Welcome! Encouraging faith in Jesus; Bringing hope to our world; Showing love for each other. www.ettalongbaptistchurch.org.au 8 Barrenjoey Road, Ettalong Beach, PO Box 131, Ettalong Beach NSW 2257, Office Phone: (02) 4343 1237, email: [email protected] The church office closes for the Summer Holidays and will reopen 27 January 2015. Sunday Services: Family Service 9am, Traditional Service 11am Bulletin for Sunday 11th of January 2015 Welcome to our service this morning. Please join us for morning tea between our 9am and 11am services in the Lower Hall, found at the end of the foyer as you walk beside the stairs. If you are here for the first time or would like prayer or a pastoral visit, please complete a response card. These cards can be found in pockets hanging on the backs of the seats. Please place your completed card in the offering plate or the response box in the foyer. Kids Church is currently in recess for the summer holidays. Kids Packs will be available for the children to use during the service if they would like to use them. Today’s Message Philippians — “The Secret Of Joy!” Part 2 Topic: The Source Of A Satisfied Life! Bible Reading: Philippians 1:20-30 KIDS CHURCH and Children’s Ministry Leaders Training Day: Saturday 31st January, 9am-12pm in the Hill Hall. Everyone leading, or thinking of helping in Primary Kid's Church this year needs to come to this training morning. It is also highly recommended for Kid's Klub Leaders and Preschool Kids' Church Leaders and for anyone involved in any for of Children’s ministry, or even if you are just interested in Children’s ministry. More details next week. Please contact Rick to let him know your coming on 0425 206 459 or email: [email protected] Skills For Life Car Boot Sale: Saturday 14 February, in the Memorial Avenue Car Park at the rear of the Church. 6am to 8am for Set Up. 8am to 1pm for Sales. To register a stall please contact Heather Crawford. Already loads of stalls to check out e.g. cake stall, cards, paper supplies, bric a brac, craft items and supplies etc. 2015—Church Lenten Studies Series: The Way—Walking In The Footsteps Of Jesus! David Gilchrist would like to invite all the Connect Groups to take part in a special series titled “The Way – Walking in the footsteps of Jesus”. David will be preaching on this series each week from Sunday 22 February to Sunday 29 March and there will be personal devotions as well as material for Connect Groups to join in. How Can I Get The Most Out Of This Series? Key Dates For The Way Series! Read “The Way” by Adam Hamilton, Sunday 8/2/15 Introduction for Connect Group Leaders and any other interested people. Sunday 22/2/15 Combined Service for launch of The Way Study and start of preaching series. Combined lunch for all, (finger food) and visit by special guest Rev Matthew Wilson who will briefly share his experiences in Israel. Weekly bible study series starts this week. Thursday 2/4/15 Easter Thursday Pascal/Passover Meal available at Amazon. Study this series with your whole Connect Group, or join a Connect Group if you are not currently in one. This 40-day focus will help you and your group grow deeper in their faith, learn more about the life of Christ, spend time daily reading and reflecting upon the Scriptures, and invite all participants to grow together in their faith. The New Working With Children Check: To comply with the new Working With Children Check it is necessary that all people in child-related ministries provide a Working With Children Check number before 31st March 2015. If that applies to you and you haven't obtained one yet could you please do so asap. This includes anyone 18 years or over, in Church Leadership (Pastors, Elders, Deacons, Group Leaders), Kids Church teachers, Kids Club leaders, Girls Brigade leaders, Scripture teachers, Mainly Music leaders, Youth Group leaders and Playtime leaders. For volunteers it is free to apply for a Working With Children Check. The process in obtaining a Working With Children Check can take a number of weeks so it needs to be acted on now. For more information please see Beth Wykes. 2015 Church Calendar: If you have any group meetings or dates that you would like added to the church calendar please email them to the church computer or see Beth Wykes so they can be included. The ones from last year have already been added so if they have changed please let the office know. The email address for the Church Computer and office is [email protected] Welcome Lunch: Sunday 1 February 2015, at 12 noon in the Lower Hall of the church. If you have recently joined our church we would like to invite you and your family to lunch, where we can formally welcome you, introduce you to like-minded people and give you a very brief overview of our church. Please RSVP at the welcome table or phone Heather Crawford on 4341 7482. New Know Your Bible (KYB) For Couples: Every Tuesday, 7.30pm at the home of Maggie and Charles Leayr, 42 Castle Circuit, Umina Beach. “Its a bit funky at times with children sneaking out of bed, or just not going to bed, and phones being confiscated so no meeting calls are taken. However we laugh, share each others lives, and most importantly learn about our Lord, his word, commands, his love, and know he is with us as we undertake our studies.” If you are interested in joining us please phone Charles on 0408 661 502 or 4342 3239. Thanking God for the life of Arthur Deane: Arthur Deane, at the age of 92 years, passed peacefully to be with His Lord late on Friday night Jan 2nd. It is 11 years since the passing of his wife, Phyllis. Arthur was Vice Principal and then Principal of the Sydney Missionary and Bible College in the years 1959 to 1974. Prior to that, he had been serving in the Anglican diocese of Sydney, as Youth Director of the diocese and then as the minister at St Paul’s, Castle Hill. After leaving SMBC, he was International Director of the Africa Evangelical Fellowship and Arthur and Phyl were based in London for 6 years. During the years at SMBC, Arthur’s denominational contributions changed to the NSW Baptist churches although his ministry had become increasingly interdenominational. On returning to Australia, they settled in Kurrajong and the Kurrajong Baptist church and later moved to the central coast of NSW and the Ettalong Baptist church. Arthur worked for a while with the Scripture Union. He was widely known and appreciated for his morning devotions on radio CBA for many years. Arthur was a gifted Bible teacher, preacher, and leader here and internationally. His driving goal, right to his final days, was to share the saving message of Jesus as effectively and with as many people as possible. Phyllis and Arthur were loved greatly by many whose lives were touched by theirs. They will be missed here by their family and friends while they are reunited in the arms of their Heavenly Father. A public Thanksgiving Service will be held this afternoon (Sunday 11 January) at 2.30pm at Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC), 43-45 Badminton Rd, Croydon. More Count Your Blessings: Just before Christmas we reflected on some of the blessings that we have received in 2014. Each week through January we will include a few of these in the Bulletin. We will not include names or any personal information. If you would like to add a way that the Lord has blessed you in 2014, please write it on a Response Slip found in the pockets on the back of the chairs and pop it into the offering or into the response box in the Church Foyer. Thank you for the outreach ministry that Pastimes provides. Praise God last year 3 people have recommitted their lives to Christ or come to know him as their personal Saviour and Lord. Thank you for all those who have grown in their faith. This year for Lance and Merle wasn’t good with Lance’s operation followed by radiotherapy. The treatment was very successful however. The cancer has gone. Thank you to everyone who prayed, and thank you especially to God for all he has done! I am blessed especially with the family life I enjoy even though at times it is tough. I especially love the fellowship of my church family and friends. I have been blessed by the church’s positive response to our proposed new leadership structure. The 24 hour prayer vigil that the church held this year was a particular blessing to me. Also the verse that I was able to take from the wall has been a great blessing. I also thank God for the preaching and for the band who lead us in worship each week. The people in my Connect Groups have been a great blessing to me as we have studied Old Testament characters together. I have appreciated the knowledge they have shared and the prayers they have prayed. The many blessings shown to Youth Life this year. Praise God for KYB—for learning, sharing, encouragement I have received and fellowship. Who do I ask? Lead Pastor - David Gilchrist 0448 431 234 [email protected] Playtime - Lyndl Crutcher - 4340 5470 (10 am Tuesdays during school terms in Hill Hall) Pastoral Elder - Graham Checkley - 0403 520 278 [email protected] Men’s Shed - Peter LeMay - 4340 2748 (9am Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays) Youth Worker - Darren Cardwell—0497 796 230 [email protected] Men’s Ministry - John Jira - 4339 7028 (Activities on the last Saturday of each month) Crossroads Counselling - Meg Toon - Mob 0414 238 614 Ladies Fellowship - Elva Badman - 4344 2134 (1:30 pm 1st & 3rd Tues in lower hall) Kids Church - Rick Keuning - 4326 1501 Preschool (18 mths + ) - 9am in Hill Hall (adjacent to this building) Kindergarten to Year 6 - 9.15am in the Lower Hall. (children join in the 9am service and go to their own program during the service) Kids Klub - David Gilchrist - 0448 431 234 (Kindergarten to Year 6 children, Fridays 4:30 pm during school term) Youth group - Darren Cardwell - 0497 796 230 (Each Friday Hill Hall 7- 9pm for activities and devotions, during school terms) Morning Tea, 11 January: Girls’ Brigade - Janine Arrua - 4368 3328 (6:30pm Wednesdays during school terms) LIFT Ladies in Fellowship Together - Maria Janos - 4342 5442 (For women who are single and single again) Thursday Friends - Jan Baker - 4326 1968 & Jan Rose - 4344 4600 Peninsula Pastimes - Heather Crawford - 0419 297 496 (Various craft activities — Fridays 9:30 am during school terms) Morning Tea, 18 January: Set Up: Lee Oehm & Julie Turner Clean Up: Bev & Beth Wykes Set Up: Jan Rose and Jan (Soupie) Karsai Clean Up: : Lynda Blandford and Irene Makepeace 9am Greeters, 11 January: 9am Greeters, 18 January: Helen Aspland and Jan Rose Welcome Table, 11 January: Ian and Aimee Durrand 11am Greeters, 11 January: Russ and Lyle Jones Recordings Of Messages: Jan and Les Baker Welcome Table, 18 January: Lynda Blandford and Robyn Higgins 11am Greeters, 18 January: Marj King and Yvonne Johnson Each Sunday we record the Bible Reading and the Sermon. These are uploaded to our website. You can listen or download these recordings at http://www.ettalongbaptistchurch.org.au/messages
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