The Neebing News Volume Se ven, Number Twelve December 2014 What’s the story behind this majestic guy? Check out page 4 for more info! Photo credit Kyra Harasen Letter from Santa! Dear Neebing, As the Holiday season approaches, I am checking my list of “Naughty and Nice” children. On the Nice list, I am seeing Council names, Erwin Butikofer, the new Councillor at Large, and Brian Price, Councillor for Crooks, and Roger Shott, the incumbent from Blake township, all good little boys, along with Mayor Ziggy, Councillors Coulson, Lankinen, and Mc Cooeye. They will be working hard to make our community better this year. I will make sure that they get lots of vitamins to keep up the hard work. Our Road crew also are high on the list. We must make sure their stockings are filled with goodies, and heat packs for the work they do on our behalf. The Municipal Office staff and Building Inspector are amongst the hardest-working elves I have. So their presents will be good ones. Chief Dale and the boys and girls of the Fire Department will share my cookies and milk as we visit your tree, Christmas Eve. I will see all the calories are removed for their continued good health. Our committees and volunteers are always here for us and they should be recognized for all they do....perhaps with something chocolate. Now for the Naughty List........oops, my internet provider has broken my connection....... Maybe they will head up this list. Finally, a reminder to enjoy the season, drive safely, and be sure to attend the Christmas Cookie and Craft Sale, Dec 13 at Blake Hall, 11 am to 2 pm sponsored by NFRA. The Missus and I will attend to meet and greet you all. Lots to see, do, eat, and visit with your neighbours. Bring the kids, old and young, lots of prizes, refreshments and a Money tree draw worth $200. That is all for now, HOHOHO, looking for more SnOW! ! Santa Claus CounCil ConTACT liST MAYOR Ziggy Polkowski 964-2083 Councillor at Large Erwin Butikofer 964-1788 Councillor for Blake Roger Shott 964-2270 Councillor for Crooks Brian Wright 964-2365 Councillor for Pardee Curtis Coulson 577-2475 Councillor for Pearson Bill Lankinen 577-2429 Councillor for Scoble Mike McCooeye 475-5665 STAFF – 474-5331 website: general email: [email protected] Solicitor/Clerk Rosalie Evans [email protected] Treasurer Nadia LaRussa [email protected] Deputy-Clerk Erika Kromm [email protected] Fire Chief Dale Ashbee [email protected] CBO Gordon Cuthbertson [email protected] DATE: Saturday, December 13, 11am to 2pm Place: Blake Comunity Hall Cookies may be dropped off at the Municipal Office Friday Dec. 12 during office hours until 5 pm, then on Saturday Dec. 13 before 10 am for set up. FRIDAY EVENING 5-7 COOKIE DROP OFF CANCELLED We ran out of cookies last year-we need more this year, so please get baking! For more information or to book a 964-2088.craft table (table $10), please call Edith Tivendale at 964-2088 SEASONS GREETINGS The Administration Office and Public Works Will be closed for the holiday season As of noon December 24th, 2014 And reopen on: Monday, January 5, 2015 Road Maintenance will be done on an “as needed” basis through the holiday season. Mayor, Council and staff Wish everyone a happy, safe Holiday season and A very prosperous new year. Neebing Fire/Rescue Association Metal and Aluminum Can Collections at Landfills and Neebing Municipal office Thank you for your donations! CALL FOR COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT BOARD MEMBERS Written applications will be received from persons interested in serving as a member on the Committee of Adjustment for the Municipality of Neebing for a four year term. Applications will be received at the Municipal Office until 4:30 p.m. on December 2nd, 2014, with a view to having the appointments made at the regular council meeting of December 3rd, 2014. Applications can also be submitted by facsimile to 474-5332 or by electronic mail to [email protected]. The Committee of Adjustment is established under the authority of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended. Its meetings are technically judicial-style hearings at which various types of applications for planning approvals are considered. The Committee’s jurisdiction includes applications for: a) consents to sever (divide) property; b) ‘minor’ relief from the provisions of the Municipality’s zoning by-law; c) interpretation of the terms of the Municipality’s zoning by-law; d) extending or enlarging legal non-conforming uses; and e) validation orders. In Neebing, the most common applications are the first two – the other three are quite rare. Neebing’s Committee of Adjustment is composed of 7 members. Meetings (hearings) occur as required to respond to applications received. Each committee member is asked to view the property which is the subject matter of the meeting, if possible, prior to the hearing. An honorarium is paid to each member per hearing attendance. The new Committee would commence its duties on December 4th, 2014 and serve for a term commensurate with that of the Municipal Council, expiring November 30th, 2018 or as soon after that time as replacements are appointed. page 2, The Neebing News, December 2014-Merry Christmas! SLATE VALLEY CHRISTMAS TREES Our “CUT YOUR OWN CHRISTMAS TREE” plantation is ready for its first harvest this December. We have beautiful White Spruce trees from apartment to full size. Bring the family and enjoy the tree experience with hot chocolate, cookies and Christmas music. Located at Hanna’s Seed Farm - 464 Candy Mountain Drive, Slate River For more information call John or Susan at 476-0901 The 4H members have had a busy fall. 4H News by Stacey Freemantle In September they held their Achievement Night for the “Small Pets” project and were happy to see several new members join. In October and November they had lots of fun completing the “Power of Produce” project, cooking and baking lots of delicious foods that have fruits and vegetables as the main ingredients. Their Halloween celebration included produce based games, carving pumpkins and a watermelon brain, and making “shrunken heads” out of apples. We had a great time at the Achievement Night. I think all of our families and friends enjoyed the fruit and veggie fashion show! The members also enjoyed volunteering at the Pinegrove United Church’s Harvest Dinner. It was great to be able to give back to the Church, as they allow us to use their facilities. The next 4H project will be “Sew Easy”. Members will be learning to sew with sewing machines and will be completing some fun and useful items to keep. If you are interested in 4H, please contact Stacey Freemantle at [email protected] or 474-3979. Take Off Pounds Sensibly We meet every Tuesday at 6:00 pm at Blake Hall. Drop in for a meeting. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Phone: Rose Marie at 577-5924 or Rhonda at 475-9529 Email: [email protected] Website: CALL FOR BOARD MEMBER VOLUNTEERS: Written applications will be received from persons interested in serving as volunteer members of various boards and committees for the Municipality of Neebing for the year 2015. 640 Beverly Street (807) 344-3232 Office (807) 344-5400 Fax 1-888-837-6926 Toll Free [email protected] Ray Johnson Barb McEwen Salesperson (807) 626-3860 CELL Services: • Firewood delivery • Tree cutting & stump removal • Land clearing • Building site preparation • Driveways & ditches • Culvert replacement • Excavator services • Basement & pond digging, etc. • Earth levelling & removal 5211 Hwy. 61 • Log loading & hauling Neebing • Scrap vehicle removal H 964-2380 • 20 tonne float services C 628-6841 Applications will be received at the Municipal Office until 4:30 p.m. on December 2nd, 2014, with a view to having the appointments made at the regular council meeting of December 3rd, 2014. Applications can also be submitted by facsimile to 474-5332 or by electronic mail to [email protected]. Cloud Bay (Crooks) Cemetery Board (5 positions) District Veterinary Services Committee (2 positions) Neebing Recreation Committee (5 positions)Livestock Evaluators (up to 3 positions) Economic (Development) Advisory Committee (5 positions) Fence Viewers (3 positions) Further details regarding the duties for members of any of these Committees is available at the Municipal Office. At present, all appointments are for a one year term, for calendar 2015. The committees have been asked to review their terms of reference to see whether alternate term lengths would be preferable, so the appointment terms may change in future. Please note that if you are a sitting member of any of these committees, you do need to re-apply for the upcoming calendar year term. THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL CAN NOT GUARANTEE THE PLACEMENT OF ALL APPLICANTS ON THE VARIOUS BOARDS AND/OR COMMITTEES. THE COUNCIL WILL DO ITS BEST TO PLACE APPLICANTS ON THE BOARD AND/OR COMMITTEE OF THEIR CHOICE. The Neebing News, December 2014-Merry Christmas!, page 3 NFRA Cookie & Craft Sale Dec. 131 n o i t c e el S BEST in NWO! This Great Horned Owl paid a visit to the Harasen's chicken coop on Sunday and was kind enough to pose for pictures before being sent on his way. He stood at approximately 18 inches tall with about a four foot wing span. Check out those talons! It's no wonder the chickens were nervous. Photo credit Kyra Harasen 4777 Hwy 11/17 Kakabeka Falls 628-0652 page 4, The Neebing News, December 2014-Merry Christmas! HOURS MON-FRI: 10-6 SAT:10-5 Neebing Emergency Services Trick or Treat Night Prize Winner Jori Bakker (and siblings) is presented with a talking combination Carbon Monoxide / Smoke Alarm by Neebing Emergency Services (NES) Fire Chief Dale Ashbee on November 1, 2014 the day after Halloween, as well as the ‘first day of the first ever’ Carbon Monoxide Week in Ontario. by Dale Ashbee, Fire Chief - Neebing Neebing fire and rescue volunteers hold a Trick or Treat Night each October 31st at Hall 1 (corner of Hwy. 61 & Hwy. 608). This event encourages Neebing parents to drop in with their ghosts and goblins on Halloween to pick up treats as well as fire safety information. With the start of the inaugural Carbon Monoxide Week scheduled to follow the next day, NES decided to hold a draw this year from the names of those ‘trick or treaters’ attending , with the ‘prize winner’ to receive a CO Alarm. Chief Ashbee states that “studies have shown that small children will often sleep through the noise of an alarm, but respond well to a human voice telling them about the danger. A combination talking CO/Smoke alarm seemed the most appropriate prize for the trick or treat crowd”. Neebing residents are reminded that new regulations require that all residences in Ontario that have at least one fuel burning device, must have working CO alarms installed by April 15, 2015. If you have any questions on whether or not you are required to have a CO alarm in your residence, please contact the office at 474-5331. Not sure if it was the extended and unbreaking winter or the truncated summer, but everyone I talk to recently seems to be wondering where 2014 went. While I can think back on a lot of things I did in 2014, for some reason I tend to agree with the common lament, and wonder where 2014 went so quickly. As I write this I am still in denial that winter is coming, and that I only have … how few days left before Christmas? Shopping ideas anyone?? With the cold of course comes the use of heaters and stoves, as well as all the precautions that we must keep in mind to remain fire-safe over the winter. If you use electric space heaters to beat the chill, be sure you inspect the cords, check that the thermostats are shutting the heaters off properly so they don’t overheat, and make sure you are plugged in to a circuit that can safely service the heater. If you keep blowing fuses or tripping breakers, it is a clear sign that the system is having difficulty supporting the electrical load and should be looked at in order to identify and correct the problem, thereby avoiding a potential fire threat. For those with wood burning stoves, remember to inspect and clean your chimney, both before you use it and then periodically during the winter. As well, make sure you maintain good clearances from your stove and combustibles like paper, cardboard and clothing. It is interesting how ‘things’ seem to creep on their own, until they are inside the ‘danger zone’ and assume the potential to create fire hazards. “I didn’t put it there” is not the discussion you want to be having as the fire trucks pull up. And for those with gas and oil heaters, make sure they are inspected regularly to ensure they are operating efficiently and to minimize threats of Carbon Monoxide entering your home. By now everyone should have heard about the new requirement for Carbon Monoxide alarms in all homes in Ontario where there is at least one fuel burning device. I know in talking with people many already have CO alarms in their homes, but now with the new regulations, there are specific requirements for minimum numbers and locations of CO alarms in a residence, and of course, fines for noncompliance. CO is a normal emission of burning carbon fuels like gas, oil, wood, coal and is an odourless and tasteless gas. CO detectors warn us of the presence of CO, and are the first ‘line of defense’ in avoiding possible CO poisoning. There is an abundance of information available in both paper and electronic In Search of the Grinch Who Stole 2014 copy on the hazards of CO and how to avoid CO poisoning. If you wish more information you may choose to start by looking at the special Carbon Monoxide section recently added to the Neebing municipal web site . You will find additional fire safety tips for a safe Christmas in the 12 Days of Christmas article. I encourage you to read them and build fire safety into your holiday thinking. As we head out of 2014, I would like to send a special Best Wishes to those residents of Neebing that we had the opportunity to serve directly over the past year. Be assured that it was our pleasure to have assisted you in your time of need, I would also like to recognize those who donated goods, services, monetary contributions, time or otherwise supported the various fund raising activities during 2014. Thank You for your generosity, thoughtfulness and support. And ………. To All the Residents of Neebing: Best Wishes to You and Your Entire Family over the Holiday Season, and for upcoming 2015!!! From All the Fire and Rescue Volunteers of Neebing The Neebing News, December 2014-Merry Christmas! page 5 RURAL CUPBOARD FOOD BANK REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH - NEIGHBOURS HELPING NEIGHBOURS, P. 0. BOX 327 KAKABEKA FALLS, ON POT 1WO By Gladys Grant The last month of the year is upon us along with the Christmas Season fast approaching and the Rural Food Cupboard bank is hoping you will consider helping a less fortunate child this Christmas. We are launching a “Sponsor A Child lunch Program” It is the gift that keeps on giving to a child through the whole school year. Your generous sponsorship of a registered school age child of the Food Bank will give the receiver a lunch box with appropriate items for one week per month of the school year for $50.00. It is an ongoing gift every time a child opens their lunch kit at school. The children of the food bank will appreciate your kind sponsorship. A tax receipt will be issued for any donation of $20.00 or more as we are a non- profit registered charity. A BiG THAnK You to Mary Germain and friends for asking people to bring a donation of food items to their Two Bit Auction held at Rosslyn hall in November. Gifts of money were also donated. A full load of groceries filled our vehicle to the brim and it was greatly appreciated. A BiG THAnK You To EVERYonE!! Our food bank would not be able to operate if is was not for our Volunteers who give so freely of their time all year long. There is approximately 22 or more volunteers helping out every month and also clients who help out on food bank day or whenever they are asked to give a hand with the many tasks needed to be done. It is greatly appreciated. ATTEnTion: The Food Bank will be open on December 10th, the 2nd Wednesday of this month from 11 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. Food can be dropped off at the Provincial Alliance Credit Union in Kakabeka Falls and the Oliver Paipoonge Library in Rosslyn Village during business hours and also the Needing Municipal Office. Reusable shopping bags are always needed and can be dropped off at the above locations or at the food bank at times listed below. You can bring them on Tuesday afternoon December 9th from 1 P.M. to 2 P.M. or in the evening from 7 P.M. to 8 P.M. when people are at the food bank preparing for food bank day. If you have any questions or concerns the phone number is 2850836 for the food bank. Calls will be received between 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. daily. Please leave a message on the answering machine and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. The next food bank meeting will be Wednesday, January 14th, 2015 at 6 P.M. A BiG THAnK You To Murillo Bakery who bakes fresh bread every food bank day and supplies if for our clients at no charge to the food bank. Vanderwees Poultry Farms Limited for doing their part by giving us a discount on the eggs we buy each month and Breukelman’s Potato Farm for doing their part in helping us to keeping costs down. A BiG THAnK You to the all the churches and organizations who support us all year long. We are asking for everyone to continue supporting The Rural Cupboard Food Bank in 2015. Through your continued support we are able to help those who need assistance in our communities. Donations to the building fund are always welcome. MERRY CHRISTMAS! Sold and Serviced by Daniel Vanlenthe Mechanical Authorized HeatMaster Dealer • 939-1013 WETT Inspections and woodburning appliance installation & maintenance Cookies! NFRA Cookie & Craft Sale Dec. 131 AUTO REPAIR Fast Forward Auto Full Service Auto Repair; 4 Wheel Alignments 1024 Boundary Dr. W., Neebing Shop 628-8551 CATERING, HALL RENTALS & MEETINGS Blake Hall - For Rental call 474-5331 Founder's Museum Hwy. 61 & Gillespie Road, Phone: 475-5114 Fax: 473-4663, Email: [email protected] CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Crupi’s Concrete Forming, finishing, repair, parging, all types 628-3693, 939-4164 Peter CHURCHES St. Benedict’s Chapel Sunday Mass is always the 3rd Sunday of the Month at 1:30pm. Priest: Fr. Thomas Mullamangalam, 473-97222 Thunder Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church 1770 Oliver Road, Phone: 807 346 4583 Services on Sat.: Sabbath School 9:30 a.m Worship Service-11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer Wed. 7:00 -8:15 p.m. RURAL BUSINESS SERVICES DIRECTORY CLEANING Executive Cleaning Commercial & Residential Cleaning Phone Louisa - 628-2076, Murillo CLOWN Laugh Out Loud with BoBo The Clown Christmas parties, birthday parties! 628 7271, Chris ELECTRICAL Lakeshore Electric Ltd. ECRA/ESA #7009955 New Construction, Upgrades, Renovations Phone Jeff - 707-1769 FEED & FERTILIZER Thunder Bay Co-op Farm Supplies Highway 61 & Boundary Drive Phone 475-5190 Fax 475-7420 Fertilizers, chemicals, building supplies, hardware, feed, poultry chicks, garden products GEOTHERMAL Northern Geo-Thermal Systems Ground source heat pumps, HVAC Contractor, Sheet Metal Work 807-935-3131 [email protected] page 6, The Neebing News, December 2014-Merry Christmas! METAL ROOFING Thunder Bay Co-op Farm Supplies Highway 61 & Boundary Drive, Phone 475-5190 Fax 475-7420 MUSIC Largest Stock of Ideal Metal Roofing & Siding in N. Ont. Musical Discovery with Suzanne Gilmore Piano, Voice, Theory, Intro Guitar Exam Prep for Royal Conservatory Lessons held in Rural Schools 964-2223 [email protected] PAINTING Professional Interior/ Exterior, Residential/ Commercial Painting Services Contact Dave Ariganello at [email protected] or 631-3579. View our website at REAL ESTATE SALES Avista Realty Group Ltd. 640 Beverly St. Thunder Bay Barb McEwen, Sales Rep. Cell 807-626-3860 Ph. 344-3232 Fax 344-5400 Juliette Collier Sales Rep. Team 100 Realty Inc. 291 S. Court St. 629-2788 345-2226 SNOW PLOWING Executive Cleaning & Snow Plowing Snow Plowing, Snow Blowing, Shovelling Phone Trevor - 628-6706 STORAGE Railside Properties 202 Hwy 130 Rosslyn, On. P7K 0B8 We meet all your storage needs:cubicle, warehouse, outdoor fenced lot. 807-939-2464. WATER TREATMENT Authorized Purifiner dealer for N.W.O., Water treatment specialists Brad’s Water Treatment 577-0462 WELL SERVICES/PUMPS Kershaw Well Services 350 Blindline Road, Rosslyn, ON P7K 0R7 Phone 939-2166 Fax 939-2167 Kakabeka Falls & Rural District RCL#225 All events take place at the Kakabeka Legion on Hwy 11-17 in Kakabeka Falls Call the events line for info. 473-9122 or check out our web page at submitted by Sandra Mazur Sun. Nov. 30th Wednesdays Sat. Dec. 6th Sun. Dec. 14th Sat. Dec.21st Saturdays CHRISTMAS CONCERT BY THE EMMANUEL GOSPEL SINGERS IN SUPPORT OF THE RURAL FOOD CUPBOARD 2 p.m admission by donation. What a great opportunity to make your donation work for the Rural Food Cupboard as for every dollar donated the legion will give $2. Please come out and enjoy the start of the holiday season while supporting this worthy cause. Booking Christmas Parties NOW! Stage Shows - Balloon Sculptures Big and Small Crowds 2014’s Christmas Show is HILARIOUS! Skit Comedy • Music • Magic Birthday Parties Schools: Cross Curricular Fun! [email protected] 628-7271-Chris BINGO takes place every Wednesday - Payout of $1,465.00 Doors open at 5p.m Early birds begin at 6:45 p.m. For more information call Gary at 473-9631 The last bingo for the year will be held on December 17th Bingo will resume in the New year on January 21st. See you then DANCE to the music of Quest 8p.m- 11 p.m. Cost is $7 per person including coffee and a light snack. This will be the only dance in December the next dance date will be January 24th with Quest. For more information call Gary 473-9631 BUFFET “BREAKFAST WITH SANTA” 8:30- 12:00 Noon Bring the children out to visit with Santa. Don’t forget to bring your camera for picture opportunities. ‘All you can eat” Canadian and Finn pancakes, bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, hash browns, coffee, tea, juice, toast and jam or try our “Made just for you” omelette. Adults $10. Seniors $9. and children’s pricing as well. Join the breakfast club and after 10 paid breakfasts you get a free breakfast. NOTE: Due to the increase in food costs the price of our breakfasts will be increasing by $1 effective January 2015 New prices will be $ \ $11 Adults $10 Seniors $6 children ANNUAL COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS SUPPER 4:00- 6:00 p.m. Join us for a traditional Turkey Dinner with all of the fixings. Tickets available now at the branch Adults $12.00 Children under 8 $6.00 CRIB every Saturday from 1-4 p.m. For more information call Tim at 983-2998 New every Saturday is the Kakabeka Indoor Farmer’s Market at the legion. Come and visit your local farmers, bakers and crafters for fresh produce, preserves, baking and crafts. Admission is free and the kitchen is open. A “Country Breakfast” is available for only $5. A great place to finish up your Christmas shopping for that special someone! The members of Kakabeka Legion wish you and your family a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season. Merry Christmas to all! Located on Mission Island We purchase Scrap Steel, Copper, Aluminum, etc. $$$ Recycle Metals Crafts! Make some money & save our environment 623-4559 NFRA Cookie & Craft Sale Dec. 131 Some restrictions may apply SANDHILL AND SCOBLE LANDFILL HOURS The Sandhill and Scoble Landfill sites will commence winter hours as of October 2, 2014 to April 1, 2015. The hours will be: Saturday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday: 12 noon to 4 p.m. The Rural Family Resource Centre/ Best Start Programs MURILLO SITE PROGRAM (4509 Oliver Road) Morning sessions run from Monday to Friday 9:30 - 12:00 Afternoon sessions are on Wednesday from 1:30 - 4:00 VALLEY CENTRAL SCHOOL SITE PROGRAM Runs weekly from 10:00 to 12:00 No pre-registration is necessary, however, we ask that you provide a nut-free snack for your child Call 935-3009 for further information. The Neebing News, December 2014-Merry Christmas! page 7 Deadline for the JANUARY issue of The Neebing News JAN. 2. Submissions and photos of community events and articles of interest are welcome, and can be sent to Chris Vaclav at [email protected]. Items, articles, and announcements that are of community interest and non-profit always run FREE OF CHARGE in The Neebing News.Please indicate that you’d like your submission to appear in The Neebing News. The Neebing News is an excellent monthly rural publication and a fantastically cost-effective way for businesses to directly reach the rural market. For rates, please contact Chris Vaclav at Design House Publications, designhouse, 628-7271. THE BEST PLACE for CHINESE FOOD! • Dine-In • Take-Out • Catering • Banquet Hosting • Gift Certificates • Gluten-Free Dishes Available We are OPEN throughout Christmas Holidays! FALL & WINTER HOURS - OCTOBER TO APRIL TUESDAY / WEDNESDAY / SATURDAY: OPEN AT : 11:30 A.M MONDAY / THURSDAY / FRIDAY / SUNDAY / STATUTORY HOLIDAY: OPEN AT 4:00 P.M. 939-1450 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC YEAR ‘ROUND! New Ye ar's Eve Dinner Buffet! page 8, The Neebing News, December 2014-Merry Christmas! er 31 Decemb 0 p.m 4:30 - 7v:3 ations Reser d Now! Accepte Goodies! NFRA Cookie & Craft Sale Dec. 131 ? Computer Repairs ? Computer/Laptop Sales ? Software/Hardware Installations ? Wireless/Network Router Install ? Hardware/Memory Upgrades ? Virus/Windows Reload ? Data Transfer 995 Golf Links Rd.? Thunder Bay ? Ph. 344-0200 Computer Services • Need help setting up your new computer or device? • Are viruses and spyware choking up your computer? • Is your computer or laptop very slow? • Are pop-ups crowding your desktop space? • Do you need it fixed NOW? • Friendly professional service at low rates • Virus and spyware removal • Backup and restore • Hardware/software setup and configuration • On site installation and repair • Small business/home office networks BAGDONAS CONSULTING SERVICE [email protected] 935-3021
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