Clubs and Organizations Directory of Camrose and District by CDSS SUPPORT GROUPS ALZHEIMER'S CAREGIVER'S SUPPORT GROUP 4612-53 St., Camrose, T4V 1Y6, AB Phone: Tena Lansing (780) 679-3046 Fax: (780) 679-3071 Meeting Place: Rosehaven Care Centre-2nd Floor Multipurpose Room Meeting Dates: 3rd Thursday of every month 1:30 pm If you are caring for a loved one who has memory loss and you are their primary caregiver, this group will provide support and resource ideas. BASHAW T.O.P.S. (TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY) General Delivery, Bashaw, T0B 0H0, AB Phone: Louise Hogg 780-372-3776 Meeting Place: United Church - Basement, Bashaw Membership Fee: $37.00 / year effective 2012 Take off pounds sensibility. Learn how to eat properly BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP 4607 - 53 St., St. Mary's Hospital, Camrose, T4V 1Y5, AB Phone: Shelly Dalueg, RN 780-679-2793 Fax: 780-679-6139 Meeting Place: St. Mary's Hospital, 4607 - 53 St. If you have recently experienced a death in your family, you know the pain and length of time it takes to recover. This support group will aid in the process. (UNDERSTANDING SUPPORT) Phone: Joan 780-672-9579 Meeting Place: Camrose United Church Meeting Dates: Every 1st & 3rd Tuesday @ 1:30 p.m.. A support group that provides "Understanding Support" for people who are or have been the caregiver for a loved with chronic illness. US supports you through issues that cause stress and burn-out; offer help/suggestions for coping with day-to-day care-giving. EMPOWERMENT SUPPORT GROUP 4607-53 St., Camrose, T4V 1Y5, AB Phone: Shelly Dalueg, RN 780-679-6131 Fax: 780-679-6139 Meeting Place: St. Mary's Hospital A 12 week group program for women sexually abused as children. A screening interview is necessary and is done through the walk-in clinic held every Tuesday. Program runs twice per year depending upon interest. HUNTINGTON SOCIETY Box 92, Round Hill, T0B 3Z0, AB The Huntington Society of Canada is a national network of volunteers and professionals united in the fight against HD since 1973. More information about the Camrose Huntington Society may be obtained by going to Facebook (htpp:// or Twitter at HSCcamrosechapter. BEYOND AFFIARS NETWORK (BAN) Beyond Affairs Network (BAN) is a non-profit voluntary group that provides a way for people dealing with a partner's affair to meet for mutual support and to share helpful resources and personal experiences. Meetings are open to all whose spouse had an affair, whether or not the marriage survived. Participants are guaranteed anonymity. CAMROSE & AREA STROKE RECOVERY ASSOCIATION Phone: Sandra McLay 780-608-6141 Meeting Place: Camrose Fire Hall Meeting Dates: Second Thursday of each month @ 12:00 noon A support group for stroke survivors and caregivers to gain information on therapies, financial issues, driving, recreation, and a time for socializing. Meetings held at Camrose Fire Hall, 201 Mt. Pl. Dr. Call Sandra @ 608-6141 for mtg. schedule. CAMROSE CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP US M.A.D.D. CANADA - MOTHERS AGAINST DRUNK DRIVING Toll-free: 1-800-665-6233 Charitable grassroots organization with a purpose for providing support services to victims, heightening awareness about the dangers of impaired driving by alcohol and/or drugs, saving lives and preventing injuries on our roads. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY CAMROSE 5510 - 46th Ave. , Camrose, AB Phone: Doug Tokaryk 1-800-268-7582 Referrals, advocacy, information, education, community groups, suppport and local programming. Community group meeting at Public Health every last Wed. of the month from 11:00 - 12:00 noon and 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Evening group meeting 6:15 p.m. 7:45 p.m. @ Camrose Public Library (4710 - 50th Ave.). Created on 01/20/2015 04:01:50 page 1 / 2 Clubs and Organizations Directory of Camrose and District by CDSS PARKINSON SUPPORT GROUP Phone: 780-425-6400 Toll-free: 1-800-561-1911 Membership Fee: Parkinson Alberta $25.00 For immediate response for Parkinson Disease issues and concerns call 1-877-243-9992. Camrose support group for individuals with Parkinson disease & their caregivers meets the 1st. Wed. of each month from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. at the Camrose Fire Hall, 201 Mt. Pl. Drive. SCHIZOPHRENIA SOCIETY CAMROSE BRANCH #206, 5015 - 50 Av., Camrose, T4V 3P7, AB Phone: Anthony Holler 780-679-4280 Meeting Place: Professional Centre SSA Camrose Branch provides support and resources to people suffering with schizophrenia, as well as their friends, spouses, and families. The Unsung Hero Consumer Support program is a social night for people with schizophrenia. Any one can drop into our office for peer support Mon. 1:30 - 4:30; Wed. 3:00 - 5:00; Fri. 12:30 - 4:30. Call 679-4280 or Tony @ 780-608-0278. The Family Support Network is a support group designed for families contact Susan M. @ 780-672-1859. T.O.P.S. (TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY) # 3184 6506-35 Av, Camrose, T4V 3N7, AB Phone: Bev Taylor 780-672-5217 Meeting Place: Camrose Aquatic Centre Room 3 Membership Fee: 30 dls registration / 4 dls a week Meeting Dates: Thursdays 9:45 - 11 am Weight loss support group. VISUALLY IMPAIRED PERSONS CLUB 6320 - 35 Ave., Camrose, T4V 3Z2, AB Phone: Joyce McVee or Randy Simmet Joyce 780-672-7420/780-608-9351 (c); Randy 672-1408 Fax: 780-672-0498 (Attention Joyce McVee) Meeting Place: Camrose Public Library, 4510 - 50 Ave. Membership Fee: $10 (Not Compulsory) Support group and social club with a variety of activities and events. All people living with a visual impairment (and their spouses, friends and families) are welcome at all meetings and activities. Membership is not a requirement for participation. CNIB Walk for the Blind & Spring Picnic, Monday June 1, 2015 registration beginning at 12:00 noon. WEIGHT WATCHERS Camrose, AB Phone: 1-800-374-9191 Meeting Place: Camrose Masonic Hall, 5021 48 St,T1W 1Y2 Meeting Dates: Tuesdays 18:30 Meetings provide a motivating environment led by a leader who has lost weight with Weight Watchers and kept it off. Each weigh-in is confidential. Plus, you can subscribe to eTools, the Internet companion for meetings.
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