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Workshop Technology 1.1 Basic hand tools and hand operations 1.2 Machine Tools: Lathe, Shaper, Milling, Drilling, Grinding Machines 1.3 Metal Joining: Soldering, Brazing, Electric arc welding, Gas welding and cutting 1.4 Sheet metal and Pipe works 1.5 Operation of safe, reliable and efficient workshop facilities 2. Thermodynamics 2.1 Basic thermodynamic processes: constant volume, constant pressure, constant temperature, adiabatic process and polytropic process 2.2 First law of thermodynamics: Definition of the first law, total internal energy and mechanical equivalent of heat 2.3 Second law of thermodynamics: Definition of the second law and thermal efficiency of heat engine 3. Heat Engine 3.1 Internal Combustion Engine: Working Principle, Engine nomenclature, Spark Ignition Engine, Compression Ignition Engine, Two-stroke and Four-stroke cycle engines 3.2 Thermodynamic cycles involved in Internal Combustion Engine: Otto cycle, Diesel cycle 4. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 4.1 Vapour absorption and Vapour compression cycle 4.2 Types of Air Conditioning System, Equipment and control components i.e. expansion devices, thermostat, pressure cutout devices 4.3 Types of refrigerant 4.4 Psychrometric chart 5. Material Science and Metrology 5.1 General properties of materials: Physical properties, Mechanical properties, Electrical properties, Magnetic properties and Thermal properties 5.2 Standard units of measurements and Measuring Instruments 6. Electro-mechanical Equipment 6.1 Difference between AC & DC Motors and their application 6.2 Working Principle of Generator, its components and functions 7. Automotive System 7.1 Diesel/Petrol Engine and its components, Transmission system, Suspension system, Cooling system, Lubrication system, Exhaust system, Electrical system, Fuel system, Instruments and Control 8. Estimating and Costing 8.1 General 8.1.1 Concept of profitability, break-even point, return on investment, liability and assets,fixed cost, variable cost, fixed capital, working capital, equity, depreciation and amortization 8.1.2 Elements of cost and classification 8.2 Estimation of repair and maintenance works of mechanical equipment and facilities 9. Maintenance Management 9.1 Spare parts management and inventory control 9.2 Preventive maintenance and its necessity 9.3 Break-down maintenance 9.4 Maintenance works of mechanical equipment, system and facilities 9.5 Management of Mechanical Workshop & Warehouse 10.Miscellaneous 10.1 Main components of Elevators, Escalators, Rescue & Fire Fighting Vehicles and Baggage Handling System and their functions 10.2 Basic knowledge of heavy equipment: Loader, Dozer, Grader, Excavator, Roller, Truck, Fork Lift, Crane 10.3 Safety measures for operation and maintenance of mechanical equipments, systems and facilities 10.4 ICAO Annexes, Manuals and Circulars (Related with mechanical equipments, systems and facilities)
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