Decision 2014-374

Decision 2014-374
Genalta Construction GP Ltd.
Muskwa Gas to Power Project
December 23, 2014
The Alberta Utilities Commission
Decision 2014-374: Genalta Construction GP Ltd.
Muskwa Gas to Power Project
Application No. 1610979
Proceeding No. 3506
December 23, 2014
Published by
The Alberta Utilities Commission
Fifth Avenue Place, Fourth Floor, 425 First Street S.W.
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 3L8
Telephone: 403-592-8845
Fax: 403-592-4406
The Alberta Utilities Commission
Calgary, Alberta
Genalta Construction GP Ltd.
Muskwa Gas to Power Project
Decision 2014-374
Application No. 1610979
Proceeding No. 3506
Genalta Construction GP Ltd. (Genalta), a division of Genalta Power Inc., filed an
application with the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC or the Commission) for approval to
construct and operate a 20-megawatt (MW) power plant in the Wabasca area, pursuant to
Section 11 of the Hydro and Electric Energy Act. This application was registered on
November 3, 2014, as Application No. 1610979 and was assigned Proceeding No. 3506.
The Commission issued an information request to Genalta on November 20, 2014.
Genalta responded to the information request on December 5, 2014.
The Commission issued a notice of application on November 20, 2014, with a deadline of
December 10, 2014, to file submissions to the AUC. No submissions were received.
Genalta’s proposed power plant would consist of six, 3.3-MW reciprocating engine
generating units and one 35-megavolt-ampere, 13.8/240-kilovolt (kV), step-up transformer. The
power plant would be located within the existing Husky Oil Operations Ltd. Muskwa River gas
plant (the Husky facility) at LSD 2, Section 33, Township 83, Range 25, west of the
Fourth Meridian, in the Wabasca region of northern Alberta. The power plant would be fuelled
by solution gas available at the Husky facility that is currently uneconomic to produce. The
connection of the plant to the Alberta Interconnected Electric System will be the subject of a
future application.
Genalta submitted that the project would have no adverse environmental effects to soil,
terrain, wetlands, wildlife and groundwater because the power plant would be located in an
industrial area within an existing gas plant site. Genalta also submitted that the power plant
would be compliant with the regulatory requirements for air quality.
Genalta provided a noise impact assessment (NIA) for the proposed power plant. The
NIA indicates that once the proposed project is operational, much of the noise-producing
equipment at the adjacent Husky facility would be decommissioned. Other than the
Husky facility, there are no other significant energy-related noise sources within the project area.
Genalta also stated that there are no residential receptor locations within five kilometres.
Therefore, compliance was assessed at 1,500 metres from the proposed project, in accordance
with AUC Rule 012: Noise Control (AUC Rule 012), where the permissible sound levels (PSLs)
were determined to be 40 dBA Leq nighttime and 50 dBA Leq daytime. The cumulative sound
levels associated with the proposed project were predicted to be 37.5 dBA Leq nighttime and
AUC Decision 2014-374 (December 23, 2014) • 1
Muskwa Gas to Power Project
Genalta Construction GP Ltd.
45.3 dBA Leq daytime, which are below the PSL requirements. Therefore, the proposed project is
predicted to be in compliance with the PSL requirements of AUC Rule 012.
Genalta conducted a participant involvement program to notify occupants, residents and
landowners within 2,000 metres of the project as well as other potentially affected parties. These
included two trappers, one First Nation, the County of Opportunity No. 17 and five leaseholders.
Genalta indicated that no parties expressed concerns with the project.
Genalta obtained a new Department Miscellaneous Lease from Alberta Environment and
Sustainable Resource Development (ESRD) for the project site. ESRD has not expressed any
concerns regarding the effects on the woodland caribou or other sensitive species from the
proposed power plant because the location of the power plant would be on a previously
developed site and within 100 metres of an existing all weather access road.
Genalta also obtained Historical Resources Act clearance from Alberta Culture as well as
the approval from ATCO Electric Ltd., under Section 101 of the Electric Utilities Act, to enter
into a commercial arrangement directly with the Alberta Electric SystemOperator for Supply
Transmission Service. Genalta also provided written confirmation of non-objection from the
County of Opportunity No. 17.
The Commission finds that the application meets the information requirements stipulated
in AUC Rule 007: Applications for Power Plants, Substations, Transmission Lines, Industrial
System Designations and Hydro Developments.
The Commission finds that the noise impact assessment submitted by Genalta fulfills the
requirements of AUC Rule 012: Noise Control and the predicted noise levels emitted from the
power plant will not exceed the permissible sound level.
The Commission is satisfied that the proposed power plant will have minimal
environmental effects because it will be located within the boundary of the Husky Muskwa River
gas plant. The air emissions from the project are expected to be compliant with the Alberta
Ambient Air Quality Objectives.
The Commission accepts that a participant involvement program has been conducted and
there are no outstanding public or industry objections or concerns. The Commission considers
that its decision would not directly and adversely affect the rights of a person and, therefore, did
not require a hearing pursuant to Section 9 of the Alberta Utilities Commission Act.
Based on the foregoing, the Commission considers the project to be in the public interest
in accordance with Section 17 of the Alberta Utilities Commission Act.
2 • AUC Decision 2014-374 (December 23, 2014)
Muskwa Gas to Power Project
Genalta Construction GP Ltd.
Pursuant to Section 11 of the Hydro and Electric Energy Act, the Commission approves
the application and grants Genalta the approval set out in Appendix 1 – Power Plant Approval
No. U2014-536 – December 23, 2014 (Appendix 1 will be distributed separately).
Dated on December 23, 2014.
The Alberta Utilities Commission
(original signed by)
Mark Kolesar
AUC Decision 2014-374 (December 23, 2014) • 3