From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. The after Maturation In Vitro By P. A. Labeling YNTHESIS OF continues in with were entire about (a) to lifespan the various E. ScHIFFER be can tritiated about of Reticulocytes G. CRONKiTE, Hp. 85 pcr Amino Acids GIAcow ScHNAPPAUF cent of which is hemoglobin,1’2 blood reticulocytes as long as polyribosomes are demonstrated by autoradiography after incubating amino acids (AA).5 The objectives of this study show that tritiated of the red cell lifespan P. of Tritiated AND PROTEIN, peripheral Synthesis present.3.4 reticulocytes M. Fate with STRYcKMANS, L. S and and amino (b) reticulocytes acids remained to investigate incorporated some current their to and relation mature for the concepts red cells of sizes. METHODS Eleven male Sprague-Dawley rats and one dog were studied. Four rats, 220-245 grams, put in a low pressure chamber at a simulated altitude of 18,000 feet. Four rats, 410-565 grams, received phenylhydrazine (PHH). Three rats, 240-265 grams, were untreated controls. For details see Table 1. Two additional rats were used for additional controls as described below. There was no bartonellosis in the rat colony. When maximum reticulocytosis was expected, the animals were anesthetized with intraperitoneal thiamyal sodium (Surital#{174}), supplemented, when necessary, with ether by inhalation. Four to 8 ml. of blood (10-37 per cent of the calculated blood volume) was drawn into a heparimzed syringe from the jugular vein. The blood was mixed with 4 tCi/ml. of 3H-histidine#{176} (1 Ci/mMole) and 4 Ci/mL of 3H-leuclne#{176} (1.25 Ci/mMole), and incubated for 90 minutes at 37 C. A solution of nonradioactive histidine and leucine (about 100 times the concentration of tritiated leucine and histidine) was added to the sample which was then centrifuged at 1,500 rpm for 15 minutes. The supernatant was discarded and the cells resuspended in another aliquot of the nonradioactive AA. After centrifugation and resuspension in the nonradioactive AA, the cells were injected into the jugular vein of the donor animal. Serial blood samples were taken from the tail for Giemsa stained smears, reticulocyte stain, and red cell counts for 70 days. Reticulocyte preparations were stained were #{176}Schwartz Bioresearch, From Medical the Orangeburg, Research New Center, York. Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973. Research First supported by the U. S. Atomic submitted January 10, 1967; A. STRYCKMANS, M.D.: Institut Energy Commission. accepted for publication July 5, 1967. Pixmix Jules Bordet, 1 Rue Heger-Bordet, Brussels, Belgium, Research Scholar, Eastern Leukemia Society. EUGENE P. CRONKITE, M.D.: Chairman, Medical Department, Medical Research Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, N. Y. 11973. GIUSEPPINA GIACOMELLI, PH.D.: Labdratorio RadloLsotopi di Fisica, Via Irflerio 46, Bologna, Italy. LEwIs M. Scmmi, M.D.: Acting Head, Division of Hematology, Medical Research Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, N. Y. 11973. HANSPETER SCHNAPPAUF, D.V.M.: Veterlnar-PhyslologLsches Institut, Justus Lleblg Universit#{228}t,63 Ciessen, Frankfurterstra&se 94, Germany. BLOOD, VoL. 31, No. 1 (JANUARY), 1968 33 From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. 34 STRYKMANS ET AL. C/) -j -J w 0 0 0 2 w P1 z 0 G) Ui -J Ui > z 4 -J 30 C) 20 z I- z Ui 0 C -I 0 I0 Ix LU a- 0(1) -J L&JJ >c00 0 Ui m 080 40> z x C) w Ifl w<60 30? z C) 01-40 20c I-j 0 z -I LLJO 20 I0 Ui0 a- DAYS AFTER INJECTION OF LABELED RETICULOCYTES Fig. (0) 1.-Top: of the red The per cent of labeled cells in one dog versus same sample. Bottom: The per and the mean grain the same cent count of the (0) red time. cells S.D.: maximal value of in rat 5 versus time. (.) From and the mean grain 5 separate counts circulating labeled S.D.: 5 separate From red cells counts and new (.) on sample. to precipitate the reticulum, destained with methyl using NTB2 Kodak liquid emulsion diluted in an equal of twice-distilled water. Slides were exposed for 20 days at 4 C, developed, then with Giemsa in sodium phosphate-citric acid buffer at pH6. with count on the methylene autoradiographs blue made alcohol, volume stained From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. MATURATION AND OF FATE 35 RETICULOCYTES 00 Ls 0 80 60 1W I--I W Ls. 0< Zj UJ< 40 #{149} RAT 7:5% 20 RAT OF- co \ RETICULOCYTES o RAT 8:8% 6 RAT 10:100/0 RETICULOCYTES RETICULOCYTES 12:15% RETICULOCYTES Li,- 0 0 0 DAYS Fig. versus 2.-The the time ticulocyte levels 20 30 AFTER INJECTION 40 per cent of the maximal after the autotransfusion ranging from the control animals, too few survival curves, a limitation of lated animals was counted using a were counted in the small square. In Age in Months Stimulus Phenyl- Rat No. 2 14 Rat No. 3 14 Rat No. 5 14 Rat No. 16 Rat No. 7 Hydrazine 4 2 Miller eyepiece. Cells with more 2 Pressure Rat No. 10 2 Chamber 8 12 12 0.9 mg X 2,8 and 3 days before exper. 7 12 12 3.5 mg X 1,7 days before experiment 4 30 52 3.5 mg X 2,8 and 3 days before exper. 7 27 32 19 4 Rat No. 21 4 Rat No.22 4 Dog ? 4 days hrs. before to ‘ 6 8 8 5 10 10 4 15 15 5.5 <1 4.5 <1 5.5 <1 250 1.8 12 exper. From 5 days to 2 hrs. before exper. 2 None Phlebotomy Peak Reticulo.. cyte % 1.8 mg X 2,8 and 3 days before exper. From No. No. of cc Reticulocytes Blood at Day of Labeled Experiment From 6 days to 18 hrs. before exper. 8 Rat 1 Dose/100 gin Body Weight and Time From 6 days to 18 hrs. before exper. No. RatNo.12 were seen to obtain reliable red cent of labeled cells in the stimuOn each slide, at least 1,000 red cells than 5 grains were counted as labeled Low Rat 70 CELLS labeled reticulocytes the method. The per Table Animal 60 LABELED value of total circulating labeled red cells of labeled reticulocytes in 4 rats with recent after exposure to low oxygen pressure. 5 to 15 per cell 50 OF 240 before cc, 2 days experiment From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. 36 STRYKMANS ET AL. 00 Ls. U Ij 0-J Li,- jF- tO a. 20 30 DAYS AFTER 40 50 INJECTION OF 60 LABELED 70 RETICULOCYTES Fig. 3.-The per cent of the maximal value of the total circulating labeled red cells versus time after autotransfusion of labeled reticulocytes in 4 rats with reticulocyte levels ranging from 12 to 52 per cent after injecting various doses of phenylhydrazin. (see below). The absolute number of circulating labeled red cells was calculated for each sample using a blood volume estimated from the body weight at the time the sample was taken.6 One rat with 10 per cent reticulocytes was injected intravenously with 10 LLCi 8H-histidine and 10 pCi 3H-leucine diluted 1/100 with the same nonradioactive AA. Since no red cells had more than 3 grains during the 4 days of this study, significant in vivo labeling by unincorporated tritiated AA is unlikely. Also, the probability of significant in vivo reutilization of labeled material seems remote because no rat had labeled reticulocytes with more 5 grains after 50 hours postinjection. Furthermore, found in a rat which had had 4 ml. of its blood than no cells with more than 5 grains were (with 50 per cent reticulocytes after PHH) labeled and then autotransfused after destruction of the cells by freezing and thawing. Since none of the above control slides had more than 5 grains over a cell, we counted any cell with 6 or more grains as being labeled. For one control animal (No. 22) and two highly stimulated animals (No. 5 and No. 16), cell images were projected on a screen to an enlargement of about 2,000 times. The projected areas of the first 100 labeled red cells encountered and of the nonlabeled red cells closest to each were measured with a planimeter or with a Zeiss particle size analyzer TG23. Distributions of sizes of the labeled and unlabeled red cells were determined by plotting the cumulative percentages of sizes for each group on logarithmic X probability paper. Red cells of rat No. 22 were measured at days 3 and 53 after labeling, rat No. 5 at days 7 and 53, and rat No. 16 at days 4, 16 and 45. Table Rat Ident. Number Reticulocyte Peak (per cent) 7,8 5to8 3, 5, 10, 12, 16 #{176}Lifespan of the ti S.D. Red 10 to 52 Cells. 2 Mean Life Span#{176} (days) 51.2 36.9 j 1 7.2 Mean Potential Life Span (days) 53 ± 48.6 ± i 4.5 From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. MATURATION AND FATE OF j ,I*J_ 8 I I RAT 22: - 37 RETICULOCYTES I I I CONTROL - 6- jz;; : z 4 - 0 Li #{149} WHOLE >.. ; 2 - 3 DAYS 0 co < MEDIAN I MEDIAN 5 AREA AREA lO 3D. WHlLE 20 CUMULATIVE POPULATION OLD OLD RED RED REDCELLS 30 40 50 PERCENT RED CELLS CELLS CELLS 09 POPULATION 60 OF OF 70 - 80 90 MEASURED 00 RED CELLS Fig. 4.-The cumulative per cent of the 3-day-old red cells (0) to 65-day-old red cells (#{149}) in a normal rat categorized according measured on photomicrographs, expressed in arbitrary units, plotted X logarithmic paper. The bars represent the range of each area category. and of the 1to their area on probability RESULTS Fig. 1 shows throughout the their constancy Fig. 2 shows that tion-Table 1) did rats not with 10 and 15 per by day 28. Animals cent with -Table The with lose 5 and labeled mean grain tT i’4o number of cells N = number of labeled was lifespan, in the number represents estimated not as signfficanfly lated animals (Table Both labeled and had levels lost 17 and 30 per cent respectively of 12 to 52 per cent (PHH stimulus normal distributions tions overlap considerably, larger at time surviving by planimetry. mean lifespan the 50 per cent different between red but that the of tritiated with of labeled cells, the phenomenon of their than (hypoxia stiinuladays, whereas those cells by 30 days by: labeled cells 2). unlabeled have times cells cent reticulocytes for at least 27 initially integration was performed show a significantly reduced tential lation; red (Fig. 3). N#{149}dt = decrease presumably the o N0 minal paper, over count 8 per cells reticulocytes reticulocyte J 1 T= is 1.09 the 1) lost 21-55 per cent of the labeled red mean red cell lifespan (T) was determined - The animals of lifespan. cells sizes median the (no strongly 2). The on this slightly longer area labeling a straight line of senescence. 4). nonlabeled t after The (Table point the (Fig. AA The of the red stimulated steep line and or its heavily reticulocytes) sizes two labeled If extrapostimuon of the young, cell. ter- on probability The mean po- the day 3 populared thickness cell of From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. 38 10 - 8 - A - #{149} WHOLE 5 1- I I 16 AFTER I RAT I I OLD 16 DAY OLD RED CELLS #{176} 45 DAY OLD RED CELLS RED CELL THE - 45 I 1 1 RED DAY I STIMULATION AL. - CELLS POPULATION OLD RED AROUND CELLS - 10 0 W I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I x RAT RAT 22: 22: 1 OLD #{149} RAT 5 53 DAYS D RAT 16: 53 DAY UNLABELED THE 53 DAY UNLABELEDCELLS ERYTHROPOIETIC UNLABELED I I I 1 LABELED RED CELLS RED CELLS AROUND OLD RED CELLS CELLS 1 I AFTER STIMULATION 45 DAYS STIMULATION ERYTHROPOIETIC o I ERYTHROPOIETIC DAY A w o Fr STRYKMANS AFTER 5- Li <3. - - - - *- - I I 5 10 CUMULATIVE 1 20 I 3040 PERCENT I 1 1 1 506070 OF MEASURED 1 80 I 90 RED 95 CELLS Fig. 5.-Top: The distribution by size of a labeled red cell cohort at 4, 16 and 45 days age compared with the whole normal red cell population in rat 16. Bottom: The cumulative per cent of different populations of red cells categorized according to their area. the young red cell is increased by the same factor, then the ratio of the median volume of the labeled cell on day 3 to the median volume of the unlabeled red cells is 1.14 (1.16 for the mean volumes). Fig. 5 (bottom) suggests that the labeled red cells on day 53 are slightly smaller than the whole red cell population (control rat No. 22) and that the distributions of the areas of the unlabeled red cells of rats No. 5 and 16 have returned to normal values by days 53 and 45, respectively. Fig. 5 (top) shows that in rat No. 16 (PHH stimulated), the labeled red cells on day 4 are considerably larger than the whole population on day 45, less so on day 16, and even less so on day 45. From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. MATURATION AND FATE OF 39 RETICULOCYTES U) I I -J IIIIlIIIIII’’’’#{149}#{149} RAT I 16 4Li LsJ >MEDIAN <MAX. I- z <MEDiIIIIIIIIii E- WI0 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 DAYS AFTER Fig. 6.-The (0) size of cohort of labeled In Fig. 34 38 42 46 LABELING red expressed cells as the cent per of its versus time. This population is subdivided mum, () > median <maximum, maximum 30 into 6, the whole labeled the labeled red 3 groups: (a) 53 (> Max.), (b) the 3 categories (0) according See text. <median. red cell population cells larger than labeled red cells to in rat No. (#{149}) > maxi- size 16 is any unlabeled red than the median smaller divided into cell at day size of the Median), and (c) the labeled red cells smaller than (a) but larger than (b) (>Median < Max). It can be seen that group (a) decreases faster than the whole population, probably because of shrinkage into groups (b) and (c) which increase at the same time. Fig. 7 shows the decrease with time of the per cent of labeled cells still containing reticulum. Reticulocyte maturation time varies directly with reticulocyte level. unlabeled red cells at day 53 (< U) -J -J Li #{176}-#{176} Li-i #{176}-#{176} 3 RATS < 2RATS 5- 2 RATS 1% RETICULOCYTES 8#{176}/o RETICULOCYTES 32-52% RETICULOCYTES 00 WIjW II -J 0< 40 S.D. ‘S ‘S ‘S I- ‘S S. 20 ‘S ‘S 0 Li atO HOURS Fig. in hours 7.-The after the per cent injection 20 AFTER 30 40 INJECTION of labeled of labeled red OF cells reticulocytes. LABELED containing RETICULOCYTES reticulum versus the time From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. 40 STRYCKMANS ET AL. cell ki- DisCUssIoN For this technique the tracer netics, cell, must a condition and its due curves volume. We do affected only No not feel that cells by the the first corrections the labeled Cruz present at the by acetyl PHH. and Harris10 have lifespan of loss, cells which No direct all ) etc. the factors The mean present work that 15 glycine11’12 acute Iron-59,13 erythropoietic shown that by PHH, produced marked stimulation this have observation hemorrhage in response per cent in decrease have is reticulocytes. than lifespan The 15N-glycine or have evidence red but mean one observed preferential loss loss of of red poietic cytes stimulation probably have cytes ours, can shrink Killmann in order calculated cent mately larger 20 than per the cent cells some red is due to It cells. has dogs mean accelerated been shown normal into Nitrogen- produced after Stohlman has erythropoiesis The animals present with demonstrates loss that of cells, not by marked arises, then, random that study than more the loss of erythrowhether loss greater or to a erythro- produces a more marked macrocytosis in which the a shorter survival.’5 One must know how much macromacro- to study their survival. Using the same assumption as that the volume of the normal reticulocyte is 20 per average of the cohort of red cells to have a more later. method an with cells stimulates to belifespan the cell ( senescence, mean lifespan of the first appeared is due that to distnguish lifespan. in blood reticulocytes, The red hemoglobin from surviving cells. The mean potential lifespan of the red cells produced poietic stimulation was normal in this study. The question the not precursors that produced time, ob- adversely in reticulocytes cell is decreased with been mature and that hemolysis those in into autoradiographic 59Fe could good labeled whether or volume the all a shortened or erythropoietin14 to blood loss blood alterations lifespan. shown valid disap- using except senescence. all reticulocytes mature animals. and others shortening of lifespan that the mean red cell shows 10 or count cells for the survival of lifespan is the suggests of the grain cells it is important potential processes suggests normal red cells in mildly stimulated By labeling a cohort of reticulocytes mean labeled of injection, out, mean the uncorrected moment affecting potential all destructive exists that to presented pointed the . escaped evidence The and span known blood volume or for possible changes due to technique. The fluctuations of or PHH8 labeling al.9 red life calculated used reticulocytes et and last red were were due of the labeled weight be complete until of circulating the reticulocyte the constancy day in body 3 may because mean cells. for tension7 during 2 and PHH is a result red Tribukait.6 Figs. destroyed As Beicher random increase red the to study number with in mature tool incorporated from to low oxygen and reinjection by tween cells the total by changes withdrawal the red variation servations remain demonstrated over the labeled pear (Fig. 1). In calculating are to be a valid the red initial cell, suggesting volume occurs that a shrinkage normally.16 of approxiIn the present From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. AND MATURATION study, the on day labeling 3 still lation. does not normal,15 but and maintain obtained, The study Stohlman for for appeared. By cent decrease in out No. the cells, 4 days, the median 16, whole then day 4 to 45. 5, top) shows red cell the was cell age cell were due of 28 per cent the other per cent from red shrinkage Our red day cell 4 to day with age; judging findings are observed by of very large produced soon circulation. duction in size on the survival Since the the after the Our results during the day only to a decrease 45, probably closer per cent. changes with per 200 stimulation normal macrocytes lifespan of labeled macrocytes in normal methods used, autoradiography in the perhaps maximum because maturation maturation the when time reticulocytes erythropoiesis is decrease until 6 or more hours high autoradiographic threshold ture reticulocytes protein. The with linear all reticulocytes only decrease enter the of the leave the after the autotransfusion, used eliminated from a few after blood polyribosomes 6 hours, at the same and have a uniform maturation exact age of the labeled cells stant grain fragmentation count is a mechanism seen in Fig. of death still 1. that volume) from a slow with are animal. rats was apof reticulowas greater, at an earlier stage reticulocytes possibly consideration did because very incorporating AA as Seip pointed out,18 suggests stage, remain in the blood not by senescence. support re- a study mensuration, time in the blood. is known, one can 1 does Fig. removed reticulocytes marrow Labeled stimulated. maturation, Since the mean blood bone to in conclusion show cell due normal agreement rats.’7 and red be of macrocytic is rapidly some that of the only shown the from shrinkage their cent of the after release has an aver- in MCHC and than size population. The with time, 21 can counts 132 If this to reality, as the grain disto occurred red cell decreased same have already down very time-consuming, the red cell volume study was limited to one The maximum maturation time of the reticulocytes in normal proximately 33 hours (Fig. 7). In animals with increased numbers cytes, 4 still of the 4 to 45 days mean that almost 114 volume normal has Stohlman’5 indicate we 1.59 larger red cells in was original the erythropoietic an coincidentally (Fig. 1) had cells by slight (more normal remains on day probably and from of and cells cells red of the decrease Brecher to removed in the early days population at 4 days still constancy red cells than the population with red labeled approximately this compatible a cohort the cells by 45, that extreme, per cent larger of this labeled popu- MCHC occur count cells cell macrocytes because red of population volume considers volume 145 cell vioume normal of red red red cell and a volume on a cohort of labeled labeled volume that average of hemoglobin. average begun the biggest red cells are preferentially from the bone marrow, then the labeled median shrinkage loss largest a shrinkage If one shows of the disappearance possible 16 (Fig. day median red that early animal cent and loss of hemoglobin might MCHC. The stable mean grain rules of the control 114 per felt their area 1.36 larger than average. Since sizing circulation per and on rat of one volume account shrinkage a normal 41 RETICULOCYTES a median however, a median than the OF of reticulocytes have Brecher sizes FATE the say that hypothesis of not the mainto that during the conthat From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. 42 STRYcKMANS ET AL. Suiy 1. Tritiated histidine and leucine are incorporated into hemoglobin by rat dog reticulocytes and fulfill the conditions of a good red cell label for autoradiographic studies. 2. After mild erythropoietic stimulation, all reticulocytes appear to mature into normal red cells with expected lifespans. 3. After marked erythropoietic stimulation, the reticulocytes mature into red cells with normal potential lifespans but decreased mean lifespans. 4. In one animal studied, macrocytes produced by increased erythropoietic stimulation were found to have the same magnitude of shrinkage as do normal red cells. 5. The normal maturation time of the rat reticulocyte in the blood is about and 33 hours in vivo and is increased following SUMMARIO 1. Histidina e leucina a tritium erythropoietic stimulation. IN INTERLINGUA es incorporate ad in le hemoglobina de reticulocytos ratios e canes e satisface le conditiones pro un bon marca cellular in objectivos de studios autoradiographic. 2. Post leve grados de stimulation erythropoietic, omne le reticulocytos in normal erythrocytos con le expectate tempores de superviventia. 3. Post normal marcate grados periodos viventia. 4. In un erythropoietic potential del animales manifestava de de stimulation, le reticulocytos superviventia sed con matura reducite studiate, macrocytos producite le mesme magnitude de ad pare in maturar ad erythrocytos periodos de le pro erythrocytos medie con de super- per un augmento del stimulation restringimento como eyrthrocytos normal. normal de maturation del 33 horas. hUb es augmentate 5. Le tempore proximativemente ratios intra eyrthropoietic. reticulocytos de post stimulation le sanguine es ap- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish Mr. Emil to acknowledge the skillful technical assistance of Mrs. Katherine Conkling and Adaniik. REFERENCES H. M., Borsook, H., and Vinograd, H.: Microsomal particles and protein synthesis. Pergamon Press, New York 1959, p. 95. 2. Rabinowitz, M., and Olson, M. E.: Pro1. Dintzis, tein synthesis by rabbit reticulocytes. J. Biol. Chem. 234:2085-2090, 1959. -3. Marks, P. A., Rifkind, R. 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