A Dive into Opensource Verification Language, Vlang Puneet Goel, Sumit Adhikari, Coverify Systems Technology, Gurgaon, India Email: [email protected] NXP Semiconductors GmbH, Hamburg, Germany Email: [email protected] Abstract—The past decade has witnessed significant broadening of hardware verification domain. Modern Hardware Verification Languages (HVLs), which have been drafted with a focus on RTL verification, are facing new challenges. There is a challenge on performance front due to a growing need to testbench Emulation Platforms and Virtual Platforms. On the other hand language expressiveness of the HVLs is being challenged by the increasing requirement for hardware/software coverification and verification of heterogeneous systems. In this demo we introduce and present the next generation verification language Vlang [1]. Vlang is a multicore enabled, generic and generative programming supportive verification language. Vlang is opensource and is built on top of the D Programming Language [2]. It takes advantages of D’s strong metaprogramming and reflection capabilities to eliminate boilerplate. Vlang is Application Binary Interface (ABI) compatible with C/C++; it creates single executable with SystemC [3]. For RTL verification it integrates with SystemVerilog [4] seamlessly through Verilog Procedural Interface (VPI) and through Direct Programming Interface (DPI). Currently Vlang supports Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) (1.1d release) as verification methodology library. I. I NTRODUCTION Continued extension of Moore’s Law with respect to System on Chip (S O C) transistor count has resulted in complex verification challenges. A decade back (ref Figure 1) RTL simulation and verification tools used to automatically scale, thanks to the then healthy growth of the processor frequency. But ever since the processor speed has gone stagnant, and as a result verification tools no longer scale. Also, as more and more transistors become available to the designers, the architectural complexity of the S O Cs continues to grow exponentially. But the tools available for implementing these designs have remained more or less limited to RTL domain. This has resulted in growing abstraction gap between the specifications and the design implementation (in RTL), famously termed as Verification Gap. In fact we have moved into an era where the designers want software to be tested before the design is mapped to silicon. 1970 Server CPU Trends Transistor Count(K) CPU Clock (MHz) Perf/Clock 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 B. Solutions Offered by State of the Art Languages DUT Simulation Data Synchronisation Testbench Simulation SystemVerilog Cosimulation Vlang Cosimulation A. Problem Statement 1G 100M 10M 1M 100K 10K 1K 100 10 1 This has resulted in: 1) More and more designs being verified with help of Emulation Platforms 2) Need to verify the design early on, using Virtual Platforms 3) A growing need for faster verification tools 2000 2005 2010 Fig. 1. Even as number of transistors in SoC continues to grow, the CPU frequency and performance graphs have saturated Fig. 2. SystemVerilog and DPI become a performance bottleneck when used for implementing testbenches for Emulation Platforms and Virtual Platforms At RTL level, the interaction between the Verification Testbench and the Design Under Verification (DUV) is at plain old signal abstraction. SystemVerilog provides the SV interface construct for this purpose, which helps a verification engineer to mould a transaction into signals and vice versa. As verification moves to emulation platforms, the signal layer and the corresponding Bus Functional Model (BFM) become a bottleneck for verification performance. It has become a general practice to synthesize the signal layer of the testbench and put it on the Emulation Platform along with the design. As a result, the interaction between the testbench and the DUV has now really moved to transaction level. Virtual Platforms too need stimulus to be provided in form of transactions. SystemVerilog faces four challenges stated below: 1) Virtual Platforms and Emulation platforms increase the speed of DUV simulation by at least a couple of orders of magnitude. When SystemVerilog is used as testbench language for these platforms, it slows down the simulation (ref Figure 2) by not being able to stimulate the design fast enough. 2) Though SystemVerilog provides DPI, for transaction level interaction with C/C++ Application Programming Interface (API), which is a big improvement over Verilog Programming Language Interface (PLI), the DPI itself has a significant interface overhead [5]. 3) Despite the “System” moniker, SystemVerilog has failed to provide a viable medium to code at Systems Level [6]. This has become an impediment when we consider the growing need for hardware software co-verification. 4) Although the simulation tools have evolved in the past decade to make multicore RTL simulation feasible, parallel testbenches in SystemVerilog are a far dream since the language does not provide relevant constructs to enable multicore programming at behavioral level. C. Vlang, the Solution for the Next Generation Verification We introduce Vlang [1] as next generation verification language with following salient features: 1) Clean and easy syntax (close to SystemVerilog and/or SystemC) and yet extremely powerful (fast learning and high productivity) 2) Multicore parallelism (for faster simulation and Verification IP (VIP) scalability) 3) N number of simulators possible in one simulation (faster simulation, easier simulation management (no scripting)) 4) Truly object oriented, supported by modern compiler technology (great design, less code, high re-usability) 5) Generic programming, template meta-programming (generic design, less code, high re-usability) 6) Contract programming and unittest environment(early bug source detection) 7) Compile time reflections and code generation (generative testbenches) 8) ABI compatible with C/C++ (creates single executable with C/C++) 9) Pointer-less and garbage collected (no need of memory management, higher productivity) 10) Fast and advanced constraint randomization (less simulation time) 11) Multicore enabled, word to word translated UVM-1.1d (ref Section II) II. M ULTICORE UVM I MPLEMENTATION IN V LANG Vlang enables multicore parallelism in its UVM port (ref Figure 3). Vlang UVM classifies the testbench components into the following categories: uvm_test uvm phase mechanism uvm objection mechanism shared testbench components uvm config object uvm_component scoreboard uvm_agent shared objects coverage uvm_env Design Under Verification (DUV) Fig. 3. Multicore Enabled Vlang UVM Architecture A. UVM Agents An agent in UVM provides the right abstraction for reuse. The software analogy for a uvm_agent is a package. There is very little (and controlled as we see in the next section) interaction across the various UVM agents in a testbench. And therefor, for multicore considerations too, UVM agent provides the right context for parallelism. In Vlang, the various UVM agents are all executed independently on multiple cores. A verification infrastructure architect retains the flexibility to make any higher or lower level UVM component a parallelization context. B. Shared Objects All the interaction between the various UVM agents is limited to shared objects like the Objection Mechanism, UVM Phases and Configuration Database. Fortunately, all these shared objects are singletons and are instantiated inside the UVM library. Vlang port of UVM puts the synchronization controls for all these shared objects to make sure that there are no race conditions in a multicore testbench. C. Shared Testbench Components Some testbench components like the scoreboard might actively interface with multiple UVM agents. But all such interaction happens via UVM TLM ports/exports. Vlang UVM has synchronization controls in place in the TLM port/export implementation to help avoid any possible race conditions. III. V LANG D EMONSTRATION E XAMPLES 1) A multicore enabled testbench based on a multicore implementation of UVM in Vlang. 2) SystemC Co-Simulation with Vlang with a demonstration of shared data operations between SystemC and Vlang. 3) Verilog Co-Simulation with Vlang using DPI to interact between the testbench and the design. 4) Constraint solving and Randomization capabilities of Vlang. Demonstration of multicore enabled constraint solvers and randomization stability in multicore environments. 5) By far the fastest compilation and incremental compilation of testbenches in comparison to other verification languages. 6) Utilization of metaprogramming and generative programming features in Vlang to make cleaner and more succinct UVM testbenches. IV. C ONCLUSION Vlang is an opensource verification language with many possibilities and solutions for the next generation. It is built on top of D programming language, which comes with strong library support. While today Vlang implements a port of UVM, the language capabilities provide it a potential for implementing far more powerful verification libraries and methodologies in future. R EFERENCES [1] P. Goel and S. Adhikari, “Introduction to Next Generation Verification Language - Vlang,” in Design and Verification Conference & Exhibition Europe, To be published. DVCon Europe 2014, 2014, pp. 1–8. [2] A. Alexandrescu, The D programming language. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2010. [3] D. C. Black, J. Donovan, B. Bunton, and A. Keist, SystemC: From the ground up. Springer, 2004. [4] C. Spear, SystemVerilog for Verification. Springer, 2006. [5] P. Goel, A. Sharma, and H. V. Balisetty, “C you on the faster side: Accelerating sv dpi based co-simulation,” Proceedings of Design Verification Conference, San Jose, 2014. [6] B. Bailey and G. Martin, ESL Models and their Application: Electronic System Level Design and Verification in Practice. Springer, 2010.
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