www.sacn.edu Fall 2014 Volume 1 Message from Alumni Association President Colleen Klein, PhD, RN, FNP-BC ‘85 One of the things I like most about living in the Midwest is the changing of the seasons. Each one brings with it a certain freshness and newness. Like the changing seasons, the Alumni Association experiences continuing changes. This past spring provided us with continued growth and development of the College of Nursing. The new position of college affairs coordinator was created. Amy Mastroianni has joined the college in this new role. The change allows us as alumni to be connected in a much more meaningful way. For those of us who experienced the opportunity to share our lives together through enrollment in the former School of Nursing, memories of the school epitomize a rite of passage into a profession of which we are most proud and, as well, one that is noted as most trustworthy by the American public. We want our current student body at all levels, even through the doctorate level, to feel connected and proud. We want them to know this college experience marks the beginning of their possibilities in making a difference for patients as individuals and the community as a whole. Please enjoy our transformed newsletter and think about how you can contribute to the lives of our future nurses. I look forward to sharing more information with you in the months that follow. A Note from the President of the College Welcome to our new Alumni newsletter. Saint Anthony College of Nursing is blessed to have so many wonderful and engaged alumni. This fall my husband and I were blessed with the opportunity to travel to several special places. I wish to share the love and compassion of these sites with you. We traveled to Vatican City and its many sacred sites including the path to the bones of St. Peter under the basilica; the little medieval town of Assisi with the basilicas of Saint Francis and Saint Clare, and Florence where beautiful art is abundant. In the spiritual sites and beauty of Rome, Florence and Assisi, I was able to pray for our college community, including our Terese Burch Sisters of Saint Francis, and all of you, our past, present PhD, RN and future students. At the audience of the Holy Father, Pope Francis, I was able to reflect upon his commitment to Catholic education, knowledge, truth, love and service of others, truly the purpose of Saint Anthony College of Nursing. As nurses we have been entrusted with a wonderful gift: the opportunity to heal and serve others with love, caring, compassion, truth, and knowledge. As he extended his blessings to all our faithful family and friends at home, I was able to give thanks for all the good work you do. As the centennial year of Saint Anthony School/College of Nursing approaches, we are able to look back to all your contributions to the Ministry of the Sisters and Saint Francis and to the future with thanksgiving. We hope you will be able to join in one or more of the many celebrations planned. As we continue to enjoy ever-increasing applications to our undergraduate, master and new DNP students, community service and academic outcomes, I can share the joyful greetings of Sister Judith Ann and all the Sisters, on behalf of Saint Francis, Pax et Bonum. Centennial Celebration Kicks Off in 2015 It’s going to be an exciting year at the college as we celebrate our 100th anniversary. It was November 2, 1915, that the first diploma school of nursing was opened by the Sisters of the Third Order of Saint Francis. The first class of the “Nursing Training School” consisted of five students! One hundred years later, Saint Anthony College of Nursing now offers a bachelor of science, master of science and, most recently, a doctor of nursing practice degree. 2015 will be a special year with many events to mark this milestone. We hope our wonderful alumni will participate. What’s New With You? Please like us on Facebook for current happenings at the college! Do you have exciting news you’d like to share with fellow alumni? We would be happy to include your news in an upcoming newsletter! Please email Amy Mastroianni, college affairs coordinator, at [email protected], or you can call her at 815.395.5376. Alumni Newsletter • Fall 2014 Board Members Saint Anthony College of Nursing Board Ken Dufour, College Board Chair Vickie Glidden, College Board Vice-Chair Terese A. Burch, Secretary J. Maichle Bacon Sister Theresa Ann Brazeau Mike Brown Linnette Carter Paula Carynski John Crone Pamela Duffy Kim Entsminger Lois Halstead Dr. David Johnson Kathleen Meade Dr. Richard Nora Jon Schmidt Lori Domski Swanson Father Ken Wasilewski Reverend Monsignor Thomas C. Brady, Honorary Board Member Mary Ann Doherty, Honorary Board Member Marian Frerichs, Honorary Board Member Charles Thomas, Honorary Board Member Gordon Wesner, Honorary Board Member Saint Anthony Nurses’ Alumni Association Board Colleen Klein, President, Class of 1985 Jean Carlson, Secretary, Class of 1966 Cori Budden, Treasurer, Class of 1956 Marsha Hepfner, Class of 1965 Honorary Board Member Kathleen Mangiaracina, Class of 1956 Are you interested in being involved with the alumni board or know someone who would be great? We are seeking nominations for board positions! Please submit names to: Colleen Klein, president of the alumni association, at [email protected] Nominations Needed for SACN Distinguished Alumni Award College of Nursing Distinguished Alumni Award recognizes an alumnus of Saint Anthony College of Nursing who has advanced the nursing profession through professional accomplishments and commitment to nursing education, practice and research. Recipients must have demonstrated leadership and influence in their support of nursing and the college. ★ ★ We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to Deadline honor an outstanding alumnus. March 1 1. All candidates must meet the following criteria: 1. Graduate of Saint Anthony School/College of Nursing. 2. At least three years of professional nursing practice experience. 2. Nominations may be awarded posthumously. 3. All materials received for consideration are confidential. 4. All nominees with detailed descriptions of accomplishments will be considered. 5. Recipients will be notified in advance of the award to make plans to attend the annual alumni banquet. Please write in 500 words or less, how your nominee meets any or all of the following criteria: 1. Serves as an outstanding role model to other professional nurses. 2. Demonstrates characteristics that reflect the highest professional nursing standards. 3. Is viewed as an exemplary nurse demonstrating respect and compassion by clients/patients/families. 4. Has conducted research and development involving programs that improve patient care. 5. Is or has been a change agent in the delivery of care and influence on nursing practice. 6. Candidate inspires others to a higher level of performance. 7. Published articles or chapters that influenced education, administration or practice. 8. Has contributions as an elected officer in nursing professional organizations, service and influence on nursing practice. 9. Received prior recognition for nursing excellence. 10. Other qualifications you know about the person. Nomination forms available on our website, www.sacn.edu. Submit completed forms online or to [email protected]. Recipe Round-Up! Do you have a couple of favorite recipes? From childhood? Adulthood? Would you care to share? In honor of the centennial celebration, Saint Anthony College of Nursing is planning a cookbook! Alumni, students, faculty, staff and past faculty are being asked to contribute to the book. Please submit your favorites to: Beth Marlewski, at [email protected] Please include: • Your name (maiden and married) • Class Year of Graduation • Recipe (please submit no more than two recipes) Deadline: March 1, 2015 Alumni Newsletter • Fall 2014 College Forms International Partnership Save the Date Terese Burch, PhD, RN, president of Saint Anthony College of Nursing (SACN), signed a partnership with nurse leaders from the University of Tsukuba, located in Ibaraki, Japan. The unique collaboration will facilitate student and faculty scholarship and advancement of nursing roles in global health. The Japanese educators visited Rockford for two weeks this past summer to learn more about the role of clinical nurse leader which is a new concept for their country. The University of Tsukuba is one of the top ten research schools in Japan, and officials are looking to make nursing a cutting-edge practice in their country. This partnership will assist nurse leaders in advancing nursing on a global scale. This is not the first international collaboration for the college. SACN recently formed a partnership through the Global Nursing Initiative with the Japanese Red Cross International College of Nursing in Kyushu, Japan. College Offers Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree Saint Anthony College of Nursing is proud to offer the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) to its graduate level offerings. The DNP represents the highest level of academic preparation in nursing practice. Nurses with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree or a students with a Master of Science in Nursing may pursue the DNP. For more information on the DNP program, visit our website or contact our graduate affairs office at 815.395.5476. News from the Student Organization The student organization has been off to a great start this semester. We have had volunteer events at Walter Lawson’s Children Home, OSF Safety Safari, and at Carpenter’s Place. Additionally, the college put on a very successful SACN Student Organization 2014-2015 blood drive and spent a Sunday morning cleaning up the campus at Saint Anthony College of Nursing. The student organization has also kicked off a mentor/mentee program. The program has been a great success, and there are roughly 60 students involved. The program is pairing incoming students with senior students. There is a requirement for the mentor/mentee pairs to attend a volunteer event and a social event some time throughout the semester. The students are really enjoying the program, which will continue going forward. In addition, the student organization has sponsored numerous social events for the undergraduate students. These events allow for students to take time away from school and enjoy themselves. Events for this semester have or will be taking place at the GAR Trampoline Park, Cherry Bowl Lanes and at a Rockford Ice Hogs game. On behalf of the student organization, I would like to thank you all for your continued support. Without a strong alumni association, the college would not be what it is today. By: Clayton Shick, Student Organization President Saint Anthony Nurses’ Alumni Association Banquet Wednesday, May 13, 2015 6 p.m. at Rockford Country Club Keynote Speaker: Rockford Mayor Larry Morrissey New Location! Alumni Tea Wednesday, May 13, 2015 2 to 4 p.m. at Guilford Square Campus Details on both events will be mailed early next year. Please join us for the 61st Annual OSF Saint Anthony Pink Ball When: Saturday, January 31, 2015 5:45 p.m. reception / 7 p.m. dinner Where: Giovanni’s Restaurant & Convention Center $250 per person / Black tie attire Music and dancing to follow dinner Reservations are made by calling the OSF Foundation Office at 815.395.5346. Proceeds from this year’s event will go to the Saint Anthony College of Nursing. End of Semester Party for Seniors Saint Anthony Nurses Alumni Association will be hosting a celebration for the seniors and current students on Wednesday, December 17, 2014, at Giovanni’s Restaurant & Convention Center. The event is $25 per person and includes a pasta buffet dinner, DJ and giveaways! Cocktail hour is from 5-6 p.m. followed by dinner and dancing. lations! Congratu Alumni Newsletter • Fall 2014 In Sympathy A Look Back This is a typical classroom at Saint Anthony Hospital School of Nursing in 1928. HAZEL JEAN PALMER DOMSKI Class of 1947 LISA ROSE HOFFMAN Class of 1994 NORMA DIIULIO JOHNSON Class of 1948 PHYLLIS HANNAN LOFGREN Class of 1943 LANA PETERSON SITNEK Class of 1969 MARGERY FEURER STEWART Class of 1944 Upcoming Events 31 December 17......... 5 p.m......... End of Semester Party.............. Giovanni’s December 18......... 11 a.m........ Baccalaureate Mass................. Holy Family Church January 31, 2015... 5:45 p.m.... OSF Saint Anthony Pink Ball.... Giovanni’s May 13, 2015......... 2 p.m......... Alumni Tea................................ Guilford Square Campus May 13, 2015......... 6 p.m......... Alumni Banquet........................ Rockford Country Club May 15, 2015......... 11 a.m........ Baccalaureate Mass................. Holy Family Church May 16, 2015......... 11 a.m........ Commencement....................... 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