Physical Environment Committee Agenda th of January 6 , 2015 to be held in the Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. 1) DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY/CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF - now or anytime during the meeting 2) REGISTRATION OF PUBLIC WISHING TO SPEAK - with the secretary 3) PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES AND PAGERS 4) If there is an addendum, in accordance with Section 15.2.4 (of Striking Report) does the Committee wish to approve this addendum? The following items are for information only and will not be discussed unless the Committee chooses to do so. The Chair will entertain a motion to receive and file for those items not pulled out for discussion. 126032 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Lisa Garrett Duncan Rogers, Clerk December 15th, 2014 Fluoride SUMMARY Resident is asking if the Town will remove fluoride from the water supply and if discussions will continue concerning fluoride. COMMENT This topic has already been discussed extensively in the committees with various experts. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Receive and File. COMMITTEE DECISION th Physical Environment Committee - January 6 , 2015 - Page 2 126033 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Dave Young, Director of Public Works Physical Environment Committee December 16th, 2014 New Audible Traffic Signals SUMMARY The attached memo to the BIA describe how the newly installed audible traffic signals work. COMMENT For Council’s Information STAFF RECOMMENDATION Receive and File. COMMITTEE DECISION TO BE DISCUSSED 126002 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Phil Hogan, Treasurer Policy Review Committee December 1st, 2014 2015 Budget SUMMARY Staff have been compiling the 2015 Budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT the Treasurer present the 3rd draft of the 2015 Budget. COMMITTEE DECISION th Physical Environment Committee - January 6 , 2015 - Page 3 126034 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Paul Knowles, Chief Administrative Officer Physical Environment Committee December 8th, 2014 Industrial Avenue Pumping Station SUMMARY Earlier (Communication 125334), the Town agreed to enter into a Cost Sharing Agreement with Volundur Thorbjornsson for the design of a new Pumping Station to replace the Industrial Avenue Pumping Station. The following proposals have been received for this work: COMPANY DESIGN SERVICES McIntosh Perry Ainley Novatech $91,789 $107,776 $95,538 STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT staff engage McIntosh Perry for engineering services related to rehabilitation of the Industrial Avenue Pumping Station. Work will not begin until March 1st, 2015 after a decision is announced on the Town’s grant application. COMMITTEE DECISION 126035 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Dave Young, Director of Public Works Physical Environment Committee December 22nd, 2014 OCWA Operating Agreement Amendment SUMMARY OCWA has provided an amendment to the existing Operation Agreement that includes the recently acquired Highgate Pumping Station. They have estimated that this facility will add approximately $12,000 annually to operational costs. STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the Operating Agreement Amendment that includes the Highgate Pumping Station. COMMITTEE DECISION th Physical Environment Committee - January 6 , 2015 - Page 4 126036 Received from Christopher Bourne, Vice-Principal, Intermediate, Carleton Place High School Addressed to Dave Young, Director of Public Works Date December 11th, 2014 Topic Crosswalk Request SUMMARY High School Administration are requesting the installation of a crosswalk on the west side of the Lake Avenue/Mississippi Road intersection to allow students to use the sidewalk up to the track and sports field. COMMENT The background on this request is that currently students are crossing Lake Avenue W at various locations and school staff feel that by having a crosswalk at Lake Avenue W and Mississippi Road students can be directed to this location. Staff are concerned that by simply painting out a crosswalk on the road does not necessarily create a safer environment and in fact can lead to right-of-way confusion. STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT staff discuss matter further with school administration to determine if there are better alternatives than an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing. COMMITTEE DECISION 126037 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Dave Young, Director of Public Works Physical Environment Committee December 22nd, 2014 Bare Root Tree Program SUMMARY For the past number of years, the Town has provided subsidized trees to the Public. The distribution of the trees has included an information session that has been provided by the Urban Forest/River Corridor Committee. Information provided has been proper planting techniques, recommended locations and continuing maintenance practices. Staff have obtained quotation for 75 bare root trees which include Sugar Maple, Red Oak, Hackberry, Mountain Ash, Flowering Crab and MacIntosh Apple. Bids provided by Reid`s Garden and Carleton Place Nursery were: Reid`s Garden Carleton Place Nursery $3,470.00 $3,382.50 STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT staff continue with the Bare Root Subsidized Program and council hereby authorizes staff to issue a Purchase Order to Carleton Place Nursery for the purchase of 75 Bare Root Trees for the bid price of $3,382.50. COMMITTEE DECISION th Physical Environment Committee - January 6 , 2015 - Page 5 126038 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Dave Young, Director of Public Works Physical Environment Committee December 22nd, 2014 Hydro System Upgrades in Carleton Place SUMMARY Public Works staff have had several meetings with Hydro One staff as part of the design process relating to significant system upgrades in Carleton Place. The area that has been the focus of discussion has been Joseph Street, High Street and Riverside Park. Some of the key components of this work include removal of all overhead wiring in Riverside Park, installation of a underground plant in Centennial Park, trimming and/or removal of trees on private property on Joseph Street and High Street. COMMENT Staff continue to present municipal position of issues such as impact on municipal infrastructure, minimizing impact on tree population and future planning for the Town. Also, staff will be developing an RFP to hire a consultant to develop a lighting plan for Riverside Park. STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT staff continue to provide ongoing updates of the planned Hydro upgrades in Carleton Place and the impacts for the Town. COMMITTEE DECISION MEMO TO BIA TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: CC: CATHIE MCCORMOND DAVE YOUNG, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AUDIBLE CROSSWALKS DECEMBER 15, 2014 DUNCAN ROGERS, TOWN CLERK In 2011 the Province of Ontario passed the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (Ontario Regulation 191/11). This regulation includes accessibility standards for Information and Communications, Employment, Transportation and the Design of Outdoor Public Spaces. These important standards are designed to create a barrier-free and accessible Ontario by 2025. The Town of Carleton Place has recently installed audible signals at the four signalized crosswalks located at Emily & Bridge Street, Lake Avenue & Bridge Street, Moore Street & Lansdowne Ave. and Franktown Road & Coleman Street. The installation of audible crosswalks were requested by Corey Earle of People First to improve accessibility for the visually impaired at Town owned signalized crosswalks. Understanding we would need to comply with provincial legislation in the future, Council approved the requested for audible signals in June 2014. How do the crosswalks work? This type of push button emits what is called a locator sound at regular intervals for visually impaired people to find or locate these push buttons. Once the buttons are pressed an audible signal which is different than the locator sound will begin on the next "walk" signal. The tone also varies depending if it is an east-west or north-south crossing. The "cuckoo" sound for north-south and "melody" sound for east-west. The Town of Carleton Place have set our audible signals to current sounds and tones used in Ontario. We understand the new sounds will take some time for residents to get use to and request everyone’s patience and understanding during this time. Should anyone have any questions about the Town’s Accessibility Plan, they can contact the Town Hall.
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