*Newsround_1_16th October_IETM_Sofia_2014.xlsx

NEWSROUND 1: Thursday 16th October / Jeudi 16 Octobre 16:00 -­‐ 17:00
Laura Eaton Lewis
The Work Room
Glasgow, Scotland - UK
[email protected]
The Work Room –
The Next 5 Years
Lilyana Angelova
Freelance artist
Sofia, Bulgaria
[email protected]
Judith Vindevogel
Mortsel, Belgique
Shakespeare !? Just
try !
[email protected]
Euripides Laskaridis
Tatiana Bre
OSMOSIS Theatre Company
Athens, Greece
[email protected]
Isabel Andreen
Spectale vivant en Bretagne
Rennes, France
Creating Alliencies Lets be our own
[email protected]
Lars Gregersen
Copenhagen, Denmark
[email protected]
Inside the shell
The Work Room is an artist-led choreographic foundation based in Glasgow. Primarily a dedicated residency
space, we support the development of the independent contemporary dance sector through work with individual
artists and cooperation with domestic and international dance agencies, venues and festivals. We offer tailored
support and sensitive programmes delivered in response to the needs of our artist-members and in partnership
with our peers at home and abroad.
People from the audience are invited to construct their own “Shakespearean text” by selecting cuts of paper
with cues from his plays and sonnets, piled on a table onstage.They freely combine lines and finally either
read it loud or form a group and perform the “new play” like a cast of actors. Small theatrical requisites
might be provided for the purpose .
Café Bohème est un projet qui associe spectacle, actions culturelles et rencontres autour des thèmes de la place de
l’artiste en Europe et de la précarité. Le projet mélange une vingtaine d’artistes (comédiens, chanteurs d’opéra,
musiciens Slaves et musiciens contemporains) en proposant également un travail très spécifique avec des
amateurs issus de milieux défavorisés. Cet événement est entouré de rencontres avec des philosophes,
sociologues et artistes européens et des actions culturelles régulières. Le spectacle se joue dans un lieu in situ
(usines désaffectées par exemple) mêlant public et artistes autour de 26 tables-radiateurs et un grand poêle à bois.
Considering the global economical challenges in the experimental performing arts we would like to initiate,
encourage and spread the idea amongst IETM members to act as eachother's agents. We would like to share our
availability as a company to exchange information on our country's cultural map plus a small size rehearsal space
in the centre of Athens and/or housing possibilities for artists or small scale artistic projects.
Pour son accompagnement renforcé à l’international, Spectacle vivant en Bretagne lance « l’accélérateur ».
(Agence régionale pour le développement et l’accompagnement à la diffusion)
L’accélérateur est un espace expérimental de recherche et développement pour les structures artistiques
professionnelles dont la nature du projet est identifiée comme porteuse de forte potentialité à l’échelle
européenne et internationale.
GLiMT Will in season 15/16 produce a larger scale production about inner urges confronting ever more
complexrules in society. Mixing elaborate works with scenography and performers from dance, cont. circus and
physical theatre.
We have received part funding, but needs more partners to make the production a reality.
IETM Sofia 2014
NEWSROUND 1: Thursday 16th October / Jeudi 16 Octobre 16:00 -­‐ 17:00
Delphine Jonas
Paris, France
[email protected]
Marie Rouzaut
Charenton-le-Pont, France
[email protected]
Nicolas Ceruti
ILINX theater
Inzago (Milano), Italy
[email protected]
Daiana Bussi
Umeå, Sweden
[email protected]
How to survive is a series of single performances and/or nomadic art laboratories based on real-time
composition. Improvisation is orchestrated by a computer program invented with the Max / MSP software. This
system involves local or international calls for participation and invitations (artists, specialists, non-specialists
volunteers...). The idea is to train to stay alive together taking into account the constraints of the program. “A
dead poet doesn’t write anymore, that’s why it is important to stay alive” wrote aptly Michel Houellebecq.
al d’acteurs de la
danse verticale
La cie Retouramont, le Pôle de Danse Verticale qu’elle porte, et ses partenaires britanniques, irlandais, italien,
croate, et canadien, initient un groupe d’échange et de réflexion autour de la pratique de la danse verticale et sur
les questions liées à la formation et à la transmission dans cette discipline. Accueilli à Limerick, en Irlande, les 5 et
6 novembre 2014, le groupe évoquera les manières de se structurer en réseau ainsi que le cadre et le contenu du
Habitat_ Artistic
Habitat, possible territories: it is an idea of meeting people, artists, disciplines, cultures, experiences, natural and
manmade; a project that wants to put in motion the art as a tool for meeting unique and unrepeatable. Artists of
different disciplines involved and live creatively works of art created by other artists. Habitat builds within the
fold of Public Art, Land Art and Earth Works.
Contact sharing,
communication and
activities aimed at
the development of a
network for
performing arts.
My project is part of a bigger one, aimed at transnational mobility supporting cultural creative organizations in
sharing working experience and prompting collaboration among EU countries. I have studied how
communication and collaboration among professional performers of EON network can be prompted and
improved, what difficulties and limits do artists have to face and how they could solve them.
IETM Sofia 2014