From by guest on January 20, 2015. For personal use only. A Clinicopathologic Correlation Syndrome. By A retrospective blind eosinophilic logic to the marrow findings. phosphatase grading system. score. individuals the who did hematologic groups of based with on which not have all tests This the peripheral those clearly defined then, describe major multiple this organ designations disorder, system eosi nophilic have each drawing involved. These leukemia dissemi ,2 nated collagen disease,7 and endomyocardial eosiniphilia.8 Hardy and Anderson blood and bone hematologic scoring in this article may be useful in prospectively effective therapy in this disorder. evaluating Hypereosinophilia to eosi nophilic system 1968, Since idiopathic and the with the Hematology Institute Bethesda, Submitted Address symptoms of March infectious involvement. Parrillo is not instituted 4. 1981; within 1-2 wk, is noted hydroxyurea at maintain the methotrexate, and blood by aspiration and Department. H.R.G.) National rate institutes of CPD, Bethesda, by Grune accepted Md. & Stratton, Clinical 20205. Inc. July R. 23. 1981. Gralnick, Center, NIH. Building Chief 10, who were number. and are begun between on to to 6000 a lesser and degree cyclophosphamide, for count was blood smears, bone preparations were stained biopsy and and of fibrosis, A 200-cell blood and on examination and of eosinophils. and size, Periph- biopsy Romanowsky prepared aspiof the myelopoiesis, aspirations, were and sections degree and sections aspirate peripheral a modified and eosinophilia. maturation marrow with variation, and noted erythropoiesis vacuolization, and features evaluated abnormalities; specimens of response were morphological on all Other and smears morphological degree at NIH hematologists of the course presence and obtained by two blood count, performed were smear marrow unaware cellularity, available. bone reviewed Biopsy content, smears aspirate days If progression modification included Peripheral differential evaluated aspirate and were red blood cell (RBC) size eral M.D.. smear patients. number, differential National by therapy vincristine. or biopsy, of the WBC outlined patients used have for system infiltration. dosage agents study evidence to alternate count for and symptomatology initially. agent, (WBC) et al.” mm signs organ are a decrease with and were of the Evaluation peripheral to therapy NIH antieosinophil utilized cytotoxic of this of of significant with cell lack to esoinophilic 1 g/day blood the by Chusid management 3 mo on this span Hematologic (2) manifest of to evidence Specific regimen after Other the time busulfan, drug white for referrable a dose mm. I 0,000/cu of et al.’2 60 mg/day is the Treatments Six patients the diagnosis as outlined (3) plan involvement of the disease for and and admitted disease; Schooley initially immaturity; Investigation, Disease. to Harvey 0006 -497l/81/5805--0025$Ol.00/0 1012 Pathology of patients of I 500 eosinophils/cu 6 mo associated with and unless patients system Prednisone, been syndrome eosinophilia; Rationale or organ during have as previously men. The criteria eosinophilia or death before et al.’#{176} and (M.A.F. planning of granulation, requests Service, 5N-236, © I 981 and Clinical of Clinical This predicting or groups Criteria hypereosinophilic causes other either Md. reprint Hematology Service, Laboratory of Allergy Health, Room and in METHODS AND patients a persistent than six mo megakaryocyte Center syndromes. syndrome. hypereosinophilic Initial described 32 ( 1) are: longer were From scores abnormalities useful individuals Patients: evaluation undertaken women and 26 were platelet Clinical of abnormalities. seems MATERIALS selected hematologic parameters correlated the severity of the disease and responsiveness The hematologic number cytogenetic hypereosinophilic while low syndrome could be predictive of either progression of disease or response to therapy, we have studied retrospectively all available admission hematologic data of 32 patients with hypereosinophilic syndrome studied at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In these to therapy. and/or the require therapy. myeloproliferative scoring therapy not cytotoxic higher in hematologic other organ systems variably involved. In a preliminary attempt to determine whether the degree and severity of the hematologic manifestation at initial evaluation of patients with the hypereosinophilic patients, well with seen of to the included eosinophilia a significant type with disease introduced marrow significantly of term “hypereosinophilic syndromes” to encom pass these nosologic entities and draw attention to the interrelationships among these disorders.9 A constant feature of these disorders has been both peripheral had did therapy. required and those who prednisone patients and used attention have patients of to myelofibrosis eosinophils in 1912.’ been group to quotients as two with and responded quotients similar R. Gralnick such hypereosinophilic individuals Harvey for by use HE IDIOPATHIC proliferation of was initially recognized by Stillman Since a who second and of or These and normalized performed study the and scores therapy In addition be S. Fauci, hematologic blood formulation also idiopathic were hyper- Hypereosinophilic Manifestations Anthony a hemato- B12 levels. allowed could Schooley, the determinations. data group T. utilizing the within One patients cytogenetics. quotient. patients syndrome. T was alkaline hematologic Robert undertaken that Idiopathic I. Hematologic Flaum, of 32 was system bone leukocyte A. study syndrome scoring and Morris of the touch stain, as and previously esbed’3 WBC were counts, obtained hemoglobin as previously determinations, and described.’4 Blood, Vol. Leukocyte 58. platelet counts alkaline phos- No. 5 (November). 1981 From by guest on January 20, 2015. For personal use only. HYPEREOSINOPHILIA: (LAP) phatase et al.’5 Dr. HEMATOLOGIC scores were Chromosomal J. Whang Vitamin B,2 was Dr. of the score system was based known myeloproliferative in I or abnormalities the marrow were aggressive all abnormal parameters to the in score hematologic findings lines The of state. Table I were was divided by bone bone criteria that found ranged total and Since data points their a for for possible t test and performed analysis was Gehan test.’ performed using Stepwise by Jennrich as described the Student’s discriminant and was Sampson.’9 RESULTS The eosinophils of these appearing eosinophilic vacuolization, cells morphological maturation to cells degranulation, although were and there abnormality. were primarily Table Peripheral that 1 . Hematologic Grading red blood cell morphological abnormalities 1 platelets Increased Myeloid dyspoiesis Basophilia (>200 Immature WBCs Myeloblasts or hypersegmentation cells/cu 1 mm) 2 or progranulocytes 2 or myelocytes 1 Metamyelocytes and/or promyelocytes, were evident and in the percentage of eosinophils differential of 33%. count seen in only were seen in five megakaryocytopoiesis marrow patients. patients, were eosinophils collagen stains but no identi- Two specimens With increased. performed increase were in 17 in reticulin only mildly revealed Megakaryocytes marrow specimens. ranged In all were were Of these, 6 revealed although the majority Correlation three biopsy and aspirate sections to markedly hypercellular. bone increase were decreased in in I 3 Therapy Requiring No Therapy followed for a mean of 36.2 mo/patient (range 14-90 mo), have required no specific therapy. The hematologic data are summarized in Table 2. One patient presented with less than 1 500 eosinophils/l initially, platelets Decreased of and Six patients, 2 severe the Patients - to The changes fled. Bone marrow from normocellular increased. System Anemia Moderate Large platelets abnormalities collagen fibers. of the 32 bone in nuclear and blood smear. megaloblastic patients. fibers, large, had partial had cytoplasmic was no systematic Abnormalities hyposegmentation (blasts, changes) in the initial bone marrow from 7% to 57% with a mean Reticulin seen in the peripheral blood smears ranged from normal-sized, normal- patients abnormalities and nuclear marrow cases Characteristics Morphological noneosino- blasts with two-tailed analysis of of that patient. Statistical of the presence The major abnormalities of the peripheral RBCs were teardrop forms and nucleated RBCs. In the bone marrow, disorderly erythropoiesis was uncommon, every percentage the to more pertaining available as the Similar cytoplasmic (i.e., indicating Abnormalities included promyelocytes, presence of myelocytes and metamyelocytes, abnormalities of cytoplasm (hypergranulanity, etc.) as well as the aforementioned nuclear changes. bone the in other not WBC marrow for defined phil bone marrow aspirate smear, although they were more readily identifiable in the peripheral blood smear. Charcot-Leyden crystals were commonly found in the thrombocy- importance less specific From 2 points anemia, cytogenetics. as with to findings precursors of were patients allocated (i.e., a grading syndrome(s). abnormalities be knowl- assigned importance myeloid quotient hematologic hematologic of Whang.’6 to any was in other relative hematologic outlined the and prior patient I . The cell 1 point not or accelerated patient, the blood, felt devised each myelodysplastic of other as were hypersegmentation. laboratories of Tjio findings of immature and designated presence the In general, peripheral myelofibrosis), on or presence or was in Table part 2 points. topenia), method and we designated indicated of Rutenberg in the by radioimmunoa55ay.l system as outlined experience, by using by the 1013 method performed information hematologic our own E. Chu grading clinical by the were determined A hematologic edge determined analysis and MANIFESTATIONS but this increased soon after admission and has persisted above 1 5OO/tl. The mean of the hemoglobin values and platelet counts were normal in this group. There were no major morphological abnormalities of the RBCs, nor was there blood or bone marrow basophilia, increase in mature WBCs, or fibrosis. Bone marrow Hypercellularity Mild-moderate 1 Marked 2 Decreased megakaryocytes 1 Myelofibrosis Myeloid (> 1 % of differential) Myeloblasts-progranulocytes 2 (> 5% of differential) 2 Abnormal cytogenetics 2 Increased B,2 1 LAP-abnormal and/or were seen in the peripheral Cytogenetic abnormalities in one patient, respectively. common dyspoiesis Basophilia Dyspoiesis phil WBCs one patient. were seen _i__ B,2. The untreated significantly apy for However, hypersegmentation abnormality was of an elevation noneosino- blood of only and low LAP The most of the vitamin mean hematologic score (Table 2) in this group was 2.33 (±0.61), which differed (p < 0.005) from patients requiring thenthe hypereosinophilic syndrome (Fig. 1). the hematologic scone of patients who From by guest on January 20, 2015. For personal use only. 1014 FLAUM Table Penpherie 2. Hematologic Findings. Treatment Blood ET AL. Group Bone Other Marrow MB RBC Patient 1 13.1 2 14.4 3 13.5 4 15.3 5 14.7 6 14.5 WBC --- Abn Nb WBC - .0.3 + 6.8 0 5.1 0 6.9 2.3 0 8.1 3.3 0 5.0 1.1 0 12.5 6.0 0 4.1 0/6 Mye#{234}o ---- -- Dysp 9.1 9.6 Mye#{234}o.d 1mm 16.6 O/6t 14.3 Eos Baso - 1/6 Cell Fibro Mega Base Dysp - 127 NC - N - 317 NC - N - 161 NC - N - 246 NC ND N - 140 NC ND N - - 242 1 0/6 206 1/6 .9 +1.6 Myed PIt PG -- ---- - N - 0/6 0/6 - 0/6 Hen, Eos Cyto LAP B,2 33 N ND N 20 N N H 1 10 10% ND H 3 23 N L N 1 14 N N N 2 - - 0/4 % >5% - 43 N N H 0/6 24 1/6 L 1/4 3/6 #{247}30 Score 5 2 2.33 ±5 ±61 hemoglobin; RBC Abn. red blood cell abnormality; WBC. white blood cell count. 1O’/cu mm; Eos. eosinophils. 1O’/cu mm; WBC mm. white blood cat immetisuty: 0-none. mItamyslocytes. 2 -my&oblasts. proanulocytes; Myelo.d Dysp.. mye4o.d dyspoieess; Been, basophilsa; Ptt. platelet count. 1O’/cu mm; Cell. bone marrow ce4lularity: NC-normoc&lu. moderately herceBu. 2 -markedly hyperceilular; Myelo-hbro. myelofibrosis; Mega. megakaryocytes; MB. PG. myeloblasts. proanulocytes; Cyto. cytogenetics; LAP. Hb. 1 -myelocytes. 1 -mildly ocytes to aahne tase. 0. not es.nt; #{149} ± fNurnber + . standard abnorma’ responded from the present; ND. not error of the msen. over tot& number N. ncrrn&; 1. decreased; H. to the Although < increased. of patients. to prednisone was not significantly untreated group. The hematologic the untreated group significantly different nisone therapy (p compared therapy. detetmaned; different quotient of was 9.83 ± 2.63, which also was from all patients receiving pred0.005), but not significant when patient the who mean responded (± SEM) 20- to prednisone WBC counts 0 0 0 15- aciD w 0 0 0 U) p<.005 10 quently received cant (0.5 < p therapeutic 00 30,500 ± 5100 per 900vensus4500 in those patients 0.1). intervention cu mm) and 3200 per who subse- ± therapy, < The ± these values were not signifiinterval from diagnosis to in the patients requiring apy was significantly shorten (Gehan test, Z p < 0.001) when compared to the interval from nosis in the untreated Patients then= 3.24, diag- group. Responding to Prednisone Of the 26 patients who were placed on conticostenoid therapy, 9 responded adequately to prednisone. An adequate response to therapy is defined as lack of progression of disease or subjective and objective improvement in signs and symptoms of disease activity. Five of the six female patients are included in the prednisone-nesponsive 0 0 0 (9600 ± 1600 versus eosinophilcounts(4l00 cu mm) were higher time for this I 1 yn). The group. The group is 50 mo/patient hematologic data mean follow-up (range for this I- presented in Table group is noteworthy. w to moderate bone marrow hypencellulanity (5 patients) and low on high LAP (6 patients). No peripheral blood WBC immaturity on abnormality in platelet count on I 5- 0 cytogenetics was 3. The heterogeneous Most commonly 10 mo to group are noted. Further, there nature of the noted were mild was no increase in either fibrosis on myeloblasts and progranulocytes in the bone marrow. The hematologic scone in this subgroup was 3.44 ± 0.77, a value that did not differ significantly from the F’ ‘J No Therapy Required Theapy Required Fig. 1 . Hematologic score comparing the patients requiring no therapy versus patients requiring therapy. The treated group of patients included those patients receiving prednisone or cytotoxic therapy. The bar and brackets represent the mean ± SEM. The mean hematologic score of the treated group was 8.81 and for the group requiring no therapy 2.33. untreated patients, but was from the patients who required 2). The hematologic quotient significantly different cytotoxic therapy (Fig. showed similar differ- ences (Fig. 3). The mean WBC higher when compared to (19,600 ± 3400 versus 9600 was not significantly different count was significantly the untreated group ± 1600, p < 0.05) but when compared to the cytotoxic therapy group (19,600 ± 3400 versus From by guest on January 20, 2015. For personal use only. HYPEREOSINOPHILIA: HEMATOLOGIC Table Penpher 1015 MANIFESTATIONS at 3. Hema tologic Findi ngs. Pr edniso ne Responders Blood Merrow Bone Other MB RBC Patient WBC Myeloid WBC Eos 1mm Dysp Base 7 11.0 - 43.6 25.7 0 + - 3B7 1 ND N - - 8 9 14.0 - 9.6 2.4 0 - - 332 NC - H - - 12.9 - 17.9 6.4 0 - - 349 1 ND L - 10 13.9 - 19.2 9.8 0 + - 216 1 ND L 11 a.7 + 19.2 7.1 0 - - 532 1 - 12 16.5 - 12.0 4.1 0 - - 403 NC 13 12.6 - 16.9 13.4 0 - - 208 14 11.5 + 25.7 10.5 0 - - 15 16.7 - 12.0 1.6 0 + + 13.1 2/9 19.6 9.2 3/9 1/9 320 ±3.4 ±2.4 ±.1 (21,900 ± 4500/cu LAP B,, - 51 N H N 5 - 10 N N N 0 - - 57 N H H 4 - + - 42 N L H 6 N - - - 31 N L N 6 ND N - - - 46 ND L N 1 NC - N + - - 3B ND L N 3 234 1 - N - - 22 5 221 NC - N - - - 5/9 0/5 L 1/9 1/9 0/9 mm). 20’ 0 0 0 ocx: >5% 2/9 N H N N N H 1 34 0/7 L 3/9 3.44 ±6 3/9 H 1/9 3/9 Requiring Seventeen mo/patient Cytotoxic patients, (range ±77 Therapy followed 1-108 Score 7 H Patients for a mean mo) required period of 38 cytotoxic then- apy. When compared to the group responding to prednisone, the patients in this treatment category received prednisone for a significantly shorten period of time no 15 Hem % Cyto eosinophil not differ untreated therapy Base PG Eos ±37 36,200 ± 7300, p > 0.05). The mean of the count was 9200 ± 2400/cu mm and did significantly when compared to either the group (4100 ± 900/cu mm), or the cytotoxic group Cell Mye#{234}o.d Dyap Abn 0/9 PIt Mye#{234}oFibro Mega Hb (Gehan test, significant Z = difference treatment responded therapy between those to and those that (Wilcoxon test, U is clear that prednisone 3.76, p in duration = < 0.001). of We found prednisone patients who ultimately ultimately failed cytotoxic 26,p > 0.10); however, responders had a scone it of 6 on w 0 n.s. 0 U) 0 80- p <.001 0 0 0 0 10 00 -I 0 70- n.s. p<.001 00 Z60 0 I- COD W I p < 0 w I 5- 0 00 0 ci 00 0 40 0 - -J 20’ 00 u No Therapy Prednusone Cytotoxic Required Responders Therapy Required Hematologic scores comparing patients requiring no therapy. those who responded to prednisone and those requiring cytotoxic therapy. The mean hematologic score for the patients requiring no therapy was 2.33. for the patients who responded to prednisone 3.44. and for the group requiring cytotoxic therapy 1 1 .7. The bars and brackets represent the mean ± SEM. The differences between the untreated group and the prednisone responders was not significant. while comparison of the cytotoxic therapy group against either the prednisone responders or the untreated group was significant at p < 0.001. Fig. 2. 0 0 I 10 - ± No Therapy Required Prednisone Responders Cytotoxic Therapy Required Fig. 3. Hematologic quotient comparison of the same groups as Fig. 2. The hematologic quotient for patients who required no therapy was 9.81 #{149} for the patients who responded to prednisone therapy was 14.8 and for the patients requiring cytotoxic therapy was 53.8. The bar and brackets represent the mean ± SEM. From by guest on January 20, 2015. For personal use only. 1016 FLAUM ET AL. 100 . (I) Fig. of the patients who responded tQ prednisone versus patients who required cytotoxic therapy. Ninety percent of patients requiring cytotoxic therapy had a score greater than 6. while 1 00% of prednisone responders had a score of 6 or less. Two patients who required cytotoxic therspy had scores of 5 or 6. The data indicate that scores greater than 6 are associated with an aggressive form of disease. while scores less than I 4. Comparison hematologic -J 0 w 060 U I 40 ,_30 O.--.O z . 20 Prednisone . Responders Cytotoxic Therapy (9) Required (17) 10 a- I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1213 HEMATOLOGIC adequate 16, Table and 6 4). Therapeutically, three subgroups. group patients can be divided did not receive into an no further patient to the therapy due to age and debili- patients (nos. 17 and on cytotoxic therapy 4, responded to cytotoxic therapy. T able 4. Periptier Hemat 5 are busulfan The respond (no. 25). remaining four to cytotoxic data of patients in the associated who either for therapy prednisone. with all with patients had no requirement or responded hydroxyurea, (no. 20) patients therapy of and while one another (nos. 29-32) (hydroxyurea). the patients cytotoxic therapy failed who summarized in Table blood abnormalities to to The required 4. appeared group. Greaten than 75% of patients demonstrated anemia and RBC abnormalities, and more than 60% demonstrated abnormalities in platelet counts, dyspoiesis of noneosinophil granulocytes, and basophilia. WBC immaturity 19, but occurred less frequently. cytes were present in the patients and metamyelocytes Myeloblasts and peripheral and blood myelocytes progranuloin 3 of 17 in 4 of I 7 patients. Seven ologic were treated cyclophosphamide in died prior to delivery of a course of therapy that could be evaluated for its efficacy. These patients received myleran and 6-mencaptopunine. Nine patients, including the other female, nos. 2028 in Table I 19 20 cytotoxic therapy are Multiple peripheral (no. 18) died within days of being NIH and prior to institution of chemo- therapy. The two remaining Table 4) were placed directly I patients received hematologic trial of cytotoxic therapy. One patient (no. 4) failed to respond to a trial of prednisone received ty. One admitted this Four I 15 16 17 18 SCORE less while over 90% of the patients who eventually required cytotoxic therapy had a scone greater than (Fig. I 14 score Findin gs. Cytotoxic ie Blood Thera py Group Bone Merrow Other MB RBC Patient Hb Abn - WBC Eos WBC mm MyeIo.d Dysp Been PIt C.U MyeloFibro Mega Baso Myelosd Dyap Hem PG % >5% Eos Cyto LAP B,2 Score 16 12.6 17.7 12.4 0 + - 129 2 + N - - - 21 N L N 17 10.2 ND 80.0 59.2 0 ND - 158 2 + L ND ND ND ND N I ND 18 9.4 ND 68.7 24.7 1 ND + 786 2 ND N ND ND ND ND Ph’ ND ND 40.5 34.4 0 ND - ND 5% L H 26.5 21.5 0 44 N N H 5 22.1 14.1 2 + 57 N N H 16 70.0 2 18 1 24.2 1 -- 248 NC ND N ND ND ND 1 ND L - - - + 112 ND ND L + + + + 320 2 ND N + + - 57 30% H H + + 178 1 - L ND ND ND ND N L H 11 + + 128 2 ND L - + - 34 N I H 15 0 - + 530 2 ND L - - - 14 24% L N 10 0 - + 266 NC ND N + - - 36 10% N H 8 6.4 0 ND + 182 1 + N + - - 29 N L N B 11.4 8.6 0 + - 109 2 - L + - - 56 N H H 12.5 6.1 0 #{247} 132 1 + L - + + 36 ND N H 13 10.5 13.3 21 12.2 22 11.0 + 23 13.1 + 16.8 24 11.2 f 69.0 25 15.2 + 43.5 25.7 26 13.7 + 39.1 30.5 27 15.4 ND 13.4 28 13.9 + 29 15.4 0 6.8 31 11.6 32 10.7 12.1 ±.6 + + + 10/3 - 113.0 3.1 7.9 - - 9 1.2 0 + - 36 2 + L - + - 31 76% N H 15 9.4 2 + - 101 2 ND I - + - 45 N H H 15 23.0 15.6 1 + + 12772 + L + + + 24 30% ND H 20 36.2 21.9 7/17 2/13 37 7/16 L 12/15 +7.3 +4.6 9/13 10/17 226 ±45 14/16 6/8 11/17 6/13 7/13 ±5 7/15 3/iS chemotherapy. 6 15.2 H Recennng 8 10 301 19 20 30#{149} ND 11 11.65 ±1.04 From by guest on January 20, 2015. For personal use only. HYPEREOSINOPHILIA: HEMATOLOGIC The bone marrow 14 of the MANIFESTATIONS demonstrated 16 patients hypercellulanity in whom able for evaluation. Fibrosis mens, while megakaryocytes Myeloid Increase dyspoiesis also in myeloblasts occurred in only specimens occurred commonly and progranulocytes Abnormal evaluation in the B,2, and common findings. The patients who responded to from lower incidence brosis (2/8). (1 /3) and bone marrow The mean WBC count was and The mean as a whole count hematologic was did (50 versus 66, p patients chemotherapy demonstrated creased megakanyocytes, maturation vitamin all 3 > ± mm. was 0.10). failed to respond thrombocytopenia, abnormalities of to demyeloid in the bone marrow, and elevation B,2 levels. Myelofibnosis was demonstrated patients in whom biopsies were of in available. Further, the 2 patients who had greater than 5% myeloblasts and prognanulocytes fell into this treatment failure category. The mean of the hematologic sconeandquotient, tively, was 15.8 not significantly ± l.5and66.3 ± different from therapy responsive group. The mean count of these 4 patients was 13,500 eosinophil count was 8000 ± patient was receiving chemotherapy these values were Discriminant ± involvement important syndromes. system that WBC mm; One that Analysis analysis, utilizing hematocount, yielded classification These values resulted in the No Therapy Required Prednisone Responders advanced in group, laboratory patient table, that two one from heterogeneity of to patient suggested to responders the two In order to apply the hematoto each patient, we devised the which allowed for “comparison” score. It is important to restate individuals who were of the hematologic scoring involved in system, Total therapy the analy- sis of the initial laboratory data, and interpretation of the bone marrow and peripheral blood smears had no prior knowledge of the patients’ courses. We feel that this type of objective grading system can be implein other with the studies of individuals or hypeneosinophilic syndromes. groups of The morphological abnormalities of the eosinophils in this disorder, notably increased size, irregular cytoplasmic granulation and vacuolization, and nuclear hypoand hypersegmentation, have been commented on previously.2’20 In our study, the abnormalities in the Classification Matrix Cytotoxic Therapy Responders Cytotoxic Therapy Nonresponders Percent Correct 5 1 0 0 83 3 6 0 0 67 therapy responders Cytotoxic us to subdivide the hypeneosinobasis of hematologic findings. hematologic picture would be Prednisone Cytotoxic the and the system No therapy required one in subclassifying the hypereosinophilic We arbitrarily set a hematologic scoring included findings in the peripheral blood, their initial admission. logic scoring system hematologic quotient, of each hematology mented patients 5. in the bone marrow, and certain other studies previously shown to be useful in classifying hematologic disondens, i.e., B,2 levels, cytogenetics, LAP. Since this was a retrospective study, it was readily obvious that all patients might not have all studies performed during that Table and from development chemo- 3000/cu mm. at the time As noted made in the group therapy. In only to prednisone response group and cytotoxic responder to nonnesponder. that we might be able philic syndrome on the We felt that the entire the obtained. Stepwise discniminant logic score and eosinophil functions for each group. a patient clinical 5.8,respec- of the 4100/cu 5. an DISCUSSION The for this subgroup who was connect group with of the classification idiopathic hypeneosinophilic syndrome(s) great variability in progression of organ . Each of the four not myelofidyspoiesis 11,000/cu 1 1 I ± I .4, a value that did not differ significantly from that of the patients who did not respond to chemotherapy (0.05 < p < 0.1). The mean of the hematologic quotients was likewise not statistically significant in Table a 6500/cu ± presented of classification was respond to cytotoxic agents (3/9), myeloid 39,400 are the nontherapy patient from were cytotoxic of cases into the 79%. The results of instances by demonstrating 23,000 score matrix (>5%) LAP classification accuracy no error cytogenetics, of thrombocytopenia eosinophil avail- in 54%. abnormal differed mm in were occurred in 6 of 8 speciwere decreased in 65%. 2 patients. the group 1017 0 1 7 1 78 0 0 0 4 100 79 From by guest on January 20, 2015. For personal use only. 1018 eosinophil series were not these various subgroups syndromes. significant of the Little attention has been noneosinophil granulocytes immaturity. Morphologically, clear and cytoplasmic given save Red blood to abnormalities for the presence abnormalities of maturation were cell morphological an indicator in delineating hypeneosinophilic of of nu- evident in I 2 of 28 patients teardrop blood. patients forms and nonmoblasts in the peripheral These changes were seen primarily in the requiring more aggressive therapy. Similarly, the incidence disease of and was somewhat reponted.2’ syndrome anemia increased present in 53% lower incidence The concurrence and enythnocytosis Thrombocytopenia cases and thnombocytosis by Benvenisti and 16%, respectively, decreased of our decreased patients. than was Ultmann.2 An incidence was found in our were and decreased with the severity failed and megakaryocytes. An elevated WBC count has been recognized as an indicator of a poor prognosis. In patients with a WBC count greaten than 100,000/cu mm, the 9-mo survival was 25%. Both the WBC and eosinophil counts in our series showed a trend requiring therapy and to higher statistically ences were evident when untreated were compared cytotoxic therapy. Data from the counts in significant those patients to the patients literature patients differ- who remained who required is inconclusive regarding the level on significance of vitamin B,2 in hypereosinophilic syndromes,22’23 while in our patients vitamin B,2 was elevated in 60% with an 80% incidence in the group of patients who required cytotoxic therapy. Cytogenetic analysis had been both normal24 and abnormal authors have considered these of the neoplastic 29 patients sis. Seven showed of these nature of this reported to reveal kanyotypes.2531 Many findings to be indicative disorder. Eight abnormalities in cytogenetic patients required cytotoxic of our analytherapy. Further, of the 3 patients who failed a trial of hydnoxyurea, 2 were shown to have aneuploidy. It appears that the finding of abnormal chnomosomal analysis is both the leukemoid and were reaction, myelofibrosis, CGL.’3 and possibly found Although differences, frequency ing more myeloid the in a phase of there were no striking intergroup was a tendency to increased abnormality in the patients requirtherapy. Seven of the I 0 patients there of LAP aggressive in the chemotherapy had low LAP scones. Myelofibrosis has associated metaplasia accelerated group who been seen had with either abnormal values previously2’3334 course on blastic transformation. with increases in myeloblasts and of the reviewed who with is This in 3 patients. extent that all patients had both thrombocytopenia values been of 3 1% and series, and found disorder of previously found in two-thirds in 3% of the cases The findings of thnombocytopenia marrow magakanyocytes correlated to the severity of the hypeneosinophilic has also been reported.2’ megakaryocytes of disease chemotherapy with aggressive to therapy. low LAP number of our patients. LAP is well known to be reduced in chronic granulocytic leukemia (CGL)32 while elevations are present in disparate disorders, including In our for abnormalities were consisted primarily of and of a more of a poor response Both high and appreciated both in the peripheral blood and bone marrow.20 series, these findings correlated with a requirement more intensive therapy. a ET AL. FLAUM a rapidly and has progressive The two progranulocytes patients had concomitant myelofibnosis, one of whom has subsequently developed blastic transformation. Myelofibnosis was demonstrated in each of the three patients who had biopsies hydroxyurea performed therapy. in the Myelofibnosis, group that failed in the hypereo- sinophilia syndrome, is thus associated with progressive and less therapeutically responsive den. A similar situation exists in CGL.’3 The compilation logic score, of these entities its derivative, and a more disor- to form a hematothe hematologic quotient, allows one to separate those patients who require no therapy or prednisone therapy from those who will subsequently require chemotherapy. As can be seen from Fig. 3, all patients who did not receive therapy had hematologic scones of 5 on less with a mean scone of 2.33, while only 30% of patients who were felt to require prednisone on cytotoxic agents had scones group in this range. was 8.8 1 The . the untreated many of the absent in group factors this comparison demonstrates in myeloblasts however, is 6 or less, while required cytotoxic therapy were mean of the hematologic quotients and are No patient with that were a score hypersegmyeloid progranulocytes. evident when a are made. Figure 2 score of all predni90% of patients who above this value. The is also significantly different. In comparing patients with with those greaten than 6, several evident. latter score in i.e., RBC abnormalities; blood and bone marrow of treatment groups that the hematologic responders this of the fact this scone myelofibnosis; dyspoiesis and of the bone marrow noneosinophil cells; and increase Greater differences, sone score of hematologic is a reflection that comprise subgroup, peripheral WBC immaturity; basophilia; mentation The mean low mean scores of 6 on less differences were of 6 or less had WBC From by guest on January 20, 2015. For personal use only. HYPEREOSINOPHILIA: HEMATOLOGIC immaturity myelofibrosis, in blasts and progranulocytes. peripheral previously blood recognized classification The philic syndrome Some have the peripheral on an elevated blood, bone marrow percentage of myeloThe has been considered a major the our data, syndrome into a phase. The benign who have divide benign phase phase consists increased the counts second group, comprised of the two accelerated subgroups. accelerated individuals (oven low hematologic scones and quotients, no specific therapy or respond to not respond to steroid therapy. In cell do addition, the subgroups of syndrome and bone marrow and phase patients or by a and peripheral decreased megakaryothere appears to be a with have the been able values at the time would not who In this last group eosinophilic form plastic syndrome. hypeneosinophilic to require of their therapy predict from the of presentation those therapy corti- or only disease, and those who to control their disease. of patients, their of myelopnolifenative these disease may be an on myelodys- ACKNOWLEDGMENT B,2, LAP, individuals have biochemical evidence, i.e., cytogenetics, to suggest that they truly have proliferative disorder. These patients require therapy to control their disease. The second in thrombocytopenia, In the accelerated costenoids for control require more intensive be of patients who tend to have abnormalities of other series and generalized hyperplasia of the marrow, group of chemo- progranulocytes patients require The phase, appears to The first, a group to be that to cytotoxic of patients is characterized of myelofibnosis, myeloblasts, hematologic I 500/z1), and who prednisone. appears responsive true continuum ofdiseases; we have seen one patient in the accelerated group who developed acute leukemia. In this study we were able to define separate was hypereosinophilic and an of those eosinophil of leuke- syndrome phase not are therapy. This group very high incidence blood, cytes. of controversy. a form the of has been indicator.” hypereosino- issue syndrome we can the accelerated patients who significance WBC immaturity as a poor prognostic of the idiopathic mia,2 while others doubted that even a neoplastic proliferation.7’3536 From 1019 MANIFESTATIONS a myelocytotoxic group of The authors statistical inant wish to thank analysis, analysis, David Robertson, Lynda Ray and Laurie crisis in chronic and M.D. AIling, Arthur M.D. for assistance for performing Tuchman with discrim- for secretarial assistance. REFERENCES I RG: Stillman . of eosinophil 2. 3. DS, HP, leukemia. 4. case Am TS, with autopsy 4:603, J Med 6. JP, Report of , Krivit W: 1977 15. 16. leukemia. of the Report of literature. a Med AJ, Engfeldt Wochenchr Weber J Med HW: 34:52, 8. WC, eosinophilia. Hardy WR, Chusid Ann Mi, Dale syndrome. 12. Schooley ment AAF, with 18. eosino- eosinophilic DG, 19. collagen Carbone PP: spectrum. 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Hematologic manifestations MA Flaum, RT Schooley, AS Fauci and HR Gralnick Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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