Commercial Guidelines for Service Providers
Marketing support to reach an increasing public sector market segment
You can build business with public sector customers more easily by co-branding with
the GovDC Marketplace. Once approved for the GovDC Marketplace, you can add
marketing information to your ICT Service Catalogue listings on NSWBuy.
Commercial Model
The commercial relationships within GovDC are
illustrated in the following figure:
Companies who sign the sub-licence pay
these fees:
PaaS or
1. The GovDC team manages the contract with
Metronode on behalf of the NSW Government
to ensure service levels are met.
2. Public bodies migrating infrastructure into
GovDC sign an agreement for the capacity
• A provisioning component based on the
allocated capacity in kilowatts
• An energy usage fee based on the State
Contract C777: Large Sites Electricity Contract
• Any optional items such as racks, power
tap-offs and data cabling.
GovDC has introduced co-branding, to assist the
marketing of services in the GovDC Marketplace.
The trademarked logo provides certification that
a service provider has registered to offer ICT
services from within the GovDC Marketplace
under the NSW Government’s ICT Services
Scheme sub-categories. Public bodies can be
confident that these services are provided from
the protected side of GovDC Marketplace firewalls
in the government private cloud.
3. Public bodies may engage third parties to
assist in the migration process or to provide
managed services.
4. Public bodies may procure SaaS, PaaS or
IaaS from any firm listed on the ICT Service
Catalogue at NSWBuy. Purchasers use the ICT
Services Scheme.
GovDC Marketplace
Service Provider
5. Service providers can offer ICT as-a-Service in
the GovDC Marketplace after complying with
certain conditions.
6. Service providers offering IaaS sign a sublicence with GovDC. PaaS/SaaS providers
without infrastructure may buy hosting
services from these IaaS service providers.
Service providers can display the Logo in
advertising or marketing activities, for example in
advertisements, brochures or web pages, relating
to services offered from the GovDC Marketplace.
GovDC Commercial Guidelines | FACTSHEET | December 2014
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Commercial Guidelines for Service Providers (cont.)
GovDC Marketplace Guidelines
To offer ICT aaS in the GovDC Marketplace:
• Equipment used to deliver services must be
hosted within GovDC
• The end user of services must be a public body
• All services must be provided and accessed
through the GovDC Services Backbone
• A temporary link has been installed between
the GovDC Services Backbone and Global
Switch for public bodies at Global Switch to
access GovDC Marketplace services
• The NSW Government ID-Hub service must be
used for authentication to GovDC Marketplace
services, where relevant
Becoming ‘business ready’ in
Here is a summary of steps you can take to be
business ready in the GovDC Marketplace.
1. Apply to be on the ICT
Services Scheme
Ability to do business with
NSW Government agencies
and other public bodies
2. Submit your contact
details to GovDC
using DCR104 EOI
You join the list interested in
doing business in GovDC
3. Sign Non Disclosure
We can discuss technical
and commercial details.
4. Sign sub-licence
IaaS providers can move into
GovDC Marketplace racks
5. Apply to sub-category
C03, C04 or C05
Ability to offer ICT asa-Service in the GovDC
Marketplace and use Logo
6. Add further
information to the ICT
Service Catalogue on
More information about
your services is available to
potential customers
1. The ICT Services Pre-Qualification Scheme
(SCM0020) is the new model for public bodies
to procure ICT services. It uses the Procure
IT Contract (V3.1) which allows a variety of
procurement methods, such as ICT-as-a-Service
(Module 10) and Managed Services (Module 12).
To apply, go to and
search ‘ICT services’ (Helpdesk 1800-679-289).
2. This single page form enables GovDC to
contact you about news and developments
in the GovDC Marketplace. You can complete
this step at by searching
3. NDA emailed on request if DCR104 is
4. The sub-licence is a tenancy agreement for
a minimum of 8kW of rack-space (4kW per
800mm rack assumed). The minimum contract
term is two years.
5. Specific sub-categories of the ICT Services
Scheme are defined for services delivered from
the GovDC Marketplace. These sub-categories
include C03 (SaaS), C04 (PaaS) and C05 (IaaS).
After service providers update their listing in the
ICT Services Scheme for these sub-categories
they can offer SaaS/PaaS/IaaS in the GovDC
Marketplace and use the GovDC Marketplace
Service Provider Logo.
6. To add additional information such as websites
and factsheets to your entry on NSWBuy, go
to and search ‘PSX
toolset’ (Helpdesk 1800-679-289).
eTendering: The NSW eTendering website
provides information about business opportunities listed by
NSW Government agencies that utilise the site.
GovDC Marketplace: The ecosystem within the GovDC data
centres at Silverwater and Illawarra which enables ICT-Service
providers to easily do business with public bodies.
IaaS/PaaS/SaaS: Infrastructure/Platform/Software as-a-Service
ICT Service Catalogue: One of the NSWBuy eCatalogues at providing easy access to the ICT
Services Scheme as well as supplier websites, fact sheets, etc.
ICT Services Scheme: This is a panel of prequalified suppliers
providing a range of ICT solutions to public bodies.
NSWBuy eCatalogues: A web based catalogue enabling easy
searching of items available under the NSW Governments
supply arrangements at
Procurepoint: a website provided by NSW Government
Procurement to support public sector procurement.
Public body: Includes NSW Government, private hospitals, local
councils, non-profit organisations, private schools, universities,
Commonwealth public authorities, any State or Territory
agency, or a contractor in its capacity for the public body.
Contact information
Email: [email protected]
GovDC Commercial Guidelines | FACTSHEET | December 2014
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