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TENDER NOTICE No. MDU/ 17/2014 dt 22.12.2014.
Separate Sealed tenders are invited for the following works by the Divisional Railway
Manager /works /Southern Railway/ Madurai – 16 and will be received for:
(1)Item Nos. 1 – 6 up to 14.00 hours on 28.01.2015 , item Nos. 07-12up to 14.00 hrs
on 03.02.2015 , item Nos. 13-19 up to 14.00hrs on 09.02.2015 and will be opened at
14.30 Hrs on the dates mentioned against each.
(2) Tender forms will be issued up to 10.30 hrs. on 28.01.2015 for item Nos. 1 - 6
,up to 10.30 hrs. on 03.02.2015 for item Nos. 07- 12 and upto 10.30hrs on 09.02.2015
for item Nos.13-19.
Name of Work
Rs. In
1. Madurai Jn:- Provision of granite flooring at
Platform No.1.
2. Madurai Division: - Proposed collection and
supply of 50mm machine crushed stone ballast
at KUDAL NAGAR DEPOT including loading
into Railway wagons ,unloading and spreading
in connection with Through Ballast recoupment
for a length of 55 km.
3. Dindigul –Madurai (UP Line),VirudhunagarTuticorin, Vanchi Maniyachi-Tirunelveli
Section: Through Rail Renewal of Turnouts
including fittings & fastenings-22 sets(1 in 12=18
sets &1 in 8.5= 4sets)
4. TPJ-MNM Section :- Provision of Limited use
Sub-way of 1x3.00 mx2.75m RCB in lieu of
existing LC. No.326 at Km 407/2-3
5. Regulation of control valves for supplying water
to Staff quarters, Station and Serivces buildings
for a period of two years at Karaikkudi,
Sivaganga, Ramanathapuram, Mandapam and
6. Tirunelveli Junction: - Provision of 5 bays PF
shelter on PF no.1 at NCJ end.
EMD Cost Period of Date of
Rs. of
comple- Opening
Tende tion
38120 2192 4Months
179100 5480
9 Months
37120 2192 6 Months 28.01.2015
183840 5480 9 Months 28.01.2015
23280 2192 24 months28.01.2015
73780 3288 9 months 28.01.2015
7. Madurai Division:-Reconstruction of staff
quarters Type II-4 units,Type III-3 units &
Type IV-1 unit at Pudukottai Type IV-1 unit at
Karaikkudi, Type II- 4 units at Sivaganga and
Type IV-1 unit at Mandapam.
8. Madurai Division:-Reconstruction of staff
quarters Type II- 4units, Type III-1 unit at
Vadipatti,Type II- 4 units at Sholavandan,Type
II-4 units, TypeIII - 2 units at
Manamadurai,TypeII-4units at Silaman and
TypeII- 4units, TypeIII-1 unit at
9. Madurai Division:-Reconstruction of staff
quarters Type IV -2 units at Tuticorin.
221150 5480 12months 03.02.2015
217.19 258600 10960 12months
99680 3288 9Months 03.02.2015
10 Madurai Division:-Reconstruction of staff
quarters Type II-2 units,Type III-1 unit & Type
IV-1 unit at Manapparai, Type II-4 units,Type- 184.14 242080 5480
III 2units and TypeIV 2 units at Dindigul and
Type II-4 units & TypeIII-2 units at Kodaikanal
11. (i) Dindigul-Madurai(up line) BG Section:Proposed Through Renewal of Switches,
Xings,lead rails including all fittings &
fastenings in points & Crossings 5sets (1 in 127.80 15600 2192
(ii) Madurai Division –Shifting of glued joints in
32 locations as part of shifting of starter signal to
mitigate the risk.
12. i) Thiruchichirapalli – Karaikudi (BG) section –
Provision of cover slab over the existing RCC
drain at all station yards in SSE/P.way/PDKT
18.22 36440 2192
ii) Manamadurai – Rameswaram (BG) sec –
Providing and fixing perforated cover slabs over
RCC drain at all station yards in
SSE/P.way/MMM section.
13. Dindigul Jn and Palani station: Cleaning of
8.85 17710 2192
bushes, vegetation growths in colony.
14. Manamadurai – Rameswaram(BG) section –
Proposed making up of low cess and slopes etc.,
including provision of trolley refuges in
SSE/P.way/Mandapam section of ADEN/KKDI
sub division.
12Months 03.02.2015
24 months
5 months
15. a)Manaparai P.Way Section Painting of rails in
running and non-running lines on loop lines
at Pungudi, Kulathur, Samudram, Manaparai,
andAyyalur stations.
b) Dindigul P.way Section – Painting of running
rail in loop lines and approaches of stations
including Points & Crossings and greasing of
Elastic Rail Clips in sleepers of all Points &
Crossings at Vadamadurai, Tamarappadi,
Dindigul, Ambadurai ,Kodaikkanal Road &
Akkaraippatti stations.(1 in 8.5P&C -25 nos., 1
in 12 P&C 41 Nos.&1in 16 P&C -1No).
16. Madurai Division- Construction of ballast
retainer toilet,borewell and other important
works in all LC approaches in LC of
Manamadurai – Rameswaram section (Balance
left over works of Agt.No.MDU42/2013
17. Advertisement rights against construction,
development and maintenance of boundary wall
for a length of 500 meters at Km 27.950-28.150
and 28.250-550 at Tirunelveli yard.
18. Trichy-Manamadurai –Rameswaram section:Repairs to exg.wornout elastomeric bearings in
PSC girder bridges in
1 Br.No.67 (3x12.19m) @ Km 435/700-800.
2 Br.No.153 (6x19.20m) @ Km 460/400-600
in PDKT section.
3 Br.No.310 (2x12.19m) @ Km 608/100200.
4 Br.No.311 (5x12.19m) @ Km 609/100-400 30.86
in MMM section.
5 Br.No.307 (11x19.20m) @ Km 509/100400.
6 Br.No.329 (5x19.20m) @ Km 516/500-600
7 Br.No.452 (13x19.20m) @ Km 563/400800 in SVGA section.
19. Karaikkudi - Providing Housekeeping and
Hospitality services for Officers Rest house
(Gazetted) at Karaikkudi for a period of 24
(Items 19only).
12190 2192 4 months
71340 3288 6 Months
62450 3288 4 months
61720 3288 4 months 09.02.2015
1096 24Months
Tenderers are required to satisfy the following Eligibility Condition, for works
costing more than Rs.50 Lakhs.
Sl. No.
Should have completed in the
Atleast one similar single work*,
last three financial years (i.e.
for a minimum value of 35% of
current year and three previous advertised tender value
financial years)
Total contract amount received
during the last 3 financial years
and in the current financial
Should be a minimum of 150% of
advertised tender value. Tenderer
should produce an attested copy of
certificate from the employer/client,
audited balance sheet duly certified
by a Chartered Accountant who have
Central/StateGovt. /Public sector
undertaking organization/department
from where the tenderer received the
payment for the work done.
B * Details of Single Similar Nature of Work .
Item No .2
Collection and supply of stone ballast /road metal
Item No .4
Construction of Railway bridges in RCC/PSC
Item.No. 7,8 &10
Construction of any building work
Earth work in banks and cuttings in Railway or Road formations
C. However for works costing less than 50 lakhs new tenderers to submit documents as
per para 21 of instructions to tenderer.
EMD in the form of cheque, Guarantee bonds, and Government Securities will not be
accepted. Such offers will be summarily rejected. EMD can be paid in cash or in the
form of DD or in the form of FDR.
EMD can be paid in cash with the Divisional Cashier (pay) Southern
Railway, Madurai- 16 up to 12.30 hrs of date of opening.
(ii) If EMD paid in the form of FDR, it should be with Auto renewal facility.
(iii) The DD/FDR should be from the Nationalised bank or Schedule Bank and
it should be in favour of Sr.Divisional Finance Manager, Southern
Railway, Madurai-16.
Failure to enclose the EMD, drawn in favour of Sr. Divisional Finance
Manger/Southern Railway/Madurai, exclusively for the work will result in invalidity.
The cost of tender form for the work (Non-refundable) may be paid to the Sr. Divisional
Cashier/Pay/Southern Railway/Madurai Junction or at any Station Master on
Southern Railway and the receipts issued there of should accompany the request for
tender form addressed to Divisional Railway Manager/Works/Southern
Railway/Madurai. Tender forms will be issued in person only.
1. Tender documents can also be downloaded from the website and used as Tender Documents for submitting the
offer. The cost of Tender Document as indicated in the Tender Notice shall be deposited
by the Tenderer in the form of bank (Nationalized) Demand Draft payable in favour of
Sr.Divisional Finance Manager/ Southern Railway/ Madurai along with the Tender
Document. This should be paid separately and not included in the Earnest Money.
Tender not accompanied by the above Demand Draft towards the cost of Tender
Document will be summarily rejected.
2. The name of the tenderer should be incorporated in all the FDRs submitted by
the tenderers.
3. Late/delayed/Post tender offers will summarily be rejected. No responsibility will
be accepted for delay in postal transit.
4. If the date of receipt and opening of tenders happen to be declared as Holiday at a
later date, the same will be done on the next working day.
5. All documents in support of fulfillment of eligibility criteria shall be furnished
along with the tender offer and no new document in support of eligibility
criteria shall be called for or entertained after opening of tender.
Documents to be submitted along with the tender.
a)Experience certificate issued by an authority not below the rank of Sr.Scale
officer. Detail of the work completed within the last three financial years duly
furnishing description of work, organization for whom executed, approximate
value of contract at the time of award, date of award and date of scheduled
completion of work. Date of actual start, actual completion and final value of
contract should also be given.
(b) The turn over certificate shall be in any of the form: Attested copy of the
certificate issued by Chartered Accountant/Auditor in the form of balance sheet or
profit and Loss account of the prescribed Years, or Form 16 A issued by the
employer for the prescribed
period or certificates in the same format prescribed for experience for works
executed during the prescribed years.
(c)List of works on hand indicating description of work, contract value, and
approximate value of balance work yet to be done and date of award.
For other details terms and conditions, the Tenderers are advised to refer to the
tender documents.
Ballast tenderers are required to supply 23kg of ballast sample and 8kg of
manufactured ballast as per specification of size 10mm – 12.5mm to SM Lab,
Chennai, atleast 7 (Seven) working days in advance of tender opening – i.-e on or
before 19.01.2015.
Divisional Railway Manager (Works)
(For and on behalf of President of India).