
L. Steven Rakowski
Lucas Figiel
Michael J. Zink
First Vice President
Kristen M. Kozlowski
Matthew A. Sidor
Second Vice President
Marta A. Zaborska
Third Vice President
Kasia Kaczmarczyk
The Advocate
Official Newsletter of the Advocates Society, Chicago, Illinois
September/October 2014 Issue
Advocates Society’s Summer Reception
Honoring the Hon. James P. Flannery
The Advocates Society’s honored James P. Flannery, Presiding Judge of the Law
Division, during the August 21, 2014, Summer Reception. Judge Flannery received the President’s
Award from Steve Rakowski at the event held at the Ivy Boutique Hotel in downtown Chicago.
Thanks everyone for making this annual event a success at the new venue!
(from l. to r.) Advocates member Geraldine D’Souza,
Hon. James P. Flannery, Lisa and Hon. Frank Zelezinski.
September General Meeting
The Advocates Society’s September General Meeting took place on September 19 at the
Copernicus Center in Chicago. Lindsay Banman and Phyllis Gould presented a CLE program
regarding psychological evaluations of parties and their children in litigated and administrative
(l. to r.) Advocates First Vice President Michael Zink,
Lindsay Banman, Phyllis Gould, Advocates President
Steve Rakowski.
Judges’ Night
Our Judges’ Night, organized by the Advocates First Vice President Michael Zink, took
place on Thursday, October 23, 2014, at the Polish Museum in America located in Chicago.
Hundreds of Judges, attorneys, law students and family members attended this very successful
annual event. We thank everyone for your continued support!
(l. to r.) Amanda Zink, Maria Ciesla of the Polish Museum Some of the many members of judiciary present at
of America, Advocates First Vice President Michael Zink. the event.
Advocates Society members Eve Moran and Jan Strzalka. (l. to r.) Advocates Second Vice President Matthew
Sidor, Advocates First Vice President Michael Zink,
and Amanda Zink.
Alison Pawlicki and Marilyn Majewski helping with check-in.
December Events
- Our December events will include our Board Meeting on December 5th at the home of
Marta Zaborska.
- The Advocates Society will be throwing its annual Christmas Party on Friday,
December 19th. It will take place immediately after our General Meeting at the Copernicus
Center Annex. This year we will be giving it the flare of a traditional choinka. Kids are warmly
welcomed and members encouraged to come.
The cost of admission will be $30 for non-member adults, $15 for kids over 15 and free for
those 15 and under. There is a per-family cap on admission cost of $50. Of course, members are
Parents, if you bring a wrapped toy with your child’s name on it, we will make sure Santa
gets them distributed.
Please make us a part of your holiday revelry this year. We look forward to seeing all of you.
Advocates Society issued endorsements. Candidates recommended are listed below.
Judge William Lacy
Judge Frank G. Zelezinski
Judge Gregory Joseph Wojkowski
Judge Ursula Waslowski
Judge Michael Toomin
Justice Themis Karnezis
Judge James Patrick Flannery
Judge Mary Ellen Coghlan
Judge Shelly Lynn Sutker-Dermer
Judge Andy Berman
Judge Clayton Crane
Judge Bill O'Brien
Judge Patricia Martin
Judge Ponce de Leon
James P. Pieczonka
Judge James O’Hara
Justice Robert E. Gordon
State Senator Robert Martwick, Jr.
- Advocates Society member Marta Almodovar was featured in an October 6, 2014,
Chicago Daily Law Bulletin article titled “A bridge in and out of court.” The article focused on
Ms. Almodovar’s efforts to assist the disenfranchised members of our community achieve a voice
in our court system. Congratulations Marta and keep up the good work. To view the full article
visit: http://chicagolawbulletin.com/Articles/2014/10/06/Marta-Almodovar-Amicus-10-6-14.aspx
- Advocates Third Vice President, Marta A. Zaborska, was invited by the Committee on
International Cooperation of the Regional Bar Council in Wroclaw, Poland, to participate as a
speaker in a legal Conference to assess the “Role of the Legal Profession in the Eye of Professional
On October 3, 2014, Ms. Zaborska, along with distinguished panelists from Wroclaw,
Krakow and Germany, gave a presentation to over one hundred members of Bar Association in
Wroclaw. The purpose of the conference was to present different approaches to regulation of
specialization in legal profession and create a platform to exchange ideas regarding such regulation
in Poland.
Several presentations, including Ms. Zaborska’s article, are to be used during work on the
legislative project for regulation of legal specialization in Poland.
(pictured l.to r.) Ms. Zaborska with
Adw. Pawel M. Wojcik, Esq., LL.M.,
Vice-President of the Committee on
International Cooperation of the Regional
Bar Council in Wroclaw.
(Ms. Zaborska, pictured on the far right, during
her presentation)
- Congratulations to Advocates’ Secretary, Lucas Figiel and his wife, Cory, on the birth of
their first child. Barrett Gray Figiel was born October 20th, 2014 at 7:45 p.m. Barrett greeted the
world twenty-one inches in length and weighing in at seven pounds, fourteen inches. Mother and
baby are doing well.
- Advocates member and President of the Polish American Law Student Association
(PALSA) at The John Marshall Law School (JMLS), Agnieszka Dudek, organized the second
annual Taste of Poland on Tuesday, October 21, 2014. Over 100 individuals gathered at JMLS to
celebrate Polish heritage, learn about Poland’s history and progress, and enjoy performances by
Polish Highlanders as well as sample Polish cuisine. Advocates members, and past PALSA
presidents, Agnieszka Malicka and Magda Wilk assisted with the organization of this successful
New Members
The Advocates Society is pleased to announce that new members Adam Konopka, James
Posluszny, Anna Cochran, Jakub Piechnik, and Amber Lukowicz applied for membership.
Their applications have been approved by the Board and will be presented to the membership at the
November meeting. We look forward to welcoming them to our organization.
Dues Reminder
Dues are Due. You may visit the website to pay your dues: www.advocatesociety.com
Alternatively, you may bring your dues to a General Membership meeting or mail your dues check
to Advocates Society, attention: Treasurer Kristen Kozlowski, Copernicus Center Annex, 5214 W.
Lawrence Ave., Suite 4, Chicago, Illinois 60630.
Dues are $150 for attorneys who have been admitted to the Bar for 5 years or more, $75 for
members who have been admitted to the Bar less than 5 years, and $30 for law students.
Other Announcements and Events
- Advocates Society Member and 3L law student Arthur Gotfryd has started a Polish language
translation service. To receive a quote for the translation of your document from English to Polish
or from Polish to English, please contact him at [email protected] or 708-491-9962.
He is also able to translate in person meetings depending on availability. Samples of past
work and references are available upon request.
- Advocates President Steve Rakowski, Advocates members Hon. Diann Marsalek and Marta
Almodovar attended the Polish American Congress IL Division’s 45th annual Polish American
Heritage Banquet Awards held on October 12 at the White Eagle Banquets in Niles.
pictured above: Hon. Diann Marsalek, Marta Almodovar,
Steve Rakowski and other notable attendees.
- Our website is being updated. Please visit www.advocatesociety.com for the full year’s event
schedule as well as latest Advocates news and photos from past events.
5214 West Lawrence Suite 4
Chicago, Illinois 60630
5214 W. Lawrence Ave., Suite 4
Chicago, Illinois 60630
Website: www.ADVOCATESOCIETY.com
Email: [email protected]
L. Steven Rakowski, President
office phone number
2014 Calendar of Advocates Society Events
If you have a potential newsletter item, please forward it to Aga Malicka at [email protected].
2014 Advocates Society Calendar
September 5, 2014
October 23, 2014
November 7, 2014
November 13, 2014
November 20, 2014
December 19, 2014
Board of Governors’ Meeting
Judges’ Night at the Polish Museum in America (984 N.
Thursday Milwaukee Ave., Chicago).
Board of Governors’ Meeting at Marta Zaborska’s
Scholarship Fundraiser at La Luce Italian Restaurant (1393
Thursday W. Lake St., Chicago).
General Meeting at Copernicus Center, Hall of Kings (5216
W. Lawrence, Chicago). General Membership Meetings
Thursday begin at 7:00 p.m.
General Meeting/Christmas Party at the Copernicus Center
Annex (5216 W. Lawrence, Chicago). General Membership
Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m.
Amicus Poloniae Legal Clinic
5711 N. Milwaukee, Chicago, IL
Every third Saturday at 9:00 a.m.