From by guest on January 20, 2015. For personal use only. Antigenic Behavior By ERIc S of the R. BROWN, Invircc S-63 Mouse GREENSPAN TUDIES ANTIBODIES This in micerepresents injected have been OF reported.1 study 1 ) and a study of the correlation between tests The (table obtained cell from passage vivors jected originally was mice in which our laboratories in Comparative for to tolerant extracts Because SCHWARTZ 5-63 anwithextension in vitro and this leukemia virus of that work in vivo protec- had form, immunologic lation of the virus had years. the cells that by from have protection in rabbits. newborn tissues ascites maintained obtained miCe between mouse of been Serum newborn produced antibodies, normal extraction sur- been in- afforded by In some experiments, rabbits were first made and were later challenged tissues. virus latent DNA leukemia several performed to of leukemic of protects and antisera mouse tissue immunologically with were by form mice studies sera avoid isolated this of S-63 virus-injected with this agent. convalescent in order Virus 2). virus S-63 0. AND STEVEN ( table tion Leukemia apparently been studies to the carrier were carried also in the undertaken ascites to cells determine in a the re- cell. METHODS Preparation S-63 of Antigens Virus viously were Young with adult ICR mice, the virus, were killed 4 weeks after inoculation ( 2 to apparent nomegaly, Cu. Antigen: injected hepatomegaly, thymic at enlargement approximately a time ) . At and a 20 when gross that time Gm. weight, the leukocytosis of pre- leukemia animals had sple- 50,000 averaging WBC/ mm. Twenty per cent with tissues cent homogenates scissors in hyaluromdase at temperature, ground of Hank’s a in pH a their leukemic balanced of Ten 7.2. Broek salt The tissues homogenate glass were ( HBSS solution was homogenizer, prepared digested and From the Hematology Cook County Hospital Supported by a grant and No. CRTY 5092. Department of The Hektoen and Northwestern University from the McCormick Fund the First Eiuc Institute submitted R. Jan. BROWN, for Medical vestigator, Department Chicago, Illinois. SrEvi versity Medical School, Medical Research, 14, 1965; accepted for publication Senior 0. SCHWARTZ, NI.D.: and Director, Department Chicago, Illinois. mincing for 1.5 1 centrifuged hour for the at 20 porcelain an 0.45 Model L per mg. room minutes filter, then Millipore centrifuge. Irtitute for Medical Research of Medical School, Chicago, Illinois. and USPHS Grants No. CA 03321 Investigator, Department Research, Chicago, Illinois. IRVING of Hematology, The Hektoen PH.D.: by ) containing at 900 g. The supernatant fluid was clarified through a Selas CFF diluted 1 to 5 with HBSS. The clarified solution was passed through filter and was then centrifuged at 100,000 g for 1 hour in a Spinco for in symptoms May 18, of 1965. Hematology, The Hektoen M.D.: Senior inInstitute for Medical Research, Professor of Medicine, Northwestern Uniof Hematology of The Hektoen Institute GREENSPAN, 65 BLOOD, VOL. 27, No. 1 (JANUARY), 1966 From by guest on January 20, 2015. For personal use only. 66 BROWN, The resulting of pellet original animal ml. a pended The were in and were by was Garb in his fresh against is, used for Production of ml. 1.0 was ml. both mg. to incomplete and female were of leukemic antigens for the linmunodiffusion: as as #{176}Thirty-eight were duced in ascites virus producing the animals intra- 250,000 the dose 4 consecutive the rabbits days were tested immunodiffusion, test. Immune-tolerant mouse tissue antigen antigens- or ascites i,nmune-tolerant in cells. intravenously. One repeated bled later week the the later. serum cell 2.0 ml. and adjuvant a and were first injections week incomplete was rabbits ) . The HBSS immune-tolerant the pellet ml. Fourteen to tested for was of given the rabbits first dose of were antigen intramuscularly material, treated and mixed in consisted with 0.5 an ml. a 2.0 of given equal volume intramuscularly. Rabbits in age to the antibodies. in the were given comparable for method increasing for virus Freund’s Here 2.0 were the injected cells. cells. later and weeks mm. ml. of antigen, in Normal Test: used these The advantages the microprecipitin and The immune-tolerant Those rabbits rabbits immune-tolerant rabbits of at received the the time same dose experiments. was used as a screening this test, have been immunodiffusion test has Agar (Difco), 7/10 newborn for test disadvantages Noble described.4 Four resus- Antibodies Microprecipitin previously ascites adjuvant, used 0.5 This resuspended rabbits challenge well and Rabbits animals viral ml. 14 of microprecipitin, S-63 cells/cu. and the 2 weeks of Antibodies of as HBSS, approximately normal tissues, vilume the given of of Freund’s Testing gently in line HBSS were anaphylaxis the leukemic equal and to N/mb.) One Normal were times modification contain against either intramuscularly. normal those intravenously. Production an of by react ( 1,500,000 challenge, immunity similar to cells with last end in Immune-Tolerant given the produce (0.5 in continued cutaneous with intramuscularly were after the to a 0.1 was antigens failed challenge ascites mixed mixture manner un- suspensions cell-transmitted times rabbits with dose At passive sera immunity of against To of specific suspensions activity 3 to starting This tissue modified whose of Antibodies days 3 established albino adjusted given mouse a those purposes produce suspension 21 cent tissues washed rabbits#{176} by antigen were nonnal and animals-that of the mice untreated, per the then washed Newborn tissue injections iminunofluorescence, consisted For newborn Rabbits newborn ll,23 normal Daily antibodies given from Twenty an were in Newborn induced and with mm. To diluent/Gm. antigen. to mincing, were from They by 0.1 cc. daily until 1.0 ml. was reached. and thereafter once weekly for 10 weeks. were after obtained laboratory. Tolerance tolerance peritoneally for of viral prepared nodes. cells 1 ml. the mice. were lymph The of as intraperitoneally ICR adult prepared, grinder. cells our of Immune Immune cells/cu. given antigens and basis used SCHWARTZ use. Induction reported Gm. tissue the was ) was livers Tissue ascites carried for 20 on pellet AND counted. Cells: leukemia young HBSS HBSS N/mb. spleens, Broek and Ascites mg. Normal using in Ten resuspended, of mice tissues in to in resuspended (0.5 Antigen: ICR inoculated these ml. 0.1 Tissue again This intravenously Normal ground suspended weight. inoculations, and 0.2 of was tissue GREENSPAN were rabbits antiascites were cell individually and originally three tested been per injected. for for S-63 immune since in survived injection. tolerance then it was physiologic to The and technic, discussed.4 suspended Seven virus The modified slightly cent, test. previously maturity. antisera pooled. pro- From by guest on January 20, 2015. For personal use only. THE S-63 saline MOUSE LEUKEMIA solution, solving containing the were agar, coated poured into for cutting recharged the agar. Passive was with a dish. the at 0.005 Merthiolate each of cent added glycerin A 5-hole All plates 3 times Cutaneous per was mixture wells. least 67 VIRUS cadmium acetate, to a final dilution and were ( every Anaphylactic Feinberg held third a minimum (PCA): The 25 10 of (Colab) days, obtain classic After and the test dishes agar was was used wells maximum PCA dis- Petrie ml. cutter of to prepared. 1:10,000. and agar-gel ) in order day Test ( 1:2.5) alcohol or 7-hole was of were saturation described by of Ovary5.6 used. Impression Insmunofluorescence: slide against the conjugated stain with Preparation surface globulin Amico were leukemic prepared and isothiocyanate to eliminate by normal dye. nonspecific of Gamma Gamma slides of fluorescein was used an cut gently tissues. pressing Test a and clean control Lissamine-Rhodamine glass sera RB-200 were counter- fluorescence.4 Globulin was freeze-drying prepared by apparatus and Cohn’s7 was cold-alcohol stored at +5 C. technic. It in vials seabed was lyophibized until in used. Protection Neutralization Tests: neutralization. One of N/ml. ) and Newborn incubated ICR ml. of test for 1 hour mice serum at were was 37 used mixed C. in as the with a water 0.2 test animals ml. bath. At of the in viral end this study pellet (2.0 the incubation of mg period, each animal received 0.2 ml. of the serum-virus mixture intraperitoneally. As controls, the virus pellets were similarly incubated with normal rabbit seruns and physiologic saline solution. Protection Studies of Newborn ICR Mice: Newborn animals were given 0.1 ml. doses of antibody-containing serum intraperitonealby once a day for 3 days. On the third day they also received 0.1 ml. of virus pellet (0.5 fig. N/mb. ). Other groups of newborn animals bowed were given 10 by gamma globulin normal rabbit of was gamma immune-tolerant at 1,500,000 5 for or serum months. of from ICR virus saline of sera. animals fob- This were dose of treated with solution. Gamma young ICR effect intraperitoneally, types 2 ) . Control globulin, mice schedule, protective pellet various Mice: treatment this the ( table days given the in N/mi.) derived physiologic was The cells 10 Adult shows ascites mg. continued in Young graph rate (0.5 globulin rabbit accompanying survival ml. gamma globulin Studies Protection with 0.1 mg. in the of the 100 closes time gamma mg, of of obtained 10 from mg/day. challenge, globulin The and was the challenged experiment. RESULTS Newborn and young Splenomegaly, to over 100,000 adult animals died in 2 to 3 weeks. animals died of leukemia to 8 weeks. this recovered with valescent period the The S-63 of maximal reacted this differently in only period, were 20 per demonstrated antibodies leukocytosis. could None of the normal mouse tissue antigens. convalescent serum confirmed serum appeared to protect the of the rest S-63 virus. from 50,000 The newborn young recovered adult in 6 testing was obtained from table 1. Antibodies reacting be sera cent the only not to and leukocytosis 2 to 3 weeks. whereas serum for antibody results are shown in antigen These mice hepatomegaly in both However, within convalescent group. The virus animals. bodies against tests using this The convalescent ICR lymphadenopathy, developed in the serum demonstrated showed demonstrable from during conthe anti- Neutralization and protection the results of the in vitro tests. the newborn mouse (table 2) From by guest on January 20, 2015. For personal use only. 68 GREENSPAN BROWN, Table 1.-Specificity of Antibody Mouse Tests S-63 Leukemic Mouse Tissue Tissue Antigens Mouse Serum of Normal S-63 infected0 Convalescent MP = ID = Antigens PCA IF ID MP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - + at time of maximum 2.-Protection Studies on Newborn Mice Dead Against + solution Normal mouse Convalescent S-63 serum mouse of Prtcction 12/12 0 20/21 5 15/15 serum 0 4/39 90 #{176}Newbornsinjected for 3 days before, and 7 days after 3.-Protection Studies on Newborn Mice Test Substance Incubated and virus Against before challenge. S.63 Injection Virus; Neutralization Test Material solution Normal Convalescent mouse Virus serum mouse % Protection 11/11 0 9/9 0 12/13 serum the serum was given be made inactive by 9.2 5/21 before and during in vitro incubation Pellet Tests Dead of Leukemia None Saline Virus Tests Leukemia None Saline 76.2 viral challenge. The virus with the convalescent could serum 3). The results mune-tolerant of antibody to normal leukemic antigens studies of ICR mouse are shown failed to react with normal leukemic antigen. Antiserum cells or the S-63 virus reacted mouse antigens tissues. showed infection, Studies even after serum obtained tissues and in table rabbits specific ascites ascites - + beukocytosis. Treatment0 with - anaphylaxis. In Vivo (table ID immunodiffusion. Table when also IF 28 cutaneous #{176}Serumobtained Table PCA 37 52 passive = IF MP microprecipitin. = PCA No. Mice SCHWARTZ Reaction In Vitro Normal AND adsorption from rabbits subsequently 4. Antisera from immune-tolerant mouse tissues but did react produced in normal rabbits with both normal tissue and of the serum against sera prepared in the immune-tolerant rabbit against with the against leukemic normal However, cross-protection studies using immune-tolerant that antiascites cell sera would not protect mice against and vice versa (table 5). of the protective capability of gamma globulin obtained cell made imchallenged mouse antisera S-63 virus from ascites anticells From by guest on January 20, 2015. For personal use only. THE S-63 MOUSE Table LEUKEMIA VIRUS 4.-Specificity 69 of Antiserum Produced in Immune-Tolerant Normal Tissue Tests PCA Immune-tolerant MP Mouse Cell ID IF S-63 Ascites Antigen PCA MP IF ++ ++ ++ Mouse Leukemia Virus Antigen PCA MP ID IF rabbit antiascites cells anti-S-63 II. Mouse Antigens Rabbits Tests In Vitro -1 virus ++ + Nonimmune-tolerant rabbit antiascites anti-S-63 III. cells virus ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + + + ++ +f ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ±+ ++ + Nonimmune-tolerant rabbit adsorbed mal against tissue - nor- antigen antiascites cells anti-S-63 virus Table 5.-Failure + - + + + - - + of Cross.Protection in Immune-Tolerant with Rabbits + ± ± Serum - Prepared Tests In Vivo % Protection Died serum Antiascites Anti-S-63 + S-63 serum solution + S-63 Saline solution + 1,500,000 in as accompanying challenging the the in 90 to 100 per cent total of 100 mg. of mice were reverse was the jective indications became more of ascites cells dose. injected or high. animals treated more 11 10/10 0 of of the the with As might each passing on with on the groups skewed, per cent. day, is somewhat survival was 80 under 20 per cent. Protection studies with globulin in newborn mice time leukemia disease. a half million of cells produces 10 equally of significant the group of animals treated became manifest, compared third the 0 8/9 in 3 weeks. in at the Even 0 18/18 graph. One and This number globulin progression difficult cells ascites virus gamma pretreated of protection 12/12 1,500,000 + Saline are shown were used to virus + All the even be day. after The that the 46 per the it was degree of of the cent the possible appearance control a When injection, fact expected, received doses. cell the fourth day after 30 per cent protection because In the animals divided is the ascites cells leukemia ob- disease protection evidences of the of leukemia group started in one of the three two other groups, experimental the survival in was tected newborn by convalescent animals. mouse S-63 virus and showed (table The sera. degree immune-tolerant 6) that this of protection was gamma similar anti-S-63 gamma globulin proto that achieved DIscussIoN The develops S-63 virus in young kills newborn adult mice ICR mice generalized in 15 to 21 days; lymphadenopathy, however, there splenomegaly, From by guest on January 20, 2015. For personal use only. 70 BROWN, Table 6.-Protection of Antisera GREENSPAN of Newborn Mice Against Produced in Immune-Tolerant S-63 AND Virus SCHWARTZ Means by Rabbits In Viv o Tests Dead Treatment None Nonimmune-tolerant gamma and globulin anti-S-36 22/24 8.4 18/20 10.0 rabbit globulin leukocytosis of 50,000 to 90,000 white recover blood cells/ cells. Leukemia develops die in 4 to 5 weeks. The with a gradual stabilization and previously reported,t demonstrable that ___________ 2/21 dominantly of lymphoid these animals, and they animals Protection rabbit Immune-tolerant gamma % of Leukemia in 6 to eventual antibody 8 weeks. made in about surviving subsidence to the of virus A correlation up 20 per animals abnormalities. develops seems to pre- cent of recover, As the in exist between the appearance of antibody and the drop in white blood cell count. Antibodies obtained from convalescent mice protect newborn animals the lethal effects of the virus ( table 2 ) The convalescent antibodies do . cross-react adult mice fection with that the VltlT1 Difficulties normal A tissues from satisfactory mune-tolerant. It each encountered reacted produced against against animals Antibodies induction of to test challenge of immune normal tissue sera with for the 1 ) , and to rein- tolerance and ascites were to toxic to the mice ( table Furthermore, become to normal im- tissues antigens. rabbits leukemic tissues cells also reacted more tolerance. injections antibodies against 4 ) against than the S-63 virus Similarly, antibodies normal tissues, and . antibodies produced in in animals. parent form to studies were carried ascites cell. The in the the cell against either produced ascites cell was obscure. ascites cells in convalescent before out virus to had isolation Antibodies or S-63 mice virus also determine apparently and failed failed antigens, and prepared Levi8 AKR lymphatic leukemia could a specific antibodies and distinct antigen in immune-tolerant leukemia cells. he differentiated the relation been carried the produced cells. This suggests that the parent cell is antigenically isolated from it. These studies define 3 antigens : normal cell immune leukemic in nonimmune-tolerant normal the studies Immunologic virus to the virus the the degree course of the before immune-tolerant the in necessary produced protection inactive is animal Antibodies ICR mice ( table are not susceptible from noninfected S-63 infection tissues in the rabbit. The toxicity of the mouse tissue for the is such that less than one in five injected rabbits survived. method has not been found for improving the survival rate which does not compromise not all rabbits surviving from the virus. were mouse rabbit newborn normal recover from not antigenic in to cross to react different tissue the in an relation of immune-tolerant ( table 5). the ascites react with from antigens, to the virus. rabbits using She showed that in from normal mouse of the virus ascites spontaneous this system antibodies to (AKR) tissue antigens. From by guest on January 20, 2015. For personal use only. S-63 THE The LEUKEMIA MOUSE antibodies recipient produced mice, were leukemic antibodies antibodies therapeutic in a finding Experiments of 71 VIRUS immune-tolerant we also performed rabbits observed in the in order produced were administered potential. One in to determine at various stages and a half million of leukemia. Mice receiving showed minimal protection. antibody ment has within chance relation to two the after the to to ) 1 effect. The . evaluate leukemia their in 90 mg. of gamma globulin from to resist the doses of normal rabbit time of administration appearance the capability ( fig. were given 100 receiving gamma strong capability to its protective days protective rabbits of infection cells produced similar The toxic Pretreatment of or of symptoms gave gamthe treat- the best of survival. Protection duced the a decisive one not system. immune-tolerant to 100 per cent of young ICR mice. The mice globulin derived from various sources. Those immunized immune-tolerant rabbits showed development ma globulin were 5-63 studies in with convalescent immune-tolerant development of leukemia. of antibody, time of Several explanations progress of the disease studies amount against the of gamma (2 ) from the ascites cells showed The amount recipient. ing the gate freely; of surviving mouse rabbits degree treatment, are possible after the cells : ( 1 available, ascites globulin leukemic cells; changes (3 ) to perpetuate or such of with antibodies antibodies modification pro- can modify depends on the and toxicity of the antibody to the regarding the difficulties in reversthird day of symptoms in protection the ascites allowing cells other neutralize the limited ascites cells to propa- progress because of sufficient “autonomy” is released in sufficiently large quantities virus the ) sera, that progress of the infection. SUMMARY The present sponse of studies mice to are an designed to show whether determinations, and whether produced in immune-tolerant studies in mice were immunodiffusion, antigens and extension of earlier a leukemogenic a correlation protective animals. compared antibodies. passive and As shown . on These the antibody re- investigations were exists betveen in vivo and in vitro antibodies against the virus could be Viral neutralization and protection with microprecipitin, reports ( S-63 ) virus cutaneous in tables ( PCA), anaphylaxis immunofluorescent tests 1, 2 and 3, using antibody similar could be demonstrated by both in vivo and in vitro methods, and these studies showed (table 2) that the antibody was protective. The S-63 leukemia virus was isolated in 1963 from a mouse ascites cell leukemia line. That cell line had been carried in the laboratory for over 3 years. studies The virus has were carried originating against been out ascites the S-63 cell. virus carried in ICR mice since its isolation. to determine the relation between the Studies were Antibodies do produced not cross react in antibodies unsatisfactory because of cross reaction with have yielded valuable information: virus of normal for mouse immune-tolerant against intact produced purposes tissue. rabbits ascites in cells of Immunologic virus and normal these experiments Immune-tolerant injected from which the rabbits animals with the S-63 the virus was From by guest on January 20, 2015. For personal use only. 72 BROWN, Injection of ascites cells 1,500,000 GREENSPAN SCHWARTZ AND GROUP Control 0% In- . 0% -3 0 Days cell 5 _________ V - Symptoms . . +10 #{149}:v inrelationto injection vJI. i’)$ Rabbit c’’i Nor moi 10mg /day Gamma Globulin Immune-tolerant Gamma Giobuj I nil: I I I 5 10 Day in relation Fig. 1.-Protection originally isolated. cells Antibodies tect mice induced antiascites with against by to produced Le protect hic-reportate newborn virus from le producite de e del tests cipitina, Le de e de datos tabula 2-le Le virus laboratorio vitro con contra de ascites durante pro- disease with best either time at the develop in adult produced to those esseva Ille murin. que etiam in linea 3 annos. inter del neutralisation esseva esser comparate de antigenos que relative Le in- pote immunodiffusion, vitro . correlation muses, simile un anticorpore S-63 plus de ) le virus Studios in 1, 2, e 3 indica como reportos ( S-63 un anti effectuate utilisante esseva leucemia si il existe cutanee, in tabulas vivo anticorpore de the and treated disease. The infection immunologic. ilbo, anaphylaxia in the cells against cells the e si anticorpore immunofluorescentia tanto ascites not de previe leucemogenic virus determinar tolerantia protection summarisate demonstrate leucemia pro e in extension contra concipite passive against against INTERLINGUA un muses vivo animales in virus con in globulin. produced from 00% months leukemia. These antibodies the standpoint of protection, IN representa de esseva five rabbits. studios observationes 80 at treatment is started of the disease. animals from S-63 are similar, anticorporee vestigationes similarly antigen. rabbits ascites against when stages 60 survival gamma Mice challenged with globulin are protected in immune-tolerant responsa rabbit but SuIIAmo al 40 cent leukemia, therapeutic advantage is obtained of cell inoculation or in the early which 20 Per antibodies cell-induced 5-63 virus. cell gamma Antibodies 0 against the virus in immune-tolerant ascites ICR mice recovering by convalescent mice 15 st symptoms immune.tolerant Conversely, do not react produced ascites -l ix micropre- e anticorpores. anticorpore poteva e que-vide esser specificamente protective. isolate cellular Le in 1963 ab habeva virus habeva un essite linea de mantenite essite portate cellulas in be per From by guest on January 20, 2015. For personal use only. S-63 THE MOUSE muses ICR determinar del LEUKEMIA depost be relation anticorpore be objectivos cruciate ha producite Le con cellulas ab de grande Anticorpore producite ascites protege muses non de ascites contra contra be morbo. mento es Le le precoce stadios optime del per essite post contra isolate contra virus S-63. anti injec- be intacte origmnalmente. le cellulas Muses cellulas therapeutic del phenomeno immuno- de ascites viral. gamma effecto made- contra cellulas cellulas de ascites provocate per de es protegite ascites es obtenite inoculation de cellulas quando cellulas o al le minus tractadurante morbo. capace a proteger animales ‘eboppa in adulte muses ICR S-63. Iste anticorpore producite durante per puncto protectori, de vista habeva be antigeno al tempore Anticorpore cruciate similemente gbobulina pro Studios esseva immunologic reaction be virus inducite con initiate S-63 in conilios a tolerantia immunologic contra leucemia a induction per be morbo e tractate be virus a tolerantia producite contra immunologic de ascites. in consequentia del Animales a tolerantia nulle le quales reaction contra studios cellulas valor: conilios monstrava anticorpore nulle normal experimentos tissu murin. in 5-63 ascites monstrava sed iste normal producite Conversemente, de de con be virus de in conilios information anticorpore tiones isolation. Esseva effectuate inter le virus e su originatori producite quate pro de reaction logic su 73 VIRUS de br effecto neonate contra be infection br restablimento ab muses in convabescentia a illo producite se leucemia per es simile, in conilios disvirus ab be a tolerantia immunologic. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We acknowledge University of our Illinois indebtedness School of to Dr. Medicine, for Peter his Buinauskas, Department invaluable of Surgery, assistance. REFERENCES 1. Greenspan, Schwartz, I., 202:916, Garb, in S., and Stein, rabbits of of Biol. Med. Garb, R., and Allergy response of virus. Nature 6. 1964. mixture 3. E. S. 0.: Antibody to a leukemogenic mice 2. Brown, S., Proc. 1962. A. A., of and Soc. a Exp. 7. Sims, G.: The leukeniic J. Immunol. Greenspan, cific I., S. antigens 21:717, Ovary, skin by a function Cohn, Brown, 0.: in E. R., Immunologically leukemic tissues. of Immediate experimental antigen-antibody animals interactions. of Derouaux, C., XV., quantity mt. Arch. F. B. R. N., W. E.: F., Liu, R. for of quantitative procedures protein components of provoked Prog. of ture Amer. Elaine: tolerant 202:816, components Chem. In Soc. vivo and anti-leukaemia 1964. K., H., Mit- Sch:iiid, blood: Levi, R. C. F., ration 8. Surgenor, J. NI., Kahnt, and the 14:18, Brown, A system the as antigen Allerg. A., Mouton, Uroma, of Gillespie, Lever, D., of reaciion the J., Curd, E. anaphylaxis degree speBlood in cutaneous pig: Barnes, J. reactions guinea tleman, 1963. Z.: 1958. Passive M., and Schwartz, 5. the F. 88: 142, 1962. 4. in D. anti-human rabbits. to 5:459, Z.: and antibody. 1959. Production tolerance antigens. production in A.: 109:305, Stein, serum A. immune Ovary, K.. the of sepahunian of human the plasma. 72:465, 1950. in vitro serum. activity Na- From by guest on January 20, 2015. For personal use only. 1966 27: 65-73 Antigenic Behavior of the S-63 Mouse Leukemia Virus ERIC R. BROWN, IRVING GREENSPAN and STEVEN O. SCHWARTZ Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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