chadwraeth. Awarding body: Edexcel BTEC The Animal Management course will develop your knowledge and experience of the care and health of a range of animals both domestic and exotic. The course will be of interest to those who enjoy working on project-based assignments and wish to progress to further qualifications in the Animal Care & Management industry. Topics covered during the course might include animal biology, animal behaviour and welfare, animal handling and safe working, wildlife management, ecology & conservation. Llwybrau dilyniant: Astudiaeth pellach ar lefel uwch. Mae cyfleoedd gyrfaol a gwaith yn cynnwys siopau anifeiliaid, siopau anifeiliaid anwes, geneteg ac amryw brentisiaeth. Progression routes: Further study at higher education level. Career and employment opportunities include animal retail outlets, pet shops, genetics and various apprenticeships. Archaeoleg TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Archaeology Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: AQA Archaeoleg yw’r pwnc eithaf i’r myfyriwr amryddawn, gan ei fod yn cyfuno’n dda gyda nifer o bynciau eraill megis hanes, daearyddiaeth, cymdeithaseg, gwyddoniaeth, celf ac astudiaethau crefyddol. Mae Archaeoleg i gyd i’w wneud ag astudio gweddillion deunydd dynolryw i ddod â’r gorffennol yn fyw. Awarding body: AQA Archaeology is the ultimate subject for an ‘all round’ student, as it combines well with many other subjects such as history, geography, sociology, science, art and religious studies. Archaeology is all about studying mankind’s past through investigation of material remains to bring the past alive. Yn ystod y cwrs byddwch yn astudio archaeoleg crefydd a defodol, gan ganolbwyntio ar yr hen Aifft yn y lle cyntaf. Bydd y cwrs yn datblygu eich sgiliau a methodoleg mewn archaeoleg. Rydym yn edrych ar archwiliad safle, cofnodi, cloddio, dyddio a dehongli. During the course you will study the archaeology of religion and ritual, focussing on ancient Egypt in the first instance. The course will develop your skills and methodology in archaeology. We look at site investigation, recording, excavation, dating and interpretation. Llwybrau dilyniant: Mae Archeoleg yn Lefel A academaidd sy’n cael ei ystyried yn uchel gan brifysgolion. Gall Archaeoleg agor y drws i nifer annisgwyl o opsiynau gyrfa. Gall gwybodaeth o archaeoleg hefyd fod yn ddefnyddiol mewn swyddi eraill, fel twristiaeth a threftadaeth, cynllunio gwlad a thref, gwyddor yr amgylchedd neu lywodraeth leol. Progression routes: Archaeology is an academic A Level which is highly regarded by all universities. Archaeology can open the door to a surprising number of career options. Knowledge of archaeology can also be useful in other jobs, like tourism & heritage, town and country planning, environmental science or local government. 22 CWRS COURSE Celf a Dylunio TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Art & Design Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Cwrs i fyfyrwyr brwdfrydig, creadigol sy’n dymuno datblygu eu diddordeb a’u sgiliau mewn celf, dylunio a chrefft i ddatblygu eu gyrfa mewn maes creadigol, neu cael mynediad i addysg bellach. Awarding body: WJEC A course for motivated, creative students who wish to develop their own interest and skills in art, design and craft to further their career in a creative field, or gain entry to further education. Cewch gyfle i astudio Celf a Dylunio, Celfyddyd Gain, Dylunio 3D, Tecstilau, Ffotograffiaeth, Graffeg a datblygu eich dealltwriaeth gyddestunol. Mae’n hanfodol i fod yn hunan-symbylus gan fod llawer o’r gwaith ymchwil a’r arlunio yn digwydd y tu allan i’r ddosbarth a bydd disgwyl i fyfyrwyr ymweld ag orielau celf, artistiaid ymchwil, treialu technegau gwahanol a datblygu eu syniadau eu hunain yn annibynnol. You will have the opportunity to study; Art and Design, Fine Art, 3d Design, Textiles, Photography, Graphics and develop your contextual understanding. It is essential to be self-motivated as much of the drawing and research work will take place outside of the classroom and students will be expected to visit art galleries, research artists, explore different techniques and independently develop their own ideas. Llwybrau dilyniant: Addysg bellach mewn feysydd o Chelf a Dylunio fel cwrs Sylfaen neu Gradd. Gyrfaoedd mewn hysbysebu, pensaernïaeth, dylunio mewnol, ffasiwn, celfyddyd gain, addysgu, ffotograffiaeth a.y.b. Progression routes: Further education in areas of Art and Design such as Foundation or Degree course. Careers in advertising, architecture, interior design, fashion, fine art, teaching, photography etc. Celf a Dylunio (Celfyddyd Gain) TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Art & Design (Fine Art) Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Bydd y cwrs Celfyddyd Gain a Dylunio yn eich galluogi i archwilio a datblygu ystod eang o sgiliau. Mae ymchwil ac arbrofi yn elfennau hanfodol o’r cwrs. Cewch gyfle i ymarfer amrywiaeth o dechnegau megis arlunio, peintio, ffotograffiaeth, cyfryngau cymysg, Photoshop, astudiaethau beirniadol a chyd-destunol. Awarding body: WJEC Llwybrau dilyniant: Astudiaeth pellach o ystod eang o bynciau dylunio yn y brifysgol. Mae myfyrwyr diweddar wedi mynd ymlaen i astudio dylunio cynnyrch, pensaernïaeth, dylunio ffasiwn, hyfforddiant athrawon, busnes a manwerthu. Progression routes: Further study of a wide range of design subjects at university. Recent students have gone on to study product design, architecture, fashion design, teacher training, business and retail. Celf a Dylunio (Graffeg) TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Art & Design (Graphics) Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Bydd y cwrs Graffeg yn eich galluogi i archwilio a datblygu ystod eang o sgiliau. Mae ymchwil ac arbrofi yn elfennau hanfodol o’r cwrs. Cewch y cyfle i ymarfer amrywiaeth o dechnegau megis Photoshop ar gyfrifiaduron mwyaf diweddar MAC, ffotograffiaeth, darlunio, teipograffeg, lluniadu llawrydd, stensilio. Awarding body: WJEC Llwybrau dilyniant: Astudiaeth pellach o ystod eang o bynciau dylunio yn y brifysgol. Mae myfyrwyr diweddar wedi mynd ymlaen i astudio dylunio cynnyrch, pensaernïaeth, dylunio ffasiwn, hyfforddiant athrawon, busnes a manwerthu. Progression routes: Further study of a wide range of design subjects at university. Recent students have gone on to study product design, architecture, fashion design, teacher training, business and retail. Celf a Dylunio (Tecstilau) TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Art & Design (Textiles) Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Bydd y cwrs Tecstilau yn eich galluogi i archwilio a datblygu ystod eang o sgiliau. Mae ymchwil ac arbrofi yn elfennau hanfodol o’r cwrs. Cewch y cyfle i ymarfer ystod o dechnegau megis argraffu sgrin, ffeltio, brodwaith peiriant llawrydd, applique, batic, peintio sidan. Awarding body: WJEC A Level Textiles will enable you to explore and develop a wide range of skills. Research and experimentation are essential elements of the course. You will have the opportunity to practise a range of techniques such as screen printing, felting, freehand machine embroidery, appliqué, batik, silk painting. Llwybrau dilyniant: Astudiaeth pellach o ystod eang o bynciau dylunio yn y brifysgol. Mae myfyrwyr diweddar wedi mynd ymlaen i astudio Dylunio Cynnyrch, Dylunio Ffasiwn, Dylunio Mewnol yn ogystal â Tecstilau. The Fine Art and Design course will enable you to explore and develop a wide range of skills. Research and experimentation are essential elements of the course. You will have the opportunity to practise a range of techniques such as drawing, painting, photography, mixed media, Photoshop, critical and contextual studies. The Graphics course will enable you to explore and develop a wide range of skills. Research and experimentation are essential elements of the course. You will have the opportunity to practise a range of techniques such as Photoshop using state of the art MACS, photography, illustration, typography, freehand drawing, stencilling. Progression routes: Further study of a wide range of design subjects at university. Recent students have gone on to study Product Design, Fashion Design, Interior Design as well as Textiles. 23 Cyrsiau Lefel Uwch Gyfrannol (UG) a Cyrsiau Lefel 3 Advanced Supplementary Level Courses (AS) and Level 3 Courses CWRS COURSE Bioleg TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Biology Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Mae Bioleg yn darparu ehangder eang o wybodaeth sy’n cyffwrdd ar agweddau ar amrywiaeth o bynciau. Yn gynwysiedig yn benodol bydd esblygiad, maeth, treuliad, resbiradaeth, ecoleg, atgynhyrchu a pharasitiaid. Bydd astudio bioleg yn datblygu eich gwerthfawrogiad a’ch gwybodaeth am y materion hyn a’u goblygiadau, yn ogystal â darparu chi gyda mewnwelediad i’r byd byw. Awarding body: WJEC Biology provides a wide breadth of knowledge which touches on aspects of a variety of topics. Specific topics covered include evolution, nutrition, digestion, respiration, ecology, reproduction and parasites. The study of biology will develop your appreciation and knowledge of these issues and their implications, as well as providing you with an insight into the living world. Mae Bioleg yn amgylchlynu nifer o bynciau cyffrous byth yn bell o’r penawdau, ai hyny yn dilyniant y Genom Dynol, lledaeniad AIDS, llygredd o ganlyniad dylanwadau dynol, yr ateb i brinder bwyd. Mae Biolegwyr yn ymwneud â’r holl materion hyn. Biology encompasses the study of many exciting topics and is never far from the headlines, whether it is the sequencing of the Human Genome, the spread of AIDS, pollution due to human influences, the answer to food shortages. Biologists are concerned with all these issues. Llwybrau dilyniant: Gall myfyrwyr symud ymlaen i gwrs gradd yn gysylltiedig â bioleg, ond mae cymhwyster gwyddoniaeth hefyd yn rhoi sgiliau sy’n berthnasol mewn gyrfaoedd megis y gyfraith, cyfrifiadureg, cyfrifeg, addysgu a llawer eraill. Progression routes: Students may progress to a biologically related degree course but a science qualification also gives students skills which are relevant in careers such as law, computing, accounting, teaching and many others. Astudiaethau Busnes TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Business Studies Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Mae cynnwys y cwrs yn cwmpasu sut i redeg busnes a’r gwahanol rolau sydd i’w gael o fewn busnes. Mae’r cwrs yn seiliedig ar arholiad yn gyfangwbl - yn amrywio o gwestiynau atebion byr i astudiaethau achos yn seiliedig ar fusnesau. Awarding body: WJEC The course content involves learning both how to run a business and the various roles that you can take on in a business. The course is completely exam based – ranging from short answer questions to case studies based on businesses. Yn ystod y cwrs, anelwn i ymweld â gwahanol fusnesau, ymgysylltu â digwyddiadau menter, eich annog siaradwyr gwadd busnes. Byddwch hefyd yn cael eu hannog i wylio’r rhaglenni “Dragon Den” a “The Apprentice” ac i ddarllen y papurau newydd ‘llydan’ mwyaf sobr. During the course, we aim to visit various businesses, engage with enterprise events, and encourage visiting business speakers. You are also encouraged to watch Dragon’s Den and The Apprentice and to read the more serious ‘broadsheet’ newspapers. Llwybrau dilyniant: Mae prifysgolion yn cynnig amrywiaeth eang o gyrsiau Astudiaethau Busnes a chyrsiau cysylltiedig. Yn arallddewisol mae llawer o gyflogwyr yn derbyn ymadawyr Lefel A ar eu rhaglenni dilyniant rheoli yn syth o’r Chweched Dosbarth. Progression routes: Universities offer a wide variety of Business Studies and related courses. Alternatively many employers will now accept A Level leavers onto their management progression programmes straight from the Sixth Form. Rhyl 6th offer a range of good, interesting and challenging courses to its students. The tutors are friendly and I was never afraid to ask for help. Harry Blackwell Rhyl 6th, Physics, Business Studies and Maths 24 CWRS COURSE Astudiaethau Busnes (Cymhwysol) TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Business Studies (Applied) Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: AQA Mae busnes yn effeithio ar bawb. Mae’r cwrs Busnes Cymhwysol Safon Uwch yn gymhwyster eang ei sail sy’n rhoi cyfle i chi edrych ar y byd busnes mewn ffordd ymarferol iawn. Drwy fabwysiadu dull ymchwiliol, byddwch yn datblygu ystod o sgiliau tra’n darganfod y problemau a’r cyfleoedd a wynebir gan fusnesau. Awarding body: AQA Business affects everyone. The A-Level Applied Business course is a broad-based qualification that provides the opportunity for you to explore the world of business in a highly practical way. By adopting an investigative approach, you develop a range of skills while discovering the problems and opportunities faced by businesses. Llwybrau dilyniant: Mae Busnes Cymhwysol yn cyfuno’n dda gyda phynciau megis economeg, y gyfraith, ieithoedd modern, technoleg gwybodaeth, astudiaethau cyfryngau neu teithio a thwristiaeth. Bydd cwrs mewn busnes yn eich paratoi ar gyfer gyrfaoedd mewn rheolaeth, adnoddau dynol, bancio, marchnata, adwerthu neu yn y sector cyhoeddus neu rhedeg eich busnes eich hun! Progression routes: Applied Business combines well with subjects such as economics, law, modern languages, information technology, media studies or travel and tourism. A course in business will give you a preparation for careers in management, human resources, banking, marketing, retail or the public sector or running your own business! Cemeg TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Chemistry Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Mae Lefel A mewn Cemeg yn darparu myfyrwyr gyda dealltwriaeth fanwl o natur mater, yn ogystal â’r ffyrdd mae sylweddau yn adweithio a’i gilydd, weithiau i ryddhau egni. Bydd y cwrs yn apelio i bob myfyriwr sy’n dymuno ennill gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth ddyfnach o gysyniadau cemeg a’r ffordd y mae’r egwyddorion cemeg yn cael eu defnyddio mewn bywyd bob dydd. Awarding body: WJEC The A-Level in Chemistry provides students with a detailed understanding of the nature of matter, as well as the ways in which substances react together, sometimes to release energy. The course will appeal to all students who wish to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the concepts of chemistry and the way in which the principles of chemistry are applied in everyday life. Bydd myfyrwyr yn cael gwybodaeth cyffrous am gyfansoddiad sylweddau y maent yn defnyddio neu prynu bob dydd. Byddent hefyd yn ystyried deunyddiau newydd a allai newid y ffordd yr ydym yn byw. Mae meysydd allweddol o’r gwaith theori yn cynnwys strwythur yr atom; adweithiau cildroadwy; ynni mewn adweithiau a chyfraddau adweithiau. Students will gain exciting knowledge about the constituents of substances that they use or buy every day. They will also consider new materials that may change the way in which we live. Key areas of theory work include the structure of the atom; reversible reactions; energy in reactions and rates of reactions. Llwybrau dilyniant: Astudiaeth pellach mewn Cemeg neu gradd gwyddonol fel peirianneg cemegol, meddygaeth, deintyddiaeth, fferyllydd, ffarmacoleg, gwyddoniaeth fforensig. Mae gyrfaoedd yn eang ac amrywiol e.e. cemegydd diwydiannol, proffesiynau yn y gwasanaeth iechyd, gwyddonydd bwyd, y diwydiant olew. Progression routes: Further study in Chemistry or science degree such as chemical engineering, medicine, dentistry, pharmacist, pharmacology, forensic science. Careers are wide and varied e.g. industrial chemist, health service professional, food scientist, the oil industry. Aided by superb teaching, AS/A Level Chemistry at PHS sixth provides you with a broad spectrum of skills, useful in all areas of life; whilst allowing you to gain a deep understanding of the complex foundations of science. Frazer Forrester Prestatyn High Sixth, Physics, Maths and Chemistry 25 Cyrsiau Lefel Uwch Gyfrannol (UG) a Cyrsiau Lefel 3 Advanced Supplementary Level Courses (AS) and Level 3 Courses CWRS COURSE Cyfrifiadureg TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Computing Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Yn yr oes dechnolegol hwn, mae astudiaeth o sut gall cyfrifiaduron cael eu defnyddio i ddatrys amrywiaeth o broblemau fod yn wethfawr nid yn unig i’r myfyriwr ond hefyd ar gyfer lles y wlad yn y dyfodol. Mae’r cwrs yn cynnwys datblygiadau o fewn cyfrifadureg megis atal troseddau cyfrifiadurol, materion cyfreithiol, rhaglennu cyfrifaduron, meddalwedd a sut mae gwahanol gymwysiadau meddalwedd yn cael eu defnyddio i ddatrys problemau go iawn. Mae cyfrifiadureg yn ei ystyried yn rhan hanfodol o addysg erbyn hyn gyda cyfleoedd gwaith ymhlith yr uchaf o unrhyw bwnc. Awarding body: WJEC In this technological age, a study of how computers are used in the solution of a variety of problems is not only valuable to the student but also for the future wellbeing of the country. This course covers developments in computing such as computer crime and prevention, legal issues, computer programming, software and how different software applications are utilised to solve real problems. Computing is now seen as an essential part of education and job opportunities are amongst the highest of any subject. Llwybrau dilyniant: Mae cymhwyster mewn Cyfrifadureg yn dangos y gallu i ddefnyddio rhesymeg a chreadigrwydd effeithiol wrth ddatrys problemau. Mae Cyfrifiadureg yn hanfodol mewn llawer o feysydd gan gynnwys rhaglennu meddalwedd, dylunio gemau, rheoli proses, roboteg, peirianneg caledwedd, rheoli rhwydwaith, electroneg, peirianneg sifil ac yn y blaen. Progression routes: A qualification in Computing demonstrates the ability to employ effective logic and creativity in problem solving. Computing is essential in many areas including software programming, games designing, process control, robotics, hardware engineering, network managing, electronics, civil engineering and so on. Ysgrifennu Creadigol TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Creative Writing Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: AQA Yn y cwrs hwn, bydd myfyrwyr yn dysgu i ysgrifennu’n greadigol ar draws ystod o genre, gan ddatblygu arddulliau a thechnegau ar gyfer ysgrifennu effeithiol. Bydd myfyrwyr yn ennill arbenigedd yn y dulliau ysgrifennu sydd yn ffafriol iddynt ac yn ysgrifennu mewn rhyddiaith ffuglen a ffeithiol, barddoniaeth neu sgript ar gyfer y dudalen, perfformiad, radio, sgrin neu gyfryngau digidol. Awarding body: AQA In this course, students will learn to write creatively across a range of genre, developing styles and learning techniques for effective writing. Students will gain expertise in their own preferred forms of writing and will write in prose fiction and non-fiction, poetry or script for page, performance, radio, screen or digital media. Mae’r ffocws ar greu gwaith, ar y weithred o ysgrifennu, yn hytrach na theori yn unig. Bydd myfyrwyr yn cael eu hannog i darllen yn eang, yn feirniadol, ac yn fwy personol fel awdur; a byddant yn datblygu eu sgiliau beirniadol eu hunain, rhannu gwaith, gan rhoi adborth, ac ystyried eu proses creadigol personol. Llwybrau dilyniant: Mae Ysgrifennu Creadigol wedi ennill poblogrwydd aruthrol yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf fel pwnc ar gyfer addysg bellach ac uwch mewn cydnabyddiaeth o’r farchnad enfawr sy’n bodoli yn y maes hwn. Mae hefyd o ddiddordeb mawr fel opsiwn cyflenwol i fyfyrwyr sy’n astudio Saesneg Llên, Saesneg Iaith, Cyfryngau, Astudiaethau Ffilm, Drama ac Astudiaethau Theatr, Cymdeithaseg neu Seicoleg. Mae amrywiaeth o brofiadau y Celfyddydau Perfformio gall ddisgyblion ei astudio fel Lefel A ac i fwynhau fel gweithgareddau allgyrsiol. Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn cynnig Drama a Dawns Lefel A sy’n cael eu darparu gan athrawon profiadol iawn sydd wedi gweithio’n broffesiynol yn y diwydiant Celfyddydau Perfformio. Yn dod yn fuan mae amffitheatr awyr agored pwrpasol! 26 The focus is on creating work, on the act of writing, rather than just theory. Students will be encouraged to read broadly, critically, and more personally as a writer; and they will develop their own critical skills, sharing work, giving feedback, and reflecting on their own creative process. Progression routes: Creative Writing has gained enormous popularity in recent years as a subject for further and higher education in recognition of the huge market that exists in this area. It will also be of great interest as a complementary option to students studying English Literature, English Language, Media, Film Studies, Drama & Theatre Studies, Sociology or Psychology. There is a range of Performing Arts experiences for pupils to study at A-Level and to enjoy as extra curricular activities. We currently offer A-Level Drama and Dance which are facilitated by highly experienced teachers who have all worked professionally in the Performing Arts industry. Coming soon a purpose built outdoor amphitheatre! CWRS COURSE Drama ac Astudiaethau Theatr TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Drama & Theatre Studies Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: Edexcel Mae’r cwrs hwn yn rhoi cyfle i ddatblygu eich sgiliau a’ch dealltwriaeth o’r celfyddydau perfformio dawns, drama a cherddoriaeth a rhoi mewnwelediad i’r cyfleoedd gyrfaol a natur y byd gwaith o fewn y diwydiant celfyddydau perfformio. Awarding body: Edexcel This course provides the opportunity to develop your skills and understanding of the performing arts of dance, drama and music and gain insight into employment opportunities and the nature of the world of work within the performing arts industry. Cewch gyfle i ddatblygu eich diddordeb a sgiliau mewn ystod o elfennau drama ymarferol gan gynnwys actio, cyfarwyddo, gwisgoedd, lleoliad, mwgwd a dylunio technegol yn ystod y cwrs yn ogystal â chodi eich ymwybyddiaeth o ddramâu a datblygiad y theatr drwy integreiddio theori a gwaith ymarferol, yn unigol ac mewn grwpiau. You will have the opportunity to develop your interest and skills in a range of practical drama elements including acting, directing, costume, setting, mask and technical design during the course in addition to raising your awareness of plays and the development of the theatre by integrating theory and practical work, both individually and in groups. Llwybrau dilyniant: Ysgolion drama neu prifysgolion fel Glyndwr, Manceinion a Lerpwl. Mae cyfleoedd gyrfa yn cynnwys actorion theatr, actorion teledu, cyflwynwyr teledu, ysgrifenwyr, cyfarwyddwyr, cynhyrchwyr, rheolwyr llwyfan, addysgu, siaradwyr cyhoeddus. Progression routes: Drama schools or universities such as Glyndwr, Manchester and Liverpool. Careers would include theatre actors, television actors, television presenters, writers, directors, producers, stage management, teaching, public speakers. Economeg TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Economics Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: Edexcel Bydd cwrs mewn Economeg yn gweddu myfyrwyr sydd â meddwl ymchwilgar, diddordeb yn yr hyn sy’n digwydd yn yr economi, gwleidyddiaeth a busnes. Mae’r cwrs yn gweddu myfyrwyr sydd am ddatblygu y sgiliau, rhinweddau a’r agweddau a fydd yn eu paratoi ar gyfer yr heriau, cyfleoedd a chyfrifoldebau oedolyn a bywyd yn y gweithle. Awarding body: Edexcel Economics is for students who have an enquiring mind, an interest in what is happening in the economy, politics and business. The course is for students who want to develop the skills, qualities and attitudes that will equip them for the challenges, opportunities and responsibilities of adult and working life. Astudir rhai pynciau penodol yn ystod y cwrs gan gynnwys natur economeg, sut mae marchnadoedd yn gweithio, methiant y farchnad a ymyrraeth y llywodraeth, incwm cenedlaethol a thwf economaidd, costau ac elw, economeg rhyngwladol, tlodi ac anghydraddoldeb, economïau sy’n ymddangos a datblygu a’r sector ariannol. Llwybrau dilyniant: Mae Economeg yn datblygu sgiliau trosglwyddadwy ardderchog, yn arwain at ystod eang o gyrsiau gradd a chyfleoedd cyflogaeth gan gynnwys rheoli busnes, cyfrifeg, economeg amgylcheddol, cyllid, pynciau ystadegol, y gyfraith, newyddiaduraeth ac addysgu. Specific topics studied during the course include the nature of economics, how markets work, market failure and government intervention, national income and economic growth, costs and profits, international economics, poverty and inequality, emerging and developing economies and the financial sector. Progression routes: Economics develops excellent transferable skills, leading to a wide range of degree courses and employment opportunities including business management, accountancy, environmental economics, finance, statistical subjects, law, journalism and teaching. Saesneg Iaith TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 English Language Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Nod y cwrs yw cyflwyno myfyrwyr i gysyniadau sylfaenol ar gyfer yr astudiaeth o iaith, ac i wneud yn fwy eglur y gwybodaeth a’r profiad sydd eisoes wedi ei ennill drwy ddysgu a defnyddio Saesneg. Awarding body: WJEC This course aims to introduce students to fundamental concepts for the study of language, and to make more explicit the existing experience and knowledge gained from learning and using English. Bydd myfyrwyr yn datblygu eu gallu i ymchwilio, disgrifio a dadansoddi eu iaith llafar ac ysgrifenedig eu hunain yn ogystal ac eraill. Yn gynyddol byddent yn gallu cymhwyso eu hymwybyddiaeth o’r systemau iaith allweddol i ystod eang o destunau, ar lafar neu’n ysgrifenedig, o’r presennol neu’r gorffennol ac yn ennill gwybodaeth mwy soffistigedig o’r gwahanol fframweithiau ieithyddol, a sut mae’r rhain yn cael eu defnyddio i greu ystyr. Students will develop their ability to investigate, describe, and analyse their own and others’ use of spoken and written language. They will be increasingly able to apply their awareness of the key constituents and systems of language to a wide range of texts, spoken or written, from the present or the past and will acquire a more sophisticated knowledge of the various linguistic frameworks, and of how these are used to create meaning. Llwybrau dilyniant: Mae llawer o fyfyrwyr yn symud ymlaen i astudio ieithyddiaeth neu Saesneg yn y brifysgol. Fodd bynnag, mae’r sgiliau dadansoddol a ddysgwyd ar y cwrs yn addas ar gyfer cyrsiau mewn athroniaeth, gwleidyddiaeth, y gyfraith, troseddeg, ac addysg, i enwi ond ychydig. Progression routes: Many students progress to study linguistics or English at university. However, the analytical skills learned during the course lend themselves to courses in philosophy, politics, law, criminology, and education, to name but a few. 27 Cyrsiau Lefel Uwch Gyfrannol (UG) a Cyrsiau Lefel 3 Advanced Supplementary Level Courses (AS) and Level 3 Courses CWRS COURSE Saesneg Llên TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 English Literature Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Dyma’r cwrs i chi os ydych yn mwynhau darllen a mynegi eich barn. Mae’r cwrs hwn yn eich darparu â chyflwyniad i ddisgyblaeth astudiaethau llenyddol uwch trwy ddarllen yn eang, yn feirniadol ac yn annibynnol, i wneud ymatebion personol gwybodus i ystod o destunau o bob un o’r prif ddulliau llenyddol o farddoniaeth, rhyddiaith a drama. Mae’r sgiliau yma yn cael eu estynnu drwy ddatblygu a chymhwyso eich gwybodaeth o ddadansoddi llenyddol a gwerthuso ar lafar ac yn ysgrifenedig a fydd yn dyfnhau eich dealltwriaeth o draddodiadau newidiol o lenyddiaeth Saesneg. Awarding body: WJEC This is the course for you if you enjoy reading and expressing your opinions. The course provides you with an introduction to the discipline of advanced literary studies through reading widely, critically and independently, to make informed personal responses to a range of texts from each of the major literary genres of poetry, prose and drama. These skills are extended by developing and applying effectively your knowledge of literary analysis and evaluation in speech and writing and will deepen your understanding of the changing traditions of literature in English. Llwybrau dilyniant: Mae Saesneg Llên yn darparu sylfaen ar gyfer gyrsiau addysg pellach neu uwch; neu fynediad uniongyrchol i’r byd gwaith. Mae pwyslais y cwrs ar siarad yn rhugl, ysgrifennu hylif a meddwl yn glir yn ei wneud yn arbennig o fanteisiol ar gyfer mynediad i’r cyfryngau, newyddiaduraeth, hysbysebu, cysylltiadau cyhoeddus, cyhoeddi, darlledu neu’r gyfraith. Progression routes: English Literature provides a foundation for further or higher education courses; or direct entry into employment. Its emphasis on fluent speech, fluid writing and clear thinking make it particularly advantageous for entry into the media, journalism, advertising, public relations, publishing, broadcasting or the law. Astudiaethau Amgylcheddol Diploma Atodol Lefel 3 Environmental Studies Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: AQA Bydd y cwrs hwn yn rhoi mewnwelediad dwfn a gwybodus i chi o’r amgylchedd a’r prosesau gwyddonol sy’n rheoli ac yn effeithio arnoch. Y thema ganolog drwy gydol y cwrs yw datblygu dealltwriaeth o sut mae gwahanol ddigwyddiadau a chylchoedd o fewn yr amgylchedd yn cydberthyn, yr effeithiau dynol ar y digwyddiadau hyn a’r strategaethau y gellir eu defnyddio i leihau’r problemau a achosir. Mae cadwraeth bywyd gwyllt, llygredd, newid yn yr hinsawdd byd-eang a chynaliadwyedd i gyd yn faterion allweddol a astudir yn ystod y cwrs. Awarding body: AQA This course will give you a deep and well informed insight into the environment and the scientific processes that control and affect it. The central theme throughout the course is the development of an understanding of how different events and cycles within the environment interrelate, the human impacts on these events and the strategies that can be used to minimise the problems caused. Wildlife conservation, pollution, global climate change and sustainability are all key matters which will be studied during the course. Llwybrau dilyniant: Graddau mewn meysydd sy’n gysylltiedig â’r amgylchedd, daearyddiaeth, daeareg, gwyddoniaeth, hinsawdd, cynllunio ac addysgu. Gyrfaoedd mewn rheoliad amgylcheddol, cadwraeth, cynllunio ac ymgynghoriaeth ynni. Progression routes: Degrees in areas related to the environment, geography, geology, science, climate, planning and teaching. Careers in environmental management, conservation, planning and energy consultancy. The teachers are very passionate about the French language and help to make it an enjoyable and interesting language to learn. Tom Simkiss Prestatyn High Sixth, Biology, Welsh Baccalaureate and French 28 CWRS COURSE Ffasiwn a Dillad Diploma Atodol Lefel 3 Fashion and Clothing Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma Corff Dyfarnu: Edexcel BTEC Mae’r cwrs hwn wedi ei anelu at fyfyrwyr sydd â diddordeb mewn dylunio ffasiwn a phrosiectau cysylltiedig â thecstilau. Byddwch yn profi ystod o ddisgyblaethau sy’n ymwneud â dylunio, cynhyrchu a marchnata dillad ffasiwn ac ymateb i friffiau dylunio, creu eich atebion dylunio eu hunain yn seiliedig ar dueddiadau ac arddulliau ffasiwn presennol. Awarding body: Edexcel BTEC This course is aimed at students who have an interest in fashion design and textile related projects. You will experience a range of disciplines that are involved in the design, production and marketing of fashion garments and respond to design briefs, creating your own design solutions based on current fashion trends and styles. Byddwch yn datblygu eich gwybodaeth, sgiliau a’ch dealltwriaeth o systemau a phrosesau a ddefnyddir yn y diwydiant ffasiwn megis dylunio a delweddu ffasiwn, technegau cynhyrchu dillad, darlunio ffasiwn, cynllunio drwy gymorth cyfrifiadur (CAD), trin ffabrig a technoleg ffabrig. Llwybrau dilyniant: Cyrsiau addysg pellach ac uwch. Cyflogaeth yn y diwydiant ffasiwn a dillad fel dylunydd ffasiwn, darlunydd, steilydd, prynwr ffasiwn, rheolwr manwerthu ffasiwn neu perchennog busnes fechan. You will develop your knowledge, skills and understanding of systems and processes used in the fashion industry such as design and fashion visualisation, garment production techniques, fashion illustration computer aided design (CAD), fabric manipulation and fabric technology. Progression routes: Further and higher education courses. Employment within the fashion and clothing industry as a fashion designer, illustrator, stylist, fashion buyer, fashion retail manager or small business owner. Astudiaethau Ffilm TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Film Studies Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Mae’r fanyleb UG/U mewn Astudiaethau Ffilm wedi ei gynllunio i ddyfnhau dealltwriaeth, gwerthfawrogiad a mwynhad myfyrwyr o ffilm, y ffurf celfyddydol mwyaf sylweddol yr ugeinfed ganrif, ac un yn datblygu i fod y dull newydd o fynegiant ac arddangosfa yn yr unfed ganrif ar hugain. Awarding body: WJEC The AS/A specification in Film Studies is designed to deepen students’ understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of film, the major art form of the twentieth century, and one developing a new mode of expression and exhibition in the twenty-first century. Mae’r fanyleb yn adeiladu ar lythrennedd sinema y mae’r dysgwyr wedi datblygu yn anffurfiol ers plentyndod. Byddwch yn astudio ffilm sy’n tarddu o amrywiaeth o gyd-destunau cynhyrchu ac yn cael brofiad mewn amrywiaeth o sefyllfaoedd gwylio. Byddwch hefyd yn ymgysylltu a ystod eang o fathau o ffilmiau, gan ddatblygu sgiliau arsylwi, dadansoddi beirniadol ac adlewyrchu personol, yn ogystal â datblygu eich sgiliau creadigol ac ymarferol, naill ai ar ffurf sainweledol neu ysgrifenedig. The specification builds on the cineliteracy learners have developed informally since childhood. You will study film deriving from a variety of production contexts and experience a variety of viewing situations. You will also engage with a wide range of different kinds of films, developing skills of observation, critical analysis and personal reflection, as well as developing your creativity and practical skills, either in audio-visual or written form. Progression routes: Degree course related to Film and Media. Llwybrau dilyniant: Cwrs Gradd yn ymwneud â Ffilm a’r Cyfryngau. Ffrangeg TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 French Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Bydd y cwrs hwn yn eich galluogi i gyfathrebu’n hyderus yn Ffrangeg ac yn darparu sylfaen gadarn ar gyfer astudio pellach a / neu i wneud ddefnydd ymarferol o’r iaith. Bydd y cwrs yn eich annog i gynyddu eich diddordeb a’ch brwdfrydedd mewn dysgu iaith a datblygu eich dealltwriaeth o’r iaith mewn amrywiaeth o gyd-destunau fel eich bod yn gallu cyfathrebu’n hyderus, yn glir ac yn effeithiol mewn Ffrangeg ar gyfer pwrpasau amrywiol. Awarding body: WJEC This course will enable you to communicate confidently in French and provide a firm foundation for further study and / or practical use of the language. The course will encourage you to increase your interest and enthusiasm for language learning and develop your understanding of the language in a variety of contexts so that you are able to communicate confidently, clearly and effectively in French for a range of purposes. Byddwch hefyd yn datblygu ymwybyddiaeth a dealltwriaeth o’r gymdeithas Ffrengig cyfoes a’i chefndir a threftadaeth ddiwylliannol. You will also develop an awareness and understanding of French contemporary society and its cultural background and heritage. Llwybrau dilyniant: Astudiaeth pellach mewn ieithoedd ar lefel gradd, a’i gyfuno â iaith newydd neu bwnc arall. Mae ieithoedd yn werthfawr mewn amrywiaeth o yrfaoedd, gan gynnwys addysgu, peirianneg, y cyfryngau, dehongli, marchnata, teithio a thwristiaeth ac yn y blaen. Mae cyn myfyrwyr wedi mynd ymlaen i ddefnyddio eu sgiliau iaith mewn therapi llefaru, addysg, ymchwil, diwydiant awyrennau a chyfieithu. Progression routes: Further study of languages at degree level, combining it with a new language or another subject. Languages are valuable in a variety of careers, including teaching, engineering, media, interpreting, marketing, travel and tourism etc. Previous students have gone on to use their language skills in speech therapy, education, research, aviation industry and translating. 29 Cyrsiau Lefel Uwch Gyfrannol (UG) a Cyrsiau Lefel 3 Advanced Supplementary Level Courses (AS) and Level 3 Courses CWRS COURSE Daearyddiaeth TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Geography Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Mae’r Lefel A mewn Daearyddiaeth yn berthnasol i fyfyrwyr gyda meddwl ymchwilgar, yn cwmpasu ystod eang o sgiliau i’w ddatblygu drwy fodiwlau yn ymwneud â newidiadau yn yr hinsawdd, poblogaeth a’r amgylchedd dynol. Mae cynaliadwyedd dŵr, ynni, bwyd a dinasoedd hefyd yn cael eu hastudio fel rhan o’r cwrs. Awarding body: WJEC The A Level Geography course is relevant to students with an enquiring mind, it encompasses a broad range of skills developed through modules relating to changes in climate, population and the human environment. The sustainability of water, energy, food and cities are also studied as part of the course. Disgwylir i fyfyrwyr ymchwilio, dadansoddi, cyflwyno a dehongli data yn ogystal â chynllunio gwaith maes a dulliau casglu data. Students are expected to research, analyse, present and interpret data as well as plan fieldwork and data collection methods. Llwybrau dilyniant: Cyrsiau gradd mewn daearyddiaeth, cadwraeth a rheolaeth amgylcheddol, economeg a geocemeg. Mae Daearyddwyr ymhlith y rhai mwyaf cyflogadwy oherwydd sgiliau eang TGCh, ymchwil, cyfathrebu a dadansoddol meant yn meddu. Mae cyfleoedd gyrfaol yn cynnwys hinsoddegwr, rheolwr amgylcheddol, cynllunydd trefol, arbenigwr GIS, mapiwr, rheoli argyfwng, addysgu, demograffydd. Progression routes: Degree courses in geography, conservation and environmental management, economics and geochemistry. Geographers are among the most employable due to the wideranging ICT, research, communication and analytical skills that they possess. Career opportunities include climatologist, environmental manager, urban planner, GIS specialist, cartographer, emergency management, teaching, demographer. Daeareg TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Geology Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Os ydych erioed wedi meddwl sut y daethom i fod yma ar y Ddaear, Daeareg yw’r pwnc i chi. Mae Daeareg yn gangen o wyddoniaeth sy’n ymwneud â strwythur, esblygiad a deinameg y Ddaear a’r defnydd o’r adnoddau y mae’n cynnwys mewn modd cynaliadwy. Awarding body: WJEC If you have ever wondered about how we came to be here on Earth, Geology is the subject for you. Geology is a branch of science concerned with the structure, evolution and the dynamics of the Earth and with the use of the resources that it contains in a sustainable way. Mae’r cwrs yn ymchwilio ac yn astudio y gorffennol, presennol a dyfodol ein planed. Mae gwaith ymarferol yn bwysig ac yn cynnwys gwaith map, adnabod sbesimenau a gwaith maes sy’n hanfodol mewn Daeareg. Llwybrau dilyniant: Symud ymlaen i radd mewn Daeareg neu bwnc cysylltiedig neu i gyflogaeth yn y diwydiant diwydiant amgylcheddol, cloddio neu’r diwydiant olew. The course investigates and studies the past, present and future of our planet. Practical work is important and includes map work, identification of specimens and fieldwork which is essential in Geology. Progression routes: Progression to a degree in Geology or a related subject or to employment in the environmental industry, mining or oil industry. Llywodraeth a Gwleidyddiaeth TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Government & Politics Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Mae Cymdeithas yn cynnwys amrywiaeth o grwpiau gyda cefndiroedd cymdeithasol, diwylliannol a chrefyddol amrywiol a bydd y cwrs llywodraeth a Gwleidyddiaeth yn dangos i chi sut mae penderfyniadau gwleidyddol yn cael eu dylanwadu gan foeseg a gwerthoedd moesol a diwylliannol y grwpiau yma a’u llywodraethau. Awarding body: WJEC Society is made up of a range of different groups from varied social, cultural and religious backgrounds and the Government and Politics course will show you how political decisions are influenced by the ethics and moral and cultural values of these groups and their governments. Cewch eich annog i datblygu ymwybyddiaeth feirniadol o natur gwleidyddiaeth; caffael gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth o’r strwythurau awdurdod a grym o fewn system wleidyddol y DU; caffael gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth o hawliau a chyfrifoldebau’r unigolyn; ddatblygu diddordeb mewn ac ymgysylltu â gwleidyddiaeth gyfoes. You will be encouraged to develop a critical awareness of the nature of politics; acquire knowledge and understanding of the structures of authority and power within the political system of the UK; acquire knowledge and understanding of the rights and responsibilities of the individual; develop an interest in and engagement with contemporary politics. Llwybrau dilyniant: Dilyniant I gyrsiau addysg pellach neu uwch. Mae llwybrau gyrfa yn cynnwys gweithio yn y gwasanaeth sifil, newyddiaduraeth, y gyfraith, economeg, bancio, athro, rheolwr corfforaethol. 30 Progression routes: Progression to further or higher education courses. Career paths include working in the civil service, journalism, law, economics, banking, teacher, corporate manager. The transition may seem scary but the geography department staff are extremely supportive. They guide you in the right direction to get your highest possible grade and are always available to help you. Naomi Dickens Prestatyn High Sixth, Geography, History, Archaeology and Religious Studies Cyrsiau Lefel Uwch Gyfrannol (UG) a Cyrsiau Lefel 3 Advanced Supplementary Level Courses (AS) and Level 3 Courses CWRS COURSE Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol Diploma Atodol Lefel 3 Health & Social Care Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma Corff Dyfarnu: Edexcel BTEC Mae Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol yn ymwneud â gofalu am ac hyrwyddo lles y gymuned a lles unigolion. Mae’r pwnc yn eich helpu i ddatblygu dealltwriaeth o’r meysydd hyn ac i ennill gwybodaeth a chymwyseddau sydd eu hangen i weithio mewn gwasanaethau Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol. Byddwch yn cwblhau chwe uned o waith cwrs yn seiliedig ar cyd-destun galwedigaethol ac ennill y profiad ymarferol drwy lleoliadau gwaith. Byddwch hefyd yn cael mewnolwg ar sefyllfaoedd y byd gwaith drwy ymweliadau a chyflwyniadau gan amryw siaradwyr gwadd. Awarding body: Edexcel BTEC Health and Social Care is about looking after and promoting the well-being of the community and individuals. The subject helps you to develop an understanding of these areas and enables you to gain knowledge and competencies needed to work in Health and Social Care services. You will complete six units of coursework based in a vocational context and will gain practical experience from work placements. You will also gain an insight into real-life work based scenarios through visits and presentations by various guest speakers. Llwybrau dilyniant: Astudiaeth pellach yn y brifysgol neu’r coleg, gan gynnwys iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol / rheoli, nyrsio, ymarfer parafeddyg a llawer mwy. Gyrfaodd yn cynnwys nyrsio, bydwreigiaeth, gwaith cymdeithasol, cwnselwyr, gofal plant a gweithio gyda’r henoed. Progression routes: Further study at university or college including health and social care/management, nursing, paramedic practice and many more. Careers including nursing, midwifery, social work, counsellors, childcare and working with the elderly. Hanes TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 History Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Mae’r cwrs Hanes yn canolbwyntio ar ddau brif gyfnodau hanesyddol, a bennir gan ganolfannau unigol o restr a gyhoeddwyd gan y bwrdd arholi. Mae rhai o’r unedau yn seiliedig ar sgiliau gwerthuso ffynhonnell ac eraill ar gymhwysiad gwybodaeth drwy esboniadau a thraethodau arfarnol. Awarding body: WJEC The History course focuses on two main historical periods, determined by individual centres from a list published by the examination board. Some of the units are based on source evaluation skills and others on application of knowledge through explanations and evaluative essays. I lwyddo ar y cwrs yma bydd angen i’r myfyriwr feddu sgiliau llythrennedd da, natur chwilfrydig, y gallu i ddadansoddi tystiolaeth yn feirniadol a’r gallu i ysgrifennu yn estynedig. Yn hollbwysig yw angerdd am y pwnc a Lefel uchel o ddiddordeb mewn hanes! The type of person who will succeed on this course will need to have good literacy skills, an inquisitive nature, an ability to critically analyse evidence and be able to write at length. Above all a passion for the subject and a high level of interest in history is crucial! Llwybrau dilyniant: Astudiaethau gradd mewn Hanes, Archaeoleg, y Gyfraith, Gwleidyddiaeth, Saesneg neu Astudiaethau Amgueddfa. Mae Hanes hefyd yn ddymunol ar gyfer pynciau eraill oherwydd y sgiliau trosglwyddadwy mae’n meithrin fel ymchwil, dadansoddi ac ysgrifennu traethawd estynedig. Mae gyrfaoedd posibl yn cynnwys addysgu, newyddiaduraeth, y gwasanaeth sifil, yr heddlu a’r gyfraith ymhlith eraill. Progression routes: Study at degree level in History, Archaeology, Law, Politics, English or Museum Studies. History is also desirable in other subject areas because of the transferable skills it fosters such as research, analysis and extended essay writing. Possible careers include teaching, journalism, the civil service, police and the law amongst others. A Level History is a fascinating and intriguing subject to study. Despite it being challenging it is extremely rewarding and worthwhile. Grace Larter Prestatyn High Sixth, Business Studies, History and English Literature 32 CWRS COURSE Bioleg Ddynol TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Human Biology Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Mae’r cwrs Bioleg Ddynol yn cynnwys ehangder o wybodaeth yn ymwneud â’r organeb dynol. Byddwch yn astudio ffisioleg bodau dynol a chyd-ddibyniaeth pethau byw mewn ecoleg, materion cymdeithasol megis dylanwad dynol ar yr amgylchedd ac ystyriaethau moesegol geneteg. Awarding body: WJEC The Human Biology course covers a breadth of knowledge relating to the human organism. You will study the physiology of humans and the interdependence of living things in ecology, social issues such as human influence on the environment and the ethical considerations of genetics. Gall pynciau penodol i’w cwmpasu hefyd cynnwys esblygiad, maeth, treuliad, resbiradaeth, ecoleg, atgynhyrchu a pharasitiaid. Nid yw Bioleg byth yn bell o’r penawdau chwaith, boed hyny lledaeniad AIDS, llygredd o ganlyniad i ddylanwadau dynol neu’r ateb i brinder bwyd. Mae biolegwyr yn ymwneud â’r holl materion hyn. Specific topics covered may also include evolution, nutrition, digestion, respiration, ecology, reproduction and parasites. Biology is never far from the headlines either, whether it is the spread of AIDS, pollution due to human influences or the answer to food shortages. Biologists are concerned with all these issues. Llwybrau dilyniant: Cwrs gradd cysylltiedig â bioleg ond mae Lefel A mewn gwyddoniaeth hefyd yn rhoi sgiliau sy’n berthnasol mewn gyrfaoedd megis y gyfraith, cyfrifiadureg, cyfrifeg neu addysgu. Progression routes: A biologically related degree course but a science A Level also gives students skills which are relevant in careers such as law, computing, accounting or teaching. Technoleg Gwybodaeth TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Information Technology Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Mae Technoleg Gwybodaeth yn rhoi’r cyfle i fyfyrwyr astudio pwnc sy’n addas i unrhyw gyfuniad o gyrsiau eraill. Awarding body: WJEC Information Technology gives students the opportunity to study a subject which suits any combination of other courses. Byddwch yn ennill profiad a gwybodaeth yn y defnyddiau ymarferol o dechnoleg gwybodaeth, yn enwedig cronfeydd data, taenlenni, meddalwedd cyflwyno, animeiddio a meddalwedd gwneud ffilmiau. Byddwch hefyd yn astudio defnyddiau mwy damcaniaethol ar gyfer busnesau yn defnyddio technoleg gwybodaeth a sut mae’n effeithio ar gymdeithas heddiw. You will gain experience and knowledge in the practical uses of information technology, particularly databases, spreadsheets, presentation software, animation and movie making software. You will also study the more theoretical uses of how businesses utilise information technology and how it affects society today. Llwybrau dilyniant: Bydd TGCh yn eich helpu mewn unrhyw yrfa o’ch dewis, ond bydd hefyd yn rhan hanfodol o gyrsiau yn seiliedig ar dechnoleg. Mae’r rhestr o broffesiynau yn ddiddiwedd ond yn cynnwys pensaer, dylunydd gemau, peiriannydd meddalwedd, dadansoddwr systemau, gwefeistr, rheolwr rhwydwaith. Progression routes: ICT will help you in any chosen career but will also be an essential part of technology based courses. The list of professions is endless but will include architect, games designer, software engineer, systems analyst, webmaster, network manager. Y Gyfraith TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Law Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Bydd y cwrs hwn yn apelio os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn cyfiawnder, moeseg a materion cyfreithiol cyfoes neu trafodaethau moesol ddadleuol. Awarding body: WJEC This course will appeal if you have an interest in justice, ethics and topical legal issues or controversial moral debates. Mae’r cwrs Gyfraith yn cynnig cyfle unigryw i nodi problemau cyfreithiol ac yn ystyried y canlyniadau gan fod yn rhaid i farnwyr wneud penderfyniadau lle mae gwrthdaro rhwng y gyfraith a chyfiawnder neu’r gyfraith a moesoldeb. Mae rhai o’r pynciau a drafodir yn cynnwys y broses droseddol, gweithdrefnau treial, llysoedd ac apeliadau, anghydfodau sifil, iawndal, cyfraith Ewropeaidd, cyfraith hawliau dynol. Llwybrau dilyniant: Dilyniant AB/AU yw gradd yn y Gyfraith neu radd gyfuniad, er enghraifft Y Gyfraith ac Ieithoedd, y Gyfraith a Chyfrifeg, Y Gyfraith a’r Cyfryngau. Mae cyfleoedd gyrfa yn cynnwys cyfreithwyr, gwleidyddiaeth a gweinyddiaeth y llywodraeth, yr heddlu a gwasanaethau eraill, mewnfudo, cyhoeddi, newyddiaduraeth. The Law course offers a unique opportunity to identify legal problems and consider the consequences as judges often have to make decisions where there is a conflict between law and justice and law and morality. Some of the topics covered include the criminal process, trial procedures, courts and appeals, civil disputes, compensation, European law, human rights law. Progression routes: FE/HE progress is a Law degree or a combination degree, for instance Law and Languages, Law and Accountancy, Law and Media. Career opportunities include solicitors, politics and government administration, the police and other services, immigration, publishing, journalism. 33 Cyrsiau Lefel Uwch Gyfrannol (UG) a Cyrsiau Lefel 3 Advanced Supplementary Level Courses (AS) and Level 3 Courses CWRS COURSE Y Gyfraith Cymhwysol Diploma Atodol Lefel 3 Applied Law Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma Corff Dyfarnu: Edexcel BTEC Mae’r cwrs hwn yn edrych ar y ffordd y mae’r gyfraith yn gweithio a sut mae’n helpu llunio ein cymdeithas. Mae’r cwrs yn rhoi gwybodaeth eang o’r gyfraith i chi a’r system gyfreithiol yn y DU, gan gynnwys sut mae cyfreithiau yn cael eu gwneud ac agweddau atebolrwydd cyfreithiol. Byddwch hefyd yn astudio unedau ychwanegol sy’n cwmpasu pwerau yr heddlu a dynladdiad anghyfreithlon, ynghyd â chyfraith contract a theuluol. Awarding body: Edexcel BTEC This course looks at the way the law works and how it helps to shape our society. The course provides you with a broad knowledge of law and the legal system in the UK, including how laws are made and the aspects of legal liability. You will also study additional units covering unlawful homicide and police powers, along with contract and family law. Llwybrau dilyniant: Mae’r cymhwyster hwn yn rhoi sylfaen dda i symud ymlaen i yrfaoedd sy’n gysylltiedig â’r gyfraith, fel ysgrifennydd cyfreithiol neu ddilyniant i arholiadau Sefydliad y Gweithredwyr Cyfreithiol. Bydd hefyd yn cyfrannu tuag at ddilyniant i gyrsiau addysg uwch megis troseddeg neu astudiaethau busnes. Progression routes: This qualification provides a good foundation to move on to law related careers such as a legal secretary or progression to the Institute of Legal Executives exams. It will also contribute to progression to higher education courses such as criminology or business studies. Mathemateg TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Mathematics Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Mae cwrs mewn Mathemateg yn eich galluogi i adeiladu ac ehangu eich sgiliau datrys problemau, datblygu eich ffordd o feddwl yn ddadansoddol ac eich gallu i adnabod patrymau a chreu dadleuon rhesymegol i ddatrys problemau. Awarding body: WJEC A course in Mathematics enables you to build and expand your problem solving skills, develop your analytical thinking and your ability to spot patterns and create logical arguments to solve problems. Mae’r cwrs wedi’i gynllunio ar gyfer myfyrwyr sydd wedi mwynhau mathemateg ac wedi ymdopi â gofynion TGAU haen uwch. Bydd yn eich helpu i ysgrifennu atebion strwythuredig i broblemau cymhleth; datblygu dealltwriaeth o algebra, trigonometreg, gwahaniaethu ac integreiddio i enwi dim ond pedwar pwnc a defnyddio damcaniaethau sylfaenol i ddatrys problemau cymhwysol mewn mecaneg ac ystadegau. The course is designed for students who have enjoyed mathematics and have coped with the demands of higher tier GCSE. It will help you write structured solutions to complex problems; develop an understanding of algebra, trigonometry, differentiation and integration to name just four topics and use fundamental theories to solve applied problems in mechanics and statistics. Llwybrau dilyniant: Mae Lefel A mewn Mathemateg yn agor llawer o lwybrau dilyniant i addysg uwch a chyflogaeth. Byddai astudio cwrs gradd mewn Mathemateg, Peirianneg, Meddygaeth, Cyfrifeg a Phensaernïaeth yn elwa o ddealltwriaeth o Lefel A Mathemateg. Progression routes: An A Level in Maths opens up many progression routes into both higher education and employment. The study of a degree course such as Mathematics, Engineering, Medicine, Accountancy and Architecture would benefit from an understanding of A Level Maths. The college is extremely relaxed and friendly, that is why I chose to come here after completing my GCSE’s. The tutors are always happy to help and they also cover parts of the course I did not understand or had missed. Elen Jane Parry Rhyl 6th, Design Technology, Art & Design and Maths 34 CWRS COURSE Astudiaethau’r Cyfryngau TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Media Studies Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Mae’r cwrs Astudiaethau Cyfryngau wedi ei gynllunio i alluogi myfyrwyr dynnu ar eu profiad presennol o’r cyfryngau ac i ddatblygu eu gallu i ymateb yn feirniadol i’r cyfryngau. Awarding body: WJEC The Media Studies course is designed to allow students to draw on their existing experience of the media and to develop their abilities to respond critically to the media. Mae’r cwrs yn annog gwaith creadigol er mwyn alluogi myfyrwyr ennill werthfawrogiad o’r cyfryngau drwy eu gwaith cynhyrchu ac i ddatblygu eu sgiliau cynhyrchu personol. The course encourages creative work to enable students to gain a greater appreciation of the media through their own production work and to develop their own production skills. Dylai’r cwrs helpu chi i wella eich mwynhad a’ch gwerthfawrogiad o’r cyfryngau a’i rôl mewn bywyd bob dydd, datblygu dealltwriaeth feirniadol o’r cyfryngau ac archwilio prosesau cynhyrchu, technolegau a chyd-destunau perthnasol eraill.. The course should help you to enhance your enjoyment and appreciation of the media and its role in daily lives, develop a critical understanding of the media and explore production processes, technologies and other relevant contexts. Llwybrau dilyniant: Newyddiaduraeth, hysbysebu, darlledu, radio, theatr. Progression routes: Journalism, advertising, broadcasting, radio, theatre. Cerddoriaeth TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Music Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Mae’r cwrs Cerddoriaeth Safon Uwch yn ymestyn sgiliau cerddorol myfyrwyr, gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth ac yn annog gweithgaredd mewn creu cerddoriaeth i alluogi myfyrwyr i datblygu eu sgiliau perfformio a chyfansoddi. Mae’r cwrs yn annog y gwaith o ddatblygu dychymyg, yn meithrin creadigrwydd a thrwy ehangu profiadau, yn hyrwyddo datblygiad personol a chymdeithasol y disgyblion. Awarding body: WJEC The A Level Music course extends students’ musical skills, knowledge and understanding and encourages participation in music making so that students will develop their skills in performance and composition. The course encourages the development of imagination, fosters creativity and by broadening experiences, promotes pupils’ personal and social development. Gall myfyrwyr sydd yn dilyn y cwrs yma berfformio ar safon Radd 4/5 neu yn gafatebol, a bydd llawer eisoes wedi ennill gwybodaeth, dealltwriaeth ac ystod o sgiliau cerddorol trwy astudio cerddoriaeth ar lefel TGAU ac felly bydd y cwrs hwn yn ddilyniant hawdd. Students following this course will be able to perform at Grade 4/5 standard or equivalent, and many will have already gained knowledge, understanding and a range of musical skills through a study of music at GCSE and therefore will find this course an easy progression. Llwybrau dilyniant: Astudiaeth pellach o Gerddoriaeth mewn ystod o gyrsiau addysg uwch neu ar gyfer mynediad uniongyrchol i fyd gwaith. Mae gyrfaoedd yn gysylltiedig â cherddoriaeth yn cynnwys cyfansoddwr, coreograffydd, arweinydd, diddanwr mordaith-long, golygydd cerddoriaeth ffilm, therapydd cerddoriaeth, athro cerdd teithiol, athro a pheiriannydd sain. Progression routes: Further study of Music through a range of higher education courses or for direct entry into employment. Careers linked to music include composer, choreographer, conductor, cruise-ship entertainer, film music editor, music therapist, peripatetic music teacher, teacher and sound engineer. Technoleg Cerdd Diploma Atodol Lefel 3 Music Technology Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma Corff Dyfarnu: Edexcel BTEC Mae’r cwrs hwn wedi ei gynllunio ar gyfer dysgwyr sydd â dawn a diddordeb mewn cynhyrchu, cofnodi a threfnu cerddoriaeth. Drwy ddefnyddio meddalwedd creu cerddoriaeth, bydd dysgwyr yn ymgymryd â thasgau ymarferol wrth greu cerddoriaeth digidol. Mae rôl hanfodol systemau cyfrifiadurol mewn cynhyrchu cerddoriaeth gyfoes yn cael ei archwilio yn fanwl ac mae dysgwyr yn cael eu hannog i ganolbwyntio ar fanteision ymarferol bod yn gyfarwydd iawn gyda’r technoleg a’r technegau dan sylw. Awarding body: Edexcel BTEC The course is designed for students who have an aptitude and interest in producing, recording and arranging music. Using music creation software, students will undertake practical tasks in creating digital music. The essential role of computer-based systems in contemporary music production is explored in depth and learners are encouraged to focus on the practical benefits of a high level of familiarity with the technology and techniques involved. Llwybrau dilyniant: Addysg Uwch mewn Technoleg Cerddoriaeth, peirianneg stiwdio, recordio sain, rheoli cerddoriaeth a chyhoeddi, cynhyrchu cerddoriaeth, yn ogystal â gwaith o fewn dechnolegau DJ a chydlynu sain digwyddiadau byw. Progression routes: Higher Education in Music Technology, studio engineering, sound recording, music management and publishing, music production, as well as work within DJ technologies and sound coordination of live events. 35 Cyrsiau Lefel Uwch Gyfrannol (UG) a Cyrsiau Lefel 3 Advanced Supplementary Level Courses (AS) and Level 3 Courses CWRS COURSE Y Celfyddydau Perfformio: Dawns Diploma Atodol Lefel 3 Performing Arts: Dance Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma Corff Dyfarnu: Edexcel BTEC Mae’r cwrs mewn Dawns yn cynnig cyfle unigryw i chi weithio ar arddulliau amrywiol o ddawns yn dibynnu ar eich diddordeb a gallu. Bydd disgwyl i chi gymryd rhan mewn o leiaf dwy sioe pob blwyddyn ar gyfer asesu yn ogystal â mynychu gweithdai ac ymweliadau theatr. Awarding body: Edexcel BTEC The course in Dance offers a unique opportunity for you to work on varied styles of dance depending on your interest and ability. You will be expected to participate in at least two shows in each year for assessment as well as attending workshops and theatre visits. Bydd y cwrs yn datblygu ystod o arddulliau dawns a sgiliau perfformio mewn dawns cyfoes ac artistiaid megis Martha Graham; dawns jazz - jazz traddodiadol, Charleston, roc n ‘rôl neu ‘twist’; dawns ballet; dawns tap a dawns y stryd. The course will develop a range of dance styles and performance skills in contemporary dance and artists such as Martha Graham; jazz dance – traditional jazz, Charleston, rock’n’roll or twist; ballet dance; tap dance and street dance. Llwybrau dilyniant: Gall cwrs mewn Dawns arwain i amrywiaeth o feysydd astudio yn y coleg dawns, AB, AU ac ar gyfer llwybrau gyrfa yn y dyfodol. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys perfformio, dawnsio ar longau mordeithio, addysgu, coreograffi, gwaith mewn theatrau a sioeau a chynyrchiadau y ‘West End’. Progression routes: A course in Dance can progress to a range of study areas at dance college, FE, HE and for future career paths. These include performing, dancing on cruise ships, teaching, choreography, work in theatres and shows and ‘West End’ productions. Addysg Gorfforol TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Physical Education Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Nod y cwrs yw rhoi i fyfyrwyr gwerthfawrogiad clir o’r gwahanol agweddau o addysg gorfforol. Mae’r cyfuniad o unedau theori ac asesiadau ymarferol yn gofyn am unigolion amrywddawn sydd â diddordeb brwd yn y pwnc. Awarding body: WJEC This course aims to provide students with a clear appreciation of the various aspects of PE. The combination of theory units and practical assessments require all-round individuals who have a keen and developed interest in the subject. Llwybrau dilyniant: Amrywiaeth eang o gyrsiau addysg bellach a chyfleoedd gyrfa mewn gwyddoniaeth chwaraeon, hyfforddiant chwaraeon / cyfleoedd rheoli, galwedigaethau sy’n seiliedig ar ffitrwydd, gwasanaethau gwisg unffurf. Progression routes: Wide variety of FE courses and career opportunities in sport science, sports coaching / management opportunities, fitness-based vocations, uniformed services. Ffiseg TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Physics Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Bydd y cwrs Ffiseg yn eich helpu i ddatblygu sgiliau ymarferol a meddyliol, a chymhwyso rhain mewn amrywiaeth o gyd-destunau. Bydd eich astudiaethau yn mynd â chi o’r bach iawn (fel gronynnau isatomig) i’r enfawr (sêr a’r bydysawd ehangach). Awarding body: WJEC The Physics course will help you to develop thinking and practical skills, and apply those in a variety of contexts. Your studies will take you from the very small (such as subatomic particles) to the very large (stars and the wider universe). Mae’r cwrs ffiseg yn datblygu dealltwriaeth y myfyriwr o gyfreithiau ffisegol ein Bydysawd a bydd pob myfyriwr yn gwella eu sgiliau datrys problemau wrth iddynt weithio drwy broblemau damcaniaethol. Bydd y cwrs yn herio pob myfyriwr, ond dylai ysbrydoli eu diddordeb fel y maent yn ymdrin â rhai o’r cysyniadau mwyaf diddorol mewn gwyddoniaeth. The physics course develops students’ understanding of the physical laws of our Universe and each student will gain better and more extensive problem solving skills as they work through theoretical problems. The course will challenge every student, but should inspire their interest as they cover some of the most fascinating concepts in science. Llwybrau dilyniant: Mae Ffiseg yn arbennig o addas ar gyfer y rhai sy’n dymuno dilyn gyrfa mewn gwyddoniaeth bur neu gymhwysol, astroffiseg, ffiseg feddygol neu niwclear, peirianneg, meddygaeth ac yn y blaen. Progression routes: Physics is particularly suitable for those who wish to follow careers in pure or applied science, astrophysics, medical or nuclear physics, engineering, medicine etc. 36 CWRS COURSE Dylunio Cynnyrch TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Product Design Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Lluniwch y dyfodol – mae cwrs mewn dylunio cynnyrch yn cynnig cyfle unigryw i chi nodi a datrys problemau go iawn trwy ddylunio a gwneud cynhyrchion gyda creadigrwydd a gwreiddioldeb. Trwy gyfuno egwyddorion dylunio gyda sgiliau technolegol ymarferol, byddwch yn dylunio cynnyrch sy’n gweithio, y gall pobl afael yn eu dwylo, chwarae gyda, edmygu, trafod gyda pobl ac yn y pen draw ei fod yn berchen. Awarding body: WJEC Shape the future – a course in product design offers a unique opportunity for you to identify and solve real problems by designing and making products with creativity and originality. By combining design principles with technological practical skills, you will design products which work, that people can get their hands on, play with, admire, tell people about and ultimately want as their own. Bydd y cwrs hwn yn dangos i chi sut i ddeall dylunio cynnyrch ac arloesedd; defnyddio sgiliau peirianneg cymhleth, dylunio â chymorth cyfrifiadur a chynhyrchu gyda cymorth chyfrifiadur a creu eich cynnyrch eich hun o gysyniad gwreiddiol i gwblhau, eitem swyddogaethol. The course will show you how to understand product design and innovation; use complex engineering skills, computer aided design and computer aided manufacture and create your own product from an original concept to a completed, functional item. Llwybrau dilyniant: Mae’r cwrs Dylunio Cynnyrch yn gweddu gyda ystod o gyrsiau eraill megis celf, ffiseg neu cyfrifiadureg ac yn gallu symud ymlaen i amrywiaeth astudiaethau pellach ac uwch ac i lwybrau gyrfa yn y dyfodol. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys adeiladu, pensaernïaeth, dylunio diwydiannol, amgylcheddol a mewnol, dylunio cynnyrch a dylunio graffeg, celf a dylunio a dylunio ffasiwn. Progression routes: The Product Design course complements and a range of other courses such as art, physics or computing and can progress to a range of further and higher education studies and for future career paths. These include construction, architecture, industrial, environmental and interior design, product design and graphic design, art and design and fashion design. Seicoleg TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Psychology Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Dyn yw un o’r anifeiliaid mwyaf cymhleth a diddorol yn y byd. Mae astudiaeth o seicoleg yn rhoi gwell dealltwriaeth i ni o’n ymddygiad ein hunan, yn ogystal ag ymddygiad phobl eraill. Awarding body: WJEC Humans are one of the most complex and fascinating animals in the world. The study of psychology enables us to gain a better understanding of our own behaviour, as well as that of other people. Byddwch yn datblygu dealltwriaeth o wahanol feysydd o seicoleg fel gwybyddiaeth, datblygiad, gwahaniaethau cymdeithasol ac unigol. Byddwch hefyd yn dysgu sut y gall materion cyfoes fel tystiolaeth llygad-dyst, straen, cof ac ufudd-dod ei ddeall a’i reoli yn well gan edrych arnynt o safbwyntiau seicolegol gwahanol. You will develop an understanding of different areas of psychology such as cognition, development, social and individual differences. You will also learn how topical issues such as eyewitness testimony, stress, memory and obedience can be better understood and managed by looking at them from different psychological perspectives. Llwybrau dilyniant: Dilyniant i astudiaeth pellach neu uwch. Mae gan Seicoleg ystod eang o gymhwysiad mewn addysgu, gwaith personel, busnes, cynghori, rheoli chwaraeon, marchnata, y cyfryngau a diwydiant. Progression routes: Progression on to further of higher education. Psychology also has a wide range of applications in teaching, personnel work, business, counselling, sports management, marketing, the media and industry. I enrolled to Rhyl 6th because it was close to home as well as being a new facility. The staff here are great and the opportunities are brilliant. Being here has enabled me to learn new and exciting things. The lessons are interesting and being able to study other classes part time has given me the opportunity to go to university. Antonia Patricia Wright Rhyl 6th, Sociology, Psychology and Art & Design 37 Cyrsiau Lefel Uwch Gyfrannol (UG) a Cyrsiau Lefel 3 Advanced Supplementary Level Courses (AS) and Level 3 Courses CWRS COURSE Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus Diploma Atodol Lefel 3 Public Services Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma Corff Dyfarnu: Edexcel BTEC Nod y cwrs yw rhoi i chi y sgiliau angenrheidiol i ddilyn gyrfa yn y Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus, unai drwy ymuno â llu arfog ffurfwisg fel y Llynges neu’r Fyddin, gwasanaeth achub fel y Gwasanaeth Tân, Gwasanaeth Ambiwlans, Heddlu neu wasanaeth heb ffurfwisg fel y Gwasanaeth Prawf. Mae’r cwrs hefyd yn addas ar gyfer myfyrwyr yn edrych am yrfa mewn addysg awyr agored ac yn y byd chwaraeon. Awarding body: Edexcel BTEC This course aims to provide you with the skills you require to pursue a career in the Public Services, whether this is joining a uniformed armed force such as the Navy or Army, a rescue service such as the Fire Service, Ambulance Service, Police or a non-uniformed service such as the Probation Service. The course is also suitable for students looking at careers in outdoor education and the world of sport. Llwybrau dilyniant: Dilyniant i Addysg Bellach neu Addysg Uwch mewn Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus, Y Gyfraith a Throseddeg, Addysg Awyr Agored neu gyflogaeth uniongyrchol yn y gyrfaoedd hyn. Progression routes: Progression to Further or Higher Education study in Public Services, Law and Criminology, Outdoor Education or direct employment in these careers. Astudiaethau Crefyddol TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Religious Studies Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Mae Astudiaethau Crefyddol yn cyfuno’n dda gyda holl feysydd pwnc eraill, yn datblygu gwybodaeth o faterion moesol, moesegol a diwylliannol sydd mor bwysig yn y gymdeithas aml-ddiwylliannol syd yn bodoli heddiw. Mae’r cwrs hwn yn archwilio ystyr crefydd yn y byd modern, fel y mae’n cael ei brofiadu trwy’r cyfryngau, gwneud penderfyniadau moesegol ac mewn Mudiadau Crefyddol Newydd. Awarding body: WJEC Religious Studies combines well with all other subject areas, developing knowledge of moral, ethical and cultural issues so important in today’s multicultural society. The course explores the meaning of religion in the modern world, as it is experienced through the media, ethical decision making and in New Religious Movements. Mae Astudiaethau Crefyddol yn annog myfyrwyr i feddwl am y byd rydym yn byw ynddo. Mae hyrwyddo cydlyniant cymunedol wrth wraidd y pwnc. Rydym yn canolbwyntio ar ddysgu drwy yn hytrach na dim ond dysgu am grefydd. Religious Studies encourages students to think about the world we live in. The promotion of community cohesion is at the heart of the subject. We focus on learning from rather than simply learning about religion. Llwybrau dilyniant: Mae Astudiaethau Crefyddol yn datblygu sgiliau trosglwyddadwy ardderchog sy’n arwain at ystod eang o gyrsiau gradd a chyfleoedd gyrfaol, yn enwedig y rhai sy’n ymwneud â gweithio gyda phobl. Mae cyn-fyfyrwyr wedi mynd ymlaen i astudio mewn ystod eang o feysydd, gan gynnwys meddygaeth, newyddiaduraeth, rheoli digwyddiadau, gwaith ieuenctid, addysgu, archaeoleg a gwaith cymdeithasol. Progression routes: Religious Studies develops excellent transferable skills leading to a wide range of degree courses and career opportunities, particularly those that involve working with people. Former students have gone on to study in a wide range of fields, including medicine, journalism, events management, youth work, teaching, archaeology and social work. Gwyddoniaeth Gymhwyso Diploma Atodol Lefel 3 Applied Science Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma Corff Dyfarnu: Edexcel BTEC Mae’r cwrs Gwyddoniaeth Gymhwysol yn cynnig cymhwyster arbenigol sy’n canolbwyntio ar agweddau o gyflogaeth o fewn y sector galwedigaethol priodol. Bydd y cwrs yn eich galluogi i ddatblygu sgiliau gwyddoniaeth ymarferol sy’n adlewyrchu agweddau ar gyflogaeth o fewn sefydliadau gwyddoniaeth. Awarding body: Edexcel BTEC Applied Science offers a specialist qualification that focuses on aspects of employment with the appropriate vocational sector. The course will enable you to develop practical science skills which reflect aspects of employment within science organisations. Byddwch yn astudio hanfodion gwyddoniaeth, gwaith y diwydiant gwyddoniaeth ac yn cwblhau ymchwiliad gwyddonol. Mae’r pynciau a astudir hefyd yn cynnwys Microbioleg, Ffiseg Feddygol a Ffisioleg systemau’r corff dynol. Llwybrau dilyniant: Mae myfyrwyr yn y gorffenol wedi mynd ymlaen i astudio nyrsio, addysgu a cyrsiau gwyddonol yn y brifysgol. Mae’r cymhwyster hwn yn cael ei gydnabod yn eang gan brifysgolion ac mae’n ddewis delfrydol i fyfyrwyr sy’n dymuno astudio gwyddoniaeth yn fwy galwedigaethol, yn seiliedig ar y byd gwaith. 38 You will study the fundamentals of science, the work of the science industry and will complete a scientific investigation. Topics studied also include Microbiology, Medical Physics and the Physiology of human body systems. Progression routes: Previous students have gone on to study nursing, teaching and science based courses at university. This qualification is becoming widely acknowledged by universities and is an ideal choice for students who wish to study a more vocational, work related science based subject. Art at Prestatyn High sixth form gives you the opportunity to express and let loose with your ideas and creative skills. The department offers around the clock help with work and developing concepts. The teachers here are some of the best in the country and the style of teaching and drawing from life is highly recommended and loved by many universities. Because of this teaching style the work created is really eye-catching and of a very high quality. I believe that the earth without art is really just, eh. Georgia Palomba Prestatyn High Sixth, Art History and Religious Studies Cyrsiau Lefel Uwch Gyfrannol (UG) a Cyrsiau Lefel 3 Advanced Supplementary Level Courses (AS) and Level 3 Courses CWRS COURSE Cymdeithaseg TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Sociology Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: AQA Cymdeithaseg yw’r astudiaeth o bobl a chymdeithas. Mae cymdeithasegwyr yn chwilio am esboniadau sut a pham mae cymdeithasau yn cael eu strwythuro mewn ffyrdd penodol a sut mae unigolion a grwpiau sy’n rhan o’r gymdeithas yn dehongli ac ymateb i’r strwythurau yma. Awarding body: AQA Sociology is the study of people and society. Sociologists look for explanations of how and why societies are structured in certain ways and how individuals and groups who make up a society interpret and respond to these structures. Byddwch yn ystyried sut mae cymdeithas yn helpu llunio’r ffordd yr ydych yn ystyried eich hunan ac eraill ac archwilio achosion ac esboniadau problemau cymdeithasol fel tlodi, anffafriaeth, trosedd a rhagfarn. Mae’r pynciau astudir yn cynnwys teuluoedd ac aelwydydd, y cyfryngau torfol, trosedd a gwyredd, anghydraddoldeb cymdeithasol. Llwybrau dilyniant: Astudiaeth pellach ar lefel gradd mewn Cymdeithaseg, Troseddeg, y Gyfraith, Addysg, Astudiaethau Cyfryngau, Gwleidyddiaeth ac Athroniaeth. Mae’r cwrs hefyd yn eich paratoi ar gyfer amrywiaeth o yrfaoedd, gan gynnwys newyddiaduraeth, plismona, nyrsio, addysg a llywodraeth leol. You will consider how society helps to shape the way you view yourself and others and examine the causes and explanations of social problems like poverty, discrimination, crime and prejudice. Topics studied include families and households, the mass media, crime and deviance, social inequality. Progression routes: Further study at degree level in Sociology, Criminology, Law, Education, Media Studies, Politics and Philosophy. This course also prepares you for a variety of careers including journalism, policing, nursing, education and local government. Sbaeneg TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Spanish Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Bydd y cwrs hwn yn eich galluogi i gyfathrebu’n hyderus yn Sbaeneg ac yn darparu sylfaen gadarn ar gyfer astudio pellach a / neu i wneud ddefnydd ymarferol o’r iaith. Awarding body: WJEC This course will enable you to communicate confidently in Spanish and provide a firm foundation for further study and / or practical use of the language. Bydd y cwrs yn eich annog i gynyddu eich diddordeb a’ch brwdfrydedd mewn dysgu iaith a datblygu eich dealltwriaeth o’r iaith mewn amrywiaeth o gyd-destunau fel eich bod yn gallu cyfathrebu’n hyderus, yn glir ac yn effeithiol mewn Sbaeneg ar gyfer pwrpasau amrywiol. Byddwch hefyd yn datblygu ymwybyddiaeth a dealltwriaeth o’r gymdeithas Sbaeneg cyfoes a’i chefndir a threftadaeth ddiwylliannol. The course will encourage you to increase your interest and enthusiasm for language learning and develop your understanding of the language in a variety of contexts so that you are able to communicate confidently, clearly and effectively in Spanish for a range of purposes. You will also develop an awareness and understanding of Spanish contemporary society and its cultural background and heritage. Llwybrau dilyniant: Astudiaeth pellach ar lefel gradd, ei gyfuno â iaith newydd neu bwnc arall megis y gyfraith, newyddiaduraeth, y cyfryngau, economeg a busnes. Mae ieithoedd yn werthfawr mewn amrywiaeth o yrfaoedd, gan gynnwys addysgu, peirianneg, marchnata, teithio a thwristiaeth ac yn y blaen. Mae cyn myfyrwyr wedi mynd ymlaen i ddefnyddio eu sgiliau ieithyddol mewn therapi llefaru, addysg, ymchwil a chyfieithu. Progression routes: Further study at degree level, combining it with a new language or another subject such as law, journalism, media, economics and business. Languages are valuable in a variety of careers, including teaching, engineering, marketing, travel and tourism etc. Past students have gone on to use their language skills in speech therapy, education, research and translating. 40 CWRS COURSE Chwaraeon Diploma Atodol Lefel 3 Sport Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma Corff Dyfarnu: Edexcel BTEC Mae’r sector chwaraeon a hamdden heini yn y DU yn parhau i dyfu fel mae fwy o bobl yn cydnabod pwysigrwydd ffordd iach o fyw. Mae’r cwrs hwn yn rhoi cyflwyniad i’r sector hwnnw a bydd yn eich galluogi i adeiladu gyrfa mewn chwaraeon o fewn un o’i feysydd galwedigaethol. Awarding body: Edexcel BTEC The sport and active leisure sector in the UK continues to grow as more people recognise the importance of a healthy lifestyle. This course provides an introduction to that sector and will enable you to build a career in sport within one of its occupational areas. Mae’r cwrs yn cynnwys yr astudiaeth o egwyddorion anatomi a ffisioleg mewn chwaraeon, ffisioleg ymarfer corff, asesu risg mewn chwaraeon, profi ffitrwydd ar gyfer chwaraeon ac ymarfer corff ac yn y blaen. Llwybrau dilyniant: Addysgu a cyfarwyddo, datblygu chwaraeon, ymarfer corff a ffitrwydd a llawer o yrfaoedd eraill o fewn y diwydiannau chwaraeon a hamdden. Topics covered during the course include the principles of anatomy and physiology in sport, the physiology of exercise, assessing risk in sport, fitness testing for sport and exercise etc. Progression routes: Teaching and instructing, sports development, exercise and fitness and many other careers within the sports and leisure industries. 19-year-old Dylan Evans from Rhyl was awarded a silver medal at the British Physics Olympiad (BPhO) 2013-2014 competition. Nearly 2,000 physics students from schools and colleges throughout the UK entered this prestigious contest. Participating in the Physics Olympiad gave me the opportunity to engage with different types of problems to those present in A Level exams. This has allowed me to develop new skills which I hope will be useful to me when I go on to study physics at university. 41 Cyrsiau Lefel Uwch Gyfrannol (UG) a Cyrsiau Lefel 3 Advanced Supplementary Level Courses (AS) and Level 3 Courses CWRS COURSE Teithio a Thwristiaeth Diploma Atodol Lefel 3 Travel & Tourism Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma Corff Dyfarnu: Edexcel BTEC Er gwaethaf anawsterau diweddar, mae’r diwydiant teithio a thwristiaeth yn parhau i dyfu yn gyflym. Mae’r blynyddoedd diwethaf wedi gweld cynnydd enfawr yn y teithio a wneir gan unigolion ar gyfer hamdden a busnes. Awarding body: Edexcel BTEC Despite recent setbacks, the travel and tourism industry continues to grow at a rapid pace. Recent years have seen a huge increase in the amount of travel undertaken by individuals for both leisure and business. Bydd y cwrs hwn yn rho i chi sylfaen cadarn yn y diwydiant tra’n datblygu sgiliau busnes a sgiliau cyflogadwyedd sy’n hanfodol ar gyfer gyrfa o fewn y diwydiant teithio a thwristiaeth. This course will enable you to gain a sound foundation of the industry whilst developing business and employability skills which are essential for a career in the travel and tourism industry. Llwybrau dilyniant: Mae llwybrau dilyniant yn cynnwys prifysgol neu coleg i astudio Teithio a Rheolaeth Twristiaeth, Rheoli Digwyddiadau a Gwasanaeth Cwsmeriaid. Gyrfaoedd mewn adwerthu teithio, atyniadau ymwelwyr, cludiant a gweithredwyr teithiau. Progression routes: Progression routes include university or college to study Travel and Tourism Management, Event Management and Customer Service. Careers in retail travel, visitor attractions, transport and tour operators. Cymraeg Ail Iaith TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Welsh Second Language Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Bydd y cwrs hwn yn eich galluogi i barhau i ddatblygu eich sgiliau yn yr iaith Gymraeg a fydd yn rhoi i chi yr hyder i ddefnyddio’r iaith ym mhob math o sefyllfaoedd, yn ffurfiol neu’n anffurfiol. Bydd astudio’r Gymraeg ar y lefel hon yn eich galluogi i ddod yn siaradwr Cymraeg rhugl, gyda’r gallu i fwynhau y diwylliannau Cymreig a Saesneg sy’n bodoli yn ein cymunedau modern. Awarding body: WJEC This course will enable you to continue to develop your skills in the Welsh language which will give you added confidence to use the language in all kinds of situations, be they formal or informal. Studying Welsh at this level will enable you to become a fluent welsh speaker, able to enjoy both the Welsh and English cultures which exist in our modern communities. Gofynnir am sgiliau cyfathrebu dwyieithog yn gynyddol gan gyflogwyr a bydd y cwrs yn eich galluogi i ddatblygu pob agwedd o hyn drwy’r sgiliau cyfathrebu llafar ac ysgrifenedig yn ofynnol ar y cwrs, a drwy’r astudiaeth o ramadeg, barddoniaeth a llenyddiaeth Gymraeg, ffilm a chyfryngau modern eraill sy’n ganolog i y cwrs. Bilingual communication skills are increasingly sought after by employers and the course will enable you to develop all aspects of this through the oral and written communication skills required and by the study of grammar, Welsh poetry and literature, film and other modern media which are central to the course. Llwybrau dilyniant: Gyrfaoedd yn y canlynol: Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru, y Cyfryngau, y GIG, yr Heddlu, y Gwasanaeth Tân, y Sector Cyhoeddus. Progression routes: Careers in the following: Welsh Assembly Government, Media, NHS, Police Force, Fire Service, the Public Sector. Uwch Bagloriaeth Cymru TAG UG a TAG U Lefel 3 Advanced Welsh Baccalaureate Level 3 GCE AS & GCE A Corff Dyfarnu: CBAC Mae Bagloriaeth Cymru yn gymhwyster cyffrous i fyfyrwyr yng Nghymru sy’n ychwanegu dimensiwn newydd gwerthfawr at y pynciau a’r cyrsiau sydd eisoes ar gael ar gyfer pobl 14 i 19 oed. Awarding body: WJEC The Welsh Baccalaureate is an exciting qualification for students in Wales that adds a valuable new dimension to the subjects and courses already available for 14 to 19 year old students. Nod y cwrs yw: The course aims to: • G alluogi ymgeiswyr o bob gallu i symud ymlaen i addysg bellach neu uwch, hyfforddiant neu gyflogaeth • E nable candidates of all abilities to progress to further or higher education, training or employment • Hyrwyddo agweddau a fydd yn paratoi ymgeiswyr ar gyfer dysgu gydol oes • Promote attitudes that will prepare candidates for lifelong learning • S icrhau bod pob ymgeisydd yn datblygu’r sgiliau a fydd yn eu paratoi i symud ymlaen mewn addysg, hyfforddiant a chyflogaeth • E nsure that all candidates develop the skills that will equip them for progression in education, training and employment Please see page 15 for more details. Gweler tudalen 14 am fwy o fanylion. 42 Gwybodaeth Pellach Further Information Newidiadau a Cansladau Changes & Cancellations Amddiffyn Plant Child Protection Mae Partneriaeth Ysgol Uwchradd Prestatyn a Chweched Y Rhyl yn cydnabod ein cyfrifoldebau tuag at amddiffyn plant ac mae aelod o’r staff hŷn wedi ei enwi yn gyfrifol am faterion amddiffyn plant ar bob safle. Ein nod yw sefydlu amgylchedd lle y teimlai bob myfyriwr yn ddiogel a sicr. Mae’r manylion yn y llyfryn yma yn gywir ar y pryd yr argraffwyd ond mae’n bosib i rhain newid oherwydd diffyg niferoedd neu amgylchiadau anweledig eraill. Mae gan Partneriaeth Ysgol Uwchradd Prestatyn a Chweched Y Rhyl yr hawl i ddileu cyrsiau lle mae hyn yn anocheladwy. The details in this booklet are correct at the time of printing but may be subject to change due to the viability of group size and other unforeseen circumstances. The Prestatyn High School and Rhyl Sixth Partnership reserves the right to cancel such courses where this is unavoidable. The Prestatyn High School and Rhyl Sixth Partnership recognises its responsibilities for child protection and as such has a named senior member of staff responsible for child protection issues on each site. We aim to establish an environment for all students where they can feel safe and secure. Cyfleoedd Cyfartal Mae Partneriaeth Ysgol Uwchradd Prestatyn a Chweched Y Rhyl yn ymroddgar i ddarparu cyfleoedd cyfartal i bob un o’i fyfyrwyr. Rydym yn herio anffafriaeth mewn unrhyw ffurf ac yn monitro effeithiolrwydd ein polisiau Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth. Equal Opportunities Tâl Adnoddau Resources Fee The Prestatyn High School and Rhyl Sixth Partnership is committed to providing equal opportunities to all its students. We challenge discrimination in all its forms and monitor the effectiveness of our Equality and Diversity policies. Mae angen tâl o £15 yn flynyddol gan bob myfyriwr yn y partneriaeth I gyfrannu tuag at ddigolledu costau argraffu ac adnoddau eraill y defnyddir yn ystod y flwyddyn. An annual fee of £15 is required from each student in the partnership to offset the cost of printing and other consumable materials used during the year. Anghenion Addysg Ychwanegol Additional Learning Needs Mae Partneriaeth Ysgol Uwchradd Prestatyn a Chweched Y Rhyl yn darparu cefnogaeth a chyngor arbenigol i alluogi myfyrwyr gydag anhawsterau dysgu ac / neu anabledd i gyrchu ein cyfleusterau a’n gwasanaethau er mwyn gwneud y trawsnewidiad o’r ysgol i addysg ol 16 mor esmwyth a phosib. The Prestatyn High School and Rhyl Sixth Partnership provides specialist advice and support to enable students with learning difficulties and / or disabilities to access our facilities and services and will make the transition from school to post 16 education as smooth as possible. Dilynwch ni ar Twitter Follow us on Twitter @PHS6thform 43 Manylion Cyswllt Contact Details Glen Vernon Rhyl Sixth Admissions 01745 852 312 [email protected] 01745 354 797 [email protected] Head of Sixth Form Prestatyn High School Princes Avenue Prestatyn Denbighshire LL19 8RS Coleg Llandrillo Rhyl Cefndy Road Rhyl Denbighshire LL18 2HG Mae croeso i chi gysylltu â ni neu edrych ar ein gwefannau i gael rhagor o wybodaeth am gwneud cais i astudio gyda Parneriaeth Ysgol Uwchradd Prestatyn a Chweched y Rhyl. Feel free to get in touch with us or have a look around our websites for more information on applying to study with the Prestatyn High School and Rhyl Sixth Partnership. Coleg Llandrillo Rhyl Cefndy Road Rhyl Denbighshire LL18 2HG Prestatyn High School Princes Avenue Prestatyn Denbighshire LL19 8RS 01745 354 797 01745 852 312
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