Annual Operating Plan (AOP) 2014-2015

Annual Operating Plan (AOP) 2014-2015
Legislated Function - Strategic Priorities
2014-2015 - AOP Activities
Target Output
Develop and implement effective monitoring and enforcement strategies to secure compliance
Maintain and improve internal systems, processes and capabilities to ensure
expert, consistent, and independent regulatory decisions in accordance with
the OPGGSA and Regulations.
Monitor and inspect compliance with accepted regulatory plans and safety
cases and, where necessary, take enforcement action.
Monitoring and enforcement strategies will, in particular, focus on
Performance Standards, Management of Change, Workforce Involvement,
Emergency Response, Consultation and BOP & Associated Well Control
OHS inspections focus on normally attended production and drilling
Inspection program in respect of titleholder compliance with well activity
related regulations.
Environment inspection program focus on GHG, seismic, drilling,
construction, production and decommissioning activities to ensure
titleholder compliance with environment plans.
Develop and update policies, procedures and systems to effectively
implement legislative amendments affecting the compliance function of
Timely process of regulatory submissions, including safety cases, well
operations management plans (WOMPs), environment plans and diving
safety management systems.
2 planned OHS inspections conducted at each normally attended production
and drilling facility.
Inspections to include focus topics of Performance Standards, Management
of Change, Workforce Involvement, Emergency Response, Consultation and
BOP & Associated Well Control Equipment.
Inspections of titleholder compliance with duties with respect to wells
Policies, procedures and systems to implement requirements of the
Compliance Measures Act and Regulatory Powers Act developed and
60 inspections conducted on activities from accepted environment plans.
90% of all regulatory submissions notified within statutory timeframes.
Investigate accidents, occurrences and incidents
Maintain internal capabilities and processes to ensure expert, consistent,
and independent investigations are completed in accordance with the
OPGGSA, Regulations and NOPSEMA systems.
Communicate lessons learnt from incidents to industry.
Develop processes for investigation of environment incidents.
Investigation of accidents and dangerous occurrences (A&DO), complaints
and environmental incidents.
Analyse A&DO data to identify trends and areas for sharing lessons within
NOPSEMA in support of regulatory operations.
Streamline incident reporting for OHS and environmental management.
Develop and implement arrangements for use of civil penalty compliance
All investigation reports completed to core process requirements and
referrals made to CDPP, as appropriate.
Investigate accidents, dangerous occurrences and environmental incidents.
Lessons learned communicated to stakeholders consistent with
communications strategy.
Safety and environment alerts published as appropriate.
Promote safety, well integrity and environmental management
Develop focused promotional programs.
Maintain robust, open and accountable relationships with industry
stakeholders in relation to the submission and assessment of regulatory
plans and safety cases and broader regulatory functions.
Continue with liaison programs for facility operators and titleholders.
Facility operator and titleholder liaison meetings conducted in accordance
with developed processes.
Continued implementation of stakeholder engagement strategy.
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Annual Operating Plan (AOP) 2014-2015
Legislated Function - Strategic Priorities
2014-2015 - AOP Activities
Target Output
Advise on safety, well integrity and environmental management matters
Develop and publish advice to assist stakeholders with preparation of
regulatory plans and safety cases.
Actively engage with industry and other stakeholders to provide guidance
on interpretation of the Regulations.
Develop policy on advice to stakeholders.
Finalise safety case guidance note project.
Continue to develop and improve NOPSEMA advice on environmental
Communicate NOPSEMA approach, role and functions to industry and
international regulators at industry forums.
Safety case guidance notes on emergency planning published.
Environmental management advice documents developed and/or revised
and published.
Presentations delivered at key industry functions.
Participation in joint workshops and seminars with industry.
Changes to QMS process documentation arising from amendments to the
OPGGSA implemented.
Bi-monthly publication of The Regulator.
Annual publication of the Offshore Performance Report.
Report to the Commonwealth Minister and each responsible State or Northern Territory Minister
Provide strategic advice to ministers, departments, agencies and NOPSEMA
advisory board.
Continue implementation of accepted recommendations of relevant
inquiries, audits and operational reviews.
Report to Ministers on regulatory activities, including environmental
management functions.
Core process documents updated and implemented, and implementation
reported to Ministers.
Quarterly reports, expanded to include Environmental data, delivered
within agreed timeframes.
CEO stakeholder meetings conducted in accordance with the stakeholder
engagement strategy and cooperation mechanisms.
Cooperate with other agencies performing functions relating to offshore petroleum operations and activities
Work with government stakeholders to streamline regulatory processes.
Provide basis for ongoing conferral of functions in state/NT waters.
Further develop international regulatory relationships.
Co-operate with Department of Industry on the Government’s regulatory
reform agenda.
Continue to work with AMSA on review of National Plan to Combat
Pollution of the Sea by Oil and other Noxious and Hazardous Substances.
Continue to provide operational advice to Department of Industry in
development of policy and OPGGS legislation.
Review memoranda of understanding (MoU) with respect to improving
cooperative arrangements with offshore regulators.
Assist State and Territory Governments to implement effective conferral
Implementation of financial assurance arrangements.
Provide input to the Government’s regulatory reform agenda.
Provide NOPSEMA input to the National Plan.
Quarterly NOPSEMA/Department of Industry meetings conducted.
Consider measures to facilitate reduction in regulatory burden under the
Core processes reflect financial assurance requirements.
NOPSEMA input into proposed legislative changes provided.
Provide efficient, effective, economical and ethical Corporate Support to facilitate delivery of legislated functions
Develop people, processes and systems that support our vision.
Human resource strategy to attract and retain high calibre staff.
Foster a strong risk management culture.
Continuous business productivity improvement.
Maintain capability for appropriate regulatory crisis response.
Securing revenue stream to support ongoing efficient and effective delivery
of legislated functions.
Implement Human Resources Strategy.
Maintain effective & efficient recruitment processes.
Review human resource policies.
Prepare and submit statutory reports.
Implement stakeholder engagement strategy.
Maintain our quality management system in accordance with the principles
of ISO 9001:2008.
Risk management system consistent with ISO 31000:2009 and
Commonwealth Risk Management Policy.
Monitor and maintain compliance with Protective Security Policy
Monitor and maintain compliance with the PGPA Act and Regulations.
Successful completion of CRIS process and approval by Executive Council.
High calibre staff recruited.
Best practice HR policies introduced facilitating effective efficient human
resource management and high performance culture.
Reports delivered within required timeframes.
Stakeholder engagement strategy implemented.
Ensure security requirements are implemented.
Equitable cost recovery from separate groups of stakeholders.
Close out any Financial and QMS audit findings within agreed timeframes.
Continue to meet statutory compliance obligations under the PGPA Act and
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