伊藤 和央 - 大阪市立大学

助教授¥伊 藤 和 央¥博士(理学)¥1958¥大阪市立大・院・理学・修¥酵素化学
Assoc.Prof.¥ITO, Kazuo,¥D.Sc.,¥1958,¥Osaka City Univ.,¥Enzyme Chemistry
酵素の構造と機能および生体内での機能,Structure, Function and Physiological Roles of Enzymes;糖タンパク質糖鎖と関連酵素
の構造と機能(膜上でのアスパラギン結合型糖鎖異化と膜結合型糖鎖遊離酵素の発現機構),Function of Oligosaccharides of
Glycoproteins and Glycoenzymes(Catabolism of Asparagine-Linked Oligosaccharides on Membrane and Expression of
Membrane Associated Glycoenzymes);エンドグリコシダーゼ群の複合糖質研究への応用開発に関する研究,Study on Application
of Endoglycosidases on Research for Complex Carbohydrates;核酸分解酵素の生体内機能に関する研究,Study on Physiological
Functions of Nucleases
彦、羽田勝二、稲津敏行、伊藤和央、南浦能至),『応用糖質科学』,48,2,pp.195-203,('01);Some Propertiws of Levansucrase of Bacillus
natto Stabilized with Periodate Oxidized Yeast Glucomannan,共(Y. B. Ammar, T. Matsubara, K. Ito, M. Iizuka, and N.
Minamiura),Enzyme Microbial Tech.,30,7,pp.875-882,('02);New Action Pattern of a Maltose-Forming α -Amylase from
Streptomyces sp. and Its Possible Application in Bakery,共(Y. B. Ammar, T. Matsubara, K. Ito, M. Iizuka, T. limpaseni, P.
pongsawasdi and N. Minamiura),J. Biochem. Mol. Biol.,35,6,pp.568-575,('02);Mechamism of Synthesis of Levan by Bacillus
natto Levansucrase, 共 (M. Iizuka, T. Mima, Y. B. Ammar, K. Ito and N. Minamiura),J. Appl.
Glycosci.,49,2,pp.229-237,('02);Characterization of a Thermostable Levansucrase from Bacillus sp. TH4-2 Capable of
Producing High Molecular Weight Levan at High Temperature,共(Y. B. Ammar, T. Matsubara, K. Ito, M. Iizuka, T.
Limpaseni, P. Pongsawasdi and N. Minamiura),J. Biotech.,99,2,pp.111-119,('02);Human sallvary endo- β
-N-acetylglucosaminidase HS specific for complex type sugar chains of glycoproteins,共(K. Ito, Y. Okada, K. Ishida and N.
Minamiura),J. Biol. Chem.,268,21,pp.1674-1681,('93);Evidence for conversion of human salivary α-amylase family A to
family B by an enzyme action,共(K. Ito, L.-F. Li, M. Nishiwaki, Y. Okada and N. Minamiura),J. Biochem.,112,1,('92);Human
urine DNase I : Immunological identity with human pancreatic DNase I, and enzymic and proteochemical properties of the
enzyme,共(K. Ito, N. Minamura and T. Yamamoto),J. Biochem.,95,5,pp.1399-1406,('84)
【 そ の 他 】 Detection and Serological Relationships of Cymbisium Mosaic Potexvisus Isolates, 単 ,J. Biosci.
生物化学実験法<学>;生物学概論SI<学>;酵素化学特論 I<院>;生物分子機能学演習<院>
日本生化学会 日本生化学会近畿支部幹事、評議員('97~);日本農芸化学会;日本応用糖質科学会