AC1011S004V0 DE45EM DE65EM 2013 M M 7DEOHRI&RQWHQWV 3URGXFW &RGH ,OOXPLQDWLRQ DQG 6HULHV LQWURGXFWLRQ 6SHFLILFDWLRQV 6DIHW\ DQG 3UHFDXWLRQ :DUQLQJ DQG &DXWLRQV )HDWXUHV&DUH&OHDQLQJ 3DUWVDQG)XQFWLRQV $EQRUPLW\'LDJQRVH8 6\VW HP)ORZ &KDUW0 &LUFXLW'LDJUDP1 :LULQJ 'LDJUDP3 'HKXPLGLILHU M M M DE45EM/DE65EM DE45EM 1.85 1.85 180/150 220/200 57/56 57/56 11 15 R410A/7.4Oz Unit Dimensions DE65EM R410A/8.1Oz 4.2 6.2 480 690 21 23 1/2 13 3/8 15 10 5/8 12 22 1/2 25 3/16 14 3/4 16 1/2 12 14 16.8 17.7 18.6 18.6 910 740 M 3 M E45 M E6 M NO other extension cord is permitted M M 1.Remove the plastic cap at the rear of the unit.(Keep the rubber insert well for use later.)(Fig.#1) 2.Tightly screw the purchased garden hose to the direct drain opening.(Fig.#2) 3.Position the dehumidifier as close as you can to the floor drain. 4.Position the opening end of the drain hose directly over the floor drain and start the unit. 5.When the direct drain feature is not being used,remove the drain hose from the direct drain opening and plug it with the rubber cap provided. M M M M CURRENT HUMIDITY SET HUMIDITY Hr Signal The bucket full audible signal can be turned on and off by pressing the SIGNAL button. The default setting is set in the ON position. When the bucket is full, the red BUCKET FULL indicator light will blink and the alarm will sound 5 times every 15 minutes. To turn off the audible signal feature, press the SIGNAL button once, and the LED display will show “OF” for 2 seconds. In this setting, when the bucket is full, the BUCKET FULL indicator light will blink, but the audible alarm will not sound. To reactivate the audible signal, press the SIGNAL button and the LED display to the left will show “ON” for 2 seconds. Bucket Full Indicator When the indicator light comes on, automatic flow control stops the unit. Turn the unit off by pressing the POWER key. Check to see if the bucket is full. If so, empty it. If bucket is not full and indicator light is on, the bucket is not in the proper position. Remove and reinstall it. 9 Current Temp/Timer Set Display When the dehumidifier is runningit displays the current temperature.Press the timer key to program the dehumidifier to turn on or off automatically at a pre-deter mined time. Current Humidity/Setting Humidity Display Displays the current humidity level and adjusts the humidity to a desired level. Setting Humidity Range: 40%RH~70%RH Display Humidity Range: (LO)30%RH~(HI)90%RH Power 2 Check Filter Indicator The "check filter" indicator will flash when the filter needs to be cleaned. Remove the filter, wash it, and put it back in. Press "Filter Reset." The "check filter" indicator will turn off. Note: Make sure the filter is dry before replacing. 5 6 Smart Dry This setting compares the set humidity level with the actual humidity level and adjusts the fan speed automatically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¶W 3&% LVEURNHQ UHSODFH DQHZ3&% JHWXSZLWKSUHVVXUH <(6 5HSDLU WKH NH\VWURN HV RQ HOHFWULFDO ER[ WR NHHS WKHP DZD\ IURP WKH NH\VWURNHV RQ3&% 9 'HKXPLGLILHU M M evaporator condenser dehumidify 0 M M +5V BUZZ1 KPMG09C1-3031 R1 ¡ R7 . +5V C5 C3 C2 C4 0.1uF0.1uF0.1uF0.1uF 0.1uF . P5 8550 . Humidity LED1 ZN013 LED2 ZN013 . SMART HI LED3 LED4 LED5 LED6 LED7 LED8 LED9 10K7 10K6 10K5 10K4 1K3 1K2 1K1 R46 R9 3.3K 3.3K+5V E 7B 6B 5B 4B 3B 2B 1B COM 7C 6C 5C 4C 3C 2C 1C • • • • 1 4 3 9 8 7 6 2 1 4 3 9 8 7 6 2 8 R15 R14 R16 R17 R20 R19 R18 • 3.3K C17 0.1uF +5V 9 10 R53 11 R52 12 R51 13 R50 14 R49 15 R48 16 R47 • R61 LOW T_ON T_OFF FULL FLTER +5V P6 8550 R70 . R43 • IC1 0&+&-/&63(6',3 C8 . R33 . R42 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 P4 8550 ADC12 PTA7 RST PTA5 PTD4/T1CH0 PTD5/T1CH1 PTD2/ADC9 PTA4 PTD3/ADC8 PTB0/ADC0 PTB1/ADC1 PTD1/ADC10 PTB2/ADC2 PTB3/ADC3 PTD0/ADC11 PTB4/ADC4 R32 . R41 IRQ PTA0 VSS OSC1 OSC2 PTA1 VDD PTA2 PTA3 PTB7/ADC7 PTB6/ADC6 PTB5/ADC5 PTD7/RXD PTD6/TXD PTE0/T2CH0 PTE1/T2CH1 . P3 8550 1 2 3 4 XT1 C21 R445 30pF 0 6 7 +5V 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 30pF R31 . R40 Temp/Timer 7-& C19 P2 8550 5 R29 . C7 . R30 . R39 10 R5 C1 ,54 2 1 *1' 0.1uF 2 26& 1 CN25 4 .9 1 5 2 M ± 3 0 P P M +5V C30 0.1uF 5 100uF-16V 0.1uF P1 2SA1037AK R64 . 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C18 +5V 0.01uF GND TXD RXD CN20 5267-04A 11 1 2 3 4 R58 .fˁ M FUSE1 T3.15A/250VAC D4 CX1 0.1uF-275Vac 1N4007 IC4 MC7805(1A-5V) +12V 1 D2 1N4007 C9 D3 1N4007 0.1uF Vout +5V 3 2 L Vin GND M E2 RV1 D5 1N4007 2200uF-35V TVR 14561*-560V T1 BCY-4-01BK(12V-300mA-115Vac) N CON1 CN11 250 PP%%3+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 +5V E5 C20 220uF-25V 0.1uF ˇ5 V 3,3( + 8 0 , ' ,7 < 5220 &203 /2: +, 9$/9( )8// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10GND R22 10K +5V C24 0.1uF )8// CN5 CN6 '$ '$ 1 R23 1K 2 3 4 5 6 7 C13 C16 C15 C14 8 IC3 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 +80,',7< 1 2 3 uF-50V R34 +5V 16 O2 15 O3 14 O4 13 O5 12 O6 11 O7 10 +12V 9 E9 100uF-25V +5V CN2 1 2 E7 4.7uF-50V 5220 CN3 R37 1K % % ; + R36 1K P P % % ;+ 3,3( 1 2 % % ; + CN4 O1 GND COM 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF +5V ULN2003-SOP16 +12V C12 0.1uF K1 K2 K3 1$&&$&9$ 1$&&$&9$ K4 :3$&$&9$ 1$&&$&9$ 1K 9¡ 12 CN8 CN7 CN9 D250(10A) '$ 1 '$ RC2 9¡ 1 CN10 D187(8A) RC1 R C 5.1K 1 4.7uF-50V R24 R C E8 1 5.1K 1 R25 9$/9( +, /2: &203 1 M M :,5,1*',$*5$0 %%/$&. %/%/8( %5%52:1 <<(//2: **5((1 55(' ::+,7( %%5 *<* :%/ %/ 5 &2035(6625 & +($7 3527(&725 &$3$&,725 06 B )$1 +(50 : & : % 505 % 0 )$102725 3,3(7(03 6(1625 + / 0 Y 5 %/ 52207(03 6(1625 NC 12 &1 &1 &1 &1 75$16)250(5 +, %/ %/ )86( 7$ 9$& & )/2$7 6:,7&+ &1 /2: 1 '&) &1 &1 &1 &1 &21 &1 &21752/ %2$5' +80,',7< 6(1625 127(%(&$86(2)',))(5(17&2035(6625 7+(3$570$<127%(86(' %(&$86(2)',))(5(1702'(/6 7+(3$570$<127%(86(' 13 The End DE45EM/DE65EM Sincere Forever Haier Group Haier Industrial Park, No.1, Haier Road Edited by: GuanLi DingCheng 266101, Qingdao, China E-mail: [email protected] Signed by:WangRuoFeng Tel: +86 532 88936935 Http:// Factory Model NO. DE45EM/DE65EM Some models may have an additional letter after the model number. Approved by: ZhangPeng Domestic Air Conditioner
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