PORTSMOUTH ADVANCED ENDOSCOPY SYMPOSIUM 2015 8th - 9th January 2015 Action Stations, Portsmouth Historic Dockyards,Victory Gate Course Director: Professor Pradeep Bhandari Consultant Gastroenterologist, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth International Faculty: Prof. Helmut Messmann (Augsburg, Germany) Dr. Takahisa Matsuda (Tokyo, Japan) Prof. Thomas Rösch (Hamburg, Germany) Dr. Nagi Reddy (Hyderabad, India) Prof. Thomas Gottwald (Tuebingen, Germany) Faculty: Dr. John Anderson (Gloucester) Dr. Richard Aspinall (Portsmouth) Dr. Edward Despott (Royal Free, London) Dr. Anjan Dhar (Durham) Dr. Sunil Dolwani (Cardiff) Dr. James East (Oxford) Prof. Owen Epstein (Royal Free, London) Dr. Patrick Goggin (Portsmouth) Mr. Amyn Haji (King’s College, London) Dr. Tony Higginson (Portsmouth) Mr. Mo Hilal (Southampton) Dr. Gaius Longcroft-Wheaton (Portsmouth) Dr. Ray McCrudden (Bournemouth) Dr. Kofi Oppong (Newcastle) Dr. Praful Patel (Southampton) Dr. Amanda Quine (Portsmouth) Prof. Krish Ragunath (Nottingham) Prof. Julian Teare (St Mary’s, London) Dr. Tim Trebble (Portsmouth) Dr. Fergus Thursby-Pelham (Portsmouth) Dr. George Webster (UCH, London) Dr. David Westaby (Hammermsith, London) BSG endorsed & approved by the Federation of the RCP UK for 12 category 1 (external) CPD Introduction from the Course Director Dear Colleagues, I would like to welcome you to our 8th Portsmouth Endoscopy Symposium bringing you updates on the very latest advances of gastrointestinal endoscopy techniques and technology. We aim to cover all the hot topics discussed in recent international meetings. This BSG endorsed two day meeting is designed to be engaging and interactive.This year, we are pleased to introduce a series of state-of-the-art lectures themed ‘New Horizons’ with national and international experts presenting the latest in their field. The venue for this event is in the exciting ‘Action Stations’ at the Portsmouth Historic Dockyards. It is very spacious and registration also gives you access to activities such as rock climbing (www.actionstations.org) in case of endoscopy overload. There is plenty of parking (charges apply) available nearby and it is also close to Portsmouth Harbour train station. I am delighted to be joined by a highly distinguished panel of national and international speakers who have given up time in their busy schedule to share their wealth of experience and knowledge. The exchange of ideas and discussions can continue at the course dinner which is held at an exciting venue. It is a great opportunity to wind down and meet the faculty and delegates informally. Finally, I hope you enjoy the symposium and I look forward to welcoming you in Portsmouth. With kind regards, Pradeep Bhandari Day 1 Thursday 8th of January 0830 -‐ 0900 0900 -‐ 0905 Registra/on & Coffee Welcome to the Portsmouth Advanced Endoscopy Symposium (Prof Pradeep Bhandari) Session One – Oesophagus (Chair: Dr F Thursby-‐Pelham & Prof P Bhandari) 0905 -‐ 0920 0920 -‐ 0935 0935 -‐ 0945 0945 -‐ 1000 1000 -‐ 1015 1015 -‐ 1025 Subtle BarreG’s neoplasia: Seek & you shall find (Dr G LongcroD-‐Wheaton) Managing early BarreG’s neoplasia: Resect or burn (Prof K Ragunath) Ques/on & Answer Squamous neoplasia: Diagnosis & Management (Prof P Bhandari) ESD of the oesophagus: Are we there yet? (Prof H Messmann) Ques/on & Answer 1025 -‐ 1045 New Horizons: Per Oral oEsophageal Myotomy (POEM) for achalasia of the oesophagus (Prof T Rösch) 1045 -‐ 1115 Coffee Session Two – Stomach and Small Bowel 1 (Chairs: Prof K Ragunath & Dr Quine) 1115 -‐ 1130 1130 -‐ 1150 Gastric Polyps: All you need to know (Prof K Ragunath) Diagnosis & treatment of early gastric cancer (Dr T Matsuda) 1150 -‐ 1210 New Horizons: Managing submucosal tumours (Prof P Bhandari) 1210 -‐ 1230 Capsule endoscopy: Tips and tricks (Dr P Patel) 1230 -‐ 1330 Lunch Session Three – Stomach & Small Bowel 2 (Chairs: Prof P Bhandari & Prof H Messmann) 1330 -‐ 1350 1350 -‐ 1410 1410 -‐ 1430 Enteroscopy: An update on op/ons and choices (Dr E DespoS) Endobarrier: Loosing weight & sugar (Prof J Teare) Gastroparesis: Pacing the stomach (Prof O Epstein) Session Four – Up & coming (Chairs: Dr R Aspinall) 1430 -‐ 1450 1450 -‐ 1510 Managing variceal bleeds: Reach for the stent (TBC) Over the scope clip: Closure to full thickness cuYng (Prof T GoSwald) 1510 -‐ 1540 Coffee Session Five – Endoscopic Ultrasound (Chairs: Dr K Oppong & Prof K Ragunath) 1540 -‐ 1600 1600 -‐ 1620 1620 -‐ 1640 1640 -‐ 1705 1705 -‐ 1730 1730 IgG4 related disease: The 21st Century masquerader (Dr G Webster) Cholangioscopy: How & what to look for? (Dr G Webster) Large biliary stones: Tips & tricks (Dr D Westaby) Difficult Cannula/on in ERCP (Dr K Oppong) New Horizons: The direcXon of travel of therapeuXc endoscopy (Dr N Reddy) Close of Day 1 Symposium Dinner BREAK-‐OUT SESSIONS 1430 -‐ 1515 Oesophageal sten/ng: Malignant vs benign strictures, metal vs biodegradable stents (Dr A Dhar) 1530 -‐ 1615 Endoscopic assisted enteral feeding: Endoscopic inser/on of naso jejunal tubes, PEG – inser/on/removals/ troubleshoo/ng, PEG with jejunal extensions (Dr T Trebble) Day 2 Friday 9th of January Session One – Hepatobiliary (Chair: Dr K Oppong & Prof K Ragunath) 0900 -‐ 0920 0920 -‐ 0940 0940 -‐ 1000 1000 -‐ 1020 1020 -‐ 1030 Improving EUS diagnosis: Tips & Tricks (Dr R McCrudden) IPMT: Diagnosis & Management (Mr M Hilal) EUS guided /ssue acquisi/on: Tips & Tricks (Dr K Oppong) Colorectal EUS: How can it help? (Dr T Higginson) Ques/on & Answer 1030 -‐ 1110 Coffee Session Two – Colorectal (Chair: Dr S Dolwani & Dr P Goggin) 1110 -‐ 1130 1130 -‐ 1150 1150 -‐ 1210 Op/mising colonoscopy: How do I improve my ADR? (Dr J East) Assessment of colonic polyps: Role of Virtual & real chromoendoscopy (Dr T Matsuda) Assessment of colonic polyps: Role of endoscopic ultrasound? (Mr A Haji) 1210 -‐ 1230 New Horizons: Capsule colonoscopy (Prof O Epstein) 1230 -‐ 1330 Lunch Session Three – Colorectal 1 (Chair: Dr S Dolwani & Dr J Anderson ) 1330 -‐ 1345 1345 -‐ 1400 1400 -‐ 1415 1415 -‐ 1430 How I do it – Large pedunculated polyps (Dr J Anderson) How I do it – Large sessile polyps (Dr S Dolwani) How I do it – Laterally Spreading tumours (Dr T Matsuda) Ques/on & Answer 1430 -‐ 1515 How do I get from EMR to ESD -‐ Lessons in Knife handling Japanese style: Dr T Matsuda European style: Prof H Messmann UK style: Prof P Bhandari 1515 -‐ 1545 Coffee Session Four -‐ Colorectal 2 (Prof P Bhandari & Dr F Thursby-‐Pelham) 1545 -‐ 1600 1600 -‐ 1615 1615 -‐ 1635 1635 -‐ 1645 Large rectal polyps: EMR vs ESD (Dr T Matsuda) Large caecal polyp: Righ hemicolectomy vs Endoscopic resec/on (Dr S Dolwani) Polyp MDT: The English and Welsh Experience (Prof P Bhandari & Dr S Dolwani) Ques/on & Answer Session Five – Managing complicaXons in endoscopy (Chair: Prof P Bhandari) 1645 -‐ 1700 1700 -‐ 1715 1715 -‐ 1730 Polypectomy related bleeding (Dr J Anderson) Polypectomy related perfora/on (Dr T Matsuda) Ques/ons and Answers 1730 Close of mee/ng BREAK-‐OUT SESSIONS 0900 -‐ 1000 Preven/ng and trea/ng Bleeds: Clips, Loops and Sprays (Dr P Bhandari & Dr J Anderson) 1000 -‐ 1100 Safe & effec/ve Polypectomy: Diathermy seYngs, injec/ons, and snares (Dr J East & Dr S Dolwani) 1200 -‐ 1245 Basics of ERCP from the Experts: Technique, Cannula/on, Precut, wires (Dr K Oppong & Dr R McCrudden) AcXon StaXons Portsmouth Historic Dockyard College Road HM Naval Base PORTSMOUTH PO1 3LJ Tel: +44 (0)23 9289 3338 Fax: +44 (0)23 9286 2437 How to Find Us ACTION STATIONS is located in Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, with entry through Victory Gate at the corner of Queen Street and the Hard. Road: From the M27 take the M275 into Portsmouth then follow the brown Historic Waterfront signs to the Historic Dockyard Coach and Car Park. Rail: There are regular services to Portsmouth Harbour Sta/on from London Waterloo (approx 90 minutes) and regional sta/ons. Coach/Bus: The Portsmouth Interchange local and na/onal bus terminal is just outside Victory Gate. Air: The nearest airport is in Southampton which is 30 mins by car from Portsmouth. Other airports include Bournemouth (50 mins) and Heathrow (1 Hour 40 mins) APPLICATION FORM I would like to aGend the Portsmouth Endoscopy Symposium: Please indicate your preference by /cking one of the three boxes below Single day -‐ £150.00 Consultant or £75.00 Non-‐consultant status Both days -‐ £250 Consultant or £125 Non-‐consultant Course Dinner -‐ £30 Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS Surname: .................................................................................................Dr/Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Forename:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Job Title: ......................................................Department: ....................................................... Hospital Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Post Code:......................... Day Time Contact: Ext/Bleep: ………………………………………………………………………………………… Mobile: …………………………………………………………………………………………….. Email: .................................................................................................... Course fee includes: VAT, registra/on, lunch and refreshments, course materials and cer/ficate of aGendance. 12 CPD points have been approved. Please note that dinner places are limited so bool in advance and not miss out on networking opportuni/es with colleagues and faculty . This event is always over-‐ subscribed so please apply well in advance to avoid disappointment. Please make cheques payable to: PIELOT (Portsmouth insXtute of Endoscopy & Laparoscopy Training) Please return completed form and cheque by the closing date of 19/12/2014 to: Ms. Susan Dimmock Department of Gastroenterology, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Southwark Hill Road, Cosham, Portsmouth, PO6 3LY For further informa/on please contact: Tel: +44(0)23 9228 6000 ext 3410 Fax: +44(0)23 9228 6822 E-‐mail: [email protected] We cannot accept liability for costs incurred in the event of the symposium being cancelled as a result of circumstances beyond reasonable control. Places are limited, therefore please register early to avoid disappointment. Please submit payment four weeks prior to the course date to secure your place -‐ aGendance is condi/onal upon advance payment being received. Refunds cannot be given in the event of your cancella/on within two weeks of the course date.
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