Rockingham Church of Christ Inc. C L S @ 7pm T E! P …... “A Place to Believe, Belong, Become” SOUND CHRIS IAN 21st December 2014 P N: This is the final Sound Christian for 2014 and will recommence on 25th January 2015. Please forward any urgent announcements or administrative matters directly to Pastor Cohen during this time. P C W ’ : R !": M 2:1—12 T %&: T K W C V R - T S M S Following the vote last Sunday regarding the Board’s proposal to introduce two Sunday morning services, the Returning Officer has declared that 73% of the votes cast were in favour of the proposal. While this is a significant majority, it is just shy of the 75% minimum required for us to proceed with confidence, and therefore, the proposal is not passed. Since we sBll need to address the issue of capacity in order for the gospel to grow and flourish, the Board is forming a small working group to explore other opBons that might be open to us and what the next steps might be. Alan Mitchell is leading the working group, so please speak to Alan if you have any input you would like to give. Please conBnue to pray that, individually and together, we will be moBvated by God’s gospel purposes and not our own preferences. We have been bought with a price and given the incredible privilege to live as ambassadors for King Jesus by carrying the mission He has entrusted to us – to offer people forgiveness and life in His name, and make disciples for Him. Pastor Cohen, on behalf of the Board Be in prayer that God’s Spirit will open people’s minds and hearts to see their need for Jesus and commit themselves to trust in and follow Him. Be here at 4pm to help set up, and lend a hand packing up aOerwards. Go out of your way to make visitors feel welcome. Be prepared to give up your seat for others (ie consider others more important than yourself – Phil 2:3-4). Wear something warm – it could be very cold! There will be no new ediBons of the Challenge Paper unBl February 2015. Please feel free to take several copies (including older ediBons!) from the foyer and distribute them to your friends and neighbours to promote the gospel of God’s grace around our community. If you would like to know more about the Challenge Good News Paper, please speak to Tim Pearce. C & D S Our Christmas Day Service will commence @ 9am. There will be no offering collected on Christmas Day. Instead, we encourage you to make use of the Christmas Tree Giving project and place your Christmas giOs in the Sunday offering. C & T G P( A Christmas tree has been placed in the foyer providing you with the opportunity to assist the following: Leprosy Mission $25 (restoring sight to the blind) Genesis Africa $15 (solar lights for widows) Bible Society $5 (Bible translaBon) You are invited to place your giO in an envelope from the tree for the project of your choice and then put it into the Offering bag. S I M P LY C H R I S T M A S P P For our Carols on the Lawn evening tonight – that God will provide an N o t t h e b e s t o f f in e h o t e l s , But a stable rich with smells. Not a crib, nor comfy cot, But a manger! That is what Serves as cradle where he lies Thirsty, helpless. Hear his cries! This, the Christ, so long foretold By God’s prophets sent of old! Virgin born he, God’s own Son, Prince of Peace, the Holy One! Humble shepherds gaze in awe. Angels worship and adore! For our need, here God’s supply: Saviour, King, yet born to die! Royal blood to pay our debt: Freeing us from judgment’s threat. Sins forgiven, hope restored, A l l i s o u r s t h r o u gh C h r i s t o u r L o r d ! Death he conquered, have no fear; Trust in him, he’s ever near. Jesus lives to teach and guide; Never will he leave our side. He’s the Truth, the Life, the Way: God’s great Gift on Christmas Day. Monty Edwards — December 2014 evening that will aid the proclamaBon of the gospel, and open people’s hearts to receive Jesus as Saviour and King. For those suffering due to health or age; for Diane Thorpe as she grieves; for the many in our church family who will experience Christmas without their spouse this year. For Tim Pearce and the team represenBng the church in the Rockingham Markets this morning. For Emily Watson following her bapBsm last Sunday. For gospel workers who will experience Christmas far away from family, and for opportuniBes for them (and us) to share the good news that a Saviour has been born for us. For those suffering grief or trauma following the tragic siege in Sydney last week and the families of the school children murdered in Pakistan. Pray that God will change the hearts of those who terrorise, and that those who are suffering will turn to God in their Bme of need and find comfort and hope in Him. Thank God that He loves us so much that He sent His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life! O++ S++ L Please note that our Church Administrator, Elsie, will be on leave from Monday, 22nd December to Monday, 19th January (incl). There will be no Sound ChrisBan produced during this Bme. If there are any urgent administraBve ma]ers or important announcements, please contact Pastor Cohen. Pastor Tim and his family will also be on leave from Sunday, 28th December to Monday, 19th January (incl). Pastor Cohen and the Elders will sBll be available for any pastoral ma]ers during this period. Pray that God will refresh Elsie and Pastor Tim and his family physically, mentally and spiritually during this Bme of rest. C B Bridget Humble received an award from the Safety Bay Primary School in recogniBon of her value and service to the school as their chaplain. CongratulaBons Bridget – we rejoice with you and pray that God will grow eternal fruit from your labour. S C- + S+ B P& S Safety Bay Primary School did not receive government funding for a YouthCare chaplain for next year. The school are currently exploring all opBons open to them to try to secure a ChrisBan chaplain. Please pray that God’s will be done, and for an ongoing ChrisBan presence in the school. T F UFO (U1 F - O) + 2015 Have you been to the new Perth Arena? Have you been to the Hopman Cup? Here's a chance to go to both and enjoy fellowship with others from our church. The plan is to go to the dayBme session which begins at 10am on Wednesday, 7th January. Tickets are $32 payable at the door. We would aim to catch the 9:03am train from Rockingham (free for seniors!) to Perth underground staBon. From there it is an even 500m walk down Wellington Street to the Arena. H C I&-& We can purchase sandwiches, During the week, the sound-absorbing etc. at the arena for our lunch. material to improve the acousBcs and If you are interested in coming reduce the echo was installed on the along please speak to Graham hall ceiling. A big T:!; Y=> to those and Denise Gilbert (9593 9769). who have donated toward this project. Christmas Greetings Total donaBons =$5,100. The final cost from Nigel and ‘Chelle Merrick amounted to $8,795 which included “Our prayer is that you all have a the panels, scaffolding and labour. blessed Christmas as we give thanks If you would like to make a donaBon, to God for the incarnation of His please speak to Alan Mitchell or place Son. What an indescribable gift! your giO in the Offering and mark it May the year of 2015 be guided by the Lord.” Psalm 32:8 “Hall Improvement”. P : C & D, T 25th Message: Ps Cohen Leading: J. Gibbon Reading: P. May & S. Hammond Music: R. Watson, S. Kingdon, Ps Cohen Sound: J. Saw Overhead: B. Coulter Hospitality: M & S Hicks Church Lock-Up: Ps Cohen Birthdays the next Weeks (until Sound Christian on 25th DECEMBER Today 23rd 25th 29th 30th Bridget Humble Tianna Kiddle (9!) Heather McIntyre Trish Williams Micah Catchlove (5!) Maria Ingham S, 28th D&N: JANUARY Message: Ps Cohen Leading: A. Mitchell Communion: S. Curby Comm Prep: T & M Belton Helpers: T & M Belton, S. May, B. Bailey B. Coulter, M. Tassicker Reading: S. May Music: M. Hicks, G. Gilbert, I. Spence, Ps Cohen, Ps Tim Sound: T. Fisher Overhead: R. Jones? Hospitality: B & G Coulter Teas: J & S Holmes Kids Talk & AcPvity: TBC Crèche: A. Curby, G. Moyle Church Lock-Up: A. Mitchell 2nd 5th 6th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 14th 15th 17th 18th over few the Jan) Michael Hicks Joan Lampard Lola Nunn David Catchlove Christian Curby (5!) Jim Burgar Michael Piggott (11!) Karin Hanicke Ron Jones Brenda Brereton Alex Brennan (11!) Aaurora Nsair (11!) Debbie Roediger Jenny MacLeod Sylvia Pass George Smith Maureen Tassicker Gwenivere Nsair ( 1 2 ! ) D D • Thursday, 25th December • Thursday, 15th January - Christmas Day Service @ 9am - Prayer Together @ 4—5pm ROCKINGHAM CHURCH OF CHRIST, INC. Cnr Rae Rd & Frederick St, (PO Box 7128), SAFETY BAY, WA 6169 Tel: (08) 9592 2495 Email: [email protected] Pastor Cohen: [email protected] Assoc. Pastor Tim: [email protected] Website:
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