GWRRA Chapter J2 Michigan Region D Shamrock Wings Clare Area Web Site: January 2015 Executive Director Ray & Sandy Garris Region D Director Lee & Kay Tieche [email protected] District Director Bob & Kim Scott 989-426-3828 Ass’t District Directors Frank & Deb King 906-440-2133 [email protected] M.E.C. Clark & Sandy Wentz 989-435-4753 [email protected] Chapter gathering First Thursday of the month in Clare at VFW Hall 7 PM Chapter Director: Hello Chapter J-2, Well its almost here, are you ready, chapter J-2's after Christmas party. Plans are pretty well underway. We will have one more meeting on January 4th for final planning and then the big day on January 10th. Set up will be at 4:00 and the short meeting and dinner will start at 6:00. If anyone has anything they would like to bring for a dish to pass let Char or Sandy Tice know we won't turn any yummy down. There are a lot of good dishes Chapter Directors planned. If you would like to come to the final planning meet- Jerry & Sandy Tice ing it will be at BT in Beaverton January 4th at 2:00 Hope to 989-424-1142 [email protected] see you all there. Now if the party isn't enough fun we want to remember The Ohio Cabin Fever February 5 to 7. Indiana's Winter Rendezvous February 13-14. Michigan's own Wingless Weekend will be March 21 and 22. If all this is not enough there is a Region D cruise in October. Check the GWRRA website for all the exciting details. There will be two GWRRA rallies this year. Of course Wing Ding in Huntsville, Alabama over Labor day weekend, then the western rally will be in Reno, Nevada June 18-20. If you have never been to Reno it is a great place, like Las Vegas with lots of lights and sights and thing to see and do in the surrounding areas There is so much that GWRRA has to offer from Chapter level to District to Regional and on a National level. There is never a reason not to have something to do and have a really good time doing it. One other thing to keep in mind now that the winter weather is upon us. Don't forget about winterizing your Goldwing or any other ride you may own. We need to take care of those motorcycles if we are to keep on riding and riding in a safe manner. Check with Glenn he has all the specs on what to do, why and when. So until the party, hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and will have the best New Year ever. See you all later. Jerry & Sandy Tice CD J2 Treasurer Mary & Bob Duquette 989-345-9667 INDEX Sunshine Person & Individual of the Year Maxine Lago 989-386-7584 [email protected] GWRRA Events Rider Ed ACD & Past Events Past Events Member Story Pictures Ads & Nat, District Events Calendar, Upcoming events, B-days & Ann. Cover page more Ads 1 Page 1 Page 2 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 J2 After Christmas Party—Jan. 10, 2015 Clare VFW Hall Wingless Weekend—March 20-21. 2015 at Bay Valley Resort Wing Ding 37—Sept. 3-6, 2015—Huntsville, AL RIDER ED: Let’s be Safe For the Holiday’s We all know that when it starts getting cold and snowy and deer season is here it’s not too far from Thanksgiving and Christmas. Most of us have our bikes safely stored away for Rider Educator the winter and the decorations are put up for Thanks- Glenn & Debra Grasley giving and the Christmas tree 989-435-9126 [email protected] is not far away. So it’s time to think about holiday safety tips so we can make it to the next riding season. So where do we start! By the time you read this Thanksgiving will have come and gone except for the leftovers and you’ll be thinking of the menu for Christmas. Well to start with make sure all of your holiday meals are prepared properly. Make sure you wash your hands frequently to avoid food contamination and wash all of your meats and veggies before you prepare them. Be sure all of your hot foods are at or above 165 degrees and try to keep foods at 140 degrees while serving to make sure that potential bacteria is gone. When you are done with the meals get the leftover in the fridge within two hours, again to keep bacteria at bay. When you are getting ready to put up decorations keep in mind fire and electrical hazards. We like to put out scented candles and put up all of the lights we can on and around the house as well as the tree. If you are putting out candles try to keep all flammable materials away from the flame. Avoid wearing flowing clothes, especially long sleeves. For an alternative use scented wax warmers instead making sure they are out of the reach of the youngsters. For the lights consider changing the old incandescent bulb light string out for LED’s. LED’s don’t get hot like regular bulbs. This is a good thing if you like real trees for Christmas. Real trees for Christmas should be as fresh as you can get. They should be nice and green and needles have to be pulled off. Most importantly keep them wa- tered so they don’t dry out. And one thing some of us don’t even think about after all of the presents are unwrapped and unboxed and played with, is the disposal of the just mentioned. Yes, I did say played with, because I like getting toys even at my age. If you are one that just gathers up everything and sets it out for the waste management to dispose of you may as well put out billboard to advertise what you just got for Christmas. For would be thieves, that is just an inviting ad for shopping in your home. Take the packaging and break it down or cut it up and bag it before it goes to the road. Remember the old adage, ―Out of Site Out of Mind‖. So look up some websites for more tips on holiday safety and have a wonderful season. Have Fun and Ride Safe! Glenn and Debra Grasley Chapter Educators MI-J2 ACD: Phil & Char Smock: Hello Friends, It’s here, it’s here! CHRISTMAS AND 2015, finally! A time for family, friends, and ourselves. A new year for new dreams of riding, and the ―After Christmas Party‖ right around the corner. Oh...and yeah… our Assist. Chapter Director final month as COY… : ) ! Phil & Char Smock Looking back on our 2014 Couple of the Year year….no, we did not make it 989-386-4119 [email protected] to every chapter to share greetings from J-2. However, some chapters received more than one visit. One in particular was struggling to get officers. I hope our support somehow helped them as they have now filled their roster. We also attended the installation to prove our continued support. We made it to the Wing Ding in Madison, Regional in Indiana and our own Michigan Rally. We became members of the Knights of the Hatchet, worked at the Midnight Ride, and rode many great rides with you. It was an honor to be sure, and great fun to represent you. Best wishes to our new COY___and IOY___. Ha, ha! Not telling! As we begin the New Year, let’s try to be a little more pro-active. Everyone was given calendars and binders this year to help you keep your newsletters and dates in one place. We sure hope this helps you plan 2 Our Sunshine Lady, Maxine Lago read our birthdays for the month of December and no anniversaries this month. ACD (Assistant Chapter Director) and Couple of the Year until our After Christmas party, Char talked about the After Christmas Party and what members had signed up to bring. Clark had no new news to report for MEC (Membership Enhancement Coordinator). The membership number found in the newsletter was Phil Smock. (Char tried to say it was hers). How is the membership number found? Clark places it in the newsletter in various places but in order of the members number and then that member must find and report back to Clark that he or she found it, before the gathering. (Ladies, most of you will have a –01 behind the number to tell it is a ladies number). Jerry talked about upcoming events. Chapter Y’s Christmas dinner being held at Fred’s in Roscommon on Dec. 7 at 2 pm instead of their normal day due to Chapter Q’s Christmas party. Frank King talked about their chapter Christmas party in Sault Ste. Marie on Dec. 13. If you wanted to go, you needed to let Frank know ASAP. Many of us had made reservations with Rick to attend the Brown’s Corner Christmas Dinner/Theater on Dec. 12. Bob Scott gave a product update, which was a special rear shock absorber for the 1800. If you have a product that works for you, share it at the gathering as a product update. We try to do the money ticket drawing during the gathering early, so the winner can fill them out before leaving and Sandy Wentz won 50 tickets this month. How does the money ticket drawing work? We sell a ticket for $5.00 and however many dollars are sold is how many tickets given out. Not bad odds to get a chance on them. We had two 50/50 drawings and they were both won by the same person, ADD, Frank King. Gathering done, time for exchange and what a variety of cookies we had. Past Events: Our chapter gathering was held on cookie Thanks to everyone who made and participated in the Thursday, Dec.4 with our annual cookie exchange after exchange. We have been doing this for several years the gathering. Jerry started the gathering with the now. I can remember starting it at Big Boy, then Buccilpledge to our flag and then introductions. With us were li’s and now the VFW. DD, Bob & Kim Scott, newly appointed DRE, Rick & DD, Bob & Kim and Clark & I rode over to Q2’s Michelle Andreen, our ADD, Frank & Deb King and Christmas Party. DRE, Rick and Michelle came to infrom other chapters, John & Barb Farkas, Dale & Mary stall the new ADRE’s, Dennis & Felicia Schulte. They Sprague and Jim Ludwick (all share our chapter with had a gift exchange that was a lot of fun watching after theirs). By the way, DD stands for District Director, their dinner. Rick announced our upcoming After DRE is for District Rider Educator and ADD is for AsChristmas party. Some of our chapter had gone to the sistant District Director, our ADD is for the northern Gladwin Parade of Lights and we got to watch a light chapters which go up through the UP and one in Canada parade before getting to Q2’s Christmas party. (The is included. It is nice to see them all at our gathering road was blocked off to where we had to go). even though Scott’s and Andreen’s are from our chapter. Smock’s held the staff meeting this month with home(They will always be members with our chapter.) Glenn made soup and bread and some of us brought desserts. had a 4 question quiz and not everyone had them all Our main discussion was on the After Christmas party right. Just remember with the nice days we did have, and getting our events for the January calendar. Thanks leaves can still form ice under them and stay longer. ahead and join us for some of our: district, regional and national events, celebration dinners, rides, gatherings, other chapter get-togethers and special events. Many of these events are talked about and planned at the staff meetings. Everyone is welcome to come and bring their ideas and comments to these meetings. The December meeting is at our house, so come on over!! We have a pretty full calendar already; that is why it will be even more important to get some rides scheduled early. We also talk about those at the staff meetings. Next up in February is the ―Ohio Cabin Fever‖ on the 5th, and on the 13th and 14th is the Winter Rendezvous‖ is going on in Indiana. Then, the Irish Parade should be on the 14th of March; even if we can’t ride our bikes in the parade...let’s do something to show off our chapter. The weekend after that is ―Wingless Weekend‖ at Bay Valley on the 20th. As soon as the 37 weather breaks, we are going to visit some campgrounds to decide where to host our campout this year on the weekend of June 27th. All ideas and attendees are welcome. That pretty much takes you through the district and major chapter events planned for the first quarter. There is lots going on to help us avoid the winter doldrums…Think Spring!! But first, think……… much fun can we make our After Christmas Party. Don’t forget; You must be sure to RSVP by Jan. 9th though, so we make enough food. A signup sheet for food is still available so call Char to see what we need (386-4119). Again, the January gathering is the same day as the party. It will be brief with a short Riders Ed presentation. Yours in fun, knowledge and safety, Char & Phil 3 to all who came and gave their input. That is what it takes to keep everyone involved in our chapter. This particular week has been full and not done yet. We had 22 members attend the Brown’s Corner Church dinner/theatre north of 49Clare. It was a great dinner and they had all of us able to sit together at the dinner. Thank You, Rick & Michelle for getting our reservations. Nesset’s and Hollerback’s had already had their reservations before Rick mentioned it at the gathering. It was a very good family style meal with all you could eat. After dinner, the Gateway Brass Ensemble played before the play began. Gateway Brass Ensemble was started last year as all volunteers ranging in age from high school to retired members. It was very enjoyable listening to their music. The play was ―A Christmas Carol‖ by Charles Dickens. It was very good and we all thoroughly enjoyed it. If you missed it this year, you may want to try to attend next year. Bob & Joann attends that church and was helping with the dinner. It was good to see them. (Robert & Joann were former members of our chapter). It would be nice to see them come back. One more event for this week, Chapter Q’s Christmas party at Lake Superior University in Sault Ste. Marie. We had Scott’s, Tice’s, Smock.s, Leeth’s and Wentz’s stay at the host motel, Kewadin Casino Hotel. Thank You, Kings for making the arrangements for a deal at the motel for us and the transportation to and from the party. Clark & I rode alone due to me being on vacation and had family we were going to visit (weather permitting) in the UP. We all left on Saturday morning and ate at Audies in Mackinac City. We all joined Tidball’s and Tom from Chapter Y there. On to the motel, to find that our rooms wouldn’t be ready until 4 pm. Oh! No! We were supposed to be picked up by 4:15 pm to get the ride to the party. Our room was ready, so we invited everyone to go to our room to change but getting there ahead of time helped. Most of the rooms were ready sooner so we all made it for the 4:15 pickup. Only problem there was, the wrong communication for the size of bus was used. There were about 30 or more to ride a 15 passenger van. We waited for the van to come back a second time and some decided to take their own vehicles to get there. Frank says that won’t happen again. We found out from the driver of the van that maybe Frank talked to the wrong department to get the bigger bus. Bigger bus was available but not used. Guess we all have hoops to jump through to get to the right person for what we need. All was well, we got to the party in time for social hour and dinner. Dinner was served by the college culinary arts class. It was a good meal like every other year that we have gone. After dinner, Frank did introductions. DD, Bob & Kim, were there and of course, ADD, Frank & Deb. Jan & Ron Smith, our Rider Ed ambassadors and Chapter J Couple of the Year, brought a set of Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls to raffle off and donated the money to the servers. What a surprise to them!! Frank had his granddaughter give out tickets for door prizes which were the center pieces. Surprise to King’s and Ken from Ontario, camper signs were made for each of them and presented by Ron and Jan. Frank & Deb’s said ―HAPPY CAMPERS EH! FRANK & DEB KING EH! SOO, MICHIGAN EH! (didn’t get a clear picture of it). Then we went to the gift exchange. You got a ticket when you came in if you brought a gift. Then Frank started the first draw. Each gift could not be open so that they could be taken 2 times and then considered not available to take. So many, had their gifts taken several times. Go get a gift, steal a gift, go get, steal. That went on with quite a few people. At the end, everyone was allowed to see what they got. The party ended then and the bus was called to pick us up. After getting back to the hotel, we had extra money to gamble (given in the deal for staying at the hotel). Clark went down and ended up keeping his, couldn’t get it to work in the machine and he said forget it and went to bed. I stayed and played some of my money at one machine for quite some time. I had no luck with the 60 quarter machines. Then went to find Smock’s and Leeth’s and the girls were together on a vault machine. I put in $2.00 (penny machine) and played for over an hour on that $2.00. I hadn’t realized how much I didn’t miss people able to smoke in a business, which is allowed in the casinos, until this weekend. It was late when we retired for the night. The next morning, we had breakfast at Studebaker’s with Smock’s and Leeth’s. Clark & I headed over to Christmas (west of Munising) to visit with his mother’s sister. Aunt Marian is 85 years old and takes care of a 92 year old lady plus to leave her house she climbs stairs up and down every day. What a woman!! No wonder they live so long. This is Clark’s aunt, who is 10 years younger than his mom was. We had a good visit and then headed towards home. We decided because the weather was holding out, that we would stop at his niece’s in Pickford. What a surprise to her!! We ended up staying with Ruth & Dan and his grandmother overnight and played games until bed time. The next day, we left for home and got home around 3:30 pm. I wasn’t getting much Christmas things done but enjoyed the time with family which is what Christmas is all about. Our celebration dinner was small due to the weather. It had snowed and some members got more than us southern members. Smock’s, Young’s, Grasley’s, Maxine and Gary and Wentz’s ended up enjoying the evening together at Loomis Bar. They have good food and servings are 4 large. As a joke, I asked Phil where we were meeting to eat tomorrow. Smock’s and us had been together throughout the past week or so almost every day. All I have left to say is MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY, HEALTHY, SAFE 2015. Assistant Rider Educators, Dennis & Felicia Schulte being installed by Rick Andreen, newly appointed District Rider Educator, at Q2’s Christmas Party Ron & Jackie Tidball being installed as Chapter Y Directors by Frank & Deb King at their Christmas party dinner. Duane & Laurel Lee Prince getting their former patches as Y Chapter Directors by Frank & Deb King . The week old newlyweds from Chapter F2, Directors Larry & Wanda Kephart at Chapter Y’s Christmas party dinner. Waiting for the bus to pick us up from the Kewadin Hotel for Chapter Q’s Christmas Party at Lake Superior State University in Sault Ste. Marie. Frank & Deb receive a camping plaque which said Happy Campers EH, Frank & Deb King EH, Soo, Michigan EH from Jan & Ron Smith, Chapter J members. Glad this much snow is in the UP. Christmas, MI where Clark’s, Aunt Marian lives. Snow has gone down some. The new District Traveling Plaque made by Chapter J2. Come get it at our After Christmas Party. Staff meeting at Smock’s. Char made soups which were really good before the meeting. Clark with his Aunt Marian. Aunt Marian is 85 years young. 5 ITEMS FOR SALE Attention J2 Members Our Newsletter is supported by 50/50 funds held at our Chapter Gatherings. One visit within 90 days is all it takes to support the Chapter and continue to receive a mailed newsletter. Of course, it would be great to see you there. You can also view the newsletter on the web. Hey, look for your membership number, it might be in here? If you find it, call Clark at 435-4753 before the gathering. If no answer, leave it on the answering machine but you won’t get in the house. Ha, Ha. Any member can write an article for our newsletter, would love to read about someone else’s fun. You can send the article email or regular mail and we will put it in. Email: [email protected] For Sale: Woodstove (really puts out the heat) with blower, includes 4 feet of pipe. $300 Garage suitable. Antique sit down riding tractor, needs work $250. Call 989-588-9205, leave message or ask for Gary. 4/1/14 District and Chapter January 2015 After Christmas Party Chapter J2 10 February 2015 OHIO - Cabin Fever 5-7 INDIANA - Winter Rendezvous 13-14 6 January 2015 Detailed List of Events See Michigan Events page for more GWRRA events around the state. Website SUN MON TUE WED THUR 28 29 30 31 1 Happy SAT 2 3 9 10 New Year January 1, 2015—HAPPY NEW YEAR 1—No J2 Gathering 4—After Christmas Party pre meeting at 2 pm at Beaverton Tavern 10—After Christmas Party at the VFW Hall in Clare (upper level) Social Hour at 5 pm, Dinner at 6 pm (members at 4 pm for setup) 11—Chapter Y gathering at Fred’s in Roscommon at 10 am with breakfast available before 14—Staff meeting at Maxine’s in Clare at 6:30 pm 18—Game Day at Grasley’s at 2 pm bring a snack to share 21—Chapter V gathering in Freeland at 7pm 22—Deadline for newsletter articles to Clark 24—Celebration Dinner at the Family Diner in Gladwin at 3 pm FRI No J2 gathering 4 After Christmas Party pre meeting at BT at 2pm 5 6 7 8 11 Chapter Y 12 gathering at Fred’s in Roscommon at 10 am 13 14 Staff 15 meeting at Maxine’s in Clare at 6:30 pm 16 17 18 Game Day at Grasley’s at 2 pm 19 20 21 Chapter V 22 Deadline gathering for newsletter articles to Clark 23 24 Celebration Dinner at Family Diner at 3 pm 25 26 27 28 30 31 29 Birthdays Birthdays 18—PhilNesset Smock 2—Mary 22—Wayne Young 7—Bob Hollerback 28—Bob Scott 11—Linda Young Anniversaries Anniversary No anniversaries No January Anniversaries 7 After Christmas Party GWRRA Chapter J2 Clark & Sandy Wentz 219 Tonkin St Beaverton, MI 48612 January 2015 6/-13 8
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