CORRESPONDENCE Huub Schellekens & Ellen Moors Department of Innovation, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands, and Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands. e-mail: [email protected] 1. 1. Dorey, E. Nat. Biotechnol. 31, 774 (2013). 2. European Medicines Agency. CHMP Assessment Report for Filgrastim Hexal. (no. EMEA/CHMP/651324/2008) ment_library/EPAR_-_Public_assessment_report/ human/000918/WC500022471.pdf (2008). 3.European Medicines Agency. European Public Assessment Report for Binocrit. http://www. EPAR_-_Scientific_Discussion/human/000725/ WC500053615.pdf (2007). 4. European Medicines Agency. CHMP Assessment Report for Remsima. (no. EMA/CHMP/589317/2013) http:// EPAR_-_Public_assessment_report/human/002576/ WC500151486.pdf (2013). 5. European Medicines Agency. CHMP Draft Guideline on Similar Biological Medicinal Products Containing Biotechnology-Derived Proteins as Active Substance: Non-Clinical and Clinical Issues. (no. CHMP EMEA/ CHMP/BMWP/42832/2005, rev. 1) http://www.ema. guideline/2009/09/WC500003920.pdf (2006). npg © 2015 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved. Outcubation—where incubation meets outsourcing To the Editor: As highlighted in your February 2014 issue1, the pharma industry is increasingly relying on externalization efforts to supplement its inhouse R&D activities2. Such activities have a long history and had been taking place within pharmaceutical companies long before Henry Chesbrough formulated his open innovation paradigm in 2003 (ref. 3). Indeed, there is an ample literature discussing the models and impact of open innovation approaches for the pharma industry4,5. In the following Correspondence, we describe the design and implementation of a new model of open innovation between academia and industry—a model we term ‘outcubation’. This model is designed to overcome the disadvantages of existing innovation models, provides an alternative path for young scientists open to opportunities outside of academic tenure and combines synergistically the best of the academic and industry worlds. Today, typical models for exploiting external innovation resources include outsourcing to contract research organizations (CROs), research collaborations with academic institutions, crowdsourcing, corporate venture capital (CVC), in-licensing and mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Each approach has drawbacks; for example, outsourcing to a CRO may lead to a lack of innovative input, whereas an academic collaboration may not have enough oversight by the industry partner to be productive. With in-licensing, the cost 20 of scouting, due diligence, internalization of the asset and licensing fees can be very high compared with expenses in other innovation approaches. The major challenges of the M&A approach are integration issues and decreased R&D productivity of the merged organizations6. The CVC approach usually does not exploit the potential synergy between internal and external resources. With crowdsourcing approaches, which are becoming increasingly popular, the quality of the submitted solutions is highly variable, and substantial screening and evaluation efforts are required. To overcome the disadvantages of the models described above, we have created a new type of academicindustry partnership that synergizes the strengths of both. In this model, a company formulates a challenge (or topic) relating to an open question or problem in preclinical work (e.g., a new biomarker, drug target, drug candidate or tool that is currently not available but would be of substantial value for future product development). This is published as a call for applications at major universities and research institutions worldwide, as well as on job portals. Outstanding young academic postdoctoral researchers and postgraduates are invited to submit their CVs along with original project proposals that reflect their expertise and specifically address the published challenge. In the next stage, the best candidates from around the world are invited to participate in a five-day boot camp. Candidates are divided into diverse teams and, with guidance from experienced mentors and with relevant business intelligence (e.g., access to the science and intellectual property literature and to market research data), develop competitive project proposals. On day five, they present their project proposals to a jury comprising senior management of the pharma company. The most attractive project proposal and the most talented candidates are selected, and the candidates receive a two- to four-year fellowship to work on their project. The selected academic talents are then employed by and relocated to an outcubator, which is incorporated as a private biotech company. The outcubator is located on the campus of a global innovation hub, such as Heidelberg, Germany, and includes access to a state-of-the-art cell and molecular biology laboratory, office space and social space. Each selected team is sponsored by a pharma partner and guided by an experienced industry mentor (e.g., senior researcher of the sponsor company) and an academic mentor (e.g., a local professor from the specific field of the team’s research topic). The academic mentor is proposed by the pharma partner and also is involved in team member selection. A team usually consists of a group leader (an experienced postdoctoral researcher with outstanding accomplishments in the field), two or three postdocs and two or three postgraduates or technicians. With their location at innovation hotspots, outcubators are well integrated in the scientific environment, and resident teams benefit from stimulating discussions, exchange and collaborations within a highperforming ecosystem. The fact that guidance for the teams is provided by experienced mentors from both industry and academia ensures optimal support, combining academic curiosity, creativity and scientific excellence with product-oriented and efficiency-driven thinking and stringent quality-control systems. Team members are driven by the research topic and the desire to conduct productoriented research. The goal is to combine the quest for fundamental understanding with practical usability in the frame of a new product or application. This is termed “working in Pasteur’s quadrant”7 and has been defined as a key target area by other successful innovation agencies, such as the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA; Washington, DC)8. The innovation team should be intrinsically motivated, but it should also be supported by successful participation modules, as well as career- VOLUME 33 NUMBER 1 JANUARY 2015 NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY npg © 2015 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved. CORRESPONDENCE building options. These options include intensive entrepreneurship and leadership training, coaching and the development of a unique skill set that enables a future career in an academic or industrial setting. The outcubator company, set up specifically for this purpose, acts as a specialized service provider and an employer for the innovation teams. It provides the required research infrastructure, including technical equipment and research laboratories. In addition, it facilitates access to the surrounding academic environment and infrastructure and provides daily operational support, as well as training and coaching. The sponsoring pharma company provides the funding; defines the deliverables, overall goal and research topic; and conducts regular project reviews. However, the innovation team members are free to make full use of their own creativity and scientific potential to create advancement within the field. The first outcubator of this kind is the BioMed X Innovation Center on the life science campus of the University of Heidelberg, Germany (, and the first projects there started in August 2013. Meanwhile, three innovation teams are working on topics nominated by Merck Serono, the biopharmaceutical division of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany. Topics include ‘metabolism and signaling in cancer’, ‘selective kinase inhibitors’ and ‘immunosuppressive microenvironment of tumors’. Progress and performance are being closely monitored so that the intended benefits of the model can be evaluated and validated. The addition of other groups in the future, including teams sponsored by other pharma companies, is an option and a key feature of the outcubator model. Thus far, the possibility of research positions has generated great interest in the outcubator concept, and the feedback from young talent from all around the world has been positive. The first call for applications, published in February 2013, resulted in 519 applications from 59 countries. The 32 best candidates were invited to a 5-day boot camp in Heidelberg. Seven of them were finally offered a fellowship at the outcubator. In an anonymous survey conducted among the participants of the first boot camp, 89% (19 of 21 respondents) indicated that they would recommend the outcubator to their peers. When they were asked why they had applied, most candidates referred to their interest in applied research at the interface between academia and industry “without losing the scientific part.” In other words, most candidates were interested in exploring In-house R&D Corporate postdoc pool Academic incubator Outcubator Funding academic group CRO outsourcing Description Permanent employees in corporate R&D hubs Temporary hiring of new postdocs into corporate R&D hubs Joint industryacademia project incubators Top young talent placed at interface academiaindustry Industrysponsored work at university Industrysponsored work at CRO Young talent Limited High High High High Limited Topic focus High High Medium High Hard to control High Industry quality High High Medium Medium Limited High Innovativeness Medium Medium High High High Limited Flexibility High Medium Limited Medium Limited Light Knowledge drain No issue Critical Medium Medium Medium Medium Pharma Pharma Mixed Company Academia Company Location of work Pharma Pharma Academia Company Academia Company Targets set by Pharma Joint Joint Pharma Joint Pharma IP ownership Pharma Pharma Joint Pharma Joint Pharma Employer O tcubat Outcubation Outcuba tc bation C Co Concept oncept ncep pt Figure 1 Pros and cons of the different approaches for externalization of R&D efforts in the pharmaceutical industry. IP, intellectual property. the possibility of an industry career path without losing the option to continue their successful careers in academia. Several pharma companies have tried various approaches to set up new incubator models optimizing academia-industry collaboration. Examples include Pfizer’s (New York) Centers for Therapeutic Intervention and GlaxoSmithKline’s GSK (London)–University of Cambridge incubator. The outcubator model described here differs from these approaches in that it involves a stronger industry focus on topic selection and project governance. In addition, its operational setup does not involve direct contractual relationships between the pharma company and the academic entities; rather, it establishes an entrepreneurial biotech company as intermediary agent running the operations. Figure 1 compares the outcubator model with other open innovation approaches along various dimensions. It is evident that each model comes with its own setup and unique combination of advantages and disadvantages. Is the outcubator concept new? M. Emmert-Buck has described an intramural ‘percubator’ at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH; Bethesda, MD) as a new industry-academia interaction model; however, this is not related to the outcubation model described here and aims to foster an entrepreneurial mindset and the formation of new companies in Bethesda9. As far as we can tell, neither the outcubator concept nor a model corresponding to it has been described previously; we did not find any hits for the term in PubMed. In summary, the outcubator model described here constitutes a new, unique NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY VOLUME 33 NUMBER 1 JANUARY 2015 open innovation approach that could allow pharma companies to increase their innovation potential and access to young talent while preserving full discretion over resource allocation and topic selection. The model defines and occupies a sweet spot in the area between outsourcing and academic incubation. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank F. Rippmann, M. Wolf and R. Lindemann for their engagement as industry project champions; R. Wade, M. Patil and V. Umansky for their engagement as academic mentors; A. Miranville, G. Hirschel, O. Bauer, S. Heitz and G. Ries for their contributions in contracting this new model; and A. Wiest, B. Kirschbaum, K. Urbahns, S. Arkinstall, C. Huber and J. Schwiezer for their contributions in the Joint Steering Committee. Ulrich A K Betz1 & Christian A Tidona2 1Merck KGaA, Merck Serono, Darmstadt, Germany. 2BioMed X GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany. e-mail: [email protected] COMPETING FINANCIAL INTERESTS The authors declare competing financial interests: details are available in the online version of the paper (doi:10.1038/nbt.3112). 1.Anonymous. Nat. Biotechnol. 32, 109 (2014). 2. Schuhmacher, A. et al. Drug Discov. Today 18, 1133– 1137 (2013). 3. Chesbrough, H.W. Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology (Harvard Business School Press, 2003). 4. Getz, K. & Kaitin, K. Expert Rev. Clin. Pharmacol. 5, 481–483 (2012). 5. Hunter, J. & Stephens, S. Nat. Rev. Drug Discov. 9, 87–88 (2010). 6. Comanor, W. et al. J. Health Econ. 32, 106–113 (2013). 7. Stokes, D. Pasteur’s Quadrant: Basic Science and Technological Innovation (Brookings Institution Press, 1997). 8. Dugan, R. & Gabriel, K. Harvard Business Review, (October 2013) 9. Emmert-Buck, M. J. Transl. Med. 9, 54–57 (2011). 21
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