Cl eg g Cr ee k C O'Hayes Creek le gg C re ek Dean Creek Fe l lo w sC re e ende n Cr eek o Sh a d k Ta Ow l and i ck en Cr ow n Cr ee k W de n C re R k lon Cree Rolf Lake ol fC Elsay Cre re sa El ek yC C re Wick ek k Hanes Cree w Silver Falls reek ek ek Kennedy Lake Fr ia rC re ek Hy Gopher Lake dr au Cr ee Cr o wn McKenzi Thrasher Cree k C re ek Cr e ek S ey m Je s si e C r e ye s C re ou wn rR iv e r k Cr o ek Co e Creek ek Colwo od C re Coldwell Beach Baxter Creek Co ek Intake Cr ee ld w ell C ld w e ll C re O'H a Creek lic Kennedy ek reek Badger C re k ek S uicide Cre ek k ek r Cr e e Grous en l md Ho De Pencier Lake eek Mosquito Cr Drifte ree C ay Creek Gi np Lynn Creek W rC k ree Ma cK reek Lions C so ind o le Cr ee Second Lake k Creek Underh Hidden Lake Best Point ill Creek Thwaytes Mystery Lake Frames First Lake kW e st Orlomah Beach Cr e ek Shon e Goldie Lake quit oC re e k Ma Cap cK a yC re e Rice Cr ee La k Ea st no Mo s ila Sc ott-goldie C r ee k y m Se ek Bo e u ld rC re e Gardner Brook Percy Lake Flower Lake k ym am ek rC re Scott-goldie C Dyer Cree k ld e Bo u reek Coleman Cr eek Dunell C k n Cree Miss io er yC r ee k dn k re e k cK ee Cr Ma My me s Th a ek re on si is M k ee Cr ek C re C k Cr e e r Cr e ek rtney + Charles Reef Cosy Cove l B ay el dw er R iv ur mo Se y Blueridge Cr eek ek Cre k ee Cr as + White Rock 3. Flood hazard maps do not provide information on site-specific hazards such as land erosion or sudden shifts in the water courses. Ro c d i a n k ee Roche Point In Cr I n l e t 4. Other sources of water, roads, railways or other barriers can restrict water flow and affect flood levels locally. Channel obstructions, local storm water inflows, groundwater or other land drainage can cause flood levels to exceed those indicated on the map. Lands adjacent to a flood plain may be subject to flooding from tributary streams that are not indicated on the maps. Arm ek ek ge Cr e Burrard lo r Tay Indian Reserve #3 he P oint C re reek Creek od C r id lewo 1. The flood hazard maps are based on previously reported water profiles and LiDAR surveys from 2006. The maps depict conditions at the time of the original reporting and surveys. Changes to the channel, flood plain, or climate will affect the flood levels and render site-specific map information obsolete. The maps were developed for a broad-scale gap assessment, and for some areas, especially where data is limited, do not meet current best management practices for flood mapping. 2. Flood hazard maps are administrative tools that show the minimum designated flood elevation and flood plain boundaries. Flooding may occur outside of the designated boundaries. Our consultants do not assume any liability by reason of the designation or failure to designate areas on the map. Turtle Head Boulder Island Th o m a s k Limitations of Flood Plain Maps: The technical analysis and further limitations are described in various reports commissioned by the District of North Vancouver and Natural Resources Canada and are available on the District of North Vancouver Website ( and Grey Rock Island re e k ree BELCARRA ge C hC ue Bl [email protected] Hamber Island Ra n ek ay Cre GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS eek om k e l Cr Th re e He g Lyn n C Note: This map may not represent all hazards. It will be updated as new information becomes available. eek Tay lo M cC a k re e gC Wa g ek Cr e ek Ke it h re M a cK th Seymour Creek Indian Reserve #2 GIS DEPARTMENT + Tupper Rock Jug Island i Ka k Wa gg k ek oo re Block Shoal Br k C re e u it oC ek is Cre ws k a C reek re e eC Cove Whis key Cove Ma p Brockton Point Potential Debris Flow, Debris Flood, Hazard Area Belvedere Rock + 10 Metre Reference Line F a r r eto r Potential Flood Hazard Area on Creeks Deep Cove Park side Cr Ke it B u r r a r d Racoon Island Potential Flood Hazard Area Quarry Rock re e ings sq Lone Point k Franc Cleopatr Co v he at k aC re e M tC ra m an no Pa n H a st Mo ee ek Ca pi la Cr e e no k s te Ri ry ve re Gavles C Cr Woodlands Coleman Creek Coleman Creek C Wa rd Be in C Th a M o sq u ek Cr e k k ay ee ito Cre ek Cr k k k Mission Reserve #1 Capilano Indian Reserve #5 Twin Islands ee ee ee re e NORTH VANCOUVER Ke i roo k Sunshine Falls Cr Cr Cr t in g sC CITY of r an All es er Ha s ek 604.990.2311 re ek r Ga Os tler Creek am lm Ki iv e yB ek ine Cre Suns h Creek Allan Th E m s le r Bude nn k k k re e re e Cascade ee er C Creek nC Cr Kilm MacKay WEST VANCOUVER k es A r m ee Ca R no p ila Brighton Beach di an Cr C re C Semlin Creek o Ca ny ers ur In Thain Creek k ee Cr io n ss Mi ate Th Va p o ek Rice Lake Creek u lg dde Se oldie Creek re Transformer Ho Ha Sc ott-g Perc y Creek ou r R i ver M ac Ka ke lin e Cr Ga ll th Bro Creek PORT MOODY 5. The accuracy of the location of a flood plain boundary as shown on this map is limited by the accuracy of the LiDAR data used for generating base contour mapping. 6. Professional assistance and detailed site-specific engineering analysis are required to address any of the above issues. Notes to Users: 1. The Designated Flood has a statistical return period of 200-years. (There is a one in 200 chance that the Designated Flood could be equalled or exceeded in any one year.) The Designated Debris Flow/Debris Flood has a statistical return period of 500 years. 2. No freeboard allowances are included in the mapping CREEK HAZARD DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA - MAP 2.2 DI SCLAI MER AND TERMS OF USE -The Di st r i ctofNor t h Vancouv ermakes no r epr esent at i on orw ar r ant i es w hat soev erw i t hr espectt o: t he accur acy; t he cont ent ;ort he qual i t y ofi nf or mat i on f ound on t hi s pr oductorser vi ce. The r esponsi bi l i t yf orconf i r mi ngt heaccur acy,cont entand qual i t y oft hi spr oductorser vi cer est sent i r el yw i t ht he user . The Di st r i ctofNor t h Vancouv erassumesnor esponsi bi l i t yf ordamages,l osses,busi nessi nt er r upt i on orex pensesi ncur r ed asar esul tofusi ngt hi spr oductorser vi ce. TheDi st r i ctofNor t h Vancouv erdoesnotper mi tt heusert or ent ,sel l ,di st r i but e,t r ansf er ,orgr antanyr i ght st ot hi spr oductorser vi ce,i nw hol eori n par t ,t o anot herper sonoror gani zat i on. The Di st r i ctofNor t h Vancouv err equi r est hatt hef ol l ow i ng acknow l edgementmustbedi spl ayeddi r ect l yonoradjacentt oanyr epr oduct i onoft hi spr oductorser vi ce:“ Sour ce:TheDi st r i ctofNor t h Vancouv erGI S Depar t ment . ” 0 250 Published: January 16, 2015 500 1,000 Scale: 1:17,500 1,500 2,000 Meters ±
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