Connection Card Thank you for attending First Baptist Church, Burnet. We are glad you are here! Please complete the information below so that we may get to know you better. Pastor: Doug Lindley Music Minister: Dennis Lofton Youth/Recreation Minister: Peyton Porterfield Senior Adult/Education Director: George Harrivel Children’s Program Director: Ruby May Nursery/Pre-School Director, Jo Gamble Financial Secretary: Leslie Walzel Church Secretary: Bettie Taber _____ I am new to the community _____ I am looking for a new church home _____ Visitor Mr. Mrs. Miss [email protected] [email protected] Welcome Volunteer of the Week Judy Wittekiend Today’s Date: _____________________ Please circle: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Ms. Name: _____________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ The altar flowers today are given in loving memory of George, husband, father, grandfather from Betty Worrell and family. City: ______________________________________ State: _________________________ Zip: ________ Giving Update Phone: _____________________________________ Email: ______________________________________ I am a visitor of: ______________________________ Age Group: 0-5 6-12 13-19 20-39 40-60 UP 12/014/14 18 S. Vanderveer St., PO Box 310, Burnet, TX 78611 Needed each Week Last Week’s Offering $ 12,941. $ 31,217. Received YTD Needed YTD $260,608. $142,347. Best Time to Call: _____________________________ FBC e-giving is available at: Names/Ages of children living at home Nursery Volunteers MY COMMITMENT TODAY _____ I asked Jesus to be my personal Savior _____ I want to be baptized _____ I asked Jesus to renew my faith I am interested in: _____ How to become a Christian _____ Joining First Baptist Church, Burnet Special Needs: _____ I want to talk with the Pastor _____ I want to know more about FBC Stacy Horner Lisa Anderson December 21 Savannah DePaolo December 28 Danielle Lindley Diana Gamble Betty Lindley Deacon’s Corner Prayer/Visitation for Sunday, Dec. 21 Watch Team for Dec. 21-27 Prayer/Visitation for Sunday, Dec. 28 Watch Team for Dec. 28-Jan 3 AJ Gholson Bill Proctor / Luis Herrera James Halbert Dave Thrane / Clayton Smith 512.756.4481 The Family in Worship Welcome to First Baptist Church! We are glad that you have joined our “First Family” in worship today. AN EXEMPLARY LIFE: THE LIFE OF JOSEPH Genesis 45:4-8 Our prayer is that as you draw near to God through worship, He will draw near to you by speaking through His Word. U p c o m i n g E ve n t s Sunday — December 21 9:30a Sunday Morning Bible Study Sunday Kidz KLUB 10:45a Morning Worship Service 3:00p Country Oaks Asst. Living (Leona Williams/ Fred & Jo Gamble) 6:00p Evening Service Wednesday — December 24 6:oop Candlelight Christmas Eve Service Followed by stroll through MSB to witness a live nativity Christmas Hours Office will be closed from December 24, 2014 thru Jan 1, 2015 Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas Sunday — December 28 9:30a Sunday Morning Bible Study Sunday Kidz KLUB 10:45a Morning Worship Service 6:00p Evening Service Monday — December 29 2:00p Fellowship of All Church Women At Hill Country Fellowship Wednesday — December 31 No Services Tonight Friday — January 2, 2015 8:00a Church Office re-opens Sunday — January 4 9:30a Sunday Morning Bible Study Sunday Kidz KLUB 10:45a Morning Worship Service 6:00p RA/GAs resume 6:00p Evening Service Standing Events Ministerial & Staff Mtg Each Monday 8-9:30a Reflections Senior Adult Choir Each Monday at 10 :30a.m. FH Moms-in-Prayer Each Tuesday, 8 a.m. FLC Calling all ROMEOs Meet each Tuesday at What-a-Burger, 8:00a All men invited! Come join in the fun and fellowship! DSM (Don’t Stop Moving) 55+ Exercise Class Each Tuesday/Thursday 10 a.m. No KidZone or Choir on Wednesday, Dec. 24 & 31. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, 6 p.m., followed by a candlelight stroll through MSB to witness a live nativity. Make plans to attend. Have you ever been through the entire Bible? Why not make a New Year’s Resolution to read through the Bible in 2015? We want to make it as easy as possible. On January 4, 2015, Doug will cover the entire Bible in 40 minutes or less. Then each Sunday morning following we will walk through the whole Bible using The One Year Bible which is available at Welcome Center in the foyer for $10 (please one/person). RA/GA sponsored Lottie Moon Post Office Cost: 25¢ per card This is self-service ... ONLY Cards for people you see at church! Post Office is located in the Foyer and is open for business! L Will not meet thru Dec. will start again in Jan. Sunday Kidz Klub meets every Sunday morning at 9:30. Then once a month, kids 1-6 grade, join us for Sunday Kidz KLUB Hangout in the KLUB House. Family Life Center (FLC-Bldg C) Fellowship Hall (FH-Bldg. B) KLUBhouse (KH-Bldg B) ANNEX—Rock Bldg (Bldg D) Worship Center (WC-Bldg A) YR-Youth Room (Bldg C) Main Street Bethlehem (MSB) Women’s Ministry (WMs) Please share your prayer request or praise report in the space provided below. We will diligently pray for this need, and we encourage you to inform us when God has answered this specific request. Name: __________________________________ Phone: __________________________________ Request:_________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Share w/Prayer Partners Keep confidential Please correct my member information address, phone number, etc. ________________________________________ FLC Gym L L (Triple L) (Love, Laugh, Longer) 55+ Lunch & Game Day Prayer & Praise “FCA Character that Counts” Men’s Conference, ________________________________________ January 9-10, 2015. For more information, please go to the Welcome Center. Please sign up today, sign-up sheets are available there. ________________________________________ Fellowship of All Church Women, Monday, December Do you have someone you would like to nominate for Volunteer of the Week? 29, at 2 p.m. at Hill Country Fellowship. Volunteer of the Week! Volunteer’s Name ________________________ No Prayer meeting on Wednesday, December 31. I nominate this person because: ________________________________________ Men’s Breakfast, January 3, 2015, at 8 a.m. at the Café 2300 (on Hwy 29 toward Buchanan Dam) ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ FBC Goal: Received: $6,000 $4,738 ________________________________________ We now have WiFi in the Worship Center Network name: FBC_Guest1 Password: prayrain AN EXEMPLARY LIFE: THE LIFE OF JOSEPH ROMANS 8:35-37 Whenever we see someone succeed in life we can be tempted to think that they just had the perfect circumstances. Certainly, some do have better circumstances than others. But one of the problems with that kind of thinking is that we begin to attribute success to circumstances. If we give in to that kind of thinking we can be held back from experiencing the success that Jesus intends for us to have if our circumstances aren’t as favorable as someone else’s. I want us to look at a man who overcame unbelievable circumstances and achieved a level of success that was unimaginable. I want to look at the life of Joseph. He was a perfect example of Romans 8:35-37. HE OVERCAME A PAINFUL PAST A. His family was completely dysfunctional (Genesis 25-38; 35:23-26). B. He was favored by his father Jacob (or Israel Gen 32:28), hated by his brothers (Gen 37:3-5), and overshadowed by his younger brother (Gen 35:16-18). Joseph means “may he add”. Benjamin means “son of my right hand”. He was sold into slavery, thrown into prison unjustly, and forgotten by those he helped. C. Joseph brought some of this on himself, but most of it he didn’t. D. We overcome the past by keeping it behind us and remembering that Jesus has a purpose for it all (Gen 45:5-8; Philippians 3:13-14; Romans 8:1, 28; Revelation 12:7-11; 2 Corinthians 4:16-18). HE OVERCAME PRIDE A. He had a lot to be proud about: dreams (Gen 37:5-11), success, (Gen 39:2-4, 20-23), good looks, (Gen 39:6), the ability to interpret dreams (Gen 40 & 41), and his position in Egypt (Gen 41:41-46). B. Overcoming pride was a positive outcome of his horrible circumstances (Gen 41:15-16). C. Why is it so important to overcome pride? (Proverbs 8:13; 16:18; 18:12; James 4:6) D. The way to overcome pride is by following Jesus’ example (Philippians 2:3-8). HE OVERCAME UNFAIR TREATMENT A. His brothers sold him to Ishmaelites on their way to Egypt (Gen 37:25-28). B. He was falsely accused by his master’s wife (Gen 39:6-20). C. He was forgotten by those he helped (Gen 40). D. As followers of Jesus we are called to overcome unfair treatment (1 Peter 2:18-25; Romans 12:17-21). HE OVERCAME TEMPTATION A. He was approached over and over by Potipher’s wife (Gen 39:6-7, 10-12). His response showed his level of spiritual maturity (Gen 39:8-9). This was 400 years before the 10 Commandments. B. To overcome temptation we need to understand the nature of it (James 1:13-15; 1 Peter 2:11; 1 Corinthians 10:13). HE OVERCAME _____________________ A. Joseph had so much he could have held a _____________ about, but he let it go (Gen 45:4-8; 50:15-21). B. It wasn’t _________ for him. He gave his brothers a hard time (Gen 42-44). C. Unforgiveness results in resentment, ____________________ and misery (Hebrews 12:15). D. We are commanded to forgive for our______________ (Matthew 6:14-15; 18:35; Ephesians 4:31-32). HE OVERCAME NATURAL ______________ AND NATIONAL _____________________ A. The famine was ________________ (Gen 37:14). B. The people ended up in servitude to Pharaoh because they ________________ everything during the years of plenty and had to ______________ on the government to get them through the years of famine (Gen 47:14-26). Sermon Notes ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ KEY: PAST, dysfunctional, favored, hated, overshadowed, behind, pur- ___________________________________ pose, PRIDE, dreams, success, good looks, position, outcome, Jesus’, UNFAIR, Egypt, accused, forgotten, TEMPTATION, maturity, 400, nature, UNFORGIVENESS, grudge, easy, bitterness, own good, DISASTER, IRRESPONSIBILITY, severe, consumed, depend ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
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