>> 愛媛大学 - Ehime University Title Author(s) Citation Issue Date URL 愛媛県で採集されたショウジョウバエの目録 加藤, 雄大; 和多田, 正義 愛媛大学理学部紀要. vol.18, no., p.32-41 2013 http://iyokan.lib.ehime-u.ac.jp/dspace/handle/iyokan/2876 Rights Note This document is downloaded at: 2014-11-13 13:00:01 IYOKAN - Institutional Repository : the EHIME area http://iyokan.lib.ehime-u.ac.jp/dspace/ 愛媛大学理学部紀要 第18巻 xxxii-xli ページ,2013年 Mem. Fac. Sci. Ehime Univ. Vol. 18, pp. xxxii-xli, 2013 愛媛県で採集されたショウジョウバエの目録 A list of drosophilid flies collected in Ehime prefecture, Japan. 加藤雄大 和多田正義 Takehiro K. Katoh, Masayoshi Watada 愛媛大学理工学研究科環境機能科学専攻 Department of Environmental Function Science, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ehime University, 2-5 Bunkyo-cho, Matsuyama, 790-8577, Japan ABSTRACT We collected drosophilid flies from 2011 to 2012 in Ehime prefecture, Japan and summarized our and the previous records. In the present study, 82 species of the drosophilid flies were recorded in our collection, and 19 species belonging to 9 genera of them were newly recorded in Shikoku. The new records were comprised of the species of Stegana, Leucophenga, Paraleucophenga, Dichaetophora, Mycodrosophila, Phorticella, Chymomyza, Hirtodrosophila and Lordiphosa. As a result, a total of 101 species belonging to 20 genera of the Drosophilidae were recorded from the present and previous surveys in Ehime prefecture. Key words: the Drosophilidae, faunal survey, new records, Shikoku Drosophilid fauna of Japan is better known compared with were recorded by Okada (1988) and additional 29 species other regions of the world. The extensive survey of were recorded by several studies (Toda, 2012). Beppu (2000, drosophilid flies throughout Japan was made by Kikkawa 2005, 2006) has made the faunal and ecological surveys of and Peng (1938) followed by Okada (1956), Wakahama drosophilid flies in Tokyo, and a total of 100 species were (1964), Takada (1971) and Moriwaki (1979). Okada (1988) collected in these studies. As a result, 138 species were summarized collection data of the previous surveys recorded from Tokyo (Okada, 1988; Mitsui, 1973; Beppu, including his own records. The number of drosophilid flies 2006). In Ryukyu Islands, a total of 107 species were was 256 species belonging to 25 genera in Japan. Since 1988, collected from Kume-jima and Iriomote-jima (Okada, 1965; several researchers recorded 60 species of drosophilid flies Hirai et al., 2000; Kondo and Kimura, 2008). Watada et al. including 32 of the newly described species in Japan. Finally, (2011) discussed the temporal change of drosophilid fauna in a total of 312 species of the Drosophilidae were recorded Ogasawara Islands based on the previous and their own from Japan (Toda, 2012). However, surveys of drosophilid collection data. They reported 26 species including seven flies were made intensively in the limited areas. The exten- endemic species in the Ogasawara Islands. As a result, a total sively surveyed areas are Hokkaido, central part of Japan 117 species of drosophilid flies were recorded in the (e.g., Tokyo) and subtropical islands (Kume-jima, Iriomote- subtropical islands of Japan (Toda, 2012) jima and the Ogasawara Islands). Hokkaido is one of the Only few information of the drosophilid fauna has been most explored area in which 120 species of drosophilid flies known from the western mainland of Japan (Chugoku, Shi- 2013 年 1 月 11 日 受理 koku and Kyushu). In Ehime prefecture, a few surveys on ‐xxxii‐ 愛媛県で採集されたショウジョウバエの目録 drosophilid flies had been made mainly by banana trap collection (Moriwaki, 1979). The distribution records from Okada (1988) showed 53 species belonging to 10 genera of drosophilid species were from Ehime prefecture. However, the records gave no information of collection methods, dates and localities in the prefecture. Watada et al. (2000) surveyed abundance of Drosophila albomicans and drosophilid fauna by banana bait traps in 21 localities in Ehime prefecture. In the study, 20 species of flies belonging to genus Drosophila and Scaptodrosophila were recorded. Hoshina and Watada (2001) collected 24 species belonging to Drosophila, Scaptodrosophila and Styloptera by banana traps in five localities in Ehime. By net sweeping collections, Katoh and Watada (2011) studied drosophilid Figure 1. Geographical distribution of collection localities in Ehime prefecture. Numbered localities correspond to follows: 1 Mt. Mikiji, 2 Dogo fauna at two localities (Mt. Mikiji and Dogo Park) in Park, 3 Matsuyama (except Mt. Mikiji and Dogo Park), 4 Shikoku- Matsuyama, and recorded large numbers of species and chuo, 5 Niihama, 6 Saijo, 7 Imabari, 8 Kumakogen, 9 Iyo, 10 Ozu, 11 Yawatahama, 12 Ikata, 13 Kihoku, 14 Matsuno, 15 Uwajima, genera (a total 52 species belonging to 15 genera including 16 Ainan. two new species). The previous studies have recorded 75 species belonging to 16 genera in Ehime. In the present in the present study. The following 19 species belonging to study, we recorded additional 21 species and three genera of nine genera were newly recorded from Shikoku: Stegana drosophilid flies in Ehime prefecture. kanmiyai, S. nigrithorax, Phortica kappa, P. takadai, Leuco- Fly collection was made by net sweeping and banana bait phenga lacteusa, L. quadripunctata, L. quinquemaculipennis, traps at various localities in Ehime prefecture. The trap Paraleucophenga argentosa, Dichaetophora sakagamii, My- collections were made by the "retainer" type traps (Toda, codrosophila basalis, My. erecta, Phorticella htunmaungi, 1977). Fermented bananas by dry yeast were used for the Chymomyza obscuroides, Hirtodrosophila fascipennis, H. traps. The monthly collection was made by both net ikedai, H. macromaculata, H. nokogiri, H. pseudonokogiri sweeping and bait trapping in Matsuyama (Mt. Mikiji and and Lordiphosa collinella. The species of the genera Dogo Park) from April 2011 to April 2012. The occasional Paraleucophenga, net sweeping was made in Komenono experimental forest of recorded in Shikoku for the first time. The two undescribed Ehime university, Matsuyama on September 2009, and species, Phortica sp. aff. glabra and Scaptodrosophila sp., Nametoko in Uwajima on October 2010 and 2012. The recorded by Katoh and Watada (2011) were also collected. present and three previous studies provided the information Combining these results with the previous studies, 101 of collection data, so we reported collection localities and species belonging to 20 genera in two subfamilies of the methods for all species recorded in Ehime prefecture. Drosophilidae were recorded in Ehime prefecture (Table 1). Collection localities are shown in Figure 1. The localities with the information of collection methods (T, A total of 82 species belonging to 19 genera were recorded Phorticella and Chymomyza were collected by banana traps; S, collected by net sweeping) are ‐xxxiii‐ 加藤雄大・和多田正義 shown in the following list. Leucophenga concilia Okada, 1956, Syst. Study A list of drosophilid flies with collection localities and methods in Ehime Drosophilidae Japan: 30. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, S. Stegana kanmiyai Okada et Sidorenko, 1992, Leucophenga interrupta Duda, 1924, Arch. Jpn. J. Ent., 60: 419. Naturg., 90A(3): 187, 237. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park TS. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Uwajima, S. Stegana nigrifrons Meijere, 1911, Tijds. Ent., 54: 418. Leucophenga lacteusa Takada et Wakahama, Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, S. 1967, Annot. Zool. Japon., 40: 56. Specimens examined. Uwajima, S. Stegana nigrithorax Strobl, 1898, Mitth. Leucophenga maculata (Dufour, 1839), Annls Naturw. Ver. Steiermark (1897), 34: 192. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, S. Amiota furcata Okada, 1971, Kontyu, Tokyo, 39: Sci. nat. Paris, 12: 14. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Matsuyama, Uwajima, S. 85. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Matsuyama, S. Leucophenga orientalis Lin et Wheeler, 1972, Phortica magna (Okada, 1960), Mushi, 34: 99. Specimens examined. Mt. Miyukiji, Dogo Park, Univ. Texas Publ., 7213: 249. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Matsuyama, Uwajima, S. Matsuyama, Uwajima, TS. Leucophenga ornata Wheeler, 1959, Univ. Texas Phortica kappa (Maca, 1977), Acta Ent. Bohem., Publ., 5914: 184. 74: 126. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, TS. Uwajima, S. Phortica okadai (Maca, 1977), Acta Ent. Bohem., Leucophenga quadripunctata (Meijere, 1908), 74: 122. Tijds. Ent., 51: 154. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, TS. Matsuyama, Uwajima, TS. Leucophenga quinquemaculipennis Okada, Phortica takadai (Okada, 1977), Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Jap., 32: 18. 1956, Syst.Study Drosophilidae Japan: 33. Specimens examined. Matsuyama, S. Specimens examined. Uwajima, S. Paraleucophenga argentosa (Okada, 1956), Syst. Leucophenga acutipollinosa Okada, 1987, Study Drosophilidae Japan: 24. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, T. Kontyu, 55: 676. Specimens examined. Uwajima, S. Microdrosophila cristata Okada, 1960, Kontyu, Leucophenga angusta Okada, 1956, Syst. Study Tokyo, 28: 214. Drosophilidae Japan: 28. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Matsuyama, Uwajima, S. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, S. Microdrosophila maculata Okada, 1960, Kontyu, Tokyo, 28: 217. Leucophenga bellula (Bergroth, 1894), Ent. Z. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, S. Stettin, 55: 75. Specimens examined. Matsuyama, S. Microdrosophila pseudopleurolineata Okada, 1968, Kontyu, Tokyo, 36: 319. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, S. ‐xxxiv‐ 愛媛県で採集されたショウジョウバエの目録 Microdrosophila purpurata Okada, 1956, Syst. Mycodrosophila poecilogastra (Loew, 1874), Z. Study Drosophilidae Japan: 40. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, S. Gesam. Naturw., 43: 419. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Uwajima, S. Microdrosophila urashimae Okada, 1960, Kontyu, Tokyo, 28: 219. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, S. Mycodrosophila shikokuana Okada, 1956, Syst. Study Drosophilidae Japan: 45. Specimens examined. Matsuyama, Uwajima, S. Liodrosophila aerea Okada, 1956, Syst. Study Drosophilidae Japan: 57. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Matsuyama, Uwajima, TS. Styloptera nishiharui Okada, 1982, Kontyu, Liodrosophila castanea Okada et Chung, 1960, Paramycodrosophila nakamurai Okada, 1973, Trans. Kyoto Ent. Soc. (Akitu), 9: 26. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, TS. Kontyu, Tokyo, 41: 434. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Matsuyama, Uwajima, S. Dichaetophora acutissima (Okada, 1956), Syst. Collessia kirishimana (Okada, 1967), Mushi, 41: Study Drosophilidae Japan: 139. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Matsuyama, Uwajima, S. 4. Tokyo, 50: 275. Specimens examined. Uwajima, T. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, S. Scaptomyza pallida (Zetterstedt, 1847), Dipt. Dichaetophora delicata (Nishiharu, 1981), Kontyu, Tokyo, 49: 21. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Uwajima, S. Dichaetophora sakagamii (Toda, 1989), Jpn. J. Scand., Disposita et descripta, 6: 2571. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, S. Scaptomyza graminum (Fallen, 1823), Diptera Sveciae: Geomyzides, 2: 8. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, S. Ent., 57(2): 379. Specimens examined. Uwajima, S. Phorticella htunmaungi Soe Wynn, Toda et Mycodrosophila basalis Okada, 1956, Syst. Peng, 1990, Zool. Sci., 7: 299. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, TS. Study Drosophilidae Japan: 50. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Uwajima, S. Chymomyza obscuroides Okada, 1976, Kontyu, Tokyo, 44: 497. Mycodrosophila erecta Okada, 1968, Kontyu, Specimens examined. Dogo Park, S. Tokyo, 36: 324. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Zaprionus aungsani Soe Wynn et Toda, 1988, Uwajima, S. Kontyu, Tokyo, 56: 844. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, TS. Mycodrosophila gratiosa (de Meijere, 1911), Tijds. Ent., 54: 404. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Zaprionus grandis (Kikkawa et Peng, 1938), Jap. Uwajima, S. J. Zool., 7: 543. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Mycodrosophila palmata Okada, 1956, Syst. TS. Study Drosophilidae Japan: 54. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Uwajima, S. Scaptodrosophila coracina (Kikkawa et Peng, Mycodrosophila planipalpis Kang, Lee et Bahng, 1966, Korean J. Zool., 9: 27. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, S. 1938), Jap. J. Zool., 7: 523. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Matsuyama, Niihama, Toyo, Imabari, Kumakogen, Uwajima, TS. ‐xxxv‐ 加藤雄大・和多田正義 Scaptodrosophila subtilis (Kikkawa et Peng, Drosophila subpulchrella Takamori & Watabe, 1938), Jap. J. Zool., 7: 541. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Iyo, Ozu, Uwajima, TS. 2006, Entomological Science, 9: 122. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Matsuyama, Saijo, Kumakogen, TS. Hirtodrosophila fascipennis (Okada, 1967), Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura, 1931), 6000 Mushi, 41: 8. Illus. Insects Japan Empire: 367. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Matsuyama, Shikokuchuo, Niihama, Saijo, Imabari, Kumakogen, Uwajima, TS. Specimens examined. Uwajima, S. Hirtodrosophila ikedai (Toda, 1989), Jpn. J. Ent., 57(2): 377. Specimens examined. Uwajima, S. Drosophila lutescens Okada, 1975, Kontyu, Tokyo, 43: 241. Hirtodrosophila macromaculata (Kang et Lee, Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, 1961), Korean J. Zool., 4: 30. Specimens examined. Uwajima, S. Matsuyama, Shikokuchuo, Niihama, Saijo, Imabari, Kumakogen, Ozu, Iyo, Yawatahama, Ikata, Kihoku, Matsuno, Uwajima, Ainan, TS. Hirtodrosophila mediohispida (Okada, 1967), Mushi, 41: 14. Drosophila takahashii Sturtevant, 1927, Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, S. Hirtodrosophila nokogiri (Okada, 1956), Syst. Philippine J. Sci., 32: 371. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Matsuyama, Matsuno, Uwajima, TS. Study Drosophilidae Japan: 84. Specimens examined. Uwajima, S. Drosophila melanogaster Meigen, 1830, Syst. Hirtodrosophila omogoensis (Okada, 1956), Syst. Study Drosophilidae Japan: 82. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, T. Beschr. Bek. Europ. Zweifl. Ins., 6: 85. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Matsuyama, Shikokuchuo, Niihama, Saijo, Imabari, Kumakogen, Ozu, Iyo, Yawatahama, Ikata, Kihoku, Matsuno, Uwajima, Ainan, TS. Hirtodrosophila pseudonokogiri (Kang, Lee et Drosophila simulans Sturtevant, 1919, Psyche, Bahng, 1965), Korean J. Zool., 6: 53. Specimens examined. Uwajima, S. 26: 153. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Lordiphosa collinella (Okada, 1968), Kontyu, Tokyo, 34: 339. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Matsuyama, Shikokuchuo, Niihama, Saijo, Imabari, Ozu, Iyo, Yawatahama, Ikata, Kihoku, Matsuno, Uwajima, Ainan, TS. Matsuyama, S. Drosophila ficusphila Kikkawa et Peng, 1938, Drosophila bifasciata Pomini, 1940, Bol. Ist. Ent. T. Japan. J. Zool., 7: 531. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Matsuyama, Shikokuchuo, Saijo, Imabari, Kumakogen, Ozu, Iyo, Uwajima, TS. Drosophila tsukubaensis Takamori et Okada, Drosophila auraria Peng, 1937, Annot. Zool. 1983, Kontyu, Tokyo, 51: 265. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, TS. Japon., 16: 20. Bologna, 12: 155. Specimens examined. Kumakogen, Uwajima, Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Matsuyama, Shikokuchuo, Niihama, Saijo, Imabari, TS. Drosophila oshimai Choo et Nakamura, 1973, Kontyu, Tokyo, 41: 305. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, TS. Drosophila biauraria Bock et Wheeler, 1972, Univ. Texas Publ., 7213: 53. Specimens examined. Dogo Park, S. ‐xxxvi‐ 愛媛県で採集されたショウジョウバエの目録 Drosophila rufa Kikkawa et Peng, 1938, Japan. Drosophila nigromaculata Kikkawa et Peng, J. Zool., 7: 529. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, 1938, Japan. J. Zool., 7: 537. Specimens examined. Dogo Park, Uwajima, TS. Matsuyama, Imabari, Kumakogen, Ozu, Iyo, Ikata, Matsuno, Uwajima, TS. Drosophila unispina Okada, 1956, Syst. Study Drosophila guangdongensis Toda et Peng, 1989, Zool. Sci., 6: 165. Drosophilidae Japan: 129. Specimens examined. Kumakogen, Uwajima, TS. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Drosophila bizonata Kikkawa et Peng, 1938, Matsuyama, TS. Drosophila virilis Sturtevant, 1916, Ann. Ent. Soc. Am., 9: 330. Specimens examined. Matsuyama, Japan. J. Zool., 7: 532. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Matsuyama, Shikokuchuo, Kumakogen, Uwajima, TS. Shikokuchuo, Imabari, Kumakogen, TS. Drosophila sternopleuralis Okada et Kurokawa, Drosophila tsigana Burla et Gloor, 1952, Z. indukt, Abstam. Vererb., 84: 164. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, T. 1957, Kontyu, Tokyo, 25: 6. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Matsuyama, Uwajima, TS. Drosophila lacertosa Okada, 1956, Syst. Study Drosophila albomicans Duda, 1924, Arch. Drosophilidae Japan: 158. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Matsuyama, Shikokuchuo, Kumakogen, Iyo, Uwajima, TS. Naturg., 90A(3): 209, 245. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Matsuyama, Shikokuchuo, Niihama, Saijo, Imabari, Kumakogen, Ozu, Iyo, Yawatahama, Ikata, Kihoku, Matsuno, Uwajima, Ainan, TS. Drosophila neokadai Kaneko et Takada, 1966, Drosophila annulipes Duda, 1924, Arch. Naturg., Annot. Zool. Japon., 39: 56. Specimens examined. Kumakogen, T. 90A(3): 209, 221, 250. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Matsuyama, Kumakogen, Uwajima, TS. Drosophila hydei Sturtevant, 1921, Carnegie Inst. Publ., 301: 101. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Drosophila curviceps Okada et Kurokawa, 1957, Matsuyama, Shikokuchuo, Niihama, Saijo, Imabari, Kumakogen, Ozu, Iyo, Yawatahama, Uwajima, TS. Kontyu, Tokyo, 25: 8. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Matsuyama, Kumakogen, Uwajima, TS. Drosophila daruma Okada, 1956, Syst. Study Drosophila immigrans Sturtevant, 1921, Drosophilidae Japan: 155. Specimens examined. Matsuyama, Saijo, Imabari, Iyo, Uwajima, Ainan, TS. Carnegie Inst. Publ., 301: 83. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Matsuyama, Shikokuchuo, Niihama, Saijo, Imabari, Kumakogen, Ozu, Iyo, Yawatahama, Ikata, Kihoku, Matsuno, Uwajima, Ainan, TS. Drosophila angularis Okada, 1956, Syst. Study Drosophilidae Japan: 128. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, TS. Drosophila busckii Coquillett, 1901, Ent. News, 12: 16. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Drosophila brachynephros Okada, 1956, Syst. Study Drosophilidae Japan: 126. Specimens examined. Mt. Mikiji, Dogo Park, Matsuyama, Shikokuchuo, Saijo, Ozu, Iyo, TS. Matsuyama, Shikokuchuo, Saijo, Imabari, Kumakogen, Iyo, Kihoku, Uwajima, TS. ‐xxxvii‐ 加藤雄大・和多田正義 Table 1. A list of drosophilid species recorded from each survey in Ehime prefecture. Genus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Stegana Ok Wa Ho Ka Pr e t s ad a ( t ada hin a oh a sent n 19 e an d W st u ta 88 d d l. ( ) 2 0 Wa t atad y 00 ad a (2 0 a( ) 20 11 01 ) ) description species kanmiyai nigrifrons nigrithorax Amiota furcata Phortica (Phortica) magna kappa okadai takadai Phortica (Ashima) sp. aff. glabra Leucophenga (Leucophenga) acutipollinosa albiceps angusta bellula concilia interrupta lacteusa maculata orientalis ornata quadripunctata Leucophenga (Neoleucophenga) quinquemaculipennis Paraleucophenga argentosa Microdrosophila (Microdrosophila) cristata maculata pseudopleurolineata purpurata Microdrosophila (Oxystyloptera) urashimae Liodrosophila aerea castanea Dichaetophora acutissima delicata sakagamii tenuicauda Mycodrosophila basalis erecta gratiosa palmata planipalpis poecilogastra shikokuana Styloptera nishiharui Paramycodrosophila nakamurai Collessia kirishimana Scaptomyza (Parascaptomyza) elmoi pallida Scaptomyza (Scaptomyza) concimillis graminum Phorticella htunmaungi Chymomyza obscuroides Zaprionus aungsani grandis Okada et Sidorenko, 1992 de Meijere, 1911 ○ Strobl, 1898 Okada, 1971 ○ ○ (Okada, 1960) (Maca, 1977) (Maca, 1977) ○ (Okada, 1977) sp. nov. Okada, 1987 ○ ○ (Meijere, 1914) Okada, 1956 ○ ○ ○ ○ (Bergroth, 1894) Okada, 1956 ○ Duda, 1924 Takada et Wakahama, 1967 (Dufour, 1839) Lin et Wheeler, 1972 Wheeler, 1959 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Meijere, 1908 Okada, 1956 (Okada, 1956) Okada, 1960 Okada, 1960 ○ ○ Okada, 1968 Okada, 1956 Okada, 1960 Okada, 1956 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Okada et Chung, 1960 (Okada, 1956) ○ (Nishiharu, 1981) (Toda, 1989) (Okada, 1956) ○ Okada, 1956 Okada, 1968 (de Meijere, 1911) Okada, 1956 ○ ○ ○ Kang, Lee et Bahng, 1966 (Loew, 1874) Okada, 1956 (Zetterstedt, 1847) Hackman, 1955 (Fallen, 1823) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Soe Wynn, Toda et Peng, 1990 Okada, 1976 Soe Wynn et Toda, 1988 (Kikkawa et Peng, 1938) ‐xxxviii‐ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Okada, 1973 Takada, 1970 ○ ○ ○ ○ Okada, 1982 (Okada, 1967) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 愛媛県で採集されたショウジョウバエの目録 Table 1. Continued. 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 Genus species Scaptodrosophila coracina subtilis throckmortoni Ok Wa Ho Ka Pr e t s ad a ( t ada hin a oh a sent n 19 st u e a d t nd 88 W a l. ) ata dy (2 0 Wa d tad 00 a ( a (2 0 ) 20 11 01 ) ) description (Kikkawa et Peng, 1938) ○ ○ ○ (Kikkawa et Peng, 1938) ○ ○ ○ (Okada, 1973) ○ sp. sp. nov. alboralis fascipennis histrioides ikedai macromaculata mediohispida nokogirii omogoensis pseudonokogiri quadrivittata collinella bifasciata tukubaensis oshimai subpulchrella suzukii lutescens takahashii melanogaster simulans ficusphila auraria biauraria kikkawai rufa triauraria guangdongensis virilis tsigana lacertosa neokadai hydei daruma angularis brachynephros nigromaculata unispina testacea bizonata histrio sternopleuralis albomicans annulipes curviceps immigrans busckii (Momma et Takada, 1954) Hirtodrosophila Lordiphosa Drosophila (Sophophora) Drosophila (Drosophila) Drosophila (Dorsilopha) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ (Okada, 1967) (Okada et Kurokawa, 1957) ○ ○ (Toda, 1989) (Kang et Lee, 1961) (Okada, 1967) ○ (Okada, 1956) (Okada, 1956) ○ (Kang, Lee et Bahng, 1965) (Okada, 1956) ○ Okada, 1968 Pomini, 1940 ○ ○ ○ Takamori et Okada, 1983 Choo et Nakamura, 1973 Takamori & Watabe, 2006, (Matsumura, 1934) Okada, 1975 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Sturtevant, 1927 Meigen, 1830 Sturtvant, 1919 Kikkawa et Peng, 1938 Peng, 1937 Bock et Wheeler, 1972 Burla, 1954 Kikkawa et Peng, 1938 Bock et Wheeler, 1972 Toda et Peng, 1989 Sturtevant, 1916 Burla et Gloor, 1952 Okada, 1956 ○ Kaneko et Takada, 1966 Sturtvant, 1921 Okada, 1956 Okada, 1956 Okada, 1956 Kikkawa et Peng, 1938 Okada, 1956 von Roser, 1840 Kikkawa et Peng, 1938 Meigen, 1830 Okada et Kurokawa, 1957 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Duda, 1924 Duda, 1924 Okada et Kurokawa, 1957 Sturtvant, 1921 Conquillett, 1901 ‐xxxix‐ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 加藤雄大・和多田正義 Acknowledgements Kondo, M., and M. 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