Release Notes Version 8.3 Incremental | December 2014 | 3725-74600-015C RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s Trademark Information POLYCOM® and the names and marks associated with Polycom's products are trademarks and/or service marks of Polycom, Inc., and are registered and/or common law marks in the United States and various other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Patent Information The accompanying product may be protected by one or more U.S. and foreign patents and/or pending patent applications held by Polycom, Inc. This software has not achieved UC APL certification. This document provides the latest information for security-conscious users running Version 8.3 software. The information in this document is not intended to imply that DoD or DISA certifies Polycom RMX systems. End User License Agreement Use of this software constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Polycom® RealPresence® Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/1800/2000/4000 system end-user license agreements (EULA). The EULA for your version is available on the Polycom Support page for the Polycom® RealPresence® Collaboration Server (RMX®) 1500/1800/2000/4000 system. © 2014 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom, Inc. 6001 America Center Drive San Jose CA 95002 USA No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Polycom, Inc. Under the law, reproducing includes translating into another language or format. As between the parties, Polycom, Inc., retains title to and ownership of all proprietary rights with respect to the software contained within its products. The software is protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provision. Therefore, you must treat the software like any other copyrighted material (e.g., a book or sound recording). Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate. Polycom, Inc., is not responsible for printing or clerical errors. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. i RMX Release Notes Version 8.3 Regulatory Notices • No user-serviceable parts inside. Do not open. • The plug-socket combination must be accessible at all times, because it serves as the main disconnecting device • This equipment must be earthed. Do not power this equipment if the integrity of themains earthing conductor cannot be verified • Only trained and qualified personnel should be allowed to install, replace, service or repair this equipment • To prevent system overheating do not operate in an ambient temperature exceeding 40° C / 104° F • Installation of this equipment must comply with local and national electrical codes. Warning Warning Environmental This product is compliant with the requirements of the recast RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU. Information can be obtained from Polycom Ltd, 270 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 4DX, UK or via: [email protected] Information on recycling can be found at: Disposal of this equipment should be carried out in accordance with local environmental guidelines and regulations for waste. For further information please contact: [email protected] Batteries Below is a listing of batteries that could be present in the product: Description:Internal CMOS battery Type:CR2032 Lithium Coin Cell Weight:3.3g Batteries used in this product are in compliance with EU Battery Directive 2006/66/EC. Batteries in this product are not based on mercury, lead or cadmium technologies. Batteries in this product are not intended to be replaced or removed by the user Additional information on the safe use and recycling of batteries can be found at: Polycom, Inc. ii RMX Release Notes Version 8.3 United States Federal Communication Commission (FCC) This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful interference. 2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Modifications: Any modifications made to this device that are not approved by Polycom, Inc. may void the authority granted to the user by the FCC to operate this equipment. Industry Canada (IC) This Class [A] digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003 Cet appareil numerique de la classe [A] est conforme a la norme NMB-003 du Canada European Economic Area (EEA) Česky [Czech]: Polycom (UK) Ltd tímto prohlašuje, že tento Polycom RMX je ve shodě se základními požadavky a dalšími příslušnými ustanoveními směrnice 1999/5/ES. Dansk [Danish]: Undertegnede Polycom (UK) Ltd erklærer herved, at følgende udstyr Polycom RMX overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF. Deutsch [German]: Hiermit erklärt Polycom (UK) Ltd, dass sich das Gerät Polycom RMX in Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den übrigen einschlägigen Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG befindet. Eesti [Estonian]: Käesolevaga kinnitab Polycom (UK) Ltd seadme Polycom RMX vastavust direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ põhinõuetele ja nimetatud direktiivist tulenevatele teistele asjakohastele sätetele. English: Hereby, Polycom (UK) Ltd. Declares that this Polycom RMX is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. Español [Spanish]: Por medio de la presente Polycom (UK) Ltd declara que el Polycom RMX cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE. Ελληνική [Greek]: ΜΕ ΤΗΝ ΠΑΡΟΥΣΑ Polycom (UK) Ltd ∆ΗΛΩΝΕΙ ΟΤΙ Polycom RMX ΣΥΜΜΟΡΦΩΝΕΤΑΙ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΙΣ ΟΥΣΙΩ∆ΕΙΣ ΑΠΑΙΤΗΣΕΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΙΣ ΛΟΙΠΕΣ ΣΧΕΤΙΚΕΣ ∆ΙΑΤΑΞΕΙΣ ΤΗΣ Ο∆ΗΓΙΑΣ 1999/5/ΕΚ. Français [French]: Par la présente Polycom (UK) Ltd déclare que l’appareil Polycom RMX est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE. Polycom, Inc. iii RMX Release Notes Version 8.3 European Economic Area (EEA) Italiano [Italian]: Con la presente Polycom (UK) Ltd dichiara che questo Polycom RMX è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE. Íslenska (Icelandic): Hér með lýsir Polycom (UK) Ltd yfir því að Polycom RMX er í samræmi við grunnkröfur og aðrar kröfur, sem gerðar eru í tilskipun 1999/5/EC Latviski [Latvian]: Ar šo Polycom (UK) Ltd deklarē, ka Polycom RMX atbilst Direktīvas 1999/5/EK būtiskajām prasībām un citiem ar to saistītajiem noteikumiem. Lietuvių [Lithuanian]: Šiuo Polycom (UK) Ltd deklaruoja, kad šis Polycom RMX atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas 1999/5/EB Direktyvos nuostatas. Nederlands [Dutch]: Hierbij verklaart Polycom (UK) Ltd dat het toestel Polycom RMX in overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG. Malti [Maltese]: Hawnhekk, Polycom (UK) Ltd, jiddikjara li dan Polycom RMX jikkonforma mal-ħtiġijiet essenzjali u ma provvedimenti oħrajn relevanti li hemm fid-Dirrettiva 1999/5/EC. Magyar [Hungarian]: Alulírott, Polycom (UK) Ltd nyilatkozom, hogy a Polycom RMX megfelel a vonatkozó alapvetõ követelményeknek és az 1999/5/EC irányelv egyéb elõírásainak. Norsk [Norwegian]: Polycom (UK) Ltd erklærer herved at utstyret Polycom RMX er i samsvar med de grunnleggende krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF. Polski [Polish]: Niniejszym Polycom (UK) Ltd oświadcza, że Polycom RMX jest zgodne z zasadniczymi wymaganiami oraz innymi stosownymi postanowieniami Dyrektywy 1999/5/WE. Português [Portuguese]: Polycom (UK) Ltd declara que este Polycom RMX está conforme com os requisitos essenciais e outras disposições da Directiva 1999/5/CE. Slovensko [Slovenian]: Polycom (UK) Ltd týmto vyhlasuje, že Polycom RMX spĺňa základné požiadavky a všetky príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 1999/5/ES. Slovensky [Slovak]: Polycom (UK) Ltd týmto vyhlasuje, že Polycom RMX spĺňa základné požiadavky a všetky príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 1999/5/ES. Suomi [Finnish]: Polycom (UK) Ltd vakuuttaa täten että Polycom RMX tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen. Svenska [Swedish]: Härmed intygar Polycom (UK) Ltd att denna Polycom RMX står I överensstämmelse med de väsentliga egenskapskrav och övriga relevanta bestämmelser som framgår av direktiv 1999/5/EG. A full copy of the Declaration of Conformity can be obtained from Polycom Ltd, 270 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 4DX, UK. Polycom, Inc. iv RMX Release Notes Version 8.3 Taiwan BSMI EMC statement Japan VCCI EMC statement This is a Class A product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipment (VCCI). If this equipment is used in a domestic environment, radio disturbance may arise. When such trouble occurs, the user may be required to take corrective actions. Worldwide EMC statement This is a class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures. Optional ISDN interface card If the above is fitted to the system then the following statements also apply; United States Federal Communication Commission (FCC) This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and the requirements adopted by the ACTA. On the ISDN card itself is a label that contains, among other information, a product identifier in the format US:AAAEQ##TXXXX. If requested, this number must be provided to the telephone company. The following USOC, FIC and SOC codes are applicable to this equipment; USOC Jacks: RJ48S Service Order Code: 6.0N Facility Interface Code: 04DU9.DN, 04DU9.BN, 04DU9.1KN, 04DU9.1SN If this equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will notify you in advance that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. But if advance notice isn't practical, the telephone company will notify the customer as soon as possible. Also, you will be advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC if you believe it is necessary. The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations or procedures that could affect the operation of the equipment. If this happens the telephone company will provide advance notice in order for you to make necessary modifications to maintain uninterrupted service. If trouble is experienced with this equipment, for repair or warranty information, please contact Polycom Inc in the U.S.A. 1-888-248-8294. If the equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may request that you disconnect the equipment until the problem is resolved. Connection to party line service is subject to state tariffs. Contact the state public utility commission, public service commission or corporation commission for information. Polycom, Inc. v Contents New Features List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Changes to Existing Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Interoperability Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s Conferencing Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Hardware Requirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Resources and Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Collaboration Server Web Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Windows 7™ Security Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Internet Explorer 8 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Version 8.3 Inc - Upgrade Package Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Upgrade Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Preparing for the Upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Upgrading from Version 8.0 to 8.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Upgrading from Version 8.1/8.2 to Version 8.3 Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Upgrading the RMX Manager Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Changes to Existing Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 VMR Entry Queue - Change of Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Corrections and Known Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Corrections Between Version 8.3 and Version 8.3 Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 OpenSSL 'Heartbleed' Vulnerability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Prerequisites and Configuration Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Installation Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Rollback Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Polycom, Inc. i Doc Title in Header Resolved Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Known Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Troubleshooting Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Procedure 1: Ending all Internet Explorer Sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Procedure 2: Deleting the Temporary Internet Files, Collaboration Server Cookie and Collaboration Server Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Deleting the Temporary Internet Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Deleting the RMX/Collaboration Server Cookie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Deleting the RMX/Collaboration Server ActiveX Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Procedure 3: Managing Add-ons Collisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Procedure 4: Add the Collaboration Server to the Internet Explorer Trusted Sites List . . 46 Procedure 5: Browser Hosting Controls (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Polycom, Inc. ii RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc New Features List New Features List The following table lists the new features in 8.3. Full information about these features can be found in the Polycom® RealPresence Collaboration Server Virtual Edition/800s Administrator’s Guide. Version 8.3 - New Features List # Category Feature Name Description 1 Conferencing CCS Support The Polycom CSS (Content Sharing Suite) Plug-in for Lync clients is supported, allowing Lync clients to receive and send Content on a separate channel, without having to use the video channel. Content is transmitted using SIP BFCP. 2 Video/Partners HD RTV Video Protocol HD RTV Video Protocol is supported enabling the use of legacy endpoints. 3 Conferencing Encryption support with TIP Encryption between the Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s and a CISCO environment is now supported. Media and control can be encrypted using SRTP/SRTCP. TIP is encrypted using SRTCP. SIP is encrypted using DTLS. When upgrading the RMX automatically creates a self-signed certificate to support encrypted communications with CISCO endpoints. 4 Conferencing Symmetric HD 1080p30 Symmetric HD1880p30 resolution is now supported. 5 Conferencing Legacy Content Content can now be shared with H.323/SIP/ISDN endpoints 6 Conferencing Multiple Content Resolutions Multiple Content Resolutions uses Content Transcoding to enable Content to be sent to endpoints with different Content quality capabilities. Each endpoint receives Content at the highest level of quality it is capable of receiving. 7 Conferencing Speaker Change Threshold The amount of time a participant must speak continuously until becoming the speaker is now configurable. 8 Conferencing RealPresence Collaboration Server and Cisco Telepresence Systems (CTS) Integration Polycom’s solution to allow the RealPresence Collaboration Server to natively inter-operate with Cisco TelePresence Systems, ensuring optimum quality multi-screen, multipoint calls between: • Polycom Immersive Telepresence Systems • Polycom video conferencing endpoints • Cisco TelePresence® System (CTS) Polycom®, Inc. 1 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc New Features List # Category Feature Name Description 9 Conferencing TIP Support with Polycom Endpoints Polycom endpoints can now connect to Entry Queues, Meeting Rooms and conferences using the TIP protocol. The connection of the Polycom endpoints with TIP protocol to a TIP Compatible Entry Queues, Meeting Rooms and conferences using the TIP protocol is enabled when the Prefer TIP option is selected in the Profile. 10 Conferencing Encryption support with TIP Encryption between the RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s and a CISCO environment is now supported. Media and control can be encrypted using SRTP/ SRTCP. TIP is encrypted using SRTCP. SIP is encrypted using DTLS. When upgrading the RMX automatically creates a self-signed certificate to support encrypted communications with CISCO endpoints. 11 IVR IVR Services Support with TIP Protocol Conference IVR and Entry Queue IVR Services are now supported with AVC TIP protocol in conferences that include both TIP-enabled and non-TIP-enabled endpoints. TIP-enabled endpoints can be moved from the Entry Queue to the destination conference if the TIP Compatibility Modes settings in the Profile are identical for both conferencing entities (it is recommended to use the same Profile for both entities). The IVR services can be enabled for all TIP Compatibility Modes. 12 Networking IPv6 IPv6 addressing is now supported. 13 Conferencing Click&View Participants in AVC only conferences can use the Click&View application that enables them to select a video layout from their endpoints. 14 Conferencing Personal Conference Manager The Personal Conference Manager (PCM) interface enables the conference chairperson to control various conference features using his/her endpoint’s remote control device in AVC conferences. 15 Conferencing FECC Control FECC can be enabled and disabled for individual conferences in the Conference Profile. 16 Conferencing H.239 Multi-Hierarchy (MIH) Cascading H.239 Multi-Hierarchy (MIH) cascading is available to Collaboration Server users enabling them to run very large conferences on different MCUs in multiple levels of Master-Slave relationships using an H.323 connection. 17 Video w448 Resolution Improves interoperability with Tandberg MXP 990/3000 endpoints providing these endpoints the resolution of W448p (768x448 pixels) at 25fps. 18 Audio IVR Volume The volume of IVR messages, IVR music, and Roll Call can be set using system flags. 19 Conferencing Additional Chinese Font Types Additional Chinese fonts may be selected for several features when using the Collaboration Server in Chinese. Polycom®, Inc. 2 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc New Features List # Category Feature Name Description 20 Conferencing Gathering Phase The Gathering Phase of an AVC (CP only) conference is the time period during which participants are connecting to a conference. During the Gathering Phase, a mix of live video from connected endpoints is combined with both static and variable textual information about the conference into a slide which is displayed on all connected endpoints. 21 Conferencing Roll Call The Roll Call feature of the Conference IVR Service is used to record the participants’ names for playback when the participants join and leave a conference. 22 Microsoft Certification FEC Support Microsoft RTV FEC (Forward Error Correction) is supported in the RMX to control and correct packet loss when receiving and sending video streams using the Microsoft Lync Server 2010 communications software. 23 Conference Invite Participant A participant in a video or audio conference can invite another participant to the conference using the touch-tone DTMF numeric keypad on the participant’s endpoint. 24 Conferencing AAC-LD Codec The MPEG-4 Low Delay Audio Coder (AAC-LD) is now supported. 25 Video/Microsof t RTV Video Protocol Support Microsoft RTV Video protocol is supported. 26 Conferencing Telepresence Immersive Telepresence (ITP) is now supported. Polycom®, Inc. 3 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Changes to Existing Features Changes to Existing Features The following table lists the changes to existing features in Version 8.3. Full information about these features can be found in the Polycom® RealPresence Collaboration Server Virtual Edition/800s Administrator’s Guide. Version 8.3 - Changes to Existing Features # Category Feature Name Description 1 Conferencing VMR Entry Queue Change of Behavior With Version 8.3Incremental, users are able to change the behavior of the policy of number collection for VMR Entry Queues, Conference-IDs and Passwords, allowing a time-out to be used as a stop indicator for the input string. 2 Conferencing Default CP Conference Profile To ensure high quality of content sharing, the default settings for content sharing in the Profile - Video Quality dialog box have changed from Graphics to HighResGraphics and from H.263&H.264 to H.264 HD. In addition, the minimum line rate for content sharing is now set to 384kbps. Notes: • Endpoints that connect at a line rate lower than 384kbps (for example, 256kbps) will not receive content. • Endpoints that can only share content using H.263 video protocol will receive content as a Legacy endpoint (enabled by default) or will not be able to share content if the Send Content to Legacy Endpoints option is disabled. If your conferences include endpoints that share content using H.263 video protocol or at line rates lower than 384kbps, change the default content settings in the profile. 3 IVR IVR Tone Notifications Roll Call announcements played upon participants connection or disconnection from a conference (Entry and Exit announcements) can be replaced by tones. The system is shipped with two default tones: Entry Tone and Exit tone. Polycom®, Inc. 4 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Interoperability Table Interoperability Table Devices The following table lists the devices tested on Version 8.3. :Version 8.3 Device Interoperability Table Device Version Gatekeepers/Proxies Polycom® CMA* Gatekeeper 6.2.0 Polycom® RealPresence® Resource Manager** 8.0.1 Cisco (Tandberg) Gatekeeper N6.3 Microsoft Lync Server Microsoft Lync Server 2010- 4.0.7577.216 (CU8) Microsoft Lync Server W15 Microsoft Lync Server 2013- 5.0.8308.0 Polycom® RealPresence® Access Director™ (RPAD) 3.0 Polycom RMX Gateway 8.2 Cisco (Tandberg) VCS X7.2.2 Recorder Polycom® RSS 4000 Polycom® RealPresence Capture Server 1.0 MCUs, Call Managers Network Devices and Add ins Polycom® RealPresence® Distributed Media Application (DMA) system Polycom® RealPresence® Collaboration Server (RMX) 8.2 Acme Packets SBC ACME Net-Net 3800 Firmware SCX6.4.0 MR-3 GA (Build 298) Polycom Conferencing Add in for Microsoft Outlook Polycom Conferencing for Outlook (PCO) 1.4.0 IBM WebSphere Application Server (Network Deployment) plus required WebSphere iFixes. Siemens Server V7.00.01.ALL.07_PS0030.E06 Polycom®, Inc. 5 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Interoperability Table Device Version Cisco (Tandberg) Codian 4505 MCU 4.4(3.49) Endpoints Polycom HDX Family 3.1.2-35267 RealPresence Group Series software 4.1.1 Polycom® VSX and V-Series Family Polycom® CMA Desktop* 5.2.x Polycom® CMA Desktop for MAC* 5.2.3 Polycom® QDX6000 4.0.3 Polycom® Real Presence® Mobile - iOS 3.0 RealPresence® Mobile - Android 3.0 RealPresence® Desktop for Windows 3.0 Polycom® m100 1.0.6 Polycom® VVX1500 4.0.2 Polycom VVX500 4.1.5 Polycom VVX600 4.1.5 SoundPointIP 650 4.0.4 Polycom Sound Point 601 SIP 3.1.7 Polycom PVX 8.0.16 Polycom SoundStation IP4000 SIP 3.1.7 Polycom SoundStation IP7000 4.0.4 Polycom HDX Touch Controller 1.8 Polycom Group Series Touch Controller Avaya Voice Phone‘ S3.171b Avaya one-X Communicator Avaya 1000 series endpoint 4.8.3 Avaya Flare Desktop Avaya ADVD 1_1_2_020002 Avaya Flare Mobile (iOS) LifeSize 200 4.7.22(3) LifeSize Room and Express 4.7.22(3) Polycom®, Inc. 6 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Interoperability Table Device Version LifeSize Desktop Client LifeSize Express 220 4.11.13(1) LifeSize Team 220 4.11.13(1) LifeSize Passport 4.11.13(1) LifeSize SoftPhone 8.1.12 Cisco (Tandberg) EX90 6.2 Cisco (Tandberg) C Series 6.2 Cisco E20 4.1.2 Radvision SCOPIA XT1000 endpoint 2.5.416 Radvision Scopia XT5000 Sony PCS –1 3.42 Sony PCS –G50 2.72 Sony PCS –TL50 2.42 Sony PCS-G90 2.22 Sony PCS-XG80 2.37 Tandberg 1700 MXP F9.3.1 Tandberg Edge95 MXP F9.3.1 CSS Server 1.1.1 CSS Addon client 1.1.1 Microsoft Lync 2013 client Lync 2013 client 15.0.4517.1504 Microsoft Lync 2010 client Lync 2010 client 4.0.7577.4392 Siemens Client V7R1.17.0 Siemens OpenStage Desktop Voice V3R1 43 IBM DB2 Database Server 9.7 IBM Domino® Enterprise Server V8.5.2 IBM Notes client V8.5.2 IBM Sametime Media Manager V8.5.2 IFR 1 IBM Sametime System Console V8.5.2 IFR 1 IBM Sametime Community Server V8.5.2 IFR 1 IBM Sametime Proxy Server V8.5.2 IFR 1 Polycom®, Inc. 7 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Interoperability Table Device Version IBM Sametime Meeting Server V8.5.2 IFR 1 * RealPresence Collaboration Server 800 registration to the CMA Gatekeeper is supported. Bridge information (management & monitoring) and scheduling are not supported. ** RealPresence® Resource Manager (XMA) can schedule calls through the DMA. Reservations are not supported. Wave 7 version of RealPresence® Resource Manager (XMA) does not support management, monitoring and scheduling of conferences on the Collaboration Server 800s that are directly managed by RealPresence® Resource Manager (XMA). *** Lync 2013 is not supported. RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s Conferencing Options The following table summarizes the conferencing capabilities and options available in the different Conferencing Mode. Features by Conferencing Mode Features CP Only Reservations Mixed CP & SVC SVC Only Operator Conferences Entry Queues * * * Dial Out Cascading ** IVR Reduced IVR set for SVC endpoints Permanent Conferences LPR *** *** Auto Redial Content All Content Settings, All Content Protocols Graphics Only, H.264 Cascade & SVC Optimized Graphics Only, H.264 Cascade & SVC Optimized Presentation Mode Lecture Mode Same Layout Polycom®, Inc. 8 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Interoperability Table Features CP Only Mixed CP & SVC SVC Only Layout Selection AVC endpoints only Layout set to Auto Layout and defined on the endpoint Skins AVC endpoints only Encryption Recording AVC recording only Site Names AVC endpoints only Managed by the endpoint (not via MCU) Message Overlay * Entry Queue & Destination Conference must have the same profile (i.e. SVC only to SVC only, Mixed CP and SVC to Mixed CP and SVC) ** Only Basic Cascading is available *** For AVC, the LPR error resiliency is used, for SVC endpoints other error resiliency methods are used. Hardware Requirement The RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s software-based MCU is hosted on the Dell® PowerEdge™ R620 E5-2690 Rack Server. Resources and Feedback To find support and to report findings, register on the beta web site and use the following resources: Polycom Support and Resources For support please contact the Polycom Team at Polycom Support [email protected] Polycom Test Systems Go to for a list of worldwide numbers that you can use to test your video conferencing system. Collaboration Server Web Client The following table lists the environments (Web Browsers and Operating Systems) with which the Collaboration Server Web Client and RMX Manager applications were tested*. It is not recommended to run RealPresence Collaboration Server Web Client and Polycom CMAD applications simultaneously on the same workstation. Polycom®, Inc. 9 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Interoperability Table Collaboration Server Wen Client/RMX Manager Environment Interoperability Table Web Browser Operating System Internet Explorer 7 (32-bit) Windows Vista™ Windows 7 Internet Explorer 8 (32-bit) Windows 7 Internet Explorer 9 (32-bit) Windows 7 and Windows 8 Internet Explorer 10 (32-bit) Windows 8 If you have problems getting the Collaboration Server Web Client to work with Windows 8, it is recommended to run Internet Explorer as an administrator by holding the shift key and right-clicking on the IE icon, and then select Run as Administrator. Windows 7™ Security Settings If Windows 7 is installed on the workstation, Protected Mode must be disabled before downloading the software to the workstation. To disable Protected Mode: 1 In the Internet Options dialog box, click the Security tab. Polycom®, Inc. 10 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Interoperability Table The Security tab is displayed. Polycom®, Inc. 11 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Interoperability Table 2 Clear the Enable Protected Mode check box for each of the following tabs: ▪ Internet ▪ Local intranet ▪ Trusted sites 3 After successful connection to Collaboration Server, the Enable Protected Mode check boxes can be selected to enable Protected Mode for the following tabs: Internet Local intranet Polycom®, Inc. 12 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Interoperability Table Internet Explorer 8 Configuration When using Internet Explorer 8 to run the Collaboration Server Web Client or RMX Manager applications, it is important to configure the browser according to the following procedure. To configure Internet Explorer 8: 1 Close all browsers running on the workstation. 2 Use the Windows Task Manager to verify that no iexplore.exe processes are running on the workstation. If any processes are found, use the End Task button to end them. 3 Open Internet Explorer but do not connect to the MCU. 4 In the Internet Explorer menu bar select Tools >> Internet Options. The Internet Options dialog box is displayed with General tab open. 5 In the Browsing history section, click the Delete button. The Delete Browsing History dialog box is displayed. Polycom®, Inc. 13 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Interoperability Table 6 Select the Temporary Internet files and Cookies check boxes. 7 Click the Delete button. The Delete Browsing History dialog box closes and the files are deleted. 8 In the Internet Options dialog box, click the Settings button. Polycom®, Inc. 14 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Interoperability Table The Temporary Internet Files and History Settings dialog box is displayed. 9 Click the View objects button. The Downloaded Program Files folder containing the installed Program Files is displayed. Polycom®, Inc. 15 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Interoperability Table 10 Select the EMAClassLoader.dll file and press the Delete key on the workstation or right-click the EMA.ClassLoader.dll file and then click Delete. 11 Close the Downloaded Program Files folder and the Temporary Internet Files and History Settings dialog box. 12 In the Internet Options dialog box, click the OK button to save the changes and close the dialog box Polycom®, Inc. 16 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Version 8.3 Inc - Upgrade Package Contents Version 8.3 Inc - Upgrade Package Contents The Version 8.3 Inc upgrade package must be downloaded from the Polycom Resource Center and includes the following items: ● lan.cfg file ● LanConfigUtility.exe ● RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s documentation: RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s VVersion 8.3 Inc Release Notes Polycom® RealPresence Collaboration Server Virtual Edition/800s Getting Started Guide V8.3 Polycom® RealPresence Collaboration Server Virtual Edition/800s Administrator’s Guide V8.3 Installation Quick Start Guide for RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s ● Translations of RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s Version 8.0 Getting Started Guide into French, German, Japanese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Hebrew and Portuguese Where to Get the Latest Product Information To view the latest Polycom product documentation, visit the Support section of the Polycom website at Polycom®, Inc. 17 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Upgrade Procedures Upgrade Procedures Guidelines • • • If Windows7™ is installed on the workstation, Protected Mode must be disabled before downloading the Collaboration Server software to the workstation. For more information see “Windows 7™ Security Settings” on page 7. To maximize conferencing performance, especially in high bit rate call environments, a 1 Gb connection is recommended for each LAN connection. If the default POLYCOM user is defined in the Collaboration Server Web Client, an Active Alarm is created and the MCU status changes to MAJOR until a new Administrator user replaces the default user. Preparing for the Upgrade A successful upgrade requires prior preparation. These steps help ensure a smooth upgrade with minimal downtime. To prepare for the upgrade: 1 If upgrading from Version 8.0, download the RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s Intermediate Version 2 Download the Version 8.3 Inc software from the Polycom Resource Center web site. 3 Obtain the Version 8.3 Inc Product Activation Key from the Polycom Resource Center web site. For more information, see the RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s Getting Started Guide, Obtaining the Activation Key . 4 If the RMX is used with a DMA, disable DMA functionality: a Log into the DMA that handles call transfers for the RMX. b Select Network -> MCU -> MCUs. c Select the MCU and choose either Stop Using or Busy Out. 5 Verify that all conferences, including permanent conferences, have been terminated. After the upgrade is complete, all permanent conferences must be manually rescheduled. 6 Backup the configuration file. For more information, see the Polycom® RealPresence Collaboration Server Virtual Edition/800s Administrator’s Guide, Software Management . Upgrading from Version 8.0 to 8.3 To upgrade from Version 8.0 to 8.3, an Intermediate Version must be installed first. The Collaboration Server is not usable until the entire procedure is complete. Polycom®, Inc. 18 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Upgrade Procedures To upgrade to the Intermediate Version: 1 Install the Intermediate Version On the Collaboration Server menu, click Administration> Software Management > Software Download. 2 Browse to the Install Path, selecting the file in the folder where the Intermediate Version is saved and click Install. 3 The Install Software information box that the file Copying files process is In progress. At the end of the Copying Files process the system displays an indication that the MCU must be reset. 4 Click the Yes button. A system message alert may appear, if so then click Next/Cancel. Connection to the Collaboration Server is terminated. 5 Wait approximately 10 minutes, close, and reopen the browser. The Intermediate Version is installed. It is recommended to immediately proceed with the rest of the procedure. Polycom®, Inc. 19 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Upgrade Procedures To upgrade from Version 8.0 to Version 8.3 Inc: 1 Install MCU Software Version 8.3 Inc. On the Collaboration Server menu, click Administration> Software Management > Software Download. 2 Browse to the Install Path, selecting the Version 8.3 Inc.x.x.bin file in the folder where Version 8.3 Inc is saved and click Install. 3 The Install Software information box that the file Copying files is In progress. At the end of the Copying Files process the system displays an indication that the software copying procedure is Done and a new Activation Key is required. 4 Click the OK button. The Product Activation dialog box is displayed with the serial number field completed. 5 In the Activation Key field, enter or paste the Product Activation Key obtained earlier and click the OK button. At the end of the Product Activation process the system displays an indication that the MCU must be reset. 6 Click the Yes button. Polycom®, Inc. 20 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Upgrade Procedures A system message alert may appear, if so then click Next/Cancel. Connection to the Collaboration Server is terminated. 7 Wait approximately 10 minutes, close, and reopen the browser. 8 Enter the IP address of the Collaboration Server Control Unit in the browser’s address line and press Enter to reconnect to Collaboration Server. If the browser displays a message indicating that it cannot display the requested page, close and reopen the browser and connect to the Collaboration Server. The version number in the Welcome screen has changed to Version 8.3 Inc. 9 In the Collaboration Server Web Client – Welcome screen, enter your User Name and Password and click Login. If the error “Browser environment error. Please close all the browser sessions” appears, close all the browser sessions, and reconnect to the Collaboration Server. If the error message appears again, either run the automatic troubleshooter utility or manually preform the suggested troubleshooting procedures. For more details, see the RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s Release Notes, Changes to Existing Features . 10 If the MCU is used with a DMA, enable DMA functionality: a Log into the DMA that handles call transfers for the RMX. b Select Network -> MCU -> MCUs. c Select the MCU and choose Start Using. d Verify that the version number is updated. The upgrade to Version 8.3 Inc is complete. Upgrading from Version 8.1/8.2 to Version 8.3 Inc To upgrade from Version 8.1/8.2 to Version 8.3 Inc: 1 Install MCU Software Version 8.3 Inc. On the Collaboration Server menu, click Administration> Software Management > Software Download. 2 Browse to the Install Path, selecting the Version 8.3 Inc.x.x.bin file in the folder where Version 8.3 Inc is saved and click Install. Polycom®, Inc. 21 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Upgrade Procedures 3 The Install Software information box that the file Copying files is In progress. At the end of the Copying Files process the system displays an indication that the software copying procedure is Done and a new Activation Key is required. 4 Click the OK button. The Product Activation dialog box is displayed with the serial number field completed. 5 In the Activation Key field, enter or paste the Product Activation Key obtained earlier and click the OK button. At the end of the Product Activation process the system displays an indication that the MCU must be reset. 6 Click the Yes button. A system message alert may appear, if so then click Next/Cancel. Connection to the Collaboration Server is terminated. 7 Wait approximately 10 minutes, close, and reopen the browser. Polycom®, Inc. 22 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Upgrade Procedures 8 Enter the IP address of the Collaboration Server Control Unit in the browser’s address line and press Enter to reconnect to Collaboration Server. If the browser displays a message indicating that it cannot display the requested page, close and reopen the browser and connect to the Collaboration Server. The version number in the Welcome screen has changed to 8.3. 9 In the Collaboration Server Web Client – Welcome screen, enter your User Name and Password and click Login. If the error “Browser environment error. Please close all the browser sessions” appears, close all the browser sessions, and reconnect to the Collaboration Server. If the error message appears again, either run the automatic troubleshooter utility or manually preform the suggested troubleshooting procedures. For more details, see the RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s Release Notes, Changes to Existing Features . 10 If the MCU is used with a DMA, enable DMA functionality: a Log into the DMA that handles call transfers for the RMX. b Select Network -> MCU -> MCUs. c Select the MCU and choose Start Using. d Verify that the version number is updated. The upgrade to Version 8.3 Inc is complete. Upgrading the RMX Manager Application The RMX Manager application can be downloaded from one of the Collaboration Server systems installed in your site or from Polycom web site at Install the latest version of the RMX Manager (version 8.1 and higher are supported). To install RMX Manager (downloading the application from the Collaboration Server): • • When upgrading the RMX Manager application, it is recommended to backup the MCU list using the Export RMX Manager Configuration option. For more details, see Polycom® RealPresence Collaboration Server Virtual Edition/800s Administrator’s Guide, Software Management . When upgrading the RMX Manager from a major version (for example, version 8.0) to a maintenance version of that version (for example, 8.0.1), the installation must be performed from the same MCU (IP address) from which the major version (for example, version 7.0) was installed. If you are upgrading from another MCU (different IP address), you must first uninstall the RMX Manager application using Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs. 1 Start Internet Explorer and connect to the Collaboration Server from which the current version was installed. The Login screen is displayed. 2 Click the Install RMX Manager link on the upper right corner of the Login screen. Polycom®, Inc. 23 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Upgrade Procedures The installer verifies the application’s requirements on the workstation. If the following error message is displayed: “You cannot start application RMX Manager 7.8 from this location because it is already installed from a different location” you are upgrading from an MCU that is other than the one used for the installed version (different IP address). In such a case, first uninstall the Collaboration Server Manager application using Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs. The Install dialog box is displayed. 3 Click the Install button. The installation proceeds. Polycom®, Inc. 24 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Upgrade Procedures The installation completes, the application loads and the MCUs screen is displayed. The list includes the previously defined MCUs. If the MCUs list is empty, import the backed up list using the Import RMX Manager Configuration option. For more details, see the Polycom® RealPresence Collaboration Server Virtual Edition/800s Administrator’s Guide Import/Export RMX Manager Configuration . Polycom®, Inc. 25 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Changes to Existing Features Changes to Existing Features VMR Entry Queue - Change of Behavior Users are able to change the behavior of the policy of number collection for VMR Entry Queues, Conference-IDs and Passwords, allowing a time-out to be used as a stop indicator for the input string. In previous versions, a # input at the end of the input string indicated completion of the input. The administrator can configure the system, using the ENABLE_DTMF_NUMBER_WO_DELIMITER system flag to change the previous system behavior, allowing a time-out to be used as a stop indicator for the string input for the local IVR, when the MCU collects the Conference-ID in the local Entry Queue or the Password (chairperson or participant) while routed to the conference. The flag must be manually added to the System Configuration and its value modified as follows: Flag Name ENABLE_DTMF_NUM BER_WO_DELIMITER Value / Description YES If the timer expires, the received digits validated even if there is no delimiter. If the received number is not valid, the system will prompt again for the number according to number of retries. that are configured. NO This is the default setting for backward compatibility. If the timer expires because no delimiter is received, the number input is not valid. The system will prompt again for the number according to number of retries. that are configured. A System Reset in not required for the flag setting to take effect. For more information see, Modifying System Flags in the Collaboration Server (RMX) Administrator’s Guide. Polycom®, Inc. 26 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Corrections and Known Limitations Corrections and Known Limitations Corrections Between Version 8.3 and Version 8.3 Inc OpenSSL 'Heartbleed' Vulnerability A HotFix Note was issued pertaining to US – CERT, Alert (TA14-098A): Released file: RMX_8.3.0.245.bin Affected version: 8.3 Release date: April 22, 2014 Purpose RMX_8.3.0.245.bin addresses the vulnerability in OpenSSL that could allow a remote attacker to expose sensitive data, possibly including user authentication credentials and secret keys, through incorrect memory handling in the TLS heartbeat extension. For a full description see US – CERT, Alert (TA14-098A) at Prerequisites and Configuration Considerations Install RMX_8.3.0.245.bin only on RealPresence Collaboration Servers (RMX) with v8.3 installed. Functionality Affected RMX_8.3.0.245.bin was built by compiling the OpenSSL module with OpenSSL flag OPENSSL_NO_HEARTBEATS which disables the TLS heartbeat extension mechanism. There is no further system functionality impact. Installation Notes Upgrade and installation are as described in the RealPresence Collaboration Server RMX 1500 / 1800 / 2000 / 4000 Release Notes for Version 8.3 and Version 8.3.Incremental. Rollback Considerations Downgrade procedures to a version prior to v8.3.0.245 are as described in the RealPresence Collaboration Server RMX 1500 / 1800 / 2000 / 4000 Release Notes for Version 8.3 and Version 8.3.Incremental. Polycom®, Inc. 27 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Corrections and Known Limitations Resolved Issues RMX_8.3.0.245.bin addresses the following issue. Issue # Description CVE-2014-0160 The (1) TLS and (2) DTLS implementations in OpenSSL 1.0.1 before 1.0.1g do not properly handle Heartbeat Extension packets, which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information from process memory via crafted packets that trigger a buffer over-read, as demonstrated by reading private keys, related to d1_both.c and t1_lib.c, aka the Heartbleed bug. RMX_8.3.0.246.bin addresses the following issues. Issue # Description CVE-2014-6271 GNU Bash through 4.3 processes trailing strings after function definitions in the values of environment variables, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted environment, as demonstrated by vectors involving the ForceCommand feature in OpenSSH sshd, the mod_cgi and mod_cgid modules in the Apache HTTP Server, scripts executed by unspecified DHCP clients, and other situations in which setting the environment occurs across a privilege boundary from Bash execution, aka "ShellShock." NOTE: the original fix for this issue was incorrect; CVE-2014-7169 has been assigned to cover the vulnerability that is still present after the incorrect fix. CVE-2014-3513 Memory leak in d1_srtp.c in the DTLS SRTP extension in OpenSSL 1.0.1 before 1.0.1j allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption) via a crafted handshake message. CVE-2014-3566 The SSL protocol 3.0, as used in OpenSSL through 1.0.1i and other products, uses nondeterministic CBC padding, which makes it easier for man-in-the-middle attackers to obtain cleartext data via a padding-oracle attack, aka the "POODLE" issue. CVE-2014-3567 Memory leak in the tls_decrypt_ticket function in t1_lib.c in OpenSSL before 0.9.8zc, 1.0.0 before 1.0.0o, and 1.0.1 before 1.0.1j allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption) via a crafted session ticket that triggers an integrity-check failure. CVE-2014-3568 OpenSSL before 0.9.8zc, 1.0.0 before 1.0.0o, and 1.0.1 before 1.0.1j does not properly enforce the no-ssl3 build option, which allows remote attackers to bypass intended access restrictions via an SSL 3.0 handshake, related to s23_clnt.c and s23_srvr.c. For more information on Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures see Polycom®, Inc. 28 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Corrections and Known Limitations Corrections Between Version 8.3 and Version 8.3 Inc Found in Version Issue ID Category Description BRIDGE2572 Content When an RPD endpoint that is connected to an SVC conference sends content, it is not reflected in the Participant Properties - Channel status dialog box, Content in/out fields. V8.0 BRIDGE3206 Content Content cannot be shared due to BFCP UDP negotiation failure. V7.7 BRIDGE3207 Content Content cannot be shared due to BFCP UDP negotiation failure. V7.7 BRIDGE1456 General After client upgrade, the Signaling Host IP Address is not configured in the Management Network Service. V7.8.0 BRIDGE203 General When the IBM MFW client is not registered to any SIP server, the client connects and puts the call on Hold. Immediately after, the call is disconnected. V7.8.0 BRIDGE2138 General In the RPCS800 client, the Agent's Engine Identification (ID) field is missing in the SNMP Properties dialog box (Setup > SNMP) and is a requirement for SNMPv3. V7.8.0 BRIDGE2190 General When a user opens a browser and enters the URL for the bridge, and the main web login page appears, the cursor is not located in the user name box. The user has to click on the user name box to enter in the user name. Normally a web page should have an initial cursor location V7.8.0 BRIDGE3004 General An SVC VMR on a DMA set to 512 kbps shows as 560 kbps on the DMA, though an AVC VMR set to 512 kbps shows up as 512 kbps. V8.0 V7.8.0 BRIDGE6500 General When AVC participants connect via DMA to a CP conference running on RPCS 800s at a line rate of 1920kbps with Encrypt when possible,, sometimes the AVC SIP participant appears as a blank cell on the SVC endpoints. V8.1.7 BRIDGE6504 General When SVC and AVC participants connect via DMA to a mixed CP and SVC conference running on RPCS 800s at a line rate of 1920kbps with Encrypt when possible, sometimes the AVC SIP participant appears as a blank cell on the SVC endpoints. V8.1.7 BRIDGE6609 General TLS Participants connected via DMA in mixed mode (SIP/H.323) conference are displayed in the Welcome Slide but cannot see all other participants in the conference. They are displayed twice in the layouts of other participants. V8.1.7 BRIDGE7149 General All NTP Servers are listed as Failed before IP Address fields are populated and Use NTP Server is enabled. Occurs on RMX 800s. V8.2 BRIDGE7343 General After setting Multiple Services flag to YES, "Media Card 1 Port 1 IP Address" cell overlaps "Media Card 1 Port 2 IP Address" cell. V8.2 Polycom®, Inc. 29 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Corrections and Known Limitations Found in Version Issue ID Category Description BRIDGE7806 General When attempting to create a valid filter for network traffic capturing, something a pop message will say, "Management failed to capture the TCP traffic file. Please check the synbtax of the filter." Other times a blank window will pop up. In either case network traffic cannot be captured. V8.2 BRIDGE92 General SVC Display name with dot at the beginning and end of name. V7.8.0 BRIDGE9250 General Missing "##" DTMF code for starting PCM. V8.2 BRIDGE9256 General In RPCS 800s, SoftMCU and RMX 1800, where "Invite Participant by DTMF" is enabled, once the DTMF for the invite is entered, the dialing message overlaps the overlay message line, moves too quickly from right to left,and using an undersized font. V8.2 V8.3 BRIDGE9263 General When using 32-sized Chinese fonts for message overlay, with length set to 50, and adding a participant to the conference, overlaid message is stretched. Same applies to text messages sent to participant. V8.2 BRIDGE9269 General In a 1920kps conference, with message overlay and site names, as well as end points with a Chinese site name, font size and resolution mulfunctions - for 800s and SoftMCU. In RMX, problem appears only with small font size and low resolutions. V8.2 BRIDGE9272 General In a confernece with gathering mode enabled with a mix of SIP and H.323 endpoints, one of which is audio only, when two of the endpoints are muted they still show as active speakers. V8.2 BRIDGE9282 General Wrong font size and location of sitename when size is preset to 20 and location to top in conferences established in 800sand SoftMCU, when modifying sitename location. V8.2 BRIDGE2979 Hardware "Invalid Activation key" alarm sent to message box instead of "Incompatible Licence. Please contact Polycom support" when licence for SVC port differs from CP port, or if license option bit 23 is MPMx=0. V8.1 BRIDGE7308 Interoperability In a conference with 1 OTX and 2 TPX's with the OTX and 1 TPX connecting using ITP conference room switching, after applying MLA automatic layout, a black bar is displayed on the central monitor of the OTX. V8.1 BRIDGE7638 Interoperability When a Lync 2013 client running on an iPad connects via DMA to a CP only encrypted conference the self-view window displays a black screen. V8.2 BRIDGE9267 Interoperability A CTS dialing into a conference with Encrypt When Possible enabled could not connect. V8.2 Polycom®, Inc. 30 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Corrections and Known Limitations Found in Version Issue ID Category Description BRIDGE9304 Interoperability In a 1536 kbps telepresence conference on a RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s with MLA managing layouts, a RealPresence Desktop dialing in with H.323, an OTX dialing in using SIP, and a Group Series dialing out, when content is sent to the Group Series using PPCIP the OTX does not display the content on the attached PC but displays it as a cell on the main screen. V8.2 BRIDGE7436 Interoperability/ Partners A Microsoft Lync endpoint fails to connect via media over TCP (MOT) in an AVC-only conference running on an RPCS 800s. V8.2 BRIDGE7511 Interoperability/ Partners In a conference running on an RMX 4000 with an RMXRx card, poor video displays on a Lync endpoint registered to a Lync server, despite a resolution of 1080p60 H.264 (not HP). V8.2 BRIDGE7517 Interoperability/ Partners Video freezes on a Lync 2013 endpoint after connecting to a conference running on an 800S in a Lync 2013 environment. V8.2 BRIDGE1907 IP In IP Service - Fixed Ports, when configuring a number of TCP ports that is lower than the number of UDP ports, no warning message is displayed indicating that this may affect the MCU capacity. V7.8.0 BRIDGE9274 PCM When the permission for the DTMF code for PCM is set to everyone, only a chairperson can access PCM. V8.2 BRIDGE4435 RMX Web Client After blocking audio for a RealPresence Desktop client in the RMX Web Manager, after it disconnects and reconnects the client receives audio but the RMX Web Manager reports that the audio is blocked. V8.1 BRIDGE8152 SIP Alternate SIP servers are not supported. V8.1.1 BRIDGE11301 Video In a 6114 kbps mixed AVC-SVC non-encrypted conference with 3 dial-in Group Series 500 endpoints using SVC connected muted at 1920 kbps, when another Group Series 500 endpoint connects muted at 1024 kbps and the bandwidth one of the other Group Series 500 endpoint's is limited to 384 kbps, the layout repeatedly changes. V8.3 BRIDGE8074 Video Intermittently, lip-sync occurs when content is shared in a mixed CP and SVC conference. V8.2 BRIDGE8286 Video In a mixed AVC-SVC 2 mbps conference, 2 H.323 AVC dial-in participants saw artifacts from 1 SIP SVC dial-in participant. V8.2 BRIDGE9265 Video Endpoints connecting to a conference with Gathering Mode enabled saw a black background instead of a transparent background in the gathering phase. V8.2 BRIDGE9315 Video Site names were displayed with a black background color, preventing video from being displayed. V8.2 BRIDGE9324 Video A confernece with message overlay sitenames enabled with Songti, Kaiti, or Weibei Chinese fonts enabled display the text in Heiti. V8.2 Polycom®, Inc. 31 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Corrections and Known Limitations Issue ID Category Description BRIDGE9326 Video In a conference with gathering mode enabled, after adding participants from the address book with CIF resolution specified, the participant information was placed half-way across the left side of the background. Polycom®, Inc. Found in Version V8.2 32 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Corrections and Known Limitations Known Limitations Found in Version Issue ID Category Description BRIDGE10808 Audio When an HDX 8000 registered to a SIP server connected to an MCU registered to a DMA 7000 attempt to connect to a mixed AVC-SVC 1920 kbps conference using a line rate of 64 kbps, instead of connecting as audio only the connection failed. V8.3, V8.3.1 BRIDGE8033 Audio RealPresence Mobile, RealPresence Desktop, and Group Series endpoints do not hear roll coll messages when dialing into an SVC conference. V8.2 BRIDGE2572 Content When an RPD endpoint that is connected to an SVC conference sends content, it is not reflected in the Participant Properties - Channel status dialog box, Content in/out fields. V8.0 BRIDGE2585 Content After selecting the "H.264 Cascade and SVC Optimized" option in the conference profile, RPD endpoints cannot send content during an H.323 conference. V8.0 BRIDGE6804 Content Illegible Content received from VMR because at 1920Kb conference rate only ~120Kb of Content Bandwidth was allocated. Content was set to high resolution. V8.1.7 BRIDGE8132 Content Content cannot be shared when dialing-out from a CP only conference with content set to H.263 & H.264 to Tandberg Edge95 (MXP) endpoints over H.323. V8.2 BRIDGE8480 Content RPD endpoints fail to receive content from other RPD endpoints in an SVC-only, non-encrypted conference. V8.3 BRIDGE9977 Content HDX monitor fails to deliver content when dialing-in via HDX and CTS1310 endpoints to a conference in which video and content is TIP compatible and mode is set to 'encrypt when possible'. V8.3 BRIDGE7454 Gateway Site name displays (when it should not) on OTX and RPX endpoints when Telepresence mode is set to Auto, ITP_CERTIFICATION flag is set to true, and Room Switch layout is on. V8.2 BRIDGE1045 General On the Real Presence Collaboration Server 800s, when changing the duration of conference, there is no message dialog box to prompting you to click OK. V7.8.0 BRIDGE10735 General Green artifacts display on slide in Gathering Phase when dialing in from a Lync client. V8.3 Polycom®, Inc. Workaround 33 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Corrections and Known Limitations Issue ID Category Description Found in Version BRIDGE1088 General Minimal installation of CentOS is not supported. V7.8.0 BRIDGE11274 General MPL API asserts occur during conference of duration of more than 30 hours. V8.3 BRIDGE11435 General An MCU internal problem occurs and the sites are unable to connect during blast dial-out to 12 H.323 sites. When the RMX recovers from the problem manual dial back to the sites is possible and all sites connect. V8.3 BRIDGE1154 General Site name Background extends too far across screen. V7.8.0 BRIDGE12499 General Start failure in MCU after Service is stopped and started. V8.1.2 BRIDGE1441 General Automatic reboot fails after modifying system flags even though system prompts reset. V7.8.0 BRIDGE1827 General It is possible to open two Internet Explorer sessions of the RPCS800 client on the same computer when only one is permitted. The error message displayed in this case is incorrect. V7.8.0 BRIDGE1857 General The RMX automatically inserts a random name when SIP Factories are created with empty name field. V7.8.0 BRIDGE1862 General When deleting the "No usable unit for audio controller" resource error via a SSH session a core dump was created and the system required another reboot. V7.8.0 BRIDGE1909 General The Participant Properties, Channel Status Advanced tab displays inaccurate Participant IP Address information, listed is UDP when the actual connection is TCP. V7.8.0 BRIDGE2340 General Failure to remove first IP address on a list of NT server addresses. V8.0 BRIDGE2885 General MAX_CP_RESOLUTION flag is in error, as it allows settings up to HD1080 when the MCU cannot support more than HD720. V8.0 BRIDGE5013 General IVR slides are not displayed when dialing into conference via Entry Queue. V8.1.4 BRIDGE5609 General Moving participants between mixed SVC-optimized conferences fails. V8.1.4 BRIDGE5758 General Speaker in 1x1 instead of conference layout on some SVC endpoints in conference using TCP. V8.1.5 Polycom®, Inc. Workaround 34 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Corrections and Known Limitations Found in Version Issue ID Category Description BRIDGE6504 General When SVC and AVC participants connect via DMA to a mixed CP and SVC conference running on RPCS 800s at a line rate of 1920kbps with Encrypt when possible, sometimes the AVC SIP participant appears as a blank cell on the SVC endpoints. V8.1.7 BRIDGE6551 General A blank or black screen displays when dialing SIP (blank screen) or H.323 (black screen) via DMA from encrypted and non-encrypted endpoints into a Mixed Mode conference. V8.1.7 BRIDGE6555 General Call is blocked when routing AVC endpoint from EQ with high call rate to a conference with low call rate. V8.1.7 BRIDGE6609 General TLS Participants connected via DMA in mixed mode (SIP/H.323) conference are displayed in the Welcome Slide but cannot see all other participants in the conference. They are displayed twice in the layouts of other participants. V8.1.7 BRIDGE6712 General MCU Host Name is not updated after Restore from Backup file. V8.1.7 BRIDGE7341 General Error message displays before successfully logging into the VMCU via the console: "user/Plcm-Utils/Scripts/ line32: : No such file or directory". V8.2 BRIDGE7758 General Site Name displays incorrectly in Lecture Mode in CP conference. V8.2 BRIDGE7858 General Late initial speaker change in direct dial-in to Mixed Mode conference. V8.2 BRIDGE8004 General SIP endpoints may intermittently disconnect after a conference has run for more than 30 minutes. V8.2 BRIDGE8089 General DTMP invitation fails in IVR Service. V8.3 BRIDGE9253 General Site name displays (when it should not) on OTX and RPX endpoints when Telepresence mode is set to Auto and ITP_CERTIFICATION flag is set to true. V8.2 BRIDGE9321 General When using Chinese Fonts, Sitename is sometimes is displayed in Heiti when conference font is not Heiti. V8.3 BRIDGE1629 Hardware Fan speed incorrectly reported in UI. V7.8.0 BRIDGE10745 Interoperability M100 endpoint does not display content sent by HDX in RMX800VE SIP call. V8.3 Polycom®, Inc. Workaround 35 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Corrections and Known Limitations Found in Version Issue ID Category Description BRIDGE1333 Interoperability On the Real Presence Collaboration Server 800s, after a second SIP RPD audio only endpoints joins, only one Audio Rx is shows is listed in RPD statics when there should be two. V7.8.0 BRIDGE7664 Interoperability Mismatched layout with Group Series endpoint displaying 1:1 SVC cell. Direct dial-in to DMA mixed mode 1920k conference. V8.2 BRIDGE7859 Interoperability Participant sees its own cell in the video layout with same participant listed twice in UI after disconnection and re-connection. Direct dial-in to DMA mixed mode 1920k conference. V8.2 BRIDGE8040 Interoperability Content shared from RPD/GS/HDX endpoints is partially cropped on Legacy endpoints. V8.2 BRIDGE8367 Interoperability Lync 2013 client fails to connect and SIP core dump occurs on iPAD. V8.3 BRIDGE10132 Interoperability/ Partners RMX returns 488 on Lync Escalated Call on re-INVITE from DMA, if Content-Type Boundary parameter is enclosed in quotes. V8.3 BRIDGE9976 Interoperability/ Partners DTLS encrypted TIP content can't be resumed on H.323 HDX after Hold/. Conference profile: Encrypt All, Prefer TIP and Telepresence Mode On, Content protocol: H.264 HD. V8.3 BRIDGE1907 IP In IP Service - Fixed Ports, when configuring a number of TCP ports that is lower than the number of UDP ports, no warning message is displayed indicating that this may affect the MCU capacity. V7.8.0 BRIDGE6587 IVR In the IVR Service after rebooting an RMX800s, the “enable welcome message” check box becomes unchecked and the welcome audio message is not played. V8.1.7 BRIDGE9694 Partners Microsoft Lync 2010 endpoint fails to connect to MR in AVC-only conference already running 15 Lync 2010-2013 endpoints. V8.3 BRIDGE1156 RMX Manager "Insufficient resource" alarm displays after executing "service soft_mcu restart" and then logging in via the RMX Manager. V7.8.0 BRIDGE7793 RMX Manager RMX Manager allows video forcing in SVC-only call when it should not be permitted. V8.2 BRIDGE5292 RMX Web Client Alternate SIP Servers are not supported, although configuration fields are displayed in user interface. V7.8 Polycom®, Inc. Workaround 36 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Corrections and Known Limitations Found in Version Issue ID Category Description BRIDGE3293 Security Non-Encrypted participant is disconnected without "Participant encryption settings do not match conference settings" error message with System Flag ALLOW_NON_ENCRYPT_PARTY_IN_ENCRYPT_ CONF=NO. V8.1.1 BRIDGE5133 Security Listable directories in Web server are potential vulnerability. V8.1.3 BRIDGE5134 Security In Apache Web Server Versions 1.3.22 and earlier ETag Header Information Disclosure is potential security weakness. V8.1.3 BRIDGE8152 SIP Alternate SIP servers are not supported. V8.1.1 BRIDGE10140 Video VSX receives no video in SIP call registerled to DMA. V8.3 BRIDGE10704 Video Gathering phase slide switches resolutions and appears unclear when dialing in to conference from Lync (2010-2013) endpoints. V8.3 BRIDGE2581 Video Content protocol is not automatically populated in the Video Quality tab when SVC-only or CP and SVC conference profiles are selected. V8.0 BRIDGE5921 Video Layout pictures display incorrectly when more than 15 participants join the conference. V7.2.2 BRIDGE9724 Video Video freezes when attempting to add 14 Lync 2013-2014 clients to an AVC-only conference. V8.3 BRIDGE993 Video During a conference started from a Profile, after an SVC RPD participant dials-in, the Participants Properties - SDP tab, Remote Capabilities pane lists no information. V7.8.0 Polycom®, Inc. Workaround 37 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Corrections and Known Limitations Troubleshooting Instructions Use of the RMX Web Client is not recommended in Maximum Security Environments.Management using the RMX Manager is the recommended method. If a Browser Environment Error occurs, close all the Internet Explorer sessions and reconnect to the MCU. If the problem persists, you can run the Automatic Troubleshooting Utility or perform the Troubleshooting Procedures manually. The Manual Troubleshooting Procedures include several procedures that can be performed in order to solve the connection error. At the end of each procedure, check if you can connect to the MCU and if the problem persists, perform the next procedure. NOTE: Certificates in Secured Mode In Secured Mode (https://), the DNS name specified in the Collaboration Server’s Certificate must correspond with that of the DNS Server used by the Client that is connecting to the RMX The following troubleshooting procedures can be performed manually: ● Procedure 1: Ending all Internet Explorer Sessions ● Procedure 2: Deleting the Temporary Internet Files, Collaboration Server Cookie and Collaboration Server Object ● Procedure 3: Managing Add-ons Collisions ● Procedure 4: Add the Collaboration Server to the Internet Explorer Trusted Sites List ● Procedure 5: Browser Hosting Controls (Optional) Polycom®, Inc. 38 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Corrections and Known Limitations Procedure 1: Ending all Internet Explorer Sessions In some cases, although all the Internet Explorer sessions were closed, the system did not end one or several IE processes. These processes must be ended manually. To end all Internet Explorer sessions: Start the Task Manager and click the Processes tab. 1 Select an iexplore process and click the End Process button. 2 Repeat this process for all iexplore processes that are currently active. 3 Close the Windows Task Manager dialog box. 4 Open the Internet Explorer and connect to the MCU. 5 If the problem persists, continue with Procedure 2. Procedure 2: Deleting the Temporary Internet Files, Collaboration Server Cookie and Collaboration Server Object If at the end of Procedure 1 the error message is still displayed, and you cannot connect to the MCU, perform the following operations: ● Delete the Temporary Internet files ● Delete the RMX/Collaboration Server Cookie ● Delete the RMX/Collaboration Server ActiveX Object Polycom®, Inc. 39 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Corrections and Known Limitations Deleting the Temporary Internet Files To delete the Temporary files: 1 In the Internet Explorer, click Tools > Internet Options. The Internet Options dialog box opens. 2 In the Browsing history pane, click the Delete button. The Delete Browsing History dialog box opens. Polycom®, Inc. 40 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Corrections and Known Limitations 3 It is recommended to delete only the Temporary Internet files. By default, the Cookies option is also selected. Clear it if you do not want to clear the cookies from your computer. 4 Click the Delete button. 5 When the process is complete, the system return to the Internet Options dialog box. Polycom®, Inc. 41 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Corrections and Known Limitations Deleting the RMX/Collaboration Server Cookie To delete the Collaboration Server Cookie: 1 In the Internet Options dialog box - Browsing History pane, click the Settings button. The Temporary Internet Files and History Settings dialog box is displayed. Polycom®, Inc. 42 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Corrections and Known Limitations 2 Click the View files button. The Windows Explorer screen opens, listing Windows Temporary Internet Files. 3 Browse to the RMX/ Collaboration Server cookie. The cookie is listed in the format: cookie:user name@Collaboration Server/RMX IP address. For example: cookie:[email protected]. 4 Right-click the Collaboration Server cookie and click Delete. The system prompts for confirmation. 5 Click Yes. The cookie is deleted. 6 Close the Windows Explorer screen. Polycom®, Inc. 43 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Corrections and Known Limitations Deleting the RMX/Collaboration Server ActiveX Object To delete the RMX/Collaboration Server ActiveX Object: 1 In the Temporary Internet Files and History Settings dialog box, click the View objects button. The Windows Explorer screen opens, listing the Windows Downloaded Program Files. 2 Right-click the EMA.ClassLoader.dll and then click Delete. The system prompts for confirmation. 3 Click Yes. The Collaboration Server object is deleted. Polycom®, Inc. 44 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Corrections and Known Limitations 4 Close the Windows Explorer screen. 5 In the Temporary Internet Files and History Settings dialog box, click OK. 6 In the Internet Options dialog box, click OK to close it. 7 Close the Internet Explorer session and reopen it. 8 Connect to the Collaboration Server. If the problem persists, continue with Procedure 3. Procedure 3: Managing Add-ons Collisions In some cases, previously installed add-ons, such as anti virus programs can create collisions between applications and prevent the installation of a new add on. Disabling these add-ons may be required in order to install the Collaboration Server Web Client. To disable an add-on: 1 In the Internet Explorer, click Tools > Manage Add-ons. The Manage Add-ons - Toolbars and Extensions dialog box opens. 2 Scroll to the add-on to disable (for example, the anti virus add-on), right-click it and then click Disable. Alternatively, select the add-on and click the Disable button. 3 Click the Close button to close this dialog box. 4 Connect to the Collaboration Server. If the problem persists, continue with the Procedure 4. Polycom®, Inc. 45 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Corrections and Known Limitations Procedure 4: Add the Collaboration Server to the Internet Explorer Trusted Sites List In some cases, local security settings may prevent Internet Explorer from accessing the Collaboration Server. To add the Collaboration Server to the Internet Explorer Trusted Sites list: 1 In the Internet Options dialog box, click the Security tab. The Security tab is displayed. 2 Click the Trusted Sites tab. 3 Click the Sites button. The Trusted sites dialog is displayed. 4 If the Collaboration Server is using Secure Mode: Polycom®, Inc. 46 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Corrections and Known Limitations a In the Add this website to the zone: field, enter, “https://” followed by the IP address or the DNS name of the Collaboration Server. b Click the Add button. c Click the Close button. 5 If the Collaboration Server is using Standard Security Mode: a In the Add this website to the zone: field, enter, “https://” followed by the IP address or the DNS name of the Collaboration Server. b Click the Add button. c Clear the Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone checkbox. d Click the Close button. Procedure 5: Browser Hosting Controls (Optional) If the Collaboration Server Web Client does not load and run after Procedures 1-4 have been performed, the reason may be that .NET Framework 4 or higher is running on the workstation with Managed Browser Hosting Controls disabled. Managed Browser Hosting Controls is an Internet Explorer operating mode required by the Collaboration Server Web Client. By default, .NET Framework 4 and higher are not enabled to support Managed Browser Hosting Controls. Perform Procedure 5 to: ● Determine whether .NET Framework 4 or higher is running on the workstation. ● Determine whether a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows is running on the workstation. ● Enable Managed Browser Hosting Controls if .NET Framework 4 or higher is running on the workstation. To enable Managed Browser Hosting Controls: 1 Determine whether .NET Framework 4 or higher is running on the workstation. a On the Windows Desktop, click Start. b In the Start Menu, click Control Panel. c In the Control Panel, click Programs and Features. d Inspect the Programs and Features list for the version of Microsoft .NET Framework Client Profile that is installed. 2 Determine whether a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows is running on the workstation: a On the Windows Desktop, click Start. b In the Start Menu, click Computer. c In the Computer Menu, System properties and inspect the value of the System type field in the System section 3 Enable Managed Browser Hosting Controls if .NET Framework 4 or higher is running on the workstation. a Open the Registry. b Navigate to the Subkey: 32-bit System: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\.NETFramework Polycom®, Inc. 47 RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s 8.3 Inc Corrections and Known Limitations 64-bit System: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework c Add the Dword Value: EnableIEHosting d Set value of EnableIEHosting to 1. e Close the Registry. f Close and re-open Internet Explorer. NOTE: Internet Explorer 9 with Windows 7 If Browser Error problems persist after performing the above procedures it, is recommended to: 1 Clear the Internet Explorer cache. 2 Add the MCU’s URL or IP address to the Trusted Sites of Internet Explorer. 3 Reset Internet Explorer’s security level to medium and keep default settings. . Polycom®, Inc. 48
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