Town of Minerva Public Hearing Board Meeting Agenda Town of Minerva Stephen McNally, Supervisor Douglas McCall, Councilman Keith Dubay, Councilman David LaBar, Councilman Keith Iversen, Councilman Bruce McGinn, Highway Superintendent Diana Mason, Town Clerk PO Box 937, 5 Morse Memorial Highway Minerva, NY 12851 518-251-2869 (phone) 518-251-5136 (fax) Public service is a privilege. Thank you for allowing us to serve you. Thank you for attending tonight’s town board meeting. We will hold two public comment periods. The first, at the beginning of the meeting, will be limited to 10 minutes. The second, at the end of the meeting, will be as long as it needs to be. Public comment, like public service, is a privilege. Thank you in advance for sharing your questions and concerns and for respecting your neighbors who are here as a member of the public or as a member of the board. The Town of Minerva reserves the right to enter into executive sessions to consider issues allowable under the New York State Open Meetings Law. We will do our best to schedule those at the end of the meeting for the convenience of those attending. There may be times when it will be prudent for us to enter executive session earlier in the evening. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience that this may cause to those attending our meetings. Corresponding meeting material is located in the blue binder and on our web page. We would be happy to make copies upon request during normal business hours. Town of Minerva Bi-monthly Town Board Meeting January 15, 2014 Public Hearing Animal Control Law Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Public Comment Guest *Mark Carpenter Approval of January 2 meeting minutes Correspondence * Press Release – Upper Hudson Recreation Grant Financial Report - Operating Statements - Audit of Vouchers - 2014 End of Year Transfers New Business * Resolution to Reappoint Charles Barber to the Planning Board * Resolution to appoint Keith Iversen to Youth Bureau * Resolution to amend Res #36 to include Bonnie Hill Supervisor’s Report Highway Superintendent’s Report Department Reports * Town Clerks Report * Food Pantry Report * Building Codes Report Public Comment Councilmen Comments Adjournment January 15, 2014 1 Town of Minerva Organizational Board Meeting January 2, 2015 The ORGANIZATIONAL Meeting of the Minerva Town Board was held on FRIDAY January 2, 2015 prior to the semimonthly meeting at 7:00pm. Newly elected Councilman Keith Iversen was given the Oath of Office by Justice Art Liberty. Pledge of Allegiance Upon Roll Call: Stephen McNally – Supervisor – present Douglas McCall – Councilman – present Keith Dubay – Councilman – present David LaBar – Councilman – present Keith Iversen – Councilman – present Resolutions #1-36 attached #37 Motion by Dubay seconded by McCall to approve minutes of December 18, 2014 meeting. Carried 5-0 #38 Motion by Dubay seconded by LaBar to approve End of Year transfers: from General Fund#16202.01.002 to 16204.01.004=$500.00; from 64104.01.004 to 51324.01.004= $1,500; Highway Fund from 51101.02.001 to 51204.02.004=$368.19; 51484.02.004 to 51424.02.004=$1,964.15; Parks Fund $71801.05.001 to 71804.01.004=$500.00. Roll Call Vote: Yes – Dubay, McCall, LaBar, Iversen, McNally; No-none; Carried 5-0. #39 Motion by Dubay seconded by McCall to approve Financial Statement for 12/31/2014. Carried 5-0. #40 Motion by McCall seconded by LaBar to approve Operating Statement for 12/31/14. Carried 5-0. #41 Motion by Dubay seconded by McCall to hire Jon Fish as Motor Equipment Operator filling the highway vacancy with a 6 month probationary period. Carried 5-0. #42 Resolution by McCall seconded by Dubay to appoint David Labar member of the Grant Review committee of the Micro Enterprise grant program. Roll Call Vote: Yes – Dubay, McCall, LaBar, Iversen, McNally; No-none; Carried 5-0. Public Comment: Phil Johnson announced applications for Star Program will go out and need to be returned by 3/1/15. Councilman Comments: Iversen – none LaBar – reminded public of hearing for Local Law (Farm Animal law) on January 15th @ 6:30 pm prior to regular board meeting. Dubay thanked Ed Healy for his service and welcomed Keith Iversen; reported on MVFD&RS responses for 2014 – 1 call missed. McCall reminded public about Youth Commission sledding on January 17 #43 Motion by Dubay seconded by McCall to adjourn at 7:30pm. Carried Diana Mason, Clerk Town of Minerva Bi-monthly Town Board Meeting January 15, 2014 2 Town of Minerva Bi-monthly Town Board Meeting January 15, 2014 3 Town of Minerva Bi-monthly Town Board Meeting January 15, 2014 4 Resolution No. _______ TOWN OF MINERVA January 15, 2015 Regular Board Meeting Resolution to Authorize 2014 End of Year transfers in the General Fund The following resolution was offered by _________________ who moved its adoption: Whereas the Town of Minerva, Town Board has a responsibility to keep each line item in the Annual budget whole Whereas the Town of Minerva, has lines with negative balances due to extra expenses which were not budgeted for at the 2014 Year End. Be it resolved that: The Town Board of the Town of Minerva authorizes the following transfers for the General Fund Account From Account to Amount Detail General 19904.01.004 51324.01.004 Garage $4,719.08 Cost to fix Boiler Contingency Account CE Highway 90608.02.008 Medical 51424.02.004 Snow $2,009.59 Insurance ( Towns Removal CE Share ) 51481.02.001 Serv. To 51484.02.004 Serv. To $10,648.79 Other Gov’t PS Other Gov’t CE 90108.02.008 State 51484.02.004 Serv. To $44.30 Retirement Other Gov’t CE Parks 83304.08.004 83404.08.004 $478.89 Purification CE Transmission and Distribution CE This resolution was duly seconded by __________________. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: AYES: ______ Dubay _______ McCall _______ LaBar _______ Iversen _______ McNally NOES: _______ Dubay _______ McCall _______ LaBar _______ Iversen _______ McNally As the duly elected Town Clerk of the municipality known as the Town of Minerva, I do hereby certify the following resolution was offered and duly seconded at the regular bimonthly board meeting held on ____________________with the results of said resolution noted above. Dated:_____________________ Signature______________________________ Diana Mason, Town Clerk TOWN SEAL Town of Minerva Bi-monthly Town Board Meeting January 15, 2014 5 Resolution No. ___ TOWN OF MINERVA January 15, 2015 Regular Board Meeting Resolution to Reappoint Charles Barber to Town of Minerva Planning Board The following resolution was offered by _______________________who moved its adoption: Whereas the Town Board of the Town of Minerva recognizes the importance of a full Planning Board; and Whereas Charles Barber has served on the Planning Board and wishes to continue to serve The Town of Minerva; Be it resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Minerva reappoints Charles Barber to the Town of Minerva planning Board with a term ending December 31, 2020. This resolution was duly seconded by __________________. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: AYES: ______ Dubay _______ McCall _______ LaBar _______ Iversen _______ McNally NOES: _______ Dubay _______ McCall _______ LaBar _______ Iversen _______ McNally As the duly elected Town Clerk of the municipality known as the Town of Minerva, I do hereby certify the following resolution was offered and duly seconded at the regular bimonthly board meeting held on ____________________with the results of said resolution noted above. Dated:_____________________ Signature______________________________ Diana Mason, Town Clerk TOWN SEAL Town of Minerva Bi-monthly Town Board Meeting January 15, 2014 6 Resolution No. ___ TOWN OF MINERVA January 15, 2015 Regular Board Meeting Resolution to appoint Keith Iversen Representative for the Town of Minerva Youth Board/Planning Committee The following resolution was offered by_______________________ who moved its adoption. WHEREAS, The New York State Office of Children and Family Services mandates in Law 420 Article 16 the yearly appointment or reappointment of a person to act as a representative on the County Youth Board/Planning Committee take place, and WHEREAS, Also in executive Law 420 Article 16, A municipality receiving Office of Children and Family Services funds must appoint a youth commission. Now Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Town of Minerva appoints Keith Iversen of ____ State Route 28N Minerva, 518-251-2320, to act as the official representative for the Town of Minerva on the Youth Board/Planning Committee and that ________________________ shall act as his alternate, AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Minerva appoints the following to serve on the Youth Commission: Michael Corey – [email protected] Caroline Kelly – [email protected] Sue Clickner – [email protected] Jessica Coyle –[email protected] Greg Mather – [email protected] Bonnie Hill – [email protected] Ricale Howe – [email protected] Steve McNally – [email protected] Doug McCall – [email protected] ALSO BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Minerva authorizes the director of the Essex County Youth Bureau to sign amendments of no increase/no decrease in state aide for said municipality, and that the director of the youth bureau has agreed to return copies of the amendments to the municipality, AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the clerk of this board shall submit a copy of this resolution to the Essex County Youth Bureau, Essex County Government Center, Elizabeth town, NY 12932. This resolution was duly seconded by __________________. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: AYES: ______ Dubay _______ McCall _______ LaBar _______ Iversen _______ McNally Town of Minerva Bi-monthly Town Board Meeting NOES: _______ Dubay _______ McCall _______ LaBar _______ Iversen _______ McNally January 15, 2014 7 As the duly elected Town Clerk of the municipality known as the Town of Minerva, I do hereby certify the following resolution was offered and duly seconded at the regular bimonthly board meeting held on ____________________with the results of said resolution noted above. Dated:_____________________ Signature______________________________ Diana Mason, Town Clerk TOWN SEAL Town of Minerva Bi-monthly Town Board Meeting January 15, 2014 8 Resolution No. ___ TOWN OF MINERVA January 15, 2015 Regular Board Meeting The following Resolution was offered by _____________________________, who moved its adoption. WHEREAS, The Town of Minerva has again decided to run a youth service program, and WHEREAS, The Town of Minerva has approved the appointment of its Youth Commission members and, WHEREAS, The Youth Commission has been authorized to expend at least $ ________________ to cover the 50/50 match required by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services, therefore, BE IT FURTER RESOLVED, that the Town of Minerva approved the 2015 application and authorized the Youth Commission to expend at least $ _________________ for the 2015 youth services programs, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the clerk sends a copy of this resolution to the Essex County Community Resources office, 7533, Elizabethtown, NY 12932. This resolution was duly seconded by __________________. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: AYES: _______ Dubay _______ McCall _______ LaBar _______ Iversen _______ McNally NOES: _______ Dubay _______ McCall _______ LaBar _______ Iversen _______ McNally As the duly elected Town Clerk of the municipality known as the Town of Minerva, I do hereby certify the following resolution was offered and duly seconded at the regular bimonthly board meeting held on _________________________with the results of said resolution noted above. Dated:_____________________ Signature______________________________ Diana Mason, Town Clerk TOWN SEAL Town of Minerva Bi-monthly Town Board Meeting January 15, 2014 9 Resolution No. ___ TOWN OF MINERVA January 15, 2015 Regular Board Meeting Resolution to Amend Organizational Resolution # 36 to include Bonnie Hill The following resolution was offered by_______________________ who moved its adoption. WHEREAS, Resolution number 36 appointed members to serve on the Minerva Youth Commission, NOW BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Minerva adds Bonnie Hill – At large, to the list of previously appointed members. This resolution was duly seconded by __________________. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: AYES: ______ Dubay _______ McCall _______ LaBar _______ Iversen _______ McNally NOES: _______ Dubay _______ McCall _______ LaBar _______ Iversen _______ McNally As the duly elected Town Clerk of the municipality known as the Town of Minerva, I do hereby certify the following resolution was offered and duly seconded at the regular bimonthly board meeting held on ____________________with the results of said resolution noted above. Dated:_____________________ Signature______________________________ Diana Mason, Town Clerk TOWN SEAL Town of Minerva Bi-monthly Town Board Meeting January 15, 2014 10 Town of Minerva Bi-monthly Town Board Meeting January 15, 2014 11 Town of Minerva Bi-monthly Town Board Meeting January 15, 2014 12 Town of Minerva Bi-monthly Town Board Meeting January 15, 2014 13 LOCAL LAW NO. 1 OF THE YEAR 2015 OF THE TOWN OF MINERVA A local law regulating the control of livestock in the Town of Minerva, Essex County, New York. Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Minerva as follows: SECTION I. Statement of Intent The Town Board of the Town of Minerva recognizes that the failure to appropriately confine livestock and permit livestock to run at large in the Town, roaming free and trespassing on public and private highways unattended and public and private lands without the permission of the owner of said lands is injurious to the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Minerva. SECTION II. Definitions As used in this local law, the following terms shall have the meanings herein designated. a. Livestock: Cattle, sheep, swine, goats, horses or any other animals of the bovine, ovine, porcine, lagomorph, caprine, or equine species, as well as poultry, ratites, and cervine, that are privately owned and raised for breeding stock, food, fiber, and other products. b. At Large: Any livestock that is off the property or premises of its owner as defined herein and not under the control or restraint of a competent person. Livestock shall not be deemed at large for purposes of this article if legally crossing streets, roads or lanes under sufficient control or restraint of a competent person. c. Harbor: To provide food or shelter to any livestock. d. Owner: Any person owning, renting, leasing, keeping, boarding, exercising dominion and control over or harboring livestock within the Town of Minerva. A third party who causes livestock to be at large as defined herein or otherwise causes a violation of this article arising from said third party's theft, vandalism, intentional misconduct, criminal act or reckless or negligent act or omission shall be deemed the owner of said livestock for the limited purpose of enforcing this article and shall be responsible and liable for any and all penalties arising from violations of this article. e. Enclosures for livestock: Owners of livestock shall confine such livestock within an adequate fence or enclosure, or within a house, garage, barn, coop or other building of sufficient height and construction to prevent the livestock from leaving the owner's property or shall keep such livestock confined by leash or chain affixed to the livestock's collar and under the control of a person, and adequate to prevent any livestock from being at large. 1 SECTION III. Prohibited act It shall be unlawful for the owner of any livestock to permit or allow such livestock in the Town of Minerva to: A. Be at large or to be pastured or herded in or upon any of the streets, roads, lanes or public places within the Town of Minerva that are not designated horse approved areas. B. Be at large or to be pastured or herded in or upon any private property within the Town of Minerva that is not owned, leased or rented by the owner of such livestock. C. Cause damage or destruction to public or private property, or commit a nuisance by defecating or urinating upon the premises of a person (other than the owner of such livestock). D. Chase or otherwise harass any person or other animals in such manner as reasonably to cause intimidation or to put such person or other animals in reasonable apprehension of bodily harm or injury. SECTION IV: Complaint Any person who observes livestock in violation of this article may file a complaint under oath with any law enforcement agency specifying the nature of the violation, the date thereof, a description of the livestock and the name and residence, if known, of the owner of such livestock. Such complaint may serve as the basis for enforcing the provisions of this article. SECTION V. Enforcement Any law enforcement agency is empowered to enforce the provisions of this article and to issue and serve appearance tickets and such other process as may be required and/or authorized by these regulations of the Criminal Procedure Law in the course of such enforcement proceedings. Any enforcement action or proceeding may be commenced upon by the sworn statement of any individual to a law enforcement agency. All appearance tickets issued hereunder shall be returnable in the Town Court of the Town of Minerva. SECTION VI. Penalties for Offenses A. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction, be punishable by a fine of $250 and/or imprisonment for a period not to exceed 15 days for a conviction of a first offense; for a conviction of a second offense, punishable by a fine of $500 and/or imprisonment for a period not to exceed 15 days; and for a conviction of a third or subsequent offense, punishable by a fine of $750 and/or imprisonment for a period not to exceed 15 days. Each day of continuance of an offense shall be considered a separate offense. The penalties under this subsection may be waived for extenuating circumstances, including but not limited to livestock becoming at large due to damage or destruction to an owner's enclosure resulting from falling trees, floods, damaging winds or similar acts of nature. 2 B. Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall become liable to the Town for any expenses, loss or damage occasioned by the Town by reason of such violation, including but not limited to costs of cleanup, necessary repairs to Town property, and/or any other costs incurred by the Town in the enforcement of this provision. Upon filing of a verified statement by the Code Enforcement Officer regarding said costs/expenses with the Town Clerk, such amount shall constitute a lien against the property of the person in violation of this article and the same shall be added to the next assessment roll of general Town taxes and shall be collected and enforced in the same manner, by the same proceedings, at the same time and under the same penalties as the general Town tax and as a part thereof. In addition thereto, interest shall run thereon from the date of filing the verified statement to the date of actual payment at the same rates as taxes and shall be collected and enforced by the same officer and in the same manner as Town taxes. C. Furthermore, the court may order restitution be paid to any person or private property owner for the actual out-of-pocket loss arising from or caused by violation of this article. The court shall fix the amount thereof, the manner of performance, specifically state the date when restitution is to be paid in full. 3
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