SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 2015 13:00 - 14:30 Hall M1 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Part 1 Problem solving in psychopharmacotherapy using pharmacokinetic and pharmacogenetic tests Pierre Baumann (Switzerland) Christoph Hiemke (Germany) Eveline Jaquenoud Sirot (Switzerland) 13:00 - 14:30 Hall M2 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Part 1 Neurocognitive and social cognition training in schizophrenia Gabriele Sachs (Austria) Armida Mucci (Italy) 13:00 - 14:30 Hall N1 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Part 1 Applied phenomenological psychopathology Giovanni Stanghellini (Italy) 13:00 - 14:30 Hall N2 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Coping with adversity: CBT in adverse life circumstances: Part 1 Stirling Moorey (United Kingdom) 13:00 - 14:30 Hall M3 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Internet-based CBT in psychiatry: Part 1 Nils Lindefors (Sweden) Viktor Kaldo (Sweden) 13:00 - 14:30 Hall N3 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Part 1 How to manage delirium in the general hospital Albert Diefenbacher (Germany) Antonio Barbosa (Portugal) Dan Georgescu (Switzerland) 15:00 - 16:30 Hall M1 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Part 2 Problem solving in psychopharmacotherapy using pharmacokinetic and pharmacogenetic tests Pierre Baumann (Switzerland) Christoph Hiemke (Germany) Eveline Jaquenoud Sirot (Switzerland) 15:00 - 16:30 Educational: 1|Page Hall M2 Academia Educational Course: Part 2 Neurocognitive and social cognition training in schizophrenia Gabriele Sachs (Austria) Armida Mucci (Italy) 15:00 - 16:30 Hall N1 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Part 2 Applied phenomenological psychopathology Giovanni Stanghellini (Italy) 15:00 - 16:30 Hall N2 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Part 2 Coping with adversity: CBT in adverse life circumstances Stirling Moorey (United Kingdom) 15:00 - 16:30 Hall M3 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Part 2 Internet-based CBT in psychiatry Nils Lindefors (Sweden) Viktor Kaldo (Sweden) 15:00 - 16:30 Hall N3 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Part 2 How to manage delirium in the general hospital Albert Diefenbacher (Germany) Antonio Barbosa (Portugal) Dan Georgescu (Switzerland) 16:45 - 18:15 Hall M1 Satellite Symposium: Satellite Symposium 1 18:30 - 21:00 Hall A Opening Ceremony followed by a Welcome Reception 2|Page Sunday, March 29, 2015 08:00 - 09:30 Hall A Research: Symposium: The tele-therapy town - what's happening to the neighbourhood? Chairpersons: Jan Wise (United Kingdom) Davor Mucic (Denmark) The development and evaluation of an online computer-based cognitive-behavior therapy for insomnia for Alcohol Dependent patients O. Zhabenko, N. Zhabenko (Ukraine) iPad Assisted Treatment Of Patients With Schizophrenia A.G. Viuff (Denmark) Use of the internet amongst patients - a pan-European perspective Sobieraj (Poland) The Shadow of The Electronic World on Patients & Healthcare Systems - A Global Perspective J. Wise (United Kingdom) 08:00 - 09:30 Hall B Core Programme: Research: New insights in mental disorders and metabolism Chairpersons: Cyril Höschl (Czech Republic) Marc De Hert (Belgium) How the brain regulates food intake Giles Yeo (United Kingdom) Bipolar disorders and Diabetes Tomas Hajek (Canada) Anti-psychotics and metabolism Marc De Hert (Belgium) Heal Initiative - Prevention D. Shiers (United Kingdom) 08:00 - 09:30 Hall C Research: Symposium: The mad axman: the relationship between psychosis and violence Chairpersons: Birgit Völlm (United Kingdom) Silvana Galderisi (Italy) Schizophrenia and violence: An overview of research on associations, risk factors, and trends over time S. Fazel (United Kingdom) Werewolf in Kakania. Moosbrugger: an analysis of his subjectivity G. Stanghellini (Germany) Politicians, murder and schizophrenia: A case example J. Beezhold (United Kingdom) Media Reaction to High Profile Cases and The Impact on Professionals, Public Policy and Services – The Never Ending Paradox T. Bergman-Levy (Israel) 3|Page 08:00 - 09:30 Hall M Research: Symposium: Serotonin: studies on reward, emotion, social cognition, and relevance to mood and anxiety disorders Chairpersons: Franz Vollenweider (Switzerland) Rupert Lanzenberger (Austria) Role of serotonin in punishment and reward: New vistas T.W. Robbins (United Kingdom) The effect of serotonin receptor manipulation on brain networks and its impact on emotion regulation R. Krähenmann (Switzerland) The effect of 5-HT2A/1A agonist treatment on social cognition, empathy, and social decision-making K.H. Preller, T. Pokorny, R. Krähenmann, I. Dziobek, P. Stämpfli, F.X. Vollenweider (Switzerland) Serotonergic neurotransmission and depression Rupert Lanzenberger (Austria) 08:00 - 09:30 Hall N1 Research: Symposium: Sub-threshold psychotic experiences in the general population Chairpersons: Silvana Galderisi (Italy) Wolfgang Gaebel (Germany) Subclinical psychotic experiences: relevance, characteristics and the role of environmental factors Ruud Van Winkel (Netherlands) Psychotic experiences in the general population Wulf Roessler (Switzerland) Route to psychosis: what differentiates individuals with psychotic experiences with and without a ‘need for care’? Mike Jackson (United Kingdom) AFFECTIVE COMORBIDITIES IN PEOPLE AT HIGH RISK FOR PSYCHOSIS P. Fusar-Poli (United Kingdom) 08:00 - 09:30 Hall N2 Clinical: Symposium: An update on the interface of dementia, physical health and its relevance for diagnosis and therapy Chairpersons: Reinhard Heun (United Kingdom) Florian Riese (Switzerland) Co-morbidity and mortality in Alzheimer's disease D. Schoepf, R. Heun (Germany) The relevance and diagnostic and therapeutic implications of early markers of dementia and new types of diagnostic criteria Lucrezia Hausner (Germany) PET-imaging of cerebral glucose metabolism and of cerebral beta-amyloid-deposition and its value for the understanding, early detection and differential diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease Gietl (Switzerland) An update on current treatment strategies for behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia F. Riese (Switzerland) 08:00 - 09:30 Hall N3 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Part 1 How to support families of patients with severe mental disorders Andrea Fiorillo (Italy) Umberto Volpe (Italy) 4|Page 08:00 - 09:30 Hall L1 Educational: Symposium: Phenomenology of dysphoria Chairpersons: Giovanni Stanghellini (Italy) Massimiliano Aragona (Italy) Dysphoria: ancient and contemporary concepts M. Musalek (Austria) Dysphoria: A desperate vitality G. Stanghellini (Italy) Moody Minds: Dysphoria and Schizophrenia Spectrum Psychopathology Raballo (Italy) Dysphoria in mania and in depression Otto Doerr-Zegers (Chile) 08:00 - 09:30 Hall L8 Free Communications / e-Poster Oral 1 08:00 - 09:30 ECP Hall M3 Free Communications / e-Poster Oral 2 10:00 - 11:30 Hall A Debate:Clinical: CBT - Is it sold-out? Chairperson Marianne Kastrup (Denmark) CBT - Is it sold-out? PRO Peter McKenna (United Kingdom) CBT - Is it sold-out? CON David Kingdon (United Kingdom) 10:00-11:30 Hall B European: Symposium: Quality assurance for mental health services - a European challenge Chairpersons Wolfgang Gaebel (Germany) Dinesh Bhugra (United Kingdom) The EPA Guidance Project W. Gaebel (Germany) Quality Assurance for mental health services - the UK perspective D. Bhugra (United Kingdom) Assuring quality of mental health services in Italy Mirella Ruggeri (Italy) Quality of European mental health services - the special situation in Eastern Europe M. Muijen (Denmark) 5|Page 10:00 - 11:30 Hall C Research: Infection, immunity and mental disorder Chairpersons: Jiri Horacek (Czech Republic) Philip Gorwood (France) Role of Toxoplasma infection in psychiatric diseases TBA Title of presentation to be advised Norbert Müller (Germany) Title of presentation to be advised Jiri Horacek (Czech Republic) Practical Issues - anti inflammatory treatment TBA 10:00 - 11:30 Hall M1 Research: Symposium: New views on serotonin in brain function and psychiatric disorders Chairpersons: Igor Branchi (Italy) Martin Walter (Germany) A brain imaging perspective on personality and environment interaction with serontonergic and glutamatergic genetic variability M. Walter (Germany) 5-HTTLPR-by-stress interaction and related rodent models: two decades of progress in cognitive and behavioral neuroscience Klaus Peter Lesch (Germany) 5HT2A receptors – a new target for depression? D. Nutt (United Kingdom) Beneficial and adverse consequences of increased brain plasticity: the interplay among serotonin, susceptibility to the environment and depression Branchi (Italy) 10:00 - 11:30 Hall N1 Educational: Symposium: Excellence of ethics and ethics of excellence Chairpersons: Andreas Heinz (Germany) Olivier Andlauer (France) Challenges, Needs and Unmet Needs - An EPA overview of European Codes of Ethics W. Rutz (Sweden) Ethical Issues of Using Information Technologies in Psychiatry: An Early Career Psychiatrists Perspective. O. Andlauer, G. Lydall, A. Nawka, S. Guloksuz (France) Interactions of European Early Career Psychiatrists with the Pharmaceutical Industry: Status Quo and Directions for the Future F. Riese (Switzerland) Conflicts of Interest Setting its Limits N. Sartorius (Switzerland) 6|Page 10:00 - 11:30 Hall N2 Educational: WHO - World Suicide Report Chairpersons: Danuta Wasserman (Sweden) Shekhar Saxena (Switzerland) Stakeholders Shekhar Saxena (Switzerland) Epidemiology Alexandra Fleishmann (Switzerland) Evidence Based Methods Danuta Wasserman (Sweden) Future Reseach Vladimir Carli (Sweden) 10:00 - 11:30 Hall N3 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Part 2 How to support families of patients with severe mental disorders Andrea Fiorillo (Italy) Umberto Volpe (Italy) 10:00 - 11:30 Hall L1 Free Communications / e-Poster Oral 3 10:00 - 11:30 Hall L8 Free Communications / e-Poster Oral 4 10:00 - 11:30 ECP Hall M3 Clinical / Therapeutic Track: Conversations with Guy Goodwin: Is it Time to Change the Current Nomenclature of Psychotropic Drugs? Chairpersons: Martina Rojnic Kuzman (Croatia) Gregory Lydall (United Kingdom) Is it Time to Change the Current Nomenclature of Psychotropic Drugs? Guy Goodwin (United Kingdom) 11:45 - 12:30 Hall A Plenary Lecture: Educational: Excellence in training - What makes a good psychiatrist? Chairperson: Danuta Wasserman (Sweden) Excellence in training - What makes a good psychiatrist? D. Bhugra (United Kingdom) 13:15 - 14:45 Hall A, B and C Satellite Symposium: Satellite Symposium 2, 3 and 4 7|Page 15:00 - 15:45 Hall A State of the Art: Clinical: Designer Drugs and Legal Highs Chairperson: Geert Dom (Belgium) Designer Drugs and Legal Highs David Nutt (United Kingdom) 15:45 - 16:30 Hall A State of the Art: Clinical: Sexual Disfunctions: What can be done? Chairperson: Zvi Zemishlany (Israel) Sexual Disfunctions: What can be done? Marcel Waldinger (Netherlands) 15:00 - 16:30 Hall B Research: Symposium: Negative symptoms - From psychopathology to pathophysiology Chairpersons: Stefan Kaiser (Switzerland) Ann Faerden (Norway) Assessment of negative symptoms S. Dollfus, C. Mach, R. Morello (France) The impact of negative symptoms on real life functioning of people with schizophrenia S. Galderisi (Italy) Neuroimaging correlates of negative symptoms Florian Schlagenhauf (Germany) Neural correlates of rTMS treatment of negative symptoms Aleman, J. Dlabac-de Lange, E. Liemburg, H. Knegtering (Netherlands) 15:00 - 16:30 Hall C Clinical: Symposium: Neurodevelopmental disorders across lifespan: an overview Chairpersons: Josep Ramos-Quiroga (Spain) Esther Sobanski (Germany) Understanding comorbidity of neurodevelopmental disorders Philip Asherson (United Kingdom) ADHD: a neurodevelopmental disorder J.J.S. Kooij (Netherlands) Autism: a neurodevelopmental disorder Van Elst Van Elst (Germany) Schizophrenia as a neurodevelopmental disorder Rene Kahn (Netherlands) 8|Page 15:00 - 16:30 Hall M Clinical: Symposium: Psychopharmacotherapy at the interface of psychiatric and medical diseases Chairpersons: Ronald Burian (Germany) Istvan Bitter (Hungary) Psychopharmacotherapy in cardiovascular diseases S. Kasper (Austria) Psychopharmacotherapy in neurologic and epileptologic diseases Ulrik Malt (Norway) Psychopharmacotherapy in endocrine and metabolic diseases G. Laux (Germany) Psychopharmacotherapy in gastrointestinal and liver diseases D. Telles-Correia, A. Barbosa (Portugal) 15:00 - 16:30 Hall N1 European: Workshop: Geriatric psychiatry and primary care mental health: an EPA and WONCA joint workshop Chairpersons: Carlos Augusto De Mendonça Lima (Portugal) Henk Parmentier (United Kingdom) Ambulatory care for dementia in Switzerland: results of a nationwide survey G. Stoppe, M. Trombini, L. Maeck (Switzerland) Primary Care for Older Persons with Mental Disorders at UK Henk Parmentier (United Kingdom) Carer's Needs Assessment for Dementia J. Wancata, A. Unger, Z. Litvan (Austria) Primary Care Mental Health for Older Persons and the WHO Mental Health Plan 2013-2020 C.A. De Mendonça Lima (Portugal) 15:00 - 16:30 Hall N2 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Part 1 Risk assessment and risk management in general psychiatry Kris Goethals (Belgium) 15:00 - 16:30 Hall N3 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Part 1 The pharmacological management of mood disorders and psychosis in pregnancy and lactation Angelika Wieck (United Kingdom) Maria Muzik (USA) 15:00 - 16:30 Hall L1 Free Communications / e-Poster Oral 5 15:00 - 16:30 Hall L8 Free Communications / e-Poster Oral 6 9|Page 15:00 - 16:30 ECP Hall M3 Clinical / Therapeutic Track: Court debates: Cyber Addictions are Real Addictions Chairpersons: Olivier Andlauer (France) Judge: Sue Bailey (United Kingdom) Opponent: Philip Gorwood (France) Defendant: Sophia Achab (Switzerland) 17:00 - 18:30 Hall A European: Horizons 2020 - A new approach to European research funding and its implications for psychiatry research: A joint symposium with the European Brain Council (EBC) Chairpersons: David Nutt (United Kingdom) Patrice Boyer (France) Which innovative programmes should be designed in psychiatry? David Nutt (United Kingdom) Practical aspects in answering Horizon 2020 calls Patrice Boyer (France) 17:00 - 18:30 Hall B Research: Symposium: The aetiopathogenesis of schizophrenia - genes, the brain and the environment Chairpersons: Wolfgang Gaebel (Germany) Sophia Frangou (USA) Integrating neurobiology, neurogenetics and psychosocial research - a novel systems approach in schizophrenia research Sophia Frangou (USA) From genes to phenotypes - how to bridge the gap Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg (Germany) Developing a neuropsychological model of delusions Werner Strik (Switzerland) Genetics of schizophrenia - where to go next? M. Owen (United Kingdom) 17:00 - 18:30 Hall C Clinical: Symposium: Off label use of psychopharmacologic/CNS drugs: Pro's and con's Chairpersons: Istvan Bitter (Hungary) Julio Bobes (Spain) Off label use of antidepressants: pro's and con's H. Möller (Germany) Off label use of antipsychotics: pro's and con's Istvan Bitter (Hungary) Off label use of other CNS drugs (e.g.psychostimulants, anticonvulsants, lithium): Pro's and con's P. Baumann (Switzerland) Off label use of drugs with special focus on CNS: Views from the industry R. Conley (USA) 10 | P a g e 17:00 - 18:30 Hall M Research: Workshop: Electroconvulsive therapy and the ageing brain Chairpersons: Mathieu Vandenbulcke (Belgium) Pascal Sienaert (Belgium) Age as a risk factor for predicting cognitive deficits following ECT D. McLoughlin, D. McCloughlin (Ireland) The structure of the geriatric depressed brain and response to ECT M.L. Stek, M.L. Oudega, A.M. Dols, H.C. Comijs, P. Eikelenboom, E. Exel van (Netherlands) The effect of ECT on brain grey matter, insights from longitudinal MRI F. Bouckaert, F.L. Dewinter, L. Emsell, A. Dols, D. Rhebergen, M. Wampers, M. Stek, P. Sienaert, M. Vandenbulcke (Belgium) How do age-related white matter changes such as MRI hyperintensities and amyloid deposition relate to ECT outcome in late life depression? L. Emsell, F. Bouckaert, F.L. De Winter, J. Obbels, A. Dols, M. Stek, P. Sienaert, S. Sunaert, M. Vandenbulcke (Belgium) 17:00 - 18:30 Hall N1 Clinical: Workshop: Outcome measurement in routine clinical practice Chairpersons: Victor Buwalda (Netherlands) Julian Neil Beezhold (United Kingdom) Introduction Principles of Donabedian and Validation of the Honos and Oq-45 in the Netherlands V.J.A. Buwalda (Netherlands) Influence of feedback and attitude of patient and clinician toward outcome measurement. J. Beezhold (United Kingdom) Experience and Challenges of Implementing Outcome-based Measures in Routine Psychiatric Practice Malik, A.M.I.T. Malik (United Kingdom) New It Possibilities to Enhance the Quality of the Clinical Care Process C.J. Sleeboom - van Raaij (Netherlands) 17:00 - 18:30 Hall N2 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Part 2 Risk assessment and risk management in general psychiatry Kris Goethals (Belgium) 17:00 - 18:30 Hall N3 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Part 2 The pharmacological management of mood disorders and psychosis in pregnancy and lactation Angelika Wieck (United Kingdom) Maria Muzik (USA) 17:00 - 18:30 Hall L1 Free Communications / e-Poster Oral 7 17:00 - 18:30 Hall L8 Free Communications / e-Poster Oral 8 17:00 - 18:30 Research Track: 11 | P a g e ECP Hall M3 mPIVAS Symposium: Schizophrenia - Combination of Treatment Approaches Chairpersons: Katja Koelkebeck (Germany) Maja Pantovic (Serbia) The Art of Prescribing Antipsychotics in Schizophrenia Stefan Leucht (Germany) Psychotherapy in Schizophrenia Julian Leff (United Kingdom) Psychoeducation in Schizophrenia Rebekka Lencer (Germany) Results from the mPIVAS Project Martina Rojnic Kuzman (Croatia) Results from the mPIVAS Project Olivier Andlauer (France) 18:45 TBC EPA General Assembly and Membership Round table This event is reserved for EPA Members. 12 | P a g e Monday, March 30, 2015 08:00 - 09:30 Hall B Research: Symposium: The use of computational techniques to automatically classify diagnosis and outcome of psychiatric disorders using neuroimaging data Chairpersons: Sophia Frangou (USA) Michael Musalek (Austria) Computational approaches to the examination of the functional architecture of the human brain G. Langs (USA) Using multimodal MRI data to classify patients with first episode psychosis P. Brambilla, P. Denis, C. Umberto, P. Cinzia, B. Marcella, M. Veronica, R. Gianluca, L. Antonio, T. Sarah, D. Katia, M. Vittorio, R. Mirella (Italy) USING SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE TO PREDICT RESPONSE TO TREATMENT AND ILLNESS COURSE: THE IMPACT OF SCANNER AND MULTIPLE CLINICAL OUTCOMES P. Dazzan (United Kingdom) Early Recognition and Disease Prediction in the At-Risk Mental States for Psychosis Using Neurocognitive Pattern Classification Eva Meisenzhal (Germany) 08:00 - 09:30 Hall C Clinical: Treatment Resistant Depression Chairpersons: Siegfried Kasper (Austria) Julian Neil Beezhold (United Kingdom) Prediction of the therapeutic outcome M. Bares, T. Novak, C. Höschl (Czech Republic) Acquired Resistance in unipolar depression Philip Gorwood (France) Treatment resistant bipolar depression Eduard Vieta (Spain) European program for treatment resistant depression S. Kasper (Austria) 08:00 - 09:30 Hall M Research: Symposium: Suicide and the brain: a synthesis Chairpersons: Fabrice Jollant (Canada) Kees Van Heeringen (Belgium) Neurocognitive impairments in suicide attempters and their relatives F. Jollant (Canada) Is there a neuroanatomical basis for the vulnerability to suicide? S. Bijttebier, S. Desmyter, M. Vervaet, C. Baeken (Belgium) CSF Biomarkers of suicidal behavior J. Jokinen (Sweden) Epigenetic changes in the suicidal brain Gustavo Turecki (Canada) 13 | P a g e 08:00 - 09:30 Hall N1 Research: Symposium: Long-term brain effects of antipsychotics - balancing harm and benefit Chairpersons: Andreas Heinz (Germany) Lex Wunderink (Netherlands) Brain abnormalities and outcome in people with schizophrenia – recent findings Heinz, C. Hägele, S. Weinmann, V. Aderhold (Germany) Brain atrophy and antipsychotic medication – a systematic review S. Weinmann, V. Aderhold, C. Haegele, A. Heinz (Germany) The effect of antipsychotic dose-reduction on cognition H. Takeuchi (Japan) Long term recovery rates in schizophrenia after early antipsychotic dose reduction L. Wunderink, R. Nieboer, F. Nienhuis, S. Sytema, D. Wiersma (Netherlands) 08:00-09:30 Hall N2 Research: Symposium: Can psychiatric disorders be predicted and prevented? Chairperson: Joachim Klosterkötter (Germany) Danuta Wasserman (Sweden) Suicide Prevention Danuta Wasserman (Sweden) Prevention of Bipolar and Depressive Disorders: Is this an Attainable Goal? C.U. Correll (USA) Prediction and Indicated Prevention of Psychoses S. Ruhrmann, F. Schultze-Lutter, S.J. Schmidt, J. Klosterkötter (Germany) Prevention of Alcohol Addiction Wim Van den Brink (Netherlands) 08:00 - 09:30 Hall N3 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Part 1 Motivational interviewing in addiction: How can we help patients change behaviour and habits? Lieve De Backer (Belgium) Gerard Schipppers (Netherlands) 08:00 - 09:30 Hall L1 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Part 1 Leadership skills in psychiatry Dinesh Bhugra (United Kingdom) 14 | P a g e 08:00 - 09:30 Hall L8 Research: Workshop: Negative symptoms, cognitive impairment and social cognition in schizophrenia Chairpersons: Silvana Galderisi (Italy) Wolfgang Gaebel (Germany) Modeling relationships between negative symptoms, neurocognition and social cognition S. Galderisi, A. Mucci, A. Rossi, P. Rocca, A. Bertolino, P. Bucci, M. Maj (Italy) Differential associations of negative symptom dimensions with cognition and decision-making S. Kaiser (Switzerland) Apathy in psychotic disorders: Relationship to neurocognition Ann Faerden (Norway) Negative symptoms and neural correlates of affective ambiguity André Aleman (Netherlands) 08:00 - 09:30 Hall L4 Clinical: Workshop: Cognitive behavioral therapy with schema therapy in the treatment of personality disorders Chairpersons: Jan Prasko (Czech Republic) Vyskocilova Jana (Czech Republic) Integration of schema therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy in the treatment of perosnality disorders M. Slepecky, A. Kotianova, J. Vyskocilova, J. Prasko (Slovakia) Transference and countertransference in CBT and schematherapy of personality disorders J. Vyskocilova, J. Prasko, M. Slepecky, A. Kotianova (Czech Republic) Experiential techniques in the CBT treatment of personality disorders Kotianova, M. Slepecky, J. Vyskocilova, J. Prasko (Slovakia) Emotional processing using role playing and therapeutic letters in the treatment of personality disorders J. Prasko, J. Vyskocilova, M. Slepecky, A. Kotianova (Czech Republic) 08:00 - 09:30 ECP Hall M3 European Track: Symposia: Psychotherapy Update Chairpersons: Nikolina Jovanovic (Croatia) Slavica Nikolic Lalic (Serbia) Reviewing evidence: Online vs face-to-face psychotherapy Gerhard Andersson (Sweden) How to Choose the Best Psychotherapy Training for Yourself? Marc Hermans (Belgium) Is Psychotherapy Part of my Identity as a Psychiatrist? - Results from the EFPT Study Alina Petricean-Braicu (United Kingdom) Psychotherapy in Practice - an Example of Applying Different Models and Theories to a Clinical Case Ana Moscoso (Portugal) 15 | P a g e 10:00 - 11:30 Hall B Debate: Research: Can computers replace psychotherapists? Chairpersons: Danuta Wasserman (Sweden) Can Computers replace Psychotherapists? PRO Martin Bohus (Germany) Can Computers replace Psychotherapists? CON Gerhard Andersson (Sweden) 10:00 - 11:30 Hall C Research: Workshop: Developing mental health research and enhancing clinical practice using health records data Chairpersons: Robert Stewart (United Kingdom) Karen Ritchie (France) Developing electronic health records databases for mental health research R. Stewart (United Kingdom) Developing research and clinical practice using health records data - a French perspective Karen Ritchie (France) The use of natural language processing to transform health records information Roberts (United Kingdom) Developing research and clinical practice using health records data - a Spanish perspective J.A. Cervilla, M.D. Aguilera (Spain) 10:00 - 11:30 Hall M Core Symposium European: New Nomenclature for Psychotropic Drugs - ECNP Symposium hosted by EPA Chairpersons: Wolfgang Gaebel (Germany) Guy Goodwin (United Kingdom) The need for a new nomenclature of psychotropic drugs David Nutt (United Kingdom) Summary of the new nomenclature of psychotropic drugs Guy Goodwin (United Kingdom) New applications to gain access to the new nomenclature of psychotropic drugs Joseph Zohar (Israel) 16 | P a g e 10:00 - 11:30 Hall N1 Research: Symposium: The role of neuroinflammation and infection in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia Chairpersons: Cyndi Shannon-Weickert (Australia) Arjen Sutterland (Netherlands) Identification of Subgroups of Schizophrenia Patients With Changes in Either Immune or Growth Factor and Hormonal Pathways. Nico Van Beveren (Netherlands) Transdiagnostic exploration of the association of Toxoplasma gondii with psychiatric disorders. A systematic review and meta analysis. Sutterland, G. Fond, A. Kuin, M. Koeter, R. Lutter, T. Van Gool, R. Yolken, A. Szoke, M. Leboyer, L. De Haan (Netherlands) Interactions between immune gene variants and environmental factors in bipolar disorder Marion Leboyer (France) Therapeutic trials of minocycline, ondansetron and simvastatin in schizophrenia. J. Deakin, I.B. Chaudhry, A. Parker, G. Dunn, A. Kazmi, R. Drake, R. Ur Rahman, M. Hamirani, T. Kiran, N. Mehmood, N. Husain (United Kingdom) 10:00 - 11:30 Hall N2 Research: Symposium: Infidelity: is it normal or pathological? Chairpersons: Marcel Waldinger (Netherlands) Zvi Zemishlany (Israel) Is Infidelity Biologically Determined? R. Balon (USA) A new Neurobiology of Libido: A Complex Interplay between Testosterone, 5-HT and 5-HT1A receptor Functioning M.D. Waldinger (Netherlands) Managing drug-induced sexual dysfunction T. Segraves (USA) Are men and women socially or sexually monogamous? Z. Zemishlany (Israel) 10:00 - 11:30 Hall N3 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Part 2 Motivational interviewing in addiction: How can we help patients change behaviour and habits? Lieve De Backer (Belgium) Gerard Schipppers (Netherlands) 10:00 - 11:30 Hall L1 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Part 2 Leadership skills in psychiatry Dinesh Bhugra (United Kingdom) 17 | P a g e 10:00 - 11:30 Hall L8 Research: Symposium: Childhood trauma in severe mental disorders: clinical expression and mechanisms Chairpersons: Ingrid Melle (Norway) Chantal Henry (France) Childhood trauma and the clinical expression of bipolar disorders and psychosis B. Etain, M. Aas, F. Bellivier, I. Melle, C. Henry, S. Gard, J.P. Kahn, M. Leboyer (France) The Effects of Childhood Trauma On Limbic Structure and Connectivity: A Multimodal Mri Study in Healthy Subjects J. De Souza Queiroz, B. Etain, J. Boisgontier, C. Poupon, D. Duclap, M.A. D´Albis, C. Daban, N. Handami, C. Cabon, M. Delavest, F. Bellivier, M. Leboyer, H. Chantal, J. Houenou (France) Biomarkers and childhood trauma Cattaneo, G. Plazzotta, M.A. Riva, C.M. Pariante (United Kingdom) Childhood trauma / gene (BDNF, 5HTTLPR) interactions in psychosis: impact on cognition M. Aas, S. Djurovic, U.K. Haukvik, M. Tesli, L. Athanasiu, I. Agartz, O.A. Andreassen, I. Melle (Norway) 10:00 - 11:30 Hall L4 Free Communications / e-Poster Oral 9 10:00 - 11:30 ECP Hall M3 Educational Track : Conversations with Catherine Quarini: How to Publish in Psychiatry Chairpersons: Florian Riese (Switzerland) Mariana Pinto da Costa (Portugal) How to Publish in Psychiatry Catherine Quarini (United Kingdom) 11:45 - 12:30 Hall B Plenary Lecture: Research: Precision Medicine for Psychiatry: The NIMH Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Project Chairpersons: Wolfgang Gaebel (Germany) Precision Medicine for Psychiatry: The NIMH Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Project Bruce Cuthbert (USA) 13:15-14:30 Hall B, C and M Satellite Symposium: Satellite Symposium 5, 6, 7 15:00 - 15:45 Hall B State of the Art: Clinical: Borderline Personality Disorders Chairperson: Silvana Galderisi (Italy) Borderline Personality Disorders G. Liotti (Italy) 18 | P a g e 15:45 - 16:30 Hall B State of the Art: Clinical: Sleep disorders in psychiatric patients Chairperson: Tamas Kurimay (Hungary) Sleep disorders in psychiatric patients Thomas Pollmächer (Germany) 15:00 - 16:30 Hall M European: EPA/WHO Joint Symposium Improving the Quality of Mental Health Care in Europe Chairpersons: Wolfgang Gaebel (Germany) Matt Muijen (Denmark) Responding to challenges and taking actions Matt Muijen (Denmark) The EPA Survey on Mental Health Care Quality in European Countries - Results and Implications for Action Tamas Kurimay (Hungary) Improving Quality of Mental Health Care across Europe - the Perspective of GAMIAN Pedro Montellano (Portugal) WHO EMHAP and EPA Guidance - Joint Actions and Implementation for better Mental Health in Europe Wolfgang Gaebel (Germany) 15:00 - 16:30 Hall N1 Educational: Symposium: Prevention of mental disorders in children of mentally ill parents Chairpersons: Hans Grabe (Germany) Stephan Lawrie (United Kingdom) Mentally ill parents and their children H. Grabe (Germany) Early risk prediction of schizophrenia in children and adolescents Stephan Lawrie (United Kingdom) Transgenerational experiences of childhood adversities in the development of adolescent borderline personality disorder Romuald Brunner (Germany) Gene-environment and timing in the trans-generational transmission of mood disorders Gil Zalsman (Israel) 15:00 - 16:30 Hall N2 Research: Symposium: Neuroprogression and neuroprotection in bipolar disorder Chairpersons: Natalie Rasgon (USA) Roger McIntyre (Canada) Brain derived neurotrophic factor and biomarkers of insulin resistance in women with BD N. Rasgon (USA) Bipolar Disorder: The Implications of Metabolism and Inflammation to Pathogenesis and Treatment R. McIntyre (Canada) Biomarkers of Neuroprogression in Bipolar Disorder F. Kapczinski (Brazil) Neuroprotection in the aftermath of a first episode of mania. M. Berk, R. Daglas, M. Yucel, O. Dandash, S.M. Cotton (Australia) 19 | P a g e 15:00 - 16:30 Hall N3 Research: Staging in major psychosis and mood disorders: news and views from around the world... Chairpersons: Marion Leboyer (France) Philippe Conus (Switzerland) Staging from the Australian perspective Seetal Dodd (Australia) Staging from the Brazilian perspective Aroldo Dargel (France) Staging concept in first episode psychosis in Switzerland Philippe Conus (Switzerland) Stages in a French cohort of bipolar disorder (FACE-BD) Bruno Etain (France) 15:00 - 16:30 Hall N3 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Part 1 Practical training for evaluation of suicidal risk Vladimir Carli (Sweden) Marco Sarchiapone (Italy) Danuta Wasserman (Sweden) 15:00 - 16:30 Hall L1 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Part 1 Understanding psychosis: a psychopathological guide for clinical examination: Andrea Raballo (Italy) Peter Handest (Denmark) Frank Larøi (Belgium) 15:00 - 16:30 Hall L8 Free Communications / e-Poster Oral 10 15:00 - 16:30 Hall L4 Free Communications / e-Poster Oral 11 15:00 - 16:30 ECP Hall M3 European Track: Court debates: Psychiatrists are a Dying Species Chairperson: Alexander Nawka (Czech Republic) Judge: Andrea Fiorillo (Italy) Opponent: Norman Sartorius (Switzerland) Defendant: Dinesh Bhugra (United Kingdom) 20 | P a g e 17:00 - 18:30 Hall B Clinical: Treatment Goals beyond Symptom Reduction? Chairpersons: Michael Musalek (Austria) Levent Küey (Turkey) Treatment Goals in good clinical practice: Quality of Life Levent Küey (Turkey) Treatment Goal: Functioning Pavel Mohr (Czech Republic) Treatment Goal: Recovery Heinz, L. Mahler, C. Montag, C. Müller (Germany) Treatment Goal: Autonom and Joyful Lifey M. Musalek (Austria) 17:00 - 18:30 Hall C Symposium Joint symposia between the Asian Federation of Psychiatric Associations (AFPA) and EPA Chairpersons: Wolfgang Gaebel (Germany 17:00 - 18:30 Hall M Research: Economic crisis and its bearing upon mental health. From facts to prevention Chairpersons: Manuel Martin-Carrasco (Spain) Geert Dom (Belgium) The financial crisis and the future of mental health in Greece Nikos Christodoulou (United Kingdom) Stigma, unemployment and mental health in the context of economic hardship. Sara Evans-Lacko (United Kingdom) Rethinking mental health evaluation research and prevention programs. Kristian Wahlbeck (Finland) Health protection in times of economic crisis: challenges and opportunities for Europe David McDaid (United Kingdom) 17:00 - 18:30 Hall N1 European: Workshop: Coercion in psychiatric services in different European countries Chairpersons: Tilman Steinert (Germany) Matthias Jaeger (Switzerland) Coercion in psychiatric services in Finland Putkonen (Finland) Coercion in psychiatric services in Switzerland M. Jaeger (Switzerland) Coercion in psychiatric services in the Netherlands Eric Noorthoorn (Netherlands) Use of coercion in psychiatric services in Germany T. Steinert (Germany) 17:00 - 18:30 21 | P a g e Hall N2 European: Symposium: Workforce migration and brain drain Chairpersons: Norman Sartorius (Switzerland) Afzal Javed (Pakistan) Migration and mental health D. Bhugra (United Kingdom) Workforce migration and brain drain in psychiatry trainees M. Pinto da Costa (Portugal) Brain drain of health professionals - view from WPA Afzal Javed (Pakistan) The impact of international migration - view from WHO M. Muijen (Denmark) 10:00 - 11:30 Hall N3 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Practical training for evaluation of suicidal risk Vladimir Carli (Sweden) Marco Sarchiapone (Italy) Danuta Wasserman (Sweden) 17:00 - 18:30 Hall L1 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Part 2 Understanding psychosis: a psychopathological guide for clinical examination Andrea Raballo (Italy) Peter Handest (Denmark) Frank Larøi (Belgium) 17:00 - 18:30 Hall L8 Clinical: Workshop: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender affirmative psychiatry: the next generation Chairpersons: Howard Rubin (USA) Christopher McIntosh (Canada) Applying Concepts of Well-Being to the Treatment of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Patients H. Rubin (USA) Psychiatric Assessment of Transgender Adults for Sex Reassignment Surgery C. McIntosh (Canada) Equal Justice for All: Care of LGBT Youth in the Juvenile Justice System J. Weiss (USA) Suicide and Sexual Orientation – An Overview M. Plöderl (Australia) 22 | P a g e 17:00 - 18:30 Hall L4 Free Communications / e-Poster Oral 12 17:00 - 18:30 ECP Hall M3 Educational Track: Training Workshop: Psychotherapy Chairpersons: Amit Malik (United Kingdom) Ozge Kilic (Turkey) Innovations in Psychotherapy Education Priyanthy Weerasekera (Canada) John Manring (USA) 18:45-19:30 Halls B, C and M Satellite Symposium: Satellite Symposium 8, 9, 10 23 | P a g e Tuesday, March 31, 2015 08:00 - 09:30 Hall B Educational: Workshop: The psychiatrist as a perpetrator and victim of violence Chairpersons: Kris Goethals (Belgium) Norbert Nedopil (Germany) About mad and bad psychiatrists K. Goethals (Netherlands) Sexual misconduct by psychiatrists and psychotherapists C. Paul (Belgium) Violence against doctors in Catalonia and proceedings by the Catalonia Medical Council E.L. Gomez-Duran, V. Tort-Herrando, J. Arimany-Manso (Spain) Stalking and the Law – an Israeli Legal System Based Analysis O. Asman (Israel) 08:00-09:30 Hall C Research: Social aesthetics in psychiatry * atmosphere in clinical settings - Joint Symposium with hosting NPA Chairpersons: Georg Psota (Austria) Wolfgang Gaebel (Germany) Atmosphere and social aesthetics Michael Musalek (Austria) Atmosphere: where the possible becomes possible Guenda Bernegger (Switzerland) From anaesthetic to aesthetic: Connective aesthetics in the clinic Helena Fox (United Kingdom) Cinematherapeutic interventinos: Films and atmosphere Martin Poltrum (Austria) 08:00 - 09:30 Hall M Research: Symposium: Crestar: personalized medicine in schizophrenia - development of pharmacogenomics biomarkers Chairpersons: Dan Rujescu (Germany) David A. Collier (United Kingdom) Genome wide association studies for typical antipsychotics Dan Rujescu (Germany) New studies on clozapine treatment in psychosis J.P.A.M. Bogers, D.J. Touw, J.W. Kosterink, A.J.M. Loonen (Netherlands) Polygenetic risk scores and metabolic side effects in clozapine treatment of schizophrenia E. Sigurdsson, O. Ingimarsson (Iceland) How can pharmacogenomics biomarkers be translated into patient benefit David A. Collier (United Kingdom) 24 | P a g e 08:00 - 09:30 Hall N1 Core Sympsoium: Clinical: Recovery in Schizophrenia: Are we doing enough? Chairpersons: Silvana Galderisi (Italy) Cécile Hanon (France) What is relevant for recovery Silvana Galderisi (Italy) Treatment Plans Wolfgang Fleischhacker (Austria) Community Psychiatry and Empowerment Jean-Luc Roelandt (France) Early Treatment in schizophrenia Istvan Bitter (Hungary) 08:00 - 09:30 Hall N2 Clinical: Symposium: Providing psychiatric services as needed by mentally ill persons Chairpersons: Johannes Wancata (Austria) Mirella Ruggeri (Italy) Needs of family caregivers of schizophrenia patients F. Friedrich, J. Wancata (Austria) Employment and mental health W. Kawohl (Switzerland) Evaluating innovative mental health care in Germany T. Becker, A. Stierlin, R. Kilian (Germany) Evaluation of Community Mental Health Services Mirella Ruggeri (Italy) 08:00 - 09:30 Hall N3 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Part 1:1 Writing, publishing and reviewing a clinical scientific paper Povl Munk-Jørgensen (Denmark) C Lauber (United Kingdom) 08:00 - 09:30 Hall L1 European: Workshop: The recent EU-funded imaging projects in psychiatry: presentation and update Chairpersons: Paolo Brambilla (Italy) Sophia Frangou (USA) TRIMAGE - Development of a simultaneous trimodal (PET/MR/EEG) imaging tool for early diagnosis of schizophrenia and other mental disorders Del Guerra (Italy) PRONIA - Personalised Prognostic Tools for Early Psychosis Management Nikolaos Koutsouleris (Germany) PSYSCAN Philip McGuire (United Kingdom) IMAGEMEND - IMAging GEnetics for MENtal Disorders Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg (Germany) 25 | P a g e 08:00 - 09:30 Hall L8 Free Communications / e-Poster Oral 13 08:00 - 09:30 Hall L4 Free Communications / e-Poster Oral 14 08:00 - 09:30 ECP Hall M3 European: Workshop: Training in psychiatry throughout Europe Chairpersons: Rutger Jan Van der Gaag (Netherlands) Marc Hermans (Belgium) A European Standard for Training Andrew Brittlebank (United Kingdom) Need for Training in Cultural Psychiatry-Lessons for Europe D. Bhugra (United Kingdom) Psychotherapy: from neglected training to neglected competency Marc Hermans (Belgium) The Perspective of Trainees on the Psychiatry Training M. Pinto da Costa (Portugal) Challenges of early career psychiatrists in Europe Alexander Nawka (Czech Republic) 10:00 - 11:30 Hall B Debate: Educational: Is Neuroimaging over-valued in unravelling the causes of mental illness? Chairperson: Patrice Boyer (France) Is Neuroimaging over-valued in unravelling the causes of mental illness? CON Sophia Frangou (USA) Is Neuroimaging over-valued in unravelling the causes of mental illness? PRO Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg (Germany) 10:00 - 11:30 Hall C Educational: ICD-11 Chairpersons: Wolfgang Gaebel (Germany) Geoffrey M. Reed (Switzerland) ICD Process and Present Status Geoffrey M. Reed (Switzerland) Mood Disorders in ICD-11 Mario Maj (Italy) Personality Disorders in ICD-11 Peter J. Tyrer (United Kingdom) Psychotic Disorders Wolfgang Gaebel (Germany) 26 | P a g e 10:00 - 11:30 Hall M Core Programme: Clinical: ADHD - Lifecycle Chairpersons: Istvan Bitter (Hungary) Josep Ramos-Quiroga (Spain) Biological Basis of ADHD Philip Asherson (United Kingdom) Clinical Presentation of ADHD Esther Sobanski (Germany) Treatment of ADHD through the Lifespan Josep Ramos-Quiroga (Spain) Comorbidity of ADHD - the role of age and sex 3 Istvan Bitter (Hungary) 10:00 - 11:30 Hall N1 European: Symposium: Which political actions for mental health need to be prioritised in Europe? Results of the EU joint action on mental health and wellbeing situation analysis Chairpersons: José Caldas de Almeida (Portugal) Kristian Wahlbeck (Finland) The EU policy context of the Joint Action Mental Health and Well-being Jurgen Scheftlein (Luxembourg) The policy context of depression and suicide prevention in Europe. Results of the Joint Action situation analysis G. Purebl, T. Kurimay (Hungary) Mental health in school setting in the context of the Mental health and Well-being Joint Action Mass Mirandola (Italy) Engagement of non-health sectors in mental health promotion Kristian Wahlbeck (Finland) 10:00 - 11:30 Hall N2 Clinical: Symposium: Treating suicidal patients: an integrated perspective Chairpersons: Marco Sarchiapone (Italy) Philippe Courtet (France) Psychological treatment of suicidal patients Nestor Kapusta (Austria) The management of suicidal patients Doina Cosman (Romania) Suicide in adolescents: What's new? Gil Zalsman (Israel) Pharmacologial prevention of suicide Z. Rihmer (Hungary) 27 | P a g e 10:00 - 11:30 Hall N3 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Part 1:2 Writing, publishing and reviewing a clinical scientific paper: Povl Munk-Jørgensen (Denmark) Christoph Lauber (Switzerland) 10:00 - 11:30 Hall L1 Clinical: Workshop: User involvement in mental health care Chairpersons: Michaela Amering (Austria) Thomas Bock (Germany) Peer to Peer - Support in severe mental disorders: Affective Disorders, Psychosis and Personality disorder – a randomized controlled Trial Candelaria Mahlke (Germany) User Involvement in mental health care teaching M.J. Fellinger, M. Amering (Austria) Family peer support in a metropolitan area Thomas Bock (Germany) The importance of service-user communities. Is mainstreaming always the answer? R. Warner (USA) 10:00 - 11:30 Hall L8 Free Communications / e-Poster Oral 15 10:00 - 11:30 Hall L4 Free Communications / e-Poster Oral 16 10:00 - 11:30 ECP Hall M3 Free Communications / e-Poster Oral 17 11:45 - 12:30 Hall B Plenary Lecture: Research: Opportunities and Risks of Social Media in Relation to Mental Health Chairperson: Patrice Boyer (France) Opportunities and Risks of Social Media in Relation to Mental Health Marc Potenza (Canada) 13:15-14:45 Hall B and C Satellite Symposium: Satellite Symposium 11, 12 28 | P a g e 15:00 - 15:45 Hall B State of the Art: Clinical: Dementia Chairperson: Sue Bailey (United Kingdom) Dementia Bengt Winblad (Sweden) 15:45 - 16:30 Hall B State of the Art: Educational: Around the Time of Birth: Parent Mental Health Chairperson: Julian Neil Beezhold (United Kingdom) Around the Time of Birth: Parent Mental Health Gisele Apter (France) 15:00 - 16:30 Hall C European: Challenges for European Psychiatry Chairpersons: Wolfgang Gaebel (Germany) Peter Falkai (Germany) The EPA Action Plan: A Roadmap for European Psychiatry Wolfgang Gaebel (Germany) From Psychiatry in Europe to European Psychiatry: The EPA Council of NPAs Role P. Falkai (Germany) Example 1: Economic Crises and Mental Health Planning in Europe Manuel Martin-Carrasco (Spain) Example 2: Defining a Common Framework for Post-Graduate Education in European Psychiatry Rutger Jan Van der Gaag (Netherlands) 15:00 - 16:30 Hall M Research: Symposium: Parental psychopathology and children's developmental trajectories: data from prospective cohort studies Chairpersons: Anita Riecher-Rössler (Switzerland) Maria Melchior (France) Family socioeconomic position as a moderator of the association between parental psychopathology and children's outcomes: data from France M. Melchior (France) Impact of maternal prenatal risk factors on oxytocin methylation, and on occurrence of conduct disorders during adolescence E.D. Barker, C.A.M. Charlotte (United Kingdom) The MATQUID cohort: links between maternal depressive symptoms and children's developmental trajectories Sutter-Dallay (France) Maternal depression and children's growth: data from Brazil. P. Surkan (USA) 29 | P a g e 15:00 - 16:30 Hall N1 Research: Symposium: The influence of socio-cultural factors on mental health of immigrants Chairpersons: Meryam Schouler-Ocak (Germany) Iris Tatjana Graef-Calliess (Germany) When local poverty is more important than your income: Migrant mental health in inner cities Michael Rapp (Germany) Biological effects of social exclusion Heinz, U. Kluge, M. Schouler-Ocak, M. Rapp (Germany) The role of stigma and discrimination on mental health of immigrants Marianne Kastrup (Denmark) Therapeutic interventions for immigrants with a mental illness D. Bhugra (United Kingdom) 15:00 - 16:30 Hall N2 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Cognitive-behavioural treatment in obsessive-compulsive disorder Fritz Hohagen (Germany) 15:00 - 16:30 Hall N3 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Part 2:1 Writing, publishing and reviewing a clinical scientific paper Christoph Lauber (Switzerland) Povl Munk-Jørgensen (Denmark) 15:00 - 16:30 Hall L1 Clinical: Symposium: Nature and narratives of depression Chairpersons: Michael Musalek (Austria) Maria Luisa Figueira (Portugal) Sadness and Depression: what is the psychopathologic border? F. Oyebode (United Kingdom) Distimia, Unipolar and Bipolar Depression: are modern nosology making us crazy? L. Madeira (Portugal) Causal connection between Depression and Paranoia R.K.R. Salokangas, J. Hietala, M. Heinimaa, T. From, H. Graf von Reventlow, D. Linszen, P. Dingemans, M. Birchwood, P. Patterson, F. Schultze-Lutter, J. Klosterkötter, S. Ruhrmann (Finland) Addictions and Depression: the paradise lost Gilberto DiPetta (Italy) 15:00 - 16:30 Hall L8 Free Communications / e-Poster Oral 18 15:00 - 16:30 Hall L4 Free Communications / e-Poster Oral 19 30 | P a g e 15:00 - 16:30 ECP Hall M3 European Track: EFPT/ ECPC-EPA Symposium: All Psychiatrists are Equal; but are Some More than Others? Chairpersons: Andrew Brittlebank (United Kingdom) Daria Smirnova (Russia) Similarities and Differences in Training across Europe Marisa Casanova Dias (United Kingdom) Teo-pc Pilot Study - Trainees' Experiences and Opinions Regarding the Uems Psychiatric Competencies in their National Training Programmes Ana Giurgiuca (Romania) What Patients Want from Psychiatrists Paul Arteel (Belgium) The Image of Psychiatrists Livia De Picker (Belgium) 17:00 - 18:30 Hall B Educational: Symposium: Concepts of mental disorders - time to change? Chairpersons: Wolfgang Gaebel (Germany) Dinesh Bhugra (United Kingdom) Developing ICD-11 - current state of the art Geoffrey M. Reed (Switzerland) ICD-11 and DSM-5 - similarities and differences W. Gaebel (Germany) Culturally sensitive classification of mental disorders D. Bhugra (United Kingdom) Identifying brain mechanisms as defining elements of mental disorders Philip McGuire (United Kingdom) Discussant Bruce Cuthbert (USA) 17:00 - 18:30 Hall C Research: Symposium: Genetics and functional imaging underlying major depressive and anxiety disorders Chairpersons: Thomas Frodl (Germany) Andrew McIntosh (United Kingdom) Genetics and neurobiology of anxiety and depression A.M. McIntosh, H.C. Whalley, S.M. Lawrie (United Kingdom) Functional, molecular and translational imaging in anxiety and depression Rupert Lanzenberger (Austria) Functional underpinnings of emotional processing Phillippe Fossati (France) Integrated functional Imaging and genetics in depression and anxiety T. Frodl, M. Szyf, A. Carballedo, M. Gill, L. Booij (Germany) 31 | P a g e 17:00 - 18:30 Hall M Research: Symposium: Mobile technologies in psychiatry Chairpersons: Joel Swendsen (France) Marion Leboyer (France) Translational mobile psychiatry Aroldo Dargél (Brazil) Advances in the Real-time Documentation of Psychosis and Suicidal Ideation J. Palmier-Claus, P. Taylor, J. Ainsworth, S. Lewis (United Kingdom) Ecological Momentary Assessment: statistical issues J.B. Nezlek (USA) Applications of Ecological Momentary Assessment in clinical practice J. Swendsen (France) 17:00 - 18:30 Hall N1 Clinical: Workshop: Translation of latest research findings into clinical suicide prevention Chairpersons: Marco Sarchiapone (Italy) Dan Rujescu (Germany) Analysis of personality features in the assessment of suicide risk Vladimir Carli (Sweden) Electrodermal hyporeactivity and suicide risk in depressed patients M. Sarchiapone, L.H. Thorell, M. Iosue (Italy) From social exclusion to psychological pain P. Courtet (France) Genetics of suicidal behavior and personality traits Dan Rujescu (Germany) 17:00 - 18:30 Hall N2 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Cognitive-behavioural treatment in obsessive-compulsive disorder Fritz Hohagen (Germany) 17:00 - 18:30 Hall N3 Educational: Academia Educational Course: Writing, publishing and reviewing a clinical scientific paper: Part 2 Chairpersons: Povl Munk-Jørgensen (Denmark) Christoph Lauber (Switzerland) 32 | P a g e 17:00 - 18:30 Hall L1 Clinical: Symposium: Challenges in diagnosis and treatment of behavioral addictions Chairpersons: Falk Kiefer (Germany) Geert Dom (Belgium) Psychological and neurobiological mechanisms of pathological internet use T. Lemenager (Germany) Imaging studies on cue-reactivity in pathological gambling Heinz, N. Romanczuk-Seiferth (Germany) Internet based retraining as a treatment for gambling disorders M. Boffo, W. Ronny, T. Pronk, R.W. Wiers, G. Dom (Belgium) The ‘ins and outs’ of sex differences in pathological gambling R. Van den Bos (Netherlands) 17:00 - 18:30 Hall L8 European: Symposium: Image of psychiatry in Europe: Where are we and where should we go? Chairpersons: Wolfgang Maier (Germany) Pierre Vallon (Switzerland) Could we improve the image of psychiatry in Germany the last 20 years? Matthias Angermeyer (Germany) Combating suicide successfully. Good news for psychiatry? Danuta Wasserman (Sweden) Closing down the largest state mental in Hungary. Economic reasons or bad image of psychiatry? Istvan Bitter (Hungary) What can psychiatry do to improve its image in Europe? N. Sartorius (Switzerland) 17:00 - 18:30 Hall L4 Free Communications / e-Poster Oral 20 17:00 - 18:30 ECP Hall M3 Educational Track: Training Workshop: What to do if you are stalked by a Patient? Chairpersons: Defne Eraslan (Turkey) Olga Paravaya (Belarus) AFP To be advised Julian Neil Beezhold (United Kingdom) To be advised Silvana Galderisi (Italy) 33 | P a g e
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