NICHOLAS BREAKSPEAR CATHOLIC SCHOOL HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY (This policy is adopted from HCC) Staff Member Responsible : Tina Harris Governor Responsible : Paul Lanham Last Review : Review Date : Governor’s Meeting Date : NICHOLAS BREAKSPEAR CATHOLIC SCHOOL HEALTH & SAFETY POLICY HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School PART 1. STATEMENT OF INTENT The Committee of the Board of Governors acting on behalf of the Trust of the Diocese of Westminster will strive to achieve the highest standards of health, safety and welfare consistent with their responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and other statutory and common law duties. This statement sets out how these duties will be conducted and includes a description of the establishment’s organisation and its arrangements for dealing with different areas of risk. Details of how these areas of risk will be addressed are given in the arrangements section. This policy will be brought to the attention of, and/or issued to, all members of staff [a reference copy is kept in the school office a on the shared drive. This policy statement and the accompanying organisation and arrangements will be reviewed on an annual basis. This policy statement supplements HCC's General Statement of Health and Safety at Work Policy ; CSF Health and Safety Policy, Organisation and Arrangements Statement Mrs Linda Graham Chair of Governors Mr Clive Mathew Headteacher Date: Date: Policy: Health and Safety Policy Policy Pages: Page 2 of 45 Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School Staff/Gov Responsible : THS/PLN Last Review: 01/01/14 Review Date: 01/01/15 PART 2. ORGANISATION As the employer, Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School has overall responsibility for Health and Safety in Community. At school level duties and responsibilities have been assigned to staff and governors as laid out below. Responsibilities of the Governing Body The Committee of the Board of Governors acting on behalf of the Trust of the Diocese of Westminster are responsible for health and safety matters at a local level and are responsible for: Ensuring adherence to the local authority health and safety policy, procedures and standards; Formulating a health and safety statement detailing the responsibilities for ensuring health and safety within the establishment; Reviewing the establishments health and safety policy annually and implementing new arrangements where necessary; Monitoring, reviewing and evaluating the school’s health and safety performance. Providing appropriate resources within the establishment’s budget to meet statutory requirements and the local authority health and safety policy, procedures and standards; Receiving from the Headteacher or other nominated member of staff reports on health and safety matters and reporting to (CSF, or other body as necessary), any hazards which the establishment is unable to rectify from its own budget; Seeking specialist advice on health and safety which the establishment may not feel competent to deal with; [In Foundation and Voluntary Aided Schools, then as the employer access to competent H&S advice is a requirement of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 ] Promoting a positive H&S culture and high standards of health and safety within the establishment via the nomination of a named health and safety governor. Ensuring that when awarding contracts health and safety is included in specifications & contract conditions taking account of HCC policy and procedures. Policy: Health and Safety Policy Policy Pages: Page 3 of 45 Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School Staff/Gov Responsible : THS/PLN Last Review: 01/01/14 Review Date: 01/01/15 Responsibilities of the Headteacher: Overall responsibility for the day to day management of health and safety in accordance with the co health and safety policy and procedures rests with the Headteacher. As manager of the establishment and of all the activities carried on within it, the Head will advise Committee of the Board of Governors acting on behalf of the Trust of the Diocese of Westminster of the areas of health and safety concern which may need to be addressed by the allocation of funds. The Headteacher has responsibility for: Co-operating with the Committee of the Board of Governors acting on behalf of the Trust of the Diocese of Westminister to enable health and safety policy and procedures to be implemented and complied with; ensuring effective health and safety management arrangements are in place for carrying out regular inspections and risk assessments, implementing actions and submitting inspection reports to the governing body: Communicating the policy and other appropriate health and safety information to all relevant people including contractors; Carrying out health and safety investigations; Ensuring all staff are competent to carry out their roles and are provided with adequate information, instruction and training; Ensuring consultation arrangements are in place for staff and their trade union representatives (where appointed) and recognising the right of trade unions in the workplace to require a health and safety committee to be set up. Ensuring that the premises, plant and equipment are maintained in a serviceable condition; Monitoring purchasing and contracting procedures to ensure compliance with HCC policy. The Headteacher may choose to delegate certain tasks to other members of staff. It is clearly understood by everyone concerned that the delegation of certain duties will not relieve the Headteacher from the overall day to day responsibilities for health and safety within the establishment. The task of overseeing health and safety on the site has been delegated by the head to the Site manager. Within departments this task is further delegated to the relevant Head of Faculty/ department/relevant subject Co-ordinator/subject leader. Apply the school’s health and safety policy to their own department or area of work and be directly responsible to the Headteacher for the application of the health and safety procedures and arrangements; Maintain or have access to an up to date library of relevant published health and safety guidance from sources including CLEAPSS, AfPE etc., and ensure that all subordinate staff are aware of and make use of such guidance; Ensure regular health and safety risk assessments are undertaken for the activities for which they are responsible and that control measures are implemented; Ensure that appropriate safe working procedures are brought to the attention of all staff under their control; Resolve health, safety and welfare problems members of staff refer to them, and inform the Headteacher, Business Manager or Site Manager any problems to which they cannot achieve a satisfactory solution within the resources available to them; Carry out regular inspections of their areas of responsibility to ensure that equipment, furniture and activities are safe and record these inspections where required; Ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the provision of sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable other employees and pupils to avoid hazards and contribute positively to their own health and safety; Ensure that all accidents (including near misses) occurring within their department are promptly reported and investigated using the appropriate forms etc; Arrange for the repair, replacement or removal of any item of furniture or equipment which has been identified as unsafe. Responsibilities of employees Under the Health and Safety at work Act etc 1974 all employees have general health and safety responsibilities. Staff must be aware that they are obliged to take care of their own health and safety whilst at work along with that of others who may be affected by their actions. All employees have responsibility to: Take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and others in undertaking their work. Comply with the school's health and safety policy and procedures at all times. Report all accidents and incidents in line with the reporting procedure. Co-operate with school management on all matters relating to health and safety. Not to intentionally interfere with or misuse any equipment or fittings provided in the interests of health safety and welfare. Report all defects in condition of premises or equipment and any health and safety concerns immediately to their line manager. Report immediately to their line manager any shortcomings in the arrangements for health and safety. Ensure that they only use equipment or machinery that they are competent / have been trained to use. Make use of all necessary control measures and personal protective equipment provided for safety or health reasons. PART 3. ARRANGEMENTS Detailed information on HCC expectations is given in the Education Health and Safety Manual. Appendix 1 - Health and Safety Monitoring and Inspections Appendix 2 - Fire Evacuation and other Emergency Arrangements Appendix 3 - Inspection/Maintenance of emergency equipment Appendix 4 - First Aid and Medication Appendix 5 - Accident Reporting Procedures Appendix 6 - Health and Safety Information and Training Appendix 7 - Lone Working Appendix 8 - Premises Work Equipment Appendix 9 - Flammable and Hazardous Substances Appendix 10 - Lifting and Handling Appendix 11 - Asbestos Appendix 12 - Safeguarding Contractors Appendix 13 - Work at Height Appendix 14 - Display Screen Equipment Appendix 15 - Charging/Lettings Appendix 16 - Minibuses Appendix 17 - Stress Appendix 18 - Legionella APPENDIX 1 HEALTH AND SAFETY MONITORING AND INSPECTION A general inspection of the site will be conducted termly and be undertaken / co-ordinated by the Site Manager Monitoring inspections of individual departments will be carried out by Heads of Department or nominated staff. Records of such monitoring will be kept by the Office Manager. The person(s) undertaking such inspections will complete a report in writing and submit this to the head teacher. Responsibility for following up items detailed in the safety inspection report will rest with the Business Director. The Health & Safety Governor will be involved / undertake an inspection on an annual basis and report back to both the relevant sub-committee and full governing body meetings. This governor monitoring will also cover management systems in addition to inspecting the premises. Inspections will be conducted representative(s) if possible. jointly with the establishment’s health and safety APPENDIX 2 FIRE EVACUATION AND OTHER EMERGENCY ARRANGEMENTS The head teacher is responsible for ensuring the fire risk assessment is undertaken The fire risk assessment is located in Policies Folder and reviewed on an annual basis. Fire Instructions These documents are made available to all staff and included in the establishments induction process. An outline of evacuation procedures are made available to all contractors / visitors and are posted throughout the site. Emergency exits, fire alarm call points, assembly points etc are clearly identified by safety signs and notices. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Fire and Evacuation Fire and emergency evacuation procedures are detailed in the staff handbook and a summary posted in each classroom. These procedures will be reviewed at least annually. Emergency contact and key holder details are maintained by the Business Manager and updated via Solero upon review. Fire Drills Fire drills will be undertaken termly, and a record kept in the fire log book; Fire Fighting The safe evacuation of persons is an absolute priority. Staff may only attempt to deal with small fires, if it is safe to do so without putting themselves at risk, using portable fire fighting equipment. Ensure the alarm is raised BEFORE attempting to tackle a fire. Details of service isolation points (i.e. gas, water, electricity) Details of chemicals and flammable substances on site. An inventory of these will be kept by the Site Manager as appropriate, for consultation. APPENDIX 3 INSPECTION /MAINTENANCE OF EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT TESTING OF THE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Fire alarm call points will be tested weekly in rotation by the Site Manager and a record kept in the fire log book. This test will occur on Friday at 8.00am. Any defects on the system will be reported immediately to the alarm contractor / electrical engineer A fire alarm maintenance contract is in place with Ashgood Fire and Protection and the system tested annually by them. INSPECTION OF FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT Holder Fire and Protection undertakes an annual maintenance service of all fire fighting equipment. Weekly – The Site Manager checks that all fire fighting equipment is available for use and operational and for any evidence of tampering. Defective equipment or extinguishers that need recharging should be taken out of service and reported direct to Holder Fire and Protection on 01494 524757. EMERGENCY LIGHTING SYSTEMS These systems will be checked for operation monthly in house by Site Manager and annually by CES St Albans Ltd 0845 3717070 Test records are located in the site’s fire log book. MEANS OF ESCAPE Daily – The Site Manager checks for any obstructions on exit routes and ensures all final exit doors are operational and available for use. APPENDIX 4 FIRST AID AND MEDICATION FIRST AID BOXES ARE LOCATED AT THE FOLLOWING POINTS: Medical Room, PE, Food Technology Room, Trinity Building Office Manager is responsible for regularly checking that the contents of first aid boxes are complete and replenished as necessary. A check should be made at least termly. The following staff are available to provide first aidTRAINED TO FIRST AID AT WORK LEVEL (18 hr) : Paula McMullan – Ext 224/ Lisa Arnull 328/Justine Greene 318 TRAINED TO EMERGENCY AID LEVEL (6 hr): Steve Warrender, Jane Fisher, Phil Newbury, David Carrasco Morley, Cat Squires, Tam Warman, Elaine Hilton, Suzanne Kielty, Jane Dickie, Petrine Ault ,Rose Ratcliff, Tracey Clamp, Andrea Harvey, Suzanne Roberts, Steve Johnson, Gerard Kiely, Kelly Price and Tanya Angus The Headteacher will ensure that first aiders have a current certificate and that new persons are trained should first aiders leave. Site Manager will check that any vehicles are properly equipped with first aid boxes before they are used. Transport to hospital: If the first aider or Headteacher considers it necessary, the injured person will be sent directly to hospital (normally by ambulance). Parents and/or guardians will also be informed. No casualty should be allowed to travel to hospital unaccompanied and an accompanying adult will be designated in situations where the parents cannot be contacted. The school will follow the procedure for completion of incident/accident records in accordance with HCC guidance. NICHOLAS BREAKSPEAR CATHOLIC SCHOOL MEDICINES POLICY Staff Member Responsible : Governor Responsible : Last Review : Review Date : Governor’s Meeting Date : Tina Harris Tracey Crowley NICHOLAS BREAKSPEAR CATHOLIC SCHOOL ATTENDANCE MEDICINES POLICY POLICY Introduction This Medication policy should be read alongside other policies such as Attendance, Confidentiality, Disability and Equal Opportunity. This list is not exhaustive and Medication could need to be incorporated into any other policy. Aim To enable students to gain maximum benefit from their education, ensuring that their medical needs are met during the school day and on school activities. Objectives To identify individual’s needs and discuss with parents / carers how these can best be met within the school environment; To support and encourage students to manage own medication within a supportive environment; To provide privacy and space for students who need it; To keep daily records with details of all medication given to / taken by students; To keep relevant staff informed of student’s needs; To inform staff leading activities and trips of individual students medical needs; To encourage parents / carers to ensure that the Medical Administrator is kept up-to-date with their child’s individual medical needs / changes in medication etc; To inform students / parents / carers if more medication is needed or if it becomes out-of-date; To keep medicines and medical equipment in safe, secure environment; To return all medication to students at the end of each school year; To dispose of any unwanted medication safely. Forms Any personal medication held by the school must be accompanied by completed & signed administration of medical consent form. Medication will not be given without receipt of this form, giving clear instructions for the administration/dosage of the medication. Equal Opportunities Statement Our School ensures that all students have access to their prescribed medication and that it is kept in a safe and secure environment within the reception. Medication for specific conditions Insulin Students with diabetes are encouraged to keep their insulin and blood glucose monitoring equipment in the school medical room but, with written parental permission, may keep it with them if they wish to. It is strongly advised that if students carry their own diabetic medication a spare set is kept securely in the school medical room. Epipens Students who may suffer a severe allergic reaction, and have been prescribed an Epipen, must keep it with them at all times. It is strongly advised that a spare is kept in the school medical room but some GPs will not prescribe for this. Inhalers Any student who has been diagnosed with Asthma, and has an inhaler, should carry it with them at all times and have a spare inhaler in the medical room. Other Prescribed Medication Prescribed medication that may be needed during the school day should be kept in the school medical room and be given to students as instructed on their Health Care Plan or Administration of Medication form. Medication will not be given to students without receipt of a completed and signed administration of medicine form. Paracetamol With parental permission, (and other safeguards being carried out,) the correct dosage of paracetamol for pain relief for minor ailments will be given to students. There is an administration of paracetamol consent form available which when signed and completed by parent/carer enabling first aiders to administer paracetamol without the necessity to telephone for parental consent Summary as put in Newsletter annually. Students are not permitted to carry medication around with them, unless it is needed very quickly in an emergency situation i.e. students who have asthma or who have severe allergies must carry their inhaler or Epipen. It is advisable that spare inhalators/epipens are given to medical administrator together with consent form in case of emergency. If your child requires prescribed medication during the school day please ensure you complete and return administration of medicine consent form. All medication held bt the school MUST be collected at the end of the school year, uncollected medication will be disposed of by the school if not collected. Please advise the school if you do not want your child to have the responsibility of bringing it home. If your child requires pain relief, for minor ailments, Paracetamol can be administered with parental permission. There is a paracetamol Staff The school medical administrator is the first point of contact regarding first aid. Risk assessment The school medical administrator recognises and identifies which students are on certain medication/allergies at the start of each academic year. The school periodically reviews medication she has/does not have in the school medical room and acts accordingly. APPENDIX 5 NICHOLAS BREAKSPEAR CATHOLIC SCHOOL ACCIDENT AND INCIDENT REPORTING AND INVESTIGATION POLICY AND PROCEDURES Staff Member Responsible : Tina Harris Governor Responsible : Last Review : Review Date : Governor’s Meeting Date : NICHOLAS BREAKSPEAR CATHOLIC SCHOOL ACCIDENT & INCIDENT REPORTING & INVESTIGATIONS POLICY AND PROCEDURES 1 INTRODUCTION It is the duty of staff under the Health and Safety at Work Act to report all accidents, incidents and dangerous occurrences, however minor, which occur on School premises or which arise from work carried out on behalf of the School. This responsibility extends to incidents involving children, students, contractors, visitors and other members of the public as well as to employees. All members of staff need to be aware of their duty and of the procedures for reporting accidents to their managers, to the County Council and to the Health and Safety Executive. 2 INCIDENT TYPES ACCIDENT An incident where an employee or non-employee is injured as a result of work and/or there is damage to equipment, property or premises. (The term “employee” includes part-time, temporary or casual staff; trainees and other self employed person working on site) NEAR MISS An unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness or damage – but had the potential to do so. Near misses are warnings of potential accidents and must be reported using a near miss incident form and submitted to the school business manager. DANGEROUS OCCURRENCE An incident with the potential to cause injury to a person and/or damage to equipment, property and premises which must be reported to the HSE. This includes situations such as the accidental release of substances which may damage the health of any person (eg. Asbestos) and electrical short circuits or overload causing fire or explosion. A full list of such occurrences is reproduced in the County Health and Safety Manual (Accident reporting) VIOLENT INCIDENT 3 Where an employee is exposed to verbal or physical abuse or harassment which may or may not result in injury, illness or damage. REPORTING PROCEDURE There are three levels of reporting: a) b) c) local to the School Business Director to the County Council (via the Education Health and Safety team); to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) It is appreciated that the accident reporting process can be confusing and the accident reporting flowchart aims to clarify the requirements outlined below. 4 REPORTING TO LOCAL MANAGEMENT As soon as practicable after an Incident/Near Miss, the details should be reported, in writing using the Incident/Near Miss report form to the SBM. Forms must be handed in to the main admin office. Report forms can be obtained from the following departments or the main admin office. Science; Design & Technology; PE and the Kitchen. Minor injuries (such as playground falls requiring nominal first aid treatment or none at all) may simply be recorded on a First Aid report form. The circumstances of an incident should be investigated at the earliest opportunity. Where remedial or protective action is required, then this should be carried out without delay. 5 REPORTING TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL The School Business Director must report all accidents and dangerous occurrences to the Education Health and Safety Team on the same day that the incident occurs. The "Injury or Dangerous Occurrence Report” (IDOR) form should be used for all accidents, near misses and dangerous occurrences The “Violent Incident Report” (VIR) form should be used to report all violent incidents involving employees. (Violent incidents between two children, where staff have not been involved, do not need to be reported to the County Council, but should be reported to the Head teacher.) Where the form has been completed by the injured person (or his/her representative), its content should be verified and any appropriate information added to the relevant section. The content of the form should be restricted to the facts relating to the incident; it should not contain comment or opinion. The original IDOR or VIR form should be sent to the Health and Safety team (Education) and a copy retained on site in the Accident Book/File. Completed IDOR and VIR forms should be sent to: Health and Safety Team (Education) Room 4/5 , County Hall , Pegs Lane Hertford SG13 8DF When the Health and Safety Team receive report forms, they are read and centrally recorded as part of Councils general monitoring of health and safety matters. Further investigation or recommendations for remedial actions may be made as appropriate. Data on accidents/incidents within CSF are presented within the CSF annual Health and Safety Report. 6 REPORTING TO THE HSE The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) place duties on employers to report serious incidents to the Health and Safety (HSE). The responsibility for reporting directly to the HSE rests with the SBM. Employee incidents There is a duty to report fatal or major injuries to the HSE immediately by telephone on 0845 300 99 23 or complete the on line form (F2508). It is also necessary to report certain dangerous occurrences and occupational diseases. The County Health and Safety Manual and HSE website provides guidance on the definition of a major injury, dangerous occurrence and occupational diseases. If the accident does not result in a fatal or major injury but the employee is incapacitated from her/his normal work for more than 3 days (excluding the day of the accident), a form F2508 must be completed and sent to the HSE within 10 days of the accident. It is also a statutory requirement that, where an employee has been injured as a result of a notifiable accident or dangerous occurrence which is a cause of his/her death within one year of the date of the incident, the HSE must be informed in writing as soon as this is known. Although such cases are likely to be rare, the Head of establishment should take reasonable steps to keep him/herself informed of the progress of any seriously injured employee or former employee. Non-Employee Incidents For reporting purposes, visitors, pupils etc count as non-employees. The HSE state that an accident to a pupil/young person or visitor only needs reporting to the HSE if: the person is killed or taken to hospital from the site, AND the accident arises out of or in connection with work activities. An accident must be reported if it relates to: the way an activity has been organised (e.g. the supervision on an outing); plant or substances ( i.e. lifts, machinery, experiments etc.); the condition of the premises. Incidents that happen in relation to curriculum activities (including sports injuries) and result in a pupil being taken to hospital for treatment are reportable. Playground incidents due to collisions, slips, trips and falls are not normally reportable unless they are attributable to the condition of the premises or equipment, inadequate supervision etc. Like fatal and major injuries to employees, these accidents must be notified to HSE without delay e.g. complete online form, or by telephone 0845 3009923. Reporting Methods Incidents can be reported to the HSE by : Telephone: 0845 3009923 This is the quickest and easiest way to report with no need to complete a form call the Incident Contact Centre (Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm) and speak to an ICC Operator who will complete a report form over the phone. You will be sent a copy for your records. Online: The form will then be submitted directly to the Incident Contact Centre. You will be sent a copy for your records. E mail: download the form at Post: Print out the appropriate form, complete it and post it to Incident Contact Centre Caerphilly Business Park CF83 3GG All incidents that are reported to the HSE must also be reported to the Health and Safety Team (Education) 7 ACCIDENT BOOKS Each establishment must maintain a local accident book. This could be in the form of a ring binder containing a copy of these notes, blank report forms for use and completed report forms but could be kept in an alternative format provided that it contains the relevant details and complies with the Data Protection Act. Completed HCC Report forms should be kept in a ring binder separated into employee and non employee incidents. Accident records should be retained for at least 3 years after the date of the accident, if the person is 18 years old. If the person who had the accident is under the age of 18 accident records have to be kept until they reach the age of 18 and three years thereafter. There are accident and incident/near miss books located in the Main Admin Office, Science, PE, Design & Technology and the Kitchen. 8 ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION All accidents, however minor, need to be investigated to determine what action is needed to prevent a recurrence. Not all accidents will warrant further action. Accidents which are the result of, for example, faulty equipment or damage to buildings or furniture may require one or more of the following to prevent recurrence: removal of the damaged or faulty item; isolation of the damaged or faulty item and the surrounding area; repair of the damaged or faulty item. Where an accident is the result of unsafe practices, those practices need to be reviewed and changed. Risk assessments should be immediately reviewed to ascertain whether additional control measures or changes are required. The result of an accident investigation and of the remedial or preventative action, if any, should be recorded. Further details on incident investigations can be found in Appendix A and the Accident and Incident Investigation section of the County Health and Safety Manual Section A. 9 FURTHER ADVICE Further advice is obtainable from the Health and Safety (Education) team on 01992 556478 10 STUDENT FIRST AID PROCEDURE Injuries & emergencies must go straight to the medical room to receive treatment Student feels unwell Student sent with note in diary to Inclusion Team who writes up a Red Permission Slip for the medical room Student to be sent back to class/ go home or hospital for medical attention Student registers medical need at Reception Student is signed into the medical room by a first aider who will assess the illness/injury. All details are noted on medical daily room log Medicine can only be administered by Designated Person Minor Incident Student sent back to class after a period of 15min or by the end of the current period/break More severe situations If it is decided that the student needs to go home (Illness) or hospital (Injury) a call is made to the Parents/Carer in order of priority If no contact can be made a message will be left and after a 30 minute interval the student will be sent back to class Student is collected by Parent/Carer Appendix A FIVE STEPS TO INVESTIGATING INCIDENTS Introduction Factual information is essential and must be obtained through interviews, inspections and written statements. Investigations are vital for establishing why, how, when an incident happened to determine how to prevent future incidents occurring. Minor incidents and near misses may not warrant a full and in-depth investigation but it can indicate the future development of severe incidents and prompt you to introduce actions to prevent such incidents arising. Therefore all incidents (near misses minor and sever accidents, violent incidents and dangerous occurrences) should be investigated and the details recorded and kept on site. How to Investigate in Five Easy Steps STEP 1: First you need to establish: How the incident occurred? Who was involved? What happened? Where did the incident occur? When did the incident occur? What was happening when incident occurred? (I.e. what activity was being completed or what piece of equipment was being utilised at the time?) Were there any witnesses? If so gather names and addresses and ask at a later date for witness statements to accompany your investigation. It may be necessary to sketch or photograph the scene to assist the investigation. STEP 2: Look for possible immediate causes? Did any unsafe acts or conditions cause the event? Examples of which could be: – If equipment was being used at time of incident: was the equipment faulty? – Bad housekeeping or inadequate lighting in the area where the incident occurred? STEP 3: Determine if any underlying causes were apparent? For example: – Lack of knowledge or skill of staff? – Inappropriate supervision? – Inadequate maintenance? – Was the person trained to use the piece of machinery? – Was suitable and sufficient instructions and information given to the person to complete the task or activity? STEP 4 After assessing what happened, why it happened and what were the possible causes both direct and indirect determine what remedial actions should be implemented to prevent a recurrence of the incident. Record when these actions should be completed by and review on a regular basis. For example: – Do staff need to be retrained? When? – Does the faulty piece of equipment need to be removed from use and labelled accordingly? If so should this be done immediately? – Does the work environment need to be reorganised? – Do working procedures need to be reviewed? STEP 5 Record all investigations, and attach to incident report forms (Injury and or Dangerous Occurrence Report (IDOR) form or Violent Incident Report (VIR) form.) APPENDIX 6 HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION & TRAINING Consultation Health & Safety Committee – Members include, Governor for Health and Safey, SBM, Site Manager, Heads of Departments for high risk areas and Health and Safety Officer. The committee meets half termly to discuss health, safety and welfare issues affecting staff, pupils or visitors. Action points from meetings are brought forward for review by school management. The teaching Trade Unions appointed Safety Representative on the staff is/are Barry O’Sullivan Communication of Information Detailed information on how to comply with HCC’s health and safety policy is given in the Education Health and Safety Manual, which is available for reference via the Grid. The Health and Safety Law poster is displayed in the staff room. The school have bought into County Health and safety provision therefore the Education Health and Safety Team, Tel: 01992 556478 provide competent health and safety advice the school Health and Safety Training Health and safety induction training will be provided and documented for all new employees by Assistant Headteacher/ Health & Safety Officer The Headteacher is responsible for ensuring that all staff are provided with adequate information, instruction and training and identifying the health and safety training needs of staff. All employees will be provided with: induction training in the requirements of this policy; update training in response to any significant change; training in specific skills needed for certain activities, (e.g. use of hazardous substances, work at height etc.) refresher training where required. Training records are held by School Business Manager/Health and Safety Officer who is responsible for co-ordinating health and safety training needs and for including details in the training and development plan. This includes a system for ensuring that refresher training (for example in first aid) is undertaken within the prescribed time limits. The Headteacher will be responsible for assessing the effectiveness of training received. Each member of staff is also responsible for drawing the Headteacher's / line managers attention to their own personal needs for training and for not undertaking duties unless they are confident that they have the necessary competence. APPENDIX 7 LONE WORKING Staff are encouraged not to work alone in school. Work carried out unaccompanied or without immediate access to assistance should be risk assessed to determine if the activity is necessary. Work involving potentially significant risks (for example work at height) should not be undertaken whilst working alone. Where lone working cannot be avoided staff should: Obtain the Headteacher’s/senior member of staff’s permission and notify him/her on each occasion when lone working will occur. Ensure they do not put themselves or others at risk Ensure they have means to summon help in an emergency e.g. access to a telephone or mobile telephone etc. When working off site (e.g. when visiting homes) notify a colleague of their whereabouts and the estimated time of return. [staff undertaking home visits to obtain as much background information as possible about the child/family being visited] Key holders attending empty premises where there has been an incident or suspected crime should do so with a colleague if possible. They should not enter the premises unless they are sure it is safe to do so. Report any incidents or situations where they may have felt “uncomfortable”. APPENDIX 8 PREMISES AND WORK EQUIPMENT Statutory inspections Regular inspection and testing of school equipment is conducted by appropriate contractors (these are detailed in the property managers questionnaire). Records of such monitoring will be kept in / by Health & Safety Officer The Site Manager is responsible for identifying all plant and equipment in an equipment register and ensuring that any training or instruction needs, personal protective equipment requirements are identified and relevant risk assessments conducted. All staff are required to report to The Site Manager any problems found with plant/equipment. Defective equipment will be clearly marked and taken out of service by storing in a secure location pending repair / disposal. Curriculum areas Heads of department are responsible for ensuring maintenance requirements for equipment in their areas are identified and implemented. Electrical safety All staff should monitor the condition of plugs, cables and electrical equipment and conduct a quick visual inspection prior to use. All portable items of electrical equipment will be subject to PAT (portable appliance testing) annually, conducted by PASS and the site team will be trained to carry out PAT testing Personal items of equipment (electrical or mechanical) should not be brought into the school without prior authorisation and subjected to the same tests as school equipment. Major fixed wiring circuits will be checked at least once every five years. External play equipment PE and Play equipment is subject to an annual inspection by Universal Services 01621 868700 APPENDIX 9 FLAMMABLE AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Every attempt will be made to avoid, or choose the least harmful of, substances which fall under the “Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002” (the COSHH Regulations). Within curriculum areas (in particular science and DT) then heads of department are responsible for COSHH and ensuring that an up to date inventory and model risk assessments contained in the relevant national publications (CLEAPSS, Association for Science Education's "Topics in Safety" etc.) are in place. In all other areas the establishments nominated person(s) responsible for substances hazardous to health is the Site Manager. They shall ensure: an inventory of all hazardous substances used on site is compiled and regularly reviewed. material safety data sheets are obtained from the relevant supplier for all such materials. risk assessments are conducted for the use of hazardous substances (where generic risk assessments are available e.g. for products purchased from Hertfordshire Supplies, these are adapted to suit specific use of material on site) all chemicals are appropriately and securely stored out of the reach of children. all chemicals are kept in their original packaging and labelled ( no decanting into unmarked containers). suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) has been identified and available for use. PPE is to be provided free of charge where the need is identified as part of the risk assessment. RADIOACTIVE SOURCES The school follows CLEAPSS guidance L93 in Managing Ionising radiatons and Radioactive sources. HCC’s Radiation Protection Officer is the Curriculum Advisor for Science CLEAPSS provide the Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA) service for HCC Member of staff in charge of radioactive sources (RPS) is the Science Technician. and is responsible for ensuring all records pertaining to radioactive sources are maintained. APPENDIX 10 LIFTING AND HANDLING Generic risk assessments for regular manual handling operations are undertaken and staff provided with information on safe moving and handling techniques. Staff should ensure they are not lifting heavy items and equipment unless they have received training and/or equipment in order to do so safely. All manual handling activities which present a significant risk to the health and safety of staff, will be reported to The Site Manager/Health & Safety Officer and where such activities cannot be avoided a risk assessment will be conducted to ensure such risks are adequately controlled. A copy of this assessment will be provided to employees who must follow the instruction given when carrying out the task. Paediatric Moving and Handling All staff who move and handle pupils have received appropriate training (both in general moving and handling people techniques and specific training on any lifting equipment, hoists, slings etc. they are required to use). All moving and handling of pupils has been risk assessed and recorded by a competent member of staff. Equipment for moving and handling people is subject to inspection on a 6 monthly basis by a competent contractor. APPENDIX 11 NICHOLAS BREAKSPEAR CATHOLIC SCHOOL ASBESTOS POLICY Staff Member Responsible : Tina Harris Governor Responsible : Last Review : Review Date : Governor’s Meeting Date : NICHOLASBREAKSPEAR BREAKSPEAR CATHOLIC NICHOLAS CATHOLICSCHOOL SCHOOL ASBESTOS POLICY ATTENDANCE POLICY It is the policy of Nicholas Breakspear School to take all necessary measures to ensure full compliance with the Control of Asbestos Regulations (CAR) 2006. This includes the duty to manage any asbestos-containing materials (ACM) in such a manner as to prevent the exposure of their employees to asbestos, or where this is not practicable, to reduce exposure to the lowest possible level. Legislation and Related Documents CAR 2006 ACoP L127 Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006. Approved Code of Practice L127: The management of Asbestos in non-domestic premises: Regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006. In addition all other asbestos related legislation and associated HSE Guidance Management of Asbestos – Responsibilities The regulation discuss and defines the role of the duty holder in relation to the management of asbestos. However, while the legal responsibility to manage ACM within the property rests with the duty holder, (the Board of Governors, Headteacher and the person responsible for maintenance of the site), this responsibility may be partly delegated to the nominated responsible person i.e. the Asbestos Manager (Headteacher and the person responsible for maintenance of the site). Nicholas Breakspear School will be responsible for all buildings in relation to all work involving ACMs unless stated otherwise in the contract leasing agreement. The responsibility for the maintenance of the Asbestos Register will be the nominated person, the Asbestos Manager. The Asbestos manager will: Prepare and review the procedures and policy documentation and management action plan. Provide the HSE and other related bodies with details of asbestos management procedures where relevant. Maintain the Asbestos Register which records the location of all known and presumed asbestos containing materials (ACMs) identified in the inspection for the school, through asbestos surveys. Perform an assessment of risk of disturbing concealed ACMs prior to work undertaken that may involve some form of minor destructive access, such as drilling through cavity walls etc. Should this work reveal any suspected ACMs, appropriate action; removal or encapsulation of ACM will be implemented. Implement and monitor the Asbestos Management Plan to enable external consultants and contractors to make requests for information regarding asbestos and respond to requests by carrying out appropriate levels of investigation and provide documented response. Manage the Permission to Work. Participate in the organisation and implementation of asbestos awareness seminars and training for all relevant school staff whose normal duties bring them into contact with ACMs or those who operate the permission to work process and/or have a maintenance responsibility at the school. Liaise and direct the Licensed Removal Contractor and a Preferred UKAS accredited consultant. Report incidents under RIDDOR where applicable. Be responsible for all works implemented by external contractors and sub contractors including mechanical, electrical and building works. Adhere to the asbestos management policy. Inform staff and contractors of the location of any asbestos affecting a project and implement the recommendations of the Asbestos Manager UKAS Accredited Consultants undertaking work at the school will: Have adequate training and experience in survey work. Be well trained to the standard and approved by recognised accreditation body. Have an adequate quality management system and liability insurance. Adhere to the school’s asbestos management policy. Carry out any asbestos survey work in accordance wit current HSE guidance. Halt work and inform the Asbestos Manager if suspected asbestos material is discovered during the course of a project and take the necessary action. Adhere to the school’s asbestos management plan and ensure that appropriate staff are trained and do the same. Engage with the asbestos Manager regarding information on the Asbestos Register. Licensed Asbestos removal contractor will: Hold a current licence for work with asbestos (for type to be re moved) issued by the HSE. Comply with current legislation and associated Approved Codes of Practice and guidance. Employ an independent competent person in conducting air testing and sampling of asbestos and clearance certification. Attend site to assess and prepare quotations against remedial works specified, raise any health and safety and safety issues relating to the works and potential later costs. Provide a method statement and programme of works, for all projects to the Asbestos Manager and HSE, Notify the enforcing authority 14 days in advance of the start date of any licensable work on ACMs and provide method statement and risk assessment. Carry out obligations of contract, including maintaining high standards of safety and hygiene in asbestos work areas. Carry out regular inspections of the work environment, any defects found or reported by the Asbestos Manager. Provide copies of notification and consignment notes and other relevant documentation as soon as available to the Project Managers and copies to the Asbestos Manger. Contractors/Sub Contractors will: Adhere to the school’s asbestos management policy. Ensure that any work that may disturb or damage material containing asbestos is avoided. Halt work and seek advice from the Asbestos Manager if suspected asbestos material is discovered during the course of the works. Report immediately to the Asbestos Manager on any materials suspected to contact asbestos where the materials have been disturbed or damaged, or where works are likely to be undertaken that may affect such. Management of Asbestos – Assessment of Asbestos Assessment of Premises Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School in conjunction with Herts County Council has undertaken a management survey (Standard Sampling, Identification and Assessment) of their premises. This has enabled prioritisation of further, more detailed surveys of those properties deemed to be likely to contain asbestos. The asbestos management plan will include the register any existing survey reports, photographic evidence, laboratory analysis certificates and marked-up building plans. Assessment of ACM Comprehensive surveys of all materials within the school have been carried out by a preferred asbestos management consultants. These surveys contain the exact location, quantity, type of asbestos, extent and condition of all ACM in their properties. A refurbishment/demolition survey (Full Access Sampling and Identification) will be carried out prior to any demolition work or major refurbishment. In all cases, surveys of premises will be carried out in full accordance with the current HSE guidance (HSG 264). Management Plan The school has undertaken to implement a suitable plan for the management of all asbestos-containing materials. As an over-arching management document, the policy regarding planned management of ACMs is contained in this document, as follows: The Plan The scope of the Management Plan covers all demise of the premises (with the exception of those that have been deemed as presenting no foreseeable risk of containing asbestos, i.e. those where construction commenced after 1999). The Plan will ensure that all necessary measures for controlling the risk of exposure are implemented. These measures will include, but are not limited to: Monitoring of the condition of identified and suspected ACMs; Ensuring information is disseminated as required; Review of the Management Plan on a regular basis; Ensuring that measures specified in the Plan are implemented and recorded in the Plan. Procedures for Work with ACM The contractors involved with the remedial or removal work will forward a written site specific plan of work (method statement) and risk assessment and forward it to the Asbestos Manager. Contractors will ensure their workers adhere to this plan (so far as is reasonably practicable). If work cannot follow the plan, work will cease and the risks will be appraised. Work will not commence until a new plan is written, or the existing one amended. Work not Covered by CDM, but Involving Destructive Access UKAS accredited Consultant will undertake a refurbishment/demolition survey prior to any work covered by the CDM Regulations. In instances where work is due to be undertaken that may involve some form of minor destructive access, such as drilling through cavity walls to install cabling, an assessment of the risk of disturbing concealed ACMs prior to any such work will be undertaken. Work will immediately cease if the work reveal any suspected ACMs and reported to the Asbestos Manager who, together with the preferred asbestos consultants, will undertake a thorough assessment of the area prior to recommencing any work. Emergency Procedures In the event that any work undertaken believed to have disturbed any ACM, the following emergency procedures will be followed; Work will immediately cease and the area closed off. Advise will be sort via the Local Authority Asbestos Team on 0845 603 0369. The Asbestos Manager must be immediately informed of the possible exposure and a sample of the suspect material will be taken for analysis. If the sample is found to contain asbestos, the Asbestos Manager will determine actions to be taken. Management of Asbestos – Information, Instruction and Training To enable compliance with information, instruction and training the following procedures will be undertaken; Information The information contained in the management system will be made freely available to the emergency services. This will be achieved by the storage of asbestos registers and plans with the building logs and fire emergency plans. The information will be available to maintenance staff, contractors and external consultants who should require it. Instruction and Training Asbestos Awareness Training is provided by Hertfordshire County Council, attendees are detailed in the Site Asbestos Log. All contractors will be fully trained in asbestos awareness and in the use of Personal Protective Equipment and Respirable Protective Equipment as appropriate. Permission to Work System Permission to Work System will operate to prevent the accidental exposure of its employees to airborne asbestos fibres. This will apply to all external contractors and Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School staff. If the planned work directly involves work on any identified or suspected ACM, a further Plan of Work, in accordance with the requirements of the CAR 2006, will be produced. Monitoring and Review Annual re-inspections of the ACM within the properties will be undertaken, with any changes recording in the Asbestos Register. Additionally, there will be reviews depending upon the risk assessment findings and regular reviews by management personnel for the purposes of ensuring the management plan and survey records remain up to date and valid and annual review of the management plan. APPENDIX 12 NICHOLAS BREAKSPEAR CATHOLIC SCHOOL SAFEGUARDING POLICY FOR CONTRACTORS Staff Member Responsible : Tina Harris Governor Responsible : Ray Anderson Last Review : Review Date : Governor’s Meeting Date : NICHOLAS BREAKSPEAR CATHOLIC SCHOOL SAFEGUARDING POLICY FOR CONTRACTORS Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School takes safeguarding children seriously. In order to work with NBCS, you need to provide your policies and evidence of your organisation’s commitment to safety. Contractors are requested to demonstrate their commitment to the following: Staff and volunteers to have briefings or training to understand abuse and to recognise that it can be an issue for organisations. Time must be taken to plan and structure recruitment activities so that everything is in place before a candidate is interviewed, including person and role specifications and the criteria for selecting the right candidate. Before inviting candidates to interview, detailed information must have been collected from them on the application form and must have been carefully scrutinised. References must be taken up at as early a stage as possible in the recruitment process and information carefully scrutinised. Interviews must be well planned and questions and criteria must probe into candidates’ motives for working with children and their suitability as well as their skills and experience. Wherever possible, other selection tools should be used and an interview is the minimum selection process that candidates should go through for positions involving working with children. Candidates must be asked to disclose criminal convictions and a criminal records check must be carried out for posts involving work with children. There must be processes in place for carefully and fairly scrutinising criminal records information. Policies and procedures must be in place for the school to raise concerns about a contractor’s behaviour towards a child or a young person. The culture of the organisation must be open and encourages people to raise concerns. Allegations or concerns about behaviour towards children must be taken seriously and dealt with in an appropriate, fair and timely manner. The organisations named contact for the school should be immediately informed of any concerns regarding behaviour towards children and / or vulnerable adults Everyone must be familiar with what is expected of them in terms of their behaviour towards children and young people. Staff must be given a thorough induction that includes setting the boundaries and expectations of their roles and responsibilities for safeguarding and protecting children. Staff must be inducted into appropriate behaviour towards working with and alongside other contractors/ suppliers/clients and are expected to behave with courtesy at all times Safeguarding and protecting children must be seen as core to what the organisation does by everyone and the organisation must ensure that all staff and volunteers know their responsibilities for safeguarding children The organisation must have a culture of vigilance and must not rely on criminal records checks or recruitment as the only method of ensuring people who work with children are safe. APPENDIX 13 WORK AT HEIGHT Working at height can present a significant risk, where such activities cannot be avoided a risk assessment will be conducted to ensure such risks are adequately controlled. A copy of this assessment will be provided to employees authorised to work at height. When working at height (including accessing storage or putting up displays) appropriate stepladders or kick stools are to be used. Staff must not climb onto chairs etc. The nominated person(s) shall ensure: all work at height is properly planned and organised; the use of access equipment is restricted to authorised users; all those involved in work at height are trained and competent to do so; the risks from working at height are assessed and appropriate equipment selected; a register of access equipment is maintained and all equipment is regularly inspected and maintained; any risks from fragile surfaces is properly controlled. APPENDIX 14 DISPLAY SCREEN EQUIPMENT (DSE) All staff who use habitually use computers as a significant part of their normal work (significant is taken to be continuous / near continuous spells of an hour at a time) e.g. admin staff, bursars etc. shall have a DSE assessment carried out by their line manager. Those staff identified as DSE users shall be entitled to an eyesight test for DSE use every 2 years by a qualified optician (and corrective glasses if required specifically for DSE use). APPENDIX 15 NICHOLAS BREAKSPEAR CATHOLIC SCHOOL CHARGING (LETTINGS) POLICY Staff Member Responsible : Tina Harris Governor Responsible : Pat Lawrie Last Review : Review Date : Governor’s Meeting Date : NICHOLAS BREAKSPEAR CATHOLIC SCHOOL CHARGING (LETTINGS) POLICY ‘Each person is a unique creation of God. All of us are gifted. Every aspect of what we think and do should be based upon the Gospel values of Peace, Justice, Truth and Love.’ Lettings Policy 1) The Governors have agreed to hire out the facilities at Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School to appropriate organisations and individuals 2) The letting of the facility should not cut across any school commitment or need. Priority will be given to the school association know as the Friends of Nicholas Breakspear School and church needs, subject to their being no existing commitment. 3) Daily control of School Lettings is the responsibility of the Assistant Business Manager under the School Business Director, who is authorised to negotiate fees within the limits determined by the Governing Body. 4) The Finance Manager is responsible for maintaining records for each organisation/individual leasing Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School premises. 5) Income from lettings is credited to Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School’s current account for public funds. 6) The decision whether or not reductions or additions to charges are required is made by the School Business Director. School Lettings Procedures SINGLE LET WITH PRIOR NOTICE a) When an enquiry is received an Application for Hire of Premises Form, Price List and Terms and Conditions and Indemnity Form are passed to the applicant for completion. b) When the Application for Hire of Premises form has been returned and approved by the Headteacher or School Business Director with his/her signature, the School Business Director will write to the requester confirming the letting and details as follows: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Date and time Facilities Cost Any additional facilities provided by Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School, or requirements made of the letting organisation/individual Details of Insurance The hire charge includes the use of toilet facilities and one car park which may be used subject to the Terms & Conditions of Letting. c) Details of the letting are recorded in the Lettings Book. d) Payment is due within 2 weeks of the letting. The Finance Assistants raises and sends a Sales Invoice and the debt is recorded on the Aged Debtors file. Any damage caused by the hirer will be added to the invoice. Cancellations must be received one full week before the letting or a charge will be incurred. e) When payment is received the Finance Assistants records this on the accounting System. f) Outstanding payments are to be brought to the SBM's attention at monthly reconciliations. SINGLE LET SHORT NOTICE The documentation contained in the above still applies. However, once the SBMs has agreed the charges payable, a letter confirming the let will be sent immediately and the hirer is required to confirm the arrangement in writing. ONGOING LONG TERM ARRANGEMENT The procedures and documentation outlined under “Single Let With Prior Notice” apply. Additional information on the period of the let should be completed on the Application for Hire of Premises Form. Regular users of School facilities may, at the discretion of the SBM, be allowed reduced rates for a block hiring of premises. They will be invoiced monthly in arrears, to allow for reductions in charge if the facilities were not used. Any reduction is only made if the user has provided four days notice of the cancellation. Any damage caused by the hirer will be invoiced on the next invoice. ADULT EDUCATION USE Arrangements for use of the premises by Adult Education classes are made prior to the start of the academic year. Authorisations and Segregation of Duties Document Acceptance of let Rate charged Collection of debts Processing income Reconciliation/bad debts School Business Manager School Business Manager School Business Manager Finance Assistant Finance Assistant School Business Manager APPENDIX 16 MINIBUSES The Site Manager maintains a list of nominated drivers who have received training in order to drive a minibus and conducts an annual check of their driving licence. 1 All minibus drivers should receive training by the HCC Road Safety Unit; drivers will be issued with a copy of the County Guidance at the training sessions. Drivers are re-assessed at 5-yearly intervals to maintain safe standards of operation. The Site Manager is responsible for the undertaking regular checks on the vehicles and the schools operation of minibuses. 1 All drivers must hold a full Category B (car) licence, non-employees must have held this for at least two years. Employees who first obtained a Category B (car) licence after 1 January 1997 must additionally obtain Category D or D1 by passing a medical and the Passenger Carrying Vehicle (PCV) theory and practical driving tests. This also applies to all drivers with pre-1997 licences if they intend to drive a minibus abroad. APPENDIX 17 STRESS / WELLBEING The school and governing body are committed to promoting high levels of health and well being and recognise the importance of identifying and reducing workplace stressors through risk assessment, in line with the HSE and HCC’s management standards. APPENDIX 18 LEGIONELLA The school complies with advice on the potential risks from legionella as identified in the Education Health and Safety Manual. A water risk assessment of the school has been completed by Primec and Graeme Rose is responsible for ensuring that operational controls are being conducted and recorded in the water log book. Graeme Rose will be responsible for undertaking basic operational controls in lieu of a water risk assessment being conducted by Primec. The school business manager is to check maintained logs monthly and escalate any problems discovered This will include: identifying and flushing rarely used outlets on a weekly basis and after school holiday periods. conducting necessary water temperature checks (monthly) disinfecting / descaling showers, or other areas where water droplets are formed (quarterly)
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