Bulletin (PDF) - Jubilee Fellowship CRC

Jubilee Fellowship
Christian Reformed Church
In Christ, With Each Other, To the World
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, that
person is a new creation; the old has gone,
the new has come! (2 Cor. 5:17)
January 11, 2015
Pastor Woodrow Dixon
Mark 1: 1-13
“The Baptism of Jesus”
Elder of Service: Sjoukje Buisman
13 Wilholme Drive, R.R. 3
St. Catharines, ON L2R 6P9
Telephone: (905) 687-3372; Fax: (905) 687-8074
Pastor: W oodr ow Dixon
[email protected]
Administration: W endy de Jong
[email protected]
Children’s Ministry Coordinator:
Stacy Kok: [email protected]
Custodian: Elaine de K leine
[email protected]
Technical Support Coordinator
Caleb Kuntz: [email protected]
Youth Ministry Coordinator
Anna Bailey: [email protected]
Welcome to Jubilee Fellowship Christian Reformed
Church: A special welcome to our members and
guests! We hope you experience God's presence as you
worship with us this morning. If you would like more information about Jubilee, please ask one of our Welcome Team
members. They would be happy to assist you. Please join us after
the service for refreshments and allow us to introduce ourselves to
you. Nursery is available downstairs for children under 3. Joy Jam
& Joy Jam Junior (Sunday School) is provided for children ages
3—Grade 5, who will be dismissed part way through the service.
This morning we enter the season of Epiphany, a season of the
church year in which traditionally churches focus on the life and
ministry of Jesus. Pastor Woody will preach on Jesus' baptism by
John the Baptist this morning. We will also celebrate the Lord's
Celebrating Communion/Lord's Supper: This morning we are privileged to celebrate the Lord’s Supper together. This communion
table is open to all who are sorry for their sins, who sincerely believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour, and who desire to
live in obedience to him. All people, young and old, members and
non‑members, are invited. If you believe Jesus is your Lord and
Saviour, you are invited.
There will be four stations, one for each section of the church.
Ushers will guide you from the inside aisle of your section to the
front. Please come in groups of four to ten to symbolize we are a
church family.
The elders will in turn serve the bread and the cup, filled with
grape juice rather than wine, sharing words about Christ's body
and blood. Those partaking are to take a piece of bread, dip it
into the cup and then eat it. Those not partaking are also invited to
come forward and will be given words of blessing. You are asked
to return to your seats via the outside aisle. Gluten free bread is
available from the serving elders at the prayer room side of the
Sunday—Grace Bowman, Paulina Bowman,
Katrina de Vries; Tuesday ‑ Sylvia De Vries,
Ineke Bouwers; Wednesday ‑ Ted Wiens
Thursday ‑ Sally Vlaar; Friday ‑ Arien Vlaar,
Jill Walters-Klamer; Saturday—Christian Hordijk
Sunday — Jubilee & Youth Unlimited: Youth Unlimited, affiliated
with the CRC, focuses on assisting local congregations with their
ministry to youth. Taking the call of ministering to youth today is
not easy, Youth Unlimited encourages, supports, equips and partners with congregations across North America to reach this generation for Jesus Christ!
Reverse Food offering: The food items purchased last week will be
received this morning to help restock the shelves at Community
Next week — Jubilee & Beginnings: In the conviction that life is a
gift from God, Beginnings, located in Hamilton, is an agency
which offers free crisis pregnancy counselling, infertility counseling
and adoption services.
This coming season we are offering three adult education options,
with two of them running concurrently. Signup sheets & study samples will be on display at the table at the back.
Jubilee Night: The next season of Jubilee Night resumes this
coming Wednesday, January 14th. All are welcome to come out
for a communal meal at 6:00 pm, followed by various youth
programs and adult education classes. Also beginning this season, Yoga will be offered before supper. The cost of the meal is
$3/pp, $8 for a family of 3, and $10 for a family of 4 or more.
This week's meal is Pasta Twist Lasagna and Creamy Caesar
1. LGBT issues & the Church – Part 3: In this course, which will be
led by Pastor Woody, those who have participated in the two basic
level studies of issues surrounding what the Bible says about
same‑sex attraction and how the church responds to these persons,
will join together for a more in‑depth & concluding study. Two
books will be used as primary sources: “A Letter to My Congrega-
tion: An evangelical pastor’s path to embracing people who are
gay, lesbian and transgender into the company of Jesus,” by Ken
Wilson, pastor of a Vineyard Church in Ann Arbor, and “Generous
Spaciousness: Responding to Gay Christians in the Church” by
Wendy VanderWal‑Gritter of New Directions. The two main thrusts
of this course will be discussing the biblical texts as well as finding
an alternative framework that seeks to diffuse the tension and polarization among Christians regarding this topic.
2. “Faith Unraveled: How an evolving spiritual journey leads to an
unshakeable faith” by Rachel Held Evans. This course will begin on
February 11, running for 10 weeks, and be led by Jennifer Hordijk.
Eighty years after the Scopes Monkey Trial made a spectacle of
Christian fundamentalism and brought national attention to her
hometown, Rachel Held Evans faced a trial of her own when she
began to have doubts about her faith. In Faith Unraveled, Rachel
recounts growing up in a culture obsessed with apologetics, struggling as her own faith unraveled one unexpected question at a
time. In order for her faith to survive, Rachel realizes, it must adapt
to change and evolve. Using as an illustration her own spiritual
journey from certainty to doubt to faith, Evans challenges you to
disentangle your faith from false fundamentals and to trust in a
God who is big enough to handle your tough questions. In a
changing cultural environment where new ideas seem to threaten
the safety and security of the faith, Faith Unraveled is a fearlessly
honest story of survival.
3. “Four Reflections on the Structure of a Good Life” This seminar
will be led by Shannon Hoff of the Institute for Christian Studies and
run four weeks, from January 14 – February 4. “In this short seminar, we will read some small pieces of philosophy, theology, Greek
tragedy, and scripture with the goal of identifying and discussing
some of the key aspects of a meaningful human life. The idea here
is that understanding the nature of human life can contribute to
living it well: in other words, knowing about the conditions that allow human experience to be meaningful should help us figure out
how to care for and sustain those conditions, and also how to deal
with conflicts that arise between them. Participants are encouraged
to read the material and attend sessions regularly, though all are
welcome to drop in to any meeting, with or without reading in preparation. Pdfs of the readings will be made available.”
Week One: Other People
Reading: I and Thou (selections), by Martin Buber, the Jewish
Scripture: Matthew 22: 34‑40; John 15: 9‑12; Romans 13: 8‑10
Week Two: Law and the State
Reading: Crito, a dialogue by Plato, the Greek philosopher
Scripture: Matthew 5: 17‑18; Romans 13: 6‑7
Coffee Break resumes this week Tuesday Jan. 13 at 9:30 ‑ 11
a.m. Join us as we continue our small group study of Discovering Prayer. For women in every season of life. Child care and
refreshments provided.
Bibles needed: Marc and Dora Stroobosscher will be returning
to work with Christian schools in Zambia on Wednesday,January 22. Again, they will make room in their suitcases
for Bibles.The NIV is the accepted version of the Church Central
Africa Presbyterian(CCAP), their partner organization. NIV Bibles or Study Bibles in good condition are welcome.There will
be a box at the back of the church this Sunday and next. The
teachers of Zambia thank you.
Yoga ‑ Wednesdays from 4:30‑5:45: Saying you're too inflexible for yoga is like saying you're too dirty for a bath!
Appropriate for people of all shapes, sizes, ages, genders
and abilities. The physical practice of yoga builds muscle and
strength, increases flexibility and stamina, improves posture, and
can help relieve stress.
Wear comfortable clothes, and bring a yoga mat and large
towel. If you think you might have difficulties getting down onto
your mat, no worries, we'll show you how with a chair.
You are welcome to come out just for yoga, or to stay for
supper and adult education classes, each Wednesday at Jubilee.
Mon. Jan. 12
Personnel Committee
Tues. Jan. 13
Coffee Break, 9:30—11:00 am
Care Elders, Deacons, 7:30 pm
Wed. Jan.14
Jubilee Night—6:00 Supper; 6:30 ACTS, Cadets,
Gems, Jubes; 7:00 pm Adult Ed classes
Smithville Christian High School Open House and Celebration
of Learning, January 15: Did you know the typical high school
student spends close to 1,000 hours a year in class? What are
students doing all that time? This is your chance to find out.
Come to Smithville Christian High School’s Open House and
Celebration of Learning, January 15, 2015. There will be a special information session for prospective Grade 9 students and
their families from 7 to 7:30 p.m. followed by the Open House
and Celebration of Learning from 7:30 to 9. You will see displays of student learning in every subject area, plus art, worship,
praise team, student testimonies and more. For more information contact the school at 905.957.3255 or [email protected] This event is for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins neighbours and friends. Everyone is
welcome, bring a friend. We Believe. You Belong Here.
Prayer & Healing Ministry: ‑ Equipping & Training Opportunity:
Would you like to learn how to help people receive healing of
past hurts and inner wounds through prayer? Pastor Erick
Schuringa will be leading us in two days of training, which will
begin with Session One on Saturday Jan 31, 2015 and Session
Two on Saturday Feb 21, 2015. These event days will be hosted by Smithville Christian Reformed Church, with location and
registration details forthcoming. If you, or others you may know,
are interested in attending these event days, we'd like to hear
from you, as it will assist us in our planning. Please contact [email protected]
The Ministry to Seafarers is turning 50! The Lord has blessed us
richly with 50 years of opportunities to serve Him in the Port of
Montreal. It has taken many faithful servants and now we are
hoping to ask those who served in years past to help us celebrate. If you have any stories, memories or photos of The Ministry work over the past 50 years (since 1965) we ask you to share
those with us by going to our website
www.ministrytoseafarers.org and go to the link provided. We
thank you for helping us look back and journal what God has
Looking for Volunteers – Interested in serving closer to home?
The Ministry to Seafarers in Montreal is looking for volunteers to
serve at their center throughout the year 2015. If you have 1
week or more to give please consider joining our team as we
seek to reflect the love of Christ to the seafarers who come into
the Port of Montreal. For more info go to our website
www.ministrytoseafarers.org and look under Get Involved
The 4-week seminar topics and readings are as follows:
Week Three: Conscience
Reading: “What is Meant by Telling the Truth?,” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer,
the Protestant theologian
Scripture: Matthew 7: 28; Galatians 1: 15‑17; 1 Corinthians 2: 11‑16
Week Four: Other people, law and the state, and conscience
Reading: Antigone, a play by Sophocles, the ancient Greek tragedian
Scripture: Matthew 22: 17‑21
From the Treasurer
"Honour the LORD with your
wealth and with the first fruits of
all your produce; then your
barns will be filled with plenty,
and your vats will be bursting
with wine." Proverbs 3:9‑10
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
We ended the 2014 year in positive territory; about $15,000
above budget.
This is very encouraging and should enable us to remit 100%
of denominational ministry shares. A complete year end financial
review will be completed in the next couple of weeks. Any expenses pertaining to 2014 should be submitted this week for consideration.
This also bolsters confidence that the increased budget of
$377,000 as approved for 2015, can be reasonably met over
the course of the coming year.
Thank you for your faithful support of Jubilee and its extended ministries at home and abroad during 2014. Tv.
General Fund
December 2014
Year To Date
$ 37,618 $368,860
$ 15,124