Monthly Newsletter - New Carlisle First United Methodist Church

January 2015
In This Issue
Page 2
Pastor , Continued
Thank You Notes
Page 3
Membership Notes
Offering Envelopes
Sanctuary Lights
Page 4
Page 5
Prayer Concerns
Deep Water Service
Orphan Socks
Wishing you and yours a very prosperous and
blessed New Year!
I have never done much with New Year's resolutions. My best attempts sound a lot like one that Andy
Rooney said he made one year. He decided that he wasn't going to lose weight again. "Last year I was
determined not to resolve to lose any. I didn't try and for once my resolution was successful. I didn't lose
any." Or, how about a resolution like Irma Bombeck made. "I'm going to clean this dump just as soon as the
kids grow up!" There are ways, however, to give ourselves a better chance at succeeding.
Some good suggestions for following through with resolutions include the following: Create a plan and do
it right away so that you know what you will do differently come January 1st. Also break that plan down into
individual steps. Losing weight, for example, has several components. It may include eating less, but also
better. It may also include exercising more, which may also include a gym membership. Break that goal
down into smaller more easily achieved goals. You may want to lose thirty pounds, but the first five will be
the first smaller goal. Something else you may want to consider is finding alternatives to the behaviors you
want to change. For example, if you want to quit smoking, but you smoke to relax, then decide what you will
do to help you relax that doesn't include cigarettes. Remember, too, that this is a year-long change. How will
you keep your resolution in July that you started in January? Hopefully the change will have become a habit
by then. Finally, be flexible. Life has a way of changing and your plan may need to be adjusted accordingly.
One more consideration that may be the most important of all comes from Kari Myers in a piece she wrote
entitled, "New Mercies". She talked about making a resolution to lose weight every January. It was a resolution always made but never kept. She finally decided to stop making that resolution. After all there is no
reason to make such a resolution if there is never any serious attempt at making it happen. Then something
came to her. In her own words she said, "Then a verse from Lamentations came to me. 'The steadfast love of
the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness" (3:22-23) I began to realize that while I might be ready to give up on myself, the Lord is not. He never
gives up on us. When we come to the end of ourselves, when we fail and fall short, His mercies are new every
morning. He is always there ready to help us start over and try again. I am fairly certain that I will never be
as thin as I want to be, but I will at least be healthier for trying. "She goes on to say that the same is true for
See Pastor, Page 2
the Lamplighter
Page 2
Pastor, Continued
our spiritual lives. We may never be as close to God as we should be, but the more we try, relying on His neverfailing mercy, the closer we will get. The same can be said for the life that we know we should be living in Christ
Jesus. We will never achieve perfection, but even as our John Wesley decided, we can continue working at it
through the presence of the Holy Spirit and know that He will show us where we need improvement and then
empower us to make the changes.
When I think about the love of Jesus that is with me new every day, I think that maybe I will try those
resolutions again. After all, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. (Philippians 4:13) I bet the
Apostle Paul was great at New Year's resolutions. May 2015 be a blessed year for us all.
God’s peace,
Flying through the trees and mailboxes, others may have been hurt & I (according to the
sheriff) should have been dead, but thank our Good Lord he was with me. I hope you will all
understand why you did not receive a Christmas card from us (I am not home until I can get
up the 5 steps to our home).
May your Christmas be blessed with the gift of faith, the blessings of hope and the peace of
his love.
Bless you all for your prayers. Barbara Lee
Once again Grassroots is exceedingly grateful for
your generous donations for the Angel House children’s Christmas. Your donations through the
church and online totaled over $1600. That amount
was matched on Giving Tuesday and will help fund
the education needs of our older children. What a
blessing! Thank you for sharing.
I would like to thank my church family for your
prayers and cards. My knee surgery went well
and I know God was with me because of you.
You are a blessing!
Jeanette Zsambok
Thank you to everyone who volunteered to read
for lighting of the advent candles this year. It is
very much appreciated!
A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who
purchased items listed on the ornaments from
the Love Tree! We were able to provide a
great Christmas dinner for 20 local families.
Thank you for your generosity and love!
the Lamplighter
Page 3
The offering envelopes for 2015 are in the
Narthex. There are packages of 12 if you give
monthly and packages of 52 if you give weekly.
Please help yourself. Contact Linda Hellinger if
you have any questions.
Jan. 2
Jan. 3
Jan. 4
Jan. 5
Jan. 9
Jan. 10
Jan. 11
Jan. 12
Jan. 14
Jan. 15
Jan. 16
Jan. 19
Jan. 20
Jan. 21
Jan. 23
Jan. 24
Jan. 25
Jan. 26
Jan. 27
Jan. 28
Jan. 30
Jan. 31
Donald Stevison
Mindy Andrus
Brittany Stacey
Paul Hawthorne
Brian Dupuis
Andrew Spencer
Samantha Cash
Bambi Heck
Charlotte Rogers
Laurie Owens
Ron Hoover
Troy Slater
Jeremy Weber
Nancy Oestreich
Kimberly Hall
Jennifer Angert
Jamie Trick
Eric Welbaum
Jenny Bunch
Randy Fader
Donald Smith
Ethan Wiles
Stephen Solch
Matt Flory
Ruth Yoesting
Nancy Loudin
Reva Stafford
Bill Miles
Marvin Pflaumer
Carol Roark
Christopher Davis
Mike Stanfill
Donna Stafford
Doris Hoover
Martha Weber
Carolyn Ossege
Anita Rundell
Margaret Young
During the past month we have lost 2 of our Professing Members to
the Role of the Victorious: On December 1st, Mary Lu Kolakowski passed.
Mary Lu had been a member since 1935, that is almost 80 years, and she
held the current record for the longest continuous membership. We also
recognize the passing of Dolores Dye. Dolores had been a Professing
Member since 1968. We also recognize the passing of one of our inactive
members, William Scarff, Jr, who resided in Laguna, CA. William originally
joined the church in 1970. Our sympathy goes out to the Kolakowski, Dye
and Scarff families as they look to the new year without their loved ones.
We have distributed the 2014 Church Directories. If you did not get a
copy, they are still available at the church. If you would like a copy and
are unable to get to the church, please call the church office and we will
get one to you.
As input for the newsletter is done about the middle of the month, the
final membership statistics for 2014 will be in the next newsletter. If you
move, change your E-mail or phone number, please call the church office
as we try to keep our records as accurate as possible.
Membership Secretary
Jess Underwood
We are designating the Christmas offering toward replacing
the sanctuary lights. The Trustees have been working diligently to obtain the lowest price we can for this expensive
replacement. Remember, you may also choose another
ministry of your choice (please note your choice on your
check or envelope). The Leadership Team thanks you for
supporting our ministries.
the Lamplighter
Page 4
New Year’s
1:30p Prayer Mtg
6:30p Ballet
7:30p Choir Prac
8p AA Meeting
9a Retired
Men’s Bkfst
6p NA Meeting
5p Deep Water
5:30-11p Lounge
8:30a Service
9:30a Sunday
10:45a Service
4p Puppet Prac
5:30p Community
6p NA Meeting
6:30p Prayer &
12p AA Meeting
7p Knitting Group
5p Samaritan Kit.
6p Ballet
7p Education Mtg
8p AA Meeting
6:15p Girl Scouts
7p Bible Study
7p Women’s Bible
9a Butterfly Time
1:30p Prayer Mtg
6:30p Ballet
7:30p Choir Prac
8p AA Meeting
9a Retired
Men’s Bkfst
6p NA Meeting
5p Deep Water
7:30p FOA
11 Noisy Offering
8:30a Service
9:30a Sunday
10:45a Service
2p Grass Roots
4p Puppet Prac
5:30p Cmty Pray
6p NA Meeting
6:30p Prayer &
12p AA Meeting
7p Knitting Group
5p Samaritan Kit.
6p Ballet
7p Leadership Mtg
8p AA Meeting
6:15p Girl Scouts
7p Bible Study
7p Women’s Bible
9a Butterfly Time
1:30p Prayer Mtg
6:30p Ballet
6:30p Refocus
7:30p Choir Prac
8p AA Meeting
9a Retired
Men’s Bkfst
6p NA Meeting
5p Deep Water
8:30a Service
9:30a Sunday
10:45a Service
4p Puppet Prac
5:30p Community
6p NA Meeting
6:30p Prayer &
1p Rebekah Circle
5p Samaritan Kit.
6p Ballet
6p Worship Mtg
7p Faith Circle
8p AA Meeting
6:15p Girl Scouts
7p Bible Study
7p Women’s Bible
9a Butterfly Time
1p Charity Circle
1:30p Prayer Mtg
6:30p Ballet
7:30p Choir Prac
8p AA Meeting
9a Retired
Men’s Bkfst
6p NA Meeting
5p Deep Water
7:30p FOA
8:30a Service
9:30a Sunday
10:45a Service
4p Puppet Prac
5:30p Community
6p NA Meeting
6:30p Prayer &
12p AA Meeting
7p Knitting Group
5p Samaritan Kit.
6p Ballet
7p Trustee Mtg
8p AA Meeting
6:15p Girl Scouts
7p Bible Study
7p Women’s Bible
9a Butterfly Time
1:30p Prayer Mtg
6:30p Ballet
7:30p Choir Prac
8p AA Meeting
9a Retired
Men’s Bkfst
6p NA Meeting
5p Deep Water
Luther King Day
12p AA Meeting
7p Knitting Group
the Lamplighter
Page 5
As of December 21, 2014
Dan Moe
Dan & Karen Bertke
Bud & Margaret Young
Bill McIntire
AJ Brandenburg
Julia Solch
Karen Davis
Mike Vukovic
Carol Plunkett
Barbara Lee
MyNiyah Murahan
Diane Brosey
Tom Baugh
Ron & Carolyn Ossege
Sylvia Brooks
Maxine Leathley
Charles & Ruth Keller
Nancy Dunn
David & Judy Grube
Andrea Florence
Lilly Stull
Don & Judy Dicken
Keep in Prayer for:
Dorothy Skinner
Gary Welbaum
Marilyn Leatherman
Teresa Kander
Frank Sweeney
Connie Urban
Justin & Megan Foutz
Joan Brandt
Gerald Gracy
Colin & Patti Dill
Linda Wittman
Summer Geisel
Ada Lampert
Don Stevison
Randy Robinson
Cathy Harvey
Ted & Helen Chapman
Marc Jennings
Val Carsey
Those Keeping Near
Their Home:
Mary Miller
Friends and Loved
Ones of Our Church
Jack Fish
Josh Blake
Brenda Avilas
Georgiana Ward
Bob Skillings’ brother-inlaw
Danny & Tammy Elam &
Sandra Walker
Vern Combs
Miriam Taylor
Wally Wadsworth’s
Wally Wadsworth’s sister
law and niece
Donavin Bender
Nancy Keller
Terry Emig
Rachel Hollngsworth
Suzy G
Ruth Harvey
Steve Thompson
Melissa Pierson
Ruth Ann McGlophlen
Tisha West
Greg Pietsmeyer
Jenny Smith
Gina Roesch
Ronnie & Kenny
Jerry & Brenda Souders
Marge Skillings
Keith Titus
Gene Ossege
Samantha MacKay
Barbara Frazier
Jeff Stevison
Shelley Grout
Sonny Bollinger
Virginia Feaver
Janie SKillings’ Cousin Patsy
Janie Skillings’ Aunt Sissy
Jane Caughlin
Angela Kae
Adele Sturgill
Rich McElwaine
Stan Hicks
Lavonna Headlee
Glenda Moody
Kerry Smith
Those in Extended Care
Belle Manor
Ada Lampert
Caramel Care Center, Indiana
Madge Snider
Dayview Care Center
Don Dicken
Mildred Jenkins
Lou Morris
Nora Shively
Bud & Margaret Young
Homestead at Logan Acres
Lorraine Russell
Koester Pavilion
Marilyn Leatherman
Masonic Home
Ted & Helen Chapman
Marie Achbach
10533 Pierson Circle,
Westminster, CO 80021
“Deep Water” is an ongoing
Do you have some "orphan” socks around your
house? Orphan socks are socks without mates. I
read an article in the November Dayton Daily News
about a group that collects these socks. It is a once
a year event so you will have a few months to
collect all the "orphan” socks you can. Ask your
relatives, neighbors and friends to collect them for
you also. Then, in November, we will start collecting all the "orphan" socks. The group collects all
sizes, but they must be in good condition. The first
year they collected 200 pairs - the next year 400
pairs - then last year they collected 700 pairs. Let's
help them collect more than 1000 pairs for 2015.
Val Carsey
third worship service
offered by First United
Methodist Church. Everyone is invited to join us for
the 5:00 pm service and
enjoy great praise music
and a message of God’s love that will carry you through
the week. Please invite friends and neighbors, especially
those not connected to a church and those who cannot
attend Sunday worship services because of job responsibilities. It’s a great service for everyone from teenagers
to young families to baby boomers and beyond. In John
5:1- 12, Peter learned who Jesus really is when Jesus
asked Peter to row out to deep water for a great catch of
fish. If you are wanting a deeper relationship with Jesus,
row out to deep water with us each Saturday. This is a
come as you are service and child care is available.
We’re on the Web and Facebook!
220 S. Main Street • New Carlisle, OH 45344
Phone: (937) 845-8435 or (937) 845-9796
Rev. Jeff Burdsall, Pastor
Judy Kindred, Secretary
January 2015
Saturday Service…………………………..5:00 pm
Sunday Worship Services…………...……8:30 am
10:45 am
Sunday School……………………..……... 9:30 am
The Oasis (K-5th Grade)
MYC’s (6th—12th Grades)
Christian Homebuilders
Wesley Workers
Contact us:
Church: [email protected]
Pastor Jeff: [email protected]
Judy: [email protected]
Church Website:
To like us on Facebook, login and
search for
“First United Methodist Church New Carlisle Ohio”
“Deep Water Contemporary Service”
Nursery Available
Nursery Available
Nursery Available
“Within the covers of
the Bible are the
answers for all the
problems men face.”
Ronald Reagan