Hub case study and questions Dr Julian Grenier Sheringham Nursery School and Children’s Centre Key facts about Sheringham Nursery School and Children’s Centre • We are an integrated Children’s Centre and Nursery School with 90 =e places for 2, 3 and 4 year olds (180 children in total). Key facts about Sheringham Nursery School and Children’s Centre • We are in Newham, with a very high rate of child poverty: one of the top 10 most deprived boroughs naJonally. • 36.5% of families are economically inacJve. • Nearly one in four adults have no qualificaJons and one in ten do not speak English proficiently. Key facts about Sheringham Nursery School and Children’s Centre (2) • Mobility is high (25% last year). • We work hard to engage with the community and build on its strengths, using an asset-‐based development model. This includes a strong focus on parent involvement in children’s learning and a formal volunteer programme. • An example of one of our projects:‐years-‐and-‐ primary Key facts about Sheringham Nursery School and Children’s Centre (3) • The school and early years provision were both judged to be Outstanding in summer 2014 Why become a hub? • Our offer is rigid: part-‐Jme morning/ a=ernoon places. We wanted to explore how we could meet the needs and wants of the community be\er. Why become a hub? (2) • We wanted to improve outcomes for all children across our local area, working systemically to improve the quality of our provision alongside other se]ngs, schools and childminders. Processes we went through • The Hub project was discussed with the LA – we wanted this to fit in strategically with early years improvement work in Newham. • It was discussed with the Governing Body. • We worked closely with 4Children to ensure we could meet eligibility requirements as we saw this as central to our strategic development. Successes • The key successes we can demonstrate are around improving quality Successes (2) • By Ofsted raJngs, Newham has the poorest quality early years provision in England; but in our reach area, we are showing a significant improvement. Ofsted outcomes Sheringham Hub area: se]ngs 80 70 70 67 66 60 57 50 % Outstanding % Good 40 % Requires Improvement/SaJsfactory 29 30 % Inadequate 23 20 15 18 15 14 13 10 4 3 7 0 0 England London Newham 0 Sheringham Network area Sheringham Hub area: childminders 80 69 70 66 64 60 50 50 % Inadequate 43 % SaJsfactory/RI 40 % Good % Outstanding 30 24 23 22 20 8 10 10 9 5 1 2 2 0 Sheringham Newham London England Quality ma\ers • It ma\ers for children and families now and over the long term • The benefit of a\ending pre-‐school equate to 41 more points at GCSE, the equivalent to gaining seven B grades at GCSE, rather than seven C grades. • A key finding from the latest report is the likely return to society of invesJng in early educaJon, because a\ending a pre-‐school had a posiJve impact on how well children did at school, which in turn can be used to predict future lifeJme earnings. • Source: EPPSE Report‐3-‐to-‐14-‐years Quality ma\ers (2) • Further analysis carried out by the InsJtute of Fiscal Studies shows that children who a\end pre-‐school will be £26,800 be\er off over their working lives, or around £36,000 for an average household. This was calculated to equate to a benefit to the Exchequer of £16,000 per household. Source: Nursery World‐world/news/1146477/ eppse-‐research-‐pre-‐school-‐leads-‐gsce-‐grades Learning from other hubs • We have developed our website, so that it gives parents informaJon about available childcare locally www.sheringham-‐ • We are improving informaJon for parents, especially to support those with a child with special needs or a disability. • We are in the middle of a big project focussed on transiJon, aimed at helping the whole local network to work be\er together. Challenges • Time and focus. • Increasing the amount of childcare and access to it has proved more challenging than we anJcipated. • Economic/housing/benefits issues o=en prove formidable barriers. • A major strategy to engage with these barriers is the further development of our volunteer programme, working with AcJve Newham, including a Childcare Champions project Some of the successes Manor Park Talks, our networked project to improve children’s early communicaJon led to a highly successful conference and publicaJon, available from Early EducaJon www.early-‐‐ park-‐talks Conference with Health Visitors • 4Children supported us in organising a local conference for Children’s Centre/nursery staff and health visitors to agree ways forward for further integraJon of health and educaJon services. • Over 100 people a\ended. Advice for other schools and se]ngs • Consider how this will enhance your work to improve quality and beware loss of focus • Spend Jme talking to others: the LA, your local Children’s Centre, local se]ngs and childminders, etc. • Use the opportuniJes to learn from other hubs and from the link with 4Children
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