1 DETERMINANT FACTORS OF EARLY CORONARY ATHEROSCTEROSISAT DR. WAHTDTNSUDTROHUSODO HOSPTTAL MAKASSA& 2014 Arsunan, A. At. Irwandi Rachman2, Masni3 r'2Departmentof Epidemiology, Faculty of Public Health, HasanuddinUniversity,Indonesia jDepartment of Biostatistics,Faculty of Public Health,HasanuddinUniversity, Indonesia Authors to whom correspondenceshouldbe addressed:[email protected] ABSTRACT EarlyVge coronary atherosclerosls ls the incidenc, o7"ororo, atherosclerosis that occurs not in time or occur at a relatively young age < 55 years. The aim of the study was to determine the riskfactors of early coronary atherosclerosis at the Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, Makassar. The study was obsemation using a case control study. The caseswere patients with early coronary atherosclerosis with the age of < 55 years, and the controls were non-eqrly coronary atherosclerosis by matching the age group and gender. Results showed that the risk of occurrence of early coronary atherosclerosis is hypertension(OR: 2.19, 95% CI: 1.09- 4.36)and a low HDL (OR: 5.08, 95% CI: 2.51 - 10.30),Non risk factors of early atherosclerosls rs obesity and high total cholesterol and LDL. This study suggested that need to control bl'ood pressure and HDL cholesterol within normal limits in order to control the diseaseriskfactors that can prevent cardiovascular diseasein thefuture. Keywords: early coronary atheroscleros ii, obesity, hypertension, lipid, INTRODUCTION Atherosclerosisis the term of process by which a substanceor material deposition of fat, cholesterol, cell waste products, calcium, fibrin (clotting material in the blood) and substance/ other materials forming the inner layer of the artery blood vessel.These layers are called plaque. Hardening of the arteries, often occurs with advancing age of a person (American Heart Association, 2012). Number of patients with atherosclerosisin the dra of globalization and industrialization tends to increase. In the last decade of heart disease and blood vessels that constituted by atherosclerosisdevelop into a major killer in Indonesia and the world. Research shows, the main cause of death of the world's population is at the heart ie (42.9%), stroke (25.9%), pulmonary diseaseand asthma (12.5%), cancer (5.4%), and other diseases(less than four percent)(Hura, 2010). Atherosclerosis occurs over many years, and can be started at the time of young individuals. According to the Centers Departmentsand CardiovascularDiseasesin Minnesota (2013), someonesaid to hit atherosclerosisearly age if the patient has any manifestationsof atherosclerosis,including heart a!!ack, stroke and peripheral arterial diseaseat a relatively young age (under age 55 in men, under the age of 65 years in women). Lifestyle or certain medical conditions may lead to atherosclerosisoccurs at an early age. Results of researchconducted by Robinson (2009) the inc,idenceof subclinical atherosclerosisdyslipidemia associatedwith the value (OR :2.24), hypertension(OR = 1.74), and total cholesterol(OR = 2.2). Another study conductedRozanski (2010) in New York, United Stateswho were investigating the incident coronary arteriesfound that there are significant results between clinical variables including total 2 cholesterol,LDL, HDL, blood glucose levels on the incidence of coronary atherosclerosis. This study aims to determine the risk, obesity, hypertension and lipid levels consisting of total cholesterol,LDL and HDL on the incidence of coronary atherosclerosisin the hospital early age. Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodohospital 2014. MATERIALS AND METHODS '', ResearchSite, The researchwas conducted in. Dr. Wahidin SudirohusodoHospital, Makassar considering the prevalenceof cardiac patient visits continue to increasevisits are 17.923 in2006 to 25.490 in 20ll.ln addition, Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodohospital is one of the main referral hospital in East Indonesiaand belong to the government . -r Design and Research Variables analytic study applied case-control This observational study design to seethe magnitudeof risk of the independentvariables, na*.ly obesity, hypertensionand lipid levels consisting of total cholesterol, LDL and HDL, whereas on the dependent variable is the incidence of coronary atherosclerosis early age <55 yearswith atrace risk factors of the subjectby comparingthe case group and the control group. Population and Sample Sampleswere taken in two ways ie for casesusing consecutive sampling technique and for the control group with accidental sampling technique. The population of this study is the general public as well as residents who use health care facilities in Poly Heart Hospital Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo.The sample in this study were divided into two patients who've been diagnosed with ACS (Acute Coronary Syndrome) or CAD (Coronary Artery Disease) <55 years at Poly Heart Hospital of Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo as case group and the healthy respondents< 55 years who never diagnosedheart diseaseand blood vessel as a comparisoncontrol group with I case: I control by matching the age grouqs and genders. Data Collection Primary data were obtained through direct data collection from a sample of respondents was selectedas the casegroup and control through interviews using questionnaires,measurement of height, weight, blood pressure and blood sampling of respondents,for respondentslipid samplestaking then examined in clinical laboratoriesProdia, while secondarydata obtained from the agency through patient chart I medical record that is in the heart clinic of Hospital of Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo. Data Analysis Data analysis was performed using univariate to get an overview of the general characteristicsof the frequency distribution of the respondentsas well as the dependentvariable. Bivariate analysis OR test to assessthe risk of independentvariables on the dependentvariable. Multivariate analysis was also performed to'see the relationship between the variables of coronary atherosclerosis early age with all the variables studied so unknown independent variables were the most dominant influence on coronary atherosclerosis early age by using multiplelogisticregressions RESULTS Characteristicsof Respondents Resultsof the analysisillustratesdistributionof iespondentsbased on demographic of sample (age,gender,and occupation).Generalcharacteristics of respondents characteristics in this studyweredividedinto threeagegroups.Most age accordingto the ageof;respondents is at ageof 40-49yearsagegroupto 34 people(46.6oh), groupssuffercbronarya{herosclerosis early age it was found whereasin the control group who did not have coronaryatherosclerosis thattheagegroup50-57yearsis 37 people(50.7%)(Table1). in Dr. WahidinSudirohusodo basedon thejr characteristics Table 1. Distributionof respondents '- hospital,2014 Control n% Characteristics 'r Total Age 6 34 30-39 40-49 50-57 aa JJ an JI 9.6 39.7 50.7 13 63 70 8.9 43.2 47.9 80.8 19.2 59 T4 80.8 t9.2 118 28 80.8 19.2 34.2 39.7 5.5 5.5 2.7 12.3 20 15 t3 5t2 8 27.4 20.5 17.8 6.8 t6.4 11.0. 45 44 9 9 t4 l7 30.8 30.1 I 1.6 6.2 9.6 t|.6 8.2 46.6 45.2 7 29 Sex' Male Female Occupation Privateemployee Civil servant Labor Farmer/ sailor Business Jobless 59 '14 25 29 4 4 2'\ 9 of respondentsby sex both male and femalehave the sameproportionof Characteristics casesandcontrolswith 59 male(80.8%)andfemale14 (I9.2%) andit wasobtainedinformation early age than female gender that more the male gendersuffer from coronaryatherosclerosis (Table.l). Characteristicsof respondentsby occupationon the incidence of coronary early age showedthat the type of work most highestin the group of cases atherosclerosis is the early ageof civil servantsis 29 people(39.7%), sufferingfrom coronaryatherosclerosis early age most are group not have coronaryatherosclerosis who did the control in whereas of 20 persons(27.4%). privateemployees Risk Analysis The analysisshows,the statusof obesityis not a risk factor for atheroscleroticeventsearly of arerisk factorsfor the incidence ageOR :0.74 (95% CI:0:37 to l:46) andhypertension earlyagewith OR:2.19 (95%CI: l:10 to 4:36)wherehypertension coronaryatherosclerosis early age2:19 times higher than non-hypertensive statusat risk for coronaryatherosclerosis (Table2). Obesity risks and Hypertension base on sex to the early age Atherosclerosis occurrencein Dr. Wahidin SudirohusodoHospital,2014 Cases n% Variable Obesity Status Obesity Not Obesity'r I' Hypertension Status Hypertension Not Hypertension Control Total Yo' OR 95%Cr 23 50 45.t 5 2.6 28 45 54.9 47.4 51 95 100 r 00 0.74 ( 0.34- 1.45) 33 40 6 2.3 43.0 20 53 37.7 57.0 53 93 100 100 2.19 (1.10-4,36) Resultsof the analysisof lipids comprisingthe total cholesterol,-.LDl. cholesterol,HDL cholesterolat early age with the incidenceof atherosclerosis indicatevaluesobtainedfor total cholesterol OR : 1:08(95%CI : 0:50to 2:30),LDL cholesterol valueof OR : 0.68(95yoCI: : valueof OR 5.Q9(95%'Cl: 2:15to 10:30).Theresultsfor the 0:34to 1:38),HDL cholesterol interpretation of the statusof lipid levelswith the incidenceof atherosclerosis earlyageonly low HDL cholesterol levelsindicaterisk of disease atherosclerosis coronerearlyagewith 5:09times higherrisk thanthosewho do not havelow HDL cholesterolto total cholesterolwhile LDL is risk factorsearlyage(Table3). not a incidenceof atherosclerosis VariabelPenelitian TotalCholesterol High Low LDL Cholesterol High Low HDL Cholesterol High Low Variable Total Cholesterol High Low LDL Cholesterol High Low HDL Cholesterol High Low Cases n% OR 95%CT Total 18 55 51.4 49.5 t7 56 48.6 50.5 35 111 100 100 (0.s0-2.30) 20 )-t 43.5 26 \47 53.0 56.5 47.0 46 100 100 100 0.68 (0.33-1.38) )^i ")r\ 6 7 .9 29.4 78 68 100 100 5.09 ( 2.s1- 10.30) OR 95%CI Cases n% I8 .55 1t) )_) 53 .)/\ 25 48 32.1 70.6 Control 1.08 51.4 49.5 T7 56 35 111 100 s0.5 r00 1.08 (0.s0-2.30) . 4 3' 5 53.0 26 47 56.5 47.0 46 100 100 100 0.68 (0.33-1.38) 6 7 .9 29.4 25 48 32.r 78 68 100 100 5.09 (2.51-10.30) 48.6 70.6 Multivariate Analysis Based on multivariate analysis using multiple logistic regression, variable low HDL cholesterolis the most influential determinantof the incidenceof atherosclerosisearly age with 4. OR: 6.70(95% CI:2.96 - 12.90),Tabte Table 4. Result of Multivariate analysis of the risks factor of atherosclerosisincidence at early age in. pr. Wahidin SudirohusodoHospital, 2014 Variable Status Hypertension Cholesterol -" HDL Sig Exp B 7.34 0.07 2.96 1.35 6.49 2r.95 0.00 6.07 2.85 12.90 B. S.E Wald 1.08 0.40 1.80 0.38 Df 95%CI Lower U DISCUSSION Resultsof this study indicate the statusof obesity more in the control group or who do not suffer from coronary atherosclerosisatearly age is 54.9% comparedwith the group of casessuffering from prematurecoronary atherosclerosisthat is 45.1%and the obtainedvalues of 0.74 OR (95% CI : 0:37 to 1:46) this meansthat the statusof obesity is not a risk factor for incident coronary atherosclerosisearly age. The results are con'sistentwith research conducted by Supriyono, (2008) which examinedthe risk factors of obesity on the incidenceof coronary heart diseaseat an early age is <45 yearswhere his researchshowsobesityis not a risk factor OR of 0.S (95% CI : 0.4- 1.6).However, different results studiesis shown by Wormser (2011) whose studiesmetaanalysis involving 58 prospective studies showed an associationbetween Body Mass Index (BMI) with the incidenceof Coronary Heart Disease(CHD), and CardiovascularDisease(CVD). The results of different studies can be due to differences ir place and demographic factors as well as from the study. In this study, obesit) by itself a risk factor is not a risk factor for coronary atherosclerosisat an early age, but obesity remains a risk factor for the.occuffenceof coronary atherosclerosisconcurrently with the person's age. Hypertension is a condition without symptoms where abnormally high pressurein the arteriesthat lead to increasedrisk of other diseasessuch as stroke, diabetesand heart disease.Hypertensionacceleratesatherosclerosisdue to high blood pressureand settling will causedirect injury to the walls of coronary arteriesthus facilitating the occurrenceof coronary atherosclerosis(Tony, 2012). The results of the risk analysis on the incidence of hypertensionateroskelrosisearly age showed OR of 2,186 (95% CI : 1,096 - 4:36) so that it can be said that a person with hypertensionstatusat risk for coronary atherosclerosisearly age 2,186 times higher than those who do not suffer hypertension. The research findings are also consistent with research conducted Salima (2009) which-examined the risk factors for coronary heart diseasein Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodoalso found that individuals with hypertensionhave a risk of 6:27 times higher occurrenceof coronary heart diseasecompared to people who are not hypertensive. The mechanismby which hypertensionlead to paralysisor deathdirectly relatedto its effect on the heart and blood vessels. The increase in systemic blood pressure increase resistanceto pumping of blood from the left ventricle that increasesthe heart's workload. As a result,' ventricular hypertrophy to increase the strength of contraction. However, the ability of the ventricle to maintain cardiac output with compensatedhypertrophy and dilation eventually exceeded and heart trouble. Heart increasingly threatened by the severity of coronary atherosclerosis. If the processcontinuescoronary atherosclerosis,myocardial oxygen supply is reduced. The increase in myocardial oxygen demand caused by ventricular hypertrophy and increased cardiac work that would eventually lead to angina or myocardial infarction (Price, 200s). Cholesterol,fat, 4nd other substancescan causethickening of the arteries,so that the lumen of the blood vbssels'co4strictand the processis called atherosclerosis.The results of this study showedonly low HDL cholesterolshowedthe risk of coronary diseaseatherosclerosisearly age where low HDL cholesterol levels at risk of suffering from coronary atherosclerosisearly age 5.088 times highei than in people who do not have low HDL cholesterol to total cholesterol while, and LDL cholesterolwas not-a risk factor-for incident coronary atherosclerosiseaily age. The ideal number for HDL cholesterolat leastnot lessthan 40 m,gI dL however,this number can vary for men and women. HDL cholesterol(high-densitylipoprotein),-.isa type of cholesterol that carries bad qholesterol (LDL cholesterol), cleans and transports fat from the arteries and back to the liver. HDL cholesterolalso removesexcesscholesterolfrom plaque, prevent settles cholesterolin the arteries and protects blood vesselsfrom atherosclerosis(plaque formation in the blood vesselwalls), (Gulfianti, 2012) Results are in line with research conducted by NHANES Q.{ational Health and Nutrition ExaminationSurvey) in the United Statesfrom 2005 to 2008 showedLevels of HDL cholesterol below 40 mg / dL in'men and below 50 mg / dL in adult women is a factor risk for heart disease and stroke (American Heart Association, 20L2). The results of another study conducted by Supriyono (2008) showed inconsistentresults, where coronary heart diseaserisk factors early age<45 years showed an increasein total cholesteroland triglycerides are risk factors for heart diseaseearly age and HDL and LDL cholesterolis not a risk factor early age of heart disease. The results of this study may be due to differencesin different places, demographicfactors as well as subject-making,especiallyin the control group. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Obesity is not a risk factor for incident coronary atherosclerosisearly'age, hypertensionstatus has 2,186 times the risk compared with those not on the incidence of hypertension and atherosclerosisearly age to lipid low HDL cholesterolhad 5,088 times the risk comparedwith thosenot having low HDL levels on the incidenceof atherosclerosis early age,while the increase in total cholesteroland LDL cholesterolis not a risk of incident coronary atherosclerosisfactor early age. This study suggeststhat the need for education to each patient's particular affected coronary atherosclerosisearly age about the importanceof primary prevention and secondary prevention, especially hypsrtension and diabetesmellitus, and the need to perform a health behavior,especiallyfor respondentswho are not affectedby atheroscleroticdiseaseearly age in order to control the risk factors tlre ilisease so as to prevent future cardiovasculardisease including controlling blood pressure,blood glucoselevels,HDL cholesterolwithin normal limits and avoiding smoking. Researchcan also be used as an advancedresearchprimarily related researchon the incidence of atherosclerosiseaily age,especiallyin the younger age group (<55 years)primarily for risk factors not examinedin this study. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank to the Director and the entire staffs of the Dr Wahidin SudirohusodoHospital on prohibition of implementing this researchin health care institutions they lead. 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