Exam BAS-010

Exam BAS-010
IBM SPSS Modeler Professional v2
Sample test:
The sample test is designed to give the candidate an idea of the content and format
of the questions that will be on the certification exam. Performance on the sample
test is NOT an indicator of performance on the certification exam. This should not be
considered an assessment tool.
(Answer key at the end)
1. True or False: Determining business objectives, establishing data mining goals, and producing
a project plan are all part of the Business Understanding phase pf the CRISP-DM (CrossIndustry Standard Processing for Data Mining) methodology.
A. True
B. False
2. Which operations does the Select node perform?
A. Selects fields
B. Selects records
C. Selects fields and records
D. None of the above
3. An Analysis node allows you to do which of the following evaluations? (Choose two.)
A. Assess models
B. Combine models
C. Compare models
D. None of the above
4. A Web node can be used to assess relationships for what types of fields?
A. Categorical
B. Continuous
C. Categorical and Continuous
D. None of the above
5. Which node would be used to assess the relationship between fields specifying a person’s
gender and their annual income?
A. Statistics node
B. Matrix node
C. Web node
D. Means node
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Exam BAS-010
IBM SPSS Modeler Professional v2
6. After performing PCA (Principal Components)/Factor Analysis, we examine the Component
Matrix to have an understanding of what each component represents. In examing the
Component Matrix below, which one of the following statements in NOT true?
Component 2 mostly measures general debt.
The strongest correlation of Component 3 is with Years at Current Address.
The weakest correlation of Component 2 is with Years at Current Address.
Component 5 mostly measures credit card and other debt.
7. True or False: The Types tab in the Source node allows you to specify how fields are used
in the Modeling nodes.
A. True
B. False
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Exam BAS-010
IBM SPSS Modeler Professional v2
8. In the following Aggregate node, the Keys are continuous option is selected. There are six
possible valuues of Labor force status field including ‘$null$’ in a table which has one million
Based on this information, which statement is true?
A. Labor force status field has to be sorted in order for the Aggregate node to even run.
B. IBM SPSS Modeler will sort by Labor force status if it discovers the records are not
C. Even if the records are not sorted by Labor force status, IBM SPSS Modeler will only
produce six records since that is the total number of possible values for Labor force
D. IBM SPSS Modeler will produce many more than six records if the records are not
sorted by Labor force status.
ANSWERS: 1-A; 2-B; 3-AC; 4-A; 5-D; 6-C; 7-A; 8-D
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