CITY OF LOS ANGELES Palms Neighborhood Council Representative Assembly CALIFORNIA PALMS Neighborhood Council Marisa Stewart, President Len Nguyen, Secretary Nick Greif, Treasurer Dr. Wayne Byrd, Comm. Org. Rep. Faye Johnson, Business Rep. 3 Willie Bell, Residential Rep. A Cat Stevens, Residential Rep. B Eli Lipmen, Residential Rep. C Paulina Quaranta, Residential Rep. D 10008 National Blvd. #210 Los Angeles, CA 90034 PALMS NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL Phone: (424) 256-5762 @palmsnc Representative Assembly Meeting Agenda Wednesday, January 7, 2015 – 7:00 p.m. IMAN Center – 3376 Motor Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90034 (onsite parking available) The Neighborhood Council system enables meaningful civic participation for all Angelenos and serves as a voice for improving government responsiveness to local communities and their needs. We are an advisory body to the City of Los Angeles, comprised of stakeholder volunteers who are devoted to the mission of improving our communities. I. WELCOMING REMARKS Call to Order (Stewart) II. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS Roll Call (Nguyen) III. COMMUNITY/GOVERNMENT REPORTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS (15 minutes total) (Representatives from government offices, police and community based organizations) A. L.A. City Council District 5 Deputy Joseph Galloway B. LAPD Senior Lead Officer Juan Ceja C. Other Government Departments/Agencies IV. PRESIDENT’S REPORT – PNC Holiday Mixer/10th Anniversary recap, new school in area (10 minutes) V. COMMITTEE REPORTS (52 minutes total) A. Green (Quaranta) – Discussion and possible action re: City of L.A. parkway tree policy and tree removal and replacement at 3670 Westwood Blvd. (20 minutes) 1. MOTION: Whereas California is undergoing a drought of historic proportions and forecasts for the future suggest rainfall will remain at lower levels than those of the Twentieth Century, which were abnormally high; and whereas much of the non-native landscaping in Palms was selected and planted prior to general awareness of the importance of water conservation; and whereas the Urban Forestry Division of the Bureau of Street Services of the City of Los Angeles currently only allows removal of trees in the parkway for reasons that have to do with construction and does not provide permits for reasons involving conservation; and whereas the City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles, and State of California are encouraging various solutions to “Hack the Drought”; therefore, the Palms Neighborhood Council urges the Urban Forestry Division of the Bureau of Street Services of the City of Los Angeles to revise its parkway tree permit evaluation policy to include provisions for removal of non-native trees for conservation purposes and to amend its circumstances list to reflect this rationale. 2. MOTION: Whereas the Westwood Palms HOA at 3670 Westwood Blvd. in Palms is seeking to replace conventional, water-hungry, non-native landscaping with droughttolerant, sustainable, California native landscaping in an effort to “hack the drought”, support the ecosystem, and beautify Palms; and whereas three sickly Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) trees are in the parkway and have been determined unhealthy and warranting removal by a certified arborist; and whereas replacing these non-native trees with city-approved native landscaping would greatly reduce the water use on this property, support the native landscaping plan of the property, and beautify the street; therefore, the Palms Neighborhood Council supports the removal of the three Magnolia trees at 3670 Westwood Blvd. in Palms by the Westwood Palms HOA and requests that the Urban Forestry Division of the Bureau of Street Services of the City of Los Angeles issue all necessary permits to support this action. B. Transportation and Safety (Bell) – Discussion and possible action re: (10 minutes) relocation of transit stop from northwest to northeast corner of Palms Blvd. and Motor Ave. and installation of transit shelter at northeast corner of Palms Blvd. and Motor Ave., next meeting on Monday, January 26, 7:00 p.m. (4th Monday) 1. MOTION: Whereas a transit shelter should be installed at the northeast corner of Palms Blvd. and Motor Ave. for the benefit of transit riders who currently have nowhere to sit and no protection from the sun and rain. Whereas the present bus stop at the northwest corner of Palms Blvd and Motor Ave. should be moved to the northeast corner of Palms Blvd. and Motor Ave. The change is needed given to the current northwest corners bus stop’s inadequacy for the placement of a transit shelter, and the danger of its location, due to the danger posed by the sidewalk being in-plane with the aisle pavement of the adjoining service station with no physical barrier to separate the two paved surfaces. There are currently existing bus shelters at the corners of the: northwest corner of Venice Blvd. and Motor Ave.; the southeast corner of Motor and Palms Blvd.; and the northeast corner of National Blvd. and Motor Ave. Whereas it is just as important for the crowded future stop at the northeast corner of Palms Blvd. and Motor Ave. to have a transit shelter. Therefore, be it resolved that the Palms Neighborhood Council will write to Los Angeles City Councilmember Paul Koretz, and the Bureau of Street Services to move and install a bus transit shelter on the northeast corner of Palms Blvd. and Motor Ave. C. Planning and Land Use (Anderberg) – No meeting Dec. 2014, next meeting (2 minutes) on Monday, January 19, 7:00 p.m. (3rd Monday) D. Outreach (Stewart & Nguyen) – Holiday Mixer/10th Anniversary recap, (10 minutes) update on Bike Rodeo and Palms Centennial Celebration, discussion and possible action re: allocation for outreach materials, next meeting on Thursday, January 8 at 7:00 p.m. (2nd Thursday) 1. MOTION: to allocate up to $200 for event equipment carriers E. Projects (Stewart & Byrd) – Discussion and possible action re: PNC (10 minutes) sponsorship of 1/28/15 Palms Homeless Count Deployment Site at Culver Palms Church of Christ 1. MOTION: to allocate up to $250 for PNC sponsorship of 1/28/15 Palms Homeless Count Deployment Site at Culver Palms Church of Christ, including coffee, supplies, snacks, etc. VI. EXECUTIVE OFFICER REPORTS (9 minutes total) 2 A. Treasurer (Greif) – Treasurer’s report and action to approve Monthly Expenditure Report for December 2014 (3 minutes) 1. MOTION: Approve Monthly Expenditure Report for December 2014 B. Secretary (Nguyen) – Update and action to approve minutes from past Assembly meetings (3 minutes) 1. MOTION: Approve minutes from 11/5/14, 11/14/14 and 12/3/14 Assembly meetings C. Community Organization Rep. (Byrd) – Update (3 minutes) VII. AREA REPRESENTATIVE REPORTS A. Business Rep. 3 (Johnson) B. Residential Rep. A (Bell) C. Residential Rep. B (Stevens) D. Residential Rep. C (Lipmen) E. Residential Rep. D (Quaranta) VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS (10 min. total, 2 min. each) (up to 10 minutes total; 1 minute each) Comments from the public on non-agenda items within the Assembly’s jurisdiction (Up to two minutes per speaker – time permitting) IX. ADJOURNMENT Note: Meeting end time is approximately 9:00 p.m. or shortly thereafter Time allocations for agenda items are approximate and may be shortened or lengthened at the discretion of the President. The public is requested to fill out a “Speaker Card” to address the Assembly on any item of the agenda prior to the Assembly taking action on an item. Comments from the public on Agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. Comments from the public on other matters not appearing on the Agenda that is within the Assembly’s subject matter jurisdiction will be heard during the Public Comment period. Public comment is limited to 2 minutes per speaker, unless waived by the Assembly. Per Board of Neighborhood Commissioners Policy #2014-01, agendas are posted for public review at: 1) Woodbine Park Kiosk, 3409 S. Vinton Ave.; 2) Palms Neighborhood Council website,; Other non-mandatory posting locations include 3) Simpang Asia Groceries, 10433 National Blvd.; 4) Casa de Laundry, 3371 Motor Ave.; 5) Launderland, 10829 Venice Blvd. As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request. To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting you wish to attend by contacting the President at (424) 256-5762 or [email protected] SI REQUIERE SERVICIOS DE TRADUCCION, FAVOR DE NOTIFICAR A LA OFICINA 3 días de trabajo (72 horas) ANTES DEL EVENTO. SI NECESITA ASISTENCIA CON ESTA NOTIFICACION, POR FAVOR LLAME A NUESTRA OFICINA AL (424) 256-5762 O [email protected] 3
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