2015 TRAINING CALENDAR for Water, Wastewater, and other Environmental Professionals by: Montana Environmental Training Center 2015 Montana Environmental Training Calendar The 2015 Montana Environmental Training Calendar is provided as a tool for planning your environmental training activities. It has been compiled by the Montana Environmental Training Center (METC) for water, wastewater and other environmental professionals. The calendar lists and describes seminars to be sponsored by METC, the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (MTDEQ), MSU-Northern (MSUN), Montana Rural Water Systems, Inc. (MRWS), Montana Section of American Water Works Association (MSAWWA), Montana Water Environment Association (MWEA), Midwest Assistance Program (MAP), Rural and Tribal Environmental Solutions and the Montana University System Water Center. Information about each sponsor is located in the back of the calendar. The calendar includes only seminars planned as of printing time. Any additional seminars will be announced separately. Agendas from the sponsoring agency are posted on the agency’s website or will be sent to interested people and organizations prior to the scheduled seminar. If you have not received an agenda at least one week prior to the scheduled date, please call the sponsor directly for information. As hard as we try to avoid it, unforeseen circumstances may cause a change of date on the calendar. Please note that Continuing Education Credits (CECs) and seminar costs are approximate. The 2015 Training Calendar also includes information on correspondence courses, online training courses, webcasts, webinars and CD-ROM training courses. Should you have questions or would like further information on specific courses please contact the corresponding training provider or the Montana DEQ Operator Certification Office at 406-444-3434. Phone numbers, which have been color coded to match the outline color of each sponsoring agency’s seminar on the calendar, are located with each month’s seminar offerings. Seminar Sponsors METC MONTANA ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING CENTER 265-3763 MRWS MONTANA RURAL WATER SYSTEMS 454-1151 MTDEQ MONTANA DEQ CERTIFICATION OFFICE 444-3434 MAP MIDWEST ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 945-1269 RURAL & TRIBAL ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS 534-6039 MWC MONTANA UNIV. SYSTEM WATER CENTER 994-6690 MWEA MONTANA WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION 761-7004 Ext 23 MSAWWA MT SECTION AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION 546-5496 2015 marks the 27th year of publishing of the Montana Environmental Training Calendar. This year 2,800 calendars will be printed and distributed by mail and at seminars and conferences. METC would like to thank the following organizations for helping METC to continue to provide the training calendar to Montana’s water and wastewater operators and other environmental professionals. Big Sky Chapter American Backflow Prevention Association CEU Plan Midwest Assistance Program Montana Department of Environmental Quality Montana Environmental Training Center Montana Rural Water Systems Montana Section of the American Water Works Association Montana State University - Northern Montana University System Water Center Montana Water Environment Association Rural and Tribal Environmental Solutions Technical Learning College Continuing Education Credits (CEC’s) Basic Rules CERTIFICATION RENEWAL FEES Every year operator certification renewal fees are due by June 30. The renewal fee pays for the following fiscal year (July 1- June 30). CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS (CECs) Every even-numbered year appropriate CEC requirements must be met by May 31. The current two-year biennium period began on June 1, 2014 and will end on May 31, 2016. The next two-year biennium will begin on June 1, 2016 and will end on May 31, 2018. Operators-in-Training are not required to earn CECs. CECs REQUIRED for FULLY CERTIFIED OPERATORS Class 1 WATER operators (either or both water distribution or treatment) must earn 2.0 CECs (20 hours). Class 2, 3, or 4 WATER operators (either or both water distribution or treatment) must earn 1.0 CECs (10 hours). Class 5 WATER operators must earn 0.4 CECs (4 hours). Class 1 WASTEWATER operators (either or both municipal or industrial wastewater) must earn 2.0 CECs (20 hours). Class 2, 3, or 4 WASTEWATER operators must earn 1.0 CECs (10 hours). Class 2, 3 or 4 ON-SITE WASTEWATER must earn 1.0 CECs (10 hours). Class 2, 3 or 4 INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER must earn 1.0 CECs (10 hours). COURSE APPROVAL and REPORTING Before CECs can be earned for a course, the course must be approved for credit. Courses not listed in this calendar may be approved for CECs if deemed applicable by the Certification Office. Courses MUST BE reported on a INDIVIDUAL APPLICATION FORM which contains the signature of the course provider or a Certificate of Completion submitted with the form. CORRESPONDENCE COURSES & ALTERNATIVE TRAINING COURSES Correspondence courses and Alternative Training Courses (CD-ROM, internet, videos) must be fully completed and proof of completion from the course provider must be sent to the Certification Office for CECs. (See the List of Approved Correspondence Courses and Alternative Training Courses in the back of this calendar.) COURSES APPROVED for DUAL CECs Operators who hold certification in both water and wastewater can earn CECs for both certifications when attending a course MTDEQ has approved as a dual CEC course. COURSES ONLY APPROVED for ONE-HALF CECs Training not directly applicable to water or wastewater plant operation can be approved for training but may only earn one-half the amount of CECs. Remember a CPR class is only good for credit the first time you take it. TRAINING NOT LISTED in TRAINING CALENDAR There may be courses that apply towards your CEC requirements which are not listed in the Training Calendar. If you are looking for courses in your area, call the Certification Program Office, (406) 444-3434, for information on approved courses. CERTIFICATION EARNED DURING MIDDLE of CEC BIENNIUM An operator who earns full certification from January of odd-numbered years through June 30 of even-numbered years will not be required to earn the applicable CECs until the following two-year period. STATUS REPORTS An informational status report can be viewed online at http://svc.mt.gov/deq/operatorcectotal/. Please contact the Certification Program Office, (406) 444-3434, if you find any errors on this report. January 2015 Seminars JANUARY 9, 2015 Exam Registration Deadline To take a water or wastewater operator exam on January 23, 2015 in Great Falls you must send the DEQ Operator Certification Program a state application and application fee by December 23, 2014. You must send in the exam registration form and pay the appropriate exam fees by January 9, 2015. JANUARY 20, 2015 New Application Deadline for DEQ Exams To take a water or wastewater operator exam on February 20, 2015 in Great Falls you must send the DEQ Operator Certification Program a state application and application fee by January 20, 2015. You must send in the exam date registration form and pay the appropriate exam fees by February 6, 2015. JANUARY 20 & 22, 2015 Operator Certification Review Session Location: Great Falls (New this Year… 2 Separate Days of Review Training!) Exam Prep for Small System Operators. Class 3, 4 & 5 water/wastewater and distribution. This session is a review and will cover terminology, math, and basic groundwater principles/ lagoons. Please study before attending! CECs: None FEE: None WEBINARS & WEBCASTS For information on WEF webcasts contact Dana Audet at MWEA or go to www.WEF.org. For information on AWWA Webinars contact Robin Barnes at MSAWWA or go to www.AWWA.org. JANUARY 21, 2015 Annual Small System and Colony Training Location: Great Falls This workshop consists of a variety of topics relevant to small system water & wastewater operators. Specific topics for this session were not determined at the printing of this calendar, but an agenda will be posted on the MRWS website at least 2 weeks prior to training. Check it out at: www.mrws.org. CECs: To Be Determined (W/WW & Dual Credits) FEE: None JANUARY 26 - 31, 2015 Backflow Assembly Tester Course & Exam Location: Bozeman The 6-day course is comprised of lectures on backflow and cross-connection control and guided exercises in a wet lab to provide an understanding of the field testing methods for four types of backflow prevention assemblies. It is designed for first-time testers and those needing a refresher course. The ABPA administers written exams on the afternoon of the fifth day and practical exams on day six. CECs: 3.6 Dual FEES: $840 Entire Course; $420 3 day refresher; $95 Exam JANUARY 27, 2015 Small Water System Operations Location: Bozeman An evening training session designed for small system operators certified as class 3, 4 or 5 water operators and transient system owners. This 4 hour evening session will discuss groundwater flow; well construction; sampling, monitoring and reporting; disinfection; and cross connection control and more. CECs: 0.4 Dual FEE: $50 Look for agendas and specific seminar details on the sponsor’s website or for training announcements in the mail. Seminar Sponsors METC MONTANA ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING CENTER 265-3763 MRWS MONTANA RURAL WATER SYSTEMS 454-1151 MTDEQ MONTANA DEQ CERTIFICATION OFFICE 444-3434 MAP MIDWEST ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 945-1269 RURAL & TRIBAL ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS 534-6039 MWC MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM WATER CENTER 994-6690 MWEA MONTANA WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION 761-7004 Ext 23 MSAWWA MT SECTION AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION 546-5496 January 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 4 5 6 7 New Year’s Day 8 Friday Saturday 2 3 9 10 Registration Deadline for Certification Exams Given on 1/23/15 MTDEQ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 23 24 28th Annual Association of Boards of Certification Conference Long Beach, CA 18 19 Martin Luther 20 King Day Deadline for Application for Certification Exams Given on 2/20/15 - MTDEQ Operator Certification Review Session MRWS - Great Falls 25 26 27 21 Annual Small System & Colony Training MRWS - Great Falls 28 22 Operator Certification Review Session MRWS - Great Falls 29 Certification Exams MTDEQ - Great Falls 30 Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester’s & Refresher Course METC - Bozeman ABPA Tester & Refresher Exams Bozeman Small Water System Operations METC - Bozeman Montana Environmental Training Center Room 223 Hagener, MSU-Northern P.O. Box 7751 Havre, MT 59501 31 Office: Cell: Fax: Email: (406) 265-3763 (406) 781-2298 (406) 753-2378 [email protected] February 2015 Seminars WEBINARS & WEBCASTS FEBRUARY 4, 2015 For information on WEF webcasts contact Dana Audet at MWEA or go to www.WEF.org. New Application Deadline for DEQ Exams To take a water or wastewater operator exam on March 5, 2015 in Billings you must send the DEQ Operator Certification Program a state application and application fee by February 4, 2015. You must send in the exam date registration form and pay the appropriate exam fees by February 17, 2015. FEBRUARY 6 & 17, 2015 Exam Registration Deadlines For information on AWWA Webinars contact Robin Barnes at MSAWWA or go to www.AWWA.org. Notes To take a water or wastewater operator exam on February 20, 2015 in Great Falls you must send in the exam registration form and pay the appropriate exam fees by February 6, 2015. To take an exam on March 5, 2015 in Billings you must send in the exam registration form and pay exam fees by February 17, 2015. FEBRUARY 18 - 20 , 2015 36th Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition Show Location: Great Falls Once again the conference promises to be entertaining and informative! You will find many new session topics that have not been offered before. The topics under consideration are looking very promising! In addition to learning, MRWS will also provide an evening of entertainment that is sure to be a hit. As always you can browse through the exhibit booths and visit with vendors to see what new products & services are available for your system. Look for your pre-registration and agenda in the mail prior to Christmas and also check out our Internet Homepage: www.mrws.org CECs: To Be Determined (W/WW & Dual Credits) FEE: TBA Look for agendas and specific seminar details on the sponsor’s website or for training announcements in the mail. Seminar Sponsors METC MONTANA ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING CENTER 265-3763 MRWS MONTANA RURAL WATER SYSTEMS 454-1151 MTDEQ MONTANA DEQ CERTIFICATION OFFICE 444-3434 MAP MIDWEST ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 945-1269 RURAL & TRIBAL ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS 534-6039 MWC MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM WATER CENTER 994-6690 MWEA MONTANA WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION 761-7004 Ext 23 MSAWWA MT SECTION AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION 546-5496 February 2015 Sunday 1 Monday 2 Groundhog Day Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Deadline for Application for Certification Exams Given on 3/5/15 MTDEQ Thursday 5 Friday 6 Registration Deadline for Certification Exams Given on 2/20/15 MTDEQ Saturday 7 Montana Water Well Drillers Association Annual Convention Helena 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Valentine’s Day 19 20 21 National Rural Water Rally Washington, DC 15 16 Presidents Day 17 18 36th Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition Show MRWS - Great Falls Registration Deadline for Certification Exams Given on 3/5/15—MTDEQ 22 23 24 Certification Exams MTDEQ - Great Falls 25 26 27 WEF/AWWA - Utility Management Conference February 17 - 20, 2015 Austin, TX Montana Environmental Training Center Room 223 Hagener, MSU-Northern P.O. Box 7751 Havre, MT 59501 Office: Cell: Fax: Email: (406) 265-3763 (406) 781-2298 (406) 753-2378 [email protected] 28 March 2015 Seminars MARCH 2, 2015 MARCH 23 - 28 2015 Backflow Assembly Tester Course & Exam Location: Great Falls New Application Deadline for DEQ Exams To take a water or wastewater operator exam on April 2, 2015 in Kalispell you must send the DEQ Operator Certification Program a state application and application fee by March 2, 2015. You must send in the exam date registration form and pay the appropriate exam fees by March 19, 2015. MARCH 3 - 5, 2015 23rd Annual Spring Water School Locations: Billings This annual 2.5 day water and wastewater operator training school is for both entry-level & experienced operators & managers. An array of topics will be covered ranging from groundwater wells to surface water treatment & from wastewater lagoons to process control of activated sludge facilities. It will also cover preventive maintenance, safety, & current regulations. CECs: up to 2.0 Water & Wastewater FEE: $225 MARCH 10 & 12, 2015 SDWA & CWA Monitoring & Lab Analysis Locations: Joliet (10th) & Malta (12th) This session will provide information on the importance of sampling and understanding laboratory results used for process control and compliance monitoring for both water and wastewater. We will also discuss the various forms required for compliance reporting. This training is geared towards small-medium sized water and wastewater systems. Attendees will be taught how to retrieve system specific records from DEQ’s “Drinking Water Watch” website, & how to find your online Sampling & Monitoring Schedule. CECs: 0.7 Dual Credits (Tentative) FEE: None The 6-day course is comprised of lectures on backflow and cross-connection control and guided exercises in a wet lab to provide an understanding of the field testing methods for four types of backflow prevention assemblies. It is designed for first-time testers and those needing a refresher course. The ABPA administers written exams on the afternoon of the fifth day and practical exams on day six. CECs: 3.6 Dual FEES: $840 Entire Course; $420 3 day refresher; $95 Exam MARCH 19, 2015 Exam Registration Deadline To take a water or wastewater operator exam on April 2, 2015 in Kalispell you must send the DEQ Operator Certification Program a state application and application fee by March 2, 2015. You must send in the exam registration form and pay the appropriate exam fees by March 19, 2015. MARCH 31 - APRIL 2, 2015 21st Annual Spring Water School Locations: Kalispell This annual 2.5 day water and wastewater operator training school is for both entry-level & experienced operators & managers. An array of topics will be covered ranging from groundwater wells to surface water treatment & from wastewater lagoons to process control of activated sludge facilities. It will also cover preventive maintenance, safety, & current regulations. CECs: up to 2.0 Water & Wastewater FEE: $225 WEBINARS & WEBCASTS For information on AWWA Webinars contact MSAWWA or go to www.AWWA.org. For information on WEF Webcasts contact MWEA or go to www.WEF.org. Look for agendas and specific seminar details on the sponsor’s website or for training announcements in the mail. Seminar Sponsors METC MONTANA ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING CENTER 265-3763 MRWS MONTANA RURAL WATER SYSTEMS 454-1151 MTDEQ MONTANA DEQ CERTIFICATION OFFICE 444-3434 MAP MIDWEST ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 945-1269 RURAL & TRIBAL ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS 534-6039 MWC MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM WATER CENTER 994-6690 MWEA MONTANA WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION 761-7004 Ext 23 MSAWWA MT SECTION AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION 546-5496 March 2015 Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Deadline for Application for Certification Exams Given on 4/2/15 - MTDEQ 8 Daylight Savings 9 Wednesday 4 5 10 11 12 6 7 13 14 16 17 St. Patrick’s Day SDWA & CWA Monitoring & Lab Analysis MRWS - Malta 18 23 24 19 20 Spring Begins 21 27 28 Registration Deadline for Certification Exams Given on 4/2/15 - MTDEQ AWWA - Sustainability Water Management Conference Portland, OR 25 26 ABPA Tester & Refresher Exams Great Falls Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester’s & Refresher Course - METC - Great Falls 29 Saturday WEF/AWWA - Design-Build for Water/Wastewater Conference March 11 - 13, 2015 San Antonio, TX SDWA & CWA Monitoring & Lab Analysis MRWS - Joliet 22 Certification Exams MTDEQ - Billings Friday 23rd Annual Spring Water School METC - Billings Begins 15 Thursday 30 31 AWRA - Spring Conference - Water for Urban Areas March 30 - April 1 - Los Angeles, CA 21st Annual Spring Water School March 31 - April 2, 2015 - METC - Kalispell AWWA/AMTA - Membrane Technology Conference March 2 - 6, 2015 - Orlando, FL Spring Operator Certification Review Session March 31 - April 2, 2015 - MRWS - Kalispell Montana Environmental Training Center Room 223 Hagener, MSU-Northern P.O. Box 7751 Havre, MT 59501 WEF - Water & Wastewater Leadership Center March 8 - 19, 2015 Chapel Hill, NC Office: Cell: Fax: Email: (406) 265-3763 (406) 781-2298 (406) 753-2378 [email protected] April 2015 Seminars MARCH 31 - APRIL 2, 2015 Spring Operator Certification Review Session Location: Kalispell APRIL 15, 2015 Small Water System Operations Location: Sidney This review will help prepare operators for all levels of certification exams, but primarily focuses on groundwater and wastewater systems. The sessions are only for review and clarification. Operators need to study before attending these sessions! MRWS will cover as many areas as time allows, including terms, regulations, treatment, distribution, wastewater, etc. CECs: None FEE: None An evening training session designed for small system operators certified as class 3, 4 or 5 water operators and transient system owners and small system wastewater operators classes 3 & 4 and on-site wastewater systems. This 4 hour evening session will discuss groundwater flow; well construction; sampling, monitoring and reporting; disinfection; and cross connection control and more. CECs: 0.4 Dual FEE: $50 APRIL 14, 2015 New Application Deadline for DEQ Exams To take a water or wastewater operator exam on May 14, 2015 in Helena you must send the DEQ Operator Certification Program a state application and application fee by April 14, 2015. You must send in the exam date registration form and pay the appropriate exam fees by April 30, 2015. APRIL 15, 2015 Industrial Wastewater Operations Location: Sidney A seminar full of topics of interest to the wastewater operator working in such industrial treatment systems as paper, mining, oil and coal. Common issues related to most industrial wastewaters will be covered including chemicals, pH, BOD, COD, solids and more. Also to be discussed is pretreatment of industrial wastewater prior to discharge to a municipal wastewater treatment system. The new DEQ industrial wastewater exam process will also be discussed. CECs: 0.8 Wastewater FEE: TBA WEBINARS & WEBCASTS For information on AWWA Webinars contact MSAWWA or go to www.AWWA.org. For information on WEF Webcasts contact MWEA or go to www.WEF.org. APRIL 21 & 23, 2015 Hydrants, Valves, GPS Mapping & O&M Locations: Harlem (21st) & Cut Bank (23rd) This session will increase the knowledge of system Water Operators on the proper operation and maintenance of the various types of fire hydrants and valves in your distribution system. As time allows, we will also look at tapping equipment and recordkeeping systems for GPS & GIS. The goal for these sessions is to develop a better maintenance record for the operation/exercising and location of these valuable distribution devices! CECs: 0.7 Water (Tentative) FEE: None APRIL 28 & 30, 2015 Chloramination Locations: Great Falls (28th) & Wolf Point (30th) A one day seminar covering chloramination treatment topics, rules/regulations, and more. Systems using chloramination, consecutive systems hooked to chloraminated systems and those who plan to use chloramination should attend. CECs: up to 0.8 Water FEE: $110 Look for agendas and specific seminar details on the sponsor’s website or for training announcements in the mail. Seminar Sponsors METC MONTANA ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING CENTER 265-3763 MRWS MONTANA RURAL WATER SYSTEMS 454-1151 MTDEQ MONTANA DEQ CERTIFICATION OFFICE 444-3434 MAP MIDWEST ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 945-1269 RURAL & TRIBAL ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS 534-6039 MWC MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM WATER CENTER 994-6690 MWEA MONTANA WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION 761-7004 Ext 23 MSAWWA MT SECTION AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION 546-5496 April 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 Friday Saturday 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 Certification Exams MTDEQ - Kalispell 21st Annual Spring Water School March 31 - April 2, 2015 - METC & MRWS - Kalispell AWRA - Spring Conference - Water for Urban Areas March 30 - April 1 - Los Angeles, CA Spring Operator Certification Review Session March 31 - April 2, 2015 - MRWS - Kalispell 5 12 Easter 6 7 8 13 14 15 Deadline for Application for Certification Exams Given on 5/14/15 - MTDEQ 19 20 21 Hydrants, Valves, GPS Mapping & O&M MRWS - Harlem Industrial Wastewater Systems METC - Sidney Small Water System Operations METC - Sidney 22 Hydrants, Valves, GPS Mapping & O&M MRWS - Cut Bank WEF - Collection Systems Taking Center Stage - Seize the Opportunity April 19 - 22, 2015 Cincinnati, OH 26 27 28 29 Chloramination METC - Great Falls AWWA - The Global Water Summit Athens, Greece Montana Environmental Training Center Room 223 Hagener, MSU-Northern P.O. Box 7751 Havre, MT 59501 30 Registration Deadline for Certification Exams Given on 5/14/15 - MTDEQ AWWA - International Symposium on Waterborne Pathogens April 13 - 15, 2015 - Savannah, GA Chloramination METC - Wolf Point Office: Cell: Fax: Email: (406) 265-3763 (406) 781-2298 (406) 753-2378 [email protected] May 2015 Seminars MAY 5 - 7, 2015 MWEA Preconference & MSAWWA & MWEA Joint Conference Location: Billings MAY 13, 2015 Water & Wastewater Certification Review Location: Helena The MWEA preconference will focus on information pertinent wastewater pretreatment. The Joint Conference Program Committee is developing a technical program that will focus on water quality and wastewater issues. Emphasis is on subjects of specific pertinence to Montana and the Western United States. This review will help prepare operators for all levels of certification exams, but primarily focuses on groundwater and lagoon systems. The sessions are only for review and clarification. Operators need to study before attending sessions. METC & DEQ will cover as many areas as time allows, including terms, regulations, treatment, etc. Attend the Drinking Water Rules and Wastewater Systems class on the previous day for a more complete exam preparation. CECs: 0.0 FEE: $110 MAY 12, 2015 Drinking Water Rules, Sampling & Monitoring Location: Helena MAY 13, 2015 Glacier Park & Small System Operator Training Location: West Glacier This training session will be helpful to the seasoned operator and someone seeking certification. New rule information as well as refresher information will be provided for the experienced operators. It will also be an excellent training for those operators studying to take a certification exam. Attend this training in conjunction with the certification review on the following day(s) for a more complete preparation for the exam on May 14. CECs: 0.8 Water FEE: $110 A variety of topics will be covered in this annual training event related to both small ground & surface water systems. Although MRWS gears this training towards the Park Service’s needs, the Park Service follows the same regulations as non-park systems and has a variety of small systems, so this training is beneficial to all system operators. CECs: 0.7 Water (Tentative) FEE: None MAY 12, 2015 Wastewater Systems Location: Helena This training session will be helpful to the seasoned operator and someone seeking certification. Wastewater lagoon systems, onsite systems and mechanical systems will all be discussed. It will also be an excellent training for those operators studying to take a certification exam. Attend this training in conjunction with the certification review on the following day(s) for a more complete preparation for the exam on May 14. CECs: 0.8 Wastewater FEE: $110 MAY 19 & 21, 2015 Chlorination & Other Disinfection Options Locations: Fairmont (19) & Hardin (21) Learn about the options systems have for disinfection including UV and ozone. All forms of chlorine will be covered for disinfection and regulation. Learn about the properties, history, applications, feed equipment, handling, maintenance, and how to work safely with chlorine. As time allows, we will include a demonstration of rebuilding a chemical feed pump. For operators, managers, and anyone working with chlorine. CECs: 0.65 Dual (Tentative) FEE: None Seminar Sponsors METC MONTANA ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING CENTER 265-3763 MRWS MONTANA RURAL WATER SYSTEMS 454-1151 MTDEQ MONTANA DEQ CERTIFICATION OFFICE 444-3434 MAP MIDWEST ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 945-1269 RURAL & TRIBAL ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS 534-6039 MWC MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM WATER CENTER 994-6690 MWEA MONTANA WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION 761-7004 Ext 23 MSAWWA MT SECTION AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION 546-5496 May 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30 ABPA Annual Education Conference & Trade Show May 18 - 20 - Nashville, TN World & Environmental Water Resources Congress May 17 - 21 - Austin, TX 3 4 5 6 MSAWWA & MWEA Annual Joint Conference Billings Pre-Conference MWEA - Billings 10 Mother’s Day 11 12 Wastewater Systems METC - Helena Drinking Water Rules, Sampling & Monitoring METC - Helena 17 18 19 7 13 Water & Wastewater Certification Review METC - Helena Glacier Park & Small System Operator Training MRWS - West Glacier 20 25 Memorial Day 26 Certification Exams MTDEQ - Helena 21 Chlorination & Other Disinfection Options MRWS - Hardin Chlorination & Other Disinfection Options MRWS - Fairmont 24 14 27 28 31 Montana Environmental Training Center Room 223 Hagener, MSU-Northern P.O. Box 7751 Havre, MT 59501 Office: Cell: Fax: Email: (406) 265-3763 (406) 781-2298 (406) 753-2378 [email protected] June 2015 Seminars JUNE 30, 2015 Annual Operator Certification Renewal Fees Due This is the last day to pay your fees and renew your water and or wastewater operator certification with the Department of Environmental Quality’s Operator Certification Program. Please contact Reta at 444-3434 or Julie at 444-4584 if you have not received your operator certification fee renewal notice. WEBINARS & WEBCASTS For information on WEF webcasts contact Dana Audet at MWEA or go to www.WEF.org. For information on AWWA Webinars contact Robin Barnes at MSAWWA or go to www.AWWA.org. Paul Klopping, Trainer, Phil Lauman, city of Kalispell, & Bill Bahr, MTDEQ at the Kalispell advanced waterwater treatment plant. Look for agendas and specific seminar details on the sponsor’s website or for training announcements in the mail. Notes Terry Campbell & Michele Marsh, MTDEQ, enjoying Yellow Bay at the Advanced Wastewater Training class. Seminar Sponsors METC MONTANA ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING CENTER 265-3763 MRWS MONTANA RURAL WATER SYSTEMS 454-1151 MTDEQ MONTANA DEQ CERTIFICATION OFFICE 444-3434 MAP MIDWEST ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 945-1269 RURAL & TRIBAL ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS 534-6039 MWC MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM WATER CENTER 994-6690 MWEA MONTANA WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION 761-7004 Ext 23 MSAWWA MT SECTION AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION 546-5496 June 2015 Sunday Monday 7 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 19 20 25 26 27 National Rural Water Association In-Service Training Reno, NV AWWA - Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition Anaheim, CA 14 15 Flag Day 16 17 AWRA - Summer Conference - Climate Change Adaption New Orleans, LA 21 Summer Begins 22 23 29 30 24 Father’s Day 28 WEF/EESS - Asia-Pacific Wastewater Treatment & Reuse Conference June 28 - July 1, 2015 - Singapore 30 Operator Certification Renewal Fees Due MTDEQ WEF/IWA Residuals & Biosolids: The Next Generation of Science, Technology & Management June 7 - 10, 2015 Washington, DC WEF - Opportunities for Energy & Resource Recovery in the Changing World June 8 - 10, 2015 Washington, DC Montana Environmental Training Center Room 223 Hagener, MSU-Northern P.O. Box 7751 Havre, MT 59501 Office: Cell: Fax: Email: (406) 265-3763 (406) 781-2298 (406) 753-2378 [email protected] July 2015 Seminars JULY 7, 2015 Wastewater Lagoon Systems Location: Glasgow JULY 14, 2015 Small Water System Operations Location: Kalispell This seminar is designed for those operating wastewater lagoon systems. It will focus on design issues, performance and compliance. Operators will get hands-on experience with monitoring tools as well as using microscopes to understand biological principles and operational methods for monitoring lagoon processes and troubleshooting. CECs: 0.8 Wastewater FEES: $110 An evening training session designed for small system operators certified as class 3, 4 or 5 water operators and transient system owners. This 4 hour evening session will discuss groundwater flow; well construction; sampling, monitoring and reporting; disinfection; and cross connection control and more. CECs: 0.4 Dual FEE: $50 JULY 29, 2015 Wastewater Pretreatment Location: Havre JULY 9, 2015 Surface Water Treatment Location: Glendive A one day seminar will cover surface water treatment topics related to conventional treatment including flocculation and coagulations, filter assessments, rules/ regulations, energy efficiency and new technologies. CECs: up to 0.8 Water FEE: $110 Learn about various pretreatment programs in Montana and around the nation. Also learn how start or improve a pretreatment program at your system. CECs: 0.8 Wastewater FEE: TBA WEBINARS & WEBCASTS For information on WEF webcasts contact Dana Audet at MWEA or go to www.WEF.org. JULY 13 - 18, 2015 Backflow Assembly Tester Course & Exam Location: Kalispell The 6-day course is comprised of lectures on backflow and cross-connection control and guided exercises in a wet lab to provide an understanding of the field testing methods for four types of backflow prevention assemblies. It is designed for first-time testers and those needing a refresher course. The ABPA administers written exams on the afternoon of the fifth day and practical exams on day six. CECs: 3.6 Dual FEES: $840 Entire Course; $420 3 day refresher; $95 Exam For information on AWWA Webinars contact Robin Barnes at MSAWWA or go to www.AWWA.org. Look for agendas and specific seminar details on the sponsor’s website or for training announcements in the mail. Seminar Sponsors METC MONTANA ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING CENTER 265-3763 MRWS MONTANA RURAL WATER SYSTEMS 454-1151 MTDEQ MONTANA DEQ CERTIFICATION OFFICE 444-3434 MAP MIDWEST ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 945-1269 RURAL & TRIBAL ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS 534-6039 MWC MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM WATER CENTER 994-6690 MWEA MONTANA WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION 761-7004 Ext 23 MSAWWA MT SECTION AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION 546-5496 July 2015 Monday 5 6 Tuesday 7 Wednesday Thursday 13 14 Saturday 1 2 3 4 Independence Day 8 9 10 11 17 18 Surface Water Treatment METC - Glendive Wastewater Lagoon Systems METC - Glasgow 12 Friday 15 16 Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester’s & Refresher Course METC - Kalispell ABPA Tester & Refresher Exams Kalispell Small Water System Operations METC - Kalispell 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 Wastewater Pretreatment METC - Havre Montana Environmental Training Center Room 223 Hagener, MSU-Northern P.O. Box 7751 Havre, MT 59501 Office: Cell: Fax: Email: (406) 265-3763 (406) 781-2298 (406) 753-2378 [email protected] 25 August 2015 Seminars AUGUST 4 & 6, 2015 Leak Detection, Water Audits & Loss Prevention Locations: Polson (4th) & Libby (6th) AUGUST 25 & 27, 2015 Effective Utility Management Training Locations: Columbia Falls (25th) & Bozeman (27th) This session will help clerks, boards, and operators in the field to calculate water losses & promote water conservation by discovering water losses through audits, detecting water leaks through conventional methods, and to maintain safe drinking water by understanding cross connection hazards. This session will also discuss the hydraulic over-loading of wastewater systems caused by (I&I) or Infiltration and Inflow to their collection systems. Attendees will spend approximately one-half of the day in the classroom and the other half in the field with hands-on training. CECs: 0.65 Dual (Tentative) FEE: None At this session council & board members, clerks and operators will conduct a guided self-assessment of your system and identify areas for improvement that are critical to success at your utility. This self-assessment will help you prioritize actions when resources are limited. You will also learn from other utilities that have faced similar challenges. This 6-hour interactive workshop will focus on ten key management areas of effectively managed utilities, which make up a framework for a complete and well-rounded management approach. By making operational improvements in any of these areas, your utility will be able to deliver increasingly efficient, higher quality services to your community. CECs: 0.6 Dual (Tentative) FEE: None AUGUST 5, 2015 Surface Water Treatment Location: Conrad WEBINARS & WEBCASTS For information on WEF webcasts contact Dana Audet at MWEA or go to www.WEF.org. A one day seminar will cover surface water treatment topics related to conventional treatment including flocculation and coagulations, filter assessments, rules/ regulations, energy efficiency and new technologies. CECs: up to 0.8 Water FEE: $110 AUGUST 11 - 13, 2015 25th Annual Advanced Wastewater Training Location: Yellow Bay For information on AWWA Webinars contact Robin Barnes at MSAWWA or go to www.AWWA.org. Notes This three day seminar will address current advanced wastewater troubleshooting techniques and laboratory procedures as related to biological nutrient removal (BNR) technology and other advanced types of wastewater treatment technology. Paul Klopping, Callan and Brooks, will once again be the course instructor. CECs: 2.0 Wastewater FEE: TBA Look for agendas and specific seminar details on the sponsor’s website or for training announcements in the mail. Seminar Sponsors METC MONTANA ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING CENTER 265-3763 MRWS MONTANA RURAL WATER SYSTEMS 454-1151 MTDEQ MONTANA DEQ CERTIFICATION OFFICE 444-3434 MAP MIDWEST ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 945-1269 RURAL & TRIBAL ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS 534-6039 MWC MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM WATER CENTER 994-6690 MWEA MONTANA WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION 761-7004 Ext 23 MSAWWA MT SECTION AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION 546-5496 August 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 Surface Water Treatment METC - Conrad Leak Detection, Water Audits & Loss Prevention MRWS - Polson 9 10 11 6 12 7 8 14 15 Leak Detection, Water Audits & Loss Prevention MRWS - Libby 13 25th Annual Advanced Wastewater Training METC - Yellow Bay 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Effective Utility Management Training MRWS - Columbia Falls 30 Effective Utility Management Training MRWS - Bozeman 31 Montana Environmental Training Center Room 223 Hagener, MSU-Northern P.O. Box 7751 Havre, MT 59501 Office: Cell: Fax: Email: (406) 265-3763 (406) 781-2298 (406) 753-2378 [email protected] September 2015 Seminars SEPTEMBER 1, 2015 SEPTEMBER 15 & 17, 2015 SDWA & CWA Monitoring & Lab Analysis Locations: Valier (15th) & Havre (17th) New Application Deadline for DEQ Exams To take a water or wastewater operator exam on October 1, 2015 in Bozeman you must send the DEQ Operator Certification Program a state application and application fee by September 1, 2015. You must send in the exam date registration form and pay the appropriate exam fees by September 17, 2015. SEPTEMBER 1, 2015 Advanced Wastewater Treatment Location: Miles City Learn about activated sludge system design, operation and maintenance; performance optimization; sampling, monitoring & reporting; land application; & troubleshooting. Also learn about discharge limits and solutions, 5-stage Bardenpho systems, oxidation ditches, nutrient removal options, non-discharging systems new technologies, and constructed wetlands. CECs: 0.8 Wastewater FEE: TBA This session will provide information on the importance of sampling and understanding laboratory results used for process control and compliance monitoring for both water and wastewater. We will also discuss the various forms required for compliance reporting. This training is geared towards small-medium sized water and wastewater systems. Attendees will be taught how to retrieve system specific records from DEQ’s “Drinking Water Watch” website, & how to find your online Sampling & Monitoring Schedule. CECs: 0.7 Dual Credits (Tentative) FEE: None SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 Exam Registration Deadlines To take a water or wastewater operator exam on October 1, 2015 in Bozeman you must send in the exam registration form and pay the appropriate exam fees by September 17, 2015. SEPTEMBER 3, 2015 On-Site Wastewater Systems Location: Billings Gain fundamental knowledge regarding on-site sewage facilities. Learn about installer requirements; Site evaluation and design considerations; Soil evaluations, percolation rates, wastewater treatment; on-site sewage disposal laws, regulations and permitting procedures; inspections and complaint investigations; unacceptable systems; maintenance; septic tanks and grease tanks; public health and environmental considerations and public relations and public education. CECs: 0.8 Wastewater FEE: $110 Look for agendas and specific seminar details on the sponsor’s website or for training announcements in the mail. SEPTEMBER 29 - OCTOBER 1, 2015 82nd Annual School for Water & Wastewater Operators & Managers Location: Bozeman This three day annual school is designed for entry level and experienced operators and managers. It features an array of topics from basic to advanced water topics for groundwater, surface water and distribution systems and basic to advanced wastewater topics for lagoon, mechanical and collection systems. Maintenance, safety, current regulations and management issues are also covered. Speakers are of national and local acclaim. MTDEQ will provide Exam Review Sessions for those planning to take exams on October 1, 2015. CECs: up to 2.25 W/WW FEE: $250 Seminar Sponsors METC MONTANA ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING CENTER 265-3763 MRWS MONTANA RURAL WATER SYSTEMS 454-1151 MTDEQ MONTANA DEQ CERTIFICATION OFFICE 444-3434 MAP MIDWEST ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 945-1269 RURAL & TRIBAL ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS 534-6039 MWC MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM WATER CENTER 994-6690 MWEA MONTANA WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION 761-7004 Ext 23 MSAWWA MT SECTION AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION 546-5496 September 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Advanced Wastewater Treatment METC - Miles City Wednesday 2 7 13 14 Labor Day 3 Friday Saturday 4 5 11 Patriot Day 12 18 19 25 26 On-Site Wastewater Systems METC - Billings Deadline for Application for Certification Exams Given on 10/1/15 - MTDEQ 6 Thursday 8 9 10 15 16 17 SDWA & CWA Monitoring & Lab Analysis MRWS - Valier Registration Deadline for Certification Exams Given on 10/1/15 - MTDEQ SDWA & CWA Monitoring & Lab Analysis MRWS - Havre 20 21 22 23 Autumn Begins 27 28 29 30 National Rural Water Association Conference Oklahoma City, OK 24 WEF - 88th Annual WEF Technical Exhibition & Conference September 26 - 30, 2015 - Chicago, IL 82nd Annual School for Water & Wastewater Operators & Managers - September 29 - October 1, 2015 METC, MTDEQ, MSU & MWC - Bozeman Montana Environmental Training Center Room 223 Hagener, MSU-Northern P.O. Box 7751 Havre, MT 59501 Office: Cell: Fax: Email: (406) 265-3763 (406) 781-2298 (406) 753-2378 [email protected] October 2015 Seminars SEPTEMBER 29 - OCTOBER 1, 2015 82nd Annual School for Water & Wastewater Operators & Managers Location: Bozeman This three day annual school is designed for entry level and experienced operators and managers. It features an array of topics from basic to advanced water topics for groundwater, surface water and distribution systems and basic to advanced wastewater topics for lagoon, mechanical and collection systems. Maintenance, safety, current regulations and management issues are also covered. Speakers are of national and local acclaim. MTDEQ will provide Exam Review Sessions for those planning to take exams on October 1, 2015. CECs: up to 2.25 W/WW FEE: $250 OCTOBER 13 - 15, 2015 10th Annual National Park Service & Small System Utility Operator Training Location: Gardiner A variety of topics will be covered related to small systems, both ground & surface water. This training session is geared towards the needs of the park service and small systems, but is open to all operators, both water and wastewater. Although the primary focus is water, there are generally many dual credit sessions, and there may be one or two sessions dedicated to wastewater. Check the MRWS website for the agenda as it nears the seminar dates. CECs: To Be Determined (Generally over 2.0 CEC’s Available) FEE: None WEBINARS & WEBCASTS For information on WEF webcasts contact Dana Audet at MWEA or go to www.WEF.org. For information on AWWA Webinars contact Robin Barnes at MSAWWA or go to www.AWWA.org. OCTOBER 19 - 24, 2015 Backflow Assembly Tester Course & Exam Location: Billings The 6-day course is comprised of lectures on backflow and cross-connection control and guided exercises in a wet lab to provide an understanding of the field testing methods for four types of backflow prevention assemblies. It is designed for first-time testers and those needing a refresher course. The ABPA administers written exams on the afternoon of the fifth day and practical exams on day six. CECs: 3.6 Dual FEES: $840 Entire Course; $420 3 day refresher; $95 Exam OCTOBER 20, 2015 Small Water System Operations Location: Bozeman An evening training session designed for small system operators certified as class 3, 4 or 5 water operators and transient system owners. This 4 hour evening session will discuss groundwater flow; well construction; sampling, monitoring and reporting; disinfection; and cross connection control and more. CECs: 0.4 Dual FEE: $50 OCTOBER 27 & 29, 2015 Effective Utility Management Training Locations: Glasgow (27th) & Laurel/Billings (29th) At this session council & board members, clerks and operators will conduct a guided self-assessment of your system and identify areas for improvement that are critical to success at your utility. This self-assessment will help you prioritize actions when resources are limited. You will also learn from other utilities that have faced similar challenges. This 6-hour interactive workshop will focus on ten key management areas of effectively managed utilities, which make up a framework for a complete and well-rounded management approach. By making operational improvements in any of these areas, your utility will be able to deliver increasingly efficient, higher quality services to your community. CECs: 0.6 Dual (Tentative) FEE: None Seminar Sponsors METC MONTANA ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING CENTER 265-3763 MRWS MONTANA RURAL WATER SYSTEMS 454-1151 MTDEQ MONTANA DEQ CERTIFICATION OFFICE 444-3434 MAP MIDWEST ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 945-1269 RURAL & TRIBAL ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS 534-6039 MWC MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM WATER CENTER 994-6690 MWEA MONTANA WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION 761-7004 Ext 23 MSAWWA MT SECTION AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION 546-5496 October 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 Friday Saturday 2 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 nd 82 Annual School for Water & Wastewater Operators & Managers - September 29 - October 1, 2015 METC, MTDEQ, MSU & MWC - Bozeman Certification Exams MTDEQ Bozeman 4 5 6 7 8 Montana League of Cities & Towns 84th Annual Conference Bozeman 11 12 Columbus Day 13 14 15 10th Annual National Park Service & Small System Utility Operator Training MRWS - Gardiner, MT 18 19 20 21 22 Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester’s & Refresher Course METC - Billings ABPA Tester & Refresher Exams Billings Small Water System Operations METC - Billings 25 26 27 28 Effective Utility Management Training MRWS - Glasgow Montana Environmental Training Center Room 223 Hagener, MSU-Northern P.O. Box 7751 Havre, MT 59501 29 30 Effective Utility Management Training MRWS - Laurel/Billings Office: Cell: Fax: Email: (406) 265-3763 (406) 781-2298 (406) 753-2378 [email protected] 31 Halloween November 2015 Seminars NOVEMBER 3, 2015 Sampling, Monitoring & Lab Practices for Water & Wastewater Location: Helena NOVEMBER 4 - 5, 2015 Pumps & Pump Maintenance Location: Helena This seminar is intended to help current water and wastewater treatment plant (MPDES) permit holders maintain compliance with current permit requirements. Sessions will include laboratory QA/QC practices, sampling programs, developing water quality standards, TMDLs, surface and groundwater permit requirements, and other related topics. All water and wastewater treatment plant facilities with laboratory personnel, along with lab staff from state or private testing labs, should participate in this seminar to keep up-to-date on maintaining compliance with federally mandated test requirements. A tour of a local laboratory will include demonstrations of actual lab testing procedures. CECs: up to 0.8 Dual FEE: $110 NOVEMBER 3, 2015 Small Water System Operations Location: Helena An evening training session designed for small system operators certified as class 3, 4 or 5 water operators and transient system owners. This 4 hour evening session will discuss groundwater flow; well construction; sampling, monitoring and reporting; disinfection; and cross connection control and more. CECs: 0.4 Dual FEE: $50 This course will cover introductory concepts of pumps and general pump maintenance including packing, disassembly and assembly, bearing inspection and replacement and alignment as well as troubleshooting. Various types of pumps are discussed, but emphasis is given to centrifugal pumps. Attention will also be given to hydraulic conditions and pump devices for the efficient use of pumps. CECs: 1.6 Dual FEE: $220 NOVEMBER 17 & 19, 2015 Evening SDWA Training Locations: Lockwood/Billings (17th) & Great Falls (19th) This session will increase the knowledge of small system operators on water sampling, what to do if you have a coliform positive sample, regular monitoring for compliance periods & how to sample for all contaminants. Several of the SDWA Rules are being revised and we will have a discussion on any updates pertaining to these rule revisions! This training is geared towards small-medium sized water systems. Attendees will be taught how to retrieve system specific records from DEQ’s “Drinking Water Watch” website, & how to find your online Sampling & Monitoring Schedule. CECs: 0.4 Water Credits (Tentative) FEE: None WEBINARS & WEBCASTS For information on WEF webcasts contact Dana Audet at MWEA or go to www.WEF.org. Look for agendas and specific seminar details on the sponsor’s website or for training announcements in the mail. For information on AWWA Webinars contact Robin Barnes at MSAWWA or go to www.AWWA.org. Seminar Sponsors METC MONTANA ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING CENTER 265-3763 MRWS MONTANA RURAL WATER SYSTEMS 454-1151 MTDEQ MONTANA DEQ CERTIFICATION OFFICE 444-3434 MAP MIDWEST ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 945-1269 RURAL & TRIBAL ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS 534-6039 MWC MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM WATER CENTER 994-6690 MWEA MONTANA WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION 761-7004 Ext 23 MSAWWA MT SECTION AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION 546-5496 November 2015 Sunday 1 Daylight Savings Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Ends Sampling, Monitoring & Lab Analysis for Water & Wastewater METC - Helena Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday Saturday 6 7 Pumps & Pump Maintenance METC - Helena Small Water System Operations METC - Helena 8 9 10 11 Veterans Day 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 27 28 Evening SDWA Training MRWS Lockwood/Billings Evening SDWA Training MRWS - Great Falls AWRA Annual Conference Denver, CO 22 23 24 29 30 31 25 26 Thanksgiving AWWA - Financial Management: Cost of Service Rate-Making November 18 - 20, 2015 Salt Lake City, UT Montana Environmental Training Center Room 223 Hagener, MSU-Northern P.O. Box 7751 Havre, MT 59501 Office: Cell: Fax: Email: (406) 265-3763 (406) 781-2298 (406) 753-2378 [email protected] December 2015 Seminars WEBINARS & WEBCASTS Happy Holidays For information on WEF webcasts contact Dana Audet at MWEA or go to www.WEF.org. For information on AWWA Webinars contact Robin Barnes at MSAWWA or go to www.AWWA.org. From METC, MSU-Northern, & Montana DEQ Julie Muscat, Marty Kloker, Scott Hyppa - City of Helena, and Steve Ruhd - Morrison-Maierle at Surface Water Treatment Class. Seminar Sponsors METC MONTANA ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING CENTER 265-3763 MRWS MONTANA RURAL WATER SYSTEMS 454-1151 MTDEQ MONTANA DEQ CERTIFICATION OFFICE 444-3434 MAP MIDWEST ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 945-1269 RURAL & TRIBAL ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS 534-6039 MWC MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM WATER CENTER 994-6690 MWEA MONTANA WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION 761-7004 Ext 23 MSAWWA MT SECTION AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION 546-5496 December 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Winter Begins 23 24 25 Christmas Day 26 27 28 29 30 31 New Years Eve Montana Environmental Training Center Room 223 Hagener, MSU-Northern P.O. Box 7751 Havre, MT 59501 Office: Cell: Fax: Email: (406) 265-3763 (406) 781-2298 (406) 753-2378 [email protected]
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