12-21-14 - First United Methodist Church, Ardmore

VOL 19
December 21, 2014
December 24
Christmas Eve Candlelight Services
4:00 pm - Contemporary
6:00 pm - Traditional
8:00 pm - Traditional
All services in the Sanctuary
December 25 - 26
Church office closed for Christmas
December 31
Clothes Closet Closed
January 1
Church closed for New Year’s Day
January 4
Communion Sunday
February 20-21
Getaway with God
women’s retreat
First United Methodist Church
501 West Main Ardmore, Oklahoma 73401
580.223.5390 www.fumcardmore.org
Faith & Finances
by Bebe Lodes
Last October, a group of about 35-40 of us
loaded up on church buses and headed to
Tulsa for a seminar called, When Helping
Hurts. We learned several things that weekend that made us re-evaluate the way that
we, as a church, provide help to others.
The premise of the WHH theory is that sometimes when we think we are helping someone, we are actually hurting them and ourselves. In North American churches this is
particularly true because of the way we define
poverty. One of the main objectives of the
WHH philosophy is for churches to begin empowering people to help themselves. The
Faith & Finances curriculum was recommended as one way to move towards that goal.
When we hear the word “poverty,” we immediately think of a lack of material things such
as food, money, or housing. Something is
broken and we immediately want to fix it.
What we learned in our Faith & Finances
training is this: We are all poor. We are all
God established four foundational relationships for each person: a relationship with
God, with self, with others, and with the rest
of creation. Poverty is the result of one of
these relationships being absent or not
working. Some of us suffer from material
poverty while others suffer from spiritual poverty. We are all poor. We are all broken.
One of the most basic premises of WHH and
F&F is that we must embrace our mutual
brokenness in order to truly be effective in
helping others. In North American churches,
the answer to poverty alleviation is typically
to provide a quick, material fix.
Faith & Finances is a ministry that was
designed to move churches from giving
material things to building relationships.
The program provides a financial education
curriculum that trains people in concrete
money management skills and it mobilizes
church members to serve as allies alongside
participants. It is a financial literacy course
that is based on the teachings of the Bible
and the fact that God knows and loves all
Two key themes of F&F are. . .
1. Jesus is making all things new, including
our money and our relationships.
2. God has chosen to use our money to
accomplish His work in the world.
If we consistently provide relief instead of
trying to help rehabilitate or develop
someone’s God given abilities, we are not
providing help at all. In fact, in his book,
Toxic Charity, Robert Lupton says this:
 Give once and elicit appreciation
 Give twice and create anticipation
 Give three times and create expectation
Continued on page 2
Faith & Finances Continued …
Give four times and it becomes entitlement
Give five times and you establish dependency
We were reminded in our training that Jesus work focuses
on reconciliation or putting things back into right relationship. Reconcile means to restore. Jesus is the reconciler
but we are called to be his ambassadors, his hands and
feet here on earth. The best method of poverty alleviation
is the ministry of reconciliation—moving people closer to
glorifying God by living in right relationship with God, with
self, with others and with the rest of creation.
What we need are more hands and feet! The program is
designed so that participants have an ally (mentor) to go
through the program with them. Allies serve as a resource
person, cheerleader, as well as a participant in the class.
Faith & Finances is a twelve-week program which is set to
begin in January. A meal and childcare will be provided.
There is no homework. Throughout the study, we connect
money with relationships, set savings goals, create spending plans, and learn about joyful giving with an ultimate
goal of long-term change. The class is open to everyone
in our community.
God has placed each of us in His Kingdom for a purpose.
We all have different God-given passions. We all have
different doors he wants us to open. Has God called you
for such a time as this? For more information about Faith
& Finances, please join our group on The City, or contact
Tina Pyles, Director of Discipleship & Community Ministry,
[email protected], or 223-5390 X319.
Monday Night Community Bible Study, led by Karen Chaffin
Like No Other: The Life of Christ
by Tony Evans
Jesus Christ is central to the Christian faith. That statement may seem obvious,
but even Christians need a constant reminder that everything in our faith is built
upon the person and work of Jesus Christ. Every aspect of Jesus' life—from His
birth to His current exalted state—is unique from any other person. His uniqueness means His life and character merit our fullest attention, and because He is
uniquely God, His life and character greatly impact our lives. This new release by
Pastor Tony Evans promises to deepen our love for Jesus and thereby enlarge
our faith.
Session titles:
Promised Like No Other (Isaiah 53:2-12)
A Birth Like No Other (Luke 1:26-35)
Power Like No Other (Mark 4:35-41)
Teachings Like No Other (Mark 1:21-22; 10:17-22)
Death Like No Other (Matthew 27:28-31, 45-50,54)
Resurrected Like No Other (Matthew 28:1-10)
Ascended Like No Other (Acts 1:3-11)
Join us for this 8 week study, beginning January 19, Monday nights from 6 pm to
7:30 in the CMC central room. Books are $8.
Nursery available by reservation for all Bible study classes.
Three ways to register your child
Call (580) 223-5390 X318
email [email protected]
On-line www.fumcardmore.org/childrens-ministries
New Precept Upon Precept Study: Zechariah
“They Shall Be My people and I will Be Their God.” What will happen on the day when
the Lord is king over all the earth? There is a future time of restoration coming for the
righteous. Are you ready for that day? Join us for a journey through God’s Word, food,
fellowship and sharing.
This study contains eight lessons including the introduction. Thursday, January 8,
through February 26, in the Colvert Ministry Center, Room 116, 9:00 am to 11:00 am.
Cheryl Patman will lead the discussion. The DVD lecture presenter is David Arthur.
Workbooks are $16.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of
Carol Brown, who passed away on November
Our thoughts and prayers are with Anna
Grissom with the passing of her brother, Billy
Jack Stringer, on December 2.
Sunday, 21 December 2014
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM
FUMC Kids Church during
Fellowship Hall
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Traditional Worship Service
Our thoughts and prayers are with Marc and
Becky Dickinson with the passing of Marc’s
father, David Lee Dickinson, on December 6.
10:00 AM to 10:45 AM
Adult Sunday School
10:00 AM to 10:45 AM
CMC 133 Main Room
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
FUMC Kids Sunday School
Fellowship Hall
10:00 AM to 10:45 AM
Heavenly Minded Bible Study
CMC 117
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
FUMC Kids Church during EPIC
Fellowship Hall
In memory of Jana Lovelace, a contribution
has been received for Little School Bell from
James & Carolyn McElroy.
11:05 AM to 12:00 PM
EPIC Worship Service
3:00 PM to
5:00 PM
United Methodist Women
CMC 116
6:00 PM to
7:30 PM
United Methodist Men
CMC 133 Main Room
7:00 PM to
8:30 PM
LifeTree Cafe'
CMC 115 Combined
Monday, 22 December 2014
1:00 PM to
3:00 PM
Clothes Closet
Clothes Closet
5:30 PM to
6:15 PM
Handbell Rehearsal
6:30 PM to
8:30 PM
Disciple I
CMC 116
6:30 PM to
8:00 PM
Disciple III
CMC 115A
6:30 PM to
8:00 PM
Men's 12 Step Study
CMC 117
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
12:00 PM to
1:00 PM
Tuesday Noon Prayer
Carlock Prayer Chapel
6:00 PM to
7:00 PM
Evangelism Committee
CMC 117
6:00 PM to
7:00 PM
Fit Camp
CMC 133 Main Room
Wednesday, 24 December 2014
9:30 AM to 11:30 AM
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Wednesday Morning Ministry (sack
Welcome Center
Wed Morning Prayer Group
CMC 119
4:00 PM to
5:00 PM
Candlelight Christmas Eve Service - Sanctuary
6:00 PM to
7:00 PM
8:00 PM to
9:00 PM
Candlelight Christmas Eve Service - Sanctuary
Candlelight Christmas Eve Service - Sanctuary
Thursday, 25 December 2014
All Day
Christmas-Church closed
Friday, 26 December 2014
All Day
Christmas-Church closed
In memory of Lillian & Clayton Cude, a
contribution has been received for the
Bereavement Fund from the Cude Family.
In memory of Bill Stringer, a contribution has
been received for the Memorial Fund from
Syble Roring.
In memory of Carol Brown, contributions have
been received for the Memorial Fund from
Lockie Moxley, Martha Bowman Suffield, and
Syble Roring.
In memory of Glenn Sappington, contributions
have been received for the Memorial Fund
from John & Dee Acuff, Ardmore Kiwanis Club,
Syble Roring, Sam Veazey, Larry & Beverly
Shockley, Harry & Donna Spring, Joseph &
Gail Doza, Bill & Joanne Meacham, Bruzzy &
Gloria Westheimer, Frances Kampschmidt,
Bob Sperry, and Lockie Moxley.
In memory of Glenn Sappington, contributions
have been received for the United Methodist
Men from Kent & Ginger Tucker, Don & Bettie
Black, Fellowship Sunday School Class,
Louise Daniels, and Sam & Sharon Veazey.
In memory of Glenn Sappington, contributions
have been received for the Building Fund from
Mike & Pat Castellow and George Nilson.
In memory of Glenn Sappington, contributions
have been received for the Ardmore Soup
Kitchen from Mr. & Mrs. Charles Williams and
Frank & Shirley Warner.
In memory of Glenn Sappington, a contribution
has been received for the Capital Campaign
from Maytha Mead.
In memory of Glenn Sappington, a contribution
has been received for Cross Point Camp from
Harry & Lajuana Dodd.
First United Methodist Church
501 W Main
Ardmore OK 73401
Rev. Jessica Moffatt Seay, Senior Pastor
Rev. Tony Caro, Pastor
Rev. Brad Dery, Pastor
Rev. Dan Patman, Pastor
Sunday Services
9:00 am Traditional
10:00 am Sunday School
11:05 am EPIC contemporary
Televised at 11:00 on CableOne, Channel 6
Broadcast at 9:00am on KYNZ - GTO FM 107.1
Wednesday Service
In the Colvert Ministry Center
6:00 PM an Oasis in the middle of your busy week!
Prayer Chain
Lenny Frank .......................465-7515
[email protected]
Wadell & Sheila Altom ......223-7272
Or join the Prayer Chain Group on The City
Sunday, December 21
7 - 8 PM
Colvert Ministry Center
503 W Broadway, Room 115
Ardmore OK 73401
(580) 223-5390 X314
Join us for coffee, snacks and
stimulating conversation.