CHEAM PARK FARM JUNIOR SCHOOL AN ACADEMY SCHOOL Kingston Avenue, North Cheam, Surrey, SM3 9UE FRIDAY 19TH DECEMBER 2014 Tel.: (020) 8644 8969 e-mail: [email protected] Headteacher: Mr P Hedger BA (Hons) AKC NPQH It has been yet another really busy two weeks of festivities at school. First up was the Senior Citizens Tea Party, which took place on Thursday 11th December. Thank you so much to all the parents who so generously supported this event through donations of food items, raffle prizes and by providing transport. This year, our guests numbered 64 and were well fed, entertained and given Christmas gifts from some children in Year 3. Some of our Year 6 pupils proved fantastic hosts, waiters and waitresses! Thank you to all of them for working so hard to ensure that the event was a huge success. The senior citizens were, as always, full of praise for the school and the children for providing them with such a special afternoon. For many of our guests the party represents the one occasion that they will have to get out of their houses over Christmas to share the company of others. Many thanks to Mrs Gingell for making this all possible and to many other staff for their help on the day. At the start of this week, every child in the school was involved with our two Christmas Productions where the singing, narrating and acting was exceptionally uplifting, as both Y3&4 and Y5&6 gave three amazing performances each. Thank you to all of the staff for their hard work in preparing the children for the productions – photographs can be seen elsewhere in this newsletter and in our Celebration Room on the MLE. Next up was our Christmas Lunch on Wednesday. An amazing 392 Christmas Dinners were served to our very excited children – thank you to everyone who joined us for a hot dinner and to Kim and her team in the kitchen for their exceptional hard work on the day, also to the PSA for providing every child with a Christmas cracker. Last Wednesday, some of you joined our school choir for carol singing outside Tazza Coffee on Sutton High Street. Thank you to Miss Boxall for her hard work in preparing for the choir for their carol singing and for organising the event. This Thursday, the children ended our Christmas celebrations with their Class Christmas Parties and Talent Shows. Finally, all the staff wish you and your families a very Happy Christmas! Thank you so much for all the support you have given each of us, and the school, throughout 2014. We hope that all of the children have a fantastic holiday and return in 2015 ready to learn even more, make great progress and experience many new challenges both in and out of the classroom. Have a great holiday! Phillip Hedger Headteacher Goodbye Mrs Skelton! After twenty years at Cheam Park Farm, we said goodbye to Mrs Skelton today and wished her a long and happy retirement. Mrs Skelton has given great service to our school and will be sadly missed by children and colleagues alike. She has worked tirelessly in the school office providing valuable support to so many staff members, parents and of course the children; always doing so professionally and with a great sense of empathy and also good humour. Thank you for all you have done for our school Mrs Skelton and good luck for the future! Have a great Christmas holiday! Please remember that school returns on Tuesday 6th January 2015. PSA Christmas Fair – Thank you! A huge thank you for your wonderful support at our Christmas Fair last Wednesday; whether you helped set up or clear away, manned a stall or were out there spending your money – you all made a big difference! With your help we raised just over £2,700! A special thank you as well to Mrs Young and our PSA Committee for their hard work & dedication at this hugely successful event, not only on the day itself but also in the weeks leading up to it. Thank you also for your exceptionally generous donations in the lead up to the fair and for supporting our mufti days so well. With your support for our Christmas Hamper Raffle held at our Christmas Productions this week, you also helped to raise another £450 for the school. Congratulations to our winner Grace Ellingham. Well done everyone! Our PSA will carry on fundraising for the school in 2015 with events such as a Film Club Afternoon, an Adult Music Quiz, Junior Discos and some other exciting new ideas already being planned! In 2015 money raised will be going towards improving our drama facilities, stage, sound system and stage lighting. We all look forward to another successful year for the PSA in 2015. Look out for more details about our forthcoming PSA events soon. SUTTON SCHOOLS’ ROTARY CLUB TOP OF THE FORM COMPETITION 2014 Good luck to our Top of the Form team who take on Brookfield in the 1st Round of this year’s Sutton Schools’ Rotary Club Competition. Sophie Saunders, Vivaswat Srivastava, Danushan Rajendran and Livvy Chantler will form the Cheam Park Farm team at the general knowledge event on Tuesday 20th January 2015. The winners play Nonsuch Primary at home in the 2nd Round in February. School Dinner Money Reminder for January 2015 If you wish your child to have a school lunch next term, please can you send payment to their class teacher on the first day of term. School lunches cost £2.10 per day which works out as £10.50 per week or £113.40 for next term. Payments can be made online using ScoPay. Alternatively, cheques should be made payable to: Cheam Park Farm Junior School. Alternatively you can pay per half term. The first half of the Spring Term costs £60.90, with a further £52.50 due after the half term holidays. Dinner Money is due on Mondays or the first day of term. Please note that one weeks written notice is required when changing from dinners to packed lunch. Failure to notify the school office may result in a charge for meals ordered in error. TERMLY MERIT AWARD ASSEMBLY & CPFJ MERIT BADGES On Thursday, we held our termly Merit Assembly. This is an occasion all of our children look forward to as we awarded special Merit Certificates and CPFJ Merit Badges are to pupils who have made significant achievements over a whole term. An extra special well done to all of the children involved, their awards can also be viewed on the MLE Celebration Room: 3G – Abi Boyd & Riley Shenton 3S – Lexi Allery & Zach Philogene 3M – Erin Wells & Daniel Holbrook 4F – Emma Bonner & Frankie Booth 4M – Ellie Gibson & Sebastian Harris 4W – Tharnaya Sugumaran & Charlie Perry 5B – Olivia Watson & Kavilaish Ravindran 5BR – Jayna Patel & Kijanth Mathialagan 5SR – Shanaz Cook & Braveen Rathesh 6G – Maisie Collis & Praveen Vijendran 6CH – Katie Duddy & Ethan Tang 6GH – Katie Brooks & Sol Philogene Headteacher’s Perseverance Awards – Jessica Butler 6CH, Samuel Rowe 6GH, Chloe Doyle 6G Deputy Headteachers’ Presentation Awards – Prajnaa Divaharan Year 3, Piriyankaa Hariram Year 4 Tarni Vijay Year 5 & Livvy Chantler Year 6 Governors’ Award for Contributions to School Life – Rebecca Bradshaw Year 3, Will Felstead Year 4, Joshua Wing Year 5 & Louie Dickson Year 6. Termly Music Shield – Joshua Wing Gingel Trophy – Rebecca Burley Cheam Park Farm Chess Championship – Autumn 2014 Congratulations to the following children who were our top three chess players this term: 1st – Danushan Rajendran – Gold Medal 2nd – Kavilaish Ravindran – Silver Medal 3rd – Augustas Jonikas – Bronze Medal Chess returns next term on Mondays from 3.15pm – 4.30pm Battle of the Books – End of Term Update This week’s book is ‘The Railway Cat’ by Phyllis Arkle and is from the Year 3 book list. There's never a dull moment with Alfie, the railway cat. He's faced burglars and a runaway train; he's even become a media star. Fred, his friend at the station couldn't cope without him. But Alfie's made an enemy of rail man Hack. But now Alfie's been kidnapped! How will he find his way home? And what does Hack have to do with it all? Congratulations to this term’s battle of the book leaders who between them have read an incredible number of books!!! Can you catch them next term as the Battle continues? 3S – Carmen Gaynor-Turner & Jesse Baines – 15 Books 3G – Gobishan Jeygoban – 53 Books 3M – Yobitha Yoganathan – 56 Books 4W –Tharnaya Sugumaran – 16 Books 4F –Theo De Fransz – 17 Books 4M – Vinish Barathakumar – 25 Books 5B – Deeteya Vijay – 13 Books 5BR – Tarni Vija – 13 Books 5SR – Bavin Jeyagoban – 21 Books 6CH –Nivedaa Aravinth – 13 Books 6G –Jeevan Iraguvaran – 21 Books 6GH –Danushan Rajendran – 17 Books The leading class for this term is 3G, reading an amazing total of 319 books! Well done! They are closely followed by 3M with 293 books, 3S with 148 books, 6G with 135 books and 5SR with 122 books. Cheam Park Farm Schools Fantasy Football League This year at CPFJ we have again organised our very own Fantasy Football League in the form of an online educational activity called Schools Fantasy League (SFL). Entrants control multi-million pound budgets and have picked a 'fantasy' team of 11 players. They are busy accumulating points each week, depending on how their players perform in Premier League matches. The game runs from October to May and there are many awards to achieve throughout the season! You can keep up to date with the league table by checking online at: or visiting the display board in school. Thank you to Mr Hudson for running our league! See below for our current leaders as we reach the end of December: Well done YELLOW Team! Team Point Cup Winners for this half term! Well done as well to all children who have already been awarded their Gold, Silver or Bronze Team Point Certificate for gaining 25, 50 or 100 team points this half term. All children in YELLOW Team got to wear their own clothes today! Well done! Joe Selected for Surrey Schools’ County Football Team! Congratulations to Joe Twilley on his selection to play for the Surrey Schools’ County Football Team for the 2015 season. Joe is part of a squad of just sixteen boys from across Surrey who have been chosen to represent our county in boys football this year. Joe will play for Surrey against representative county sides from across the South East in what is the highest level of school boy football. We are really proud of you Joe – well done and good luck! Y3&4 Competition Winners Visit Chelsea FC By Sebastian Harris & Jake Felstead Y4 Earlier this year, our school took part in a competition called ‘Right To Play’. The competition was run by UNICEF, Chelsea FC and the Right to Play charity who try to ensure that all children are well looked after and can join in fun, sporting activities. Our school found out last week that we had won the competition and the prize was a day at Chelsea FC’s training ground for fifteen lucky Y3&4 children. The winners were all chosen from a grand draw. We were both part of the group who won and set off for Chelsea FC on Friday lunchtime after an early packed lunch. As we arrived, Chelsea players were finishing training, including Willian taking free kicks with Courtois! We went to train on one of Chelsea’s pitches with a Chelsea FC coach. We practised lots of skills and also played some matches together. It was a great experience to play at the training ground and we were so excited to get to take part. Thank you to Mr Parmenter for entering our school in the competition and to Chelsea FC for giving us such a memorable day. CPFJ Children Selected for the Sutton Schools’ Cross Country Team Congratulations to Louis Degand, Maisie Collis, Sophie Slade, Keira Yeats and Mia Keefe on their selection to run for the Sutton Schools’ Cross Country Team in 2015. Our children are part of a squad of sixty children from across Sutton who have been chosen to represent our borough in cross country this year. They will all run in the Surrey Schools Cross Country Championships in January. We are really proud of you all – well done and good luck! CPFJ Christmas Productions 2014 Year 3 & 4 - The Apprentice Year 5 & 6 – Children Of The World Well done and thank you to all the children and staff for two amazing productions! YEAR 6 SATS WEEK 2015 Monday 11th – Friday 15th May 2015 If your child is in Year 6 they will be taking their KS2 SATs next May. Children in Year 6 must attend school during the week commencing 11th May 2015. As these tests are a statutory legal requirement and cannot be taken at any other time, the Governing Body does not allow Mr Hedger to authorise absence for any reason during this period, therefore any absence will be unauthorised and the Local Authority could take further action. Please consider this when booking holidays for 2015. This year, some children will also sit Level 6 National Curriculum Tests during the same week. Again, these tests are a statutory legal requirement and cannot be taken at any other time, the Governing Body does not authorise absence for any reason for these tests either. Sports Achievement Award Monthly Winners – December 2014 Congratulations to our next two winners of our monthly Sports Achievement Award – Saber Douieb 6CH & Ellie Gibson 4M. The awards are in recognition of the achievements of one boy and one girl who have really excelled in PE and Games lessons or in an inter-school sports fixture against another school, displaying great sportsmanship in the process. The awards were presented to Saber and Ellie for their excellent performances and team work in our football and cross country teams respectively last month. Both Saber and Ellie have had their names added to the Roll of Honour Board on our Achievement Zone shelves outside the school hall and on the MLE Celebration Room. Congratulations! Look out for details after Christmas for January’s winners. THIS WEEK’S SPORTS NEWS, FIXTURES & RESULTS … Boys’ Football Fixtures Thursday 22nd January, Y5 Surrey Cup 2nd Round v. Pyrford or Epsom Downs, Home, 3.45pm Monday 26th January, Borough 5 a Side Championships – Group Stage, Phoenix Centre, Gymnastics Fixtures Thursday 23rd April, Sutton School Games Key Steps Gymnastics Championships for Y3&4 and Y5&6, 12.30pm – 4.30pm, at Glenthorne High School Netball Fixtures Tuesday 10th February, School Games Y3&4 Hi 5 Netball Tournament, Cheam High, 2pm Basketball Fixtures Thursday 15th January, School Games Y5&6 3v3 Basketball Tournament, John Fisher, 3.45pm Y4&5 Borough League starts in January. Girls Football Fixtures Tuesday 6th January, Surrey Cup 1st Round v. West Byfleet, Away, 3pm Friday 16th January, Borough League v. Westbourne, Away, 3pm w/c 19 January, Borough League v. St Dunstan’s, Away, 3.45pm Thursday 29th January, Borough League v. Avenue, Home, 3.45pm Tuesday 3rd February, ESFA Danone Cup Surrey Finals Round, Surrey Sports Park, Guildford Thursday 26th February, Borough League v. Cheam Common, Home, 3.45pm Wednesday 4th March, School Games Y5&6 Football Tournament, Overton Grange, 2pm Friday 13th March, Borough League v. St Cecilia’s, Home, 3.45pm Year 5 & 6 Quick Sticks Hockey Fixture Friday 6th February, Schools Games Tournament at Nonsuch High School, 9.45am – 12.45am Year 5 & 6 Tag Rugby Fixtures Tuesday 24th February, School Games Y5&6 Tag Rugby Tournament, 2pm Friday 13th March, Y3&4 Tag Rugby Tournament, Homefield School, 9.30am – 1pm Indoor Athletics Friday 9th January, Y5&6 Indoor Athletics Friendly v. Westbourne, Away, 3.45pm Tuesday 27th January, Y5&6 School Games Tournament, 1.30pm – 3.30pm at Wallington Girls. Y3&4 School Games Tournament to be held in Spring Term 2015. To see more photographs and videos from our Christmas Production and Christmas Week activities, please visit our MLE! You can find everything in Our Celebration Room. As always, you can also find more about the school at:
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