高等作業研究 高等作業研究(一) Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM(TP) The problem is to find the optimal distribution plan for shipments from sources to destinations that minimizes the total transportation cost. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 TP Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • feasibility property— s = d i i j j • All instances of the traditional TP can be modified so that this requirement is satisfied by simply adding either a dummy source with index m + 1 if demand exceeds supply, or a dummy destination with index n + 1 if supply exceeds demand. Letting Δ be the excess, we set sm+1 = in the first case and d n+1 = in the second case. In addition, the corresponding cost coefficients are set equal to zero—i.e., either c m 1, j = 0 for all j or c i,n 1 = 0 for all i Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 LP Formulation m c x • Minimize s.t. i 1 j1 n x j1 i 1 ij ij ij si ,i=1,2,…,m (1) ij dj ,j=1,2,…,n (2) m x n x ij 0 ,i=1,2,…,m; j=1,2,…,n Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Transportation Simplex Method • The m + n equations are linearly dependent. • The primal problem has n + m constraints, one of which is redundant. A basic solution for this problem is determined by a selection of n + m - 1 independent variables. • Figure 6.3 shows a basic solution. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Example Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • The cells in the tableau are said to be dependent and do not form a basis if it is possible to trace a closed path through them. • Figure 6.4 depicts a collection of dependent cells marked by x and the closed path that connects them. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Dual LP Formulation • Let ui be the dual variable corresponding to Equ. (1) • Let vj be the dual variable corresponding to Equ. (2). • Max m s u d v i 1 s.t. n i i j1 j u i v j c ij j , i = 1,..., m and j = 1,..., n Note: ui and vj are unrestricted in sign for all i, j Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • Let wij=cij-ui-vj for all i, j • The complementary slackness property states that for every basic primal variable the corresponding dual constraint must be satisfied as an equality— u i v j c ij or w ij 0 for every basic variable xij. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • Because of the redundant primal constraint, one of the dual variables can be arbitrarily set equal to zero, and the others can be determined by solving the resulting equations. • By construction, we ensure that the primal solution is feasible. If all the dual constraints are satisfied for the dual solution, both the primal and dual solutions are optimal. The condition for dual feasibility is u i v j c ij or w ij 0 for all nonbasic cells Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Example Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Initial Basic Feasible Solution • Northwest Corner Rule: The initial solution in Figure 6.3 was obtained by using this rule. • Vogel's Method :For each uncrossed row, compute the difference between the smallest cost and the second-smallest cost. Do the same for all uncrossed columns. Select the row or column with the largest difference. The rule is to choose the uncrossed cell in the selected row or column with the smallest cost. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Vogel’s Method Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Russell's Method • For each uncrossed row and column, we first find the following. u i = value of the largest uncrossed cost, in row i v = value of the largest uncrossed cost, in column j Then, for each uncrossed cell we compute j ij c ij - u i - v j The rule is to choose the uncrossed cell with the most negative value of ij (smallest value) Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Russell’s Method Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Assignment Problem (AP) • A special case of the TP arises when all the sources have one unit of supply and all the destinations have one unit of demand. • For the model to be balanced, the number of sources must equal the number of destinations. Call this number n. Common applications include assigning n workers to n tasks or assigning n jobs to n machines. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • The same procedures used to solve the transportation problem can be used to solve the assignment problem. • Based on its special structure, however, several highly efficient algorithms have been devised for the AP. For example, the Hungarian Method. • In practice, large-scale transportation and assignment problems are generally solved with network simplex codes. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 SHORTEST PATH PROBLEM • The problem is one of finding a collection of arcs that constitutes the shortest path on a directed network of m nodes and n arcs from a specified node s, called the source, to a second specified node t, called the destination or sink . • It is always possible to convert a (partially) undirected network into a directed one by replacing each undirected edge e(i, j) of length L(i, j) with two directed arcs (i, j) and (j, i), each of length L(i, j). Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 SHORTEST PATH PROBLEM A closely related problem is to find the set of shortest paths from the source node to all other nodes in the network. This shortest path tree problem is solved with very little additional difficulty. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Example Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Dijkstra's Algorithm • Assume that all arc lengths are nonnegative. • The algorithm uses a set S, called the "set of solved nodes." This set includes the nodes for which the shortest path has already been determined at the current point in the algorithm. • The nodes in the unsolved set S are those that are not in S. • While iterating, the algorithm assigns the numbers i to each node in the network, where i is the length of the shortest path to node i from the source node s through the members of S. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Dijkstra's Algorithm • Note that the i values are equivalent to the dual variables associated with the LP formulation of the problem. • At the end of the algorithm, i is the length of the shortest path to node i. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Initially, let S = s Algorithm , s 0 Repeat until S is the set of all nodes: Find an arc k(i,j) that passes from a solved node to an unsolved node such that: k(i,j) = argmin{ i c k : k (i , j ) A, i S, j S } Add node j and arc k(i, j) to the tree. Add node j to the solved set S. Let j = i c k ,where k=k(i,j) Note: The algorithm requires m - 1 iterations. The algorithm works because of the assumption of nonnegative arc lengths. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • This algorithm is easily adapted to graphs with undirected edges, where each edge has nonnegative length. • In the iterative step, we replace the arc set A with the edge set £ and replace the word "arc" with the work "edge." Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Example Figure 6.13 shows the intermediate situation with five nodes assigned to the tree, S = {1, 3, 4, 6, 2} with arcs (2, 3, 6, 7} Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Tabular Implementation Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Primal Simplex Algorithm • The primal simplex algorithm can also be used to solve the shortest path tree problem but is not limited to the case of all nonnegative arc lengths. • It requires, however, that there exist no directed cycles with negative total length. When such a cycle is present, the algorithm terminates with the selected arcs identifying the cycle. This means that the associated LP has an unbounded solution. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Algorithm Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • We use the example problem in Figure 6.11 to illustrate the computations but assume that arc 4(2, 7) has length -10 rather than 10. Arcs shown in Figure 6.12 form the initial basis . • With c 4 = -10, we compute for arc 4 d 4 c 4 2 - 7 -10 12 - 18 -16 • Because d 4 is negative, we select arc 4 to enter the basis. According to Step 2c, the arc that currently enters node 7, arc 11, must leave the basis. Change the basis and obtain the new spanning tree shown in Figure 6.14. • If we allow arc 15 to enter the basis, arc 20 must leave, This leads to the solution in Figure 6.15, which is optimal. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Example (-10) Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Example Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 MAXIMUM FLOW PROBLEM • Consider a directed network with m nodes and n arcs in which the only relevant parameter is the upper bound on arc flow, called arc capacity. • The problem is to find the maximum flow that can be sent through the network from some specified node s, called the source, to a second specified node t, called the sink. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 MAXIMUM FLOW PROBLEM • A cut is a set of arcs whose removal will interrupt all paths from the source to the sink. The capacity of a cut is the sum of the arc capacities of the set. The minimal cut is the cut with the smallest capacity. • Given a solution to the maximum flow problem, one can always find at least one minimal cut, as illustrated in Figure 6.17. The minimal cut is a set of arcs that limit the value of the maximum flow. • Not coincidentally, the example shows that the total capacity of the arcs in the minimal cut equals the value of the maximum flow (this result is called the max-flow mincut theorem) Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Flow Augmenting Algorithm • The algorithm begins with a feasible set of arc flows obtaining some value for the flow out of the source and into the sink. • A search is then made in the network for a set of connected arcs from source to sink whose remaining capacity is positive. This is called a flow augmenting path. • Flow is increased along that path as much as possible. • The process continues until no such path can be found, at which time the algorithm terminates. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Example • Figure 6.18 Initial flow with V0 0 Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • For the initial solution, there are several flow augmenting paths. We choose the path = (1,4,8) 0 0 0 Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 0 0 0 0 Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 0 0 0 0 0 Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Identify the minimal cut • To find the minimal cut, we identify a set of nodes, call it S, such that one or more paths exist from the source node to the nodes in S on which additional flow can be delivered. • The source node is necessarily in S. The set of arcs leaving S comprises the minimal cut. • For example, starting at node A, we can reach only node C through an arc that has additional capacity . Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • Thus, we have the node set S = {A, C) to which additional flow could be advanced. The remaining nodes define the set = {B, D, E, F}. The minimal cut consists of all the arcs that pass from S to arcs in the set ={ 1, 5, 6} in the example. • The flows in the arcs on the minimal cut are at their respective arc capacities. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Finding Flow Augmenting Paths • In the example problem, flow augmenting paths were discovered by observation. For larger networks and for computer implementation, a more formal procedure is required. • The algorithm described below is a search procedure that begins at s and labels all nodes to which a flow augmenting path from s can be found. • When node t is labeled, we have a break-through, and the required flow augmenting path to t has been discovered. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Finding Flow Augmenting Paths • When the algorithm begins, all nodes are unlabeled except s. We "check" a labeled node after all avenues for finding paths from the node have been explored. • Initially, all nodes are unchecked. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Labeling Algorithm Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Labeling Algorithm • If the algorithm terminates with t labeled, the flow augmenting path is found by tracing the path backward from t and constructing P from the labels encountered. • If the algorithm terminates with t unlabeled, no flow augmenting path exists. We illustrate the former case with the situation depicted in Figure 6.20. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • Node C is the first to be labeled and checked, followed by nodes E, B, D, and F. The resultant node labels and checks are shown adjacent to the nodes in Figure 6.22. An "x" indicates that a node is checked. • When node F is labeled, the flow augmenting path is complete. The label on node F indicates that the last arc on the path is 7. Node D is the origin of this arc, so we find the next arc on the path from the label on node D. The process continues until the path P = (2, 6, -4, 3, 7) is discovered. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 PURE MINIMUM-COST FLOW PROBLEM • The problem is to determine the minimumcost plan for sending flow through the network to satisfy supply and demand requirements. Arc flows must be nonnegative and no greater than the arc capacities, they must satisfy conservation of flow at the nodes. • It is assumed that all arc lower bounds on flow are zero and all arc gains are unity. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 PURE MINIMUM-COST FLOW PROBLEM Formulation – The decision variables are x k = flow through arc k(i, j) from node i to node j Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Also, let Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 0≦xk≦uk, k=1,…,n Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 – It is always possible to transform such a lower bound to zero by introducing the variable x k x k - lk – and substituting xˆ l for XK throughout the model. The upper k k bound must also be changed to u k u k - lk Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • we will now allow for arcs that are incident to a single node only, as shown in Figure 6.24. Arcs 6,7, and 8 represent variable external flows at nodes 3, 2, and 1, respectively • we introduce an additional node into the network called the slack node. Arcs representing the variable external flows originate or terminate at the slack node, as shown in Figure 6.25. Now all arcs again have both origin and terminal nodes. Generally, the index m is assigned to the slack node. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • Feasibility property – Necessary condition for a pure NFP problem to have a feasible solution m b i 1 i 0 – The feasibility property will hold if we designate the external flow of the slack node to be m -1 b m - b i i 1 – This is shown in Figure 6.25, where m = 5. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Figure 6.24 Model with variable external flow Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Figure 6.25 Model with a slack node (node 5) Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • Integrality Property – In all the network examples worked out earlier, we saw that the solutions were always integral. This was not a coincidence but a direct consequence of the structure of the A matrix. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • Definition 1: – A square integer matrix B is called unimodular if the absolute value of its determinant equals 1—i.e., if | det B| = 1. An integer m x n matrix A is totally unimodular if every square submatrix has determinant +1, -1, 0 (or, equivalently, if every nonsingular square submatrix is unimodular). – From linear algebra we know that if B is nonsingular, then B -1 = B /det B, where B is the adjoint of B and is similarly an integer matrix. (If B+ is an integer matrix and |det B|=1, then B-1 is an integer matrix.) Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • Theorem 1: – If A is totally unimodular, every basic solution ( x B , x N ) = ( B-1b,0 ) is integer valued. • Integrality property: – For the pure NFP problem, when all supply and demand values and all upper bounds on arc flows are integer valued, all basic solutions are integral . Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • Vector Notation Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Basic Solutions • Basis Tree – Because the network model contains m - 1 independent conservation-of-flow constraints and the variables are the arc flows, a basis is determined by selecting m - 1 independent arcs. These arcs are identified by the arc indices of the basic variables. Call the corresponding set nB . – To illustrate, let nB= (2, 4, 7, 8} for the network shown in Figure 6.25. Drawing only the selected arcs forms the subnetwork shown in Figure 6.26. Node 5 is defined as the root node of the tree. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Figure 6.26 Basis tree for= (2,4,7,8} Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • Nonbasic Arcs – The arcs not selected as basic are, by definition, the nonbasic arcs. – In the bounded variable simplex method of general LP, each nonbasic variable takes the value 0 (lower bound) or the value of its upper bound in the definition of a basic solution. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • In a basic solution, each nonbasic arc k has its flow at 0 or u k , the upper bound. We let n 0 denote the set of nonbasic arcs with 0 flow, and we let n 1 , denote the set of arcs with upper bound flow. To represent a specific case graphically, we add the members of n 1 to the basis tree as dotted lines. • To illustrate, Figure 6.27 shows the basis tree representing n B ={2,4,7,8}, n 1 ={5}, and n 0 ={1,3,6}. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • Figure 6.27 Basis tree with a nonbasic arc with flow at its bound Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • Primal Basic Solution – Given a selection of basic arcs and an assignment of nonbasic arcs to either n 0 or n 1 , there is a unique assignment of flows to the basic arcs that satisfies the conservation-of-flow requirement at the nodes. – To solve for the basic arc flows, we must first adjust the external flows in the network to account for nonbasic arcs at their upper bounds. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • the network in Figure 6.25, the external flow vector is b (2, 1, 0, 5, 2)T • Arc 5 is in the set n 1 , so we adjust the external flows at both ends of the arc: b3 b3 u 5,b4 b4 u5 . Since u 5 = 3, the adjusted external flows are b (2,1,-3,-2,2) T Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • Given the adjusted external flows, there is a unique assignment of flows to the basic arcs that satisfies conservation of flow at the nodes. The solution for the basis in Figure 6.27 is shown in Figure 6.28. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • This is a primal basic feasible solution (BFS) Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • Figure 6.27 Basis tree with a nonbasic arc with flow at its bound Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Figure 6.28 Solution for the basic flows [-2] Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • Dual Basic Solution – There is a dual variable for each node i,denoted by i and interpreted as the cost of bringing one unit of flow to node i from the slack node. Given a basis tree, the dual values are assigned using the requirement of complementary slackness. For every basic arc k(i,j) c k i - j =0 – Because one of the conservation-of-flow constraints in the LP model is redundant, one of the dual variables can have an arbitrary value. We choose to set the dual value for the slack variable, node 5 in the example, equal to zero. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 – The values are computed in the following order 5 0, 1 5 11 11, 3 1 16 27 2 5 10 10, 4 2 18 28 – There are several different orders that can be followed in this computation, but they all must start at the slack node and work outward Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • Simplified Computation of Primal Solutions – Observe again the example basis in Figure 6.30, and note that there is a directed path from node 5 to every other node in the tree. This is called a directed spanning tree rooted at node 5. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • The process starts at nodes at the extremes of the tree (the nodes incident to only one arc are called the leaves of the tree). We assign flows to the arcs incident to the leaves and work backward through the tree toward the root. • The order in which arc flows are assigned is not unique, but for a given basis tree and set n, there is a unique solution for the basic flows. For our example, we find two leaves of the tree in Figure 6.30—nodes 3 and 4 . Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 – We assign the flows to arcs 2 and 4 such that x 2 -b3 -(-3) 3, x 4 -b4 -(-2) 2 – Now the flows for arcs 7 and 8 can be assigned x 7 -b2 x 4 -(1) 2 1, x8 -b1 x 2 -(2) 3 1 – The arcs selected for the basis in Figure 6.30 naturally form a directed spanning tree. Other selections may not. For instance, consider the basis consisting of arcs 2, 3, 5, and 6 as shown in Figure 6.31 where n B = {2, 3, 5, 6} n1 = {4, 7} n 0 = {1, 8} Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • Although the subnetwork defines a tree, it does not form a directed spanning tree. To put the network into the desired form, the direction of some of the arcs must be reversed, as shown in Figure 6.32. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 – The reversed arcs, called mirror arcs, play a major role in the minimum-cost flow algorithm. We call an arc with a positive index (k) a. forward arc, and one with a negative index (-k) a mirror arc. A forward arc has the direction and parameters given in the problem statement. – The parameters of the mirror arc are derived from those of the forward arc as follows: l -k -uk , u -k -lk , c -k -ck – Similarly, for the flow variable, we set x -k -x k Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 – It is always possible to construct a directed spanning tree by replacing some forward arcs with mirror arcs. – The basic flows for the tree in Figure 6.32 are easily obtained by following the tree backward from its leaves. The flows in the forward arcs are found by negating the flows in the mirror arcs. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 – For the original basis n B = (2, 3, 5, 6}, the directed tree uses n B = (-2, -3, 5, -6}. Now, working backward from the leaves yields x B = (-2, 0, 1, -1). To find the equivalent flow in the forward (original) arcs, we negate the flow in the mirror arcs, yielding x B = (2,0,1,1) , which, along with x1 = (4,3), satisfies the conservation-of-flow constraints for the network in Figure 6.31. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 – Data associated with the solution in Figure 6.32 are as follows Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 • Simplified Computation of Dual Solutions – The directed spanning tree can also be used to compute the dual variables, but here we start at the root and work outward toward the leaves. – We begin by setting 5 = 0. When the dual variable for a node on one end of a basic arc is known, the value for the node on the other end can be computed using the complementary slackness condition: for every basic arc k(i, j) Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 – we compute the values of 1 and 2 as follows. 1 5 c8 0 11 11, 2 7 c 8 0 10 10 – Now the values of 3 and 4 can be calculated 3 1 c 2 11 16 27, 4 2 c 4 10 18 28 Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Figure 6.33 Directed spanning tree used to compute the dual solution Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 – When the basic arcs do not naturally define a spanning tree, mirror arcs are used to construct one. For n B = {2, 3, 5, 6}, we replace arcs 2, 3, and 6 with mirror arcs. The relation c -k -ck provides the unit costs for the mirror arcs. – The spanning tree and the computed dual variables are shown in Figure 6.34 Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Figure 6.34 – Figure 6.34 Solution for the dual variables for = (-2, -3,5, -6} Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Optimality Conditions Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Example • For the primal and dual solutions illustrated in Figures 6.28 and 6.29, respectively, we see that x satisfies both parts of condition 1. Condition 2a is satisfied for the basic variables x B (x 2 , x 4 , x 7 , x 8 ) (3,2,1,1) , so the solution is optimal if condition 2b or condition 2c is satisfied for each nonbasic arc. For the nonbasic arcs with flows at the lower bound, n 0 = {1, 3,6} and dual solution π= 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 =(11,10, 27, 28,0), we get the following reduced costs Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 – the nonbasic arcs with flows at their upper bound, ={5}, the reduced cost is n1 – Thus, the solution is not optimal, because arcs 3 and 5 violate the optimality conditions. In fact, these two arcs are candidates to enter the basis. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods 高等作業研究 Since primal feasibility and complementary slackness are satisfied, this is the optimal solution. Chapter 6 Network Flow Programming Methods
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