The Baptism of the Lord January 10-11, 2015 Saturday, January 10th Vigil: The Baptism of the Lord 4:00 pm Reconciliation / 4:30 pm Rosary 5:00 pm Mass Intention: For Our Parish Sunday, January 11th, The Baptism of the Lord 8:30 am Mass Intention: † Robert Lucas Cady 10:40 am Rosary 11:00 am Mass Intention: † Nancy T. Brown Monday, January 12th, 8:30 am Mass Intention: Donnie Townsend Tuesday, January 13th, St. Hilary, Bishop & Doctor of the Church 5:15 pm Mass Intention: † Anthony Gillispie Wednesday, January 14th, 8:30 am Mass Intention: † Joe Hautman 6:30 pm Choir Practice 7:30 pm Handbell Practice Thursday, January 15th 5:15 pm Mass Intention: Jennifer Powers 7:00 pm Respect Life Meeting Friday, January 16th 8:30 am Mass Intention: † Elsie Borgman Saturday, January 17th Vigil: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time 4:00 pm Reconciliation / 4:30 pm Rosary 5:00 pm Mass Intention: † Jim McKenna Sunday, January 18th, Second Sunday of Ordinary Time 8:30 am Mass Intention: For Our Parish 11:00 am Mass Intention: † Helen R. Valencia . MINISTRY SCHEDULE for January 17&18, 2015: TEAM 3 5:00pm 8:30am 11:00am Mass Usher/Greeters: B. & B. Ickenroth J. Merrilees & J. Chrisman R. & J. Tyler J. & S. Fairfield S. Hutchinson & R. Schuler S. & C. Couch Extraordinary Ministers: S. Alwin C. Deville J. Miller D. Fedroff S. Wagner T. Fedroff J. Hagedorn A. Hutchinson A. Townsend Lectors: K. Merrilees M. Neff G. Schewe B. Ullrich Gabe Haverkos Abby Haverkos Elsa Meek William Townsend Altar Servers: Andrew Armbruster Kennedy Miller Coffee & Donuts 01/18/15 8:30 Vincents 11:00 Walters 01/25/15 8:30 Martings 11:00 Cigolotti Counters: 01/12/15 Team 4: J. Miller, C & J Hill, A. Hutchinson 01/20/15(Tues.) Team 5: M. Kaiser, A. Townsend, J. Glenn, J. Armbruster “I came so that they might have life and have it more abudantly.” ~ John 10:10 *Dena McCarter; *Patti Grow; *Diana Moore; *Debby Grubb; *Aloisia Mattl, *Pat Gerke, *Charles Daria, *Steve Mund; *Mary Ann Conaway;*Ray Wandstrat;*Linda Wittkorn; * Hazel Kluebber; *Dorothy Maness, *Quinn Moeller; *Vernon Myers; *Jodi Jerger; *Tim Tyler; Robin Palaima: Tom & Bill Fedroff; David Helton;Curtis; Don Werne; Tim Tyler; Robin Palaima; Lily; Jim; Ruth; Judy; Mr. Chong; Paul Weisbrod & Family; Linda Walker; Tim Smith; Li Hwa; Jean; Liz Day. “Even if the forces of darkness appear to prevail, those who believe in God know that evil and death do not have the final say.” ~ Pope St. John Paul II, General Audience, Sept. 12, 2001. Pray for us for Life. is our prayer website. Visit there often for prayer campaigns, intentions, and resources. Please Remember our Troops and their families in your prayers. Parish Budget Information - Wk. 28 – 01/04/2015 Weekly Collection: $ 10,643.00 YTD Collection: $ 206,328.66 Weekly Budget: $ 8,100.00 YTD Budget: $ 215,500.00 Weekly Variance: + 2,543.00 YTD Variance: $ -9,171.34 St. Vincent de Paul: 426.00 Envelopes: 159 School Support: 245 .00 Attendance: 460 New Year: $ 1,343.00 MINISTRY SCHEDULE: Our new ministry schedule is under construction. Please let Jim Waldon know if you would like a change in the way you are scheduled. New schedules will be ready for pick up on the last Sunday of January. Thanks to Chuck Armbruster, Kim, Bill, Adam, Sam, and Emily Rector, and our eight graders for their help taking our Christmas decorations down. Their efficient help made this an easy task! ►The Daughters of Isabella, St. Florentine Circle #267 will be conducting our first meeting of the year on Monday, January 12th, at 7:15 p.m. in the basement of St. Lawrence Church. Please come! If you are interested in becoming a Daughters of Isabella member, please contact Jennifer Hughes at 812-432-9003. New members always welcome. ►K OF C Basketball Free Throw Competition at St. Mary’s Activity Center on January 17, 2015, Saturday from 2:30 until 4:30 p.m. Interested please Jim Soukup at 926-1155. ►St. Anthony’s Church Schad Hall Morris, IN. Mardi Gras Dance (Over 21) & Silent Auction. January 17, 2015 @ 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. For more information or to get tickets call Tonya at 812-932-1562 or the church office at 812-934-6218. The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord As Soon as Jesus was baptized, he saw the Spirit of God coming down on Him. It may seem strange, but this is a Christmas Feast. Not if we think of Christmas only in terms of the Baby in Bethlehem, but if we have followed the ideas of the Feasts of Holy Family and especially Epiphany, and have seen the Season in terms of the growing manifestation or appearing of the Son of God: first to the shepherds, and then to the wise men from the East. Now in the River Jordan, Jesus, Son of Mary, is revealed to all as the fullness of all Gods promises: “This is my Son, the beloved”. On this day, we stand before the revelation of God’s love for us, such that he would send his only Son into the world. Christmas without the Baptism of the Lord, and the words that are spoken from heaven, would be incomplete, since it is only in them that we fully see the wonder of what happened in Bethlehem, that we fully understand the reason for the joy with which we celebrated Christmas Day. As we come to the end of Christmas today, and look forward to hearing the Gospel in Ordinary Time, we do so having been shown whom it is we listen to: the only Son of God, the Beloved. ~ Office for Liturgy of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Salford. RCIA – Next Class will be January 14th, at 6:30 p.m. focusing on Charities Foundation in care of Ellen Brunner by Monday, January 12, 2015. The scholarship will be awarded on February 25, 2015. WORLD YOUTH DAY–World Youth Day 2016 will be held in Krakow, Poland and is a worldwide encounter for young people with the Pope. The office of Youth Ministry will be taking incoming juniors and seniors (as of July 2016) on a 10-day pilgrimage beginning in Rome, Italy followed by World Youth Days in Krakow, Poland from July 22 until August 1, 2016. Applications will be available January 2015. A completed registration and a deposit of $300 is needed to secure a spot by June 15, 2015. More information will soon be available at http://www/!world-youth-day/cjfd “Opening the Word” Scripture study is available to all parishioners! All you need to do is to log on to Use the username: stmarysimmaculate and password: aurora. Go to Opening the Word resources. Disciples For Life. Every January there is a Right for Life march in Washington D.C. This year the Archdiocese is having Disciples for Life on Wednesday, January 21, at St. John the Evangelist in Indianapolis. The night of Prayer, adoration and worship will begin at 6:30 p.m. The night will feature Steve Angriasano (to replace Bishop Coyne). The cost is $10.00. Tickets can be obtained online at If a group wishes to carpool, please call the office. Christian Morality part II. All are welcome. A New Year, New Beginnings for the Christian Stewards YOUTH GROUP – New Day and Time!! Saturday after 5 o’clock If you are looking for some ideas for your New Year’s resolutions, here are a few to get you started: (Source: ICSC January 2015 issue) mass (6-8 p.m.). We will meet in the church after mass. We will th th then go to the AC for some dinner and fun. 7 through 12 graders are welcome to join in prayers and fellowship. Meeting nights for th st January will be Saturday 17 and 31 . CONFIRMATION – Decision Point : Meeting tonight, Sunday, th January 11 at 6:30 p.m. Remember your sponsor’s name and address, and your confirmation name, if you haven’t turn them in yet. Please bring your Bible. ATTENTION SENIORS!!! BROOKE NICOLE LAHR SCHOLARSHIP. Applications are being accepted for the Brooke Nicole Lahr Scholarship. Brooke Lahr was a young woman who found her calling early in life, by age 25, striving to give hope to the future of marginalized children. As a young adult, she joined a small but powerful group of missionaries on a trip to Guatemala through “Hearts in Motion”, but unfortunately, Brooke’s mission in life was cut short on April 21, 2013. More information about Brooke’s life can be found at The Brooke Nicole Lahr Scholarship was established as an opportunity for high school age and young adults to find their own calling in mission work and is designed to help finance his/her first international mission experience. The application packet can be found at!scholarship/caw8. Please send completed applications to Archdiocese of Indianapolis Catholic ♥Nurture Friendships – Our friends are those we choose to be with, those with whom we spend our evenings, with whom we vacation, to whom we go to for advice. Friends are gifts from God who give us a greater appreciation of God’s love for us. Friends need our time and love. ♥Give more – Good stewards realize that everything they have is entrusted to them as a gift to be shared. There is no better place to begin than sharing with the community that gathers around the Lord’s table at mass. ♥Make a difference in your parish community – Believe it or not, your parish community can use your talents. Offering your talents to your faith community is one of the most effective ways to feel useful and connected to others. ♥Consider living more simply – We cannot find fulfillment in possessions. They add nothing to our self-worth. Jesus blessed the “poor in spirit” in his Sermon on the Mount; and St. Francis of Assisi urged us to live with only what was necessary, for that is how we begin to find God. ♥Get healthy – Studies shows that most people in North America are accelerating their own decline into premature old age, owing to poor diet and lack of physical activity. Be a good steward of your body. If necessary, plan a complete overhaul of your diet and exercise habits. ♥Don’t give up – People give up their New Year’s resolutions because of perfectionism and unrealistic expectations. So take it slow, be kind to yourself and keep trying. ♥Turn to the Lord – Ask the Lord for guidance, strength and perseverance in achieving your resolutions. In his letter to the Philippians, St. Paul writes: “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength” (Phil 4:13). If God is the center of our New Year’s resolution, they have a better chance for success.
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