First United Methodist Church Manhattan, KS Connecting to Christ ● Growing in Community ● Serving the World [email protected] Volume 81 Inside Pages Children 9 Congregational Care 2 Items of Interest 3-6, 12 In Service 11 Missions 7-8 Youth 10 Sunday Morning Schedule: 8:35 am Contemporary Worship 9:30 am Fellowship Time 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Traditional Worship The newsletter is published monthly on the 28 for the following month. The deadline for submissions is the 15 of every month. If you have items for the congregation, please send them to Deanna Likes, Communications Coordinator via the website under “Connect, news submissions.” When the newsletter is available you will receive a notification via email with a link to our website. If you prefer to receive a hard copy in the mail, please contact the office at 776 -8821. If you have items for the bulletin, website or Sunday morning worship screens those should be sent to Deanna also. 785-776-8821 December, 2014 No. 12 “Rediscovering Christmas… through our familiar Christmas Carols.” What would Christmas be without our well-known and beloved Christmas Carols? Many of us don’t feel the “Christmas Spirit” until we begin to hear Christmas music. Christmas music instills hope, peace, joy and love like nothing else. But where did these great Christmas Carols originate? What is their unique history and story? Who wrote them and why? These are the questions we will answer in our Advent/Christmas worship series: Beginning Sunday, November 30, the first Sunday of Advent and continuing through Christmas Eve we will countdown the five most popular Christmas Carols of all time. Every Sunday we will discover how these Christmas Carols have touched people’s hearts and provided encouragement for many generations. Thankfully, they can do the same for you and me. Our Sunday worship times are: 8:35 am Contemporary, 11:00 am Traditional. Special Christmas Worship Times December 14: Christmas Lessons and Carols. A Sunday filled with Christmas readings and music. All of our adult and children’s choirs will be sharing the Christmas message in song. December 24: Christmas Eve Worship. This simple yet life transforming worship tells the story of Jesus birth. We end our worship with our individual candles illuminating our sanctuary and our hearts. Worship times are: 6:00 pm traditional, 8:00 pm contemporary, and 11:00 traditional (An organ and vocal prelude will begin at 10:30 pm.) Congregational Care Support Groups at FUMC Women’s Cancer Support Group Mondays – 9:30 - 10:30 am - classrooms 1&2. LOSS: A peer led support group for those affected by suicide. 2nd & 4th Wednesdays – 7:00 - 8:30 pm - ALC Saturday, December 13 1:00 - 2:30pm Classrooms 1&2 DivorceCare: A Christian support group for divorced or separated individuals. Thursdays – 7:00 -8:30 pm - classrooms 1&2. No matter how long it’s been since your loved one died, grief can make the holidays a painful time. But there is hope. Join us for an encouraging seminar that will help you survive the holidays and discover new reasons to enjoy them. GriefShare: A Christian support group for those grieving the loss of a loved one. Contact the church for meeting places and times. You may attend any group at any time. Registration is not needed, but childcare for sessions at FUMC must be reserved at least 48 hours in advance. For more information about the above support groups, or other community support groups, please contact the church office. No registration necessary. Call 785-776-8821 or email [email protected] for more details. Hospital Visitation: In James 5:14 we read, “are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them.” The Pastors and Stephen Ministers would like to carry on this tradition of prayer with you when you are in the hospital. Dial-A-Prayer Ministry Do you know about the First Church Dial-a-Prayer Ministry? Simply call 785-776-9569 each day to listen to a prayer provided by a member of the church. New prayers are recorded each morning. Listening to these prayers over the phone can strengthen your prayer life and help you grow closer to God. The best way to notify us is by calling the church directly or having a friend/family member do that for you. During office hours call 776-8821. After office hours call 410-9982. Notes From the Office Meeting Scheduling If you have a group which meets on a regularly scheduled basis and any of the information has changed, (time, place, contact, etc.) or cancelled, please let the church office know immediately at [email protected] or 776-8821 so the calendar and information screens can be updated properly. Thank you. Office Closed for Holidays The church office will close at noon on Christmas Eve, Wednesday, December 24 and be closed Christmas Day, Thursday, December 25 and Friday, December 26. The church office will close at 3:00 pm on New Year’s Eve, Wednesday, December 31 and be closed New Year’s Day, Thursday, January 1, 2015 and Friday, January 2, 2015. FUMC Weather Policy With winter upon us the church policy will be, If USD 383 is closed for inclement weather, the church will also be closed. Thank you. 2 Congregational Items of Interest Sunday Evening Events During Advent In addition to our Sunday morning worship times we will also have the opportunity to connect with our family of faith every Sunday evening for a unique experience. November 30: Exploring our Christmas Traditions Worship. This 35 minute worship will begin at 5:00 pm and explain the ancient traditions of Christmas trees, mistletoe, greenery, candles, and even Santa Claus, as we sing our favorite secular and sacred songs. Advent night for our children, young families, and those young at heart will follow in Fellowship Hall. December 7: Christmas Caroling throughout Manhattan. Rediscover the joy of caroling! Meet at the Church at 1:45 pm. We will carol our home bound members and then return for warm refreshments. December 14: Children’s Christmas Program. Children’s recital begins at 5:30 pm, Christmas program to follow. A don’t miss Christmas event. Christmas Mission Projects Angel Tree Every year our church offers you the opportunity to purchase gifts for children in families who are unable to afford them. We've increased the number of recipients the past two years and FUMC's generosity continues to outpace the projected capacity. The Angel Tree will be in our Church’s foyer beginning Sunday, November 30. Christmas Eve Offering Join our tradition of supporting missions through our Christmas Eve offering. 100% of the offering will go to Circles Manhattan; a new local program with proven national success in working with families to create long term solutions to poverty. Christmas Eve Dinner With Christmas Eve on a Wednesday this year, we invite you to participate in our regular Wednesday Night dinner program. Dinner will be served at 5:00 pm and if you bring a potluck item, bring it to the kitchen by 4:30 pm. Be sure to join us for worship later in the evening. Opportunities to sign up for certain dinner items can be found in the Connecting Link in December. Wishing you and yours a very blessed Christmas Holiday! 2014 Advent/Christmas Memorials Throughout the year, our worship experiences are made more meaningful thanks to decorations (e.g., banners, poinsettias, greenery, candles) and technology. We invite you to make a contribution toward these decorations in memory or honor of a loved one. Names of loved ones will appear in the Christmas Eve bulletins. Please complete the form below, and return it with your contribution to the church office by Monday, December 15. Note: Here at FUMC, we use a few large poinsettias to represent all the remembered and honored loved ones rather than having one poinsettia per person. In Memory Of: __________________________________________________________________________________________ And/Or In Honor of: _____________________________________________________________________________________ By: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Donation $_________ 3 Congregational Items of Interest Rediscovering Christmas… through familiar Christmas Carols.” 2014 ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS EVENTS AT FIRST UMC SUNDAY 11/30 5:00 pm, Sanctuary Following Worship SUNDAY 12/7 2:00 pm FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT - Fifth Most Popular Christmas Carol ADVENT NIGHT Family friendly worship service exploring our Christmas Traditions. Food and Fellowship in Fellowship Hall Family friendly festivities including pizza, crafts, and games! SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT - Fourth Most Popular Christmas Carol Christmas Caroling throughout Manhattan. Meet at the Church at 1:45 pm. WEDNESDAY 12/10 7:00 pm - Sanctuary CLOVERTON CHRISTMAS CD RELEASE SHOW SATURDAY 12/13 1:00 pm, CL 1&2 Griefshare - Surviving the Holidays SUNDAY 12/14 THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT - Third Most Popular Christmas Carol 5:30 pm Sanctuary SUNDAY 12/21 3:00 pm Sanctuary WEDNESDAY 12/24 Sanctuary 6:00 pm 8:00 pm 10:30 pm 11:00 pm CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PAGEANT Experience the meaning of Christmas as the children of our church offer a prelude recital and present a telling of the Christmas story. FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT --Second Most Popular Christmas Carol Negro Spirituals Concert CHRISTMAS EVE CELEBRATIONS - First Most Popular Christmas Carol Offering: Circles Manhattan Family Friendly Candlelight Worship Contemporary Candlelight Worship Music of the Season featuring a vocal quartet, organ, and piano Traditional Candlelight Worship and Communion Cloverton Christmas CD Release Show at FUMC Join Manhattan’s own national Christian recording group Cloverton for their “We Sing Joy” Christmas CD release show. The concert will be Wednesday, December 10 beginning at 7:00 pm. Doors will open at 6:00 pm. Everyone is invited to attend the free concert. A love offering will be taken. Cloverton CDs and merchandise will also be available for purchase. You can also buy a digital copy of the music now at Negro Spirituals Christmas Concert Dr. LaVerne L. Baker, folksinger, and Mrs. Mary Caudle-Kidd, pianist, will be presenting their annual Negro spirituals Christmas concert on Sunday, December 21 at First United Methodist Church at 3:00 pm in the church Sanctuary. The program will emphasize the scriptural story of the birth of Christ accompanied by Negro Spiritual songs. Everyone is invited to attend. 4 Congregational Items of Interest Good News from Staff Parish Relations Committee On behalf of the Staff Parish Relations Committee, I want to publicly thank the outstanding staff and pastors of First United Methodist Church for a job well done in managing the ministries of FUMC. October was Staff Appreciation Month in the United Methodist Church and that provided the Staff Parish Relations Committee numerous opportunities to express our gratitude to the employees of FUMC. We appreciate their commitment, loyalty and dedication to the church’s mission and ministries. We had the pleasure of recognizing three employees for employment milestones: Debra Stoute for five years of service, Herb Lind for 15 years of service and Judy Padgett for 30 years of service. SPRC has primary responsibility for the appointed and paid staff who lead the vision and mission of our church. While SPRC continually reflects on the roles, work and effectiveness of the pastors and staff as they carry out their responsibilities, we’ve recently completed our annual evaluation of Pastors Troy, Patrick and Melanie. This process requires us to reflect upon the professional leadership needs of our church as a whole. We evaluate each pastor’s effectiveness in ministry and leadership, as well as relationships with the congregation. This process, known as “Appointive Recommendation”, is the method in which SPRC annually communicates to the District Superintendent our assessment of the pastor’s ability to serve and lead effectively as FUMC strives to achieve its mission and ministry goals. I am pleased to report SPRC unanimously and enthusiastically submitted to District Superintendent Claudia Bakely recommendations for all three pastors indicating we believe FUMC Manhattan is best served, and our mission can best be met, with the current leadership of Pastors Troy, Patrick and Melanie. Staff Parish Relations Committee believes FUMC is well positioned to meet its mission of “Connecting to Christ, Growing in Community and Serving the World” under our current leadership. We are grateful for our outstanding pastoral team as well as our talented and dedicated staff. Scott Emley – SPRC Chair Reuter Organ Facilities Tour There will be a tour of the Reuter Organ Facilities in Lawrence on Monday, December 8. Anyone interested in going is asked to meet at the church at 12:50 pm that day with departure being at 1:00 pm. We will drive church vehicles. The afternoon will be led by Kent Manuel, Organ Committee Chair, and Dan Myers. Reuter is the firm assisting our church with the organ renovation project. Holiday Music Spectacular Join Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia on Monday, December 8, as they present their second annual Holiday Music Spectacular at 7:00 pm. This concert will take place at Peace Memorial Auditorium in City Hall, 1101 Poyntz Ave. The hour long instrumental, vocal, and the KSU Tap Dance Ensemble features Christmas and holiday music. The concert is free, with donations accepted for future restoration to the auditorium. Cooking Class People’s Grocery Co-op is holding cooking classes for the church and community. All classes are from 6:00 7:30 pm in Fellowship Hall and the kitchen. Classes are held once a month, are free, and anyone is welcome to join any class at any time. December 11 - We’re making traditional Ayurvedic Kitchari, a cleansing, balancing, and nourishing rice dish for all. Taught by Lynn Chapman. Online Christmas Shopping Can Benefit FUMC Did you know you can do your Christmas shopping and give to the church at the same time? Through the UMCMarket, you can. Sign up for an account at and search for Manhattan First United Methodist Downtown to link to the church. Hundreds of businesses, including Amazon, Kohl's, Sears, Best Buy, and many more participate year round by giving a percentage of your total purchase back to the church. If you have questions, contact Deanna Likes at [email protected] or 776-8821. 5 Congregational Items of Interest Online Giving Now Available Have you checked the website recently? Online giving is now available. Go to and click on the “giving” tab then click on Online Donation. Your options are: Make a one-time contribution Set up your pledge and pay by: Credit/debit card, check You can also use the QR (Quick Response) code on this page, which is available in the bulletin on Sunday mornings. If you are a Smartphone user and would like to make your contribution by using the QR code, make sure you have the QR app on your phone then when you scan the code, it will automatically take you to the church’s donation page and you can set up your account. Currently you may contribute to General Operating Budget, Church Improvements, or the “Connecting in Faith” Building Program. In addition, you can make your 2015 pledge to General Operating Budget or Church Improvements. Other options will be added at a later date. If your contribution has been set up through the church office to be automatically withdrawn (ACH) on the 5 and/or the 20 of each month, you may update your pledge on line and indicate you will pay on Sunday morning OR return the pledge card indicating to continue the automatic payment. Automatic Withdrawal (ACH) is available for anyone who would like to set it up going through the church office. It is a free service provided by our bank. For more information contact Mary Jane Adams in the church office at [email protected] or 785-776-8821. End of the Year Financial Contributions Are you wondering what happened to 2014? As the last month approaches, we are reminded how important our continued financial support is to FUMC and all of the various ministries throughout the church. Early December you will receive a record of your giving January thru November 16. Please look it over and make sure that our records match. You will receive a year-end statement mid-January 2015 for tax purposes. Please remember that anything that is not specifically indicated will be credited to the General Operating Budget. Also, due to IRS regulations, all contributions for 2014 MUST be in the church office by 3:00 p.m. December 31, 2014 or postmarked December 31. 2014. If you have questions about finances please contact Mary Jane Adams in the church office at 776-8821 or [email protected]. Stock Transfers If you are planning to make a contribution to the church with a stock transfer please make these transfers timely (please do not wait until December 31) so they can be recorded in 2014. Contact Mary Jane Adams with questions. New Women’s Bible Study Beginning in January The Tuesday morning Women’s Bible Study will begin the new study, “Anonymous, Discovering the Somebody You Are to God.” At one time or another, every woman has felt overlooked, unimportant, and bruised by the world. But there’s good news. While the opinion of others may drag us down, the God who created us has an entirely different opinion of who we are. That’s because we are His creations, and everything He created is good! Women today are searching for ways to make a difference in their daily lives. No matter where they are in their lives, they all want to be a somebody who makes a positive impact in the world around them. The Bible is filled with “anonymous” women who made a significant impact in God’s story. All women are invited to join this group beginning Tuesday, January 6. We gather in the Library at 9:15 am for breakfast snacks and fellowship and begin the study around 9:30 am. To order a book or for more information, contact Deanna Likes at [email protected] or 776-8821. 6 Mission Moments Important Dates, Shopping Tips for Angel Tree, 2014 Each year, FUMC invites members of the Congregation to adopt an area foster child to provide holiday gifts for the child. This year, Church representatives are working with Manhattan area social service representatives to provide gifts for boys and girls whose ages range from birth to age 18. Adoptees’ tags will be available Sunday, November 30, beginning after the early service on the tree by the elevator. To participate: Choose a numbered tag representing the child. Match the child’s tag number, age and sex to the 2014 Angel Tree Registry, and record your name and contact information, so organizers may contact you, if necessary. The child’s wish list will include suggestions. Gifts purchased for the child should be new, and similar in quality to gifts for family or friends. Gift items range from toys, sports equipment, clothing or other personal items (such as a watch) to a more a substantial item like a bicycle. Please remember, the gifts you choose will likely be the only gifts the child will receive. 4) Gifts can be wrapped – or unwrapped. Each should, however, include a tag with child’s number and be placed in a large plastic bag (such as a trash bag). Please close the bag securely, and mark the bag with a tag with the child’s number. 5) Gifts should be purchased and brought to the Church on or before Sunday, December. 14. FUMC Angels often share that reaching out to others adds enjoyment to their holiday season. On behalf of the Mission Committee, we thank you for being an angel! Questions: Please contact Nancy Peterson (539-3730) and/or Sue Rice (537-0378). Christmas Eve Offering The missions team has decided to focus efforts this year to support a new local program called “Circles.” FUMC has demonstrated a commitment to seeing the program succeed with facilities and staff support. Pastor Patrick and volunteer Phil Mattox have worked with several other community members and agencies to initiate the Circles program. Circles has proven successful in reducing poverty in communities where “Circle Leaders” living in poverty partner with middle/upper-income-earning “Allies” to develop “Economic Stability Plans” which prepare for “Cliff Effects” and break down socio-economic barriers hindering the path out of poverty. The program works with families and individuals and will be housed at the Harris Activity Center (530 Poyntz) and aims to begin in 2015 on Tuesday nights. If you have not yet heard of the effort to bring Circles to Manhattan, if your household income is under 200% of the 2014 federal poverty guideline ($23,340/year for a single person plus $8120/year per household member) and you are interested in being a Circle Leader candidate, or if you are a middle/ upper income earner and desire to invest your time, talent, and treasure, please contact Pastor Patrick [email protected], 785-776-8821 or Phil Mattox [email protected], 785 477-2563. There is a place for everybody in Circles. More information, videos, and success stories can be viewed at Prospective Homeowners Invited The Manhattan Area Habitat for Humanity (MAHFH) is preparing to open applications for its 25th home, scheduled for groundbreaking in spring, 2015. Anyone interested in applying for homeownership is required to attend an orientation session. Orientation sessions are being held on Monday, December 8, at First Christian Church, 115 Courthouse Plaza, and on Thursday, December 11, at Manhattan Public Library, 629 Poyntz Avenue. Both meetings are at 7:00 pm. For further information contact the MAHFH office via phone (537-7545) or email ([email protected]). 7 Mission Moments Groceries for God Rebate Increased, Grocery Cards Suggested for Holiday Gifts Bob Sawyer, leader for FUMC’s grocery rebate program, has reported Hy-Vee has increased their rebate to six percent. Grocery cards purchased for shopping at Dillons and Ray’s Apple Market yield a five percent rebate. Rebates from the grocery card program are used to help fund Mission goals and opportunities, unbudgeted items and needs, such as the new Church roof. “Participating is easy,” said Sawyer, who noted that the grocery cards, which are similar to debit cards, are sold each week during Fellowship. Cards for Hy-Vee and Ray’s can be purchased at several price levels. Dillons cards can be purchased for $5 (at the Church) and must be taken to the Customer Service Counter at Dillons to be loaded in the amount of the customer’s choice. Dillons cards are re-loadable, said Sawyer, who noted that the cards also can be used at the pharmacy and for gas. It matters, said Sawyer, who reported September sales of $16,565, which yielded a rebate of $828.25, and October sales of $17,619.72, which yielded a rebate of $880.99. While everyone is encouraged to participate, Sawyer suggested grocery cards also make great gifts during the holidays - and at other times as well. Volunteers Welcome, Need for Food Continues Through Holiday FUMC volunteers are welcome contributors to area food distributions via Harvesters, a northeast Kansas mobile food pantry. In October, at Cico Park in Manhattan, 22 volunteers distributed 10,059 lbs. of food to 168 households representing 755 people (358 adults; 323 children and 74 seniors). Volunteers are needed on the third Tuesday of each month, and asked to arrive about 9:30 am. FUMC liaisons are David and Mary Ann Miller. At the Ogden Community Center, 16 volunteers distributed 4,398 lbs. of food to 112 households, which represented 525 people (242 adults, 240 children and 43 seniors). Volunteers are needed on the fourth Tuesday of each month, and asked to arrive about 9:30 am. FUMC liaisons are Gary and Barbara Naughton. Many Contribute to Success of Bishop’s Round Up Against Hunger Randee Loomis, FUMC Coordinator for the 2014 Round Up, is praising FUMC volunteers who shared their time and talents to benefit others. According to Loomis, FUMC donations included 101 health kits, 24 school kits, hats, gloves, jackets, coats, paper products, bedding, diapers, a few toys, non-perishable foods and cash. The estimated value of the contributions, which weighed 609 pounds is $3,069. Contributions were distributed to all local agencies, which are: USD 383 Lee’s Annex, The Crisis Center, Manhattan Emergency Shelter, Ogden Friendship House of Hope, Toys for Manhattan, The Homestead House and FUMC Food Pantry. Many, many thanks go to FUMC United Methodist Men; Change the World volunteers; FUMC Mission Committee; Koinonia Fellowship UMW Group; Current Issues UMW Group, and generous members of the FUMC church family for the donations. Loomis added thanks to Pastor Patrick, Jerry Banaka, FUMC office staff, and Tom Barcellina for contributing to a successful event. 8 9 10 In Service to our Congregation Sunday, December 14 Sunday, December 7 Bus Driver - Kyle Ochs (620-272-1226) Fellowship Time - Saints & Sinners Bus Driver -Team Minchoa/Saville (Lance Saville - 776-8150, Nick Minocha - 341-6164) Fellowship Time - United Methodist Men 8:35 Service 8:35 Service Music - Praise Band Greeters - Rod Harms & Stephanie Rolley, Randy & Susan Martin Main Floor Ushers - Calvin & Mary Louise Drake, Dana & Carol Dodderidge, Bill Cool, Dick McChesney Balcony Ushers - Darren & Danae Rumford Music - Praise Band Greeters - Mike & Helen Carlson, Kevin Gwinner family Main Floor Ushers - Larry & Pat Parker, Chuck & Sue Rice, Jay Davis, Dave Schafer, Michael Fincham Balcony Ushers - Jon & Mary Funk 11:00 Service 11:00 Service Music - Morning Glory Choir, Allegro Ringers Greeters - Phil and Carol Mattox Main Floor Ushers - Lynn Blecha, Carole Harbers, Joe Knopp, John White, John & Marlyn Walters Balcony Ushers - Doug & Elaine Meloan, Bill Clark, Bruce & Mindy Thierolf, Scott Johnson Music - Combined Choir, Rhapsody Ringers, Allegro Ringers Greeters - Marilyn Ray, Joan Shull, Mike & Donna Miller Main Floor Ushers - Bob Walsten, Kale Becker, John Fellers, Larry Fox, James Shaver, Marc Wilson Balcony Ushers - Don Kropf, Ron & Nita Pope Sunday, December 21 Sunday, December 28 Bus Driver - Stephanie Bannister (785-539-7163) Fellowship Time - Open Door Bus Driver - Garry Harter (785-494-8201, Cell - 785-410-9245) Fellowship Time - Joymakers 8:35 Service 8:35 Service Music - Praise Band, Morning Glory Choir Greeters - Clyde & Sylvia Scott, Kraig Buffington family Main Floor Ushers - Jim Adams, Jerry & Betty Banaka, John Spangler, Bob Sawyer, Dave Whitney Balcony Ushers - Mark & Tammy Chalfant, Scott Emley Music - Praise Band Greeters - Brenda Mayberry, Lee Taylor Main Floor Ushers - Verle & Marie Amthauer, Keith & Maxine Jevons, Mark Queen, Peggy Goe Balcony Ushers - Nick & Mikki Minocha 11:00 Service 11:00 Service Music - TBD Greeters - Steve Johannes Main Floor Ushers - Merle & Bev Eversmeyer, Roger & Nancy Hammerschmidt, Bobb Stokes, Richard & Robin Spencer Balcony Ushers - David Allen Music - Chancel Choir, Spirit Ringers Greeters - Doug & Elaine Meloan Main Floor Ushers - John Young, Dave & Patti Zuck, Gale Simons, Steve Johannes Balcony Ushers - Ron Janasek, Dennis Rice, Mitchell Blaha 11 First United Methodist News (USPS 198-960) Published Monthly PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT MANHATTAN, KS 66502 POSTMASTER, send address changes to: First United Methodist News 612 Poyntz Avenue Manhattan, KS 66502-6041 Pastors: Troy Bowers, Melanie Martin, Patrick McLaughlin Emergency/After-Hours Phone: 785-410-9982 Editor: Deanna Likes Beer and Hymns will not meet in December. The next “Beer and Hymns” will be Wednesday, January 28 at Rusty’s in Aggieville, 1213 Moro St. at 8:00 pm. Contact Pastor Patrick for more information. Sew Sisters Sew Sisters meet on the first Sunday of each month from 2:00 - 4:00 pm in the Alan Lee Center. Their next meeting is Sunday, December 7. Bring your own project or work on a mission project. For more information contact Sherri Hooper at 539-6453. Wednesday Night Community Dinner Every Wednesday at 6:00 pm a delicious meal is served to many in our community. Did you know you can come eat too? You can! Come get to know those our church is in ministry with and enjoy a meal you don’t have to cook, serve or clean up.
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