Macaulay Water Resources Sustainable Water Solutions Steve Macaulay, P.E., Vice President 916.813.3307 [email protected] December 2014 KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS Macaulay Water Resources, Inc. is a 2-person water resources engineering consulting firm that focuses on water resources planning and management. Our demonstrated skills extend to the following: Water rights and water transfers Integrated regional water management Groundwater management, including conjunctive use and water banking Water supply reliability and sustainability Environmental and water supply issues, conflicts Water conservation Climate change Project management Drinking water regulatory issues EXPERIENCE California Department of Water Resources, Implementation of New Groundwater Law. (October 2014 – present) Lead consultant role reporting directly to DWR executive office in implementing major changes in State groundwater law. Central role in supporting communications and outreach with other State agencies and outside stakeholders. Supporting role for internal program coordination. California Department of Water Resources, Preparation of Updated Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for Monterey Amendment. (December 2014 – present) As a subcontractor to AECOM, help to prepare updated Supplemental EIR for the State Water Project Monterey Amendment, with specific focus on impacts associated with the Kern Water Bank groundwater banking program. Northern California Water Association, Assessment of Sacramento Valley Groundwater Resources. (August 2013 – July 2014) Summarize the most recent information on groundwater conditions and management throughout the Sacramento Valley and the wide range of tools (technical and policy) used in management of this critical water resource. Includes review of existing groundwater models to assess applicability to effective water resources planning. Report concludes with recommendations for future overall water resources management. Target audiences are water users (regional and statewide), publiclyelected officials and legislators. Report released June 29, 2014 and available at El Dorado Water & Power Authority, California. (January 2012 – present) Lead technical / policy consultant on acquisition of a 1927 area-of-origin surface water right to meet long-term water needs in upper watershed of the American River basin in El Dorado County. Work closely with downstream water interests to develop cooperative programs to ease transition to increased upstream water use. This complex project involves important technical, legal and policy issues related to operation of the Bureau of Reclamation’s Folsom Reservoir, environmental flows on the Lower American River (temperature and flow), the Sacramento Water Forum Agreement, complex water law and policy matters, and regional water management and sustainability. Technical tools employed to date are CALSIM modeling related to impacts on the State Water Project and Central Valley Project water users, as well as water levels in Folsom Reservoir under a wide range of historic hydrology and assumed future water demands. Zone 7 Water Agency, Long-Term Water Transfer. (January 2013 – present) Provide technical analyses and policy guidance on long-term water transfer from Byron-Bethany Irrigation District to Zone 7 Water Agency. Worked directly with DWR to secure successful transfer during 2013. This agricultural-to-urban water transfer through the year 2030 involves complex issues of land use changes within BBID and complex state regulatory processes. Work closely with general managers and attorneys of both buyer and seller, interface with state Department of Water Resources, the State Water Contractors water user organization and others. Worked closely with subcontractor Davids Engineering in support to BBID for quantifying net irrigation water use. QA/QC all work products. Odello Ranch (Eastwood) Water Right Reassignment Project, Carmel River. (May 2012 – present) Lead technical consultant on project to reassign water from this active private ranch to both environmental and urban water needs within the Carmel River watershed. Quantified water available for reassignment under California water law. Developed recommended future agricultural management practices through subcontractor Davids Engineering, supported attorneys in application to State Water Resources Control Board for reassignment, directed work of subcontractor West Yost Associates in assessing impacts of project on surface and groundwater resources of lower Carmel River. Support development of draft and final project EIR through early 2015. Northern Sacramento Valley Integrated Regional Water Management Plan. Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Shasta, Sutter and Tehama Counties, California. (December 2009 – March 2014) Secured $1 million from a combination of state and federal funds to develop an integrated regional water management plan for the northern Sacramento Valley. Developed governance structure options, implemented structure adopted by the six counties. Co-manager of consultant team to complete development of IRWMP by Spring 2014. Assign and QA/QC subconsultant assignments, facilitate and support Board meetings. IRWMP adopted March 2014, fully approved by DWR summer 2014. Water Supply Master Plan for City of Sacramento. (2010 – 2012) Major update to the City of Sacramento’s water supply master plan. Project components included: (1) comprehensive analysis of water demands and development of demand management plan; (2) development of integrated water supply plan; (3) revisions to water infrastructure master plan; and (4) integrate earlier elements into an overall water supply master plan. Served as team lead for demand management (water conservation) plan, directed coordination with the City’s water supply master plan Advisory Group. Water Transfers for Urban Water Agencies. City of Napa and American Canyon Water District, California. Similar project on behalf of the Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency. (2010 – 2011) Explored options to improve urban water supply reliability in dry and critically dry years. Prepared material as part of a technical memorandum outlining pros and cons of various water transfer options, including consideration of underlying water rights. Reliable Water Supply for Proposed Development. City of Tracy, California. (2011) Support to the City on water supply reliability for proposed Tracy Hills project: evaluated options to convey water through CVP or SWP facilities, provided advice on water rights as well as State Water Project conveyance policies and operational issues. Water Conservation Training Program. California-Nevada Section, American Water Works Association. (2008 – 2009) Secured initial $100,000 funding for the CA-NV AWWA Section’s initial water conservation professionals training and certification program. Secured West Yost Associates’ Davis office as AWWA’s water conservation training site for northern California. Resources Planning for Conaway Ranch, California. (2008 – 2010) Project lead for strategic resources planning for Conaway Ranch, an 18,000-acre ranch located in and adjacent to the Yolo Bypass between Davis and Woodland. Evaluated potential of providing increased urban flood protection in the region, developed successful 2008 water transfer, prepared for future water transfers, conducted environmental resources planning, developed comprehensive groundwater monitoring and utilization strategy, coordinated with appropriate state and federal regulatory and planning agencies. Water Conservation Program. San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District, California. (2007) Developed more aggressive urban water conservation program. Provided information documenting the need for water conservation and developing a recommended Water Conservation Policy/Implementation Plan. Helped to organize a regional conference on urban water conservation. Davis/Woodland Water Supply Project. Woodland-Davis Clean Water Agency, Davis, California. (2006 – 2011) Member of project management team for the cities of Woodland and Davis in planning, design and implementation of a regional surface water supply project. A key element of this project was securing additional summer water supplies to complement the new water right permit, through marketbased water transfers from agricultural water users in the Sacramento Valley. Team lead, “DavisWoodland Water Supply Project, Community Report” (December 2007 and 2010 update). Water Supply & Facilities Master Plan for the Chico-Hamilton City District, California Water Service Company, California. (2009 – 2010, 2012) Technical advisor for facilities master plan to define and prioritize areas of improvement within the water system for the next 25 years. Reviewed water supply options for Cal Water, including potential use of Butte County’s surface water contract supplies from the State Water Project. Development Support, County of Sutter, California. (2007) Technical advisor for water supply and distribution infrastructure support to Sutter County related to proposed 7,500-acre development. Water supply for the proposed commercial, industrial, and residential development includes use of groundwater wells for the initial development with transition to conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water. Issues include surface water rights, groundwater use, potential groundwater impacts, representing the County to provide input and comments on the SB 610 water supply assessment, and addressing issues that have arisen in similar developments. Water Scarcity Paper for Dutch National Government, Rijkswaterstaat Waterdienst, The Netherlands. (2009) Sole source project from the Dutch water ministry, completed October 2009. Paper described means by which California is addressing water supply reliability under very dry conditions. The focus of the paper is on market-based water transfers, within California’s water resources policy and water rights framework. Executive Director, California Urban Water Agencies. (2003 to 2007) Association of large public urban water utilities in California. Active engagement in CALFED Bay-Delta Program, water conservation policy and technical issues, drinking water issues, etc. Appointed in April 2005 by U.S. Interior Secretary to the CALFED Bay-Delta Public Advisory Committee. Served as a member of the Public Advisory Committee for the 2005 update to the California Water Plan, chair of Urban Caucus. Developed scope of work and guided several studies to advance the implementation and understanding of urban water conservation, including a cooperative study with the California Urban Water Conservation Council regarding greater savings from urban landscape programs. Principal author of CUWA publication on climate change, “Climate Change and Urban Water Resources, Investing for Reliability” (December 2007). Chief Deputy Director, California Department of Water Resources. (1999 to 2003) Head of the Director’s management team in a 2,800-person agency responsible for California water resources planning and development, as well as operation and management of the California State Water Project. Principal liaison with the CALFED Bay-Delta Program, member of CALFED Management Group and Policy Group. Worked closely with top leadership at U.S. Department of Interior. Member of Delta Protection Commission. Recipient of Director’s Special Award in February 2003 for sustained superior accomplishments. General Manager, State Water Contractors. (1994 to 1999) General Manager of a water user organization representing 27 public agencies with long-term contracts for a water supply from the California State Water Project. Coordination with DWR, other state and federal agencies, elected officials, interest groups and the public. Major issues include: (1) SWP operations and maintenance; (2) SWP water supply contract administration; (3) development of solutions to financial issues; (4) development of a long-term solution to the water supply, water quality, environmental and structural problems of the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary; and (5) negotiation and implementation of fundamental changes to SWP water supply contracts. Principal Engineer, Department of Water Resources. (1991 to 1994) Chief of Water Transfers Office; Manager of Governor’s 1991 and 1992 Emergency Drought Water Banks, Chief of Water Conservation Office. Responsible for all activities associated with implementing the Drought Water Banks, including negotiation of 400 water transfer contracts, organization and assignment of staff for all program functions, development of comprehensive monitoring program, budget preparation and fiscal management, coordination of activities within State government, coordination with U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and local government, press contacts, etc. Worked on initial formation of Agricultural Water Management Council. Project Manager of Kern Water Bank, Department of Water Resources. (1987 to 1991) Manager of large-scale (20,000 acre) ground water recharge and extraction program at southern end of San Joaquin Valley. Responsible for all planning activities, including contract and land purchase negotiations, technical studies, budget preparation and management, preparation of preliminary construction plans and specifications, coordination with local water districts and the State Water Contractors, land management, feasibility report preparation and environmental impact report. Developed demonstration ground water storage and extraction programs during 1988 and 1990. Senior/Supervising Engineer, Department of Water Resources. (1980 to 1987) Negotiated contracts and amendments concerning State Water Project facilities and water deliveries; conducted technical studies supporting SWP operations and water/power cost studies. Prepared financial and economic feasibility studies of proposed SWP facilities and programs. Earlier work as manager of DWR’s water rights program. Member of team that prepared environmental documents supporting designation of five northern California rivers under the Federal Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. Senior Engineer, State Water Resources Control Board. (1972 to 1980) Various positions in State of California water quality and water rights regulatory programs, including development of 1978 water quality and water rights regulations for Sacramento – San Joaquin Delta. ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE • • • • • • Fall, 2012. Guest lecturer, McGeorge School of Law, course on California water law and development. 2009 to Present. Industry Advisor to the Board of Directors, U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage. Elected to Board of Directors in 2014. 2009. Advisor to the Public Policy Institute of California in development of its December 2009 report, “California Water Myths”. 2001 and 2004. Water Education Foundation, Mentor for Water Leaders Program Spring 2000. Lecturer, University of California, Davis, Executive Program Spring 1987. University of California, Davis, Executive Program PAPERS, PUBLICATIONS Promoting Sustainable Groundwater & Water Transfers in the Sacramento Valley, co-authored with David Aladjem, J.D. Presented at USCID / GRA joint conference, “Groundwater Issues and Water Management – Strategies Addressing the Challenges of Sustainability”, Sacramento, California, March 2014. Co-chair of conference. California’s New Focus on Water Supply Reliability and Sustainability, one of the keynote presentations at U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage conference, “The Struggle for Efficiency – Actions and Consequences”, San Diego, California, November 2011. Water Transfers in California: 20 Years of Progress, View to the Future, presented at U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage conference, “Emerging Challenges and Opportunities for Irrigation Managers”, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 2011. Sustainability: Solutions, Partnerships, and Public Support, published in the U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage Fall 2009 newsletter. Integrated Regional Water Management, The New Direction in California, co-authored with Francis Borcalli, presented as opening paper at Fourth International Conference on Irrigation and Drainage, cosponsored by U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage and International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, Sacramento, California, October 2007. Water Transfers in California as a Water Reliability Strategy, presented at water experts meeting sponsored by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), “Emerging Risks to Global Water Supplies: Best Practice for Improved Management and Preparedness to Protect Public Health,” Cuernavaca, Mexico, July 2003. Resolution of Water Resources Issues In the State of California, United States of America: The CALFED Bay-Delta Program, presented at III Encuentro de las Aguas, Santiago, Chile, October 2001. The California Water Crisis: Can Irrigation Cope? presented at Brace Centre Water Symposium, Macdonald Campus of McGill University, Montreal, Canada, September 2001. Lessons Learned in Management of Water Markets in Scarcity or Drought Conditions, California U.S. presented at the Seminario Internacional Gestion de Recursos Hidricos, Santiago, Chile, December 1996. Organized by the Chilean Ministry of Public Works under the auspices of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization. The 1991 and 1992 California Drought Water Banks presented at International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, 15th Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, The Hague, The Netherlands, September 1993. Water Marketing in California as a Strategy to Meet Future Urban and Irrigation Demands presented at 12th Technical Conference on Irrigation, Drainage and Flood Control, San Francisco, United States Committee on Irrigation and Drainage November 1991. Overcoming Institutional Barriers to Ground Water Banking: The Kern Water Bank presented at American Society of Civil Engineers International Symposium on Artificial Recharge of Ground Water, Anaheim, August 1988. Frequent participant at conferences as a speaker, moderator and panelist. Widely respected expert on California and west-wide water issues. EDUCATION M.S., Civil Engineering, California State University, Sacramento, 1972 B.S., Chemical Engineering, University of California, Davis, 1971 PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION Professional Civil Engineer, California No. C24878 Professional Engineer, Washington No. 51814 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Society of Civil Engineers Association of California Water Agencies U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (Board member) Northern California Water Association Water Education Foundation Groundwater Resources Association of California
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