He Has Made Me Glad Von Brethorst, Leona I will enter His gates With thanksgiving in my heart. I will enter His courts with praise. I will say, this is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice for He has made me glad. You Are My King Foote, Billy I'm forgiven, because You were forsaken I'm accepted, You were condemned I'm alive and well, Your Spirit is within me Because You died and rose again January 4, 2015 Amazing love, how can it be That You my King would die for me Amazing love, I know it's true It's my joy to honor You In all I do, I honor You ran r He has made me glad, He has made me glad, I will rejoice for He has made me glad. He has made me glad, He has made me glad, I will rejoice for He has made me glad. You are my King, You are my King Jesus, You are my King Jesus, You are my King © 1976 Maranatha Praise, Inc . © 1996 worshi ptogether.c om songs This Is The Day Garrett, Les This is the day. This is the day That the Lord has made, that the Lord has made We will rejoice. We will rejoice, And be glad in it, and be glad in it. This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. This is the day. This is the day That the Lord has made. Mighty To Save Fielding, Ben | Morgan, Reuben Saviour, He can move the mountains My God is mighty to save, He is mighty to save Forever, Author of salvation He rose and conquered the grave Jesus conquered the grave Epiphany Sunday 1045a rana r PRELUDE CALL to PRAISE PRAISE TIME (see Chorus page) WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS © 1967, 1980 Scripture In Song Shine your light, and let the whole world see We're singing for the glory of the risen King Jesus Shine your light, and let the whole world see We're singing for the glory of the risen King We Believe Hooper | Fike | R yan We believe in God the Father We believe in Jesus Christ We believe in the Holy Spirit And He's given us new life We believe in the crucifixion We believe that He conquered death We believe in the resurrection And He's coming back again (We believe) © Abundant Life Ministries You Are My All In All Jernigan, Dennis You are my strength when I am weak. You are the treasure that I seek. You are my All in All. Seeking You as a precious jewel. Lord, to give up I'd be a fool. You are my All in All. CCLI # 489431 Jesus, Lamb of God, Worthy is Your name. Jesus, Lamb of God, Worthy is Your name. © 2006 Hillsong Publishing Taking my sin, my cross, my shame, Rising again I bless Your name. You are my All in All. When I fall down You pick me up, When I am dry You fill my cup. You are my All in All. © 1991 Shepherd's Heart Music, Inc . ry S arry ! *SHARING TIME *HYMN # 57 O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing (vs. 1-4) CHILDREN’S CHAT OFFERTORY “Just Beyond the Manger” *DOXOLOGY (# 95) HYMN # 715 Rejoice, the Lord Is King PRAYER & LORD’S PRAYER (# 895) MESSAGE Our Wesleyan Heritage “Revival’s First Step - Repentance” - Ma<he= >?7-12 SACRAMENT of HOLY COMMUNION *HYMN # >82 Have Thine O=n Way, Lord *BENEDICTION & POSTLUDE *CongregaBon please stand if you are aCle. Suan nc r arry ! Mk Hun Please Remember to Pray Darlene Craver Bill Ferguson Karla Wilson Pete Hotaling Barbara Hotaling Hal Loud Bennett Coleman Joy Lederman Lee/Lois Zimmerman France Mclaughlin Trish Hadsall Vera Olsen Pat Requena Janice Johnson Carl Herren Fran Manningham Howard Davis Marcia Wooddell John Waugh Cal Stone Debbie Albert Ruvini Weerasooriya LaVina Fox Ransom Jones Sue David Bert Eichert Dick & Irene LaFave Richard & Janie Palmer Dan Sukel Marie Sheets Don Lorenc Jean Schleutker Keith Freeland Terry Green Andy Clark Beverly Hong Betty Stahlnaker Fran McLaughlin Abby Ruehr Sharon Monk Dawn Vandegrift Kenneth Druley Frank Moitis Larry Davis David Evans Joe Foster Joe Bonanno Janet Outerbridge Bea Wildauer Marilyn Dittmer Mary Jo Dick John Everitt Jackie Metz Deborah Knight Eleanor Montano Olivia Theis Peggy Mitrushi Betty Booth Meredith Gould Rich Ritchie Bobbie Allen Louise Griffiths Arlene Decker Rose Hancock Frank Welsh Shirley Mankhe Bill Dohl Byron/Joann Carpenter Peter Warhurst George DeArk Joe & Myrna Gop Bob Spalin Kathy Hees Brooke Noser Dee Robson Connor Gaunt Joan Philips Virginia Endriss Dick & Joan Bigelow Gene & Pat Hunt Kay Snider Phyllis Tucker John Ptacek Jim &Catherine MacKay Susan Wonnell Bob Erwin David Bryant Sunday 1/4 8:00am 8:45am 9:00am 9:15am 10:30am 10:45am 6:00pm Early Riser Worship Prayer Meeting Bible Classes for All Ages Contemporary Worship Bible Classes for All Ages Traditional Worship Club Whatever—Youth Sanctuary Parlor MH & FLC Memorial Hall MH & FLC Sanctuary Memorial Hall Monday 1/5 9:00am 4:30pm 5:30pm 6:00pm Dance-Ercise Adult Taekwondo Class Youth Taekwondo Class SAFE Support Group Church Council AA - 12 Step Group Family Life Center Family Life Center Family Life Center MH Rm 24, Parlor Memorial Hall MH Room 24-25 Staff Meeting Quilting for Missions Jonathan Group Shawls of Prayer Group Orchestra Rehearsal Second Touch Group Missions Team MH Conference Family Life Center Parlor MH Room 24 Sanctuary MH Room 22 MH Room 25 y the my kn ee s b n drive n to d ee ha e b I v at ha “I ion th in g co nvict ” o ve rwhelm lse to g o. n owhe re e Lin coln — A brah am First Time Guests IN THE SERVICE Chris Anderson Dallas D. Bergl, II David Bruce John A. Campanale Jr. David Colucci Daniel Cutting Ashley Ehasz Maddie Wright Farris J. D. Frank Zachory Goldberg Randall Hinkle Philip Martin Alisha Milligan Anthony Morley II Andrew Olson Danny Parks Alan Peacock Patrick Penney Joseph Perry Chris Peters Jessica (Ruehr) Powell Nicholas Reider Michael Rodgers Mike Ruehr Sean Ruehr Betsy Scott Mark Scott Jason Toole Travis Toole Alex Welsh David Zachary Wilson Peter Warhurst Joyce Ballard Carl Herren In Extended Care: Joan Bigelow - Consulate, Pt. Charlotte Barbara B rown - Harbor Chase Marian Cowin - Hospice at home George DeArk - Banyan House Ann Flanagan - Sunset Lake LaVina Fox - S.L.C. of Sarasota Betty Fuller - Sunset Lake Village Dolores Glass - Sunset Lake Kathy Hees - HealthSouth Paul Lindholm - Sunset Lake Tommi Matthews - Venetian Gardens Kitty Pugh - Lexington Manor Helen Ritchie - Windsor Rich Ritchie - The Pines Buck Zeigler - Harbor Inn Prayer Chain - Call Judy Kurinsky, 496-8046 or [email protected] If you or someone you know is ill or in the hospital, call the church office, 493-7504. We won’t know if you don’t tell us. Come and mee t Pastor Larry & Regina in the LiCra ry immediate ly follo=ing the 10?45 Worship Service. 7:30pm Tuesday 1/6 11:15am 6:30pm 7:00pm Worship at the Windsor Every Wednesday at 11am join Pastor Larry for a small =ors hip se rvice at the Windsor Assisted Living Facility. One-On-One Grief Support Men call Terry Gree n at 445-4>>>. Women call Susan Wonnell at 412-41>7. Wednesday 8:15am 1/7 9:30am Bread & Coffee Time Memorial Hall Better Together Group MH Room 23 5:00pm Pastor’s Bible Study Sanctuary 6:00pm Dinner Memorial Hall 6:45pm Adult Choir Rehearsal Choir Room Exploration Station & the Current Family Life Center Pastor’s Social Parlor Parent Connection Group MH Room 24 Thursday 1/8 7:00am 9:30am 10:00am 4:30pm 5:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm Men’s Bible Study Breakfast Day Care Chapel Time Women’s Bible Study Adult Taekwondo Class Youth Taekwondo Class Adult Shim Soo Do Class Day Care Board MH Room 23 Choir Room Memorial Hall Family Life Center Family Life Center Family Life Center MH Conference Friday 1/9 7:00am 7:30am 9:00am Lawn & Garden Crew Men’s Bible Study Dance-Ercise Church Women United Disciple Class AL-ANON AA Men’s & Ladies’ Group Stephen Ministry Training Grounds MH Room 24 Family Life Center Memorial Hall MH Room 22-23 MH Room 24-25 MH Room 23 & 25 MH Room 24 Thursday Golf Let’s get togethe r for =eekly fun, fello=ship, and golf! For more informaBon, call Allen Meringer at 451-0964. 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am Saturday 1/10 9:30am 12noon 7:00pm 8:00am TODAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY A New Adult Bible School Class =ill s tart today at 9?00am in Memorial Hall Room 22-2>. Paul Baxendale =ill Ce sho=ing Dr. David Jeremiah's ne= DVD se ries "Agents of the Apocalypse." Everyone is =elcome to a<end. Pastor’s Social Wednesday, Jan 7 at 6?45pm Meet in the Memorial Hall Parlor for an informal Bme =ith Pastor Mike to ask MuesBons, Nnd out =hat it means to Ce a disciple at CUMC, and get to kno= othe rs. Please call the church office to RSVP so that =e kno= to e xpect you. Annual Women’s Bible Study by Lenee Schroeder Thursdays Ceginning January 8 All =omen are invited to meet in Memorial Hall at 10?00am Ceginning on Thursday, Jan 8 and conBnuing through FeC 12 for this study of the ParaCles of Jesus, “The Greatest Stories Ever Told”. Blood Drive next Sunday OneClood Blood MoCile =ill Ce on campus Sunday, Jan 11 for your convenience. Bring your photo id a nd eat a good Creakfast. DEBUNKED! StarBng Sunday, Jan 18, 4?>0pm Ever hear these statements? r ar n abu - Man bacay g Suc a )ab n - G ) - can a) ray u rgn - G an a u b ara rana r r) Join Mike and Jan Mandt on Sunday evenings in Memorial Hall for the ir =inte r series featuring D. James Kennedy’s S)n My Dbunk. Free, no regis traBon nee ded. Child care is availaCle. are presented Cy (A ChrisBan Social Group) Lunch & a Movie Monday, Jan 19 at noon The Hallman’s Celebrate 70 Years! Church Women United Potluck Luncheon Friday, Jan 9 at noon Meet in Memoria l Hall. Glenn Pe<y =ill prepare lunch. AQe r lunch =e =ill enjoy the Nlm, “InvesBgator” aCout a former policeman =ho Cecomes a high school teacher to trouCle d students. $5 for lunch, payaCle at the door. RESERVATIONS NEEDED. Call Pat Lysher at 4844>80 (aQer 9?>0am) Cefore F riday, Jan 17. Will Ce held here at CUMC in the Memorial Hall. Featured speaker =ill Ce from Selah Freedom aCout human trafficking in the Venice A rea. Bring canned food and RSVP to your Circle Leader. Brian Gurl in Concert! Coming Friday, Jan 2>, 7?00pm Disciple Class Begins again on Friday, Jan 9 Led Cy Roland & Shirley Fierce, this class meets on Friday mornings 10?00 Bl 11?>0am in Memorial Hall Room 2>. 7 But =hen he sa= many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to =here he =as CapBSing, he said to them? "You Crood of vipers! Who =arned you to flee from the coming =rath? 8 Produce fruit in keeping =ith repentance. 9 And do not think you can say to yourselves, 'We have ACraham as our father.' I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for ACraham. 10 The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit =ill Ce cut do=n and thro=n into the Nre. 11 I CapBSe you =ith =ater for repentance. But aQer me =ill come one =ho is more po=erful than I, =hose sandals I am not Nt to carry. He =ill CapBSe you =ith the Holy Spirit and =ith Nre. 12 His =inno=ing fork is in His hand, and He =ill clear His threshing floor, gathering His =heat into the Carn and Curning up the chaff =ith unMuenchaCle Nre." HerC & Ginny Hallman in celeCraBon of our 70th anniversary. Senior Singles Mingles HerCert & Virginia =e re married on Jan 5, 1945. They have t=o children, 5 grandchildren, and 14 great-grandchildren. ONLY 78 DAYS un9l the 2085 MISSIONS FESTIVAL Did you kno= tha t CUMC gives Nnancial support, =hich comes from you - our congregaBon - to >> individual miss ionaries, mission organiSaBons, and mission projects? Come to our Missions FesBval, FeCruary 4-8 and meet some of them. New Members Today: Harold & Penny Collins In the Sanctua ry? The group =ho Crought us the very popular musical “Ge rsh=in =ith a T=is t” is returning =ith a classy, enterta ining ne= sho=. Six performers join Brian to present a memoraCle and tasteful se lecBon of music in “Back to Barry, Billy & the Beatles”. Tickets are availaCle no= - $15. Ma<he= >?7-12 Scripture Reading 49>-2521 1>86 Maseno Drive, Venice >4292 Join during the 8?00 =orship service today in Full MemCership Cy transfer from another United Methodist Church locally. L E AD P A S T O R Rev . Mic ha el T. H uds on A S S IS T A N T P A S T O R Rev . La rry D . P o tts A S S IS T A N T P A S T O R Rob er t E . Hal ey TR E A S U R ER Jo Ell en Wh ip pl e S E CR E T A R Y M ich ele M orl ey DIS C IPL E S H IP & L A Y M IN IS T R Y Nan cy K in ney M U S IC M IN IS TR Y Cher yl S mi th / Bo bby W hip pl e Caro le S au l Y OU T H MIN IS TR Y Jeff D un n-R ank in / J on e tta Du dl ey M arci a S ch ab erg CH IL DR E N’ S M IN IS T R Y S usa n P en ce CH IL D D E V E L O P M E NT C EN T E R A ni ta B urton A CO L Y T E S Gi an na We eras oory ia & Ab by Us her OFFERINGS for Dec 21, 2014 General Fund Mortgage Pay ment Fund Ministry Through the Roof M-1000 Mission Fund Children’s Home Week 51 29,369 591 1,461 1,380 3,799 125 Year to Date Offerings General Fund Offerings Mortgage Pay ment Fund Ministry Through the Roof M-1000 Mission Fund (3/1/14-2/28/15) Children’s Home & Ranch 1,051,863 30,255 68,759 46,926 107,802 14,067 (2014) General Fund / Mortgage / Thru the Roof Weekly Av erage Budget (ytd) 21,679 Weekly Offering 31,421 Weekly Av erage Offering (ytd) 22,566 Income (November) Expenses (November) 116,853 94,947 Y TD Income (11/30/14) Y TD Expenses (11/30/14) 1,059,596 963,399 MORTG AGE RESERVE FUND 42,844 10/31/14 11/30/14 LOAN BALANCE 188,151 174,671 IMPORTANT END of YEAR FINANCIAL INFORMATION Center of Hope Christmas Thank You!! Thank you to all =ho donate d toys for Checks that are placed in the church offe ring on the Nrst Sunday in 2015 =ill NOT Mualify for a charitaCle deducBon in 2014 even if the check is pre -dated or actually =ri<en in 2014. Ho=ever, checks that are WRITTEN, MAILED, and POSTMARKED in 2014 =ill Ce credited for 2014 even though they are not received Cy the church unBl 2015. To e nsure the deducBCility of your contriCuBon, please do not Nle your 2014 tax return unBl you have received =ri<e n ackno=ledgement of your contriCuBon from the church. Some of your contriCuBons may not Ce tax deducBCle if you Nle your re turn Cefore receiving the =ri<en ackno=ledgement. the children and giQs for men and =omen =ho are in need or homeless in our community. We provided 190 Chris tmas giQs for adults and many toys for the Cente r of Hope toy givea=ay to needy families. You Crightened the lives of many this Chris tmas season! f M STEPHEN MINISTRY: Chris tmas and Ne= Years can Ce hecBc and if you are expe riencing a n illness, a diagnosis, or grief, the season can Cecome extremely stressful. At Bmes like these, our Ste phen Minis ters are ready to s tep in and Ce there for you as you try to Cring Calance Cack into your life. We listen, =e don't judge, and =e try to Cring a caring ChrisBan relaBonship to support you. You don't have to go it alone. Let a Stephen Minis ter share the proClem =ith you Cy calling a Stephen Leader, Judy OCregon 445-5682, Don Paull 497-5597 or Juli St. Cla ir 416-2171. ATTEND ANCE 8:00 Worship 97 LIBRARY CORNER 9:15 Worship 148 Slogan of the Week: 10:45 Worship 489 Children’s Church Total Worship Total Worship Sunday School Club Whatev er Salty Service 6 740 (last year) 725 95 0 39 Make a New Year’s resolution to read a book. Visit the church library and take home a book to read. If you are in 7th grade or up . . . Are you ready to say yes to Jesus and to e xplore joining His Church? ConNrmaBon is a process =here you =ill learn aCout =hat it means to Ce a ChrisBan and =hat it means to Ce come a memCe r of Chris t Unite d Methodist Church. You =ill a<e nd =eekly classes, go on an overnight retreat, and, if you are ready, make your stand on ConNrmaBon Sunday, March 22, 2015. Call the church office at 49>-7504 if you =ould like more details. Important: Child Protec9on Training! Thursday, Jan 85, 7:00 – 8:00pm If you =ork =ith our childre n or youth, or =ould like to in the future, please plan to a<end. This training session is reMuired Cy the Florida Confere nce. Our guest speakers =ill Ce from the Eagle’s Wings Counseling Center in Venice. Please call Michele at the church office to let he r kno= if you =ill Ce a<e nding. We kno= that your Bme is valuaCle. If you can’t a<end this meeBng, =e have an alternaBve! An informaBve course is availaCle on-line. It takes aCout 1 – 1½ hours to complete, =ith a simple MuiS at the end. We thank you for invesBng in children’s lives. - Susan Pence and Jone<a Dudley fr 2015 ar a)aab b ck u n aay f Mra Ha- ./S. a un Sunay, Jan 4, 2015 u - Special Thanks A special thank you to all those =ho rang Cells this season for the SalvaBon Army Red Ke<le Campaign. You =ere =onderful—God Cless. Bbb All Venice Area Mobile Meals needs Drivers Drivers are nee ded to deliver the meals from 11am to Noon. There a re 16 routes and most drivers deliver just one day per =eek. If you are intereste d in helping, please see Skip Jaehne =ith MuesBons, or ca ll VAMM directly, 488-1889. Acolyte Corner Epiphany is the third season of the liturgical church cale ndar. It Cegins on January 6, the date that =e rememCe r the visit of the =ise men and Chris t’s manifestaBon to the genBle =orld. Epiphany means “revelaBon”. We are cele CraBng the revelaBon that Jes us came as God’s Son. The color green is used Cecause gree n is the color that signiNes nature, gro=th, and ne= life. During Epiphany, =e gro= in the kno=ledge tha t Jesus came as a CaCy to Ce our Savior. Epiphany lasts unBl Lent. Want to help someone out in the New Year? Our CUMC college s tudents =ould really appre ciate your donaBons to the Scholarship Fund. Have a happy Ne= Year!
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